• Published 14th Feb 2016
  • 1,247 Views, 28 Comments

Dear Princess... - Cerulean Voice

You'd think being the Princess of Love would be a simple job. All you have to do is make ponies fall in love, right? At least, that's how the rest of Equestria figures Princess Cadance's magic works. And she's tired of it.

  • ...

Chapter Two (approx 50% complete)

With a spring in her step, Cadance trotted through Ponyville. The espresso had worked wonders, her brain abuzz with activity. The shadows had lengthened slightly while she outlined her plan to Mister Cake, but there was still plenty of day left, plenty of time to put her plan into action.

Her destination came into view around the corner, and she bounced on the spot before bounding toward it, Flash and Solid running to keep up. She came to a sliding halt before the purple door—


Cadance stopped short of banging on the door and whipped her head around. “What is it, Solid Scout?”

“This is just a suggestion, mind, but I really think that you should conduct yourself in a more… princess-like fashion for the moment.”

“Yeah, that coffee sure knocked you for a loop, Princess,” Flash added, panting.

Cadance blinked, then slowly lowered her hoof and straightened her pose. “Oh. Yes, of course. Thank you both for pulling me up. Could you imagine how Miss Rarity would react if I—”

The front door clicked and swung inward.

“How would I react?”

Cadance stiffened as she came face to face with the fashionista.

“Oh! Hello, Rarity. So good to see you.”

“Princess!” Rarity quickly bent her knees. “I thought I heard voices, but never did I imagine… Oh, please, do come inside.” She motioned inward with a hoof after standing. “Can I get you anything? A tea, a coffee?”

“Um, no thank you.”

Cadance, Solid, and Flash crossed the threshold into the Carousel Boutique, Flash tipping his head to Rarity while she closed the door behind him.

“Dears, you must excuse this horrendous hodgepodge,” Rarity said, dashing back and forth with various sewing instruments and mannequins in her blue aura. “I’ve been ever so busy lately—had I known to expect a royal visit…”

“Rarity, please calm down. Everything is fine.” Cadance looked around the interior with a smile. “This is not a royal visit or an inspection of any kind. I actually came in regards to a special request unrelated to work… and I thought I would answer your letter while I was at it.”

Rarity froze, a plethora of fabrics and multiple sharp implements crashing to the ground around her.

“W-what kind of request, Princess?”

“Perhaps we could sit down somewhere to discuss both matters?” Cadance suggested. At Rarity’s nod, she faced her guards.

“Sorry, boys, but my business with Lady Rarity is once again private. Please wait here.”

“But do feel absolutely welcome to peruse my wares, sirs,” Rarity said. “Who knows? You might even find something nice for your very special somepony.”

She winked at them, then turned her tail and led Cadance through to her kitchen. Cadance took a seat at the modest round table while Rarity’s magic opened a cupboard over her refrigerator and drew out a plate. She placed it on the table in front of Cadance, who held a hoof to her mouth as a smorgasbord of cookies, biscuits, scones, and spreads floated out of the fridge to join it.

“This really isn’t necessary, Rarity—”

“Oh, nonsense,” Rarity said, still in the process of pulling out a pitcher of water and two shining glasses. “I have royalty in my house, and whether for a social or business visit, she should be treated as such.”

The water and glasses landed on the table next to the overflowing plate.


“No thank you, though I will take a butter cookie. Just one.”

Rarity smiled as Cadance took a dainty nibble of her homemade treat. “Lovely. Now go on, darling. Share your request with me, and I shall endeavour to realise your wishes.”

* * * * *

“Oh, my. Quite the romantic plan, is it not?”

Rarity squealed and clapped her hooves together. “I must say, I’ve never been asked to do such a thing before, but it does sound like Missus Cake and I will have a simply marvelous time together.”

“I do hope so,” Cadance said, sipping some water. “I would like to fulfil at least some of my writers’ wishes, and this one seems legitimate enough.” She placed her elbows upon the table and leaned in, her smile widening. “Now, about your letter…”

Rarity opened and closed her mouth a few times, then sighed. “Yes, I suppose we’ve reached that topic. What would you like to know?”

“Well, for starters, you made a very… odd request. Forgive me if I’m wrong, but… it almost feels like it’s not your request at all. I know you’re the type of mare to work toward what you want, not ask somepony like me to make it magically happen.”

Rarity’s eyes darted from side to side. She leaned in closer to Cadance. “What I say here cannot—must not—leave this room. That is of utmost importance.”

“Of course.”

Rarity leaned back and sank slightly into her chair. “You’re more perceptive than I gave you credit for, Princess. Indeed, the words in that letter are not mine at all—they’re my sister’s. Except, she didn’t want you to know they were hers.”

“Ah, that explains a lot,” Cadance said. “So I imagine that you want me to try this… without letting Sweetie Belle know that I know it’s for her?”

“Tricky, isn’t it?” Rarity stood from the table and peered out the window.”Tomorrow would be a good day to do so. I will be with Missus Cake at the spa, so Mister Cake can cook up his special surprise for her. In the meantime, you can humour Sweetie Belle with her… plan. Everypony gets what they want… well, except maybe my sister.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t say that,” Cadance said with a wink. “Strange things can happen when love is involved.”

Rarity closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. “Princess—darling—would you humour me for a moment, please?”

Cadance raised an eyebrow. “Yes...?”

Rarity exhaled, the words spilling out of her mouth: “I’ll put this simply—I would really rather prefer if if my dear Opalescence would not be... shipped—to use that uncouth new modern word—with some common alleycat, even if my sister does happen to have an eye on its owner. That said, I would also feel somewhat, er, uncomfortable with the thought of my sister, young as she is, hoping you can force this latest crush of hers to be her very special somepony.”

Cadance blinked as Rarity puffed slightly, stray hairs poking out from her mane.

“So I ask you,” Rarity continued, “to please do your utmost and see that you do the right thing—the responsible thing.”

She drooped her head as silence permeated the kitchen, although a small crash interrupted it before long; Rarity paid it no mind.

“Rarity, look at me.”

Rarity looked up as Cadance approached.

“I am not an all-powerful angel of love, able to make any two beings fall head over heels.” Cadance lifted Rarity’s chin. “Yes, I can ignite Sparks between two ponies if they feel their hearts truly belong to one another. But that is not often the case. True love rarely blossoms from a little crush, and if Opal is not the least bit interested in Sweetie’s ‘interest’s’ pet, I cannot force it any more than I can raise the sun and the moon.”

Rarity gulped down another breath and nodded, the elegant smile returning to her face.

“Look, I wouldn’t worry about your sister too much. I’ll take her and Opal to this mystery colt’s house, cast my spell, and when it doesn’t work, I can explain how my magic works to her.”

Author's Note:

So... anyone want to adopt this one?

Comments ( 5 )

What do you mean by adopt this one? Giving up on the story???

Wait so Rarity WANTED to make her sister and her cat fall in love?

Er, no. She wants to show Sweetie Belle how forcing Opalescence into a relationship with Button Mash's cat is not the way to get Button to notice her.

7456508 Oh okay, so that's what's going on, thanks!

If no-one else has tried taking it up, I could give it a crack. I haven't posted anything before, but I would do my best to finish this story to the quality that you have set as a benchmark.

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