• Published 23rd Feb 2016
  • 6,446 Views, 233 Comments

The Equestrian Wind Mage: Season 3 - LordSiravant

A portal to Hyrule opens in the Everfree. As Vaati and co. investigate, the servants of Majora launch their war upon both worlds in preparation for the God of Evil's return.

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Episode 5: Pestilence and Decay Part 2

Episode Five: Pestilence and Decay Part 2 – Scores To Settle

Celestia could only look on with horror as her former students, now transformed into Nightmares themselves, advanced on her, predatory grins on their faces.

"What's the matter, Princess?" Starlight coldly asked. "You don't look happy to see us."

"It must be because of these," Sunset sneered, gesturing towards her wings. "After all, we weren't supposed to get wings ourselves, right? Because we were disappointments."

"Something about having trouble making friends, right?" Starlight reminisced in a mocking tone. "Because we were too different and ambitious to conform to your perfect standards of obedience. You never wanted a student; you just wanted the perfect patsy to take up the role of the Element of Magic, and you chucked us out of the palace, our home, when we didn't perform up to snuff."

Tears fell freely down Celestia's face as their words cut into her. "W-what…what has he done to you?"

"Given us what we always wanted," Sunset answered, glaring hatefully with black eyes and green irises. "And he proved to us that you don't need friends to achieve your true potential. Isn't that right, Star?"

"I'd say so, Set," Starlight smirked. "And he also proved that you are the disappointment here, Celestia! We had more potential than you could possibly fathom, but you tossed each of us aside for somepony else! You promised us tutelage! You promised us a family! But you overlooked me in favor of somepony better just like everypony else did all my life. And Sunset…she wanted recognition, but you wanted humility, so you abandoned her too! Tell me, how long till you turn your back on your newest shmuck?"

Celestia flinched at this, and then Sunset added, "Oh, I don't think she will. This one actually met her expectations, didn't she?" She took another step towards Celestia, her accusing eyes never leaving Celestia's. "Didn't she?"

Celestia said nothing.

"Humble, studious, eager to please to the point of being a total suck-up, and let's not forget she decided to 'make some friends' once you prodded her stupid flank into it," Sunset continued. "And of course, she was never even aware of what you had planned for her. We knew from the start, but something tells me you didn't tell her." Then her eyes widened slightly as realization seemed to dawn on her. "Unless you've already decided not to ascend her."

Finally Celestia seemed to find her voice again, the pain in her eyes clouded by anger. Anger at them, at herself, at Majora for taking advantage of her mistakes. "You're absolutely right. I wronged you. I got your hopes up, and at the slightest disappointment I turned away from you. I wasn't patient with you like I learned to be with Twilight. I…I did it all because I was lonely. Being without Luna still hurt me deeply, and I began to take on students in an effort to assuage my loneliness. But in the end, what I wanted was Luna, and I grew more and more bitter when I was reminded that you were not my sister, that you had your own thoughts, desires, and personalities. I was foolish to think I could use you to replace her, and I was unfair to you as a result."

"Too late for apologies, Princess," Sunset growled. "You already made your mistakes."

"And you made yours," Nightmare Moon snarled in turn, reminding them that she was still there. "Rest assured, I'll be having a chat with my sister later about what has transpired in my absence that she has deigned not to tell me, but for now I'll settle with teaching you a lesson in humility, because you are both acting like spoiled fillies."

"Keep talking, spacehead," Sunset sneered, unfurling her wings. "These 'spoiled fillies' are going to replace you two as the Goddesses of the Sun and Moon!"

Celestia shook her head slowly, knowing what had to be done. "I failed you like I failed my sister. I will not do so again."

Four alicorn horns sparkled with magic, and then the four equine goddesses clashed, magical explosions lighting up the sky. In the midst of this, Majora's Avatar cast its evil gaze down at the still-transfigured Vaati and snickered.

Now it's just you and me, Wind Mage.

No longer did fear fester in Vaati's heart, instead replaced by determination. "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Majora raised a fist and lunged, while Vaati propelled himself forward with his wings, magical electricity crackling between his horns. A magical shockwave reverberated across the battlefield as god and demon clashed.

While the three personal battles unfolded, the Gohma pressed unhindered onwards, swarming over the walls hundreds at a time. Despite Scootaloo's best efforts, it was obvious that the north wall would be overwhelmed within the next few minutes. Her lance had been broken, and thus she had resorted to using her short sword to hack at the arachnid menaces. As she cut down a Larva that had leapt at her, Scootaloo cried, "Fall back! Fall back!"

But it was no use; countless Gohma were surging over the walls into the heart of the city. There was nowhere to flee to.

"It can't end like this," Scootaloo breathed, observing the battle with growing despair. "It just can't…"

And then she was suddenly knocked out of the sky as a Larva took advantage of her distraction. Scootaloo flailed as she fell down to the cobblestone streets below, with the gnashing Larva still on top of her, and she cried out in agony as she fell on her wing and felt the snapping of bone as it broke. The Larva was quick to bite into her shoulder, eager and hungry. Scootaloo screamed as she drove her hoof right into its eye, knocking it off her with an agonized screech. Scootaloo winced as she felt blood trickling down her foreleg, trying to hoist herself to her feet. But before she could, more Larvae descended upon her, chittering in victory as they closed in on all sides. Tears welled in her eyes from both the pain and the fear of what she knew was coming.

"D-Daddy…" she whispered, whispering desperately that he would come swooping in to save her, just as he had before, but she knew he wasn't coming.

She screamed as the first one lunged and bit down on her other wing, causing the others to swarm in.


Suddenly she felt the pain in her other wing lessen as the Larva was somehow thrown off of her, landing amongst its brethren with a gaping sword wound nearly having cloven its body in two. The other Gohma looked up in time to see a Hylian warrior garbed in green leap into view, standing protectively between Scootaloo and the Gohma horde. Her eyes widened in awe when she realized who it was.

Link crouched in a fighting stance, brandishing the Master Sword with a cocky grin. "C'mon, which one of ya wants some?" he challenged.

The Gohma were only too happy to oblige, bum rushing him in great numbers. At this, however, Link's grin only widened…

…and then he was a blur of motion.

The young hero ducked, weaved, slashed, and sliced with a naturalness of skill that utterly astounded the young pegasus as Link slaughtered the approaching horde with almost sadistic ease. Bits of Gohma body parts flew everywhere with each stroke, whereas the insectoid monstrosities couldn't even touch him. Scootaloo could only look on with sheer awe and growing fascination.

This was the Hero of Legend.

This was the man who had beaten Vaati, her near-invincible father, no less than four times.

And by Mother Faust, she was starting to realize just how handsome he looked.

Wait, what was that?!

Scootaloo mentally slapped herself for letting her mind come to such a conclusion. Sure, he was handsome. Sure, he was strong, with taut, firm muscles she would not mind losing herself in…

"Faustdammit!" she cursed quietly, both at the pain she was in and her addled brain.

Luckily Link didn't seem to hear this as he continued to carve an epic swath of destruction throughout the approaching swarms of Gohma. However, the swarms just kept coming, and the shuddering of the earth below them indicated that the Armogohmas were close to the wall. Knowing that even his skills wouldn't be enough to hold back the swarm indefinitely, Link quickly sheathed his sword and shield. Scootaloo could not suppress her squeak of surprise as Link deftly swept her into his arms and ran into the center of town where a number of Hylian soldiers, now under Maulgrim's impromptu command, had dug themselves in. Scootaloo looked into those piercing blue eyes as they glanced down at her, and no matter how much she wanted to hide it, she could feel the heat rising in her cheeks as he flashed her a boyish, confident smile.

Shit. She was in love.

Link ran past an opening in the barricade over to Maulgrim, who stood tall and proud atop a large crate of apples, surveying the battle around them as the soldiers worked to erect a barricade all around the town square using the market stalls and produce crates. "Hey!" Link called out, catching the Darknut's attention.

Maulgrim's eyes widened as he recognized the injured mare in Link's arms. "Nigellas, get over here!" he boomed. "Lord Vaati's daughter is injured!"

Nigellas rushed over from where he had been magically hoisting a crate into place as he cried, "Din's flaming tits, what happened to her?!"

"The Gohma have overrun the north wall," Link gravely replied as he handed her off to another soldier. "She's one of the only survivors. Take care of her for me, will you?"

Nigellas nodded. "Been doing that for years, Hero, and I'm not about to stop."

"There's a medicine shop near here," Maulgrim announced. "Someone should go and bring back as much of its stores as they can before the Gohma overwhelm that street."

"I'll go," Link instantly agreed. "I know where it is."

"I'll go too," Nigellas added abruptly. At Link's surprised, questioning glance, Nigellas continued, "What? Four hands are better than two. Besides, just because you can cut us down in droves with insulting ease doesn't mean we can't otherwise hold our own."

"Err…" Link uttered, having no idea how to reply to that. "Right, let's just go."

Meanwhile, the superior number of Stalfos ultimately meant that they eventually succeeded at getting their ladders onto the wall, as Twilight had exhausted herself trying to throw them off again and again. The Mane Six fought on as hard as they could alongside the surviving Hylian soldiers, with Fluttershy picking off various Stalfos that were just about to leap off the ladders and enter the furious melee, Rarity and Applejack fighting back to back, with Pinkie and Twilight doing the same while Rainbow swooped over their heads, slashing and knocking off the head of any undead she could reach. But it was an uphill battle; their numbers were slowly dwindling, they were growing more and more fatigued, the Stalfos just kept coming, and from the looks of it, the Gohma had completely overwhelmed the north wall and were swarming into the city virtually unchallenged.

Twilight panted heavily as she leaned on Pinkie's shoulder for support. "Any regrets, Pinkie?"

Pinkie looked at her and smiled grimly. "I regret not finishing that cake the other day. I'm reeeeeally craving chocolate and lemon icing right about now."

Twilight managed a laugh. "Pinkie…you're incredible."

Pinkie chopped an approaching Stalfos in half without even looking at it as she replied, "Yeah, I know!"

Before Twilight could respond, however, a sudden horn blast reached their ears from the direction of the castle, and all combatants paused for the briefest of moments to look towards the noise.

Marching out of Hyrule Castle towards the heart of the city was a gleaming, silver and gold army of warriors carrying the banner of the Triforce. At the head were Princess Zelda and Diamond Tiara, directing the men of metal towards the many thousands of Gohma that were still pouring over the north wall. At least two thousand Silent Realm Guardians marched in orderly procession towards the opposing Gohma horde, their perfectly ordered ranks a stark contrast to the colossal seething rabble that was the Hive. Neither side knew fear, for each was soulless in their own way, a soullessness of the mind against a soullessness of the body. With many resounding crashes, the two sides came together throughout the city, and those soldiers still alive began to rally around the Guardians.

It took only mere minutes for the tide to dramatically turn.

The Guardians, though fewer in number, were virtually invincible, and no matter how the Gohma Larvae and Pincers tried, their claws and mandibles could not puncture the divine metal that formed the Guardians. Silent as death they hammered, chopped, sliced, and diced their way through the Gohma forces, and soon their finely-crafted weapons and clothing were splattered with Gohma blood. Still they pressed on, forming a steadily growing wall as they pushed against the enemy inexorably back towards the north wall.

Maulgrim watched the Guardians pass his position by with slack-jawed awe, along with his contingent of Hylian soldiers. Finally shaking his head to clear his mind, he raised his sword and declared, "Go, men! Join them! The tide may yet turn for us!"

The soldiers cheered as they joined the growing mass of defending troops, with the Guardians leading from the front, and their Princess and Diamond Tiara at the head.

Link and Nigellas were heading back to the town square when they saw the Gohma swarms bearing down on them. Their arms full of potions, Nigellas muttered, "Well, crud."

"Fall back, Hero! Leave them to us!" a sudden voice cried.

Link and Nigellas whirled around to see Maulgrim at the head of a procession of Guardians and Hylian soldiers, and Link couldn't stop the shudder that crawled down his spine at the sight of Hylia's legendary bodyguards, for a part of him remembered them from a past life, and not in a good way.

"Come on, Hero!" Nigellas shouted, reminding Link of their mission. "We've got to get this medicine to the wounded!"

Link nodded silently as he and the Wizzrobe ran through the marching army, wincing as they heard them collide with the Gohma behind them. Once they reached the town square, they discovered Scootaloo laying down near the fountain, with one of the remaining soldiers, a wounded man with a bandage over his head, tending to her. Various other wounded men were also gathered there, waiting for the medicine that would send them back into the fight.

"We're back!" Link cried, holding up several bottles full of Red Potion.

Immediately those wounded who could stand immediately crowded them. Nigellas groaned as he teleported past the throng of soldiers over to Scootaloo, making the man jump and instinctively reach for his weapon.

"Out of the way, you jumpy wanker!" Nigellas snapped, having noticed the movement. "She's my responsibility!"

The soldier wordlessly shrank back and joined the other soldiers getting doses from Link as Nigellas offered Scootaloo a bottle.

"Here, drink up, kid," Nigellas commanded.

Scootaloo winced from the pain in her shoulder as she reached for the bottle. Smiling weakly, she jokingly asked, "I don't suppose you put strawberry flavoring in it?"

Nigellas rolled his eyes. "What am I, a nursemaid? Guzzle that down so we can get back into the fight!"

Scootaloo scoffed as she drank the contents, puckering her lips at the unpleasant flavor. "Ugh, people should really invest in medicine that doesn't taste like horseapples."

"Maybe they will if anyone survives this," Nigellas quipped. "Now let's get out there and show those goddessdamned bugs a thing or two about picking fights with Hyrule and Equestria!"

"Wait," Scootaloo interrupted, putting a now-healed hoof on the Wizzrobe's shoulder. "The southern wall…Dash is up there. And the others…we can't just ignore them. The Stalfos are about ready to overwhelm them too, and those robots, or whatever they are, already got their hands full with the Gohma. We need to do what we can there."

Nigellas sighed. "Aye, you're right. Lord Vaati would be devastated if he lost any of those nuts."

With that, Nigellas stood up and pushed past the healing soldiers over to Link. "Oi!" he cried, catching Link's attention. "The south wall's in real trouble. While those metal men deal with the Gohma, we should reinforce the south wall's defenses."

Link nodded. "I agree. With any luck, we may yet survive this."

Meanwhile, Vaati continued to battle for his life against the Avatar of Majora. It was like, Vaati thought hysterically to himself, fighting a larger, dare he say stronger, version of Ganondorf. The Avatar Scootaloo had faced had been reported to only be strong enough to match Discord, who, while powerful in his own right, was just not the sort of being who was used to a real fight, and indeed had trouble taking literally anything seriously. This Avatar was even stronger, more ruthless, and was definitely not playing around. It was a very bad sign; it meant that Majora's seal really was weakening, and the Dark God was able to pour more and more of his malicious power and evil will into his constructs and minions. He even had the bloody Triforce of Power at his disposal, and it was still barely enough to keep this abomination at bay!

Vaati grunted, shaken from his brief moment of thought as powerful dark energy sent him skidding across the ground, leaving a smoking crater behind that only ended at the base of Castle Town's north wall. He opened his single eye to glare up at his unholy opponent. Somewhere in their fight, the son of a bitch had actually grown a set of demonic wings from his back, the demonic substance that served as their supernatural flesh bursting out of the enchanted stone of the Avatar's body, and could now follow him into the air, robbing Vaati of his chief advantage.

Majora landed on the ground, his new wings folding around him, casting the rest of his Avatar's body in oppressive shadow. Or perhaps the body itself was a living shadow, drawing in all light and love until the crushing emptiness that Majora had long favored was all that remained. The Avatar, once more, folded its hands in an unspoken prayer as it stalked towards Vaati, who was currently rousing himself.

What a waste of power, Majora spoke bitterly, his eyes glowing with menace. The blood of your father, greatest of all the remaining demon kings of old, runs strong in you, but you have let the light of your disgusting friends taint it!

Summoning all his rage at the injustice of the world, against him, against everyone he loved, Vaati roared, "MY FATHER'S BLOOD IS THE ONLY TAINT IN ME!"

All at once, a huge cloud of ill-tempered Eye Sentries burst into existence over Vaati's head. They swarmed protectively around the Wind Mage, squeaking and screeching as they formed a swirling, seething wall around their master. Majora paused, waiting to see what would happen. And then all the Eyebats unleashed their own brand of hell upon the God of Evil, pelting the Avatar with hundreds of thin, scorching lasers.

The Avatar of Majora didn't even flinch.

Hardly giving the Eyebats more than a cursory glance of insignificance, the Avatar raised one hand, and all the Sentries involuntarily stopped cold, unable to move. Then, Majora clenched his hand into a fist, and with a chorus of implosions that sounded sickening to Vaati's non-existent ears and pained screeches that would haunt him for days, every last Eyebat was instantly destroyed.

Vaati was thunderstruck by such a casual display of power. "How?!"

Your lack of faith is your downfall, Wind Mage.

"I don't put my faith in the faithless!" Vaati spat, moving to attack.

So too is your arrogance.

Vaati had heard enough. Bellowing with incomprehensible rage and hatred, Vaati unleashed the most powerful eye beam he could manage.

Majora casually stepped aside, avoiding it completely and effortlessly.

What use is your strongest attack if you make it so easy to predict? Majora taunted. That is what makes you weak, among other things.

Vaati gathered his last remaining reserves of magic around himself, calling for the Triforce's power to assist him, when suddenly he was lifted involuntarily into the air, unable to move his arms or wings, and his eye was pointed upwards, away from the Avatar.

You think that because you now have a piece of my sisters' power that you are stronger than me? You, Wind Mage, are good at being only one thing

At this, he forcibly brought Vaati down briefly to eye level.


And then Vaati's whole world exploded with white-hot agony as the Avatar of Majora slammed something sharp and undoubtedly of magical origin into Vaati's forehead, piercing through skin and bone, and sinking inexorably into his brain. The Light Arrow didn't compare. Not even his father's torturous attack could compare. This was an agony that ripped through every pore of skin, every sinew of muscle, every blood vessel, every nerve ending, every existing particle of Vaati's body. But it was more than that. There was an agony in his very soul, and a sense of utter violation as something forced its way in and latched on like a greedy, evil parasite.

And during the whole process, Vaati had shrunk back into Hylian form, with an ugly black scar on his forehead. Scoffing with distaste, Majora flung Vaati unmercifully to the ground. Twitching spastically, Vaati managed to utter, "W-w-w-w-wh-wh-wh-wh-what h-h-h-h-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-have-ve-ve-ve-ve y-y-y-you d-d-d-done t-t-to m-m-m-me?!"

I've suppressed the gift you've squandered for the sake of your treasonous behavior.

Vaati's eyes were threatening to bug out of their sockets, even as they started to haze over in pain. "N-n-no! N-n-no, n-no, no! No!"

Majora laughed hideously, enjoying the pain he was inflicting. As amusing as it is to watch, your hysterical claims of denial will not help you. It is quite apparent from the start that you are a failure. You failed to make a good apprentice for that pathetic Minish archmage. You failed to recognize your true heritage as a Demon Prince. You failed to use the power of your father's blood wisely. You failed to secure the entirety of the Light Force for yourself. You failed to conquer the world in the name of darkness, again, and again, and again. You failed to rise up from Ganon's shadow and replace him as a worthy Demon King. You failed every single expectation given to you. And now you have failed yet again. You failed to properly utilize the power of the gods. You failed your friends, your family, and your lover. As I speak, the Element Bearers are being slashed to ribbons by more Stalfos than they can fight. Your daughter is being devoured, alone and forgotten in a hidden alley, by my forever-famished Gohma. Your moon-witch of a mate will soon be overcome by my fitting replacement for her. The Princess will die. The Hero will die. Everyone will die. Because you. Failed. Them.

Vaati's body twitched as he futilely tried to rouse himself, but with a pathetic sigh, his strength gave out, and he simply lay there, defeated in body as well as in spirit. He's right. I've failed everyone. Good or evil, I've always been a disappointment, never doing anything right.

Tears pooled in Vaati's eyes, soiling the greedy, dry earth beneath his face. Scootaloo…I'm so sorry Daddy couldn't protect you again…Luna…I wish now I could have stopped dithering about and finally asked for your hoof in marriage…Twilight…Twi…I failed you most of all…Please forgive me…please forgive me

Majora's laughter died down as he approached Vaati's limp body. Ah, but alas, this grows boring, and there are other bastions of defense in Hyrule and Equestria left to fall. I will have to see to those promptly, once I've dealt with the last remaining pockets of resistance here.

He loomed over Vaati, very much like the conqueror he imagined himself to be. And don't think death will hold any reprieve for you, Wind Mage. Once the light of your soul leaves your eyes, I will force it back into your body with the most painful necromantic spells imaginable, and I will turn you loose on the remainder of your friends, with you helpless to watch as your mutilated corpse rips into them with the insatiable hunger of the living dead. I can only imagine the wide-eyed looks of horror and betrayal that will remain forever etched on their faces as you rip their plump, soft bellies open and devour the insides while they watch.

"You are without a doubt the sickest motherbucker I've ever met."

And just like that, Majora's heart-shaped head shot up in surprise at the interruption, and got a powerful green laser to the face for his trouble, which actually made the Avatar stumble just a little. It was all the distraction Queen Chrysalis needed. She swooped in, dragged Vaati's limp body onto her back, and took once more to the air as thousands upon thousands of her loyal Changelings rose up from the darkness of the Lost Woods, their eyes glinting with hate at the massive swarms of their loathsome enemy seething on the ground below.

Iemanis, his single eye ablaze with rage and frustration, bellowed his anger to the world at large. With the Guardians inside the city and the sudden arrival of the Changelings, he had been left with no choice; the God of the Gohma must enter the fight himself.

Wordlessly, he commanded all the Gohma to abandon the city and turn their attention towards the Changelings, before telepathically relaying a message to Gomess, who waited on the opposite end of the city.

The Changelings were not contained by the Windigos Sombra sent their way! They have begun attacking my forces in great numbers! And the Hylians, damn them, have resurrected those accursed fossils from the Silent Realm! Leave the Gohma to me, and focus on overwhelming the city and its blasted Guardians!

Gomess, the Phantom Reaper, ground her teeth in rage, raising her scythe as she commanded the horde of Vires that always surrounded her. "Go, my pets! Find the Princess and the Hero and rip them apart! Press on, my legions! Consume the southern wall! Overwhelm the Silent Realm Guardians! Do not give our enemies a victory!"

With Vaati taken from him, Majora glared heavenward towards the distant explosions of magic high in the sky as Celestia and Nightmare Moon dueled his chief Equestrian Disciples. They had had their fun; they were needed elsewhere. And besides, he still wanted the pleasure of murdering Celestia and her sister all for himself.

Solar Flare, Starfall, fall back at once. You've had your fun, but the blasphemers are still mine. Return to the Dark Palace to await further instructions from King Dethl.

He could sense from the connection they were less than pleased by this, but knew better than to oppose his will. No one opposed him. Celestia started as she realized her two corrupted students had both stopped attacking, as though someone was talking to them who commanded their undivided attention.

Nightmare Moon didn't hesitate for a second, her horn glowing darkly. "Sleep, young ones. Sleep, for I who command all dreams speaketh!"

With their attention diverted, they had no chance to defend themselves, and almost immediately their eyes closed as the realm of dreams forcibly claimed them. Their slackened bodies fell towards earth, and the two sisters wasted no time catching Celestia's wayward prodigies and gently lowering them into the heart of the city.

For a moment, blind, all-encompassing rage took hold of the Dark God at the attempted theft of his latest accomplishments, ones he was rather proud of, but then he calmed himself. They would return. They would merely see to his Disciples in a misguided attempt to save their souls, and then they would come to him, with the need for revenge burning in their hearts. And then, he would destroy them.


Zelda, Diamond, Maulgrim, and the others blinked in surprise as the Gohma as one abruptly changed strategy, turning from the Guardians and clamoring back over the walls into Hyrule Field. Looking up, it was easy to see why.

"Queen Chrysalis is back," Diamond observed with a grin as tens of thousands of Changelings eagerly entered battle with their mortal nemeses.

"Thank Din for the Changelings," Maulgrim muttered.

Zelda raised her sword high. "Guardians, to me! We go to the south wall!"

"Wait!" Maulgrim suddenly spoke up, pointing skyward. "Look there!"

Three equine figures descended to earth before them, each carrying a body on their back. The alicorns on Celestia and Luna's backs, they did not recognize, but the body on Chrysalis's back was unmistakable.

"Vaati!" Zelda cried, and Luna, still in Nightmare form, tensed at the sight, horrified.

"Be careful!" Chrysalis warned. "There's a horrific dark presence in his body. Majora did something to him, I'm certain of it."

Impa deftly swept Vaati into her arms, slightly surprised at how small the Wind Mage was, as a Hylian, and very light. Her eyes narrowed at the black, pulsing scar on Vaati's forehead. The Wind Mage had, for the moment, slipped into unconsciousness.

"This is very dark, very evil magic," Impa uttered. "A curse fragment…a favorite tool of torture amongst the Church of Majora, and an effective way of containing otherwise…resistant captives."

There was more, Zelda could tell, but Impa was clearly hesitant to divulge it. But she finally relented, and her voice was low and heavy. "It also…if not removed as quickly as possible…will begin to slowly…kill the victim. As we speak, the fragment is slowly draining his life force."

Nightmare Moon paled in horror. "What?! Then we must do something! NOW!"

Impa shook her head gravely. "Understand, this magic is a direct manifestation of Majora's evil powers. Removing it by mortal means is…extraordinarily difficult. And one directly administered by Majora himself is powerful enough to resist even the Master Sword's evil-banishing might, since its power had to be dimmed in order to be utilized by the Hero's bloodline."

"Is there a way to remove it?" Celestia begged. "Please, anything…there must be a way!"

Impa's eyes steeled. "There is a way…but it will take time. Time I'm not certain Vaati has." She looked down knowingly at Zelda. "The power of the Ancient Sages must be reawakened, and new Sages declared. Then, the new Sages together would have the power to remove this unholy shard of darkness from Vaati's body."

Celestia caught the look in Impa's eyes, and slowly asked, "How many Sages are there?"

At this, Impa managed a very faint, triumphant smirk. "Six."


It was over.

Twilight knew it, with every agonized breath she took, every glance at the unrelenting swarms of undead swarming around her and her friends.

Rainbow was fighting tooth-and-nail to protect a downed Applejack, who had fallen unconscious from a nasty blow to the head, ignoring the pain that had to have been shooting up her spine from the wing she had broken. Rarity grimaced from the blood oozing into her eye from a gash on her forehead and winced from the many bruises and small cuts she had received from the prolonged fighting even as she cut down an attacking Stalhound. Pinkie's favorite candy-cane axe had broken, unable to sustain itself against the rigors of combat such that its maker had likely never foreseen. She was now hammering and chopping with a Stalfos axe she had commandeered, her face scrunched into a determined grimace. Even her Pinkie Sense hadn't saved her from every potential danger, as there was a nasty laceration trailing down the length of her torso from a Stalfos that had managed one last swing even as it was felled. Fluttershy had run out of ammo and, seeing her friends hurt and not knowing what else to do, dove into the thick of the fray, shouting as she twisted skulls right off their undead bodies and throwing them at other Stalfos. Twilight herself had completely exhausted her magic reserves, to the point that she could no longer even lift her weapon, and her body ached all over not just from her many injuries, but also from the countless bucks and kicks she had lashed out at the surrounding undead.

The Mane Six were damn near the last remaining defenders of the southern wall, and they weren't going to last much longer.

She didn't see the attack coming until it was too late.

Her head swam as she was knocked to the floor by a Stalfos shield bash, and she was too exhausted to defend herself in any way. Looking up, bleary-eyed, she saw the skeletal warrior standing over her, its rictus grin almost triumphant.

I'm sorry, Vaati…Princess Celestia…everyone…I failed you. Just…let it be quick

"Head's up, bonehead!"

The Stalfos looked up just in time for a gleaming sword to cleanly behead the undead menace, the remains collapsing into a pile of bones. Twilight blinked, confused and weary.

Why am I not dead…?

Another figure entered her field of vision, her savior, no doubt. He knelt down, allowing Twilight to see the kind smile of Link hovering over her. "You just rest tight there, Miss Twilight. Help is here."


With those words, Twilight knew, just knew, that everything would be okay. As she finally began to lose consciousness, she barely registered Link standing up and crying out to someone unknown, "Get these ponies to the town square, pronto!"

And then everything went dark.


Link watched the Guardians escort the battered and weary Mane Six into the city, while more of the metallic holy warriors entered the fray, quickly beginning to turn the tide of the battle, for the Stalfos were just as helpless before the nigh-indestructible divine bodyguards as the Gohma had been.

Link was just about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard a chorus of unearthly shrieks above him, and turned to see a flock of Vires bearing down on him with murderous intent.

Link just grinned fearlessly, before his Triforce mark glowed and his fist was wreathed in flames. He then smashed his fist against the ground as he cried, "DIN'S FIRE!"

A solid wave of holy flames rushed out from Link's body, washing over everything within a fifty foot radius. The Guardians were unharmed, but the Vires and numerous Stalfos alongside collapsed into a pile of smoldering ashes. Somewhere far away, Gomess shrieked her frustrations to the heavens.


Iemanis roared as he used his demonic powers to lay waste to the Changeling swarms. All around the Gohma Lord, the broken and dying bodies of Changeling and Gohma alike were piled like shingles in a storm, and over top this gruesome carpet, more still battled, each determined to overcome the other.

It was at this last when Iemanis heard a distantly familiar voice cry out to him.


The demon centipede turned to see the Changeling Queen Chrysalis hovering over him, murderous intent and righteous fury blazing in her eyes. The God of the Gohma could not resist the predatory grin that spread across his face.


Chrysalis threw down the gauntlet with an intense beam of green energy aimed straight for his eye. Iemanis coolly blocked it with a massive claw before he countered with a thin, scorching beam of his own from his eye. Chrysalis dodged, strafing Iemanis's much larger body as she unleashed a salvo of magical discharges that exploded against Iemanis's armored carapace. However, they had little effect, and Iemanis laughed as he lashed out with a claw.

His laughter died, however, when Chrysalis proved to be far faster than him, easily outmaneuvering his attack while steadily keeping up her own.

Chrysalis had been preparing for this day, this very encounter, for years, and it showed.

Every attack of Iemanis missed, but Chrysalis easily managed to keep up a steady bombardment of energy discharges. Despite this, however, it wasn't enough; Iemanis's exoskeleton was too thick for conventional battle magic to penetrate. He had one weakness, like all other Gohma, but he was aware of it and guarded it fiercely and diligently.

Knowing they had reached an impasse, Iemanis switched to another tactic. "I sense great hatred and anger in you. It calls to us dark powers as a flame calls to an errant moth. Why do you throw in your lot with those who hate you similarly?"

Chrysalis snorted haughtily. "Clearly you and your cohorts haven't been paying attention all these years if you think I'm going to buy into that."

She cast a wave of magical green flames at Iemanis, who roared as he batted them aside with a dark pulse. "You speak of the Gohma Ganondorf set on you, correct? I did not sanction that attack, you know. I had no control over that swarm, thanks to Ganondorf's interference. Had you asked it of us, we would have gladly let you join us."

As they talked, Iemanis silently commanded an Armogohma to sneak up behind Chrysalis, but through her own minions, she saw it coming, and the Armogohma was promptly waylaid by dozens of Changeling soldiers.

"Yours is a god of hate. Changelings cannot feed on hate. The world you and Majora would build would kill us all."

Without a word, Chrysalis gave a silent command to her Changelings, and as one, they poured their love energy into their queen, draining themselves of their fighting energy. Though this left them all vulnerable, it served a greater purpose, one that would ensure their survival, and that Changeling-kind would be forever remembered for what they were about to do. As more and more energy flowed into Chrysalis's being, her mane became almost ethereal, and she rose into the air of her own accord, green flames wreathed around her being. Hovering over the stunned Iemanis, Chrysalis was a dark angel of judgment, prepared to sentence the sinful demon below her.

"Our actions against Canterlot were a mistake," Chrysalis intoned, her voice almost…godlike in its otherworldly quality. "I freely admit it; but instead of hunting us down to the last and exterminating us as you would have done, those we called our enemy chose to help us stand on our own, allowing us to feed ourselves without forcibly taking from others. Ever since, we have flourished as we never have before. You claim to be our salvation, but you would damn us all over again, and we would be no better off than before, for Majora not only fails to understand the power that exists within love, but outright fears it. His world is no place for our kind, and thus he, and your loathsome ilk, ARE NOT WELCOME IN OURS!"

Iemanis had heard enough. Enraged, he sent a powerful eye beam at his nemesis, but it was harmlessly dissipated by the flames that surrounded Chrysalis's body. She didn't even bat an eyelash. Iemanis recoiled, and Chrysalis grinned as she saw the look in his predominant eye she had fantasized about for five long years; fear.

Chrysalis's eyes flashed, and suddenly Iemanis's body was enveloped by those same flames, but unlike with their master, these flames burned like the heat of the sun, and Iemanis bellowed in agony as he thrashed about, trying to put out the magical fire. Chrysalis smirked; she had longed to hear him scream like that.

The Gohma had collectively paused in confusion and distress as their master's control over them wavered, and the northern battlefield, for the briefest moment, fell completely still save for the two hive-lords. But Iemanis, in one last act of homicidal rage and vengeance, outright screamed at his swarms, "KILL THEM! KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THOSE FILTHY CHANGELINGS!"

Chrysalis bared her teeth in a snarl as the surviving Gohma tore into her helpless Changelings. Every death was like a stab to her heart. But she would not falter. Now was the time to end it.

"With your death, Changeling-kind is avenged!" she roared, and then the flames consuming Iemanis intensified, and for a brief moment, it was as though a green star had been born right in the middle of the battlefield.

And then Iemanis's ruined body exploded, the shockwave knocking every single Changeling and Gohma off their feet. The Gohma, bereft once and for all of their master, then did something Chrysalis had not been expecting. Instead of going crazy as they had always done before, they just…dropped dead. As one.

With a collective, resigned sigh, all of Gohma-kind expired from the world of Hyrule, forever.


Castle Town Square

Twilight and her friends, upon arrival, had each been given a dose of Red Potion that immediately healed their wounds and fatigue, and were all back in fighting condition. However, their eagerness halted when Twilight noticed Vaati's unconscious body leaned up against the fountain, with Zelda and Impa kneeling by his side.

"VAATI!" she cried, rushing to his side. "W-what happened to him?!"

Impa's face was grim as she explained, "Majora has cursed him. We can explain this later, but this battle is not yet over. From what I recently overheard over the north wall, your Changeling friends have incredibly dealt a death-blow to the Gohma, but Majora is still out there. There is still a danger as long as that Avatar is running around."

Rainbow grinned. "You just leave that to us!"

"Twilight, I must urge extreme caution."

They turned to see Celestia approaching from where she and her sister had been looking over the prone forms of Sunset Shimmer and Starlight Glimmer's Nightmare forms. "Princess Celestia! You're okay!" Twilight exclaimed, hugging her long-time mentor in relief.

"Listen to me, Twilight," Celestia warned, stroking her student's forehead. "Majora's Avatar is extremely powerful. Vaati, Luna, and I all fought him together, and we were unable to best him. You must act quickly; he may not give you a chance to use the Elements otherwise."

Rarity huffed. "As I think about it, I realize this is the first time we've met that horrible fiend face-to-face. Before, we've always been hearing about how he's behind all the dreadful things happening in Equestria and Hyrule, or what other terrible things he's done in the past. I must agree with Rainbow Dash when I say it's time we showed that good-for-nothing ruffian what happens when he threatens our friends, our families, and our livelihoods!"

Twilight nodded in Zelda's direction. "Take care of Vaati; we won't be long."

And then Twilight's horn flared out, teleporting herself and her friends away.


Majora was furious, more than he had ever been in a long, long time.

In one, single move, that loathsome Changeling pest had singlehandedly wiped out a significant portion of the Dark God's grand legions. The Gohma had been among his most numerous servants, alongside Gomess's undead and his own Spawn. And now, in a single moment, every last one of them was gone.

Chrysalis's back was still to Majora, and her surviving Changelings were still unable to rouse themselves. He stomped forward, intending to inflict a similar blow of his own.

And then, in a flash of magical light, six familiar ponies appeared to block his path.

"Not so fast, Majora!" Twilight cried.


The Avatar of Majora swept its hand outwards, and a huge pulse of dark energy slammed into the Mane Six before they had a chance to defend themselves, and they all hit the dirt with the force of an earthquake.

Your continued existence has grown far too irksome to be allowed to continue, Majora growled, his Avatar's body radiating with evil power. You think you've won? FOOLS! Your arrogance ensures that I will strike a far more devastating blow against you than you have here!

And then the Avatar was struck by an immensely-powerful beam of energy that actually managed to knock him down.

"I'm still here, you know," Chrysalis mocked before looking down at the beleaguered Mane Six. "I'll keep this bastard distracted! You get those blasted Elements ready and blast him to magical dust on my signal!"

Twilight tiredly nodded as she and her friends slowly roused themselves. Groaning, Applejack muttered, "Darn, the Princess wasn't kiddin' when she said t'act fast."

An explosive barrage of energy caught their attention as they saw Chrysalis engage the enraged Avatar. Despite all her newfound power, though, she was barely keeping up with the Dark God's mouthpiece. "Alright, girls, you know what to do!" Twilight cried out.

As one, the Mane Six tapped into their inner power, positive energy radiating off of their frames as they ascended into the sky. The residual energy of the Elements roused the Changelings from their near-catatonic states, and Majora, realizing what was happening, faltered.

What?! NO!

He thrust out a hand, sending a bolt of dark magic towards the Mane Six, hoping to stop them before they could unleash their power. But in an act of sacrifice that Chrysalis hadn't even condoned, a Changeling threw itself into the path of the blast and absorbed it at the cost of its own life. And then Majora had no choice but to refocus on defending against Chrysalis's persistent attacks, which were now being joined by dozens of nearby Changelings.

And then he felt the wave of positive energy explode outward, and the God of Evil knew what was coming.

The Rainbow of Light slammed into the dark golem, burning it away without resistance. Even as he felt his Avatar crumble, the Dark God glared at his hated foes as he taunted them one last time. It will not end here! Even now, my minions are overrunning Equestria's defenses, and more is still to come! Mark my words, even if you live long enough to witness my ascension, you will suffer more than any other before I END YOU!

And then the Rainbow consumed him, and the Avatar of Majora exploded, leaving no trace behind save for the Ancient Enemy's maniacal laughter, which was soon carried off by the winds. Gomess, realizing now that the battle was lost, vanished inside of a portal and left her Stalfos to be mopped up by the relentless Guardians. An hour later, the Battle of Hyrule Castle was over, and the forces of good stood triumphant.


Hyrule Castle, Hospital Wing

Twilight trudged alone through the corridors of Hyrule Castle. She did not bother to slow her pace down to take in the sights of the Hylian architecture, for there was only one thing, or rather one person, on her mind.

She entered a specific door and found herself in Vaati's hospital room. The Wind Mage himself was lying in one of the cheap beds, with Luna, Celestia, Zelda, Impa, Maulgrim, Nigellas, Scootaloo, and her friends gathered around him.

"Is he going to be okay?" Twilight asked, afraid of what the answer might be.

"I…truthfully do not know," Zelda hesitantly answered. "Vaati was hit with a particularly potent curse fragment, which has been embedded in his forehead. The Triforce of Power appears to be resisting it, but it has still managed to suppress his ability to transform, and even now is slowly draining his life. Without the Triforce of Power, he would be dead within a matter of days. As it stands, he likely will have several weeks before he fully succumbs."

"Can you remove it?" Twilight demanded, panic lacing her voice.

"Not with the resources we have at our disposal," Impa responded. "A curse fragment as powerful as this can only be removed by the magic of the Ancient Sages, which…is a distressing problem, because new Sages haven't been declared in over a hundred years since the previous ones died, and their power is waning, which is likely why Majora's power has been increasing so rapidly lately."

"So there's nothing we can do?!" Twilight cried, nearing hysteria.

"Now I didn't say that," Impa replied with a shake of her head. "The power of the Sages can still be awakened…but only by those the spirits of the previous Sages, and the Goddesses themselves, find worthy."

"How many Sages are there? And how can we find out who's worthy enough of taking their place? We hardly know anybody in this world!"

At this, Celestia, Impa, Luna, and Zelda all shared a knowing glance before Zelda chose to respond. "There are six Sages in total, representing the six aspects of the Goddesses. Forest, Fire, Water, Shadow, Spirit, and Light. As for finding out who is worthy of taking up their mantle…well, there's no need to do that. We've already found them."

There was something off about the way the others were looking at Twilight and the Mane Six. "Uh…what the hay is that supposed to mean?" Rainbow hesitantly asked.

"Six Sages of old," Impa explained. "Six Elements of Harmony. The two powers are compatible."

And then, it clicked, and Twilight gasped in shock. "W-wait…are you saying we're supposed to be your new Sages?!"

"There's no doubt of it," Impa pressed on. "As a direct descendant of one of the previous Shadow Sages, something in my heart knows this to be true. You and your friends are destined to take up the mantle of the Six Sages and combine their power with your Elements of Harmony."

"With the power of the Elements, the Triforce, and the Sages all united as one, not even Majora himself will have the power to stand against you," Zelda proclaimed proudly.

"From what I have observed of your personalities," Impa interrupted, glancing between each Mane Six member, "I can also reasonably assume which Sage Power each of you is best fit to inherit. Twilight, as the leader of the Elements, it stands to reason that you will inherit the powers of the Sage of Light. Applejack, your dedication to the truth and honesty will allow you to see into the deepest darkness as only the Sage of Shadow can. Rarity, your passion and will to do what is right burns bright within the hearts of those who embody the might of the Sage of Fire. Pinkie Pie, your fun-loving personality and your single-minded drive to wash away everything that could harm or even merely sadden your friends makes you a prime candidate for the Sage of Water. Fluttershy, your kindness and love of nature hearken to the core values of the Sage of Forest. And Rainbow Dash, your recklessness, your brashness, and your unwavering loyalty to your friends are enough to stir the sands of the desert as the newest Sage of Spirit. This is your destiny, and it is what has irrevocably bound together the fates of your world and ours."

Twilight felt light-headed at this incredible news. This was more than she could have ever imagined. Being an Element of Harmony was enough, but a Sage of an entirely different world altogether?

"They're not going anywhere without me," a voice suddenly croaked.

Surprised, they all turned to see that Vaati was wide awake as he propped himself upright with a grimace. Luna placed a gentle hoof on his hand as she said, "No, Vaati, you must rest."

"Resting won't do me a damn bit of good," Vaati huffed. "I'm dying anyway, and I have no intention of letting any of them go into one of those monster-infested temples alone."

"Vaati…" Zelda began.

"I will turn anyone who tries to stop me to stone. Period. My friends are not going anywhere without me."

"Vaati, the curse fragment has dampened your powers," Celestia spoke up sternly. "You will not be at your best."

"But I won't be helpless either," Vaati groused, and that determined glint in his eye made sure they knew that he was not going to back down. "I'm going. End of story. If you want to stop me, you'll be better off just killing me anyway."

Impa just shook her head mirthlessly. "Your stubbornness will be the death of you."

"I've been told that many times, and yet here I am."

Vaati's confidence was, admittedly, infectious, and soon there were smiles throughout the room. "Alright, we won't stop you," Zelda conceded. "But I must ask that you allow Link to accompany you. He knows better than anyone how to traverse those dark places."

Vaati just narrowed his eyes. "You just want him to tag along so that we can become best buddies, don't you?" he said in an accusing tone.

Zelda shrugged. "That wouldn't be disagreeable."

Vaati scoffed. "Typical."

However, before anyone else could speak up, the door was thrust open with a bang as a pony soldier entered the room, panting like he had just run a marathon. The Equestrians' eyes widened. That's a Crystal Pony! Twilight realized. What's he doing here?

"Y-Y-Your Majesties!" the Crystal Pony soldier cried, his eyes wide like he was on the verge of a panic attack.

Celestia's face hardened immediately. "What is it? What happened?!"

It was at that moment when the pony collapsed on his hooves and cried, "T-t-the Crystal Emp-p-pire…The Empire has fallen to King Sombra!"

Author's Note:

GRAH HA HA HA HA HA! The evil Cliffhanger strikes again!

And with that, we are officially caught up! I don't know when the next episode will be up, but it will be soon, and we'll get to see just what the hell happened to the Crystal Empire. Expect the return of many side-characters!

I may also update Season 2.5 beforehand if all works out well...