• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 2,454 Views, 38 Comments

The Surrogate - deadpansnarker

Celebrating the day after being elected mayor of Ponyville, Diamond Tiara is slightly taken aback by a request a depressed Apple Bloom asks of her. A set in the future kinda fic.

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A Proposal

It had been a long, hard fought campaign, but it was finally over. She'd won. Henceforth, Diamond Tiara's name would be prefaced by the honoured title of 'Mayor'.

She reckoned her new moniker fit her like a plush leather saddle. Being totally unbiased, of course.

She observed the empty headquarters that were once bustling with volunteers, all working to get her elected. Earth ponies canvassing the town, calling out her name on loudspeakers. Pegasi dropping propaganda from the skies, filled with half-truths and vague promises. Unicorns, using their magic to spell out her slogan in the sky...

Which was: In Equestria, I'm the best here. Catchy, no?

Her only rival, the reliably inept Snips, with his manager, the equally buffoonish Snails, had no chance against Tiara's nous, and her personal assistant Silver Spoon's commitment to the cause. Not to mention, their dual bottomless war chest, which guaranteed a little more nationwide coverage than a small advert in page twenty of the Foal Free Press.

Diamond never really believed that pledges of free manecuts for all, and the introduction of mollusc races on a Sunday would have helped the colts' cause, either. Those poor, poor boys.

Still, this wasn't a time to be worrying about the fate of the losers. She'd been chosen to do a job, and she didn't intend to let anypony down. She'd long harboured ambitions to grasp onto the reins of power in her birthplace, and take it to another level of excellence. With the aid of her natural talent for leadership, she knew she'd be a worthy successor to the retiring Mayor Mare.

Now, she had the chance to herald in a new era of prosperity and progress. Of course, she wouldn't be taking on the task alone. Silver Spoon, her loyal friend who'd stayed with her through every little setback and bump in the road, would be a dependable presence in her new role as deputy. And her father Filthy Rich, the multi-conglomerate businessman who'd built everything from the ground up, was always going to be on hand to offer sage advice. As for her mother...

Best not to think about her, for the moment. To take her mind off things, Tiara observed the remnants of the battle room where she'd spent so much of the last three months. The posters decorated with her name, now just sticky residue on the walls. The busy reception area, now bereft of the furniture where many a concerned constituent had been sat. The spot she was standing in now, which was the exact same place she'd stood as each result from every primary was read out...

As it became more and more clear she was going to win, she could recall getting ever more excited, to the point that poor old Silver Spoon was on the verge of being asphyxiated. All they'd worked towards together, all of their hopes and dreams were coming true. The party that night would go down in Ponyville legend as one of the biggest blow-outs ever, on an even more grandiose scale than the one held for her childhood friends, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, when they'd received their symbols of destiny...

And now, it was all over. Diamond was going to miss this small, drafty little nook where she'd started on her ascent to the top, and the many new friends she'd met while navigating the whole giddy political circus.

But this was no time for being sentimental. She could return here, if she ever needed a reminder of her humble beginnings. The real hard work began now. She wasn't going to get any of it done reminiscing about the recent past. She was due to be sworn in in less than an hour...

Tiara was just about to make her way out of the barren chamber, when she heard the door creak. Thinking it was nothing more than the wind blowing, she paid it no mind, until a telltale country accent was heard above the silence. "Well hello there, Mayor Diamond...!"

The new elected official recoiled in shock on hearing that voice, which she recognised immediately. She spun around to face her greeter. The yellow fur. The unruly red mane. That cutie mark with the giant red heart in a shield. It could only be Apple Bloom.

As glad to see her friend as she was surprised she'd made the effort to travel down to such an out-of-the-way location, Tiara ran over there and embraced the farm mare in the tightest of hugs, one to even rival the headlock she'd put Silver Spoon in during the night of her victory. "Apple Bloom! What are you doing here?"

"Ow! Easy on the neck, I have to pull a plough with those muscles later..." The farm mare remarked, while simultaneously laughing at her friend's uncharacteristic display of affection. "I just wanted to say congratulations on your win, and Silver told me where you were. This room sure looks different from the last time I visited.."

"Yes you're right, it does..." Tiara sighed, releasing her iron grip. " I'm kinda sad all the campaigning is over, and I wanted one last look at the place before I took on my new position for real. It's going to feel strange, not having to get up at the crack of dawn to hold public meetings, shake hooves, kiss foals..."

As she stated those last two words, the new mayor could have sworn she detected a hint of blush coming from Apple Bloom, but she dismissed it as part of her ebullient imagination. "So anyway, how's your family, and good old Sweet Apple Acres doing?" She asked.

On hearing this, the farm mare's temporary flush seemed to disappear, and a warm smile decorated her features. "Great, thanks! I'm working harder every day, learning my responsibilities for when I take over from Applejack in the future, and her and Big Mac say they're as proud as apple punch about my progress!"

Diamond nodded on hearing this, as if she didn't doubt it for one minute. "So they should be. I saw you there when I visited a week ago, taking on three jobs at once. Who'd have thought that one day, the little Apple Bloom I used to tease would be capable of bucking apples, collecting fruit and separating the bruised ones from the nice ones, all by herself? I'm sure the farm will continue to flourish in the community under you. Granny Smith would have agreed, too..."

Tiara bowed her head in respect on saying this, and Apple Bloom soon followed suit. The new mayor had just given her the most highest of compliments. Such was the respect the old matriarch generated, that when she'd died just over a month ago, Diamond had insisted that all campaigning be suspended, so she could attend the funeral and offer her condolences.

It had been a far cry from her fillyhood, where she'd dismissed the old pony as a 'kooky old lady', a hurtful remark that would haunt her forever. At least she'd had chance to make amends, before Granny Smith's soul had departed.

Returning to the present, Tiara spoke again. "How are things between you and Pipsqueak? Haven't you two been dating now for a few years? I've seen you both around town quite a lot, and you can't seem to keep your hooves off of each other! Can I assume wedding bells will soon be in the air?" She offered her friend a little wink, which soon bought the redness back to Apple Bloom's cheeks.

"W-what? W-well we've discussed it, but we haven't made any concrete plans. A-and you're right, things are really good between us at the moment, but we have a bit of a problem. Q-quite a large one, actually. I-in fact, that's part of the reason I came down here to see you today..." Apple Bloom obviously had something to ask, but she didn't know how to broach the subject.

"You know Sweetie Belle gave birth to a foal a few months back, yes?" The farm mare continued. "Her and Button Mash called her Rare Jewel, the cutest thing you'd ever meet. And you must have heard that Scootaloo is pregnant with Rumble's child, right? I'm so happy for her..."

"Yes, of course I have. I visited Sweetie Belle in hospital, and Scoots told me the good news a while back..." Diamond wondered where Apple Bloom was going with this.

"Well, you may not know this, but me and Pip have been trying for a young 'un even longer than both of them..." The farm mare contended. "More than a year, actually. That's why we were a little confused when first Sweetie, and then Scoots got there ahead of us, and we decided to seek professional help. We booked an appointment with Doctor Stable, and he gave both of us a thorough examination. When we got the results back, there was nothing wrong with Pip at all, he could father ten families if he wanted to! But, as for m-me..."

Tiara had a horrible feeling where this was heading, and her heart began to break for her dear friend in front of her. She didn't say anything though, and just clasped onto the hooves of Apple Bloom until she was ready to tell her in her own time...

Finally, with an audible sob, the farm mare made the tragic announcement. "T-they said I was infertile, Di! I'm deficient! Useless! A blot on the good Apple name...! How am I supposed to even call myself a mare, if I can't even have a foal?" Tears were now freely streaming down her face, and as Diamond looked closer into her green eyes, she saw traces of scarlet rings she hadn't seen before.

"Oh, Apple Bloom, I'm so sorry!" Tiara held onto her friend tightly, and began to tear up a bit herself. "Nopony knows more than I do what a good mother you'd have made, I mean look at all you've taught me! But don't ever devalue yourself as a pony, just because of this tragedy. You are one of the kindest, nicest, most humble ponies I know, and as far as I've concerned, your loss is as good as Equestria's loss."

Apple Bloom began to wipe her tears away, comforted by the words of the new mayor. "T-thanks Diamond. "

Tiara smiled sympathetically at the plight of her friend, before an idea sprung into her head. "I've just had a thought. When I was touring the town during the build-up to the election, I happened to stumble across a charming little orphanage. It was full-to-bursting with all manner of colts and fillies who had no parents of their own, looking for a better life. Perhaps, you and Pip could discuss..."

Diamond was abruptly cut off by Apple Bloom, who shook her head firmly. "No, no. We've already talked about that, and while we feel very sorry for everything those poor orphans have gone through, and we wish them all the best, we came to the conclusion we want our foal to be conceived naturally, with at least some of it being a part of us. In fact, that's kinda what I wanted to ask you now, today..."

Tiara looked at Apple Bloom in confusion. What was she getting at? All the pieces in her head began to fit together, until, the realisation hit.

"N-no, you can't mean..." The new mayor almost buckled over in shock.

Apple Bloom hesitantly nodded, confirming Tiara's worst fears. "Yes, I do. Di, I know this is a really big, life-changing favour I'm asking of you, but please, won't you at least think about it? I'd only ask this of somepony I really trust, and seeing as how Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo have now got families of their own, you're the only one I can turn to. And to be honest, I would love my child to be as healthy as you are, and have some of your qualities in leadership. The procedure is really simple, you'd still be able to carry out your mayoral duties during the process, Pip is all for it..."

While the farm mare was reciting the list of reasons as to why Diamond should be the bearer of her foal in her obviously long-rehearsed speech, the new mayor was left reeling.

How dare Apple Bloom put her on the spot like this, a mere day since her glorious triumph. How dare she expect her to walk around with a visible bulge for months, ruining her perfect figure. How dare she expect her to go through the rigours of pregnancy, when Tiara had made a conscious decision not to put herself through that arduous ordeal herself.

And, yet...

She owed the farm mare so much. In fact, Diamond might not have even have been elevated to her current esteemed position, if it hadn't been for Apple Bloom's crucial intervention at a bleak period in Tiara's life. Plus, she also knew that her friend wouldn't have come to her unless it was something she really, really wanted badly, and the new mayor was touched at the level of trust that had been shown to her in doing so. What to do, what to do...?

"So, will you do it then?"

Tiara snapped out of her private thoughts, to stare numbly at the hopeful, pleading face in front of her.

"Will you be our surrogate?"

Author's Note:

I've had this idea for a new fic that I got from somewhere nagging in the back of my head since last night. It continued to annoy me, until I decided to exorcise it here and now. Hope you like this first chapter... It'll be a while before I update it, because I'm busy with A Mother's 'Love'. But, upvote and favourite if you do, and I'll get back to it eventually. Ciao! :pinkiehappy: