• Published 14th Feb 2016
  • 1,857 Views, 13 Comments

Thinking About Apples - keaton-furman-prower

Tennis can't stop thinking about the girl who saved her life.

  • ...

Thanks for saving me from falling into a magic pony dimension!

I can hardly believe my eyes. Twilight Sparkle, or at least a version of her that goes to Crystal Prep, has turned into some sort of raging she-demon. Kind of like Sunset Shimmer before she saved us from the sirens. Even worse, she’s blasting holes into the ground, which are turning into portals which lead into Sunset’s pony world!

I looks downwards, and I’m horrified to see cracks forming below me. Before I can say anything, the ground collapses, sending me falling towards the pony world. All I can do is scream as I am lost to the mysterious unknown land.

Then, just when it seems that I am doomed, I feel a hand grabbing mine.

“Don’t let go!”

I look up in shock, wondering who stopped me from falling into ponyland. Immediately I am greeted by the sight of a blond-haired, orange-skinned girl with a cowboy hat and freckles. She’s clearly straining to lift me up, but she refuses to let me go. Even though I’m scared, I can’t help but admire her determination.

Then she begins to fall.

Oh well. If there's anyone I'd want to die while falling into a freaky pony universe with, it would be her.

Fortunately, it doesn't come to that, as we're rescued by her Crystal Prep nemesis.

“Earth to Tennis Match! Are you there?!”

I'm snapped out of my flashback by the voice of my best friend. I shake my head and grip my racket.

“Sorry, Cloudy! I'm okay!”

“You'd better be!” says Cloudy Kicks. “You’re losing the match! You always win at tennis! It's your thing!”

I groan and grip my racket. Unfortunately, today I just can't focus. All I think about is her.

I can't stand it! Why does she mesmerize me so?!

“I can't believe you actually lost!”

I have mixed feelings as Cloudy yells at me. On one hand, I was the one who was supposed to win the game. I am a huge tennis fanatic, after all. They doing call me Tennis Match for my skills in soccer.

Yet, on the other hand, I can't be blamed for being distracted by Applejack.


Why?! Why am I so obsessed with her?! I don't even know her! She saved me from falling just one time! She’s not anyone important!

I mean, she helped save the school several times, but all those times were with her friends! And she is incredibly strong, athletic, and honest… but there are lots of other students at Canterlot High School who share those qualities with her! It's not like she's the only special girl in the school, even if she's unbelievably beautiful-


As I walk through the hallways, I can't stop thinking about Applejack. How can I be thinking about her so much if I barely even know her? I’ve never had an actual conversation with her. As far as I can remember, the only direct interaction I've ever had with her was that time she saved me from death by interdimensional skydiving.

Still, she's one of the most recognizable faces in the whole school, thanks to her and her friends’ achievements. Indeed, I can already put together a lot of details about her just from what I've heard; she comes from a family of apple farmers, she has an older brother and a younger sister, and she has a dog.

Aaaaand she knows absolutely nothing about me. That's so embarrassing. Now I feel like some sort of stalker.

“Hey, Tennis, you listening?”

I shake myself again. I then see Cloudy looking at me weird.

“I’m okay!” I say quickly. “Nothing wrong at all!”

Cloudy narrows her eyes. “Tennis, you're not okay. You've been acting all weird since the Friendship Games. What’s up with you?”

I look away in embarrassment. I don't want to talk about Applejack, but I know that I can't hide forever, especially if people start noticing how weird I act.

“Um, well,” I start, unsure of what exactly to say. “You see, I have a friend who-”

“Seriously, Tennis? Nobody falls for the ‘I have a friend with a problem’ story.”

I smack my hand against my face.

“All right! I have a crush! There?! Are you happy?!”

For a moment, Cloudy just stares at me. Then, she begins to laugh.

“Cloudy!” I yell as my cheeks glow red. “This is serious!”

She stops, takes a deep breath, and smiles at me.

“Sorry,” she says. “Anyway, who's the lucky guy?”

I look away nervously, which causes a concerned look to form on her face.

“Oh! Or girl! I'm not judging you!”

I take a deep breath, and then say “Applejack.”

“Applejack?” she asks. “Farm girl? Magic pony powers? Saved you from falling into another dimension full of ponies?”

“Um, yeah,” I answer. “That just about sums it up.”

For a moment neither of us speak. I'm looking downwards with a worried look on my face, while she's looking at me with a contemplating face.

“Well, why don't you go talk to her?”

Immediately my eyes go wide.

“What?! No! I can't!”

“Why not?” Cloudy asks. “You'll never know until you try!”

I open my mouth to speak, but I have no idea how to respond. So I just sigh in resignation.

“Okay, so what am I supposed to say? ‘Oh, hey Applejack, I have a crush on you! Want to go on a date?’ Yeah, that'll go over well!”

Cloudy chuckled, then pats me on the shoulder. “Hey, don't freak out. Just talk to her, and it'll all come naturally.

She smiles at me, then walks away. I I watch her leave, I'm left thinking about her advice.

As I walk towards the music room, I struggle to fight the butterflies in my stomach. I'm so nervous that it takes all my willpower to keep walking in the same direction.

Dang it, why does it have to be so hard to talk to her?! She's just another girl! A really pretty girl who also happens to have magical pony powers and has saved the school on multiple occasions…

Okay, so she's more than just another girl.

Before I know it, I'm standing right outside the music room. On the other side I can hear the sounds of a few different instruments. They all sounds good, but the one that catches my attention is the bass.


Taking a deep breath, I push the door open. The music immediately stops, with the exception of the drums. I take a look around and see Applejack and three of her friends, Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie.

“Um, hello?” I ask.

“Hey there!” Rainbow says. “Tennis Match, right?”

A small smile forms on my face. “Uh, yeah. Best tennis player in the school.”

“Yeah,” says Rainbow. “So, what brings you here?”

This is it. It's time for me to meet my maker.

...I mean, talk to Applejack. Yeah.

“Well, I wanted to talk to Applejack,” I say, fighting not to sound nervous.

“Really?” asks Sunset. “About what?”


Everyone in the room jumps in shock. I then realize that the drums have gone quiet.


Before I can say anything, I feel a pink blur rush past me. I then turn around and see Pinkie dragging Sunset and Rainbow screaming out the door.

“What… was that?!” I ask as I watch with wide eyes.

“Don't worry about that,” Applejack reassures me. “Just Pinkie bein’ Pinkie.”

I turn around to speak, but my words get trapped in my throat. I'm standing right in front of the most beautiful girl in the whole school! And she's looking at me!

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “You okay, Sugarcube? Ya look like ya just ate a bunch of bad apples or somethin’.”

I take a deep breath in the hopes of calming myself down a bit. I then say the most un-romantic thing I can think of to break the ice.

“Thanks for saving me from falling into a magic pony dimension!”

As I finish speaking, I realize I may have been speaking a bit too quickly. Even though I manage to maintain my composure, internally I'm getting the jitters.

“Um, you're welcome?”

And then they're gone.

“Ah mean, it wasn't just me helpin’,” she continues. “Sugarcoat helped too, didn't she?”

“Yeah, but you got me first!” I say. “You’re the one who got me when I was just about to fall!”

Applejack chuckles. “Well, ah guess ya got me there, Sugarcube.”

She gives me a smile, which I return nervously. Then I breathe deeply. It's now or never.

“So, I was wondering if you want to, um, hang out one of these days.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Of course you can join in, Sugarcube. Me and the girls always like having new friends.”

“No!” I say. Then, I quickly add “I mean, not with friends. I mean just us.”

For a moment, neither of us speak. Applejack just stands there, as if confused by my request. As for me, I'm freaking out on the inside. At this point, however, that's perfectly normal.

Finally, Applejack speaks.

“Alone? You mean… like a date?”

“No!” I blurt out as my eyes go wide. “I-I mean not if you don't want it to be! I mean, I'd be really happy if you said ye- I mean-”

Before I can say anything else, Applejack does something I never expected: she lunges forward and kisses me on the cheek.

As she pulls away, I stare at her in shock. Alright it's subtle, she's starting to blush, and I can feel my cheeks glowing with heat too.

“You’re a cute one, Sugarcube.”

I try to reply, but all that comes out of my mouth is a sort of whimpering noise. Applejack smiles and winks.

“You know, Valentine’s day is this Sunday. Whatcha say Doughnut Joe’s, three o’clock?”

Weakly, I raise my hand and give her a shaky thumbs up. Smiling, Applejack turns toward the door.

“It’s a date, then!”

I watch as she leaves the room, still unable to form a coherent sentence. After a minute has passed, though, I finally start to relax. And as I do, our brief conversation begins to sink in.

I have a date with Applejack.

Despite the nervousness that I was feeling just a few moments before, I start to feel unbelievable joy. I begin to bounce up and down in excitement.

I really have to remember to thank Twilight for almost killing me.

Author's Note:

Just a little something for all you crackshippers out there. Happy Valentine's day!

Comments ( 13 )

i give you 20 :rainbowkiss: outta 10...

so adorable of a ship!

older sister

Older brother.

I really have to remember to thank Twilight for almost killing me.


6938517 Well, Big Mac did dress up as a lady once. Maybe Tennis was confused :rainbowlaugh:

This is so cute! :rainbowkiss: AppleMatch OTP!
Maybe I should start a second Next Generation universe focused on an AppleMatch daughter :moustache:

6956695 Thanks! :scootangel:

I wonder what their babies will look like :duck:

6960764 Now what other OTP shall I force you to make art of next? :pinkiecrazy:

6960971 Not gonna give you ideas but whatever you come up with will be horrifying :pinkiecrazy:

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