• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 5,440 Views, 47 Comments

My Faithful Student - Darkblaze15

Princess Celestia and the Mane 5 experience heartbreak as their friend Twilight enters a potentially fatal coma.

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Chapter 7: Needing a Miracle

After what seemed like an eternity, the doctors finally managed to stabilize Twilight's condition; her monitor was beeping regularly, and her body has stopped convulsing and shaking. Nothing could be done, however, for Princess Celestia's spirit; her last ditch effort to bring Twilight back had failed, and she almost lost her best friend and student because she couldn't control her emotions. Despite Twilight's friends trying to comfort her, Celestia felt personally responsible for Twilight's condition going over the deep end; she had never gone into cardiac arrest as long as the pale alicorn was in the room with her. When she left, it had happened, and she could not forgive herself as long as Twilight was still in a coma.

Eventually, Rarity stepped away and had Spike send a scroll to Princess Luna; in no time, Luna appeared at the hospital in her royal chariot and raced up to the floor Twilight's rom was located on. Upon seeing her sister in her messy and sniveling state, she wrapped her wings around the older alicorn in a warm embrace. Celestia was slightly comforted by the gesture, but even the sight of her dear sister was not enough to rid her of the pain she felt inside of her.

"Listen to me, dear sister," Luna said soothingly, "why don't you come back to Canterlot with me and have a rest? Our friends have told me that you haven't slept at all since Twilight entered her coma, and I am sure this recent event has not helped your morale. Trust me, you'll feel a better pony after some sleep." Princess Celestia grudgingly complied, requesting that Twilight's friends did not leave Twilight's side until she returned; they agreed instantly and Luna helped her grieving sister into her chariot.

As they left the hospital complex, Celestia curled into a ball like a filly on the floor while Luna consoled her. "It is alright, my sister," she said, "Yes, we are all saddened, but you shouldn't have to handle all of this pain and torment on your own." This, of course, brought fresh tears to Celestia's eyes, as she remembered telling Twilight the exact same thing before Ponyville was attacked. "There, there, let it all out," Luna said as she wrapped a wing over Celestia, "Don't feel like you must carry the burden for all of us."

When they arrive in Canterlot, Princess Luna helped Celestia up to her bedroom, prepared her for bed, and tucked her in like their mother used to do for them. "Thank you, my dear sister," Princess Celestia thanked Luna as she made towards the door, "I'm glad I have such a caring sister like you." Princess Luna blushed, flattered, and left to let her sister sleep. Celestia closed her eyes and fell asleep almost instantly. . .

She stands in the hospital room, her faithful student lying motionless in the bed; the only other pony in the room is a doctor.

"Alright, we're about to take the bandages off to see how the healing process has progressed," the doctor explained, "If the horn looks normal, then it has healed properly. If the body has not re-accepted the connection, then..." the doctor hesitated to continue, yet she knew what he meant. A horn was a unicorn's lifeline; if it were damaged beyond repair, then she would know that Twilight had left and would never return.

The doctor began unraveling the gauze that covered Twilight's head and horn; Celestia could only hope and pray for the best as more and more of Twilight's face was revealed. Looking at her student, she could see that a lot had changed about her appearance; her fur had turned a pale bluish color from being covered for a long time, and her eyelids were crusted over and expressionless. The closer the doctor got to her horn, the more anxious she felt herself becoming.

Eventually, the doctor reached the horn; he gingerly lifted off the bandage to reveal a hardened, shriveled, grey lump on top of Twilight's head. Celestia felt all hope of getting her best friend back washing out of her like a tidal wave as she watched the horn fall from its perch and land on the pristine floor, crumbling to ashes upon impact. . . .

Princess Celestia bolted upright from her resting position and fell out of her bed. She gasped and surveyed her surroundings; she was in her bedroom in Canterlot, the bright morning sun poking through the curtains shielding her windows. She breathed a sigh of relief; the nightmare in the hospital was only a dream, nothing more. As she stretched away the last of her sleepiness, she realized that Princess Luna was right in bringing her back to the castle; after finally getting some sleep, she felt in better spirits and believed that anything was possible, including Twilight's recovery.

After cleaning up, she trotted to her office to see what she could help Luna with in regards to political business. When she arrived, however, she was surprised to find her desk was as she left it so long ago, albeit cleared of her paperwork. Puzzled, she asked a passing guard about Princess Luna's whereabouts; "She's in Maretonia, meeting with the duke and duchess about trade business," he responded obediently.

"But, I don't believe that's scheduled until next week, why has she left this early," Princess Celestia asked.

"Your Highness. . .this is 'next week'" the guard replied warily.

Princess Celestia's jaw dropped; "How long was I asleep for?" she demanded of the guard, her voice rising a few decibels.

"I believe it's been at least five or six days, your Highness," the guard responded, a little unsettled. Princess Celestia cannot believe she slept for that long, yet it had felt like it was only hours.

"Why didn't anypony wake me?" she asked the guard again.

"Princess Luna ordered us to leave you alone so you could get your rest," the guard explained, edging back from the exasperated princess slightly.

Princess Celestia suddenly realized that Twilight's condition could have changed significantly in five or six days. "Prepare my chariot at once, please," she ordered the guard, who willingly complied.

When the chariot reached Canterlot Hospital, she practically soared through the various hallways to get to Twilight's room. When she finally located it, she barged in to see a relieving sight; Twilight's friends were all asleep in various spots around the room. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were resting their heads on Twilight's shoulders by her bedside, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were huddled together for comfort, and Spike and Rarity were holding hoof and claw on the bench. Celestia was glad to see that they had not abandoned their friend, as Celestia had requested; she also noticed that the doctors had indeed removed Twilight's bandages, and to her surprise and relief, she looked nothing like what she saw in her dream.

Celestia strode over to Fluttershy and Pinkie and nudged them awake, "Hello, my friends," she greeted them as they rubbed the sleep from their eyes.

"Hello, Princess," Fluttershy greeted in return; she yawned before continuing, "It's been a while since we saw you last."

"I lost track of time," Princess Celestia said innocently despite the guilt she held onto deep down, "I'm sorry that you all had to stay here this long, I didn't expect to be gone for quite that long."

"It's quite alright, darling," Rarity commented as she awoke to the sound of their voices, "We're just glad that you seem to be in better spirits."

"That's right," Applejack, who was startled into waking up after getting hoof-kicked in the stomach by a slumbering Rainbow Dash, agreed. "Oh, we meant to tell you that the doctors removed Twilight's bandages, but Princess Luna said it was best if we didn't disturb you."

"Ah, what would I do without my dear sister still looking out for me?" Princess Celestia said reminiscently. Just then, a nursepony trotted into the room to check on Twilight.

"Oh, greetings, your Majesty," she said to Celestia, "I was wondering when you would be coming back."

"Yes, indeed," Princess Celestia replied, "How is Twilight doing now?"

"A little better, actually," the nurse responded optimistically, "She's more responsive to the medication we're giving her. It's as if that incident almost a week ago was like a - cleansing, of sorts, for her condition."

"That's interesting," Princess Celestia said, "Thank you," she added as the nurse continued her check-up of Twilight. After she leaves, the rest of Twilight's friends eventually trickled out, needing to attend to their daily lives, as well, leaving Princess Celestia to her thoughts again. To think that Twilight going into cardiac arrest actually helped her condition was crazy, but at this point, Celestia was desperate for a miracle. She walked over to Twilight's bedside and stroked her faithful student's mane and head, which had both retained their original, youthful hues. "At least you're still technically with us, Twilight," Celestia said aloud to Twilight, hoping she would at least hear her, "but I don't know how much more anypony can suffer in your absence. If you can hear me, then I want to tell you that--"

Suddenly, a nurse barged into the room, looking very frantic; when she spotted Princess Celestia, she raced over and addressed her rather hastily. "Forgive me, your Highness," she began to say, "but we've just received urgent news from the Crystal Empire; Princess Cadence has gone into labor and she and Shining Armor will be here any minute!"

"Oh my goodness!" Princess Celestia gasped and began moving towards the door; just before crossing the threshold, she suddenly came to a halt. She feared that if she left, then Twilight would enter cardiac arrest like she did several days ago; however, her great-niece or nephew was about to be born, an honorary milestone for any aunt. She hesitated for a little bit while the nurse waited at the door.

"What's the matter?" she asked the doubtful alicorn. Princess Celestia looks at her, slightly pained to leave her best friend. "Oh, come now, dear," the nurse said comfortingly, "This is your niece's daughter we're talking about! Don't you fret about Twilight, she's in good hooves now." Princess Celestia looked one more time at the pony she considered very close to her heart.

"I will be back, my faithful student," she said firmly as she followed the nurse out of the room and down the hallway to greet Shining Armor and Cadence's foal.