• Published 29th May 2017
  • 2,639 Views, 50 Comments

Dancing with the moon - Ausbrony

Moondancer meets one of Equestria's newest attraction, a human. However, it seems that he may be an attraction in more ways than one~

  • ...

Chapter Two

A hoof slapped the bedside table, blindly searching for a particular object. First was the current source of her sleepy ire, the blaring alarm clock. A few blind whacks found her target, silencing the buzzing beast. And another, gentler search found the second as she pulled the old spectacles over, placing them on her muzzle.

“Urgh, who even invented mornings?” Moondancer mumbled as she slowly inched towards the side of her bed. Reluctant to leave the warm confines of her bed, but nothing would get done otherwise. She let out an involuntary shiver as her bare hooves hit to cold wooden floor. Autumn was nearly done and Winter was on the horizon. The perfect time to just stay in bed with a good book and a mug of hot chocolate.

Shivering again, she made a slow-paced journey for her bathroom. A nice warm shower was just what she needed to kick the day off.

Mane tied up? Check!

Glasses? Check!



“Horseapples,” Moondancer mumbled as she stared at her empty cupboards. With all that happened yesterday, she completely forgot she was out of food. A few stale graham crackers does not a breakfast make.

Well, not anymore anyway.

She kiiiiinda promised Minuette that she’d start eating better. And if she didn’t, Minuette would know.

Minuette always knows.

“Guess I have to go out then,” she sighed to herself. She reached out with her magic, a light pinkish grey corona igniting around her horn. Her saddlebags rose up out of her pile of books…


Aaand that was the bottoms of her bags tearing and the contents scattering across the floor.

“Great…. Just, great,” the mare sighed. She picked up her bitpurse and tucked it into her black sweater. Pulling the neck of her sweater up, she turned and opened her front door, stumbling back a step as she was struck with the blustery, chilly wind that blew. It was to be expected at the altitudes the city was at.

Still didn’t make it any more pleasant. With another shiver, she stepped outside and into the city streets.

Hooves clicked against the crisp cobblestone, her mane and tail flicking in the wind as Moondancer made her way down the busy street. Even this early in the morning, Canterlot was a bustling place. Ponies going to, and even coming from work. Nobles out and about to spend their bits and a few guards patrolling the streets.

All Moondancer really cared about was filling her empty belly and getting to the relative warmth of the library. She knew of a nice cafe not too far from where she lived. The owner was pleasant enough and her food and coffee was some of the best Moondancer had found.

Rounding a corner, the large wooden building came into view. It was long and curved from floor to ceiling, like a log half-buried in the ground. A protrusion on one side showed a large oaken door, set with heavy-looking brass hinges. Two windows on either side, and three on the opposite wall. Atop the structure was a small home, presumably where the owner lived.

As Moondancer got close to the store, her ears wilted when she saw the closed sign on the door. That… well that wasn’t right. The cafe should have been open by now. She cast a glance at the tall clock tower in the distance and sighed.

Her alarm was off, by nearly a whole hour? No wonder she was so tired. But it’d taken thirty minutes to walk here, so returning home was utterly pointless.

She let out a dejected sigh. Maybe there was another place open?

She turned around, just as the cafe door creaked open, a tall unicorn mare poked her head out.

“Moondancer?” she asked, getting the mare’s attention. “Goodness, what are you doing out here so early?”

“Because my alarm clock is a dirty liar,” Moon mumbled. “Sorry… I’ll head elsewhere.”

“Nonsense,” the mare stepped outside, the wind messed her milk-chocolate brown locks a little. She had a tan coat, speckled with various spots of brown. Her reddish brown eyes looked Moondancer over. “Goodness, you seem to have had quite the morning.”

“You have no idea Mocha,” Moon groaned. “I could really use a good coffee and someplace warm.”

“Well, luckily I have one and will have the other soon,” Mocha Latte giggled and held the door open. “Come in. I’ll start whipping up your favourite.”

“I swear, if anypony should ascend to an alicorn next, it should be you,” Moondancer smiled as she stepped inside, sighing in relief as a gentle warmth washed over her. An enchanted fireplace crackling steadily against a wall.

“Wouldn’t that be something,” Mocha chuckled as she closed the door and walked around the counter. “The Alicorn Princess of Coffee huh?” Her telekinesis already multitasking a half dozen things. The sight never failed to impress Moondancer. She knew that Mocha didn’t know many spells, but Mocha’s telekinesis was even more complex than her own.

It wasn’t long before the mare had set down a cup of her namesake, a fresh mocha latte and a serving of banana toast and sweet jam.

“Mmm, just what the doctor ordered,” Moondancer hummed as she sipped from her mug. “Ahh!”

“Well, on the upside,” Mocha smiled. “When your day starts out bad, it can only get better right?”

“It’s too early for positive,” Moondancer replied. “But I’ll take it.” She reached into her sweater to pull out her bit purse.

“Oh you have got to be kidding me!” Moondancer exclaimed and thunked her head against the countertop.

“Goodness!” Mocha hurried over to her, looking down at the crestfallen mare. “Whatever’s the matter dear?”

“My purse is missing,” she mumbled. “I put it in my sweater… but it must have fallen out between here and home…” And it’d surely be gone by now. Sure, she didn’t have many bits in it, maybe twenty or so? But…

“Well, not to matter. I don’t mind shouting you breakfast,” Mocha suggested, but Moondancer shook her head.

“No! I… arrgh!” Today just kept upping the ante on how much it would suck. “I can’t—”

Her tangent was interrupted as the front door creaked open, a familiar voice speaking up. “Hey, Mocha? You open yet?”

Moondancer turned to see the human, Antino was it? Standing there in the doorway.

“Not quite, but you come in,” Mocha beckoned him. “We’re just having a small dilemma here at the moment.”

“Oh?” Antino stepped inside, closing the door and locking the chill out. He wore a long black swallowtail trenchcoat. A white t-shirt underneath and long dark blue pants. Moondancer mildly envied him for looking so warm.

“Yes, this poor dear lost her bit purse,” Mocha sighed, tilting her head to one side. “I’m trying to tell her it’s okay but…” She pet Moondancer’s head gently. “She’s awfully stubborn.”

“Ah,” Tino took a stool close to Moondancer. “I see. It’s a shame really. That purse has a really nice embroidery of a star and crescent moon right?”

Moondancer’s head snapped up, a look of befuddlement on her face. “W-What? How do you know that?” There was no way. She didn’t have it with her yesterday. How on Equus did he know?

“Oh, so this isn’t yours?” he asked and reached into his jacket pocket, pulling out her purse. “I found it outsi—” A magical aura snatched the purse from his hand, Moondancer holding it close to her chest. “Well, you’re welcome.”

“Now now, that was a little rude,” Mocha chided her. Moondancer’s eyes widened and her ears fell back. Mocha and Minuette shared a scary bond of ‘don’t make them mad.’

“It’s okay,” Tino started, but Moondancer raised her hoof.

“No, I was rude just now. I’m sorry,” she apologised as she bowed her head to him. “Thank you for finding it.” Moondancer then looked at the cafe hostess. “And to you to Mocha. For your kind offer just now.”

“Think nothing of it,” Mocha smiled kindly and waved a hoof. “And see? Your luck’s looking up already.”

“Is something the matter?” Antino asked with a slight tilt of his head.

“Miss Moondancer has just had a rough morning,” Mocha chuckled, much to the other mare’s chagrin. “When bad luck rains, it often pours.”

“Miss Latte, the fortune cookie,” Tino mused as the mare floated him a cup of coffee, one he took thankfully and sipped at it, sighing happily. “Ahh! There is almost no better way to start the day.”

“Almost?” Mocha raised an eyebrow. “And pray tell Mister Antino. What is a better way than a cup of my coffee hmm?”

Tino just smiled and waggled his eyebrows, making the tall mare gasp and blush slightly. “Oooh, you scoundrel~”

Moondancer watched the back and forth with morbid curiosity. They acted like such good friends. Though what was Antino hinting at? She just didn’t get it. Some inside joke perhaps? She lifted her cup and sipped from it, letting the delightfully bitter taste fill her mouth as she continued to watch them.

“So how do you know one another?” Moondancer found herself asking. Tino and Mocha paused in their conversation and looked at her, the mare shrinking back in her stool a little.

“No need to look so nervous,” Mocha giggled and tilted her head towards Tino. “This one is a better storyteller though.”

“Hardly,” Antino shook his head. “Well, it was around, three months ago?” He looked back at Mocha, her head nodding to confirm it. “Yeah. Just after I moved to Canterlot from Ponyville. Coffee’s something of a vice of mine, so after I got settled, my first personal goal was to find a good haunt to grab a cup of joe.”

“Coincidentally,” Mocha added on. “I’d just reopened after a… small break of sorts.”

“Oh yeah,” Moondancer nodded. “You closed down for about two months.” Come to think of it, nopony really knew why either.

“I was dealing with some… personal issues,” Mocha said with a small sigh. “But yes, I’d just reopened and was having trouble getting my customer base back.”

“I was taking a stroll through the Artisan District,” Antino continued. “The architecture there is really neat. I mean, there’s this one building that--”

“Antino dear,” Mocha said and the human paused and blushed lightly, rubbing his head as the two mares giggled.

“Sorry, got distracted,” he mused. “Anyway. I happened to bump into Mocha on the way. And when she introduced herself…”

“The first thing he asks is if I knew where to get coffee, all because of my name,” Mocha laughed as her magic worked in the background, frying some scrambled eggs and toasting toast. “Such a rude stallion to make such an assumption.”

“Hey, you ponies and your practically literal names,” Tino said. “I mean, sometimes anyway. I doubt Miss Moondancer here actually dances on the moon.”

“Oh? What makes you say that?” Moondancer said in a dead serious tone. Antino slowly turned his head towards her, mouth agape slightly. He knew Luna raised the moon, but for a pony to… wait, why was she laughing… oh.

“Hilarious,” he said flatly as Mocha joined the giggling. “Sure, make fun of the different species.”

“Well if you didn’t make it so easy,” Mocha mused, earning a pout from the human.

“It’s known as ‘Naming Sense’,” Moondancer explained. “Nopony is sure how it works. It’s just something… integrated into ponies. Like a Heart Song and a Cutie Mark. That said, it’s not always correct, sometimes a pony will change their name when their Cutie Mark and special talent appears.” She paused when she realised she’d started the impromptu lecture. It just happened sometimes, and ponies often commented that she was a bit of a ‘know-it-all’ and quietened down… but…

“Huh,” Antino folded his arms, looking thoughtful. “I didn’t know that. That was pretty informative Miss Moondancer. Thank you.”


“Y-You’re welcome?” Moondancer blinked, not having expected that kind of result.

“You remind me a lot of one of my friends,” Tino chuckled as he drained his coffee cup. “Twilight often spouted random tidbits of info. I think I learned more from just listening to her than I did from books… once I was able to read them.”

Moondancer’s brow furrowed. So. Many. Questions. Okay, focus! First thing’s first.

“You know Twilight Sparkle?”

“Yup,” Tino nodded. “She was my second friend in this world. And the one that taught me pretty much everything I know about it up til now.”

“She’s one of my oldest friends too,” Moondancer nodded.

“Huh? Small world,” Antino mused, knowing fully well that Equus was actually a slightly smaller planet than Earth.

“You also said ‘able to read them’,” Moondancer said. “What did you mean?”

“Ahh,” Antino hummed as Mocha set their breakfast down in front of them. A plate of scrambled eggs, Prench toast and fried vegetables. “Well, after I… ‘arrived’ here in this world, well…” He took a bite of food and hummed contently. “I couldn’t read, write or even speak the language. Thankfully that’s where Twilight stepped in. She first found a rudimentary translation spell so I could at least speak with you guys.” He pulled a necklace out from under his shirt. It had a small green stone attached to a silver chain. “Over time, she and her student refined it even more and even enhanced this stone with the spell so I no longer needed regular upkeep on it. When I did, it made for a few awkward moments when it wore off mid-conversation.”

“Interesting,” Moondancer looked at the stone closely. The runes inscribed on it were like none she’d ever seen. Okay, she really needed to catch up with Twilight at some point.

“it only translates my speech though,” he slipped the necklace off and set it at arm's length away on the bench. <So without it, my native language is something you ponies just don’t understand.>

Moondancer and Mocha tilted their heads, the latter having not seen this before either.

“What did he say?” Moon blinked.

“I have no idea,” Mocha said as Tino slipped the pendant back on.

“I said my native language is something you guys don’t understand, and vice versa,” he explained. “But the spell couldn’t translate written words. So I had to learn the slow way for that. Twilight’s teaching methods are… brutally effective.” He let out a small shudder. The little purple nerd was relentless in her teaching.

Mind you, he got her to wear a sexy librarian outfit, claiming it helped humans study better.

He still hadn’t told her the truth. Longest running prank ever.

“So, you can read Equestrian now?” Moondancer asked him.

“Well, I was reading to those foals in the library yesterday,” he pointed out.

Moondancer’s mouth made an ‘o’ shape and she blushed lightly, rubbing her head. “R-Right. Forgot about that.”

“It’s fine,” he shrugged as the pair put their conversation on hold to eat.

A pleasant silence fell over the restaurant as Mocha went back to preparing it for it’s proper opening hours. Wiping down tables and chairs and doing a bit of dusting. As she finished untangling some cords on her small stage, she head the sound of water running and lifted her head to see Moon and Tino washing the dishes that they’d used.

“Ahh, what are you doing?” she asked as she trotted towards them. “I’ll do that.”

“Nah,” Tino waved a hand. “You let us in early and fed us. Least we can do is clean up.”

“Ohh, you’re such a scoundrel,” Mocha blushed and frowned, but her giggle betrayed her true feelings on the matter. Honestly, what was she going to do with these troublemakers?

“Well, always willing to help a pretty mare,” Antino winked, making Mocha giggle again as Moondancer looked between the pair. She hadn’t minded washing the minuscule amount of dishes, but this was… new.

“Are…” She’d read about this in a book, so she was somewhat certain. “Are you two dating?”

Both individuals froze and looked at one another, before bursting out laughing.

“Did… I say something funny?” Moondancer frowned. She’d just asked a simple question didn’t she?

“O-Oh goodness,” Mocha gasped between giggles. “A-As charming as Antino is. He’s not really my type.”

“Oh?” Moondancer facehooved. “Right, I guess he’s not a pony…”

“No, I’m a male,” he clarified for her. Moondancer tilted her head for a moment, before the pieces fell into place and she looked at Mocha.

“Yes, I prefer a pretty mare,” the tall unicorn smiled sweetly. “I had a coltfriend once… it, did not turn out so well.” Her expression fell briefly and Moondancer felt like she’d put her hoof in it this time.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she apologised again. “I didn’t mean to…”

“Oh it’s fine,” Mocha smiled and then stepped closer, her flanks having a more… hypnotic sway to them. “You know Moonie~ You’re rather cute. Maybe I’ll have you pay back breakfast with a date instead~”

Moondancer’s face lit up with a brilliant crimson as she took a healthy step back from the seductive mare. “I-I-I-I…” Her brain just failed right about there.

“Haha, you’re so cute,” Mocha giggled and pet her head again. “Don’t worry dear. I already have my eye on somepony else. So you’re safe… for now~”

Moondancer let out a sigh of relief. She had no idea how to deal with… those kinds of situations. And Tino laughing was not helping matters either. A quick scowl shut him up though.

An ornate wooden clock on the wall chimed and Moondancer looked at it. Oh horseapples, the library was scheduled to open soon!

“Thank you for breakfast,” the unicorn said as she floated some bits into the counter. “I really appreciate it. But I really need to get going. The library is opening soon…”

“Oh?” Antino spoke up. “Mind if I tag along? I need to return a book before I start work.”

“I… suppose?” Moondancer said. Well, he had returned her wallet. So maybe she could walk with him. Oh, she still had a question to ask him too.

“Cool,” Antino paid for their meals and got to his hooves. “Well shall we get going? I need to get to work soon after.”

“Oh?” Moondancer asked, not noticed he’d paid for her too as the pair left the cafe, Mocha bidding them a farewell and letting out a little giggle.

“Yeah,” Antino nodded as he adjusted his jacket against the abrasive cold winds, the tails of his coat fluttering behind him. “Well not really a ‘job’ persay. Every month, I write a report of my experiences, interactions, that sort of thing. Then present it to Princess Celestia. She’s keeping it as a study of how human's in Equestria handle living in this world. In return, I get a small stipend to live off of. The others do the same as well, but I don't know many of them very well.”

“Huh? How interesting,” Moondancer said and she gasped, pausing in her step. “That reminds me!” She said… well, more like shouted really.

“What?” Antino turned to look at her, surprised by her suddenly raised voice. “Jeeze, don’t scare me like that.”

Moondancer either didn’t hear him or ignored him. “Last night at that club. How do you know so much about magic? Can you actually use magic?”

Ahh, so that’s what this was about. “No,” he eventually replied. “I wish I could cause well, casting magic would be pretty awesome. But the subject still fascinates me. So I figured that since it was such a prominent force in this world, I might as well learn about it.”

“Interesting,” Moondancer replied, not having expected such a… practical answer. A lot of ponies could learn with being taught at least basic magical theory, even if they weren’t a unicorn. It also didn’t help that Celestia’s School was about the only place in Equestria that even taught extensive magic.

“That’s what I think with each new book I read,” Tino nodded as they resumed their trek, more than eager to get out of the freezing cold. When ponies said Winter was coming, they sure as hell meant it. “Twilight taught me a good deal when I was staying with her. And it was just a habit I kept up with when I moved here I guess.”

“You were staying with Twilight?” Moondancer asked him, a little curious now.

“When I first arrived,” he nodded in response. “I stayed here in Canterlot until the Princess gave me the all clear. Has to make sure I wasn’t going to make anypony sick with weird otherworldly illnesses and vice versa, amongst other things.”

“Well yeah, I could see how that would be bad,” Moondancer agreed. Seems this human was much more interesting that she initially gave him credit for. “Well, have you had any problems so far?”

“Not particularly,” he said. “Apparently I had a small immune system deficiency when I first arrived. I caught a cold and was stuck with it for a solid month.” He sniffed and rubbed his nose. “So let’s get out of this cold eh?”

“Agreed,” Moondancer said, tugging up the neck of her sweater as the two started a more hurried pace through the blustery winds…

Miss Page Notetaker sat at her counter, having opened the library a few moments ago, but the building was still empty for the time being. Given the cold outside… and the fact it was a Sunday, she wasn’t expecting a huge amount of visitors today.

She gave a soft sigh as she pushed her glasses up with her magic, idly flipping the page of the book she was reading.

Then she let out a loud whinny as the front doors slammed open, two individuals dashing through before slamming the door closed again.

“What the the holy hardbacked horseapples!” Page exclaimed as she ducked behind the counter. Between a Changeling in invasion and a demonic centaur attack, she’d developed something of a phobia of jump scares.

“Gods that’s fresh,” Antino shivered as he shook his coat. “You okay Miss Moondancer?”

“I-I-I’m f-freezing,” the mare stuttered as her ear flicked and she noticed the terrified librarian. “S-S-Sorry Miss P-P-Page.”

“Honestly you two,” Page sighed and put a hoof to her chest to try and slow her rapidfire heartbeat. “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”

“Sorry Miss Page,” the pair echoed.

The older unicorn sighed and adjusted her glasses again. “Well… I suppose I can’t blame you. Come on. I’ll get the fire started and make some cocoa.” She walked out from behind the desk as the wind-frozen pair followed her, the promise of hot cocoa akin to a Siren’s song.

“So, you two finally got to know one another,” Page mused as she nursed a mug of steaming cocoa. “Given you’re my most constant patrons, I’d figured you two would become fast friends.”

“Friends seems a bit of a stretch,” Moondancer said with a snort. “Maybe acquaintances.” Sure, he’d helped her out this morning and maybe he was somewhat interesting to converse with… but she had friends already.

“Ouch,” Antino winced.

“Shot down,” Page chuckled. “Ah well, you’ll get there.”

“Hopefully,” Antino replied.

“I wasn’t expecting to be sitting by a fire sipping cocoa in the library,” Moondancer commented, attempting to change the topic. “Still, this place has always felt like a second home to me.”

“That much I know,” Page chuckled. “So what’s your plan for today? More studying?”

“Actually,” Moondancer coughed into her hoof. “Mister Antino and I will be discussing magical theory today.”

“Is that so?” Page mused and smiled like a Cheshire cat. “Well, that sounds like a fine way to spend the day as good friends should.”

“We’re not friends!” Moondancer huffed and folded her forelegs. What was it with everypony coming to that conclusion? Did a single conversation now quantify as suitable requirements for friendship?

Page just offered Tino a sympathetic shrug as she sipped her drink.

“Speaking of, we should get going soon,” Antino spoke up. “If I’m to get this report to the Princess before the masses show up for Morning Court.”

“Ah,” Moondancer nodded, loathe to leave the security of the library. It was warm in here, safe. With all the books she could ever want. And yet…

’I wish to know more about him. He’s an enigma wrapped in a mystery and he’s… interesting.’

Her contemplative expression drew a smile from the librarian mare, Page silently chuckling to herself as she got to her hooves, stretching not unlike a cat. “Well, I’ll let you kids out and get my day started.”

“Thank you Miss Page,” Antino nodded. “For the drink as well.”

“You’re most welcome,” Page smiled as they headed towards the front entrance. Once there, Moondancer and her human companion braced themselves to brave the oncoming cold before they doors were opened and the blustery air made them shiver simultaneously.

“Do we have to go out there?” Moondancer whined.

“Unfortunately,” Antino sighed as he zipped up his coat and together with his pony pal, they dashed out and started their journey towards the castle.

“It’s official, I hate winter,” Moondancer grumbled as they entered the main foyer of Canterlot Castle. The main palace never failed to impress Moondancer, no matter how many times she saw it. The tall walls, decorated with ornate staied windows and little sconces filled with the most aromatic lavender flowers. Ponies in the castle must sleep like the dead with that.

There was already a procession of ponies waiting close by the massive double doors that led to the inner throne room. Two guards standing there with gleaming golden armour with stoic expressions on their faces. However, the massive oaken doors remained closed.

“Seems Morning Court hasn’t started yet,” Antino said with a small hum. “Good, we still have time.”

“Uh, do you even see that line?” Moondancer deadpanned. “We’ll be here for hours. Honestly, you have to be here the crack of dawn to get in first.”

“Hmm, is that so?” the human mused as he looked around and his eyes widened. “Ah, there she is!”

Moondancer tilted her head as he walked towards a guard heading down a hall to the right. It was one of Princess Luna’s Night Guard, if the dark blue armour was anything to go by. As she moved to catch up with Antino, she saw it was a thestral, also known as a batpony.

“Hey, Stel,” Antino called out, catching her attention. The mare turned, her golden eyes showing signs of exhaustion.

“Eh,” her voice rasped, a thick Northern accent permeating her voice. “Who th’fuck has the balls to call me out?”

“Calm down,” Antino chuckled as Moondancer visibly recoiled from the mare’s harsh tone. She looked really mad. Was Antion crazy? Getting so close to a pissed off Night Guard?

“Huh?” the mare’s head tilted slowly before she snapped it upright, a bright and fanged smile appearing on her muzzle. “Well hey there Tino. The fuck you doing here at Tia’s sunny arsecrack of mornin’?”

“Stella, it’s like ten in the freaking morning,” Antino didn’t seemed fazed at all by her… less than publicly acceptable lexicon. “I’m surprised you’re even awake.”

“Fuuuuck, don’t remind me,” she groaned, dragging a hoof down her face. “I literally jus’ knocked off after a double shift.”

“Oh?” Antino inquired as Moondancer hesitantly drew closer to them.

“Aye, some cockgoblin thought it’d be a fan-fuckin-tastic idea to show off for some’o th’ maids durin’ practice. Dipshit combined his face with his arse when he crashed. And guess which lucky mare got his shift?”

“Well, double the pay huh?” Antino shrugged with a hopeful tone.

“Aye, silver linin’ and all that shit amirite?” she chuckled and shrugged. “Honestly, I’m lookin’ forward to just makin sweet juicy love to me cot right now. Maybe ‘ave a wank first.”

“As charming as always,” Antino rolled his eyes.

“Oh fuck off, you love me,” she chuckled and reared up to lightly punch his shoulder.

Moondancer’e eyes widened. How was Antino friends with… with such a loudmouthed and crass mare? She swore the sailors at the airship docks would blush if they met her.

“So?” The thestral mare dropped down to all fours and her eyes locked onto Moondancer, that predatory gaze making her fur stand on end and triggering all her flight responses. “Who’s the nerd?”

“Be nice,” Antino chuckled and shook his head. “Stel, this is Moondancer, my new friend.”

“Hmm…” the batpony stalked around her, Moondancer trying to look as small as possible. “Hmmmmm…”

“Y-Yes?” Moondancer managed to squeak out, before hiding her muzzle with the collar of her sweater.

“Aye,” the guard nodded and smiled, before taking Moon’s hoof and shaking it. “Th’ names Stella Sabre. Night Guard and all around sexiest mare alive.” She chuckled and pulled the unicorn closer. “An’ don’t you worry. Ah won’t bite you… Unless yer into that~

“Goddammit Stella,” Antino facepalmed. “Just… tell us where the Princess is.”

Stella let out aloud laugh and ran a hoof through her mane. “Aye, yer wish is me fuckin’ command.” She turned around and… well Moondancer got a nice, close up look of the mare’s shapely rump. A view that heated her cheeks quite nicely.

“Well then, if you’d follow me,” she laughed and started to stride down the halls.

“And congratulations,” Antino whispered to Moondancer. “You just survived your first encounter with Stella unscathed. Not many can claim that lofty title.”

“Oi! I fuckin’ heard that!” Stella said and pointed to her fluffy ears.

“Really, so you haven’t gone deaf in your old age then?” Antino quipped back.

“Oh fuuuuck off,” Stella drawled, the pair of them laughing as Moondancer just stared at them incredulously. Okay, how the the what? Antino’s collection of friends was a varied as a box of mystery chocolates.

“You coming?” Antino called to her. She gave a small pause before nodding and following after him.

Well, of all the ponies Antino had expected to meet today, Stella was not one of them. Not that he was complaining mind you, she was a great friend and never failed to make him laugh. He’d thought ponies were sugary, innocent and as pure as the freshly fallen snow when he’d first met them. And all those months in Ponyville hadn’t helped that generalisation of the species in the slightest.

Then he’d moved to Canterlot.

And one fateful day, literally bumped into Stella F. Sabre.

The sheer… profanity this mare expelled from her muzzle had shattered his worldviews and caused a minor mental shutdown. Mind you, once he got used to her, the two quickly became fast friends and she often dropped by his and Astral’s place to shoot the breeze.

Or show up at three in the morning, smelling like a brewery and promptly crashing on their couch.

Stella is as Stella does.

“So?” the batpony asked as they walked and pointed at Moondancer with a wing. “You bangin’ her or what?”

Antino nearly tripped over his own feet, and thankfully, Moondancer was too busy looking at some stained glass windows, so she missed the comment.

“W-What? No!” Antino blushed as Stella cackled at his reaction. “Geezus Stella. I literally just met her yesterday.”

“What’s taken ye so long then?” she mused. “Stop bein’a pussy and ask her out eh?” She bumped his leg with her flank. “You got me in yer corner eh? How can you lose?”

“I am overflowing with confidence,” Antino deadpanned. He had to admit that Miss Moondancer was pretty. And the thoughts of dating a pony had crossed his mind more than once. Some mares had asked him out in the past. But they were only interested because he was ‘exotic’.

“As well ye fuckin’ should be,” Stella nodded and tapped his shoulder with a wingtip. “Well, here’s ya stop. I need to catch some shuteye aye?”

“Aye,” Antino mimicked and smiled. “Thanks Stel.”

She just waved a wing as she sauntered off and when Moondancer looked at her, she swore the mare had a sensual sway with her rump. Moondancer suppressed her rising blush and turned back to Antino. “You have uh… interesting friends.”

“That I do,” he nodded and turned to the doors that Stella had led them to. Raising a hand, he knocked twice on the door. “Princess? You in?”

“Come in,” a muffled feminine tone called out. Antino opened the door and stepped inside, Moondancer following close behind. And what the young unicorn saw warranted a rather, in her mind, valid response.


The Princess. The Immortal Alicorn of the Sun. Eternal bringer of the Dawn…

Lay spread on a table, cucumber slices over her closed eyes, a green mudmask covering her white face and her mane, normally blowing on an ethereal breeze, lay limp and a was a deep, chocolate brown colour, tied up in mane curlers. Several ponies tended to her. One carefully preened her large, swan-like wings. Another tended to her long, spiral horn. A file carefully working through the grooves, removing any imperfections while a third and fourth buffed her hooves.

“Wow, so even the perfect princess needs a beauty routine huh?” Antino mused as Moondancer stood there, her mouth agape.

“Well,” Celestia chuckled. “Nopony is perfect, it takes a little effort.”

“So I see,” Antino chuckled. “I brought my report for you.”

“Ah, I’ve been looking forward to that,” Celestia hummed as her wings twitched. “So, how have you been?”

“Not bad, it’s getting a bit chilly outside though,” Antino commented.

“Hmm, well it is that time of year,” the alicorn mused. “Also, who’s your friend? I heard hoofsteps come in with you?”

“Oh,” Moondancer’s eyes widened as Antino answered the question. “Her name is Moondancer, we’re hanging out today. Probably talk some magic stuff.”

Celestia paused and lifted a cucumber from her eye with her magic, flinching as the file rubbed her now sensitive horn. “Ah, hello there Moondancer. Are you doing well?”

“Y-Yes your Highness,” Moon stammered.

“Hm?” Celestia looked at the mare and tilted her head lightly. “Is that so?”

What was that supposed to mean? Did she somehow know about the research slump she was currently in? Nopony knew about that… well, nopony sans Minuette.

You try keeping a secret from her? See how long that lasts.

“Y-yes, no problems at all,” Moondancer finally spoke up.

“Well, that’s good to hear,” Celestia said as her beauticians finished up. Once they were clear and the various treatments removed, Celestia’s hair billowed, colour filling it as she took on her usual, regal appearance. “Ahh, now I feel much better,” she sighed. “So, shall you two walk with me to Court?”

“Sure,” Antino said and pat Moondancer on the withers. “Shall we?”

“Oh uh… yes?” Moondancer shook her head, still trying to process all that. Who knew the Princess did such things? It was… well okay then. She fell into step beside Antino, the human walking in between the two mares.

“So, how did the two of you become friends?” Celestia asked as they walked. A flash of magic saw her usual vestments appear on her form.

“We met at Neon’s last night,” Antino explained. “Unfortunately, I wasn’t planning to stay long, so our conversation was pretty short.”

“And then again this morning,” Moondancer added. “I’ve… had something of a rough morning and on top of it all, I’d lost my purse. Which thankfully, Mister Antino found for me.”

“Well, sounds like your fortune’s looking up then hm?” Celestia chuckled at the mare. “And how is your research coming along? You were researching stable Time Travel were you not?”

Moondancer flinched, but she knew there was no way to hide anything from the Princess. “Yes… until I found out that Starswirl already did that,” she muttered. “And while the spell has been lost now. I just… lost motivation to continue my own research.”

“Ahh, I know what you mean,” Celestia said and nodded her head. “I once tried my hoof at composing a song. I don’t know why, but I had a tune in my head and simply had to put it to paper.”

Moondancer’s eyes widened. She’d never heard of this before. Off the top of her head, she didn’t know of any songs personally composed by the princess.

“Unfortunately,” Celestia continued. “After it was done, I had the marvellous idea to play it for my subjects. While I received some accolade for my performance… one more, down-to-earth noble pulled me aside later and explained that it was a piece from a play that by the time, was a few centuries old. I must have seen it back then, forgotten and suddenly recalled the song.”

Moondancer giggled before clapping a hoof to her mouth. “Oh my gosh, I didn’t mean to laugh…”

“Don’t be,” the alicorn giggled. “While I was rather embarrassed at the time, I now find the memory quite amusing.” Her steps slowed as they neared the throneroom and she exhaled a small sigh. “Well, another day begins I suppose.”

“Good luck,” Antino said and pat her shoulder. “Hey, you could always come and hang out later. I’m pretty sure Stella plans to invite herself over for a movie night.”

Celestia tapped her chin and she smiled. “You know, I’ll mention it to Sunny.”

“Cool,” the human smiled as the alicorn’s horn lit up to teleport into her throne room, and avoid getting mobbed at the door.

“Huh?” Moondancer hadn’t been able to follow the last part of that conversation. “Who’s Sunny? Another friend of yours?”

“You could say that,” Antino nodded and paused. “Hey, there’s an idea.”

“What?” Moondancer replied flatly, she was so over getting confused today.

“Why don’t you come over as well?” he asked. “Movie Night is pretty fun. Not sure what we’ll watch yet. But if Sunny and Stella show up, plus me and my roommate… should make for a fun night.”

“I-I don’t know,” Moondancer replied nervously. Go over a stallion’s house? Along with a bunch of ponies she didn’t know? “I…”

“You could bring a friend if you want,” Antino said, as if sensing her nervousness. “And I’m not pressuring you. You can just say no but…”

“But?” Moondancer asked.

“Well,” Antino rubbed the back of his head. “I’d like us to be friends Miss Moondancer. You’re pretty smart, and I quite enjoy spending time with you.”

“O-Oh,” Moondancer fought down a rising heat in her cheeks. “Well… you’d, actually not be the most unusual friend I have.” Minuette took that trophy with ease. Hmm, speaking of, meeting him was all Minnie’s fault. Time to call in a favour. “Okay, I’ll be there.”

“Really?” Antino said, sounding surprised. “W-Well, great. Awesome.”

Moondancer shook her head and smiled. “Well, you might as well tell me where you live then, else this night’s ended before it began.”

“Oh right,” the human replied as he took out a slip of paper and a pencil, writing out the address of his apartment. “No need to bring anything. We’ll have plenty of snacks and drinks.”

“Alright,” Moondancer nodded, her heart beating hard in her chest. What was this feeling anyway? Must have been nerves.

Yeah… that was all.

Author's Note:

So I finally got around to writing this.

Also, Stella belongs to Flammenwerfer So if you haven't, go give the guy some love.

Edit: Also had the change the stories rating from Everyone to Teen because of Stella. Censoring her would have been a disservice, so a sacrifice had to be made.

Goddammit Stella.