• Member Since 17th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen Dec 13th, 2022


Other than a Cybertronian writing utensil, I am an avid brony that is partial to writing novice-level stories whenever an idea pops into my head, whether I like it, or not. It's mostly the latter.

Comments ( 46 )

Oh? OH! It's this story!
I have been waiting for what feels like forever for this!
For now though... It's time to read!

6874578 Told ya ponies would be looking forward to this story. Cant wait to see it develop myself.:twilightsheepish:

Been waiting for this and well the first chapter was worth the wait!

6874651 I am glad. Second chapter is being written and I hope to finish it within my two days off.

6874578 oh I am! Then again I think I enjoy all your stories... But in extra happy to see this one continue... Also looking forward to the one with Trixie.

It's finally here?! Huzzah, it's here!!! *dives in to devour the chapter*

Excellent first chapter, as always, MP, and looking forward to more!

It's sad that, our of all of their friends, only AJ remained loyal to Twilight, and everypony else that they both know and love has turned against them both.

All because of the treacherous machinations of somepony that none of them even suspect.

And on that note, I'm thinking that the Big Reveal of the true schemer behind the scenes is gonna be a big shock to everypony involved in this.

Can't wait to see what Chapter 2 has in store for us!

Anyway, have a Fave, a Follow and an Upvote for a wonderful start to what promises to be one very big roller coaster ride of thrills and emotions.

Wow so what ive got on this so far

1. Twilight went bonkers over a EXTREMELY big lie killed almost everything
2. Applejack is in love with twilight
3. Rainbow is still a part of equestria
4. Celestia died
5. Fluttershy died
6. Twilight teamed with the enemy (cause man dat gal is cra cra)
7. Twilight is making ZOMBIES?!????
8. Im running out of crap to put down

My proposal's

A. COD ZOMBIES IN EQUESTRIA that would be amazing
B. Litterally bloddshed will happen and itl end like that creepy candy story
C. Fourth wall will break....
D. The doctor will save the day???
E. Twilight will realize her mistake and save equestria
F. Nothing changes

My own thoughts

WTF JUST HAPPEND HOLY CRAP ON A STICK I hope this turnes out on of the ways ive said...

6875088 Glad you enjoyed it Stormy and I hope you'll continue to stick around for the coming chaos... and shipping. There is a lot of ship in this one, actually. I think people coming from DSM will be shocked to see the sappiness in a lot of the coming chapters. Not too much sappy. Just enough.

6876331 Allow me to comment on some things you said:

1. Twilight went bonkers over a EXTREMELY big lie killed almost everything. Justifiably so... in my humbled opinion.
2. Applejack is in love with twilight. I wanted the unrequited love to continue, but in a different way for DSM2.
3. Rainbow is still a part of equestria. Will be partially explained in the next chapter.
4. Celestia died. She died hard. Or did she?
5. Fluttershy died. I still feel the fallout of that decision even now. Convenient plot device? Ashamedly so. Is it good to say Fluttershy is going to make an appearance in some form or another soon? Flashback? Or in the present? #hype.
6. Twilight teamed with the enemy (cause man dat gal is cra cra). Further explored in the next chapter.
7. Twilight is making ZOMBIES?!???? Anyone else remembers she also has the Alicorn Amulet?
8. Im running out of crap to put down. I know dem feels bro.

Glad you enjoyed it anyway. I think you did. I can't tell if you were tortured by it or... actually. I'll take that as a plus.

6876413 best comment EVER :rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh: thank you fer that one

Dude you need to a cod bo1 zombies story mixed in with this perhaps another dimension?

6876413 Oh, I did, and no fears about that. I am with you for the duration on this one, too.


And more shipping? Shipping is good.

Unrequited, or otherwise.

Again, looking forward to the next chapter.

Something just tells me that this one is gonna be a way wilder ride that the original story was.

Oh hey, there we go again. Didn't even notice this until now. Maybe you should do a blog post attached to the previous story or something so that people will notice it if they still have it on their shelves. Can't be the only one with that problem.

6879529 ... I did advertise on my blog.

If it's not attached to the story, people only see that if they follow you. Otherwise it should pop up in the feed of everyone who has it on their shelves.

Huh, so scoots is a goner. :scootangel: R.I.P.

In any case. As I mentioned on your previous story, I was glad that I've waited until it was completed to read it all. With chapters so small, ending on clifhangers and with so much time in between them being posted.... *shudders*
As a start this one seems nice.... it does promises a lot of tears and hurt and blood, and I like it.

What i'm afraid of is what I mentioned above being repeated here. Chapters ending in cliffhangers with a bit gap of time between the releases. I really hope you don't do that with us (with me):applecry:

6881206 This one is nothing like the first one. I have chapter 2 drafted. Just needs editing.

Edit: Massive gap at the bottom edited. I think gdocs spazzed out when I imported.

Well, that's certainly deviating in style a lot from what the previous story did so far. Understandable, given the apparently huge time skip, but I admit, it's not quite what I was expecting.

Gotta say, though, "Midnight Sparkle" is just cheesy. It's such a stereotypically "darker and edgier" style villain name. I sort of wish you had picked something else there or not done that at all, it's hard to take seriously.

6887283 You should had seen the original page long list of names I did a year ago. I tried every combination of name and wasn't satisfied with anything until Midnight Sparkle sort of became canon.

I don't like it either, but it fits well for the whole "equestria villainizing" Twilight as the big baddie with only Applejack using her real name.

:rainbowlaugh: Well, I suppose when you look at it like that it's actually kind of clever, Twilight playing to the whole villainous stereotype for the sheer irony of it and all that. I'm not sure that kind of humor necessarily works for this story, but I can accept it so long as the story acknowledges that it's not actually intended to sound dark and badass.

“We kill every last one of them stinkin’ griffins,” Applebloom narrowed her eyes to a spot above Diamond Tiara’s head, “and make ‘em suffer.”

Good luck killing an army that doesn't feel pain, or fear, and gets stronger the more living beings die.

I am confused dident diamond get eaten by spike?!?!?

You did great with Tiara! I almost cried too...

And if this is truely Who Twilight is, and not someone who is just minipulating AJ and her feelings...
In other words, I really hope that this Twilight we see here is the real twilight of your story!
Can't wait for your updates!

WOOT! DSM is back!

I really like how you are evolving Twilight down this path of darkness and she didnt just get possessed by Nightmare and turn into an evil zombie like in so many other evil Twilight fics.

6887477 *thumbs up*
6904712 Thank you very much!
6912340 We shall see.
6915530 Nice to see you again Foxy.

I like the story, I genuinely do... But I just don't know what to think about it as a whole. I greatly enjoyed what accured during the first installment, so I'm hoping that this one does well also.

I hope work continues on this soon it's such a great story and if it lives up to its prequel it gonna be amazing.

7524015 Your wish has been granted.

This pleases me. I hope you continue.

6982032 thank you muchly.

7173588 very much so I feel a similar thing.

7525638 working on the next chapter. Keep your eyes peeled on my blog for updates.


Whoa holy shit that one moment just showed every thing I.. I just wow I've always liked those but just like.. Wow through out the chapter you had shown how she was like the applejack we know and love but in this one second you showed us another apple jack a new one a monster...
Or I could just be crazy both are highly possible :pinkiecrazy:


Magnificent, darling. Simply magnificent. So, are you going to continue this someday?

Man I really really want to like this story. ( and I did give it a like too) but I'm just having a REALLY hard time coming to terms with how this story even got to this scenario. i mean rainbow knew what went down on the train and sold out Twilight for Luna and NOBODY'S said anything about how wrong everybody's been?! RD never told Luna it was lightning dust who attacked the train. Luna never asked AJ what happened?!?! Nothing, just were going to war?! I'm trying to look past that though. Still enjoying the story but the massive plot holes have been sticking with me even from the first story...hard to let go.

7987509 Since i am not writing any more I will explain something. Rainbow's betrayal was fashioned by Twiligjt to get her into Equestrian court, as a sleeper. The original plan was to have Raunbow kill Luna. I was going to reveal that rainbow discovers that something did not add up and some pony else was pulling the strings.


damnit that would of been so good too!!!!

Can u please finish both of DSM 2 and the side story its been a year

I have to say, your writing has improved since the original, so that's a huge plus.

Ah, so she'll be called Midnight Sparkle in here.

Well, sadly this one stops here.

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