• Published 21st Jan 2016
  • 888 Views, 14 Comments

Sash Lilac and Rainbow Dash: Family across Time - knigsonic

Rainbow Dash meets her Desendant Sash Lilac, only for the two to have to team up in order to save the past and future

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Learning of the Future

After breakfast most of Twilight's friends left leaving just Lilac, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight in the living room. "So... Whats the future like?" Rainbow Dash asked Lilac who was sitting across from her.

"Its alot different from now."" Lilac said looking out the window. "Not as peaceful looking. The cities are growing more, becoming more futuristic and becoming more louder... Kinda why Im glad they haven't tried to expand to my forest."

"Forest? Like the Everfree Forest?" Twilight asked with a hint of worry.

Lilac chuckled. "Actually yes. My forest is the Everfree." At this both ponies gasped to which Lilac looked confused. "What? The Everfree Forest is one of the most peaceful places on Avalice."

Rainbow Dash's face grew grim at that. "Ok, now I'm seriously starting to doubt you. Our planet is named 'Equestria', and nopony is crazy enough to live in the Everfree!"

Lilac sighed chuckling. "Oh. Thats right. Forgot how different the past was. Avalice IS Equestria... or at least part of it. My world is a combined world of yours and another, where I met my Great Grand Father. In your world, the Everfree is the only place where everything takes care of itself, right?" She asked as the two nodded. "Well on his world, thats just how it is. Nature takes care of itself. Though after the merge, ponies did influence some things with nature but they also asked to not influence much. Hence why the Everfree is really not as bad as you make it out to be in my time." She looked at her Great Grand Mother as she was trying to process this new information. She giggled as Rainbow shook her head.

"Wow. thats alot to take in..." She said only for Twilight to chip in, "Thats why Im taking notes." The two looked at Twilight writing everything down on a piece of paper. "Of course you are." Rainbow said jokingly.


Lilac stepped outside to the late morning air and stretched her arms. "Gotta say, this place looks much better in the day when you can actually see it" she said as Rainbow flew past her.

"Ya, but its got nothing on Cloudsdale." she said as Lilac walked beside her.

"Cloudsdale? Ive heard that name before... but only in Legend..." Lilac said to which Rainbow Dash stopped and looked at her.

"Cloudsdale doesn't exist in your time?" She asked. Lilac nodded her head only to jump back as Rainbow gets in her face. "What happened? And don't tell me 'Spoilers'!"

Lilac sighed and looked up. "They say that Cloudsdale sailed higher up into the atmosphere, to high for anyone to reach except the beings who lived there. And that was some time after the Great Merge so its unsure if the city still exists to this day."

Rainbow sighed and turned away. "I see... Guess at least I can live with that answer. But to think one day from now it will be gone... Kinda scares me..."

Lilac put her hand on her back and smiled. "Hey, tell ya what, if at one point you ever get to visit the future, then well go look for it, I promise!" She said holding out her other hand for a fist bump to which Rainbow hoofed it. "Deal!"


meanwhile, far away from Ponyvile.


Far in the Great Dragon Lands, where the Great Dragon Lord rules over his mighty race with an iron fist, was the princess of the Dragon's, Ember. Dispite being the daughter of The Dragon Lord, she did not have the respect from him as a father would have towards his child. She punched a boulder in fustration as she left her fathers chambers.

"UGH!!! All I want is for him to even mention Im his daughter... I wish there was something I could do to make him respect me..." she said kicking at a wall only for it to collapse revealing a passage. "What in the world?" she asked herself before wandering in. She found a staircase that led deeper into the volacno. "Strange, I dont remember this ever being here..." She muttered following the stairs. After what felt like half an hour she reached the bottom only to find what appeared to be a pool of water. "Ok... how is THIS in here? Were in an ACTIVE Volacno!" She slowly sticks her tail into it only to pull it back out. "This shouldnt be cold... Something strange is going on." She looked around only to hear a dark chuckle.

"So... does the Dragon Princess really think her father would respect her with how weak she is?" the voice, female, said to her.

"WHOSE THERE?" Ember yelled spinning around and blew fire to light the area only for it to freeze into ice and shatter.

"Hehe, you shouldnt play with fire Princess." the voice said as a vortex appeared out of nowhere over the pool. Ember watched as someone floated through. It was on two legs, its entire body was covered in some marron suit with an Infinity symbol on both sides of her hips. on her chest sat a glowing gem. Her face was covered up by a mask with only one eye hole showing a glowing yellow eye with the whites replaced with Red. a Unicorn horn had made its way through the mask as her mane and tail looked out of control and faded.

"W-Who are you?" Ember asked stepping back only to be frozen in place. The being floated over to her chuckling.

"Ah my dear Ember... You may call me... Infinite... Im god... Or... at least the only god here willing to help you." she said patting the dragon on her head.

"What do you want?" Ember said able to turn her head away in fear only for Infinite to turn it back.

"Oh dont be scared... were not so different, you and I... Your father wants nothing to do with you. I can relate. And so, I wish to help you." Inifinite said floating back to the pool unfreezing Ember.

"How? How can a pony like you help me?" She said walking towards her. Infinite chuckled turning around.

"Oh... Im no mere pony, obviously. In your world, ponies walk on 4 legs, correct? So theres that difference. Also, if you werent paying attention, I can manipulate time and space to my very will. So care to ask again?" Ember crossed her arms looking at the pool.

"Im guessing this is your work as well? How a pool of water ice cold is able to exist in a volcano?" she asked as Infinite nodded.

"I made this to help you. Ember, I will transform you into the dragon you need to be in order to gain not just your fathers respect, but EVERYONE'S, including other countries. All you need to do... is step into the pool." Ember smiled at what Infinite told her but turned back.

"Whats the catch?" She asked to which Infinite chuckled floating up.

"What kind of god would I be if there was a catch? A very messed up one, thats what. You can trust me, right?" Infinite said staring at Ember. Ember sighed and stepped into the pool. Suddenly the water came to life and shot straight into her mouth as it forced itself into her.

"WHAT... IS... GOING?" she yelled in pain as her body began to change. Soon after the transformation, she looked up at Infinite who chuckled.

"Behold... The first WATER DRAGON!" She yelled as Ember's new form crackled with power. "Go forth Ember, and prove to the world your so much better than them!"

Author's Note:

ok, took us over a year to get this back up, but we finally have Chapter two, with some slight changes to Chapter 1, mainly so this now fits in with the rest of the multiverse stories.

Also I have purposely left out what the first water dragon looks like as I dont really know what she does look like and frankly I might try and redesign it myself to also make it look like its host. I will reveal what she looks like at a later chapter.