• Published 9th Feb 2016
  • 14,859 Views, 1,899 Comments

The Story of Twilight Glow - Jeweled Pen

What if Twilight had been born an earth pony and not a unicorn? No school for gifted unicorns, no burst of magic when she got her cutie mark and, most importantly, no student of Celestia. What fate awaits Equestria?

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S1 CH 17. Sorry?!!

Twilight gave a soft yawn before crawling away from her desk and stretching. She felt pretty good, all things considered. She'd been in town for a few days and been working to coordinate times for the gala preparations with Pinkie, Rarity and Applejack. She'd sent in a few letters to let Nightmare Moon know that both a party planner and caterer had been found. The crown was hoofing the bill for the hotel room she and Spike were staying in as well.

She'd made excellent progress on the book and was, for the first time in a long while, able to relax. No fears of being tortured or torn apart. She'd even been picking up newspapers each morning and, to her surprise, she wasn't being featured in any of them.

Instead there was a lot of talk about vampires, werewolves and shades. She wasn't too surprised, it was fresh news for everypony. Ponies seemed to be taking it well. For now. Mostly. There had been a few freak outs, but no mass riots. Though she was a bit disturbed by the fact a few ponies were claiming they were fired and the like for their condition. She wondered if there were laws to protect these ponies. Would they count as a disease?

She'd received a few letters from Nightmare Moon as well. They'd seemed... odd. Asking when she would return. How long until her duties would be finished. Twilight had tried to brush them off, but there was something about the letters that nagged at her. Something she felt she was missing. If she didn't know better, she'd think the tyrant missed her.

She hummed and looked to Spike, who was sleeping in his own bed. He seemed to be taking it to heart, being her assistant. It was better than being her pet, at least. He was such a sweet, cute thing. She couldn't imagine anypony wanting to hurt him. Despite his youth he had already made himself practically invaluable to her. She'd even sent him down to the store before realizing how far away it was. But, to her relief, the collar never activated. She wondered if it would only activate when they were near Nightmare Moon. She wouldn't put it past the mare to make something like that.

Fluttershy was doing much better now as well. Though the yellow pegasus wasn't talking much, if at all. They'd managed to fix up her home and make sure she was feeling better. Applejack and Rarity had been furious with Twilight for not telling them immediately what happened, but Rainbow apparently managed to calm them down. She'd managed to have a few meals with all four of them and Pinkie a few times. The pink, bouncy mare had even tried to throw her a party but she'd refused. But she did allow her to throw one for Spike.

That had been interesting. He'd come home at... well, she assumed it was a late hour. Smelling of hot sauce and apple juice. But he'd had fun and that was all that mattered. She trotted to the door and turned off the light, intending to go get something to eat. She'd been working on the book long enough.

However, when she turned the light off, something grabbed her hoof. She let out a scream and tried to pull back, flinging the door open and sending light from the hallway inside. The shade disappeared, though Spike shot up.

“What? Who? What?” the dragon asked, looking around blearily before falling back down and snoring.

Twilight stared, her heart hammering. After a few moments she slowly stepped back into the room and gently closed the door, dimming the room enough for the shade to reappear. It pointed a hoof at her. “Are... you here to attack me?” she asked with a squeak.

It shook its head.

“Do you... is this about Nightmare Moon?”

It nodded.

“... Is this her way of saying she wants me to come home?”

It nodded once again.

“Of course it is. Can't just send me a letter, that'd be too easy. No, instead nearly give me a heart attack. Okay, please let her know I'll be on a train there soon. I--”

It shook its head.

“Err... train won't work? Is she sending somepony to retrieve me?”

It nodded its head before pointing to itself.

“You... are... to... retrieve me? How does that wor--”

The shade lunged out and the next thing she remembered was being sent hurtling through darkness and ice water.

A moment later she appeared in a dark room, her eyes wide with horror and legs clutched to her body. She could feel the cold chill of death, or at least that was what it felt like, wash over her flesh.

“W-what... what was that?” she asked with a squeak. “I-I need... I need S-Spike too, he can't--”

A moment later he was dumped on her. He let out a squeak and held her, his eyes wide with horror. “W-what was that?” he asked, trembling. “I-it felt like... like... being dragged through a grave.”

“I-I don't know,” she said softly, staring at the shade. “My... my books are there as well. I ummm... I need them. My research and... and notes.”

There was a moment before the shade seemed to disappear from existence. After a few more moments the papers appeared at her hooves. “T-thank you...”

The shade appeared a moment later and gave a quick nod, before disappearing once again. Spike looked up. “Let’s never, ever do that again. Okay?”

She looked down at him and nodded. “Agreed.” She gave him a quick hug, shuddering weakly and just holding him for a few minutes. Then, finally, she got to her hooves shakily and slowly started walking towards the doorway. They were inside the castle, one of the many empty rooms. It didn’t take her long to arrive in the throne room. “Y-your highness?” she managed to squeak out.

“Ah! Bard! You’ve returned to me!” Nightmare Moon said, her eyes glimmering. Wait, me? That sent another shudder through her spine.


“We have read your notes! You have managed to procure a skilled and talented party planner for our wonderful gala?”

“I don’t know how skilled and talented she is yet, but she’s willing,” Twilight said nervously.

“I think she’s pretty skilled,” Spike said.

“There you go, a glowing review. Sorta.” She gave a shrug, staring up at the mare, thrown off balance by how chipper the alicorn seemed. A word she never thought she'd use to describe the mare.

“Ah. Well, that will suffice. I’m sure if you have chosen her, she will not disappoint.”

Twilight nodded in confusion. There was an 'I' there. “Okay? Was… that… everything?”

“Hmmm?” Nightmare Moon asked, before glancing down at Moondancer. She looked as shocked as Twilight felt. “You may leave us.”

“Your highness?”

“Did we stutter?”

“Oh! No, err, a-as you wish, my lady,” the mare said before quickly galloping out of the room, giving Twilight an apologetic look.

The earth pony just stared in confusion, cocking her head to the side. Something seemed off. Once the other mare was out of the room, the door slammed shut behind her and Twilight eeped. She turned back and watched it warily. “Your highness? Have I displeased you?”

The mare of the night glanced down. “Perhaps your pet had best leave as well?”

Alarm bells went off in her head. Oh no. Something had definitely gone wrong. She did not want Spike in the middle of it. “Spike, could you go wait outside?”

“W-what? But she--”

“Please, Spike.”

The dragon looked down before slowly nodding. He hobbled off, leaving Twilight alone with that mare. Once he was outside, she heard the door clicked closed. “Your highness?”

The mare moved forward, standing over Twilight imposingly. The earth pony couldn’t help but feel nervous as the mare stared down at her. Finally, with a deep breath, the mare began. “Twilight, our bard. We… I… am so sorry.”

“Eh?” She had no words.

“When you told us of what happened to your friend, we were besides ourselves. We assure you, we had no intention for ANY of this to happen. When we sent our creatures to watch your friends, we merely wished for them to observe for a short while, to… determine how loyal they were to us. If they would be considered a threat or not. We had no idea, nor intention, that such a thing would happen. For this ordeal we offer our most sincere apologies and we do pray you can forgive us for our mistake.”

Twilight blinked, her mouth nearly hitting the floor. She’d gone over this conversation a hundred times in her mind. She’d imagined herself screaming at the mare, telling her off, yelling at her, asking how she could have put her friends in such danger, asking if she even cared.

But here Nightmare Moon was. Asking, nay, begging for forgiveness. Twilight couldn’t figure out how to react. How did a pony react? Should she comfort the mare? Tell her everything would be alright? “You should tell this to Fluttershy,” she finally said.

“What? But--”

“She’s the one who is suffering for this. She’s the one who… died. Not me. Not you. Her. She’s the one who has to pay the consequences for what you did. If there is anypony you owe an apology to, it’s her.”

Nightmare Moon stared down at her and, for a moment, she was afraid she’d misstepped. Had she gone too far? Was telling the mare in the moon to apologize too much? Her back tingled with worry. Finally, the alicorn nodded. “Very well, bard. You are correct. We shall apologize and have her brought here immed--”

“No,” Twilight said, pressing her luck for some reason. “You should go to her.”

“W-what? She is our subject! She should, nay, must come to us!”

“You literally killed her. The LEAST you can do is go and see her while she’s getting better.” There was a sentence she never thought she’d say. She wondered if she could use it in a book sometime. No, too cheesy. Any story that had a line like that she couldn’t imagine would have many readers.

The alicorn glared down at her before finally relenting. She gave a small nod. “Very well. We will… apologize to this mare. Personally. As soon as we are able we shall make the trip down there.”

“Good, thank you. Now, ummmm… about the shades?”


“Can they all do that teleporting thing?”

“Travel through the shadows? No, we’re afraid not. Only a select few can. Well… only a select few can take others with them.”

“Ah, good. Never do that to me again.”

“We are sorry?”

“That was absolutely horrifying! It felt like I was being dragged through my own grave! I didn’t even think something could feel that way, but you learn something new every day!”

The mare blinked a few times before nodding. “We… we see. As you wish.”

“And I want you to give me your word that, if anything ever does happen to me, you won’t hurt Spike when I’m gone. Even if you can’t send him back home to the dragon lands, you’ll make sure he is at least well fed and taken care of here, perhaps with a new keeper.” She knew she was pushing her luck, but she had to at least try.

“Our word is given.”

Twilight just stared, her mouth falling open. That was easy. That was way, way too easy. She’d expected yelling, howling, rage. Instead she received kindness. She just stared. Who was this pony and what had she done with her Nightmare Moon? And would it be permanent? “T-thank you. Your highness. And… my friends will no longer be spied on?”

There was a long moment of silence but then, finally, the alicorn nodded. “Agreed. Those who… met with them assure us that they are of no threat to you, or the crown.”

“You thought they were a threat to me?” she asked in confusion. “Why?”

“They were close to you. We were worried they may have tried to turn you against us.”

Twilight just stared. “And that’s why… you sent them? Not because you were afraid they'd turn on you, but because you were afraid they'd turn me on you?” She felt something bubbling up within her.

“Indeed, because--”

“YOU DIDN’T TRUST ME?!” Twilight roared. The alicorn was taken aback, her eyes wide. Ah, rage, her old friend.

“W-what? No! We merely--”

“You just said it yourself! You were afraid they’d turn me against you! Do you really think if there was a chance of me rebelling I wouldn’t have by now? You’ve had me WHIPPED! WHIPPED! Do you even understand how painful that was? How much I had to suffer for that? And you think after all of that, I’m going to suddenly decide ‘I need to start a rebellion, let’s go get my friends involved! Yeah, we can all hang together!’”

“W-we wouldn’t--”

“No, of course not, because I’m not stupid! It’s great to know how you really see me, though, Is that what you’re thinking? What you’re hoping? That one day I’ll misstep and then, bang, you’ll have me. Execute the bard! Now she can never tell the world of how I did something or other! When have you ever needed justification for anything you've done? Why don't you just do it?”

The princess took another step back, shaking her head. “No, we merely--”

“Well, rest assured, princess, the only pony who has done ANYTHING to hurt my loyalty is you. Mine and every other pony you’ve ever claimed to care about. No wonder nopony liked your nights! You were probably always threatening to drop the stars on them or some other insane threat!”

The princess actually lowered her eyes, taking another step back. “We… we’re sorry, we--”

“Oh, but don’t worry your pretty little head, Nightmare Moon. I’m not planning to betray you at all. What would be the point? We all know how powerful you are. We aren’t going to beat you in some blast of, I don’t know, rainbows and starlight. No, we’re stuck with you, one way or another. So if you have any more problems and thoughts of mistrust, how about next time you pull up your big mare stockings and come to me, rather than putting my FRIENDS in danger!” she snapped, before turning and storming out. Or rather… trying to. The door refused to budge. She then realized who she’d just screamed at. Again. She’d been doing that too often lately. How was she not dead yet? She still felt pretty good, though. She wondered if she was developing anger problems. Maybe she should see a therapist. Assuming she lived through the next few minutes.

She slowly turned back and saw the princess of the night. Her eyes were downcast and her wings were folded neatly on her back. Rather than looking ready to strike, she just sat there. Completely still. Finally, she lifted her wing and the door lock unclicked. “You… may leave… if you so wish.”

Twilight stared at the mare. She felt the sudden urge to comfort her. She took a slight step forward. “Y-your highness. I never meant--”

“We both know exactly what you meant.” Nightmare Moon shook her head. “We… are aware of how our subjects view us. How they… fear us,” she mumbled softly. “We have seen the papers that all of you so desperately try to hide from us.”

Twilight blinked a few times, her mouth falling open. “You… have?” How was every newspaper stand from here to Manehatten not smoldering ash?

“Indeed. We know of what the ponies say in the shadows, when they think we are not listening. But… you do not.”

“I don’t?”

“No. You… often will tell us to our face. Though there is no doubt in our minds that you fear us, you are the only one who will step forward to… tell us how we have failed or… misstepped. When we have gone too far. Your… council is… We… very much appreciate it. For you to lash out in such a manner means we have misstepped greatly and for that, we apologize. We… will try not to do so again.”

Twilight stared at the mare again, too shocked for words. She tried to think of something, anything to say. But nothing came to mind. “T-thank you, your highness.” She paused and eyed her. “May… I ask a question, your highness?”

“You may ask whatever you please.”

“Did you not want me to leave? When I went to Ponyville?” She thought back to when she had asked permission. Had it been possible the princess had actually been pouting?

Her eyes went wide and Nightmare Moon actually looked away. “I-I do not care where you go! It makes no difference to me so long as I still have your council.”

Twilight just gaped, watching the princess of darkness fidget. Actually fidget. Today was turning out to be the strangest day. As much fun as it was to watch the nightmare squirm, she knew it would be best not to let it linger and quickly moved onto a simpler topic that she'd been curious about. “The land, the plants. They aren’t… dying. But the sun isn’t there. Where… ummm… how?”

The mare blinked and looked confused. “Is it not obvious? We have used our sister’s magic and sent it into the land, allowing it to maintain the nutrients needed to feed our people. Of what point would taking over Equestria be, if all of our ponies then died of starvation?”

Twilight’s mouth fell open. Magical agriculture, she didn’t know how she didn’t think of that. She rubbed her chin for a moment. “Considering the earth pony side of an alicorn and our own innate power to help the land grow, that of an...” Her eyes went wide with shock. “O-oh. Wow. That… wow. I… can’t believe I hadn’t thought of that.”

“During times of drought or famine, we would often send our magic into the land to… expedite the growth of food. We would never, ever allow our ponies to starve.”

“And you didn't use Tirek for this?”

“Again, our sister's power is similar to our own. Of what need of we of his powers for such a thing?” She shook her head. “No. We did not use his powers.” Her eyes looked off to the side. “And... she was... willing to aid us in this endeavor so has resisted little.”

She nodded, though she couldn't help staring. Finally, she turned away before she'd be tempted to test her luck further. “I'd... best return to my duties. I have a book to finish. If there's nothing else? Have there been any more... whippings?”

“Not as of late, no,” the ruler said. “There have been a few... rebellions, but we have dealt with them accordingly. Minor things. Nothing you need write about.”

“Of course,” Twilight said with a low sigh before stepping out of the room.

Spike looked up, his eyes going wide. “You're okay!” He raced forward and gave her a hug. Before irking and quickly turning around, crossing his arms. “I-I mean, I knew you'd be fine. Not like I was worried or anything.”

Twilight blinked a few times more in confusion, before shaking her head. She then reached out and patted him on the head. “I'm sorry to worry my number one assistant,” she said with a chuckle.

“Why do you keep calling me that? I thought I was supposed to be your pet or something?”

She nodded. “You were. But... what's the point of that? You're still a po... you're still a person. Even if you're not a pony. You don't deserve to be just a pet. So... I think assistant works nicely. And I think you're a spectacular assistant. The greatest one I have ever had. Don't you agree?”

His cheeks burned red and he looked off to the side, blushing. “I-I guess... kinda... y-yeah. Just a bit. I-I don't see why you're so like... trying, though. Not like it makes any difference. Assistant or not, it's not like I'm allowed to go anywhere.”

“A-actually I... had a little talk with Nightmare Moon. She's agreed that... if anything happens to me, you'll be well taken care of, if not returned to the dragon lands.” She then paused. “Shoot! I should have just told her to send you back! Ugh, I had her in one of her good moods, too! I'm sorry, Spike.”

He blinked and stared up at her, before shaking his head. “S-so I have to stay here a bit longer? Fine, whatever. Not like I'm in any rush to get home or anything. And I guess chilling out with all of you ponies is kind of... okay. Not the totally worst thing to ever happen to me. I guess. Kinda.”

Twilight stared at him, cocking her head to the side. She was certain it was her imagination, but a small part of her couldn't help but imagine that he, possibly, actually wanted to be here. But that had to be her mind playing tricks on her. She was sure of it. “Come on,” she said finally, trotting off.

“Hmmm? Why? Where we going?”

“I wanna stop by the library and pick up a few things, then head down to the dungeons.”


“Someone I haven't seen in a while. I've received messages that he has been declining what I've sent him.”


Twilight gave a light shudder when she made her way down the stairs into the dungeon, her saddlebags filled with all manner of books. Spike was waiting for her at the top, going through an old comic. He didn't seem to be able to fully read yet, but he liked the pictures and she could teach him later.

“Tirek?” she called out once her hooves hit the bottom steps.

“Oh by the stars, my torment begins anew. What do you want?” an annoyed voice asked.

She grinned and trotted over. “Grouchy as ever, I see,” she said with a smile before dumping out the books in front of her. “Now, you've been turning away the stuff I've had sent to you, so I need to ask a few questions.”


“First, can you read pony script?”

“... Yes,” he grumbled.

“How well?”

“Well enough. Is this going to take long? I am in the midst of teaching a spider how to harness its dark powers to enslave the other insects of this realm.”

“... Really?”

“No, but it would be more interesting than this conversation.”

“It honestly would. Okay, so you can read. That's good. Now, what kinds of things do you like to read?”

“I don't wish to read anything of yours. Leave me, pony.”

She sighed again. Perhaps a different approach was needed here. “Tirek... how long have you been imprisoned?”

“For far longer than even your Nightmare Moon walked these lands. Of what is it to you?”

“I'm sorry,” she said, looking up at him.

“For bothering me? You should be.”

“No. That you've been locked away for so long. Nopony deserves that.”

There was a long moment of silence as the centaur stared at her. “I'm... sorry?”

“I don't know how you feel. I can't even begin to comprehend how lonely that must have been. I know how upset Nightmare Moon is, having been locked away for a thousand years. I see it in nearly everything she does. And... now you're in the same situation. Locked away and helpless. And I'm sorry. If I could free you, I would.”

The aged centaur stared at her before, slowly, rolling to his hooves. He walked over, towering over her with narrowed eyes. “Do not mock me, pony.”

“I'm not.”

“Were I released, I would drain you in a second. I would suck every ounce of power from your body, leaving you a helpless husk.”

She sighed and gave a nod. “Perhaps. But then you'd be imprisoned again. At least then you'd likely deserve it. And maybe you could be trapped here, where you could have visitors.”

There was another long moment of silence and the centaur stared down at her. Finally, he spoke up. “You truly do not think I deserve my fate?”

“You may have deserved it for a time. But to be trapped alone for so long? No. I don't believe anypony deserves that. I couldn't even begin to imagine what that would do to a pony's mind. Never having anypony? Trapped in that... place? I mean, even most of our prison terms don't last, can't last, that long.”

The centaur stared down at her for a few moments before turning away and shaking his head. “You are a stupid, insignificant pony. I can't imagine why Nightmare Moon tolerates such a creature.” He trotted back towards his bed.

“Honestly, I don't know why she does either,” Twilight muttered. “But... who knows? Maybe one day I can convince her to let you out. At least if you do something bad, you can be sentenced in a way more... fitting, maybe. And who knows? Maybe if you were out a bit more, you'd find something you like more than just power.”

He snorted. “Unlikely.”

The earth pony sighed and started gathering up her books. “I see. I did mean it, though. I don't think... anypony deserves this. I'm sorry for what's happened to you, Tirek.” She worked in silence after that, filling up her bags and then turning away.



“I like history books.”

She stared for a moment, then her eyes glimmered. “Okay! I'll have all the best ones sent down, okay? I know a great selection of them, actually. I majored in history, you know. Well, Equestrian history. I only minored in dragon and griffon and assorted. Though I was--”

“Please stop talking before I regret this decision.”

“Err, right. I'll have some sent down,” she said happily before trotting towards the stairs. Progress! Actual progress! She couldn't help being proud. She made a mental note to send a dictionary down as well, just in case he needed it.

“Your princess isn't in the moon.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Celestia. She's not in the moon.”

The earth pony froze in place and turned back. “Wait. You... know where she is?” she asked softly.

“No. Not... exactly. But I can feel her. I know she... is close. Nearby. Perhaps in this very castle. Or at least in this city.”

Twilight gulped and gave a nervous nod. “And... you're sure?”

“Tracking ponies such as you is my... specialty, you could say. I would not be wrong.”

Twilight nodded, before turning away. “Thank you,” she said gently before making her way back up the stairs, her mind spinning. Was he just messing with her? Why would Nightmare Moon keep Celestia here of all places? She'd been all over the castle. Aside from a few restricted sections. She gulped nervously and made a mental note. She'd need to explore even more than she already had been. But first she had to get Spike and have more books sent down to the Centaur. Just because he was a prisoner didn't mean he had to suffer.


Twilight smiled down at the dragon who was nestled comfortably in her lap. “And Z is for zipper, a strange garment choice that often pinches,” she said with a nod.

He nodded, giving a little yawn. “That book was stupid...”

“Perhaps. But you need to learn to read and this is how I did it. Don't you think the comics will be a lot more fun if you can understand what they're saying?”

He gave a shrug. “I guess? Maybe?”

She smiled. “Well, I talked to the librarian. You are to have free reign, any of the books there you want to read you can just go and grab, okay?”

“Hmmm? Really?”

She nodded. “Of course. Just try not to grab too many at once, okay? And be careful. Some of them are really old.”

He shrugged. “Okay. Can I go back to my comics?”

“Of course. Here. How about for the next one, I read it to you? Or we can try reading it together?”

He shrugged. “Okay...”

She nodded and smiled at him, though once his back was to her the smile became a frown. She could clobber that dragon lord of his in the face. Spike couldn't even fully read, he could make out most of the letters and a lot of the sounds, but he wasn't at all prepared to read actual books. And yet he'd been sent into a foreign country and expected to just get himself killed. Had the dragon thought that Nightmare Moon would show mercy on the baby dragon? Then he'd been a foal.

She blinked a few times and rubbed her chin. Had he planned for this, perhaps? For somepony else to step in and save him? Ponies did have a bit of a reputation, she was sure. Or did he expect that Nightmare Moon really was like Celestia and would balk at the idea of killing some other creature?

Either way, she wanted to buck that creature straight in the face. A creature like that should not be leading others, let alone an entire species. She sighed and as the next comic was brought over, she slowly began guiding him in the words. “So, the Power Ponies...”

Author's Note:

Okay, so I did resubmit last chapter to better, well, hopefully do Pinkie Pie. Hope you guys enjoyed it. And here... wellll... I tried to show a bit more. Here's hoping everything was written well. All in all, enjoy, last chapter for a bit until I get a few more written and edited up.

Don't forget, the contest is still going on! The gala is fast approaching and the end of the contest with it, so if you want to enter, best start soon. Thanks!

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