• Published 14th Feb 2016
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From Beyond the Western Gate - Jongoji245

Sensing an unusual source of energy east of the North Pacific, Scarab follows a traveling exhibit to the Midwest.

  • ...


San Francisco, California, September 29/1997

It was well around midnight, and the city in the Sunshine State slept for the most part, except many of the corporate buildings. One building, a replica of the Sphynx, was just spared from being torn down thanks to the protests lead by a young boy and five older acquaintances… Much older acquaintances.

One hall barely lit enough to display artifacts from the reign of Amenhotep, sat a man wrapped from head to toe in bandages. On his hand was a dusty cloth with a black handprint so small as to come from a baby. The man continuously stroked the cloth, the memories flooding in his head.

“Ja-Kal…” - The man held the cloth tight as a young boy in much more modern clothing placed his hand on his shoulder - “Was that dream I had real? I mean, is that what really happened to me back then?”

The bandaged person groaned, “Yes, Presley, I’m afraid it was.”

“Did you… find me in time?”

“We found you…” - Ja-Kal looked up - “But Scarab’s forces were too strong. We couldn’t save you or ourselves! Pharaoh had ordered us to protect you and we failed...”

Presley noticed the cloth in Ja-Kal’s hand and asked, “What happened to your family?”

Ja-Kal looked at the hand print once more before letting his arm hang, “I… don’t know…”

Presley sat next to the aged warrior, the remorse of his past life reaching up to him.

“It was Rapses’ fault… My fault. Ja-Kal I don’t know how, but, someday, I’ll make it up to you. I promise.”

San Francisco, California, October 13th/2015

In one of the largest corporate towers in San Francisco, Scarab flipped through the books, trying to find other ways to regain his youth. The reincarnated Prince Rapses has since grown up, and his guardians haven’t made an appearance. But with Scarab himself had a reason to; everything he has done to steal Rapses’ life force has ended in defeat from his enemies.

That thought in mind, Scarab screamed in rage and smacked the book aside.

“Why can’t I keep a grasp on that boy for at least one day without being harassed by those Mummies!?” Scarab smacked the table, breathing rapidly through his nostrils.

Nearby, a yellow cobra slithered to her owner, “Well Scarab, your plans aren’t really thought through, and three of them are experienced-”

Scarab grabbed the serpent by the throat, rendering the rest of her body stiff as a staff as he drew her face to his.

“Don’t test me, Heka.” - he snarled before tossing her aside, landing next to Ammut - “For two decades I have been in hiding, trying to find another way to regain my youth without the young Prince. The only other possible way is the life force of a phoenix.”

“But there are no phoenixes or even any bearers in this world…” - Heka smacked the soul devourer away from her - “not anymore.”

“Exactly!” Scarab walked over to the balcony, staring down at the place used as a battlefield for years.

One more attempt at getting Rapses’ life force could be the death of him… again. He closed his eyes, growling when the darks of his eyes brightened. The former high priest opened and looked to the mountains. As the sun descended to the western horizon, a streak of light shined over the mountains, taking on a birdlike shape as it ascended into the air, becoming a bright red star next to violet one.

“Heka!” - his closest friend slithered towards him - “Do you know what that is?!”

“The only true tale sign…” - Heka stuck out her tongue, making a small hiss - “a new opportunity has awoken.”

That was enough to give Scarab a delightful, yet devious smile.

Estes Park, Colorado, November 14/2015

It is around sundown at the Estes Park Historical Museum, the security guard was making his rounds throughout the exhibit. There are a few new additions to the museum: the temporary Ancient Egyptian exhibit from San Francisco. Looking around every room: The Ice Age, the Civil War, the Great Depression, even both restrooms of the opposite sex.

“Museum is clear.” He spoke through his walkie-talkie before walking towards the door with his keys

“Copy that, you may lock the doors.” Spoke a female voice from the other end.

Upon exiting the doors, the guard turned around and inserted the key, turning it clockwise with a loud clack. As the sun descended over the mountains once more, the museum was all but empty, silence aside from the occasional air duct rat.

And the sudden burst from the storage closet. The Crusaders flopped onto the wooden floors, gasping for breath.

“Explain why we just broke a law or two staying in that closet?” Apple Bloom asked to Scootaloo.

“Because this is the last night before the Egyptian exhibit leaves.” Answered Scootaloo as she picked up her backpack.

The young apple farmer poked Scootaloo’s chest, “And also because you waited to till the last minute to work on your report!”

“Look, let’s just get the information and get out!” Scootaloo walked to the main hall, taking a look at the sarcophagi that line up side by side, resembling a falcon, a cobra, a ram, and a lion. When she found a particular sarcophagus, one that had the falcon with blue stripes laced around it, she took out her notebook and questions about the subject at hand.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle looked around, comparing the ancient art to that of their native land. Sweetie Belle eyed one particular sarcophagus, one designed for a smaller cat.

“Poor little guy…” Sweetie Belle whined, having a cat already while seeing a dead one foretelling an inevitable future.

Apple Bloom joined her, placing a hand on her shoulder, “At least we don’t take out its organs and-”

“Hey!” Sweetie Belle shoves Apple Bloom, looking furious.

“Just sayin’.”

Scootaloo moved onto the snake sarcophagus when the lid began to move on its own.

“Uh, guys…” Scootaloo stepped back, dropping her utensils.

Soon each of the four sarcophagi open, revealing three adult men, one of whom missing his right limb, and a woman. The sarcophagus of the cat opened as well, revealing the decaying beast giving out a quiet meow as each section of its body popped and snapped while it stretched.

The Crusaders looked up, eyes shrinking back as the shadows of the mummies loomed over them.

“Hello.” - greeted the one-armed man, before being screamed at his face, stepping back as the Crusaders ran clean away - “Was it something I said?”

The front foyer of the museum echoed with the screams of the Crusaders as they rushed towards the front doors. They each tried to push the latches, but could only jiggle it at most.

“Oh nice going, Scootaloo!” - Sweetie Belle berated - “You had to bring us into a museum to finish a paper you should have done a while ago!”

“Me?!” - Scootaloo lashed back - “I didn’t see you two coming up with any better idea!”

“Excuse me.” - The arguing girls looked back, finding an adult, living, man around his thirties looking down at them - “Can I help you with anything?”

Sweetie Belle eyeballed the four mummies walking out of the hall they were in, screaming once again as she pulled the man’s arm.

“Run, the mummies are coming!!!” Sweetie Belle screamed.

“What? Them?” - the man turned to the four bandaged people behind them - “We’re friends.”

Apple Bloom scratched her head, “Why do I feel that they’re not living?”

“Relax, Apple Bloom,” - Scootaloo calmed her, raising a turned - “They’re just actors during their time here.”

“Actually” - The slender mummy in the green garments spoke out - “she is right. We are ancient beings brought back from a thirty-five hundred year slumber.”

The Crusaders were dead silent, mouths agape and eyes wide before Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes back and flopped onto the floor. Scootaloo continued her gaze on the ancient Egyptians while raising a notebook and a pencil.

“Can I ask a few questions?”

A good distance away, at the Estes Park Resort, Scarab looked at the landscape of the Centennial State from the top floor, holding Heka with his hand. The snake staff looked around the more largely wild landscape.

“Scarab, even in a sparse location like this, how would you be able to find the phoenix?”

Scarab spread his arms, turning his body to the mountains.

“Trackers of Souls, I call you to the hunt!”

Overhead, the night sky became covered in clouds, illuminating occasionally with lightning as a green glow came from beyond the Rockies, sending out two green lights flying fast to the hotel. Upon colliding, they reveal two anthropomorphic dogs, one a red-orange bulldog in gold and violet armor by the name Set, and a black Egyptian Hound, much more slender than his partner, wearing red and gold armor by the name Anubis.

Set growled, “What brings you to summon us at such a far away distance from the Western Gate?”

“I have brought you here for the hunt of the new millennia.” - Scarab pointed to the town - “Somewhere in this city, there is one who bears the magic of a phoenix. I must have it in order to be” - Scarab took a deep breath - “reborn.”

Anubis drew his ears back, “How can you be so sure that there are any?”

“Yes,” - Set stepped towards the aging man curling his slobbery lips - “why waste our talents on a futile hunt?”

Scarab was unmoved by the dog, he’s dealt with questions like this before. He reached into his pocket, pulling out a dried feather. “Even when in spirit only, their feathers provide a similar scent.”

Set narrowed his eyes before swiping the feather. The two spirits of the Underworld rapidly sniffed the feather, curling back their teeth as they picked up the scent. In one leap, they left the suite, running at full stride as they howled into the night.

Still standing on the podium, Scarab chuckled, “Soon… I will be restored… and be much more powerful.”

Back at the museum, the Crusaders were having a ball with the mummies. Scootaloo was having a ball with writing notes; Three-fourths of her notebook is full of notes regarding the origins of Prince Rapses, how Scarab was imprisoned for three thousand years, and the adventures Presley had with the mummies before they were even born. Sweetie Belle tore off a piece of bandage from Kahti, toying with her as the Crusader dragged the piece along the floor. Apple Bloom tried her hand at testing her family’s long renowned strength, and a few amateur martial arts moves, on the one armed mummy Armon. Even in living flesh, her strength proved to not be much of a match, and the Egyptian warrior easily tossed her aside.

“With a little Egypt-Tsu, you could be as great as me.” Said Armon as he flexed his one arm.

“Well, at least you wouldn’t have to always eat like a cow ten-fold.” Said Rath as he looked at a few artifacts from the Civil War exhibit.

“Hey! Can’t fight Shabti on an empty stomach.” - Armon’s cavernous belly growled - “Say, there a Beefy Burger in this town?”

“No…” - Apple Bloom rose back onto her boots, rubbing her injured back - “But we do have a Phil’s Grills.”

The name already made Armon drool with delight. Scootaloo finished writing down the last page of her notebook, chuckling in delight with the gained information. Flipping back through her pages, she saw that she skipped a page, giving her the opportunity to asked another question to Ja-Kal.

“So do you walk around San Fran often?”

“Only if we have to,” - the hunter of the group turned his attention to Nefer-Tina as she watched Sweetie Belle pick up the mummified cat - “Nefer-Tina does this the most.”

“We have been sealed for over thirty-five hundred years,” - Nefer-Tina complained - “why else would I want to go out?”

Ja-Kal crossed his arms, “Even in a pride, the mighty lion would never stroll into a metropolis.”

The ancient charioteer rolled her eyes before flinching back as Kahti jumped from Sweetie Belle to her.

“Why are you here?” Asked Sweetie Belle.

Presley looked at his petrified friends before squatting to her level.

“We have been… on a mission.”- The Crusaders turned their attention to him - “The pyramid at our home have detected, a phoenix.”

“The bird that burns itself then comes out of the ashes?” Asked Apple Bloom, receiving a nod for an answer.

“We have reasons to believe that it could be around this town, but we haven’t been able to find enough time to expand find it.”

“Well, is there any clue, like color?” Asked Scootaloo.

“Pretty much a red and yellow chicken.” Answered Armon.

Apple Bloom raised an eyebrow before her peripheral vision found Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo looking at her.


Rath leaned forward at the farmer, scanning her with undead eyes.

“Close, but she wouldn’t be the phoenix.” - He took out an amulet, noticing a faint glow on each of them - “Your magic is too weak to be anything fit for a phoenix.”

“Hey!” - Scootaloo slaps the notebook shut, stepping up to the magic bearer - “We aren’t weak, we just haven’t Ponied Up.” - Hearing a moan, Scootaloo turned to find Apple Bloom making the exact face her sister would make when she tried to lie - “You Ponied Up?!”

“I was dancing with Cera and Tricia and then woosh!” Apple Bloom emphasized that by placing her hands on the sides of her head, giving the impression of ears.

As the arguing continued, Armon tapped Raths shoulder, “What does it mean to ‘Pony Up’?”

Rath tried to come up with a good answer, but such a concept was so foreign to him, that all he could answer is, “It’s… complicated.”

The bickering was silenced when a deafening howl reached the museum.

Apple Bloom’s bow droops down, “Never heard a coyote howl that loud before.”

“That is no coyote, child.” - Ja-Kal approached the glass - “I fear Scarab has sent Set and Anubis to find the phoenix bearer.”

“We must act fast.” - Added Rath - “If Scarab gets to the bearer first, he’ll use the power to restore himself.”

Armon scratched his head - “But who would bear the phoenix?”

“Sunset Shimmer!”

The mummies and Presley turned to the Crusaders as they talked at the same time about Sunset’s features and how she, prompting the much older incarnation of Prince Rapses to calm them down.

“One at a time, one at a time!” - He pushed his arms forward, silencing them - “Where does this Sunset Shimmer live?”

“Great Valley Drive,” - Apple Bloom pointed to her left - “just south of Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Let’s move!” Presley turned around and ran towards the back, joined by his centuries-old friends.

“But we’re locked in!” Said Sweetie Belle as the Crusaders ran with them to a room full with large containers for the exhibits. One was still locked, but in a great feat of strength, Armon pulled it off in one quick tug. Ja-Kal grabbed both the handles and swung the doors open, filling the room with the echoes of slammed doors.

Nefer-Tina squealed in delight, “Oh how I have been dying to use the Hot Ra again!”

Back at the forested regions of Estes Park, Set and Anubis continued their scent game as they ran through the woods. When they reached the main part of the town, the two hounds stopped and sniffed the air.

“The phoenix bearer is close!” - Set sniffed the air - “Female… around eighteen… Very… Adept… at magic…”

“You smell all that?” - Anubis pointed his thumb at Sugarcube Corner - “All I smell are sugar treats.”

Anubis immediately got a flick on the nose, whimpering as he rubbed it.

“A few decades with no prey is not cause for lack of practice.” - Set scolded before continuing to sniff the air - “There!”

Set and Anubis gave another howl before heading south. When they were one block down, a race car speed right past them, stopping the dogs in their tracks.

“Was that what I think it is? Said Anubis when a much more modern cell phone rang from Set’s pocket.

“Hello…?” Answered Set, holding the phone with surprising delicacy.

“Have you found the phoenix bearer?” Asked Scarab from the other side of the line

“Not yet… And I’m afraid that another party has joined the hunt.”

Scarab hung up the phone, narrowing his eyes at the horizon, “I expected so…”

With a growl, Set crushed the phone within his paws, while his partner gave a grimaced look.

“That phone looked expensive”

“Shut up!” - Set continued to run towards their target - “When I get a hold of that mummy, he’ll be sorry he ever messed with me!”

A few miles ahead of the hounds, the Hot Ra was blazing through town. Nefer-Tina held a massive grin on her face as the wind blew against her hair. Presley and the other mummies held on for dear life. Scootaloo kept a few pairs of goggles in her backpack for things like this. Outside of the car, all the Crusaders could see are the blurs of the buildings and soon the trees. Scootaloo joined with Nefer-Tina as they whooped in the air.

“Dead end!!!” - Sweetie Belle shrieked as they approached a metal fence breaking on part of the neighborhood to another.

Nefer-Tina slammed hard on the break, bringing the horseless chariot to a stop. The driver jumped out of the car, hollering to the night sky.

“Nefer-Tina!” - Rath rubbed his temples as he attempted to rid the dizziness - “For once, control yourself!”

“Yes,” - Ja-Kal added - “Even the lion is cautious in a stranger’s land.”

Armon wobbled out of the vehicle, his vision spinning before flopping onto the grass. Presley, who once rode in the Hot Ra for quite a while as a kid, was out of practice as well, trying to contain his last meal with a hiccup.

“Are we ‘hic!’ in the right neighborhood?” He asked.

The Crusaders turned to one of the houses, the address number reading “1988.”

“Yessum, this is the neighborhood.” - Apple Bloom pointed in the opposite direction of the house - “1999, y’all find her there.”

Presley looked in the direction of the house before turning back around - “Okay, I’ll go over there and warn her, you four stay here and keep a lookout for Set and Anubis.”

Presley jogged as fast as his clothes could allow, growing smaller as he went farther away from his guardians. Scootaloo, still noticing that empty page, had another question to ask.

“Why doesn’t Scarab look for Presley himself?”

Ja-Kal turned over to the Crusaders, answering, “The Prince’s life force is concealed by the Eye of Ra. Scarab cannot find him.”

“But it also allows us to track him.” - Added Rath - “It’s what Presley calls a win-win”

Inside the Tamer residence, Sunset wrote in a separate journal the abilities discovered in the Maximals: Cosgrove can amplify his attacks with electric charges. Zipper, bestowed with the gift of flight, can also generate strong winds, especially when he flaps his wings in rhythm. Diver can submerge in deeper bodies of water for a longer period of time (Not as much as the Dazzling’s but an improvement). Chelsey has superior strength, comparable to that of her Equestrian counterpart. Dapplewood has improved agility and can scale even the most rugged terrain on foot.

“Twelve more to help.” - Sunset singsonged in delight, tapping the journal before placing the pen on the table. Just as she is about to hum the tune to “Shake your Tail,” her ears picked up a series of knocks on the front door. She looked through the eyehole, seeing Presley anxiously looking around before opening the door a little. - “Can I help you?”

“Oh, yes.” - Presley stretched out his hand - “I’m Presley Carnovan, here to warn you that you are in great danger.”

“Sir, I am in the neighborhood of a police officer’s family, I think I would know when there’s trouble.”

Sunset closed the door on Presley just when he responded, “That won’t stop them from stealing your magic!”

Just a few seconds later, Sunset opened the door full swing. “These are magic beings? Like what?”

Immediately, the neighborhood echoed with another deafening howl, a sound the new Rapses knew too well.

“The kind that drools.”

Indeed, Set and Anubis sniff the night air of Great Valley Drive. The Crusaders crouched down, just avoiding the eyes of the underworld spirits as they sniffed even faster. Sunset pulled Presley inside, taking out her cell phone, sending a text to every Raimboom and Maximal.

“Text unable to reach?” Sunset tried again, to no avail.

Presley looked out of the eye hole, seeing the hounds outside, “They really have caught up with technology.”

Just across the house, Set and Anubis spotted the Hot Ra. The bulldog growled in delight, they know they were close, why make some fun out of it.

“Well…” - Set turned to his partner - “Can't let those wretched mummies chase us with their vehicle.”

Anubis brought two of his fingers to his lips and whistled. With a series of barks came a mismatched beast with a crocodile head, a hippo’s body, and a lion’s mane, tail, and claws. Upon arriving, the dog-sized animal sat on its haunches, panting rapidly.

“Ammut,” - Anubis brought the feather before it - “seek out the Phoenix Bearer.”

The devourer of souls acknowledged that with a bark, leaving his masters as he sniffed out the trail.

Back at the Hot Ra, Sweetie Belle whimpered as she and her fellow Crusaders heard the steps and sinister chuckling getting louder as they got closer. Scootaloo motioned her to go to the other side, but to no avail. Sweetie Belle looked up, spotting Anubis.

“Hey, Set.” - the black hound reached out for the girl - “They brought another child.”

Apple Bloom stood straight up and sprays Anubis with bitter apple spray right into his nostrils. The hound reeled back with a whine as he rubbed his inflamed snouts. Set, being them more voracious of the two, snatched Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, holding them before his ugly snarling mug.

“You are no part of the hunt.” - The Bulldog snapped his jaws at Scootaloo - “But I can consider you for additional hunting trophies!”

“You leave them alone!” Cried Sweetie Belle as she punched the anthropomorphic hound, doing nothing but agitate him further.

The bulldog tossed the two captives forward, bringing the Crusaders into a pile. The sophomores shuffled backward until they could move no more against the house as the dogs approached them, baring their teeth as they readied to finish them off. Or it would had a knife not flown between their heads, lodging against the wood.

The two beasts turned around, finding the mummies lined up side by side, ready to perform a battle in the coming for the past few decades.


All throughout the transformations of each mummy, the Crusader’s eyes widened in astonishment. They’ve seen their much older classmates (or in Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle’s case, relatives) transformations and have heard of the pain the Maximals went through before learning to Pony Up. Maybe they can learn a thing or two. And of course, this has brought to the attention of Sunset as she saw the lights illuminate from her windows before being disturbed when Ammut crunched up part of the door, spat it out, and tore off another piece of the door before getting a black boot at his snout.

The two anthropomorphic dogs crouched down, ready to strike the fully armored mummies.

“Let's kick Tut!” Shouted Armon before rushing up to Set, bringing them into a test of strength. The bulldog snapped his teeth at the guardian’s ram helmet, trying to crush his rotted skull. Armon, with his formed golden appendage, lifted Set and tossed him over. The dog got back up, ready to pounce on him when Ja-Kal shot him with a burning arrow.

Rath and Anubis locked ancient magics with each other, pushing each other back and forth in a manner very familiar to the Crusaders and Sunset.

“Even two decades into the new millennia, you haven’t managed to find a way to keep your form indefinitely.” - Anubis added more power to his attack, straining the magic expert - “I will always be superior in magic!”

Such talk is moot when a bullwhip lashed around Anubis’ arm, pulling him away to the owner, Nefer-Tina.

“Still just your usual clutz of a dog, eh Anubis?” She chuckled before Anubis drew out a pair of long swords from his gauntlets, spinning himself free from his binding.

A distance from the precise location, Scarab and Heka watched from inside a rental car.

“Some things never change, Scarab.” The snake staff was brought over to her master’s face.

“And some things do, my pet.” - Scarab looked at the other side of the car - “Capture the Phoenix Bearer my Shabtis.”

On cue, several stone men carrying staffs began charging forth down the road. The sound of solid stone of pavement was very familiar to the Prince.

“We got company!” - Presley took out a weapon simply known as the Boomer-Ra - “Hope I've not gotten out of practice as well.”

With one swing, the weapon soared into the air, turning around in a long arc and beheaded three of the stone warriors. Before it could hit Sunset, Presley caught it.

“Still got it.” He chuckled, though it isn't enough for the multitude of Shabtis.

“Allow me.” Taking off her jacket, Sunset channeled her magic, revealing her ears, horn, and extended ponytail. With a deep breath, Sunset fired several sea green blasts, easily reducing the stone warriors to dust. But more still followed.

“Don’t fear her or the mummy’s magic,” - Scarab ordered as more of his foot soldiers charged forth - “fear my wrath if you fail!”

When the fight between mummy and dog was taken further into the woods, the Crusaders hid behind a dead tree after dead tree as their hiding places got snapped. It got worse when Ammut chased them down.

“Apple Bloom, you got your rope?” asked Scootaloo.

The fellow Crusader shuffled through her backpack, pulling out a twelve-foot long rope. Tying one end into a noose, the farmer hid behind a tree, letting the mismatched animal continue his chase. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo skidded to a halt at a fallen tree, their way back cut off by Ammut. The beast jumped at them before being pounced back by a much more feral Khati. The cat pinned the demon down long enough for Apple Bloom to tied the noose around Ammut's jaws and hogtied the legs.

“No reason to struggle, nothing can break my bonds.”

Set turned his eyes to Sunset and Presley as they began to be overrun. The bulldog materialized a staff, spinning it around before aiming the green gem at his prey.

“Nighty night!” Set fired a blast at Sunset, turning off her magic as she went into slumber.

“Mam!” Presley ran to her aid when Set came up from behind and tossed him aside.

The bulldog lifted Sunset onto his shoulder, signaling his partner with a howl. Anubis summoned another staff, this time with a pink gem, bringing out a shockwave that sent the Mummies flying and destroying the Shabti’s around them. Scarab chuckled at the sight of defeated mummies.

“Seems like they don't do well in foreign territory.” The former advisor rolled up the window, driving out of the neighborhood with the two humanized dogs following. Ja-kal got up onto his feet before assisting the one person he loved like a son.

“Are you all right, my Prince?”

Presley took his hand and got pulled up to his feet. “It has been a while since I have been called that.”

Underneath Ja-kals falcon hood, the guardian drew a smile.

“Enough of the pleasantries!” - Rath interrupted, pointing behind him - “Scarab has the Phoenix Bearer. If he absorbs it, he will have power we can't deal with.”

“Yes, Rath.” - Ja-Kal stepped towards the Hot Ra - “But we do not have a clue to where the ritual will be performed.”

“Maybe this could help?”

The mummies and Presley turned to find the Crusaders and Kahti pulling the bound Ammut. Presley turned to the tossed jacket and brought it before the demon. After a few sniffles from his crocodile head, Ammut calmed.

“It should be safe to untie him,” Rath turned to Nefer-tina “If you would do the honors?”

The armored woman approached the beast, frightening it by drawing forth her claws. Ammut whined as he heard his bonds get cut up. He still had a begging position as he looked at the stern faces of the Mummies.

“No tricks Ammut.” Armon placed his real fist under his golden hand, popping a few knuckles.

With a small gulp, the beast got up on all fours, sniffed the air and began his own hunt.

“Aw yeah! Now we got a rescue in the making!” Scootaloo raced over to the vehicle when Ja-Kal grabbed her hoodie.

“You three will remain here.”

“What?!” - Scootaloo shoved the armored limb aside- “And miss all the action?!”

“You have done quite enough to get us this far.” - Rath crossed his arms - “The last thing we want is to get you hurt.”

Knowing that Presley had done dangerous stuff at their age, Sweetie Belle asked, “But you have no problem bringing Presley along.”

“She does have a point.” Nefer-tina added.

“A clear one,” - Ja-Kal interrupted - “but only because it is our sworn to protect the Prince. Our answer is still no.”

The heroes of the west walked past the Crusaders, going inside the Hot Ra before driving clean away. The three girls stood there.

“At least give us a lift back!” - Scootaloo's shout echoed the neighborhood. No response, she groaned as she picked up her phone, noticing that there are no bars - “You got anything?”

Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom had their phones in their ears, waiting for someone to pick up before they answered, “Nope.”

“Great, we can't get Rainbow Dash and the Maximals to help them.”

“You mean the Rainbooms and the Maximals?” Apple Bloom added, raising an eyebrow.


“What if we do it ourselves?” - The two girls turned over to Sweetie Belle - “Apple Bloom Ponied up, why can't we?”

“Sweetie Belle, me ponying up was on accident. Sunset hasn't even taught us how.”

“What about a catchphrase?” - Sweetie Belle motioned to Cosgrove’s house - “The Maximals have one.”

Scootaloo face palmed herself, “Yeah, saying ‘Crusaders, Crusade’ won't work on us. Next thing for us to say is that ‘We would Make our Mark for Our Hearts are as Strong as Horses.’”

Without warning, light surrounded Scootaloo, carrying her up in the air before bringing a flashing light to their eyes. When the light faded, the farmer and the singer had their mouth agape.

“What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?”

Sweetie and Apple looked at each other before saying, “We will make our Mark for our Hearts are as Strong as Horses.”

Now it was Scootaloo’s turn to shield her eyes from the blinding light, showing the same reaction her fellow Crusaders gave her. They looked back and forth at their new acquired features their Pony counterparts have before squealing in delight.

“We Ponied up!” - they screamed, giving each other a high five - “Crusaders Forever!!”

Scootaloo began flapping her wings, squealing in delight as she waited to have her feet taken off the ground. Opening her violet eyes, she found she was only a foot higher, and moving around took more effort than she anticipated. She got back on the ground, panting like mad.

“This… Easier… When Rainbow and Petrie did it…”

Sweetie Belle looked at her surroundings, finding a wheelbarrow big enough for two, a few sets of wheels for Dapplewood’s bike. Her thought was interrupted when the door to Cosgrove’s house opened, revealing Tremor, rubbing his aged eyes while looking at the horizon.

“I could have sworn that I heard people and a couple dogs fighting.” - One thing his eyes have noticed are the Crusaders’ extended ponytails - “How long have you and your friends been growing out your hair, Apple Bloom?”

Scootaloo placed a hand over the farmer’s mouth before she could answer, but was unable to stop Sweetie Belle from answering, “Mr. Thunderfoot, can we use your tools and wheelbarrow?”

The aged person raised a brow before closing the door on them. Scoots was about to berate her when Tremor walked out holding the keys.

“Just make sure you lock the shed and put the key in the mailbox when you’re done.”

He handed Sweetie the keys before closing the door. With a little juggle in her hands, she turned to her fellow Crusaders.

“I got an idea.”

In part thanks to Apple Bloom’s craftsman skills, they renovated the wheelbarrow with the few spare training wheels and attached a harness to Scootaloo’s scooter. Sweetie placed the keys inside the mailbox, hopping into the wheelbarrow with Apple Bloom.

“Ya ready, girls?” - Asked Scootaloo, receiving an answer with a “mhmm” before she put on her goggles - “Let’s do it!” She began flapping her wings slowly, pushing the makeshift vehicle forward as her wings went from a slow flap to a speed like that of a bee. By the time they were out of Great Valley Drive, they’ve probably clocked around thirty miles per hour.

At the main part of the city, the Maximals themselves, and a couple honorary’s, just walked out of a movie theater, heading down towards a street crossing.

“So…” - Cosgrove looked back - “A better story than ‘Brave’, though the character designs don’t match the environment.”

“Sam Elliot was good as a T-rex.” Said Chelsey.

Tex, one of their “honorary” Maximals, and Chelsey’s date shrugged his shoulders, “Then again, anything is good with Sam Elliott.”

Once the crosslight displayed a white silhouette of a person walking, they began to cross when the Crusaders sped past them in such a muddled blur that only Zipper’s beast mode could pick up as the Crusaders.

Meanwhile near Bear Lake, Sunset was chained to a post, still unconscious from the Set’s sleep spell.

“So, we meet, at last, Phoenix Bearer.” - Sunset slowly awoke, her vision slowly improving as she saw Scarab in his darkened robes, holding Heka in his right hand, stretching a finger onto her chin - “Such a fitting face that you bear” - he looked down, noticing the scars on parts of her body - “the hardships you have endured all this time, only for you to meet your fate with me.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes, “I’ve been through it all… Losing a few parents, fighting demons, Sirens, a T. rex, and even… a friend.”

Such an honest boast was scoffed at, “Lose a few parents? A pity that you haven’t used your power to reincarnate them.” Scarab turned around and walked away from his item of sacrifice.

“And what about the Mummies?” - Sunset flicked her to her left - “They should be here at any moment with that vehicle of theirs.”

“No need for conclusions,” - Scarab waved his arm to the horizon - “my army of Shabti will hold them long enough to me to drain your power, and restore my youth.”

Sunset laughed a little, much to Heka’s musing.

“You seem to take being sacrificed quite well.” Hissed the snake staff.

“Sure, take my power to keep the grim reaper away for a few minutes.” - She stopped chuckling, returning to her stern face - “You just want to conquer the world because you quake in fear of death.”

“Silence!” - Scarab snarled as he gave Sunset a good smack on her cheek, before turning to Heka - “Keep your eyes on her…

Placing her down on the floor, the cobra slithered up the post, wrapping her coils around both post and Sunset’s neck, “You move, I strike. Grow a horn, I strike. Flick a pony ear, I strike.”

A distance from the ritual site, Set, and Anubis, along with ten Shabtis, stood guard when Ammut galloped forth, sitting down to pant. The bulldog began sniffing the air.

“I sense a perversion coming from you, Ammut.” Set snarled, scaring Ammut as he tucked his tail between his legs.

“Sorry.” - Anubis rubbed his snout again - “That bitter apple spray is still on me.”

“I have been uncomfortably aware of the foul stench, mutt.” - Set sniffed the air again - “This scent is different…”

The dog sniffed the air once more before flipping his ears as a flaming arrow zipped through the trees, just missing the dog and decapitating a Shabti, drawing their attention away.

“It’s Tut kicking time!” The dogs looking up to find Armon slamming into the ground, crushing several of the Shabti.

Anubis turned back to see Rath running at him, sword in arm, parrying the strike before calling upon his swords.

Set glared at the inattentive Ammut before kicking him aside, summoning a staff large enough to fit into both hands.

“No more Mr. Nice Doggy!” He and several Shabti charged at the mummies, the former taking on Ja-Kal and Armon with surprising grace and ferocity.

Scarab, hearing the chaos outside, turned back to his sacrifice, raising his palm right at her.

“Phoenix living in human flesh, give yourself to me!” - Scarab brought forth his magic at Sunset Shimmer, reaching into her body and bringing out the phoenix, much to Scarab’s delight - “Yes, ever rebirthing beast, surrender yourself to me, make my life… eternal!”

Sunset squirmed, gritting her teeth like her intestines were being ripped out as her hair became a faint hue of yellow.

Heka hissed in delight at Sunset’s pain when she picked up a faint sensation, as if… a moving vehicle. The cobra turned around, spotting the scooter-wheelbarrow gestalt land right on top of her. Scarab himself was just a claw away from achieving his dream when a much larger lasso wrapped around his body, cutting off his concentration. With exhausted eyes, Sunset watched the phoenix hovering before her. The firebird watched its vessel curl a smile before returning inside her, restoring her life essence.

“No!” Scarab tried to break free, but as Apple Bloom said before, the Apple Family Knot is among the best known, with each technique varying by individual.

“Cutie Mark Crusader Mummy Catchers!” The Crusaders gave each other a high five at their victory.

“Oh no…” Sunset muttered in the opposite tone.

The silence, aside from the battle outside, was interrupted by a violet glow. Scarab’s face became veiny, wrapping his arms around his body. The lasso bulged a little before snapping off completely. With a quick motion, he tore off his robes, revealing a more insect-like body, including an additional pair of arms. Topping it off with a carapace on his forehead and antennae on his shoulders, the enraged advisor turned his glowing eyes to the Crusaders.

Sweetie Belle, knowing she has a Unicorn horn, stepped in front of her fellow Crusaders. She ignited her horn, surrounding it in a grass green aura, then shot out her hand. But through that, only a small ring shot out, slowly reaching out and wrapping around Scarab before fading out.

“My turn.” - With his two larger arms, Scarab pinned the Crusaders to the floor, seeing the fear in their eyes - “Do not worry, children. I won’t kill you, just drain your life force to gain a few decades more.”

Just as Scarab was about to commence the act, the Boomer-Ra struck him on the head. The beetle turned around, seeing the much older Presley Carnovan catching the weapon.

“So, we meet once again my Prince.” - Scarab rubbed his spiraled beard - “Or should I say Pharaoh?”

“Leave the children and the Phoenix Bearer alone.” - He points to himself, winking at the Crusaders - “Take me instead.”

Scarabs’ frown drew back even more, “No tricks?”

“No tricks.”

Realizing his plan, the Crusaders snuck around Scarab as he prepared another ritual.

“Come to me, my King.”

Presley winced in pain as the spirit of the Pharaoh drew out of him, floating forth to Scarab.

Back at the battle, Armon had just finished off Set, sending him back to the Western Gate when he and his fellow guardians sensed Presley’s pain.

“Presley!” Shouted Nefer-Tina as she and the others ran towards the lake.

As the spirit of Rapses continued its transfer, the Crusaders pried open the chains, freeing Sunset, and worrying the pinned Heka.

“Scarab, the Bearer is freed!”

“No need for alarm,” - Sunset tried to activate her magic, but to no avail - “It will take some time for her to regain her strength!”

A boast too soon as Rath slammed his great sword onto Scarab’s arms, cutting off his concentration again, sending Rapses’ spirit back into its vessel.

“Think again, Scarab!” - Ja-Kal aimed a flaming arrow at Scarab.

Scarab looked around, seeing the four Mummies surrounding him.

“We will meet again.” - Scarab opened his carapace, fluttering his wings as he ascended to the air - “This has really gotten to the dogs.”

Before he could fly away, an aura of two hues of green surrounded him. Sweetie Belle tried her hardest at full power while Sunset gathered as much reserve she had. Ja-Kal recognized the opportunity and shot the arrow, sending the demonized human over the Rockies.

Silence filled the air when Heka pulled herself out from under the vehicle.

“Somethings never change.” She hissed before slithering into the forest.

“We have served the will of Pharaoh.” The Mummies returned to their former state.

“Is he gone?” asked Apple Bloom, as they have encountered opponents once in each situation.

Presley looked at the mountains as the moon illuminated the park.

“It’s been two decades, but I’m certain he’s powerful enough to escape the Western Gate.”

Back inside the portal beyond the Golden Gate Bridge, Scarab awoke in a world filled with sand and rock spires.

“Cherish your victory while you can, Rapses, I will return…”

“Yes Scarab, you always will.”

Scarab turned around, seeing Set, Anubis, Chantra, and Sekhmet before him.

“In the meantime” - Set popped his knuckles, snarling like mad - “get comfortable.”

Back at Estes Park, having strained herself on very little reserve, Sunset rubbed her head, “Thank you for helping me.” She looked at her hands “Me, being the Phoenix Bearer. Maybe I could reincarnate you four.”

“Actually, I was…” - Presley felt Ja-kals hand on his shoulder, shaking his head - “Er, no, that won’t be necessary.”

“Aw yeah!” - Scootaloo jumped, slowing her descent with a hover - “I can't wait for us to be out with Rainbow Dash!”

Sunset turned around, leaning her body to their height, an uneasy feeling making them droop their ears. Ja-Kal knew what the Phoenix Bearer was going at.

“After we rest in our sarcophagi, we will continue with your training.”

The following weekday, the Rainbooms and Maximals watched as the Crusaders practiced their martial arts on Armon in a secluded part of the school. Overhead, an overhead TV played the news channel, showing the recent news of Presley extending the exhibit for a few more days, himself saying that the exhibit was very well received to allow this. Even with the previous weekend of intense training, the one-limbed mummy proved too much as he flipped each Crusader aside.

As they rubbed their sore spots, Sunset loomed over them again.

“You work with us. You abide by our rules. One, you give us everything you got. Then you give us more. And lastly, we make the rules.”

Another shadow loomed over them, Applejack’s shadow.

“That first one’s a doozy.” She said. Ammut, who was left behind, stood up and barked, adding to the importance of rule one.

And with that, Armon wiped the sweat from his brow before his belly grumbled.

“Are those Phill’s Grills Burgers here yet?” - Cosgrove handed him a bag. Taking in the sweet spice scent of the gestalt food, the guardian sat down, reached for the wrapped burger, tearing it opened with his teeth. In one bite, he chomped up half of the sandwich, chewing it as much as his stuffed cheeks could allow, dimpling his cheeks - “Not bad, still like the Beefy Burgers, though.”

Hearing that made the Colorado natives grimace a little, Presley, Ja-Kal, and Nefer-Tina laughed while Rath rolled his eyes.

Back at Crystal Prep, Sombra, in this world, their gym teacher, looked over the grades of his students. In a school with great expectations, it is no surprise that only twelve of the best athletic students were part of the Friendship Games… Out of two hundred.

He slammed his fist onto his desk, shaking the coffee mug and sorted folders. “Weak! Out of those twelve, only one was a student of mine!” - Sombra growled - “Even before that tie, the athletic department had some fine students.”

“And you can have it too.” - Sombra looked around, finding no one who was speaking to him. That is, until he felt something in his leg, Heka to be exact. - “Don’t worry, I’m not here to kill.”

Slithering up to the desk, the serpent rested on her coils.

“I can offer my expertise on getting your students in tip-top shape.”

Sombra, not easily convinced, leaned one arm on the desk, “And what can a talking fire hose offer?”

One insult too many, Heka’s mouth steamed before exhaling flames straight at one of the emergency shower heads, bringing on a tempest rivaled only by the shrilling bell. While Sombra wasn’t there during the Friendship Games, this is his firsthand contact with a magical being. He leaned onto his desk again, drawing a toothy grin.

“I’m listening…”

Comments ( 3 )

Is the guy in the picture Scarab? If not, then who is he and where is he from?


Yup, that's Scarab.:eeyup: That's his usual garb which he often tears off when he transforms.

It's been a while since i have seen the cartoon ..... the good old times xD

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