• Published 8th Oct 2018
  • 534 Views, 22 Comments

My Little Pony Six Word Biographies - Godslittleprincess

Inspired by the SMITH Magazine Six-Word Memoirs Project. I basically took as many characters as I could from six seasons worth of this show and described them each using no more and no less than six words. Enjoy.

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Afterword by Callie

And that dear readers, concludes Sir Witty Quill's collection of six-word biographies. Unfortunately, despite having lived through the return of the Pillars and the defeat of the Storm King, for some reason, Sir Quill was unable to write about any of them. Possible reasons for this could be his busy schedule and fluctuating health. However, if I could give my two bits on the matter, I personally believe that, despite their brevity, researching for and writing these biographies took Sir Quill a long time and that he was probably still working on this collection of biographies when those events happened. I have considered completing my ancestors life's work by writing about the other ponies and creatures that the Element Bearers met after the changeling reformation; however, my work as a historian and a professor at Canterlot University has left me little time to do so. Furthermore, as you know, Sir Quill's writing includes information regarding the Mirror World, and the methods he used to access that world without Princess Twilight's mirror were horribly risky, and I quite enjoy living. Thank you very much. Despite my reservations, perhaps, I will write my own collection of brief biographies myself someday, but until that day comes, I hope Sir Quill's collection will inspire you to examine your own lives and histories and to exercise your own wit through brevity and the written language. With that my dear readers, I bid you good reading.

Calligraphy Brush

Author's Note:

Hopefully, the introduction and afterword somehow magically makes this a story. :ajbemused:

Comments ( 15 )

Care to tell me more about SMITH Magazine's Six Word Memoirs?

The idea behind it is to sum up who you are and your life story in EXACTLY six words. I think they even have a website now. http://www.sixwordmemoirs.com/

Not really a story, but have a 👍.


You're not going to report me to the mods are you. :fluttershyouch:

:applejackunsure:You met the 1K word requirement.... I can't think of anything that says you have to publish stories. So no! Hope you get more views and likes.:pinkiehappy:


Wait up? is that a region thing?

What I mean is "You'll get to him eventually."

Alas, the well of inspiration was running dry by the time Season 6 ended. I only added the intro, afterword, and notes out of panic that I might get reported.

That's never stopped the show or the comics! :twilightsmile:

This is a really short story but is really funny and is actually very accurate for almost everyone. Good for a fast laugh. Excellent job.

I feel like a lot of these would work well for social media descriptions, if ponies had such a thing. Great work!

I hope you do more including the Pillars, the Student 6 etc.

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