• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 3,975 Views, 524 Comments

Brushed Away 3: Hearts Entwined - TheVClaw

As the spring season resurfaces across Equestria, Troy and Canvas are just about to embark on the biggest event in their lives. Of course, neither of them realized just how intense or stressful a wedding can really be.

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Chapter Thirteen: The Auction

Even after the sun set in Manehattan, the bustling metropolis was still shining just as brightly as it did in the day. Every building was illuminated with rows and columns of lights beaming through each of their windows; of course, the massive billboards and neon signs that were hanging alongside them outshone even the brightest-lit rooms. While Starswirl Square was clearly the brightest region of city with its countless billboards and ads reaching the skies, the quaint neighborhood of Greenhoof Village didn’t fare much lesser with the strings of lights that were tastefully adorned over its cobblestone streets.

On one particular block was a small, contained outdoor park which was between two especially large buildings. While it could barely be considered a “park,” since it only took up the same amount of space as a single building, the lines of trees and well-maintained plants helped to give the space a much larger-feeling vibe. Lines of festival lights were overhanging from the trees, which illuminated the dozens of ponies who were conversing within the small patch of nature within the concrete jungle which was Manehattan.

Among that small but dense crowd, Canvas was standing happily while wearing his blue dress shirt and lime green tie. While it was clearly too dark out to wear sunglasses, the stallion still had his purple aviators tucked in one of his shirt pockets just in case. The party has just begun, but Canvas was already talking with several ponies who took notice of him as soon as he entered.

Of course, the fact that Canvas had his dog sitting beside him in a bright yellow sweater vest may have added to the attention he was receiving.

A couple of mares were giving their attention towards Tenor, but most of the others in the small group kept their focus on Canvas as he spoke eloquently.

“I guess what I’m trying to say is that I don’t think that one specific medium should discredit other forms of art. Even though I prefer oil paintings myself, I’ve seen some extremely impressive work done in forms like colored pencil, charcoal, or even sticker-bombing!” After that last example, the stallion chuckled in recollection before adding, “Actually, I remember seeing this piece back in Baltimare, by a stallion who made this amazing landscape piece of the city completely out of newspaper and magazine clippings! If I had an extra zero or two in my bank account, I may have considered buying it for the price he offered.”

That got most of the group giggling alongside him. One of the stallions, who was a unicorn with a dark teal coat and a vibrant silver mane, lit his horn to lower the violet shades he was wearing. “I actually know that stallion!” he exclaimed with an elated smile. “I think his name is Copy-Paste, from what I remember. His collage and paper machè works are absolutely divine!”

“That was the name!” Canvas looked quite happy that the pony knew the name for him to remember. “Thank you, Fashion Plate.”

“Oh, it’s quite alright,” said Fashion Plate with a daintily thrown dip of his hoof. “When you work for Cosmare, remembering names is essential to keeping contacts at the tip of your hoof!” Thinking it over, the stallion shrugged and reopened his muzzle with a slight smirk. “Although if you ask me, having a name like Copy-Paste in the art world is just begging for plagiarism claims.”

Another round of laughter overcame the group, but it was surprisingly contained within the small, upscale gathering. Nearby one of the large snack tables, Troy was looking around with a curious eye while holding a long glass of Tall Island Iced Tea. While sipping from his glass, the gryphon’s ear tufts twitched when he overheard hoofsteps coming up towards him. Glimmer Heart, who was how donned in a tasteful summer gown of green with yellow highlights, strolled up beside Troy while holding a martini in her magic. “Hello, Troy,” she said in a welcoming tone while swirling the contents of her drink. “How’s Manehattan holding up for you?”

Troy shrugged his shoulders as he gazed around the confines of the park. He could see Lyle in the distance chatting with Fancy Pants, most likely talking about the younger gryphon’s future plans. Meanwhile, the triplets were all perched at the open bar, and seemed quite satisfied with their pitchers of what was probably some upper-scale artisan beer. And from the look of an especially large crowd of ponies by one of the corners, Troy was sure that his either his Dad was going into one of his stories about how he got that scar on his face, or his Mom was talking about her expecting child.

“Honestly,” answered Troy with a smile on his beak, “I was kinda worried about how my family would react to this city. But it looks like everyone is doing really well.”

“Well that’s great to hear,” said Glimmer happily while looking up at Troy. She took a sip from her drink before continuing. “I just hope you’re not planning to be a wallflower all night while everyone else is enjoying themselves.”

“Oh, no. It’s not like that.” Troy glanced back at Glimmer Heart while keeping an insistent tone. “I’m having a great time too. I mostly just wanted to make sure none of my brothers would start any trouble at a party like this.”

Glimmer chuckled with a smirk. “I suppose I can understand your concern. I actually found one of your brother’s records before the party, and…” The mare looked away with a bit lip as she shrugged uncomfortably. “Let’s just say it wasn’t exactly my taste.”

“Wait really?” Troy looked surprised as he looked down at her to ask, “Which album?”

“Oh, I was barely able to remember since the cover itself was so graphic. Uhhh…” Glimmer glanced upwards and blinked repeatedly in an attempt to remember. “I think it was… Alicorn Harem or something?”

“Ooohhh!” Troy winced as he chortled with a scrunched-in face. “Even he’s not proud of that one!”

Glimmer openly laughed at that response, which caused Troy to do the same. While he tried to maintain his composure, Troy glanced back to the sight of his fiancè, who was still happily conversing with the crowd of ponies gathered around him. Even though the gryphon couldn’t hear what they were saying, he saw nothing but the purest look of joviality on Canvas’ smiling face. After learning about all the time the stallion spent on his own, seeing Canvas in his element among ponies who respected him just made Troy’s heart feel warmer.

Glimmer was able to see where Troy’s sights were directed at, and she smiled when she looked over at Canvas too. “I swear,” said the mare in a proud and almost motherly tone of voice, “it’s so hard to find a pony that young who’s able to socialize with this kind of clientele so naturally.”

“I know, right?” Troy sighed with a smile as he stared at his stallion, his voice barely able to contain how happy he was for him. “Just think, a year ago he was still in high school. And now… now he’s one of the best artists that Equestria has to offer.”

Glimmer glanced back at him with a warm smile on her muzzle. “You must be really glad you snagged him when you did, huh?”

“I wouldn’t say I snagged him,” replied Troy with a playful roll of his eyes. “But… yeah. I really am glad that I found him when I did…”

Thinking it over, the gryphon’s head lowered a little as his smile widened in remembrance. “I honestly never would’ve imagined that in less than a year I would find a stallion out of chance, become friends, fall in love, and plan to get married to him.” Even though that statement was supposed to be more quirky than anything else, it still made Troy pause for a moment with his beak skewed. “Honestly, it... it kinda makes me wonder if we’re going too fast.”

“Oh, don’t be thinking like that!” jeered Glimmer with a poke against Troy’s side. “I actually think it’s really sweet that you two are so committed to each other.”

Troy looked at her and asked, “Really?”

“Well of course!” Her eyes narrowed on the gryphon when she asked, “Troy, do you remember the first time I met you and Canvas together?”

Troy tapped his glass a couple times and tried to think. “Uhhh… it was after that thing with your Ex, wasn’t it?”

“That’s right,” she said with a nod. “And Canvas mentioned to me how you stayed with him that whole night after that altercation, and how you also helped clean up the next morning. I don’t know about you, but it’s hard for me to think of that many friends who would go that far for someone.”

“Well what was I supposed to do?! Just leave him while he was sobbing and covered in paint?!” Troy immediately stopped himself and looked around, hoping that nopony overheard him saying that. Luckily, it seemed like he and Glimmer were the only ones within earshot, and he sighed in relief before looking back at the mare. “But… you’re not wrong. I really did care for him even back then.”

“Exactly.” Glimmer Heart placed a hoof on the gryphon’s shoulder as she spoke sincerely. “Troy, I’m not going to lie and say this isn’t going fast. Heck, Hot Shot and I were friends for years before he decided to propose to me. But while time for growth is a big thing to have in any relationship, I think you and Canvas have something a lot more important than that.”

While Troy stared down at her, Glimmer Heart smiled back at him when she said that key detail: “Dedication.”

One of Troy’s brows lifted slightly in confusion, which prompted the unicorn to sigh and explain. “Seriously, do you know how hard it is to find someone that you can truly say you’re committed to? You’ve both seen each other at your lowest points, and you were still able to help one another like it was nothing while still staying closer than most friends ever could. I know that your relationship may have started quick, but I honestly don’t see how you two couldn’t stay together. You’re more dedicated to one another than most ponies I know, and you have each other’s backs each step of the way. And in the end, I think that matters more than anything.”

After Glimmer Heart finished with a truthful smile, Troy just stood in a momentary lapse while letting her words process. When he looked back towards his fiancè, the gryphon let what Glimmer said reverberate through his mind while he finished his drink. Troy may have only been silent for a few seconds, but that moment was more than enough to make him smile again at the sight of Canvas. Even with what he was thinking before, the mare beside him was absolutely right; Troy would give his life for that stallion, and he knew that Canvas would do the same.

“Y-yeah,” said Troy in a faint but thankful tone towards Glimmer. “I think you’re right, Glimmer Heart.”

“Pssh! I know I’m right!” replied Glimmer in a more confident voice to go along with her smirk. “Believe me, I’ve been in relationships long enough to know what I’m talking about.”

As she looked away, the mare’s eyes widened when she glanced down at her watch. “Oh, shoot! The auction is about to start soon!” Before she could trot away to make sure everything was ready, she turned back to Troy and asked, “Could you get your family ready? I don’t think they want to miss what I have planned.”

“Absolutely,” said Troy with a courteous nod. “I’ll round them up for you.”

After he and Glimmer walked away from each other for their separate tasks, Troy decided to go towards his younger brother first. By now, Lyle had his sketchbook open while Fancy Pants and a couple other patrons glanced at the contents inside. Fancy’s mustached muzzle was skewed in a mix of curiosity and uncertainty, which was still more positive than the looks a couple of mares had beside him while seeing Lyle’s work. When Troy approached the group, he heard Fancy Pants ask, “So… is that character supposed to be Prince Blueblood?”

Troy craned his neck to see the page, and winced when he saw the drawing. Even though it was a really well-drawn reference page for the character, he couldn’t blame Fancy or the mares’ reactions when the pony is portrayed with severe burns along most of his body, including half of his face. Although, despite the gaudy appearance, the pony’s body shape and remaining golden mane did resemble the Prince quite a bit.

“Well, kinda,” admitted Lyle in an uneasy tone. “Since it’s set in a version of Equestria where society was destroyed by the infected, there’s no way to tell for sure with his Cutie Mark being burnt off. And since he has no ID or proof, the survivors kinda have to take his word because of his voice and Royal Spear.”

One of the mares beside Fancy asked, “Well, why couldn’t he just prove it with his magic? Prince Blueblood has a very distinctive aura that could easily be identified by any unicorn with no problem.”

“Actually, she’s right,” added Fancy as he lit his own horn. He used his amber-hued aura to highlight the section of Lyle’s sketch which showed that the character’s horn was fully intact. “Even though I can’t believe I’m saying this,” admitted the unicorn in an apprehensive tone, “considering the tone you say this comic is going for, it might not hurt to give the character a broken horn of some sort. You know, for authenticity of course.”

Lyle’s brows raised as he glanced back down at his drawing. After making a brief “Huh” in reflection, the gryphon took out a pen from his bag to add a small note to the bottom of the page. “Alright,” he said in acceptance of Fancy’s suggestion, “I guess I’ll add ‘broken horn' to the character description too.”

“Ummm, Lyle?” asked Troy in a perplexed tone. “Do I need to ask why you’re showing these ponies stuff from that comic?”

“I’m not!” returned Lyle as he glanced up at his brother and said in clarification, “I was showing Fancy Pants what I was making myself, which could possibly be added to the comic.” He motioned towards the stallion and added, “And considering he wrote that letter of recommendation for me, it seemed only fair when he asked to see what I was doing.”

Troy looked back towards Fancy Pants, who nodded his head. “Your brother isn’t wrong, Mister Clawston,” said Fancy in his distinct Canterlot tone. “I insisted on seeing his work, even after he warned me of the contents.” He then glanced back towards Lyle with a smile to say, “And I have to say, his talent certainly isn’t going to waste! In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if his internship got him a spot at the Manehattan Technical Institute if he wanted.”

Lyle quickly turned his face away from that flattering statement, hoping to hide the shade of red that was coming through the white feathers on his cheeks. “Aww, come on,” Lyle said in an obviously bashful tone. “I think you’re reaching a bit there.”

Troy was just about to open his beak to say otherwise, but another voice interrupted him before he could speak. “Don’t try to undermine the stallion when he’s giving you a compliment,” stated Jonas sharply. None of them were sure how long he was standing behind Troy, but he made himself present in the conversation while keeping his focus on Lyle. “He was the one that helped you get that internship, right? Because if so, he probably knows enough for his opinion to carry some weight.”

Fancy Pants looked up at the General with a thankful nod and replied, “Thank you very much.”

While Jonas nodded back to the stallion respectfully, Lyle sighed and admitted, “Oh, alright. I…” The gryphon huffed briefly and returned his attention towards Fancy Pants to say, “Th-thank you for telling me that. I’ll be sure to remember it.”

Despite the shaky smile that Lyle had on his beak, Troy was happy to see that his brother was being able to take positive critique easier than before. The unicorn smiled in satisfaction and gave the younger gryphon a nod of his own. “Excellent. Now if you excuse me, I’m going to see where Fleur is. I’ll let you get back with your family.”

After giving his adieus to the other two gryphons, Fancy Pants made his leave with most of the ponies following him. Seeing how most of the high-class ponies were hovering around Fancy as he walked, Troy was reminded of those birds who perched themselves on top of rhinos for protection while eating bugs off their backs. Of course, that comparison quickly escaped Troy’s mind when he tried to get Jonas and Lyle’s attention. “Hey listen, the auction is about to start, so Glimmer Heart wanted me to get you guys for attendance.”

“Oh, alright,” said Jonas as he glanced back to where he came from. “I’ll try to get Angela settled down so she can join us. She saw some pigeons perched together and started crying a couple minutes ago.”

“Eh, I’ll go get the triplets,” added Lyle as he began to walk past Troy. He gave his older brother’s back a couple pats as he said, “Just hang out with Canvas and we’ll get everything settled out, ‘kay?”

Troy was planning to try and round up the triplets themselves (especially since he could overhear the three singing something off-key at the bar), but he decided to let his brother take the reins if he wanted to. Besides, being with his stallion sounded a lot better than being alone, so Troy nodded with a smile pointed at Lyle. “Sure thing, dude. Thanks.”

And with that, Troy sauntered back towards his fiancè. While his family were being gathered for the main event, the gryphon stood beside Canvas with a prideful smile. Even though he didn’t say a word and risk disturbing the conversation, he felt surprisingly entwined with the group of ponies that the artist was speaking with. Especially when Canvas nestled in closer beside his mate as he spoke, his voice not changing one bit despite the blush that was growing on his aqua cheeks.

In only a couple minutes, all the attendees were gathered around a large, open section of the park that was lined with various items draped in white sheets. Glimmer Heart’s horn was brightly lit with her pink aura of magic carrying a microphone. “Good evening, fillies and gentlecolts,” she began in a cheerful tone, “I’d like to welcome you all to this event, and thank every one of you for participating in this auction to help our city’s schools!”

A large round of applause swept across the crowd, which sounded surprisingly louder than the size that was in attendance. Glimmer looked towards Canvas, who was standing in the front row beside his fiancè, and gave him the nod to step forward. “Now as you all may know,” continued the mare as she spoke to the crowd, “we have gotten a lot of exceptional pieces tonight for our charity auction. Not only do we have artwork and clothing from all over Equestria that were donated from generous patrons, but we are very fortunate to feature several pieces of art made specifically for this event.”

Another round of applause came afterward, which just made Canvas blush deeply as he walked out to stand beside Glimmer Heart. The mare brought a hoof out towards him and said, “And these contributions wouldn’t have been possible without our star artist! Coming all the way from Ponyville, we are honored to have received the assistance of Canvas: the very artist who made history by being the first Earth Pony to have his work featured in Canterlot Castle.”

While he wasn’t exactly a huge fan of being pulled out into the open to be praised for his work, Canvas still smiled wide as he heard the applause from everypony in attendance. Despite how powerful the claps and stomps of countless hooves sounded, Canvas was still able to overhear Tenor barking loudly, as well as some distinct whistles which he knew were coming from one of Troy’s brothers. While Canvas giggled and lowered his head timidly from the crowds, he almost didn’t notice when Glimmer finished her opening speech. “And to start tonight’s auction, I think it’s only appropriate that Canvas presents his pieces for our opening sales.”

The microphone was floated towards the artist, who took it with a nod while ponies clapped once more. After taking a deep breath, Canvas looked out to the crowd and opened his muzzle. “Umm… H-hello,” he began shakily, but a brief sigh was enough to get him to continue in a more confident tone. “For tonight’s auction, I decided that the paintings being sold tonight should reflect on why we’re all here in the first place. Many of Manehattan’s schools are facing the risk of losing their music programs, which could seriously affect the artistic drive and inspiration that young ponies need in their developing years.”

Canvas smiled a bit wider after finishing that statement. Internally, the stallion was happy that he was able to recite that prepared speech without flubbing it. “So,” continued the pony as he went towards a row of three separate covered pieces, “in an effort to keep the artistic spirit alive in our schools, I wanted to share some artwork which was inspired by musicians who have helped countless lives over the years that they lived through their music. Without these artists, it’s hard to say just how many lives would be different, or how much bleaker the world would be without their art being shared with the world.”

Canvas grabbed the sheet for the first piece, and pulled it away to reveal the painting underneath. Many ponies could be heard giving enthusiastic “Ooohs” and “Ahhhs” at the portrait, which was of a pegasus stallion with a coat of vibrant purple. His mane was pitch-black and distinctly curled, and his expression was of stoic determination as he looked outward while standing atop a snowy hillside. The distinct symbol that represented his stunning music career was meticulously well-painted as it laid on his flank. After letting the reactions and applause die down, Canvas took a breath as he looked back out to the audience with his microphone.

“For this first painting, I wanted to give tribute to one of the largest icons when it came to combining music with artistic and visual style. Many ponies remember him for his stunning progressive pop and rock, but he represented so much more than that outside his music. He showed the bravery that came with being different with your appearance and behavior. He helped break down barriers when it came to the ideas of masculinity in our society. And for this painting, I wanted to encapture the very essence of how his music inspired millions of ponies to be okay with being different from the norm.”

While ponies clapped and applauded at his first painting, Canvas stopped for a brief moment to give the painting one last look, sighing in satisfaction at the work he made. He then walked over to the next covered piece as he continued. “For my second painting, I wanted to pay tribute to a musician who I wasn’t personally aware of, but who inspired many listeners who did. Including a close friend of mine, who recently organized a large tribute show in his honor. He was an inspiration and a mentor to many musicians in his homeland, and showed that you can live a long and prosperous life doing what you love most.”

Canvas pulled the sheet from the second painting, revealing a portrait of a gryphon who was standing on top of a stage with waves of electric colors zig-zagging in the background. The gryphon had one claw raised with his talons giving the rock-horns, and his beak open while screeching into a microphone. Even though the thick sunglasses and black cowboy hat covered a lot of the gryphon’s face (aside from the two very noticeable moles that were on his left cheek), the painting still conveyed tons of energy and excitement from the subject. With the way the gryphon’s long feathers came out wildly from underneath his hat, it was clear to see how much movement the figure was shown to have had in Canvas’s portrayal.

While the crowd applauded the second painting, Blade had a trembling smile as he wiped his eyes with a talon. “Hardcore, mate,” he said in a shaky tone. A red handkerchief within a yellow aura of magic floated up towards Blade’s face, which he was able to notice and pick up to wipe his tears. “Oi, thanks man,” he said while looking down at the unicorn who gave it to him.

“Oh, it’s no problem at all,” said Fashion Plate with a wave of his hoof. After the handkercheif was given back to him, the stallion waited until Blade looked away to stare up at him with a smirk and a bit lip. Luckily, the sounds of the crowd were enough to cover the sound of Fashion Plate making a faint “Unf” while marveling at the gryphon beside him.

Meanwhile, Canvas walked over to the third covered piece and began his final description. “This last painting is… Well, it’s something that hits really close to home for me.”

While he didn’t want to falter when he was almost done, Canvas could feel his heart growing heavier about what he was going to show. This painting was the first one that he made, even before Glimmer Heart told him about this charity. And even though it hurt to let go of something that became so personal to him, the artist knew that it needed to be shared.

So, Canvas took a deep breath before continuing towards the crowd with a heavier-sounding tone. “Growing up, I… I listened to a lot of music as a means to help with my art. And… I also used music to help cope with things I was feeling when I was younger. I didn’t have anyone to talk with back then, and it left me feeling confused and… well, mostly upset about not being able to have a clear answer to things.”

He then gripped the corner to the sheet as he kept talking. “But, there was one musician who helped me overcome a lot of the stress and anxieties I felt back then. He helped me to understand that not everypony is the same, and that we all have differences underneath that help define us and shape who we are. And even though those differences might be seen as the best to others, this pony’s music helped me to understand that I shouldn’t keep denying who I really am, and to be proud of what I’m able to accomplish as myself. He... “

Canvas clenched his eyes shut for a split second so he wouldn’t start welling up in front of the dozens of ponies listening. “He… helped me to realize how important it is to not let others bring me down for who I am. And to know that no matter what, time will change things for the better.”

After making a shaky exhale, the stallion smiled as he said before pulling the sheet, “And in my case, he was absolutely right. Things can change for the better.”

When the final painting was unveiled, the reaction and applause was much louder than ever before.

The background was a wild array of various splattered colors, with each shade being as wild and radiant as the white stallion that took the focus in front of it. The tall, thin unicorn was standing on his hindlegs in glory, showing his flawless stature and the zigged, yellow stars that adorned his flank. His spiked auburn mane shone in the forefront, which matched the red lightning bolt that was painted on the right side of his face. Unlike the other two paintings, this one stared directly out at whomever viewed it, practically entrancing the viewer with his differently-colored eyes without needing to say a single word.

Canvas proudly stood beside his creation, his heart filling with joy as he tried his hardest not to cry. Alas, it wasn’t long before a tear or two came out while he smiled to the crowd. After the applause died down, Canvas quickly wiped his cheeks while Glimmer pulled the microphone from his hoof. She gave Canvas a thankful nod as she said, “Thank you very much, Canvas. We couldn’t be happier for your contributions for tonight’s charity.”

While the crowd clapped loudly, Glimmer put up a hoof to get them quiet enough to begin. “Alright, let’s get this started! For the first painting, let’s start the bidding at fifteen hundred bits! Do I hear fifteen hundred--FIFTEEN! Do I hear sixteen? …”

For almost an hour, the auction went off swimmingly well. Not only did Canvas’ contributions each become huge sellers (with Blade himself buying his second painting for a whopping seven thousand bits), but the charity’s total goal was met and exceeded by the time half of the items were sold! And since Glimmer Heart was doing such a good job with the auctioneering process, all that Canvas had to do was stand next to his fiancè and Tenor with a smile within the crowd. Of course, the artist couldn’t resist making a bid or two to raise the price of some specific items.

Meanwhile, Blade carried an especially large smile as he held his newly purchased item by his side. Blaze and Blane haven’t bought anything yet, which may have been a good thing judging by the near empty fishbowls of some cocktail that both of them had in their claws. Blaze hiccuped as he glanced down at Blade’s covered art piece. “Man, I can’t believe you spent that much on a friggin’ painting!”

“Yeah!” added Blane in an equally slurry voice. “You could’ve bought like, a dozen hookers with that kind of money! Or at least three escorts!”

“So what?” asked Blade as he stared at them in an annoyed tone. “I can’t have something classy in my flat? Besides, I was needin’ something fancy for my living room anyway.”

Blaze and Blane looked especially insulted after that last sentence. “Wait a minute!” snapped Blaze angrily. “What about that painting we got you for your housewarming party!?”

“We thought you loved that!” Blane added with offense.

“I do! I swear to Luna I do!” retorted Blade insistently with both claws raised. He then took a brief breath as he looked away from them. “But… I kinda promised Fluttershy I’d let her see my place if she ever came to the Gryphon Kingdom. And if she ever does, I don’t want her to see ‘Sombra’s Circumcision’ hanging over my couch as soon as she walks in.”

On any other night, Blaze and Blane would’ve torn into Blade for saying something so implicit about his “friendship” with Fluttershy. However, the two of them just shrugged indifferently as they realized his point. “Alright, yeah,” admitted Blaze, “that might not be appropriate for her to see.”

“But you’re still keeping it, right?” asked Blane sharply.

“Well of course I am! I’d have to be a bloody loon not to keep something that nice!”

It was at that point that Fashion Plate walked through the crowds to be next to the triplets again. His horn was lit as he carried one of the newest sales of the night: A Zebrican metal sculpture of what looked to be a famous warrior. He also carried a light smile on his muzzle as he glanced over at Blade and his purchase. “Why hello again,” he said with the slightest hint of sultriness in his tone. “Congratulations on your big buy.”

“Oi, thanks mate,” Blade said kindly back towards him. “And same to you, Mister, uhhh…”

“Fashion Plate,” he finished with an extended hoof out towards him. While Blade shook his hoof, the stallion couldn’t resist looking over at the other two gryphons with his grin growing in slight curiosity. “And I take it these are your brothers?”

“Yep,” chirped Blade after letting go of Fashion’s hoof. “I’m Blade, and these two are Blaze and Blane. We’re future brothers-in-law to Canvas.”

“So I heard,” Fashion Plate said as he redirected his attention back towards Blade. “I must say, Canvas has quite a marvelous taste in gryphons~”

“Yeah, we know,” replied Blade innocently with a shrug. “Canvas is a really cool bloke.”

“Holy crap!” shouted Blane loud enough to make Fashion Plate turn back around. Blane and Blaze were staring underneath the metal statue with gawked expressions. “This guy has a huge dong!”

Fashion Plate giggled with a guilty blush. “It’s a fertility statue, boys. It’s meant to give luck in the name of love.” With a randy smirk, the stallion relit his horn to pick up Blaze and Blane’s now empty fishbowls. “And if you three promise to look after my sculpture for a bit, I’ll have your drinks refilled.”

While the triplets absent-mindedly agreed to the stallion’s proposition, the sound of Glimmer Heart shouting “Sold!” resulted in another round of applause. She was standing next to an immaculate crystal statue of a pigeon as she pointed out to the sculpture’s new owner, “To the lovely gryphoness in the white feathers!”

Angela looked absolutely giddy with a huge smile on her beak, and she quickly sauntered her way through the crowds to pay for her new item. Lyle had a perplexed look as he glanced up at his Dad, who was rubbing his temples with his claw in a desperate attempt to not get overworked over the price Angela raised that sculpture up to. He muttered under his breath bitterly, “Why did I let her hold the bucking checkbook!?”

“Alright, everypony,” declared Glimmer with an excited grin. From the look of all the tables behind her now being empty, it was clear that whatever she had planned was most likely the finale of this auction. “We have one last item up for our charity auction tonight! And believe me, this is quite a special one.”

She looked over towards Canvas and brought her hoof out. “Canvas? I have a bit of a surprise for you.”

While the audience clapped and stomped in approval, Canvas smiled brightly towards Glimmer. Before walking towards her, Canvas made sure to give Troy a small kiss for good luck. Glimmer Heart waited until Canvas was next to her in front of the crowd before continuing. “Now, as most of you may know, Canvas is still quite young. And despite having graduated from high school only last year, this artist has managed to do so much with his talents in such a small amount of time.”

Canvas blushed and dragged his front hooves a little from Glimmer’s praises. “Aww, come on,” he muttered bashfully.

“And in celebration of your achievements,” continued Flimmer Heart in an enthusiastic tone, “our last item up for auction has been donated to us from some very special ponies who you might remember.”

Glimmer gave Canvas a cheeky little wink, which was returned with a smile and a raised brow from the stallion. She then brought a hoof out to the space behind her, where some figures could be vaguely seen from behind the staging lights. “To present our final auction item, please help me welcome three ponies who came all the way from Gallop Creek…”

Canvas’ smile vanished in an instant, as did Troy’s in the crowd. The stallion’s eyes slowly widened in an unwelcome mix of shock and growing worry. “What?”

Despite how low and blunt Canvas’ tone sounded, Glimmer Heart didn’t seem to notice as she introduced the special guests. “Here are three of the faculty members from Canvas’ old high school! His art teacher, Mister Turpentine, his Gym Coach Stroma, and Principal Edelweiss!”

All of the ponies cheered and applauded as the three guests came into the light with bright smiles; of course, none of the attendees seemed to notice how shocked and appalled the gryphons in the audience looked.

Meanwhile, Canvas was absolutely frozen with his muzzle firmly shut. The last time he saw these three ponies was back on graduation night the previous year, and he intended to keep it that way for the rest of his natural born life. Unfortunately, while Glimmer and everypony else clapped in celebration, Canvas’ right eye twitched uncontrollably as the three came up to him.

Leading the group was the silver mare Edelweiss, whose smile almost looked as fake as the jet black highlights that were now in her mane. To the principal’s left was Stroma, who was donning an obviously fake-looking toupè alongside his equally phony and toothed-smile. And to Edelweiss’ right was Turpentine, the faded yellow stallion who Canvas remembered especially well; after all, it’s pretty hard to forget when the stallion who’s supposed to teach art tells you your art would never amount to anything in front of an entire class.

Canvas’ muzzle was moving slightly, just barely covering how hard his teeth began to gnash behind his stoic expression. As the three came closer, all that Canvas could think about where the things he remembered hearing from them back in high school.

“Do you want to make that TWO weeks out of school suspension?!”

“It doesn’t matter if he hit you first, we have Zero Tolerance for a damn reason!”

“Well, HE said that ya hit him back! Ah don’t need any more proof than that!”

“Why can’t you just act normal?!”

“I didn’t hear him say anything! Sit back down!”

“If you want to argue about your grade, I’m not afraid to make it even lower!”

“They won’t bother you if you just ignore them!”

“I’m telling you I didn’t hear a damn thing! Stop trying to start a scene!”

“Stop actin’ like a damn pansy!”

“Stop trying to make this about you, you SELFISH FRUIT!!”


Canvas didn’t even feel the pain when he bit his tongue, but he certainly caught the strong taste of copper flooding the inside of his muzzle. It was nothing short of a miracle that his face hadn’t contorted to a look of pure rage, but he wasn’t sure how much longer that was going to last when he saw Edelweiss’ hoof reach out towards him.

“Hi, Canvas!” said the principal in a cheerful-sounding tone. “It’s so great to see you again!”

Author's Note:

And now for two of my favorite returning friends: Shit and Fan