• Published 27th Feb 2016
  • 2,818 Views, 42 Comments

The Captain - darius the brony

After his disasterous defeat in the battle of london, The captain finds himself in Equestria.

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Chapter 4 Transportation

Princess Celestia POV

Princess Celestia is currently sitting atop her throne finishing today's paper work after she finished listening to the complaints of her subjects. Although their constant complaining could sometimes annoy her, it still made her happy that she is able to help her beloved subjects. In too many kingdoms across the land there are despotic dictators who wouldn't even listen to their subjects (some usually only listen to their subjects just to hear them scream). She couldn't even imagine what it would be like tyrants such Sombra was left to rule over the Crystal Empire, or even Tirek ruling over the entire world. Celestia shook her head after realizing she was upsetting herself these kinds of subjects. She wondered why she was always having thoughts like those sometimes, perhaps it was because of how close those events were to happening, if it wasn't for her former student Twilight.

Celestia smiled after the thoughts of her former student came to her. There were no words to describe how proud Celestia was for her former student Twilight Sparkle or should she say Princess Twilight Sparkle. When she had first assigned Twilight Sparkle to studying magic in Ponyville, she had been a little worried about Twilight Sparkle learning nothing about friendship and having to return to Conterlot. She wouldn't realize how wrong she was until Twilight was able to free her sister from Nightmare moon's curse. Although Twilight would some need a little help such as her confrontation with Discord but in the end she would always pull through in the end. Even her sister Luna was impressed with her accomplishments, and you would usually have to crawl the tallest mountain Equestria, dive from it into the pits of Tarturus and then bust your way out to even get Luna interested in you. Celestia was very curious as what else Twilight could accomplish now that she is a princess.

Princess Celestia's thoughts are interrupted when a scroll appears in front of her. Curious as to what is she grasp it with her magic, uncurls scroll and reads.

Message to her majesty Princess Celestia

It would appear that Princess Luna's suspicions of a disturbance in Everfree forest were correct as we have encountered a creature that appears out of this world who seemed to have been engaged in combat with the former elements of Harmony. Seeing the elements of harmony in trouble we immediately intervened and managed to get the creature away from the former elements of Harmony. Luckily excepted for one having damaged legs, they appeared to be good shape. After that we successful apprehended the creature, facing no resistance it whatsoever. An armed caravan has already left Conterlot for the Everfree to transport the creature to Conterlot for containment. I estimate the creature will be in Conterlot within 5 hours.

Commander Hawk eye

Princess Celestia looked over the note again and sighed, knowing the many Political headaches that will be coming out of this recent discovery. She was also curious as to what this creature was and what it looked like. She wished the commander had gone into more detail of what the creature looked like. The creature doesn't seem too hostile since it willingly gave itself up to her guards, although it seemed to have been fighting the elements. Well it didn't do any harmful damage to the them so if it is hostile then Princess Luna and herself shouldn't have no problem whatsoever subdue it.

Princess Celestia then finished the rest of her paperwork,dismissed throne room guards for the day and went for Luna's quarters, knowing that Luna would want to hear the news that her suspicions were indeed correct. Hopefully the guards will know to be very discrete about transporting the alien all the way to Conterlot,wouldn't want to cause a panic. She should also right a letter to Twilight and her friends to keep quiet about the situation as well.

Oh, this is surely gonna be interesting she thought as she trotted out of throne room. While she was worried about the potential threat to her ponies, she was also very excited about meeting the alien.

Caravan Pegasus guard

Two Pegasus guards are currently in the air transporting an armored caravan to the Everfree forest. The two Pegasus were: Burst lightning, an blue female pegasus pony with a white mane and tail. She has a cutie mark of a lightning bolt exploding. She had accepted the mission because She was really bored and wanted to do something exciting rather standing around doing nothing. Although the fact that being there transporting is a potential alien did interest her, She was also very happy to be doing something other then staring at the wall for hours everyday. Also the trip carrying an large armored caravan to the Everfree forest and back would be a very good exercise for her wings.

The other pony was Vertibird Thunder. He was a white Pegasus with a blonde mane and tail. He has a cutie mark of a bird flying. When was informed that he would be going on a mission to transport an alien to Conterlot, he was thrilled for the job. Ever since he was a little colt, he had always wanted to meet an alien. He would always read comic book about extraterrestrial aliens from space going to Equis and either try to conquer the world or befriend it. He always dreamed about meeting alien, befriending it and going on adventures together. They would call themselves "The Justice patrol", composing of Vertibird the Just, who would always serve justice with his spear of justice and ...... Alien the great who would serve justice with his laser gun. They would go around the world, solving mysteries, catching criminals, saving countries from ancient evil together, At least that is what he hoped how this would go.

"Are you excited as I am?" Vertibird asked Burst lighting beside him with a very excited smile on there face. Burst turned to Vertibird.

"Excited about what?" Burst asked curiously. Vertibird looked confused, did she not know what they were transporting?

"What do you mean "Exited about what", the alien Bursts!" Vertibird exclaimed, shocked that Burst wouldn't remember that they would be meeting a real live alien.

"Oh yeah that. Well i'm sure it's gonna be interesting," She said interestingly. This answer seems to have satisfied Vertibird as he make a goofy smile gesturing with his front hooves.

"I am stoked about this. I've always wanted to meet an alien," He said nostalgically, remember the times he would play alien with his brother, and times they would always injure each other because his unicorn brother would always try to imitate a laser gun with his horn, which was pretty darn dangerous now that he thought about. However, he was still glad that his brother was as interested in aliens as he was.

"Yeah well you better calm down when we get there, we don't want look like children in front of the commander and especially the alien," Burst said to Vertibird. She could understand why he was excited, heck she was excited as well to meet the alien, although she was better at showing it. It still was important to show professionalism in these kinds of situations, especially if the aliens turns out to be hostile towards them, Word of the alien fighting princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends was a little worrying.

"Well I- oh look there they are," Vertibird said excitingly pointing to a large open field right beside the everfree forest. Burst looked to where he was pointing towards and saw a large group of ponies standing there in wait, waiting for them of course. She could also see another group of ponies surrounding an object she couldn't quite see clearly due to how far they were, must be the alien they were talking about.

"Well here we go then," Vertibird said as they descended down towards the group. Vertibird was glad that they weren't in the everfree forest because trying to navigate a large heavy caravan through trees would have been ridiculous. As they made there way down the sight the creature began to get a little clearer. Vertibird was getting more excited already while burst as surprised to see some form of familiar clothing on the alien. Before they could see more the alien it's view is obscured when the commander and other guards steps in front of them. They all saluted.

"Sir, the transport has arrived." Burst said in the usual guard voice.

"Good, then let us not waste anymore time, private go over there and tell the unicorn handlers to bring the alien," said commander Hawk eye to the private. The private saluted and ran over towards where the creature is. Vertibird perked up hearing that they were using handler on the creature, which must mean they are using magic to contain the creature. She wondered if they had to bring them with them to Conterlot. Minutes later the creature began to emerge from the crowd of guards.

Captain Pov

I looked around me as the large crowd of ponies began to disperse to make way for a lone guard to make his towards me and the 6 unicorns that have in chains. A few hours ago they decided to put magical chains around me in order to contain. Obviously they didn't know about my history of breaking 'unbreakable' chains throughout my life, even now the chains around me feel as if i could break them easily by flexing my shoulders. However if it will give them a piece of mind then i guess i could play the 'capture alien' for now, After all that is how a certain person i use to know defeated his enemies. Give them a false sense of security then strike when they least expect, of course these ponies aren't his enemies, yet at least. These ponies may seem cute and weak, but there may be more then meets the eye, he should know this of course.

"Alright get the alien to follow me, the caravan has arrived for pick up," said the the guard gesturing us to follow. The handlers then pushed my legs a little with their magic, obviously telling me to move. I obliged and followed the guard with the handlers following very closely. As we made our way through the guard of pony guards i couldn't help but listen in on the whispers of conversation happening the back of the crowd of guard, where they thought they couldn't be heard.

"Whoa this is crazy, a real live alien, I wonder what gender it is" said one. The Captain couldn't help but chuckle at that.

"I never thought this would happen in my lifetime." said another. Me neither pony, me neither. The rest were interesting.

"Why are we bringing this creature to Conterlot were the princesses are, for all we know it could be planning something," said another pony. Smart pony, I am wondering the same thing.

"We should kill the thing before it can harm anymore ponies," said a pony that sounded way to overzealous then it should.

"You know for an alien that is concealed under all that clothing, it's face looks kinda cute," said a female guard. The Captain perked up at that comment.

Thanks little pony, that was sure nice of you to say The Captain thought before that pony said something else.

"I would sure love to see what else is under all that clothing," The female pony said in seductive voice.

............ The Captain had no comment to that and continued forward, after hearing some gasp coming from the ponies that were close enough to here.

Eventually they were out of the crowd and into the open where he could see three pony. The one being the commander he encountered in the forest and the other two there seems to be strapped to what looks like a large black armored carriage. He guess that would be what he would be going in. As they got closer he started to notice something strange about one of them, the white one pony looked quite composed like the other guards and yet when i look into his eyes he seems about as excited as that pink pony i met earlier. When the commander noticed us coming he then went into one of the bags and pulled out a very strange looking rope from it. The rope looks as if it was glowing a very light green color. When we got to them he looked directly at me.

"If you can understand what i am saying nod your head," The Commander said to the Captain. The Captain wondered why he would ask such a stupid question, hasn't obeying their commands they've been giving him enough evidence that he could understand what they say? He decided to not press the issue and nodded. The Commander sighed in relief.

"Ok good, you six," He said to the six handlers. They immediately stood at attention while keeping horns channeled on the chains.

"I want all of you to take this rope and rap this around his upper body around him. After that release your spells and stand by," he finished. They saluted and slowly rapped the rope around while the chains slowly evaporated. As they rapped the rope around me i began to notice a strange magical energy coming from the rope. The commander seemed to have been reading my thoughts and commented.

"Your probably wondering what this rope is. Well it a special rope enchanted by Princess Celestia and her strongest unicorns. Not even Discord can break it," He said.

Woooow, that would sound really amazing if I actually knew who these being are I deadpanned in my mind.

After they were finished rapping the rope around me they immediately walked away towards the group of guards. The commander then spoke up.

"Alright now here is what is going to happen. You are going to get into this armed caravan." The Commander pointed to the door of the carriage, like i didn't know what a door was.

"and then your are going to be transported to Conterlot. When you get there a captain is gonna waiting there and he'll pick it up from there. is that understood," the commander finished looking dead into eyes. I simply nodded, he then narrowed his eyes.

"Also don't think of escaping because a patrol in gonna following close by," He said in a serious tone. I ignored the warning and made my way to the door. The commander then looked at the two guards strapped to the carriage.

"You two are to take the prisoner to Conterlot immediately, remember to be very discrete about it as well, we don't want the public panicking or any other nation thinking we are up to something." The Commander ordered. "I'm gonna stay here and search around some more to see if there is more aliens around," the commander

"Yes sir," said the two guards in unison.