• Published 29th Jan 2016
  • 505 Views, 3 Comments

The Wonderful Pony of Oz - 19Brumby

After being transported to a magical land, Twilight must seek out the 'Wizard of Oz' to return home.

  • ...

The Cowardly Lion

The four friends trotted happily along the yellow brick road, all excited about meeting the Wizard and getting what they wanted. Their up-beat mood diminished slightly, however, when they realised that the wood was now getting thicker and darker. The sunlight was blocked so much that there was only enough to see a few paces ahead. The knots in the trees formed strange and twisted faces, and Spike stayed firmly in the middle of the group, fearing another attack.

"You sure we're going the right way?" he asked, his voice quivering.

"We're still on the yellow brick road," answered Twilight, though she too was growing worried. She lit up her horn.

"Ah, don't worry," said Rainbow Dash. "There's nothing to be scared of. Except all the dangerous animals."

"The what?!"

"These woods are full of 'em. If we're lucky, we might run into a manticore! Or a chimera! Or a bugbear! Maybe even a huge ferocious dragon! Then we could have a totally awesome fight!"

Spike coughed.

"Oh, don't worry, Spike. You're not nearly ferocious enough for me to fight."

Spike rolled his eyes.

Pinkie Pie seemed just as excited as Rainbow Dash. "Oh! Oh! Oh! What about a hydra? Or a blast-ended skrewt? Or a sea cucumber?"

"Sea cucumbers don't-"

Twilight was interrupted by a low, threatening growl.

"Wh-What was that?" asked Spike, clutching on to Twilight's leg.

The group huddled together, keeping their eyes peeled. Suddenly, a huge shape burst through the trees and landed on the path in front of them. It was an enormous lion, with two large red bat wings and a shining scorpion tail that twitched dangerously.

"It's a manticore!" exclaimed Twilight.

"First guess!" Rainbow Dash grinned in triumph.

The manticore let out a mighty roar. Steeling herself, Rainbow Dash took to the sky and prepared herself to attack. Twilight also took on the offensive and charged up her horn. The two mares and manticore stared at each other, daring the other to attack. The manticore took one step forward but was stopped when a blast of magic struck the ground before it.


Everyone jumped at the voice. They turned their heads as another figure jumped out of the trees and in front of the manticore. It seemed to be a pony covered in patches of cloth sewn together to form a homemade lion costume, and it was now petting the manticore as if it were a confused puppy.

"There, there," the newcomer said soothingly to the manticore. "I won't let anypony hurt you."

The manticore immediately relaxed and sunk down to the ground to allow the pony to scratch behind his ears. A contented purr rumbled from him.

The pony turned to the thoroughly confused Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Two yellow wings poked out of the costume, and a few whiskers had been drawn on her face. "I'm so sorry about Bert. He can be quite territorial, but he's really a big softy when you get to know him."

"Err...I'm sure he is," replied Twilight, eyeing the scorpion tail warily.

"That thing tried to kill us!" shouted Rainbow Dash, still in attack mode.

"Oh no," the lion-pony argued. "He was just trying to scare you off. He would never do anything mean."

"Uh huh." Wanting to keep things positive, Twilight put on a smile. "Let me introduce ourselves. I'm Twilight-"

"This is Spike, Rainbow Dash, and I'm Pinkie Pie," the scarecrow quickly took over, pointing to each member of the group in turn. "We're off to see the Wizard in the Emerald City so I can get a brain, she can get a heart, and these two can go back home before the Wicked Witch of the West gets them and steals her shoes!"

"Oh my," gasped the lion-pony. "That sounds scary."

"Sure is," replied Pinkie Pie, cheerfully. "What's your back story?"

"Oh, um." The lion-pony fiddled with her hooves, suddenly nervous. "I'm Fluttershy. I live in the forest with all the critters. I made this costume so I could fit in with the manticore pride. I haven't been able to find anything for the scorpion tail, though." She glanced at her long, pink tail that she was now curling around her like a protective shield.

"Why do you live in the forest?" asked Spike. "Why not with other ponies?"

"Other ponies make me nervous," she replied, softly. "I feel safer in the woods. Except when there's a thunderstorm. Or a strong wind. Or when there's strange noises in the night. Or-"

"You sure get scared a lot," said Rainbow Dash.

"Duh!" said Pinkie Pie. "She's the Cowardly Lion."

"Isn't she dressed like a manticore?" asked Spike.

"The title for this chapter is 'The Cowardly Lion'," explained Pinkie, "so that's what we're sticking with."

"So," said Twilight, loudly, "you live all on your own?"

"Oh, I'm not alone," replied Fluttershy. "I have lots of animal friends. Though, I guess it would be nice to have some pony friends. I'm just so scared of everything. If only I had some courage."

"Maybe the Wizard could get you some!" suggested Pinkie. "I hope she won't think we're being too greedy."

"Really?" asked Fluttershy, hopefully. "That would be wonderful! I do hope she's not too scary."

"Don't worry," said Twilight. "We'll be right there with you."

"But going to see the Wizard would mean...leaving the forest."

"Look, Flutters," said Rainbow Dash, stepping forward, "this could be your only chance. If you really want something, you have to go for it. Otherwise, nothing will ever happen."

"That was...oddly profound," mused Twilight, slightly taken aback.

Pinkie Pie pulled them all into a hug. "Well, the gang's all here so we can finally get to the Emerald City! Let's go!" With that, she let them go and raced down the yellow brick road. After Fluttershy shared a tearful goodbye with Bert, the rest of the group hurried after.

Meanwhile, in a castle atop a high mountain surrounded by mist and fog, the Wicked Witch of the West was watching the team through her large crystal ball. As she saw them set off once more down the yellow brick road, she slammed her hoof down in anger.

"Bah! That unicorn and her friends have already forgotten about my threat. I shall have to remind them." Chrysalis' horn glowed and the vision in the crystal ball changed to the field outside of the Emerald City. A green bottle hovered over and was opened. "Something to slow them down before they get too close, yet attractive." Smoke poured from the bottle and over the crystal ball. The field was just about visible, and flowers could be seen sprouting at such a rate that the view was covered in them. "Yes. That will do nicely. HA HA HA HA HA!"

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