• Published 9th Apr 2016
  • 4,908 Views, 335 Comments

Cosmic Rifts - Silvak

Selene has been discovered, as an invasion takes place. As one of Equus' military leaders, Aether must lead the Aegis Guard alongside the rest of Equus against their new enemies.

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Chapter II: Volunteers

"Is something the matter, Captain?"

"Yes, you're within ten feet of me."

"Well, I'm part of your squad Captain, that means I have to stick to you until you give me orders."

"Then how abo—"

"I'll buy a set of harmonicas and play them every time I can around you if you use your rank to send me away," Windbag interjected, causing me to groan in irritation. While Windbag was part of my first batch of recruits, all the training in the world had done nothing to cure his annoying personality. If he isn’t complaining about something to me, he’s rambling on about some long-winded story that turned out to just be a trip to a grocery store. The only bright side is that he knows when to keep his trap shut when it truly matters.

"Why did Chrysalis have to choose you of all changelings?" I complained as we followed Luna to another room. Since we don’t know how much time we have before the Xartik arrive, Luna thought it would be best that I get started on forming my team. So, before my arrival, Luna had word passed around that I needed volunteers for a personal squad, with the rest of the volunteers waiting for us further ahead.

"Now Captain Aura, I believe Queen Chrysalis has her reasons for wanting Windbag at your side, but you must regain your composure, for we have arrived," Luna declared, opening the door to reveal less than dozen fellows milling about. "What... but there are thousands of guards on the base, and this is all we get?"

Cocking an eyebrow, I said, "Luna, have you forgotten my abrasive personality? The stories I’ve told about my past missions? Or the fact that I might have slightly traumatized some of my recruits in the Aegis Guard when I was training them? Or the rumor that I'm some kind of sadist? Which I'm not," before pressing my muzzle against Windbag's for a second as I glared at him, to which he just averted his eyes, before returning my attention to Luna.

"But what of your plans to be an example to your troops for morale?"

"I think there is a difference on seeing me fighting on the front lines to protect Selene, and fighting alongside the 'psychopath' throughout the war," I countered.

"Wow, and here I thought that I would be the only one demeaning you, but you're doing my job for me," Windbag commented, causing me to glower at him.

"Captain Aura, I highly doubt that you're seen as what you have describe. It’s more likely there wasn't enough time for ponies to come to a decision, or th—" Luna started to say before I stepped into the room and pointed a hoof at a random soldier.

"You, why are there less than half a dozen volunteers here? And be honest or you'll regret lying to me!" I commanded, causing the unfortunate stallion to gulp.

"C-cause most p-ponies say you're c-crazy?" the stallion whimpered out, before stepping back in fear. What made it worse was the fact that he had on the grey uniform of the Aegis Guard, even though odds are that he wasn't personally trained by me.

"Thank you for the honest answer, if you wish to leave, you may," I calmly replied, to which the stallion fled the room as the rest of the volunteers just stared at me wide-eyed while Windbag snickered behind me. "Anyone else that have second thoughts about this may leave as well. Just to further help you come to a decision, being part of my squad will not be a glorious job. If some of you think that I'm some kind of powerful and skilled warrior that can protect all those by my side, think again. If anything, being by my side will be far more dangerous. This war isn't going to be anything you read in the story books. It's going to be bloody and horrible, and the work I will end up doing will be the same. So if you don't have the guts to do what must be done, I suggest you leave."

With my words hanging in the air, the volunteers just glanced at one another before they filed up to leave the room, with the exception of a crystal unicorn and a thestral that had the garb of the Lunar Guard. Raising an eyebrow, I turned to look at Luna, who knew what I was going to say when she gave me a grumpy look while saying, "No, I didn't send her here."

Looking at the pair again, I asked, "So tell me, who are you two and why are you here?"

Giving me a salute, the off-white coated unicorn stallion with a light blue mane answered, "Captain, Sergeant Agate Spear reporting for duty. I'm here because I want to do the best I can for the defense of Equus."

Grunting, I turned my attention to the dark grey coated purple maned threstal mare, who gave me an awkward smile as she said, "I'm Corporal Night Shade, and I just thought that maybe I could help Equestria and my fellow ponies better if I was at your side. I also... wanted to see how you operated madam. Based on the stories on how you wanted the Aegis Guard to be trained, some of us in the other guard were curious on how you would lead ponies in battle."

Grunting, I simply replied, "Alright, you two know that being part of my squad, we're either going to be fighting in battles where we're going to be high-value targets for the enemy, or doing high-risk missions where we're likely going to be on our own for several days, were if you die, we're probably going to have leave your corpse behind. That is if you're not captured by the enemy to be experimented on or dissected." Getting only a blink from Agate but a nervous look from Night, they only responded by giving me a nod. Shrugging, I said, "Then you two should gear up and meet me in the hanger," before walking out, with Luna and Windbag following in confusion.

"Why are you heading to the hanger?" Luna asked.

"Simply put, since I'm not one for troop logistics, I think it would be best for me to be on the ready. I want to be able to get to the first incursion point as soon as possible. Hopefully we have some of our airships airborne, do we?"

"The Lunar Shield, Solar Glory and the Aurora have been in the air after your encounter with the Xartik."

"Good to hear. So unless you have further need of me, I would like to be able to begin my own preparations," I said.

This caused Luna to stare at me while her mind was lost in thought, before answering, "Since Starlight Glimmer will be arriving soon, I suppose she can take your place in overseeing military operations in your stead. However, what about the matter of your squad? I highly doubt you'll be able to operate with just three soldiers under your command."

"I'll just recruit on the field, might spot some potential folk that may join my command. Though, if you spot anyone that you think may be fit underneath my command, send them my way if you can, but please make sure they know all the cons that come with joining me."

Tilting her head a bit, Luna asked, "What about the pros?"

Letting out a chuckle, I answered, "There are no pros. They're going to hate the job, and odds are they're not going to like me either. I'm not exactly a popular captain."

"You can say that again," Windbag muttered, causing me to glare at him.

Rolling her eyes, Luna drew my attention when she said, "Before you leave, there is one more matter for you to attend."

"What is it?"

"It is something that I believe you would like, please follow me."

After sending Windbag to make his own preparations, Luna took to me a room where a pair of ponies were opening a crate. Cocking an eyebrow at Luna, who gave me a mischievous smile, I simply chose to wait it out in silence. Unlike Celestia, who was occasionally a pain in my plot with her scheming, Luna knew better than to mess with me. It wasn't long before the crate was open to reveal a suit of armor, colored in the Aegis Guard's colors but not matching the standard equipment available.

"While you're prone to wanting to take as many precautions to protect Equus, both my sister and I have notice that you didn't use your position to start up any personal projects for yourself. We judged that if war did come to us, that you wouldn't have anything beyond the gear meant for your own troops, even if you were using the latest versions. So we saw to it that you had own suit of armor commissioned, one which I spent some time enchanting myself," Luna explained as I came up to the armor to give it a closer inspection.

"That’s a good call you two made, I wasn't keen on diverting resources for my own protection. I thought it would alienate some of my troops if they learned I used my rank to get the best equipment. But since you provided it, I guess they might not judge me for it. So, how strong are the shields? Can it handle an explosion?" I asked, causing Luna to give me a flabbergasted look.

"Explosions? Why would you need to be concern with that? And while would you even be involved in an explosion close enough to warrant such a question?"

"Well, if the shielding could handle it, if there were missiles heading towards us, it would be best for me to take the hit rather than have the squad decimated. Also, there are various situations where I could be caught up in an explosion, like for instance in an enemy base that I infiltrated in order to sabotage it. This is an interdimensional war we're talking about, all sorts of things could happen," I answered with a shrug, causing Luna to let out a groan as she rubbed her forehead with a hoof while the two workers just looked at me like I grew a second head.

"It's times like these that makes me wonder if our therapy sessions have an effect on you."

"Hey, it did work. Remember that I stop having urges to buck some of the more idiotic members of nobility out the window eight years ago?" I countered, causing Luna to just sigh in response. "But seriously, information like that would matter in life-or-death situations."

"It is... sufficient to say the least, since its shielding is comparable to my own armor. However, it has a larger draw on your power supply, so you must keep vigilant in keeping your armor charged prior to use," Luna answered. I was about to ask another question, but Luna went on to say, "I know what you're going to ask, but no, your armor has no weapon attachments."

"Darn, guess I have to make due with whatever the Xartik will be bringing over," I replied. "Let's just hope they skip on taking measures on keeping us from using their weaponry."

"Wouldn't it be logical for them to take such measures?"

"Not likely at first at least, since they’re expensive and can reduce the weapons’ effectiveness, which means we can stockpile on so many goodies, like plasma rifles or railguns," I answered, as I stop to fantasize about building a collection of alien weaponry while Luna just gave me a half-lidded stare before running a hoof down her face as she groaned at my antics.