• Published 12th Feb 2016
  • 2,279 Views, 25 Comments

The Mares' Vengeance Pact - Lise

The news of Discord's new fiancée has quickly spread throughout Ponyville. However, not all are pleased with his choice of mare...

  • ...

The Mares' Vengeance Pact

Twilight's hoof hesitantly approached the door. This was the third time now, and she still didn't feel any more certain than before.

No. No, no, no! She shook her head. This is silly! I have no reason to be here. Uh-uh. Not a single reason. Absolutely no reason at all!

Her hoof moved back a bit, but still not fully away. Part of her wanted to go through with this, wanted it so badly...

I am not that type of mare. Twilight struggled with herself. I am better than this! Surely there's been a mistake. There must have. And even if there wasn't, I am a perfectly reasonable pony and would accept his decision, regardless of my personal feelings on the matter!

"Hello, Twilight." The door cracked open, causing the alicorn to let out a frightened scream. "We have been expecting you."

"Err, yes, about that." Twilight took a few steps back, sweating. "I—"

"Come in, Twilight," the voice said, tempting her. "We have much to talk about."

Swallowing heavily, Twilight obeyed. I can leave anytime I like, she kept telling herself, yet with each step she no longer was certain she actually would. Once fully inside, the door slowly creaked shut.

"You have heard the news, I expect?" a new voice asked from the darkness, this one far less creepy than the first. "And since you are here, you want to do something about it."

"I actually—" Twilight began nervously.

"Something spooooky about it," the first voice interrupted.

"Oh, Pinkie pie, do grow up!" the second voice scolded. "And do pull open the curtains! I can hardly work under these conditions!"

A series of sliding sounds followed and light entered the Carousel Boutique once more. Pinkie Pie and Rarity were there — Twilight’s would be co-conspirators. Both had received Discord's letter, and both had responded favorably... just as Twilight had. Learning of the fact had come as quite the shock. For one thing, Twilight had believed herself to be the only one. Literary fluttering with joy, she had gone straight to Carousel Boutique to share the news with Rarity. The fashionista was always interested in gossip, not to mention really good at giving romantic advice. Yet, before Twilight had managed to share her secret, Rarity had spoken of hers. Apparently she too was interested in Discord, and in fact was in the process of moving out to live with him. And if things couldn't get more awkward, Pinkie Pie had appeared out of nowhere complaining that Discord might not be a virgin.

"I'm so glad you came to your senses, darling." Rarity smiled, putting the final touches on a pegasus wedding dress. "You were quite in denial last time we spoke."

In denial... right. That was the polite version of those events. In truth Twilight had screamed her head off, transformed all mannequins in the boutique to oranges, then shouted that nopony understood anything, and declared that she and Discord were destined to be together. To think she had even gone to the post office to complain about there being a mixup in the mail. Some of the mailmares were still recovering in hospital...

"So did you think how you would like to punish him?" With extreme caution, Rarity placed a large sapphire on the dress’ headpiece. "I personally think pins and needles would be a fabulous start. That would certainly remind him how much pain he has caused us."

"Turn him into stone and make a three dee puzzle of him!" Pinkie shouted, hopping joyously. "And then take a piece out and put it in another puzzle! You know how annoying it gets when you have all the pieces of a puzzle, but you end up missing one, and then you go crazy searching for it, but you can't find it, because it isn't in the puzzle, but it’s in another puzzle—"

"Pinkie, dear, we do get the point," Rarity sighed. "And please be a darling and fetch me the horseshoes. I really do have to get this dress ready before four if I am to have time to plan any serious revenge. On that note, don't you have a party to prepare for? Screwball has incredibly high standards, you know."

"Pfft!" Pinkie waved a hoof. "We've been through it like a thousand times. I even sent a few letters to Cheese for additional advice. This is going to be the most super unimaginably great wedding party ever!" She started hopping in place, unable to contain her excitement.

You sure recover quickly. Twilight arched a brow. When Vinyl had shared the news that Octavia was in fact the one moving out with Discord, Pinkie had deflated faster than a balloon sliced in half. It had been so bad that Twilight had to levitate her to Sugarcube Corner. And look at her now — fit as always, and planning another party alongside her revenge plot. Yay for multitasking, apparently.

"Really, Pinkie Pie, some more elegance is needed." Rarity shook her head. "This is to be crime born of passion, so to speak. Bows, pins and needles are far more refined and painful." She slammed her hoof on the floor with an ominous smile. "Do you have any input on the matter, Twilight?"

Twilight twitched. "Now, girls, I know the last days have been difficult for all of us, but surely we can move beyond this?" Although it would be so nice to tear off that worm's wings! The way he toyed with my heart as if it's a joke! That was no laughing matter! And to think he would choose anypony other than me... "As unfortunate as it is, Discord has made his choice and—"

"We shall punish him for it!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully while juggling knives.

"There!" Rarity put the final touches on the dress and took a step back. It was a masterpiece to behold — a sky blue and white wonder that when looked from the just the right angle became black and gold. Truly her greatest creation yet, but then again, every next creation was Rarity's greatest yet.

"You see, darling," the unicorn said, moving to another dress — a short and sweet purple and magenta thing adorned with enough chaos amethysts to distort space — "as much as you are correct, there simply are some things that cannot be forgiven. Like choosing that plain mare Octavia instead of me! Us, I meant to say us."

"Sure you did," Twilight said, narrowing her eyes.

"Girls!" Rainbow Dash literally flew into the boutique. "You gave to help me! I had a talk with Screws and—" She suddenly stopped, looking at the blue dress. For several seconds she hovered around, examining it critically. A long series of "hmmms" followed, accompanied by the occasional lifting of various parts of the dress.

"Anything the matter, Rainbow?" Rarity asked, annoyed. "And if you ask me again to add a shade of pink to the dress, I'll tie you in it and kick you all the way to Cloudsdale!"

"Nah, colour's fine." The Pegasus waved a hoof dismissively. "It's just that it's a dress."

Breathing rhythmically, Rarity slowly turned around to provide her full attention. Twilight could clearly see her left ear twitching. This was never a good sign.

"It is a wedding dress for your wedding day!" Rarity tried her utmost to remain calm. "You are having a wedding, remember?"

"Right, right," Rainbow Dash hovered to the other side of the dress. "But why do I get the dress? It's girly and uncool and..." She waved her forehooves about while talking. "Can't you, you know, make it more me?"

"Darling, if you recall, the last time you were here, one hour ago, you insisted on it being a dress." Rarity's left eye was twitching as well. "That's what I have done! As well as change the colours, design and materials. Or maybe I should have another talk with Screwball on the matter? I know she would be far more understanding, given the circumstances!"

"No, no need!" The pegasus quickly backed away towards the door. "It's all cool. Very cool. I'm sure Screws will be happy." And with nothing more, she dashed out of the boutique.

"Honestly!" Rarity grumbled. "I would have thought Rainbow Dash of all ponies would handle this a bit better. She's worse than Sweetie Belle when she was searching for her cutie mark! I suppose marriage does bring the most unexpected side in all of us, doesn't it?"

I should have been the one Rarity was making a wedding dress for, Twilight thought bitterly. She had already planned everything from the moment she sent Discord a reply. The draconequus was supposed to have proposed, she to have accepted, and both be off to Canterlot to have a royal wedding, just like Cadence and her brother had had. Instead, Discord hadn't bothered even sending a rejection letter, and Twilight had been talked into planning the wedding between Rainbow Dash and Discord's eldest daughter. Fate really liked to play tricks on ponies at times. Although...

"Twilight!" A high-pitched yell made her jump three feet into the air. "You thought of something, didn't you? Didn't you?" Pinkie pie started hopping around her like a kangaroo on a pogo stick.

"Don't be ridiculous, Pinkie!" The alicorn flapped her way back to the floor. "I am beyond such petty matters. Although, maybe we might use a time spell to go back a few days and send letters from every pony in Ponyville telling Discord how much they hate him. That should be enough to make him reconsider who he sends letters to."

"Time-looping for greater justice?" Pinkie Pie smiled. "Am liking it! Go on."

"Well, if we go into the past and prevent Octavia from sending the letter to Discord, he would never think of sending her a reply. That way he'll focus his attention on us! Or even better — we could go back and send him letters first and clearly show Discord our true feelings. That way he wouldn't have to send letters, and will know who to look for!"

"Ah, yes, quite well thought out." Rarity continued carefully engraving "Screwball" on a silver horseshoe. "However, I see two problems with that plan."

"That my actions might lead to unforeseen consequences, leading a rift in time and multiple possible futures, each with devastating effects?" Twilight asked.

"No, darling." The engraving of the first horseshoe done, Rarity then moved onto the next. "That way Discord doesn't get to suffer. Also, since only you can go back in time, what is to guarantee that you won't send just one letter and conveniently forget about us?"

"What? I would never!" Twilight said defensively, drops of sweat covering her forehead. Darn you, Rarity! I was hoping you wouldn't catch that!

"I am certain." The unicorn gave her an accusatory look and went back to engraving horseshoes.

"Well, I—" Twilight began, but was interrupted by Rainbow Dash flying into the boutique again.

"I remembered!" The pegasus dashed right up to Rarity. "Screwball will be having wings at the ceremony."

"Oh, come on!" Rarity yelled enraged. "I go through all the trouble to make the perfect short skirt for an earth pony, and now you tell me she'll be having wings?!"

"It wasn't easy convincing her, okay?" Rainbow Dash frowned. "You've no idea the things I had to do to get her even to try having wings!" She did, however, blush as she spoke. "Wings are really, like, the coolest things there are, you know. Plus, when we snuggle in the clouds, we—"

"We get the picture." Rarity rolled her eyes. Beside her, Pinkie Pie was grinning widely, while Twilight have moved a few steps away, behind the safety of a mannequin. "And this is the last and final change? The very last change? You are aware, I still have several dozen more dresses to make for the bridesmaids, the best mare, as well as friends and family?"

"Promise." Rainbow Dash smiled sheepishly.

"Very well," Rarity sighed. "Just tell Screwball to come so I may measure her again. And make sure she's with the wings she will be wearing at the actual ceremony! I'm not changing the dress again, not even for you!"

"Fiine!" Rainbow Dash frowned and slowly flapped towards the door. "Oh, and don't do anything to Discord until after the wedding, okay? I don't want anything to upset Screws."

"Why, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said with indignation that would rival Discord's. "I am hurt you'd even think us capable of such low brutishness! Canterlot Boutique is a place of refinement, elegance and grace, not a den of monstrous mares!"

This didn't seem convincing by any standards, yet apparently it was enough to get Rainbow Dash to leave. All three remaining mares stood silent for half a minute more, just in case. Despite their hatred towards Discord, they didn't want to ruin Rainbow’s wedding... or at the very least, they didn't want her to know they would. At the end of the day, what Rainbow Dash didn't know couldn't harm her.

"Rarity, this isn't the Canterlot Boutique," Twilight pointed out.

"Precisely, darling!" Rarity looked at her with an evil glint in her eye.

"I know, I know!" Pinkie Pie started hopping about. "We kidnap Discord, drag him to the mirror pool, make copies of him, and that way each of us gets to keep one!"

"Pinkie, four Discords is more than Equestria can handle." Twilight frowned. The idea does have some merit. Maybe, if I go back in time and create a second Discord before he sends the letter, I might... No! I shouldn't the be thinking this!

"Then maybe we can make copies of Octavia and Discord would tire of her?" the pink pony suggested. Silence and angry stares indicated that plan wasn't particularly liked either. "Or we can use the Elements to turn him to stone, the smash him to a thousand pieces, take one of those pieces and place it in one of Maud's stone puzzle sets and ship it to Gilda!" She grinned victoriously.

No reaction followed. Rarity started to make new designs to accommodate for Screwball's wings, not missing the opportunity to complain about it. Meanwhile, Twilight had gone deep into thought.

Is it actually wrong to want to hurt Discord for the choice he's made? What if the chosen mare was me? Would others plot behind my back? A frightening prospect. Looking back to Cadence and Shining’s wedding, things had seemed so simple... ignoring Chrysalis’ invasion attempt. One mare, one stallion — one happy wedding. Here, there was one Discord, who knows how many disappointed mares, and a disaster waiting to happen. What if Fluttershy had feelings for him as well? She had been the one who insisted most that they give him a chance to reform. Not to mention that she and Discord had been having regular tea parties for quite a while. Had the scene at the Gala just been an attempt to avoid suspicion? What if—

"Umm, Twilight," a faint voice said, wrecking her train of thought and sending her flying to the ceiling again. "Eeep!" Fluttershy cowered in fear instantly. "I didn't mean to..."

"It's alright, darling," Rarity said without batting an eye. "Twilight was just devising her devious plan to wreak vengeance on that horrible, terrible, no good scoundrel. After what he's put us through, banishing him to the moon would be too good a fate for the likes of him!" The unicorn paused a minute to think about it. "Actually, can we banish him to the moon?" she mused.

"We can't banish Discord to the moon!" Pinkie Pie said, shocked. "Deliria lives there!"

"Right." Rarity slapped herself on the forehead. "What was I thinking?"

This wasn't at all how I was expecting it to be! Twilight fluttered back to the floor again. All this was supposed to be was a civilized conversation between grown mares. Instead it had ended up being a conspiracy as ominous as Queen Chrysalis'... or it would have, if her fellow conspirators could spend one moment to think logically. Pinkie Pie, Twilight could understand — the earth pony was allergic to logic and utterly incapable of focusing on one thing for more than ten seconds. Rarity, however, was another matter. Everypony knew what she was capable of... if she set her mind to it. Without exception, her schemes were such that it would make the spy agencies of entire nations dizzy. And yet, at present, she chose to focus her attention on making dresses for Rainbow Dash and Screwball's wedding!

Starswirl's beard! Twilight suddenly panicked. Did I remember to send the invitations to the Wonderbolts? That was supposed to be the surprise of the event! Twilight had spent over an hour planning the perfect moment and angle from which they should appear for greatest impact. I know I wrote the letters, but did I send them? Maybe I did, but can I be certain without checking? And if I haven't, and they don't reach Spitfire on time, she won't have enough time to include the wedding in her schedule! Oh, what have I done? I was supposed to double check before leaving the palace!

"Umm, Twilight." Fluttershy pulled her wing gently. "You, umm, forgot to post the letters with instructions for the Wonderbolts," she said meekly. "So I, umm, had Spike sent them using his dragon breath."

"You did?" Twilight briskly turned toward the yellow pegasus.

"Umm, yes?" Fluttershy cowered in fear.

"You are a life-saver, Fluttershy!" Twilight hugged her as tightly as she could, causing the other to blush slightly. "Oh, thank you, thank you! The wedding would be a disaster otherwise! I really don't know what I would have done if that had happened! If there's any way for me to thank you, let me know!"

"Actually, there is one thing—"

"Absolutely anything!" Twilight interrupted, hardly paying any attention. "I'm not the Princess of Friendship for nothing." She let go of the pegasus.

"Well, you see, there is—"

Before Fluttershy could finish, the entrance door swung open violently. Moments later, a dark pony with a shimmering green mane slowly entered. Its very presence caused Rarity to gasp and promptly faint to the floor, muttering something about "green mane".

"Deliria!" Pinkie rushed to greet the newcomer. "Did you ask? Did you? Did you? Because having a dream party would be great! Because what's greater than a dream party? It's the only party I haven't done yet — the sacred horseshoes of all party planners! Oh, Cheese is going to be so jealous!"

That's Deliria?! Twilight blinked. Based on her research, and what she had hear from Pinkie Pie, she was expecting something entirely different. Being the daughter of Discord and Luna, it stood to reason that she’d be a nicer version of Nightmare Moon. Instead, Deliria didn't seem to have anything in common with either of her parents. Her coat was pretty much the same colour as Luna's but the mane was an ever-shifting shade of green, alluring and calming at the same time. The chaos pony slouched and walked slowly, painfully, as if every step was a burden, and, to Twilight's surprise, she didn't seem to be using any magic whatsoever.

"Mom said it's fine," Deliria sighed deeply. "Provided you organize a party for Dad's wedding."

"What?!" Rarity quickly jumped to her hooves. "You can't be serious! Pinkie make a party for Discord's wedding?! Why, that's… that’s..."

"No party, no dream party," Deliria shrugged.

"Deliria, darling, surely we can come to some arrangement," Rarity pleaded. "Maybe there's a dress that you would like made? Or a year's membership to the spa?"

"Whatever," the chaos pony replied, uninterested.

"Surely you see that we are trying to punish Discord for choosing that despicable mare and—"

"Octavia is cool!" Deliria shouted, causing all the curtains in the room to shred like confetti. "I'm going to my room! If you want to plan a dream party, tell me in your dreams!" With that she disappeared in a flash of green light.

Now that's more like it! Twilight nodded. I see she has inherited Nightmare Moon's temper, for one thing. Good that she doesn't seem to have same desire for world domination. Equestria would become a very depressive place, otherwise.

"Well, I say!" Rarity came back to her senses. "That was outright rude! Just look at what she did to my curtains! It will take days to get the boutique presentable again! Anyway, I suggest a slight change of plans. Let us focus on keeping Octavia out if this… for now. After all, the poor thing cannot be blamed for Discord's total lack of taste. Isn't that right Pinkie Pie?" No answer. "Pinkie Pie?!" Rarity raised her voice.

"Dream party..." The earth pony was trying her best to appear calm and was failing spectacularly. Her entire body was trembling with excitement, despite having wrapped half her legs round the other half. "Dream party..." Pinkie started twitching all over, her body dragging her outside. "Is stronger than me..." She gritted her teeth in a grotesque smile. "Continue the plan without meeee..."

"Just great!" Rarity rolled her eyes as Pinkie twitched out of the boutique. "I knew we couldn't rely on Pinkie! I bet she wanted Discord for herself anyway!"

Now that could hardly be possible! Twilight chuckled. Although the two of them did make a good couple chaos-wise. Although it was difficult to imagine Discord being able to handle Pinkie. He had enough trouble as it was with Tree Hugger at the Gala, and that had been only one night! Having to spend years with Pinkie... now that was scary.

"Rarity?" Twilight ventured. "Are you sure we should be going on with this? Maybe it was a misunderstanding?" Besides, I don't want to hurt hurt him. Just possibly make him a little sorry for not choosing me, since I am obviously superior to Octavia. I am an alicorn Princess, for goodness sake!

"Now, darling, I know what you are thinking." Rarity looked at her, eyes narrowed. "But tell me this. I remember how much in love you were when you floated by my boutique a day ago. Imagine what it must feel like forgiving the being who tore that love out from your chest, tore it to shreds, then used those to make a ribbon with which to decorate a flower and give that flower to another mare. Could you forgive someone like that?"

Burning rage mixed with hurt filled Twilight's chest quickly rushing to her head and other extremities. Of course, there was no way she could forgive Discord! This wasn't just about him, it was about her as well! Rarity's motives were less than noble, but she did have a point — Twilight had offered her heart and the stupid draconequus had toyed with her, discarding her like a broken puppet! There was no way she would let that stand!

"Here's what we'll do." Determination streamed from Twilight's voice. "I'll use the map to send us several months in the past before Princess Celestia asks us to restore Discord. We will tell her the horrible things he's done and convince her that it's better to keep him as he is. However, we will take the statue and throw it in the fires of Tartarus." She rubbed her hooves gleefully. "That will teach him not to toy with the hearts of others!"

"Well," Rarity considered the new proposal. "It's not as stylish as I would have preferred, but it does have flare, if you forgive the pun, so—"

"Err, Rarity?" A somewhat hesitant Spike entered the boutique. He was wearing an extremely formal vest and bow tie. "The door was open, so I..." His voice trailed off.

"Why, Spikey-Wikey!" Rarity quickly smiled.

Sure, Rarity, put on an act! Twilight grumbled. She knew for a fact that the fashionista felt guilty about the situation, and still hadn't had the courage to have a talk with Spike on the matter. To be honest, Twilight herself tried to keep her feelings for the draconequus secret from her assistant. Leaving Spike alone to get married was bad enough. Doing so for Discord, would probably devastate the little guy.

"I know you’re busy," the dragon continued, sliding his foot back and forth along the floor uneasily, "but I was wondering if you would like to come to dinner with me?"

"Aww, Spike, that is so sweet of you." Rarity's voice and expression were soaked in guilt. "Sadly, I have far too much work. I have barely begun to make the dresses for Rainbow's wedding."

"Oh, that's fine, I guess." Spike looked gloomily at the floor. "It's just that," he sighed heavily, "I made reservations at the fanciest place in Ponyville. I even got Octavia to perform live just for the two of us. If you are busy, though..."

"Wait, what was that?" Rarity's ears perked up. "Did you say Octavia will be there?"

"Yeah?" Spike looked in, eyes full of hope. "She'll be playing her cello just for us. Any melody you choose! For the entire evening!"

"Weeeell." An evil smile appeared on the unicorn's face. "It would be simply unjust to put all your hard work to waste. Of, course, it will be my pleasure to join you, Spikey-Wikey. Just give me a moment to get dressed... and put a few bricks in my saddle bag!"

Seriously, Rarity? You too? Leave it to petty jealousy to veer her off course. And naturally, Spike had to arrive at the worst possible time and ruin everything! Obviously, if Twilight wanted something done right, she was going to have to do it herself!

"Take care, Twi." Spike waved, as he left with Rarity. "I've rearranged the library like you asked, but you could do it again if you want."

Twilight didn't say a word. Instead she took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled. So, it came down to this. Since nopony else was going to do it, she was going to teleport to Discord and give her a piece of her mind.

"Umm, Twilight," Fluttershy pulled her wing gently again. "There's something I have to tell you."

"Sorry, Fluttershy, but there is something I must take care of first." Twilight announced, then teleported to Discord's home.

This was the first time Twilight had been in Discord's house, and it was exactly as she dreaded — pure disorganized chaos. Tidying the living room alone would probably take her an entire day! And amid all that, the draconequus was sitting comfortably on his couch, as if nothing had happened!

"Discord!" Twilight yelled, nostrils flaring. "How could you! I knew it was a trick all along! To think you would go to such lengths for a laugh! And to think I believed you!"

"Hello to you too, Princess Sparkle." Discord give her an annoyed look. "What can I help you with today?"

"Help? Help? Help?!" Twilight shouted. "I was preparing to break the news to my friends about our relationship when they beat me to it! You lied when you said you loved me! Not only that, but then I learn that you are already engaged to Octavia, of all ponies, from an invitation to your wedding." She paused to take a breath. "Now, I'm a reasonable pony, but—"

"Fine." Discord snapped his fingers. Suddenly, Twilight felt an apple appear in her mouth. "Read this." The draconequus shoved a letter in her hooves. "Start from the bottom paragraph."

Why, you monstrous, despicable, good for nothing... monster! If you think your silly games will distract me from punishing you for what you did to me, you better think twice! Not even Princess Celestia will be able to save you now! Twilight glanced at the bottom of the letter.

Discord, I'm really sorry for asking you this, but do you think you could maybe help me with getting together with my special somepony? I tried telling her many times, but the words refuse to come out of my mouth. Even when I try to write to her, my wings freeze and my hooves start shaking. What if she thinks I'm not good enough for her? Or if she already has a special somepony? I am so scared! Please tell me what to do!

Your dear friend,


P.S. Please don't tell Twilight the way I feel about her. Please? I'm too afraid to think what might happen.

Twilight's mind went blank. F-f-f-fluttershy? You've had a thing for me? she could feel blood rush to her face. Her heart was thumping as if there was no tomorrow. Of stars... Twilight swallowed, then proceeded to reread the paragraph.

Comments ( 24 )


Another excellent story Lise :D

There we go. Much more chaotic.

So. Much. CHAOS!!!!!:pinkiecrazy:

As enjoyable as this series has been, I'm still into FlutterDash. That said, is there going to be another sequel where Twilight talks to Fluttershy?

Commence slow clap*
This was great :pinkiehappy:

:moustache: bricks? Aw thanks Rarity those are my favorite snacks next to gems,,,,
:duck: ... you're welcome precious scales..........Octavia you...

:twilightblush::yay: Spike Rarity may we join you???:raritystarry::moustache:


But, but... Discord isn't even in this one :)

6927930 :) Thanks :D I really don't know if I'll do a Twilight X Fluttershy... Time will tell :)

6927941 :) If only all mass mails ended this way :D

6930378 Hey! Those brisk were reserved for Octavia :P

6930981 I don't think I'd want three angry mares plotting against me because of a mail mix up

6930978 Pinkie is though.

Well, I meant as a side plot. Discord's relationship with Octavia is still center stage, and of course, you have to finish the plotline with (shudder) Rainbow Dash and Screwball's wedding. No offense to you, but I'm a FlutterDash shipper (along with a Dislestia shipper). I'm only staying invested in this series because it's so funny.

:rainbowderp: ...huh...didn't know it was possible to add a cool premise to a favorite chain after the fact.

:rainbowlaugh: Liked and favorited

can´t wait for the next one. Thanks for your good work.

6931541 Well, there were a lot more not plotting against Discord as a result :D

6931621 Can't argue with that :D
Pinkie - the sweeter type of chaos :)

6932339 :D A huge thank you that you did :))
And the wedding will appear at some point, along with the original meeting :)

6933397 :) Discord isn't the only one allowed to have fun :D

7003560 Thank you :D hopefully something will appear end of the month, or next :)

Ah. This explains why Twilight was in Discord's house for the last chapter. I had no idea this existed until I spotted it in the read more. Some reason it wasn't showing up as a sequel, just a recommended read.

Very good. Although Rarity and Pinkie are still at large. I wonder how devastating the wedding and after party will be.

More? I started reading this out of nowhere and instantly blew through the whole storyline. I kind of want to see all the other responses he may have gotten out of nowhere. Also you left off with such a tantalizing cliffhanger of the bread basket exploding.

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