• Published 13th Mar 2016
  • 12,035 Views, 46 Comments

Sweetie Belle's Sweet Birthday - RS-Belle14

It's Sweetie Belle's birthday, and she couldn't be more excited. Little does she know someone has a special gift planned for her.

  • ...

Happy Birthday, Sweetie Belle

"Honey, I found the camera!"

"Finally! Come on, it's almost time."

Hondo Flanks and Cookie Crumbles hurried upstairs to their daughter's room. They stood by each side of the door but did not enter. Despite their eagerness, they had to be patient if they did not want to ruin their surprise. Today was a very special day. The couple looked at each other with giddy.

"How much longer, Honey?" Hondo whispered to his wife.

"Not much. Make sure that camera is on."

They silently waited by the closed door, excited to go in. A few moments passed before they heard an alarm clock go off. The sound of the alarm was stopped shortly and soon replaced with a soft yawn. That was their cue.

The couple barged into their daughter's room. "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEETIE BELLE!"

The still sleepy Sweetie Belle suddenly beamed at the sight of her parents. "Mom! Dad! Thank you!"

"Look Sweetie, I made you breakfast for bed! It's your favorite; juice, toast, orange slices, and pancakes with extra chocolate chips," Cookie Crumbles handed her daughter the tray of breakfast.

"Thanks, Mom!" Sweetie Belle took a few bites. "Mmm. These are delicious."

Sweetie Belle continued eating before her father stepped up. "And I got you this special birthday balloon alongside this new cute little kitten plushie!"

"That's so sweet," She turned to her father. "Thank you, Da...Wait, Dad is that a camera?! Turn it off, I look horrible!" Sweetie Belle hid herself under her bed sheets.

Hondo Flanks continued recording. "Aw. Come on, Sweetie. Smile for the camera!"

"I'll smile for it when I don't have bed hair!"

"Aw, don't say that. You look adorable," Hondo tugged at the bed sheets. "Please, come out?"

Sweetie Belle tugged back. "No! Go away!"

"Haha. Forget it, Hondo. She isn't coming out. Come on, let's let her eat in peace," Cookie Crumbles pulled her husband towards the exit. "Okay, Sweetie, we're leaving."

"You say that, but I didn't hear my door close," Sweetie Belle replied from under the bed sheets.

Cookie chuckled. "Alright, alright. But you better hurry and get ready. Your sister should be back from the party store soon. We've got some decorating to do."

"Got it," Sweetie shifted under sheets. "Speaking of which, could you make Dad promise not to fill the house with his football decorations this year?"

Hondo interjected. "I will do no such thing, Sweetie."

"Please, Daddy?" Sweetie Belle slightly poked her head out of the bed sheets and made her best puppy-dog face.

*Sigh.* Hondo made the mistake of looking at his daughter's big green eyes. "Okay, I guess I can let them go this time."

"Yay!" Sweetie Belle covered her head under the sheet again. "Thank you, Daddy."

"Yeah, yeah," A clearly upset Hondo Flanks began to slug his way downstairs.

Cookie Crumbles giggled in her hand and closed the door after her and her husband.

Hearing her door shut, Sweetie Belle emerged from her bed sheets. She set her breakfast aside for the moment and sat in front of her mirror. She looked at her reflection and made her puppy face again. "Daddy, please don't hang up your football decor. Ha!" Sweetie Belle grabbed an orange slice and gave herself a satisfied smirk. "I'm getting good at this."


"Okay, I'm coming down," Sweetie Belle announced from upstairs.

"May I use the camera now?"

"Yes, Dad."

Not needed to be given permission twice, Hondo Flanks grabbed his camcorder. "And here comes the birthday girl now. Isn't she adorable? Those eyes and that smile could light up this whole town. But what's this? The birthday girl decided to dress casually and not in her special gown?"

Sweetie Belle giggled over her father's narration. "Dad, you know I'm saving my dress for the party. I can't decorate the house in it."

Hondo gave her a chuckle. "I know, I know. I was just..." *Ding-dong.* "Someone is at the door. Who could it be? Let's find out," Hondo Flanks continued his documentary towards the doorway. "Ah, would you look at that? It's my oldest daughter, Rarity, back from running some party errands."

Rarity entered her home carrying many shopping bags on each of her arms. She then acknowledged her parent and his current activity. "Father, are you recording again? Do you not recall all the previous instances where we could not capture our family's most special moments due to the camera's lack of charge and/or memory?"

"Well...yes but..."

"But nothing. Save the camera for later. We don't want to miss capturing Sweetie Belle's precious moments, do we? Good. Now, would you be a dear and grab the rest of the bags outside?" Hondo obliged. He knew Rarity was right. "Thank you, Father."

Rarity was setting down her purchases when she spotted her sister smiling at her. "There she is," Rarity and Sweetie Belle ran to each other's arms. "Happy birthday, Sweetie Belle! I love you so much!"

"Thank you, Rarity. I love you, too."

"Oh, my dear little sister, look at you. You're blossoming! Oh, where has the time gone?" Rarity squeezed her sister. "It feels as if it were only yesterday that I held you as an infant. You were so precious. As I held you in my arms, I looked into your adorable little eyes and said to myself 'My word, she's perfect! She's so adorable! Oh, she will grow up to be such a beautiful woman!' And as I behold you now, I see my prediction is coming true!" Rarity was squeezing Sweetie Belle harder with every sentence.

"Thank you...Rarity...but could you...stop...hugging me...so...har..."

"Sweetie Belle, I know I don't always show it, but I want you to know that I love you. We may have our impasses, but they never make me love you any less. I always have and always will love you. Your happiness and smile means the world to me, and as your big sister, you have my word that I will attempt to make this your absolute best birthday yet."


"Oh, but I hope your next birthday doesn't arrive as quickly as this one. I don't want to lose my baby sister too fast. We still have so much more to do together! Why, at this rate, your next birthday will be here before I know it! And before I know it, we'll be living apart! Then we won't be able to spend anywhere near as much time together! The both of us will have gone our separate ways, only to see each other during special family or friend occasions! The opportunity of seeing your precious smile everyday will be gone! You'll be off having splendid times of your life, and none of them will involve me! Oh Sweetie Belle, I don't want you to grow up!"

"That won't be...a problem...at this rate."



"Oh!" Rarity immediately dropped Sweetie Belle. "Pardon me!"

Sweetie Belle put her hand on her chest as she began catching her breath. "Don't worry about it. That was far from the first time you did that."

Rarity rubbed her arm in embarrassment. "Indeed...but I just can't help myself," Rarity grabbed her sister's face. "You're growing up so fast, and I want you to stay adorable."

"Hehe. What? Are you saying I'm going to grow up to be ugly?"

"Ha. No, you know I didn't mean...Hmm...Well, then again, now that you mention it..."

Sweetie Belle lightly punched her sister's arm. "Very funny."

The sisters shared a laugh. "Well then," Rarity began. "Shall we begin decorating for tonight's festivities? Where's Mother?"

"Over here," Cookie Crumbles said from the kitchen. "Don't worry, I've got the food covered. You two just get the house ready."

"You sure, Mom?"

"Absolutely, Sweetie. You and Rarity just make everything look, how does she say, fabulous."

"Hilarious, Mother," Rarity turned her attention back to Sweetie Belle. "Alright, let's get started. Now, where are the rest of the supplies?"

As if he was waiting for someone to ask, Hondo Flanks entered his home with a mountain of bags full of party favors. Clearly exhausted from carrying such a load, Hondo began to speak between breaths. "I'm...impressed, Rarity. You only bought...the essentials this time."

~A Few Hours Later~

"Well, that's that," Sweetie Belle took a few steps back to admire her and her family's efforts.

The house's big party room, where the party was to primarily take place, was filled with balloons and streamers of every color of the rainbow. The dining room had been filled with extra tables so that the guests may all occupy and feast at once. At the center table were bowls and dishes of various delicacies, including a turkey, steaks, nachos, cookies, ice cream, mashed potatoes, macaroni, biscuits, and Cookie Crumble's secret casserole. In the center of all the food stood a proud, pink and purple three-layered cake. On top of it all was a banner that read "Happy Birthday, Sweetie Belle." The house was certainly ready for tonight.

"Undeniably divine. Now, there is just one last thing to prepare," Rarity turned to her sister. "Sweetie Belle, it's your turn."

Sweetie Belle beamed. "Okay!"

"Ah, I can see it already," Rarity looked up into air in dramatic fashion. "Everyone will be sharing words and laughs in merriment as they enjoy each other's company. We will all be having the best night in a long while when, suddenly, you appear at the center of it all. Absolutely everyone will shower you with love and admiration," Rarity then looked down towards Sweetie Belle and gave her a smug look. "Though, I suppose the only love and admiration you'll be looking for will be that of a certain green-haired young gentlemen."

Hondo Flanks gave a firm "Hmph!" at that remark.

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle whined.

"Oh, that's right. I'm sorry," Rarity crossed her arms. "Knowing you, you'll be showering him with love and admiration."

"Rarity!" Sweetie Belle couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Stop it."

"Yeah, stop it," Hondo had his arms crossed and did not look pleased.

Cookie Crumbles gave a small laugh at the sight of her husband. "Oh Honey, are you still upset about our little Sweetie having a crush on Spike?"

"I just don't trust him with my little girl," Hondo Flanks then turned his attention to Sweetie Belle. "I don't think he's worth your time, Sweetie. He's no good. Have you seen his hair? He's obviously just a pawn for the hair gel company."

"Right, Dad. His choice of hair care products definitely defines who he is."

"I can sense the sarcasm, little lady."

"Seriously Dad, he isn't like that. Spike is..." Sweetie Belle smiled. "Nice."

"He comes off that way at first, but trust me, he's nothing but trouble."

"Oh Father, would you leave her alone?" Rarity spoke up. "Spike is a true gentleman. He wouldn't mean Sweetie Belle any harm. And don't you think they would just look absolutely adorable together?"

Hondo scowled. "Nope."

Cookie Crumbles snuggled up on her husband's arm. "You know, Hondo, we used to be young."

"Exactly! When I was about as young as that green-haired delinquent, I was chasing after every miniskirt in sight!"

*WHACK!* Cookie had hit Hondo with the rolling pin she was holding. "Care to rephrase that, Honey?"

"But then all that became history when I met you, Dear."

Cookie placed her hands on her hips. "Mhm. Better."

Sweetie Belle and Rarity shared a giggle over their parents. After they finished, Sweetie Belle spoke. "Don't worry, Dad. I wasn't planning on doing anything romantic with him tonight. Just hangout and talk, you know?"

"Good. And you should consider not talking to him tonight, too. Or tomorrow. Or ever."

Rarity rolled her eyes. "Well, I think that's enough chit-chat for now. Sweetie Belle, why don't you hurry and take a shower? We have to get you ready."

"Okay," Sweetie Belle climbed upstairs.

"I best be getting her makeup ready for when she comes out. Ta-ta!" Rarity left.

Now alone, Hondo wrapped an arm over his wife. "Makeup? My baby is going to be wearing makeup?" *Sigh.* "They really do grow up fast."

"I'll say. Feels like only yesterday I held her bottle."

"And now she's getting all dressed up and fawning over some boy."

"Oh Hondo, let it go," Cookie raised her rolling pin. "Remember when we used to be young?"

"Yeah. I'd knock on your door holding flowers, and your pops would chase me off the porch."

"But that didn't stop us, now did it?"

Hondo smiled. "Nah. Nothing was going to stop me."

Cookie snuggled under her husband's arm. "I love you, Hondo."

"I love you, too," They embraced. "But did you have to hit me with that rolling pin?"

"The frying pan would've taken your head off."


"Sweetie Belle, you are going to look absolutely gorgeous," Rarity continued to brush her sister's hair.

"I hope so."

"Nobody will be able to take their eyes off you. Nobody. Not even your little Spikey. You know, it would make this birthday extra special if you two get together."

Sweetie Belle blushed. "Hehe. That'd be nice, but I already said I wouldn't try that tonight."

"Yes, I do recall. But why is that?"

"Well, everything has been going perfect so far today. The house looks great, the food looks delicious, and all of my friends are gonna be here. Tonight is really looking great. Now, imagine if I ask him to be my boyfriend and he says 'No.' That would ruin everything. The last thing I want is for my big day to get ruined because I got rejected."

"Hmm," Rarity thought as she turned Sweetie Belle around to apply her makeup. "I do see your point. And if you're upset, that would certainly throw everyone else's time in shambles."


"But do you really think he'd reject you?"

"I don't know. I think he might like me, but I'm not sure."

"Well, I certainly think you should try sometime."

"I will, just not tonight. There's too much at stake," Sweetie Belle suddenly sat up firmly. "But I will make him notice me. I'll show him just how great I am, throw in some of my charm, and when the time finally comes, he'll be saying yes before I even ask."

"My my, you sound awfully sure."

"Of course I am. I know he'll come around. I can feel it. He and I will be together before you know it."

Rarity giggled at her little sister. "Aaaand done. Wonderful. Take a look."

Sweetie Belle turned back to her mirror and saw her sister's work. "Woah," Sweetie Belle's eyelashes had been lined with mascara, her cheeks brightened a faint pink, her pink and purple fluffy hair had been beautifully curled, and her lips sparkled pink.

"Wow, Rarity I look great! But..." Sweetie Belle inspected herself in the mirror more. "You hardly put any makeup on me. Don't you think I need more?"

"Oh Sweetie Belle, look," Rarity placed her hands on Sweetie's shoulders. "Do you see? You are a special type of woman, a type that I and many other women envy. You hardly need any cosmetics at all because you're a young woman full of natural beauty."

Sweetie Belle couldn't help but smile at the compliment. "Thanks, Rarity."

"You are absolutely welcome," They hugged. "Well, I should be off getting myself ready. I don't want to arrive to my own sister's party unprepared," Rarity began to leave. "Just slip into your dress. I'll be back for you soon."


*Knock.* *Knock.* "May I come in?"

"Sure, Rarity."

Rarity entered. "Oh my word, you look beautiful!"

"Thanks but..." Sweetie Belle staggered. "Seriously, how do you walk in these stilts?!"

"Don't fret, darling. Every woman has some trouble with their first high heels."

"I don't doubt that. Woah!" Sweetie fell back onto her bed. "I should've stuck with sneakers."

Rarity giggled. "Let me help you."

"Thanks," Sweetie Belle observed her sister. "You look nice."

Rarity was wearing black "stilts" along with a blue skirt with a matching white blouse. "I appreciate the compliment. Please, do go on."


"No, wait. Never mind. Not my day, not the time," Rarity stopped herself. "Anyway, I came here to inform you that our guests should be arriving shortly; within a half hour or so I'd say. And I also came to ask if you were ready."

"Yeah, almost. I've just gotta get these heels down."

"Let me help. Walk slowly towards me," Sweetie Belle did so with caution. "Good...That's it...Finding balance is key...Fix your posture a bit...Better...Keep coming."


"I got you!" Rarity caught her sister. "Almost. Care to try again?"

"Sure," Sweetie Belle resumed.

A good fifteen minutes had passed since they first started. Sweetie Belle's progression was coming along slowly but surely. She had staggered a few times, but she wouldn't fall again. By the time the twentieth minute had come, Sweetie Belle was almost fully capable of walking in her high heels.

"See? You're a natural! You just needed some help bringing it out."

"Thanks, Rarity."

*Knock.* *Knock.*

"Can I come in?"

"Sure, Dad."

Hondo Flanks came in wearing a red, Hawaiian-themed shirt with a pair of blue jeans and brown shoes. "Hey I just wanted to tell you that...MY GOSH! LOOK HOW ADORABLE MY BABY GIRL LOOKS!" Hondo turned his head towards the door. "Honey, get up here! And bring the camera!"

"Okay, calm down Dad."

"You have got to see your daughter!"

"Dad, seriously..."

"She's looks like a perfect little angel!"

"Father, restrain yourself! Please!"

Hondo immediately ceased when Rarity spoke up. Embarrassed, Hondo chuckled. "Heh, sorry about that. I kinda just lost it when I saw ya, Sweetie Belle. It's just..." Hondo looked back and forth between his daughters. "Both of you have grown up so fast. Looking at you two now, I just...I'm gonna miss seeing my little girls being little."

Rarity and Sweetie Belle walked up to their father. "I understand how you feel, Father," Rarity spoke with sympathy. "I, too, will miss seeing my sister being so young and innocent. But we are going to have to accept the inevitable fact that she's becoming a young woman."

"I know. I...I just want to enjoy having both of my daughters around while I still can."

"We get it, Dad."

"I know you do, Sweetie," *Sigh.* "I'll be fine."

Hondo's daughters embraced him. "We love you."

Hondo returned their hug. "I love you two, too."

They heard footsteps coming from the staircase before they saw Cookie Crumbles entering. She was wearing a pink blouse with white pants and purple heels. "Hondo, what's going on around...MY STARS! LOOK HOW ADORABLE MY LITTLE BELLE IS!"

The hugging trio collectively responded with a chuckling "Ugh."

Surprisingly, Cookie left her reaction there. "Hondo, did you tell them what I sent you here for?"

"Oh, right," Hondo turned his attention to Sweetie Belle. "Sweetie, some of the guests have already arrived."

Sweetie Belle jumped. "Really?! Who?!"

"It's Apple Bloom and her family."

Sweetie Belle ran to her window (nearly tripping over her high heels in the process). Thanks to the location of her room, her window provided an excellent view of the driveway. Sweetie Belle didn't have to search long to find the Apple Family's vehicle being parked there. However, Sweetie Belle also noticed a second, familiar car was just now pulling up as well.

"Someone else is here, too! It's... It's Twilight! And..." *Gasp.* "Oh my gosh, there's Spike!"

"Don't worry, Sweetie. I won't let him step one foot in this house!" Hondo began marching to the door before Cookie stopped him.

"Hondo, we've been over this."

"I know. Don't worry, Honey. Everything will be fine. I will succeed where your pops failed."

Cookie placed her hands on her hips and gave him her serious face with a deadly glare. "Hondo."

"Heh...Come on, Honey. D-don't give me that look."

"Then don't ruin your daughter's party."

"Now Cookie, would you really call not letting some kid in the house ruining Sweetie Belle's-" She's staring deeply into my soul. "OkayI'llstop."

"Good. Now, come and help me greet our guests," Cookie grabbed Hondo's hand and led them downstairs.

Rarity and Sweetie Belle were left a bit stunned by their mother. "So that's where we get it."

"Remember, Sweetie Belle, those powers are only to be used for emergencies."


Let's change the subject to something less shocking. "Do you see any more guests arriving?"

"Oh! Um..." Sweetie Belle turned her head back to her window. "Yeah, a few. Looks like everyone is showing up now."

"Wonderful. Well, I suppose it's almost time," Rarity began to leave. "You stay here and practice walking a little more. I'll let you know when to come down."

Sweetie nodded her head. "Got it," Rarity left. Oh man, I can't wait!


The party was beginning to brighten up downstairs. Most of the invited guests had already arrived. The hired DJ, Vinyl Scratch, was putting on some calm tunes to help the party-goers mingle. Rarity was conversing with her friends, Sweetie Belle's classmates were gathering near the food tables, and the adults were catching up. The atmosphere was certainly lively, but all the guests were asking the same question: Where is the birthday girl?

Apple Bloom had separated from her family to meet up with Scootaloo. The two were chatting, also wondering where their third member was. They guessed that she was up in her room, though neither knew why. They didn't think too much of it as they were certain that she'd be joining her own party soon. As Apple Bloom and Scootaloo continued their evening, an unexpected third came up to join in.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Oh, howdy Spike. We ain't doin' much. How 'bout yourself?"

"Just hanging out. Waiting for Sweetie Belle to join in like everyone else."

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow. "You sure you're waiting for her just like everyone else?"

"Well, she isn't here yet, soooo yeah," Spike gave Scootaloo a smirk.


"I'd like to think so. Do you two know where she is?"

"Ah sent her a text a while ago, but she hasn't replied yet. Ah wouldn't worry 'bout it though. That gal probably just wants to make some sorta grand entrance."

"Makes sense. She is Rarity's sister."

That one actually made Scootaloo chuckle. "Heh. Good one."


"Ah like yer jacket, Spike."

Spike was wearing a purple jacket over a green T-shirt that matched his spiky hair along with some gray pants and black shoes.

"Thank ya. You two look pretty nice yourselves."

Apple Bloom was wearing some red heels and a simple but lovely pink dress that matched her signature bow. Scootaloo had a purple shirt under a black coat with ripped jeans and a pair of black boots.

"Thanks, Spike."


"So Spike," Apple Bloom decided to press. "Did ya get anythin' special for Sweetie Belle?"

"Mmm, maybe. I think she'll like it," There was an obvious tease in his response.

"Come on, Spike. What did ya get her?"

"Can't say. It'd ruin the surprise."

"Not even a hint?"

"Nope," Can't let them tell Sweetie Belle. "Look, I'm sure you'll find out later. Just be patient, okay?"

Guess that's as good an answer as Ah'm gonna get. "Okay."

Scootaloo stepped up, trying somewhat to be intimidating. "But she better like it. We'd hate for you to disappoint our friend."

Spike wasn't phased. "You know, you're kinda cute when you try to act tough."

"Don't try to sweeten me up," A faint blush was forming on Scootaloo's face, causing Apple Bloom to giggle. "Hey, whose side are you on?"

"Sorry, Scootaloo. Ain't too often Ah see somebody turn ya red."

"My face isn't red!" It grew redder. "The only thing red around here is your hair."

"Ha. Alright, alright. Relax," Spike lightly punched Scootaloo's shoulder. "I was just teasing. Had to get you off my back somehow."

Scootaloo crossed her arm with a light smile on her face. "Fine."

Apple Bloom walked up to Spike. "Between you and me, Ah think Scootaloo liked yer sweet talk."

"I heard that."

"Whoops. Sorry," Apple Bloom half apologized.

"Whatever," She shrugged. "Hey, I'm hungry. How about we go get some food?"

"Ah could eat."

"Sounds good to me."

Spike and the Crusaders made their way to the crowded food tables. Other than a few choice words over getting the brownies, the group was able to fill their plates without problem. Satisfied with their cargo, they found a spot to enjoy their food in the party room. While they were eating, someone caught Spike's eye.


"What is it Spike?"

"Uh, Apple Bloom," Scootaloo began. "Stairs, 10 o'clock."

Rarity was descending from the staircase. "Oh, there you are! Perfect!" She was walked towards them. "I was just looking for you."

Spike beamed at this. "Really?"

"Of course. Sweetie Belle's birthday wouldn't be complete without the three of you."

"Oh," Spike's expression dulled a bit. "Right," The two Crusaders seemed satisfied with this.

"I just finished checking up on her again, and I think Sweetie Belle is almost ready to join the rest of us. So when she finally comes down, would you please do me a favor?"

*Gulp.* "What is it?"

"Well, you three are Sweetie Belle's best friends, and it would mean an awful lot to Sweetie Belle and I if I could take a few pictures of each of you dancing with her. Would you three please ask my beloved sister to dance?" Rarity's eyes sparkled with the request, internally melting Spike.

"Sure, Ah could do that."

"Did you even have to ask?"

"Anything for you, Rarity."

"Wonderful! Thank you all so much!" Rarity began to turn around. "Well, I better go get the birthday girl. Ta-ta!" She left for the stairs.

"Bye," Spike dreamily responded as she left.

"Hey, lover boy," Apple Bloom smacked the back of Spike's head. "Put your eyes back in their sockets."

"Hehe," Spike blushed. "Sorry."

"Ah thought you were done goin' ga-ga over Rarity."

"I am. I just...lost control for a bit. She looks nice tonight."

"That better be all," Scootaloo cracked her knuckles.

"It is, don't worry," Spike kept composure. "It's Sweetie Belle's night."


Rarity was climbing the stairs up to her sister's room again. She approached the door and knocked. "Sweetie Belle, it's me," She whispered.

The door cracked open slightly. "How's everything down there?"

"Perfect. All the guests have arrived and are awaiting your presence."

"Great...And Spike?"

"Mission accomplished; I was able to convince him, along with your Crusader friends, to give you a dance."

"Awesome!...You didn't flirt with him too hard, did you?"

"I'm sure I didn't. My being there should be no threat to you."

*Sigh.* "I sure hope so."

"Sweetie Belle, I assure you that I mean no competition; Spike is yours for the taking. He's going to see you in that dress and love you."

"Thanks, Rarity."

"Anytime. How are things on your end?"

"Good. I can walk with almost no problem now."

"Excellent. Are you ready to make your entrance?"

"I'm ready."

"Perfect. I'll prepare everything and call you down. You know your call?"


"Then I'll see you soon."

"Got it," The door closed.

Rarity made her way downstairs into the party again. She searched for her parents to let them know that Sweetie Belle will be joining in. After informing her parents, she went to the DJ booth. Rarity got everyone's attention after cutting the music.

She grabbed a microphone from the booth. All eyes were on her. "May I have your attention please? I apologize for the inconvenience, but I'm here to inform you that the guest of honor is now joining us, someone very special to us all."

"I'll never forget the day I met her. I had been anticipating her arrival for some time. The news that I would soon no longer be an only child was quite shocking to me. I had no idea how to react; I felt joy, anger, and overall, I felt confusion. I made many plans for tea parties and fashion shows to have with my little sister, but I also made plans to shave her head and to hide her bottle. For nine months I felt that way. Then the day finally came when she arrived. I was waiting outside the hospital room where Mother was kept when Father came out and said to me 'Muffin, you've got to come in!' I was hesitant, so Father lightly pushed me inside. The first thing I saw was Mother lying in bed holding something tiny that was wrapped in a sheet. 'Rarity,' Mother said. 'Come and meet your sister.' I nervously took tiny steps to the bed, letting the moment soak in. Step after step, I never took my eyes off of the little bundle Mother held. Finally, I stood beside the bed where I was expected. Mother held out the baby to me and said 'Rarity, this is your little sister: Sweetie Belle.' As I took her into my arms, she opened her big, beautiful green eyes and looked at me. Nothing could describe what I felt as I looked back at her. 'My word...She's...She's perfect!...She's...She's so adorable! Look at her! She's going to grow up to be the most beautiful woman this world has seen!'"

"Since then, my sister and I have spent countless days together. We have shared laughs, fought with each other, and cried together. From the day she was born, we were sisters, and I wouldn't want it any other way. The joyous memories I've shared with her will be ones that I will cherish for eternity. But I'm not alone; each person here has had the pleasure of knowing this wonderful person."

The upstairs door cracked open.

"We are gathered here now to celebrate having her with us for another year, and we hope to have her with us for many more to come. Now, without further ado, let us give a big round of applause to the Belle of the Ball, Sweetie Belle!"

Sweetie Belle emerged from her room to enter the party. She was wearing a beautiful pink and purple gown that her sister had crafted to perfectly complement her. Her face was lightly touched with pink blush and lipstick with mascara over her eyelashes. Everyone applauded her and she revealed herself from atop the stairs. As she gracefully descended from the stairs, she smiled and waved as pictures were taken and cheers were given. Reaching the ground floor, Sweetie Belle made her way to the DJ booth.

Rarity handed Sweetie Belle the microphone. "Thank you, Rarity," Sweetie turned her head towards the guests. "And thank you all for coming. It means so much to me to see all of my friends and family here to celebrate my Cuteceรฑera with me," Tears were filling her eyes. "I...I really wish I knew what to say. I just feel so...happy! I can't thank you enough for coming. You're the best friends anyone could have," Rarity gave her sister a cloth to wipe her tears. "Ha, I'm sorry if I'm letting the moment get to me. Oh, what am I doing?" Sweetie Belle smiled brightly. "We're here to party! HIT IT PINKIE!"

Pinkie Pie appeared beside Vinyl. "You got it!" Sweetie Belle threw her microphone.

Get your hands up!
Party's starting out right now!
Everybody, everybody get down!

Rarity held her hand out to offer her sister a dance, which Sweetie gladly accepted. Rarity led Sweetie Belle to the center of the dance floor where they swayed to the music.

Make a wish, it's your birthday!
Make a wish it's your birthday party!

Others guests began to pair as well; Apple Bloom was shuffling with Apple Jack, Scootaloo began to kick it with Rainbow Dash, Spike was shaking it with Twilight, Big Macintosh did the navigator with Cheerilee, Luna pogoed with Celestia, and Sweetie Belle's parents were leading a conga line.

Started out great,
Now it just got better!

Rarity twirled Sweetie Belle around. As she stopped spinning, Sweetie found herself face-to-face with Sunset Shimmer, who was offering her hand to dance. Sweetie Belle gladly accepted her friend's offer. They were soon rejoined by Rarity, who had brought Fluttershy, and the quartet danced away.

Let's celebrate your birthday party!

~A Couple Hours Later~

"Okay, I need a break," Sweetie Belle slumped onto a chair. "Thanks for the dance, Scootaloo."

"No prob. I, uh, didn't go too hard on ya, did I?"

"No, no," You're a machine! "I've just been dancing for too long."

"Awesome," Scootaloo took a seat beside Sweetie Belle. "I was afraid you couldn't keep up."

You don't say? "No way. Hey, you see Apple Bloom anywhere?"

"Uh..." Scootaloo looked around. "Yeah, I think I see her near the punch bowl with Spike. Ya know, I could go for some punch right now."

"Yeah, me too."

"Let's go."

"Right behind..." Sweetie Belle felt a slight pain in her feet as she tried to get up. "Actually, you go ahead. I'll catch up in a bit."

"You sure?"

"Yeah, go ahead. I'll be there in a minute."

"Alright," Scootaloo walked through the dance floor to meet up with her friends.

Spike was the first to notice the purple-haired girl. "Hey, Scootaloo."

"What's up, Spike?"

"Just having a drink," *Sip.* "You had some nice moves out there."

Scootaloo took some pride in the compliment. "Thanks. I have been told I have some killer moves."

Apple Bloom chuckled. "'Bout that, don't ya think ya might've been goin' a tad hard on poor Sweetie Belle?"

"Nah. She said she had no problem keeping up."

"Riiiight," *Sip.* "Is that why Ah see her rubbin' her feet over there?"

"She said she's been dancing for too long. Needed a break."

Apple Bloom and Spike turned their heads to each other and laughed. "Way to go, Killer."

"Eh, whatever," Scootaloo just shrugged it off as she grabbed a cup. "Anyway, you're up Spike?"


"We all agreed to give Sweetie Belle a dance. Apple Bloom and me played our part already, so you're up, Spikey."

Spike remembered his promise. "Right!"

"Hey guys," Sweetie Belle suddenly appeared before the trio. She had a knowing smirk on her face. "What's Spike up for?"

"Oh, uh, I'm up for..." Can't let her know we were asked as a favor. "Helping Apple Bloom clean the pigsty at Sweet Apple Acres. I lost a bet to Scootaloo."

I'm sure that's it, Spike. "Really?"

"Yup," Scootaloo joined in. "He didn't stand a chance. Couldn't handle any of my skills. I told him he shouldn't even bother trying, but he wouldn't listen. Better luck next time, dude."

Okay, note for my future lies: Do NOT try to feed this girl's ego. "Thanks, Scootaloo."

"Sorry to hear that, Spike," Sweetie Belle acted.

"What can I say?" Spike looked at Scootaloo. "Sometimes I make some pretty dumb choices."

The four friends stood there chatting and drinking punch for a while. With a few added jokes and insults here and there, they talked about school and how each of them was enjoying the party. Other than a few passersby who wished Sweetie Belle a happy birthday and the occasional refill, they bonded without interruption.


As the time passed on, the party began to calm down. Though a few had left, most of the guests were still there. Some were dancing, some were eating, and others were just socializing. Sweetie Belle and her friends had relocated to a table. She had just finished opening her presents.

"Thanks again for the new boots, Apple Bloom."

"My pleasure, Sweetie Belle."

"I really like the new T-shirt you got me, Scootaloo."


"And Spike...the book you and Twilight got me is...nice."

Spike awkwardly rubbed his head. "Yeah, sorry. She had the final say."

Sweetie giggled. "I get it."

"So Sweetie Belle," Apple Bloom began. "What do ya think of yer birthday so far?"

"It's pretty much perfect," She smiled.

"Well, glad we could all be a part of it."

Sweetie Belle looked at her friends. "You guys are the best," She took a deep breath. "I think I need some fresh air. I'm going outside. Excuse me," Sweetie got up and left without waiting for her friends to respond.

"What was that about?" Scootaloo looked confused.

"Ah don't know. Spike," Apple Bloom lightly elbowed him. "Go check on her."

Luck really is on my side tonight. "Sure," Spike headed outside after Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo raised an eyebrow at the redhead. "I don't suppose you're thinking we should go too, right?"

"Nope. I think it's about time we gave them some privacy."

"Ha," Scootaloo took a bite out of some leftover cake. "I was thinking the same thing."


Sweetie Belle was leaning on a pillar of her porch, looking up at the sky. She was alone. Though she could hear the music from inside, it was mostly quiet. A few things had been crossing her mind. As she was in her thoughts, she heard the door open behind her.

"Hey," It was Spike.

She turned around. "Hey."

"You okay?" He closed the door behind him. "You just kinda stormed out."

"Ha. Yeah, sorry about that. I just needed some place where I could think."

"Mind if I join you?"

Please do. "Sure."

Spike rested on a wall beside Sweetie. "So, what's on your mind?"

"Nothing really. I just came here to reflect on tonight. Everything about my Cuteceรฑera has been great. I have this dress, I have presents, I have my friends, and I've had my time in the spotlight. Everything I've asked for has already happened. I...I guess I'm just a little sad that it's all going to end soon," Sweetie Belle rubbed her arm. "My big day is almost over, you know?"


"I just wish...for one more thing. Something extra. Something I didn't ask for to top it all off. Just...one more."

Spike coughed. "Well..."

Sweetie Belle jumped. "What?"

"I...might've been...holding back," Spike smiled. "I, uh, haven't given you my gift yet."

"What? You and Twilight already gave me a present."

"Haha. Yeah I know. But I didn't think giving you a book on your big day was exactly the perfect gift, so..." Spike pulled out a small box from his jacket. "I might've gone and got you something else."

Sweetie Belle perked up as she saw the box. "Really?! What is it?!"

"Just turn around and close your eyes."

Sweetie obliged. She felt something metallic around her neck. It was definitely a necklace.

"Okay, take a look."

Sweetie Belle opened her eyes and looked down. It was a necklace of a pink heart with a musical note in the center.

"It's so cute!" She hugged Spike. "Aw Spike, you shouldn't have."

Spike was initially left a little surprised at Sweetie's embrace, but he soon returned it. "I just thought I'd get you something you'd like."

They stood there in each other's arms for a while. Neither made any attempt to get out.

"Sweetie..." Spike finally said.

"Yeah?" Their eyes met.

"You...wanna dance?"

Sweetie Belle blushed. "I...would love to dance with you," She ran a hand through his hair and pulled him closer. "Is there...anything else you wanted to ask me?"

Spike's arms held Sweetie closer to him. "Well...I guess so," There was hardly any space between their faces. "Sweetie Belle, I-"

"HELLO!" Hondo Flanks barged from the door. Spike and Sweetie instantly let go of each other. "And just what are you kids doing out here?"

Sweetie Belle made the straightest face she could. "Hey, Dad. Spike was just asking me to dance."

"Aw, isn't that sweet?" Hondo didn't sound entirely pleased.

"Is that okay, Sir?"

"Sure thing, kid. Go on ahead."

Sweetie Belle reentered her house first. Before Spike could take a single step in, however, Hondo stepped in front of the doorway with a very serious expression.

"Spike," Hondo's voice deeply lowered. "If you try anything stupid with my little girl, we're gonna have a very violent talk."

Sweat began to appear on Spike's head. "Hehe," Spike nervously chuckled. "I assure you I'm not going to try anything stupid with Sweetie, Sir. Actually, I have something really neat planned for her."

This seemed to infuriate Hondo. Perhaps Spike should've chosen better words. "And just WHAT do you have planned for my little Belle?"

"It's nothing bad, Sir! Honest! See, I plan on-"

"Spike?" Sweetie Belle called from indoors. She pushed her father aside. "You coming?"

"Right away!" Sweetie Belle disappeared again.

Hondo said one final sentence before Spike got in. "I know where you live."

"And I'm glad we had this chance to chat," Spike hurried to catch up with Sweetie Belle.

Now alone, Hondo Flanks took a minute to pat himself on the back. That'll teach him to try anything with my baby. Hondo entered his home to find Cookie Crumbles waiting for him. Her hands were on his hips, and her face did not look happy.

*Gulp.* "N-Now Honey, I assure you that I did that with the best attentions! I-I was just letting Spike know not to hurt Sweetie Belle, you know?"

Cookie's expression didn't change. She crossed her arms and pointed her husband to come to her. Uh oh.


Sweetie Belle and Spike stood at the center of the dance floor. Both of them looked pretty eager to start.

"Alright, everybody," Pinkie Pie announced. "Looks like the birthday girl is ready to go again! Calling all Rainbooms! This one's gotta be special!"

Pinkie's friends showed up in no time. Each were handed a microphone. "Alright, Sweetie Belle," Pinkie started again. "You and your partner ready?"

Spike and Sweetie both nodded with a blush.

"Okie dokie lokie then!" Pinkie and Vinyl began the track. "Take it away, Sunset!"

I feel it stirrin' deep down inside my soul,
The rhythm's taken hold,
And it's about to roll,

Sweetie and Spike nervously began with simple steps with neither leading.

A million sparkles rollin' across the floor,
So DJ give it more,
It's what we're looking for,

The couple began to loosen up.

Dance the night away!
All our friends right by our side,

Their movements became more fluid. Sweetie Belle and Spike began to enjoy themselves as they kept going.

Dance magic!
Once you have it,
Let your body move,
Step into the music!

Now Sweetie and Spike just surrendered to the rhythm. A crowd of admirers formed around them as they joyfully followed each other's movements. Spike would swing one way and Sweetie did the same. Their steps were almost perfectly in sync. Every move one did was completed by the other. Sweetie Belle would give Spike her hand and he'd spin her. Spike would put his hands on Sweetie Belle's side and lift her. The crowd cheered them on with everything they did.

Cookie Crumbles appeared before them. "Sweetie, Spike, smile for the camera!" They held each other with a smile as a bright flash captured their image.

Dance magic!
And it's electric!
Let your body move to the music!

~Later in the Night~

The party had been over for about half an hour. All the guests had gone. With all of them exhausted, Sweetie Belle and her family decided to put off the cleaning until tomorrow. Everyone was getting ready for bed.

Sweetie Belle was upstairs in her room. She had already washed her face and put on her pajamas, putting away her party beauty. She was sitting in front of her mirror, hanging pictures on it. One was of her coming down to join her party. Another was her cutting her cake. The one where she was having a hoedown with Apple Bloom was a keepsake. Sweetie Belle looked completely worn out in her picture with Scootaloo.

Of course, Sweetie Belle's favorite was her smiling in Spike's arms. They looked so happy being wrapped around each other. She looked at the picture and then down at the necklace beside it. She smiled at both before giving the picture a kiss.

Sweetie yawned as she slumped onto her bed. As she lied down, she checked her bedroom clock. 11:43. Well, it was fun while it lasted.

Just as she was about to fall asleep, she heard a knock on her door. "Sweetie Belle, may I come in?"

"Rarity? Yeah, sure."

Rarity came in and turned on the light. She definitely looks ready to sleep. Sweetie Belle wondered. What's she doing here?

"Hello. Sorry if I interrupted your slumber."

"It's okay. What's up, Sis?"

"Oh nothing," Rarity took a seat at the edge of the bed. "I just wanted to ask if you enjoyed your Cuteceรฑera."

"Ha. Are you kidding? Of course I did! It was great!"

"I'm so happy to hear that. It wasn't that hard to see, of course. Your smile could've brightened up this entire town."

"Hehe. Thanks."

"Now, about Spike..."

Of course.

"Are you two an item now, or..." Rarity seemed to just be teasing.

Sweetie Belle sat up. "Actually, I'm not sure. We never talked about it. But," Sweetie Belle began to blush. "I think he likes me."

"You don't say."

"Really! I feel it!"

"Hmm," Rarity giggled in her hand. "Sweetie Belle, I have a confession to make."

Sweetie wasn't expecting that. "Really? What?"

"I may have come into contact with Spike sometime before today. He had...matters to discuss."

Now Sweetie Belle was very curious. "What kind of matters?"

Rarity smiled a knowing smile. "Something about getting you a very special gift."

"Oh!" Sweetie Belle reached for the necklace Spike had given her. "You mean this? He gave it to me. It's really cute, don't ya think?"

Rarity took the necklace and inspected it. "It truly is quite beautiful. Certainly a wonderful gift. But..." Rarity paused. "It doesn't match the description he told me at all."

"What?" Sweetie Belle was very surprised. "Well, what did he say he was going to get me?"

"Hmm. Well...I guess I could tell you, buuuut..." Rarity suppressed her laughter. "That would ruin the surprise."

"A surprise?!" Sweetie Belle jumped beside her sister. "Tell me, tell me, tell me please!"

Rarity couldn't hold it any longer. Seeing her sister so giddy was just too much. "Hahaha. Rather than hearing it from me, why don't you just open your window instead?"

"Huh?" Caught off guard for a moment, Sweetie Belle jumped out of bed and dashed to her window. She opened the curtains and was taken aback by the sight before her.

Right outside her window, on her lit driveway, was Sweetie Belle's parents, Twilight Sparkle, Twilight's parents, and, most surprisingly, a group of mariachi musicians. Twilight Sparkle, Twilight Velvet, and Cookie Crumbles each stood ready with a camera or camcorder while Night Light was trying to cheer up Hondo Flanks, who had his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. The mariachis stood there in attention, waiting for orders.

Sweetie Belle couldn't believe it. "This is for me?!"

Rarity came up behind her. "Yes, indeed! Hurry, open your window!"

As Sweetie quickly did as she was told, she noticed a ladder in front of her window. She didn't give it much notice; Sweetie Belle had questions. "Mom, Twilight, what's going on?"

"Well, Sweetie Belle," Twilight Sparkle was recording as she spoke. "My little brother has something special planned for you."

"You and Rarity keep saying that," Sweetie Belle called out. "Where is he? Where's Spike?"

"Someone called?" Spike suddenly appeared as Sweetie said his name. He was wearing his own mariachi outfit; it was black and lined with gold and had a colorful, red necktie. He had a black and gold sombrero in his right hand and a red rose in his left. If Sweetie Belle could describe Spike in one word, it was handsome.

Sweetie Belle's face turned as red as the rose. "Spike...you look...wow."

He gave her a smirk. "Thank ya. You look pretty cute yourself in those PJ's. So, ready for your gift?"

Sweetie Belle was at a loss for words. The whole scene was so much to take in that she felt like she would faint. As her head was spinning, she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders. She turned to see that the hands belonged to Rarity.

"Relax, Sweetie Belle. Just take a deep breath, and enjoy your last present of the day. It's coming from him."

Sweetie processed her sister's words. I get one last present...and it's from Spike. My Spike. With a smile on her face, Sweetie Belle nodded at her sister and turned her direction back outside. "I'm ready, Spike!"

"Alright. Marker Mustache, if you and your band will."

"Of course, Mr. Spike," The mariachi leader signaled his band-mates to begin.

The group's violin players began to play a soft, soothing sound. The gentle strings were soon accompanied by light trumpeting and cello.

Though it appeared to everyone else that he was standing still, Spike was allowing the music to flow through his body. Rhythm soon began to set in him. With a deep breath, Spike began his serenade.

No one writes love letters anymore,
Giving flowers has disappeared,
Just what's happened to that romance?

Writing poems to your love no longer exists,
Now everyone just sends a text,
Whatever happened to giving chocolates?

The trumpets began to play stronger.

But I refuse this change,
It's not my style,
I confess to you that all this whiiiile,

The entire band was in full swing.

That I wish to love you,
In my preferred way,

And give you red roses,
While I sing you songs,
And you smile along,

Sweetie Belle dreamily smiled as she was overtaken with Spike's song. What a guy.

I want to love you,
With that classic romance,

And write you a poem,
Hold you the door,
Or just hold your hands,

And love you for always,

Sweetie Belle rested her elbow on her window and leaned on it. I'd like all that. Please do.

Your smile is better live than in my dreams,
You've been waiting for me it would seem,
Would you forgive me if I told you...

Spike threw the rose to Sweetie Belle who happily caught it. I forgive you.

That I wish to love you,
And share you my life?

And buy you some flowers,
Give you a picnic,
And dance in the rain shower,

I want to love you,
In the way you deserve,

And make your heart sing,
Take you to dinner,
And buy you a ring,

Please let it be for my left ring finger.

Please let me just love you,
I love you Sweetie.

The music faded, and Spike took a bow. Spike's small audience gave him a round of applause as he wiped the sweat off his face. It looked like the song took a bit out of him. Handing Twilight his sombrero, Spike climbed the ladder up to Sweetie Belle's window.

Sweetie Belle held the rose close to her chest as Rarity wiped a tear off her sister's face. She watched as he climbed up to meet her. Very soon, they were face-to-face between the window.

"Hey, Spike."

"Hey, Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie shook her head. "I can't believe you did that."

Spike blushed. "Heh, I read in one of Twilight's books that mariachi music is pretty romantic, so I thought maybe you'd like it."

"I loved everything you did for me today, Spike."

"Well...will you love me and be my girlfriend?"

Sweetie Belle smiled. "I thought I already was, but yes," They hugged.

Cookie Crumbles was still recording from the driveway. "Aw, isn't that sweet?"

"It sure is."

That voice...it couldn't be. Cookie turned to her husband. "Hondo, did you really just say that?!"

*Sigh.* "Yeah...I did. Just look at them. He makes her so...happy."

Cookie was shocked. "What?" I don't believe it. "So...does this mean you're going to let the kids be?" Everyone in the driveway looked at Hondo Flanks.

Hondo looked up at the young couple embracing. He let out a breath. "As long as they don't do anything too stupid...Yeah, why not?" Hondo looked up again. After seeing his youngest daughter smile in Spike's arms one more time, Hondo's face softened. He looked like he was about to cry. *Sniff.* "I'm going to bed!" Hondo didn't wait for anyone's response before he started to leave.

That big lug. "I'll catch up with you in a minute, Honey. I just want to finish getting this on tape," Cookie smiled.

Spike and Sweetie Belle pulled back a bit from each other's arms. With a smile on both of their faces, they each puckered their lips and began to lean to the other's face. As Sweetie Belle leaned, she lost her balance and slipped onto Spike's chest. This caused the ladder under him to lose its grip, and it began to tilt. Spike and Sweetie instinctively grabbed on to each other as they fell.



*Thud!* Everyone rushed to the fallen couple.

"OH MY GOSH!" Cookie was very worried. " Sweetie, are you okay?!"

Sweetie Belle sat up. "Yeah, I think so. Just a little dizzy," She suddenly remembered. "Spike!" Sweetie looked beside her to see Spike lying on the ground. She hectically rushed over to him. "Spike! Look at me! Come on, say something!"

Spike opened his eyes and looked at his girlfriend. He gave her a smile and began laughing. "That was awe-haha-some!"


Author's Note:

This story was primarily inspired by my experiences with quinceaรฑeras. I've been to and been hired for so many of them (To the pain of my wallet. I didn't get paid for anything. In fact, I had to pay for the suit and everything else I did, but I digress.), and I kinda noticed that there's always at least some romantic drama happening. After remembering that MLP has Cuteceรฑeras and mariachis and feeling like writing about my OTP again, this story happened.

The songs featured are Make A Wish and Dance Magic from MLP:FiM and Friendship Games, respectively.
Spike's Serenade was inspired by Amarte A La Antigua by Pedro Fernandez. I love that song. Go check it out to get a feel for Spike's song. I originally planned on just translating the song, but I couldn't make it sound coherent if I tried, so I just made up my own words. I like to think that the music the mariachis were playing was that song, only with Spike singing over it.

Oh yeah, about Marker Mustache, I just decided to give a mariachi a name that sounded a little like mine while still feeling like MLP. I guess that makes him my first OC.

Well, hope you enjoyed. Gonna start on the next one. Have a good one!

Comments ( 45 )

10,307 words! :pinkiegasp: I seen longer but you think you have enough there. This may take awhile :rainbowdetermined2: but I will read your story! :pinkiehappy: Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye

7025310 I type as much as I think the story needs. Ha sorry

7025316 Well it doesn't matter I wish your story luck, I already took the trouble of putting it in a few of my groups as you can see when you go down the long similar list. :derpytongue2:

7025323 Ha Thanks. Hope you enjoy this one. I put a bit of more of myself in this.

It was a cute little story. A few grammatical errors, but those can be overlooked.

*Sigh.* Hondo made the mistake of looking at his daughter's big green eyes.

This however... I just can't. It only takes a few extra words to say "Hondo sighed as he made the mistake..." and it flows so much better.

Every time you use asterisks to add sound effects, Twilight Sparkle kicks Spike. True story. So for the sake of Spike, don't add asterisks for your sound effects.

(Paid for by the Don't Let Twilight Kick Spike Foundation)

And done my second favorite Spike ship next to Applespike bit really close. This was a really good story and well I laugh at the right parts, smiled and it was a nice cute story. This was really good and it didn't feel like 10 thousands words more like five thousand or so, meaning it will be easy to read it over so that gonna count of something.

The Belle of the ball: Sweetie Belle

I'm counting that as a bad pun. I'm so proud of you, they grow up so fast, :pinkiesad2: anyway, besides the Cute-something I'm not even going to try and spell it, I think that only happen when you get your cutie mark. But that's my say on the story great job, :twilightsmile: anyway we're done here.

Great story! I wanted to read the whole thing but once I saw Sweetie had a crush on Spike I literally scrolled all the way down. Sorry I just don't like those two shipped together. But it's really good though, sorry for being a duck as well.

7026477 It's kinda my style, but I'll take your suggestion into consideration. Thanks for the read!

7026632 I know ponies only have Cuteceรฑeras when they get their Cutie Marks. That's why I made them humans in this story. I did that give Cuteceรฑeras more of a coming-of-age birthday than mark getting. Thanks for another read, Phoenix. And I have no regrets for my puns ha.

7026688 Well, I appreciate you giving my story a chance. We all have ships we don't like. But as long as everyone is respectful, I don't mind. Thanks for the read.

7026978 Thank you so much. Really liked your comment. It made me laugh ha.

7033136 Thank you! Really appreciate the feedback.

First I know I should have done this a looooong time ago but spring church camp began as soon as you published your story so I could never give you my insight on the story itself.

Good stuff about the story.
Well for starters, the amount of character development in the story is surprisingly well done in such a small amount time, the interactions of characters just made me as a reader so attached to them all as a whole, the interactions from the characters felt so genuine, it's as if Laruen Faust herself was beside you assisting you with the character development during the story. The way I knew that the characters were actually genuine to me was the fact that even if it the story focused on anyone else besides sweetie belle's or spike's perspective I would still easily be amused by the interactions of others.
Another thing that I have no idea how you managed is the interaction between sweetie's parents, not much is known about them but yet I felt a very accurate and a non forced personality from the pair (and forced personality's happen waaaay to much for fanfics) and how I knew such a claim of originality for sweetie's parents, was the fact that whenever those two conversed with one another I would never fail to smile :pinkiesmile:.

Things that you can improve one
Well there wasn't much writing error's as much of wording error's (which might I add is very common with new writers considering this is your third story) "*Sigh.* Hondo made the mistake of looking at his daughter's big green eyes." While it should've been somewhat or similar to "Hondo sighed as he made the mistake..." Dwarvish Pony makes an extremely valid point with his wording (make sure to thank him for that). One final complaint, the story moved a bit fast I felt as if you could have made this a 2 chapter piece with more detail, it felt quick (especially near the beginning and the end)

All in all 8/10 pinkies :pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile::pinkiesmile:

Also hahaha yes finally finished the review :yay:

7052383 Thanks. I did consider making this multi-chapter, but I decided to keep it one shot. My next one is also a one shot. After that, I will publish my first multi-chapter.

7052398 well I hope you have a healthy mind and some good motivation by theb

I really enjoyed this story. What's really made me laugh the most was the part when Hondo gave Spike one of those dirty looks. It reminds me of when my dad would do that with my younger sister :rainbowlaugh:

7083021 Thanks! Yeah, I had fun with that scene, too.

7083035 Will you ever make a sequel. Unless if you have other plans.

7083041 I do have plans for a sequel, though I have come across a minor problem over copyrighted songs. I went into a bit more detail in one of my blog posts. But a sequel will happen down the road. And I have a lot more stories planned. I have a long list ;)

7083051 That's good to hear. Keep up the good work. I can't wait!

7083157 Next one should be up soon (now that my horrible Abstract Algebra test is over).

So, are a mariachi?
Hubieras escrito la cancion en espaรฑol xp :moustache:

7126653 Si puedo hablar espanol, pero no puedo escribir. Y quiero que todos entienden la cancion jajaja.

7126697 oh, i understand, i can say the same though. Se hablar ingles, pero no escribirlo.

welp, i feel like i was lucky to read through all of that cuteness and survived to tell the tale. now, after reading this, i think i need to find a mariachi spike picture and see if it stacks up to the way you described it in the story.

7129847 Ha thanks for the feedback. I did consider posting a picture of Spike dressed like that, but then I realized it would be a major spoiler.

7129854 maybe maybe. anyway, i was honestly surprised with the mariachi thing. i felt like he would have done the whole "outside of the house holding up a boombox" type of thing.

7129858 That's what I loved about the idea. It's so cute and romantic, and almost no one would expect it.

Alright, I absolutely loved this story! I've never read a story centered around Sweetie Belle before, much less one that shipped her with Spike, but this is so well-written that I can't help but like it.

7234401 Thank you so much. I love almost nothing more than people liking my stories. I just posted a sequel to this story yesterday if you're interested.

7234412 I know! I read it right after this one, and it was just as fabulous! :raritystarry:

7234936 Thank you so much! There will be more :)

Hmm, Dance Magic brings to mind another song with a similar title. It also reminds me of the babe.

7859481 I can only think of one other song when I hear Dance Magic.

Unless it reminds you of the babe, we're not thinking of the same song.

Ok, why do I keep seeing Tom Holland as Spike, Angourie Rice as Sweetie Belle, Tara Strong as Twilight and Michael Keaton as Hondo Flanks? ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

Why do I get the feeling that Spike is a Certifiable Casanova?

Because those are surprisingly good choices. Seriously!

Whenever I write them humanized, I think of them in mauroz's style.

Because he's very romantic :raritywink:

I was thinking a bit more of an animated movie, kinda like how they switched up the animation into something different yet true to character for the 2017 My Little Pony Movie. It was a great movie. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ But yeah, I can see where youโ€™re going with this.

Thanks for the reply.

You're welcome! I always try to reply to my comments ASAP, but I guess I must've missed yours somehow. Sorry lol. When I finally saw it, I replied.

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