• Published 18th Feb 2016
  • 1,870 Views, 9 Comments

One Star - Blueninetails

Spike and Applebloom miss each other after not having seen the other in nearly six years.

  • ...

Chapter 1 - Spike

Author's Note:

This kind of an attempt to write something a bit more emotional, hopefully I got it right for the whole fic. My editor let me know that he felt both Chapter 1 and 2 could've been stand-alones, but I'll let you guys make up your own minds about the matter.

Being a small town, Ponyville was always a relatively quiet and peaceful town, and it still is. Outside of the occasional bad weather days, Cutie Mark Crusader-related incidents, and big city-pony related events, there rarely is ever much of a big ruckus regarding the town; and, this is particularly true since there hadn't been a Crusader-related incident in almost six years. This is due to the fact the young fillies haven't lived in the town for almost six years.

About six years ago, Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo reached an age they could leave home and see the world. After years of trying to get their cutie marks, all ending in failure, they came to the conclusion that perhaps their little hometown couldn't give them what they so desperately longed for and wished to look elsewhere. Naturally their families were more than hesitant to allow them to do this, but in the end, they let the three go.

Before the three left though, they made sure that everything that needed to be said had been said, so they wouldn't have any regrets leaving their homes for however long it took them. Applebloom having the heaviest, which Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle made sure she got it off her chest.

"Come on Applebloom, the train's gonna be here in like...any second now. Just talk to him already." Scootaloo stated

"Ah know, ah know. Quit rushin' me." Applebloom took a deep breath before sighing and looking towards the others who had come to bid them safe travels, her gaze eventually stopping, and lingering, on a certain purple dragon, who was standing next to Twilight.

Her attention broke away from him when Applebloom noticed Applejack take a couple steps towards her.

"Ya sure ya'll want ta do this?" Applejack asked the trio

"We're sure, sis." Applebloom replied, as Sweetie Belle nodded in agreement

"Yeah, we gotta try at least." Scootaloo added

"Well..., if yer sure..." she remarked before audibly sighing and scratched the back of her neck, "Best o' luck to ya'll, an'...trah comin' home as soon as yer done findin' yer cutie marks. We agreed ta let ya go, but that don't mean we ain't gonna miss havin' you three around."

"Very much so." Rarity rang out in agreement, "Sweetie Belle, I know that you're aware how much Mother and Father were reluctant to let you go on this little journey of yours, so do try to make the separation as short as possible."

"I will." she chirped happily

"And that goes the same to you too, squirt." Rainbow stated to Scootaloo, "Can't exactly invite my kinda-sister to the ceremony where I earn my wings for the 'Bolts if she's not around to receive the invite."

"Don't worry, I'll be back before then." Scootaloo remarked with a confident tone.

It was at that point, the entire group heard the train's whistle off in the distance, indicating the train was going to arrive very soon.

"Applejack can ah...?" Applebloom asked in a quiet voice before tapering off to an inaudible level.

The older earth pony gave a smile and nod, understanding what her younger sister was going to ask. It really wasn't much of a secret anymore to the others, save for a few exceptions, most of those who were close friends with Applebloom knew how she felt for the drake. At first it was mostly just something mentioned as a joke, but as time went by, it became rather obvious from Applebloom's reactions whenever she was around Spike that it was indeed real.

At first, Applejack and Big Mac weren't too thrilled with the idea, Applejack even more than her brother, but couldn't really do anything about it. On top of Applebloom seemingly not allowing her older siblings to dissuade her of her feelings towards Spike, and Spike unconsciously not giving the Apples any reason to suspect he was a threat to Applebloom, Granny Smith also had little-to-no issues about the matter. In fact, the elderly mare seemed to find entertainment in seeing if Spike would notice at least one of the reactions Applebloom gave whenever he was around. In the end though, the two siblings came to terms with it, and decided to see what would happen.

"Sure, might be yer only chance fer some time. Jus'...remember, it might not roll yer way." she warned as she gave a sympathetic look.

"Ah know..." she merely replied before walking toward Spike, "Spike, mind if ah talk ta ya fer a moment...? Just us...?"

"Uh, sure, I guess." Spike replied in a confused tone before looking at Twilight, who merely gestured for him to do so.

With Applebloom in the lead, the two walked to the other side of the boarding-platform, where there were fewer ponies to listen in on them.

"So what did you want to tell me, Applebloom?"

She didn't reply as she pawed at the wood below her, thinking what she was going to say.

Spike waited for a moment, before saying, "Um..., is this about that incident with the tree sap? Cause if it is, I already said that I'm totally sorry, and I'll do my best to repair the-"

"It ain't about that, Spike. Though, ah do appreciate that ya offered ta help repair the ol' treehouse." she interrupted him, "This is...This is about somethin' else..."


"W-We've been friends since ya came ta Ponyville, r-right...?" she asked, figuring that was a good way to ease into the subject.

"I guess, I mean we have hung out before, and-" Spike replied, before Applebloom interrupted him mid-sentence once again.

"An' we've never had any...arguments where ah made ya hate at me, right?"

"Hate you...?! Of course not. Sure, we argued about this and that, but nothing that would make me hate you."

"Applebloom, get on with it already! The train's here." Scootaloo shouted just a mere second before the train came into view and came to a stop at the station with loud 'hiss', earning a scolding look from Sweetie Belle and the others. They had a few more minutes at best, as those getting off at Ponyville got off.

Though the others were more than certainly out of ear-shot, Scootaloo could tell that it was taking too long.

"'Get on with it already'...?" Spike repeated, "What does Scootaloo mean by that?"

Applebloom didn't reply, but flattened her ears against her head as she bit her lip in nervousness. Why was it so hard now that he was right here in front of her?

Spike placed a clawed hand on her shoulder at that point and said, "Applebloom, you can tell me. I'm your friend, just like Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Whatever it is, I promise I won't think any differently of you."

"That's the problem, 'cause...ah kinda want ya to..." she admitted, earning a surprised and confused look from Spike.

Before Spike could utter another word, Applebloom gave him a kiss on the very tip of his nose, stunning him even further.

"Ah l-love ya, Spike." she admitted as soon as she could, "Ah really do."

"A-Applebloom...I'm not-"

"Ah know ya don't feel the same, ya do like somepony else afterall. Ah just wanted ta let ya know 'ow I felt before ah left."

Spike hesitated for a moment, before asking, "How long...?"

"Ah dunno..." she replied as she shook her head, "It took my sis, Scootaloo, and Sweetie to help figure how I felt."

"All aboard for Manehatten!" they heard somepony shout outloud.

"Come on Applebloom, we gotta get going." Scootaloo shouted

"Ah gotta go." Applebloom stated after a brief moment of silence, "Thanks fer listenin' ta me, Spike. Ah hope we can still be, ya know...friends." she added with sad tone before turning to join back up with the others.

"Applebloom, wait, can't you at least tell me how you knew there was somepony else I liked? I mean, I don't think I ever told you I liked anyone before."

"Sweetie Belle told me. I mean, other than it was easy ta notice half the time, Sweetie Belle is her sister afterall."

That caught him off-guard. Not only did she know he liked somepony, but also it was Sweetie Belle's sister, Rarity. He was hoping that only so few would know of his crush on Rarity. So far, to his knowledge, that made five ponies who knew of his crush: Twilight, Pinkie, Rainbow, Sweetie, and Applebloom. Were there others who knew? So far, all of them were mares, so maybe it was just a mare-thing. Afterall, none of his guy friends has said a word about it, so that probably means they didn't know, right?

Neither said anything else as the walked back to join up with the others, before the crusaders picked up their things and got on the train. The three took their seats next to a window that faced the station platform, and looked out the window towards the others, who were all saying best wishes for a safe trip and waving 'bye' to them.

As the train gave a loud whistle, indicating it was now leaving the station, Applebloom once again looked at Spike, earning a surprised look from him.

Whether it was because he now understood how much Applebloom liked him, or perhaps it was because she now told him and she didn't have to hide the fact anymore, he saw an expression on her face that made his blood run cold. While Applebloom was indeed smiling as they waved 'bye', he saw incredible sadness in her eyes when she looked at him. A sadness that he could only compare to his own after looking at himself in the mirror after one his advances towards Rarity came up short.

Spike let out a sigh as he remembered that day. A little less than six years ago to date, and the details of that day were still fresh in his mind, and how could it not? It was the first day he felt he had really, truly let a friend down so much.

Opening his eyes, he looked out towards the setting sun as it set behind the mountain where Canterlot was situated. Another day gone, and another day his apology would have to wait.

A lot had changed in the years that had passed. Over the last several years, the town had grown quite a bit, as the town advanced from a 'small, backwater town' as most of the ponies from Canterlot liked to call it, to an important trade town. Granted it was still a relatively quiet town in the evenings and at night, and still had a good income from farming, the addition of new shops and some industry-related buildings, increased number of goods that the town could produce and attracted a lot of new ponies who wished to trade, buy, and sell their goods in Ponyville. This was on top of the fact Rarity's designs gained increasing popularity, and had continued to function in Ponyville, much to her annoyance, but at least she was able to remain close to friends.

As he stared out, out towards the horizon, he almost missed the sounds of hoofsteps approaching him from behind. Looking back, he saw a familiar orange mare looking at him.


"Howdy, Spike." she greeted him, "Mind if ah joined ya?"

Spike merely shook his head and scooted over so as to let her a place to sit.

Applejack silently trotted right over, and took a seat, taking a moment look at him.

It was a routine she and the others were rather aware of by now, Spike would dutifully do his job as Twilight's assistant during the day, but by the evening, the young drake would take a seat under a tree that grew near the town's outskirts. It was near one of the paths that led out of the town, as he waited for Applebloom's return.

Over the years, Spike had matured greatly, as he now stood eye-to-eye with Big Mac when on all fours, his wings had already grown in, granted they were still too weak for flight, and his eyes had an almost piercing look to them now, giving Spike an almost guard dog type appearance as he sat under the tree. The only thing that remained of his younger appearance was a slight pudge, what's left of his baby fat, and the feeling of faithfulness and kindness he still had as a baby in those eyes of his.

"Still waitin' on her...?" Applejack stated, finally breaking the silence between them.


"Ya know, ya really don't need ta sit around out here."

"I know."

"Ya'll could just wait near Sweet Apple Acres instead."

"I know."

"Then why are ya waitin' out here then?"

"Because...because, I want to be the first to...to greet her." he admitted, in an embarrassed tone.

Applejack smirked before saying, "Well, Ah suppose that's a good reason. Still, if this is about...well, yer feelin's fer her now...."

Another thing that had developed over the last couple of years or so was a deep longing to see his long-time friend again. Initially, it could be chalked up as just missing her, much like how the rest of the Apples missed her, but over time it became a little more obvious that he particular missed seeing Applebloom more.

It ironically became more obvious after finally getting a date with Rarity, and the two talking as adults for him to realize that it was just a mere childhood crush, and that perhaps who he should've focused on was never that far to begin with. There was no hard feelings when it happened, and to date, Spike still happily volunteers to help Rarity whenever needed, just with less swooning on his part.

Spike remained silent as he ducked his head down trying to hide a light blush, before saying, "It's not really because of that. It's been a long time, I know she probably doesn't feel the same way anymore."


"I just want to tell her...that I'm sorry. Sorry, for being too blind to see it sooner. Sorry, I let her leave broken-hearted. And, that I'm sorry..., that this thick-headed bag of scales let her down as a friend."

"Now don't be sayin' that about yerself." Applejack stated with a serious look, "I mean sure, ya'll were too busy ooglin' Rares to really notice, but ah don't think for a second she would say ya failed her as her friend."

"How could you say that...? I did let her down, even after she told me her feelings, I couldn't even say that I felt the same for her...All I was able to do was stammer."

"Hm..." was all Applejack could reply as she looked towards the setting sun again.

"And for what...? A relationship that didn't go further than the first date? Even then, it still took Rarity to tell me that there was another pony I had feelings for."

"Well, romance ain't an easy game. Ain't always straight forward, there's always some thing or 'nother that makes it harder to get at than teachin' a contest winnin' pig how ta fly. At least, that's what I think Rares means when she tells me."

"Speaking of her, how are you two...? Last I heard, you two had gotten into an argument."

"Hee..." Applejack scratched the back of her head, "like ah said, it ain't always easy. Been a year and ah still sometimes wonder if wrestlin' a rodeo bull is easier; but, don't worry yerself none, she and I are alright now." she admitted with an embarrassed blush.

The two then fell into a calm silence, as they watched the sun fully set over the horizon and the sky darkened, letting the stars come out once again.

With the sun gone, and Luna's moon now rising to take its place in the sky, Applejack looked up towards a brightly shining star directly above their heads.

"Spike, as ya know, ah'm a bad liar -couldn't lie even if it meant savin' mah own tail, it's been a long time and yer probably right, Bloom may not feel the same as she did six years ago..."

That made Spike tense up, even if he admitted that, part of him still hoped he was wrong.

"But, ya never really know, she might still feel the same; and, even if she doesn't, I'm sure she'll still be your friend."

"How can you be so sure...?"

"Cause, that's what Granny Smith taught us." she turned her attention back to him.


"What was the first thing ah said to ya and Twilight when ya first came?"

"Um...You said...uh....." he nervously replied.

Applejack chuckled, "Ah said, that we in the Apple Family like making new friends; but, along with what we learned since ya and Twilight came ta Ponyville, to also cherish the friends we do have. We ain't solitary critters, we need community, we need havin' the company of others around us ta lend us a hoof when we need it, and ta make those cool, rainy days and hot summer days more comfortable. "

Spike silently listened to her.

"Applebloom knows that, ah don't think she'd forget so easily just cause she'd been away for six years."

"I guess..."

"Believe me, sugercube, she'll still be your friend." Applejack stated firmly with a nod, "If she doesn't though, don't hesitate ta let ol' Applejack know, and ah'll tell 'er what ya'll been doin' out here fer almost six years." she added with a chuckle.

"No, don't, it's alright. I think I can manage."

Applejack nodded and looked back up, and after a brief moment said, "If it helps ya some. Ah can tell ya somethin' that might help ya out a bit."

"Hm...? What?"

"Look at that bright star just above us." she instructed, and he followed, "That there is a star that my Ma showed Mac and I when we were little, and we told 'Bloom about when she was old enough. Ya know about how big the Apple Family is right? That we got members of our family all over Equestria with their own orchards ta tend to."

Spike nodded

"Since the family is so spread out, we sometimes start missin' each other, so we started focusing on that there star fer comfort. Anytime we start missin' a member of our family we just look up at that star, and think how they're probably lookin' at it too. Now, ah know it don't quite replace havin' them right there next to ya, but it does give some peace of mind ta think that the two of you are lookin' at the same exact thing, as if they were right next ta ya."

Spike mulled over the concept as he stared at the bright star above them. It seemed rather silly in a way, in a sense, hundreds of other ponies are probably looking at the same star, just not in the same context as he or the Apples looked at it. In the end he closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and tried focusing his thoughts on what Applejack just told him.

While Spike was doing that, Applejack looked back up at the star, with Applebloom on her mind as well. It's been six long years since she left Ponyville, and Applejack couldn't help but wonder about her little sister's well being right at that moment.

A loud sigh from Spike, brought Applejack's attention back to him, this time he seemed to have a light smile on his face, "Ya feelin' a mite bit better?"

Spike nodded, "Yeah, I do. At least a little bit anyway. Thanks, Applejack."

"Think nothin' of it, Spike." she remarked, before getting up and turning to leave.

"You're going already?"

"Yep, ah just wanted ta help ya out, and also ta check on ya for Twilight. 'Sides, gotta get back home and get started on dinner. If ah don't, Big Mac might try and overcook the vegetables, again." she explained with a chuckle, earning one from Spike as well, "Ah'll see ya tomorrow, sugercube."

With that, Spike was left alone at his spot again, but it didn't really feel all that lonesome at all. With Applejack's words still on his mind, he looked back up at the star above him, think about if Applebloom really was looking at the star too. He still needed apologize for what happened at the train station years ago, but for the first time since the Crusaders left, he started to feel that longing feeling to see Applebloom start to alleviate itself.

His thoughts weren't that far from the truth at all.