• Published 26th Jan 2016
  • 3,223 Views, 3 Comments

The Way to a Mare's Heart - Shamrock95

A corpulent Lyra enjoys a snack with her adoring feeder.

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El Solo Chaptero

Author's Note:

Currently working on another Shining/Cadance/Flash fic, but I'm not sure when it'll be done. In the meantime, have some lesbian fat pone reposted from my dA account.

"Lyra, I'm home!" Bon Bon called out as she stepped over the threshold of her home, giving her head a little shake to get some of the damp from the drizzle outside out of her mane. She breathed a little sigh of relief at the thought of being able to take her saddlebags off -- they had begun chafing her a little bit as of late, and the weight of the stuff she was currently carrying didn't help matters.

"In here, sweetie!" The voice called out from a door to Bon Bon's left. Smiling excitedly at the thought of the fun they'd soon be having, Bon Bon opened the living room door and laid eyes upon the love of her life.

Lyra sat on a large sofa in the living room, the sofa noticeably sagging in the middle thanks to her weight. And there was a lot of weight -- to say that Lyra was overweight would be like saying that being attacked by a manticore would give you a bit of a headache. There really wasn't any category to put Lyra in other than "obese". Her belly was large enough that it swayed under her like a metronome whenever she walked, and had a noticeable crease along the middle of it whenever she sat down. Her middle and barrel were swaddled in thick rolls of fat, forming little rolls all along her back, leading down to a rump and a pair of flanks that could fairly be described as capacious. Her chest also had a soft padded layer of adipose, as did her neck -- it wasn't quite a double chin, but it was close enough.

If most other ponies had been as overweight as Lyra was, they would have been devastated, and willing to do anything to get that excess weight off. Lyra, on the other hoof, wasn't bothered by it at all. On the contrary, her weight gain had been intentional. The reason for this bizarre attitude was simple -- Lyra was a feedee, with Bon Bon as her feeder. Lyra's weight gain had been the carefully crafted result of months of a high-calorie diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Some ponies had told them that they were crazy for trying something like this, but neither of them paid them any heed. Both Lyra and Bon Bon were delighted with her new body. As Bon Bon took in the sight of her lover, she thought again of how well Lyra carried all that weight -- she was the very definition of a big beautiful mare.

Lyra looked over at Bon Bon and put on a pretend-hurt expression. "Well, it's about time you got back!" she said in a voice filled with exaggerated self-pity. "I've simply been fading away waiting for you to get back. I think I might have been in danger of starving to death!"

Bon Bon giggled at her marefriend's antics as she shut the door behind her. "Aw, sorry about that, sweetheart. We certainly wouldn't want you to starve, would we? Don't worry, I've got something with me right here that should help feed you right back up," she replied, shrugging her saddlebags off and letting out a grunt of satisfaction at finally being free of that awful chafing sensation.

"Oooh, what is it?" Lyra asked, leaning forward -- as far forward as she could over her great big gut, anyway -- with an eager expression on her chubby face.

"Well..." Bon Bon rooted around in her saddlebags, naming off each item as she pulled them out. "I got you a couple of boxes of doughnuts, some apple fritters, and I also managed to pick up a bottle of root beer. How does that sound?"

Lyra beamed and gave her marefriend a loving caress with a chubby hoof. "Aw, Bonnie, you remembered I like food!"

Bon Bon burst out laughing. Lyra could come up with the funniest lines sometimes. "Well, if you like food so much, there's not much point just looking at it, is there?" she said cheerfully, hopping up onto the couch and making herself comfortable with what little space wasn't being taken up by Lyra's sizeable rear end. "Dig in, sweetheart!"

Lyra grinned. "As you wish, love of my life," she replied, before using her telekinesis to lift a box of chocolate doughnuts her way.

Bon Bon watched on eagerly as Lyra opened the box and lifted out a glittering, chocolate-coated prize. She popped the doughnut into her mouth and slowly began to chew it, with her eyes closed and while letting out happy little moaning sounds from her throat as she savoured the chocolaty delight. Once she'd swallowed it, she moved on to the next one, slowly savouring it just as much as she had done with the previous one. This continued as Lyra slowly but surely made her way through the box, making sure to extract as much pleasure from those doughnuts as she possibly could. All the while, Bon Bon watched her, enraptured. Just watching Lyra slowly chewing and swallowing one doughnut after another, making those little rapturous moaning noises... she had no idea how Lyra managed to make the simple act of eating look so sensual.

"Good?" Bon Bon asked, once Lyra had emptied out the entire box.

Lyra smiled. "You betcha!" she said, giving her belly a little smack of appreciation. "Now," she continued, as she levitated over the tray of apple fritters, "do you think you could pass me that bottle of root beer?"

"Sure thing." Bon Bon grabbed the bottle and handed it over to Lyra. Lyra gave her a little smile of appreciation, before opening her mouth and consuming an apple fritter. Unlike the slow, sensual approach she'd taken with the doughnuts, Lyra decided to take a more enthusiastic approach to eating the fritters. She noisily crunched the fritters with great gusto, letting out little mmmms of appreciation whenever she paused to take a breath. Quite a few crumbs and bits of fritter ended up spilling out of her mouth and onto her chest, which Bon Bon would occasionally reach over to and sweep clean.

Once she had finished the fritters, Lyra cracked open the bottle of root beer. "Bottoms up!" she said jovially, before throwing her head back and necking the drink, slugging it down with great gulps. It wasn't long before the bottle was empty, the soda combining with the food nestled in Lyra's stomach to make it feel a little sloshy.

As she set the empty bottle down, though, Lyra felt an uncomfortable pressure building in her midsection. Given the vast amounts of food she was accustomed to eating, Lyra was no stranger to gas and indigestion, but that didn't mean she found it pleasurable. Grunting, she pressed a hoof into her midsection, trying to alleviate some of the discomfort. Bon Bon leaned over, a concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong, sweetie? Is it not settling right?" Lyra shook her head, whimpering a little from the pain of the increasing bubble of gas in her stomach.

"Here, let me see if I can help." With that, Bon Bon reached over and gently pressed a hoof into the soft fat of Lyra's belly, slowly rubbing it in a circular motion to try and coax the gas out.

As her lover continued to massage her aching belly, Lyra felt a warm, tingling sensation spread from her chest throughout her whole body. It was a feeling she was very familiar with, and as she slowly relaxed under her beloved marefriend's embrace, she knew right away exactly what it was.


Lyra covered her mouth with a hoof and blushed slightly. Bon Bon simply laughed.

"Feel better?" she asked. Lyra nodded, smiling sheepishly. "Good! Well, Lyra, it's the last Sunday of the month. You know what that means?"

Lyra nodded. "I'm pretty stuffed, though," she said, rubbing her belly. "Could you give me a hoof up?"

"Oh, come on, Lyra," Bon Bon said, rolling her eyes. "You can't be that full. You were able to get up just fine when you cleared out that buffet last week."

"Pleeeeease, Bon Bon?" Lyra whined, giving her a hangdog expression.

"Nuh-uh," Bon Bon replied teasingly.

Then Lyra gave Bon Bon a smile. This wasn't a nice smile, though -- it was an evil smile. Lyra shifted her bulk ever so slightly, so that Bon Bon was pinned a little closer to the edge of the couch. Bon Bon realised right away what she was saying: "do it, or I'll sandwich you between the couch and my flank."

"I repeat, only with added menace: pleeeeease, Bon Bon?"

"Alright, alright!" Rolling her eyes again, Bon Bon got up and took hold of her marefriend's hoof.

"One, two, three!" Together, they managed to heave Lyra's bulk off the couch. The springs in the couch audibly creaked and twanged as Lyra's plot was lifted off them, almost like the couch itself was breathing a sigh of relief. "Now, let's get going, shall we?" Bon Bon led the way to the bathroom, Lyra waddling close behind her.

In the bathroom, Lyra stepped onto the scales. She had a hard time seeing past her belly, so it was up to Bon Bon to report how much she weighed.

The scale bleeped as it finished weighing Lyra. "Well, how did I do?" she asked Bon Bon.

Bon Bon looked up at her, a big proud smile on her face. "288 pounds. It looks like you've gained seven pounds this month, Lyra. I'm so proud of you!" She threw her front legs around Lyra's thick neck and planted a kiss on each of her chubby cheeks.

Lyra laughed delightedly. "Awesome!"

"I think you deserve a reward for that," Bon Bon said. "How does a couple of Triple Cheese Melt Meals at Hay Burger sound?"

Lyra beamed at her lover. "You're the best marefriend anypony could ask for, you know that?"

"Oh, I know, sweetie. More than you deserve at times," Bon Bon laughed, as she leaned in to give her wonderfully tubby lover another embrace.


Comments ( 3 )

6873653 We all would, man. We all would.

Then Lyra gave Bon Bon a smile. This wasn't a nice smile, though -- it was an evil smile. Lyra shifted her bulk ever so slightly, so that Bon Bon was pinned a little closer to the edge of the couch. Bon Bon realised right away what she was saying: "do it, or I'll sandwich you between the couch and my flank."

looks like bon bon's crush is about to crush her

why do I love feederism so much????

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