• Published 18th Mar 2016
  • 400 Views, 1 Comments

WWC: Crystalline Chaos - Chris-Cross13

Trouble ensues in the Crystal Kingdom as The Mane Six and Christian try to find the bearer of the third Element of Conflict. When Paradox, Discord and another familiar enemy interferes... chaos ensues.

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Chapter Two

Princess Cadence paces nervously up and down the central hallway of her castle. Shining Armour follows his wife’s movements back and forth, worried about her current mood. Cadence has not been this nervous in quite a long while. Shining can barely remember the last time his wife acting in a way such as this.

“Cadence,” Armour chimes in, “you must relax. Twilight and her friends will be here soon. Everything will be fine!” He says, hoping to assure her in anyway he can. Cadence continues to keep walking back and forth across the hallway. The words, while somewhat comforting, cannot distract her from her true thoughts on the situation.

“I know, I know, but this whole thing is still… nerve-wracking! To think that we have to manage one of these Elements of Conflict; the very thing we decided to give back to Celestia because of its power, and now we are taking one back but with the added benefit of two maniacs hunting for it! It could put the whole kingdom in jeopardy if those two come here trying to find the element!” Armour again looks at Cadence solemnly. He walks up behind her and puts a hoof on her back.

“Cadence, please try to calm down. Celestia said that we would be in minimal danger from anyone trying to snag the element because of what happened last time at Canterlot. Plus, with all the security surrounding that element. We’ll keep it somewhere safe and secluded until my sister and her friends find the true user.” Cadence sighs at Armour’s comforting words.

“I hope you’re right, Shining. After what happened at Canterlot Castle with Chrysalis, I just worry about-”


“Princess Cadence! Shining Armour! I present to you: The Elements of Harmony and Ambassador Christian Average!” A voice booms from in front of the castle; interrupting Cadence’s sentence and making the two ponies look towards their castle’s doors. Buckshot triumphantly marches forward; leading the group of friends into the castle and toward the two royal figures. As the party stops in front of the two ponies, Christian quickly goes down on one knee, bowing to both of them.

“Princess Cadence, Armour; it is a pleasure to see you both again.” Christian states before his eyes finally meet both ponies in front of him. Cadence laughs a little at his actions.

“Christian, please! You have no need to bow before us!” Armour rolls his eyes at her statement.

“Well, I don’t mind it.” Armour whispers to her before Cadence playfully nudges him. Christian quickly scrambles back up to his feet at Cadence’s request.

“Sorry, Cadence. Just figured I should out of respect.” Christian comments. Cadence tilts her head in confusion.

“Umm, you don’t do this sort of thing with Celestia and Luna, Christian?” She asks with a laugh.

“Of course not!” Christian answers with a scoff. “They are my bosses. You are royalty. Huge difference.” Cadence lets out another small laugh at his explanation.

“If you say so, Christian.” Twilight then quickly rushes to the front of the group and lunges toward her brother and smothers him in a hug. Shining is quick to embrace her in his hooves for what seems like an eternity. But he does not care; seeing Twilight again is always a nice event!

“Shining! It’s so great to see you again!” She says, stepping back a bit from him. Shining gives her a big smirk.

“It’s nice to see you again as well, Twilly!” His cheerful demeanor quickly vanishes as Christian steps toward the two of them. He gains an unamused expression as the human gives him a wave.

“Hello again, Shining. How are things?” He asks with tad bit of worry in his voice due to Shining’s expression towards him. Shining continues to give the human a judging glare.

“Fine. How many times have you been putting my sister to sleep recently?” Shining gets right to the point with Christian; the question has been on his mind all day. Christian scratches the back of his own head with a hand nervously. Great. That question. He thinks to himself.

“Oh… You know… Three, maybe four times a day with a sleeping spell?.” He says nervous and unsure of himself. Shining takes a moment to review the information in his head before giving Christian a small smile.

“Huh, that’s much less than the twelve times a day when last we met. It’s still not great, but it’s a start.” He gives the human a nod. “Keep at it, Christian. Thank you for treating my little sister somewhat better.” Christian shrugs.

“No problem, Armour. It’s the least I can do for her teaching me magic. And, well, I have a little sister too; big brother mentality and all that.” Christian turns to look off to his right side at his last comment; throwing Armour off a bit.

“Alright then.” He says, still caught off guard by Christian’s behavior. “Anyway,” He approaches the rest of the group. “It is nice to see all of you again. I just wish we were all meeting on a not so pressing matter.”

“No kidding.” Cadence says under her breath. “I guess we should get right to it shall we?” She asks the other ponies.

“The sooner, the better.” Applejack says. “This whole situation is bad enough with Paradox n’ Trixie after us. Findin’ this third pony can’t come soon enough.”

“I agree!” Twilight concurs with a nod. “The last thing we need are those two finding out about this. Or worse, another evil being on our tail.”

“So let’s make sure that doesn’t happen by getting this element as far from us as possible.” Christian adds in.

“Right, and finding its user as soon as possible.” Cadence chimes in. “Speaking of which, where is this Element of Conflict, Twilight?” Twilight hastily uses her magic to open up her left saddlebag and presents the silver chest to Cadence. Cadence takes the chest within her own magical grasp before using said magic to work on the latch on its front. With a click, the latch is popped open and the chest’s top is slowly lifted, revealing its contents to the princess. Cadence gasps as she gazes upon the Element of Conflict with worry and awe mixed into one emotion.

“Seeing one of these elements again;” Starts Cadence. “It’s unnerving, yet at the same time, I feel a sort of… peace almost.” Armour gives a sigh of relief at the princess’s calm reaction. Twilight nods at her statement.

“I feel the same way when I look at these elements. Probably because while they may all have an unknown power, all of them have found their rightful owners so far. I feel that this one and the final element will be the same.” She says as she trots around to look at the element with Cadence. Staring at the element a bit more; Twilight’s gaze drifts off to her friends, who are now all having a group conversation with Buckshot. Looking at the guard alicorn, Twilight suddenly notices something... unprecedented. Quickly looking back at the Element of Structure again and back at Buckshot, her brain starts making more connections. “No…” She says quietly to herself. Cadence and Shining look at Twilight with confusion; not understanding what she just said.

“What was that, Twilight?” Cadence asks. Twilight ignores that question and looks over to where Christian is.

“Hey Christian,” She hollers from across the room. Christian glances over from the group to the somewhat amazed slash distressed looking Twilight. “You need to see this.” Christian cocks a brow at her words before quickly leaving the group as the others keep chit-chatting.

“What’s up, Twitty?” He says as he speed walks over to her. Twilight motions with her eyes toward the elemental necklace. Christian looks at the necklace, again confused. He already saw the necklace before. What was the problem? “Okay, Twilight; what are you-” She quickly points over his shoulder with a forehoof towards the group behind him, specifically the alicorn guard. Christian stares at Buckshot, then back at the element, and then again back at Buckshot. Armour and Cadence, now tired of this little charade, are getting aggravated with the lack of communication from the two of them.

“Alright you two, what is the meaning of…” Armour starts up before Christian interrupts him.

“Armour, Cadence; look at the necklace; then your new captain of the guard.” The two ponies look at each other awkwardly before doing ask Christian asked. Looking at both Buckshot and the necklace, the two did see similarities but that is it.

“Alright, but I don’t-” Cadance starts before Twilight interrupts her.

“Christian, didn’t you say that Supernova looked like his elemental necklace?” Christian nods at Twilight.

“Yea, and Vague said Frostbite looked like hers.”

“So, by process of observation…”

“Yup,” Christian understands where Twilight is going with this. “Put two and two together and get a legendary element user.” He says quietly before rushing back over to the others. “Buckshot!” He yells as he jumps back into the group. The guard and girls stop dead in their conversation and turn toward the human.

“Yes, Your Excellency?” He addresses to him. Before Christian can say, Shining Armour, Twilight, and Princess Cadence come up behind him.

“Buckshot, we think… Well to put it simply, you are most likely the bearer of an ancient and legendary artifact.” The princess says. Buckshot and the rest of the girls stare at the others in bewilderment.

“Come again, Your Majesty?” Buckshot asks with a laugh. Christian yanks the element from its silver home and presents it to Buckshot, who jumps back a bit at the presentation.

“She means you have to put this on. Right now.” Christian demands.

“Uhh, forgive me. I still don’t understand why I must wear this… thing.” Buckshot says, confused. He doesn’t even know what this thing was or why he needed to put it on.

“Well ya see, Buck,” Dash starts, flying over him and continuing over Christian before hovering by Twilight. “These “Elements of Conflict”,” She motions air quotes with her forehooves. “all have one thing in common: The user’s fur and mane coloring matches their necklace. It happened with the first two, and twenty bits says the same will happen with the last two!” Buckshot looks at the pegasus, still uneasy about this whole ordeal. He looks toward his superiors for an answer.

“Princess Cadance?” He asks, wanting her opinion on the situation. Cadance looks at her captain of the guard and then back at the necklace.

“Buckshot,” She starts. “I think it would be beneficial if we were to see if you truly are this legendary elemental user. By all means, please put the necklace on at once.” Buckshot salutes to his princess and nods at her request.

“Yes, Your Majesty!” He shouts as he takes the necklace into his forehoof. He gulps as he looks down at the trinket in his hoof; physically trembling at what he had to do. “Now, I would be lyin’ if I said I wasn’t nervous.” He comments while giving a nervous smile towards the group in front of him. Suddenly, Applejack trots to the front of the group and gives the guard a relaxed smirk.

“Everythin’ will be fine, Buck. Shoot, you put that necklace on and become a legend; you’ll become one of the most powerful ponies in Equestria!” Buckshot stares at Applejack, sinking her comment into his brain. After a second or two, he gives the mare a determined nod.

“Alrighty then,” He says, now much more confident than before. “Let’s see what this thing can do!” With a quick red glow from Buckshot’s horn; the necklace is quickly lifted from his hoof and slapped onto his neck. Within seconds, the room is covered in a blinding white light. The group collectively shields their eyes as the light encompasses the entirety of the castle. Everyone gasps as they instantly realize what is happening, like twice before. With a smirk, Christian puts on his sunglasses and his hands on his hips.

“Well, I guess we figured that out. Good eyes, Twitty.” He says to Twilight, who nods in response while shielding her eyes with her forehoof.

“Thanks Christian! I can’t believe how easy that was!” She exclaims with joy.

“No kiddin’!” Applejack adds. “Much easier than defeatin’ Chrysalis who has takin’ over or going ta the moon!” The light around them starts to then fade as the silver alicorn begins to float back down to the floor in front of everyone. As his hooves finally touch down onto the tiling, his eyes shoot open and with a proud smile; boasts:

“I am Buckshot: The Element of Structure!”

The Elements of Harmony ooh and aah at the alicorn guard’s new powers; while Cadence and Armour are still mouth agape by the shock value of Buckshot actually being this legendary being.

“This is… simply amazing!” Cadence shouts with astonishment. Amour still has no reaction other than his jaw still hanging at the fact that his head guard is some powerful entity. Buckshot turns and smiles at the ponies before him.

“How do ya feel, Buckshot?” Applejack asks with anticipation. Buckshot looks down at his necklace and feels a new power flow throughout him. He stomps a forehoof onto the castle’s floor; the tiling seemingly cracking and chipping at the pounding. He chuckles at this fact, and glances back up at the orange pony.

“How do I feel? Heh, I feel… ACK!” The alicorn’s expression suddenly shifts from his powerful and content face to that of being frightened and experiencing an unknown sharp pain. The ponies gasp as Buckshot’s pupils shrink and he groans as his forehooves are thrust onto his head. “GAHHHH!” He shrieks while falling backwards and writhing on the floor.

“Buckshot, what’s wrong?!” Christian yells in worry. Buckshot gives no reply other than more groans from the excruciating pain that he is currently feeling. The group rushes to his aid in order to figure out what is wrong. As they surround Buckshot’s squirming body, an explosion of blackness bursts forth from the necklace. This blast sends everyone within five feet of Buckshot flying backwards and crashing onto the flooring. As the group recovers from the send-off and gets back up, they notice that Buckshot is no longer wriggling on the ground. Instead, Buckshot’s body is now floating above the floor and rising above everyone in the castle. As his body floats upward, a dark aura starts to engulf the pony; becoming more and more intense and growing in size as the seconds pass. The group below, now frozen in shock at the events going on above them, continue to look on in horror as the dark orb pulses and surges with enigmatic purpose.

Suddenly, the darkness explodes outward and disappears, exposing the alicorn guard once more. Slowly, Buckshot is lowered back to the ground; eyes closed and unshaken from the events that just transpired. As his hooves touch the ground, the pony remains in this immobile state. His head hangs low, yet is still upright. An eerie silence fills the castle as everyone waits for Buckshot to speak, move; anything at all. Yet he remains in this hibernative state.

“B-Buck? Are you alright?” Applejack breaks the silence and tension, wanting to get an answer or some movement out of the pony. Everyone else is on edge to see if Buck will respond at all, but he doesn’t move. After five long seconds, still no movement on Buckshot’s behalf…

Then, his eyes shoot open. Revealing a red glow emitting from within his eyes

The ponies jump back slightly, startled at the alicorn’s new demeanor. Buck was no longer his normal self, everyone knew this. Something has… changed him. The group gets more uneasy as Buck starts to… observe himself silently. His eyes dart around the room, observing the crowd around him; judging everyone with somewhat of a foreboding glare. Then without warning, Buck lifts up a forehoof and stares at it intently; rotating the hoof every so often. The alicorn seems confused yet curious at his own appendage. Perplexed looks throughout the group before Buck are exchanged before Buck’s head shoots up to meet before everyone. Buck’s eyes suddenly lock onto Twilight’s, giving her a cold, unnerving stare…

Before he starts laughing.

Laughing the most maniacal, dark, ominous, and sinister laugh anyone has ever heard. To Christian, the laugh makes it seem like Buck is losing his mind. Yet to everyone else in the castle, the laugh sends the group back into the past… reminding them of a long gone evil that they thought was defeated. Shining and Cadence start to quiver in fear, the Elements of Harmony gain expressions of worry and fear. And Twilight eyes grow wide with shock.

“No… No! It can’t be!” She says quietly to herself. She knows this laugh all too well. Everypony knows this laugh, it has echoed in their minds before. Buck realizes this and silences himself, now giving the unicorn a very wicked smile.

“Hello, Twilight Sparkle.” Buck speaks, but not in his regular accent. His voice is now more foreboding and now taking on an evil undertone. The voice confirms the fears of the ponies, who all gasp quietly in sheer shock and terror, especially Twilight, Shining, and Cadence. Christian, however, has no idea what is going on. Buck then turns to the trembling couple to the right and greets them as well. “Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, it’s been a LONG while.” The pony says while flashing a grin. The two ponies cannot believe what they are hearing, gasping loudly at the alicorn.

“H-How?! T-This is… This is impossible!” Shining shouts in dismay. Buckshot’s grin grows and his eyes narrow at Shining’s reaction. He then focuses on Twilight’s friends.

“The Elements of Harmony. Well, this is quite a pleasant surprise.” The ponies say nothing, just continue to shudder in fear at Buckshot. Christian looks at the reactions around him, still not understanding why everypony is acting the way they are.. What is going on? Is he supposed to be frightened by whatever is happening? Buckshot then finally stares at the oddity in the room: The non-pony form next to Twilight. Christian notices this and apprehensively makes eye contact with the suspicious alicorn. “My, my, aren’t you the odd one. You’re not a pony. What are you strange, bipedal creature?” Buckshot asks. Christian eyes the pony with caution and perseverance.

“I am Christian Average; a human from Earth. Who are you?” The alicorn chuckles at Christian’s question, yet Christian’s expression remains defiant as he waits for a response. Buck stops laughing and answers his question.

“Well, Christian Average. I am the most feared evil in all of Equestria. An evil that everypony in this room thought they had destroyed.” The pony’s eyes suddenly lock back onto Twilight’s. “I am King Sombra. And I am here to reclaim my kingdom and get my revenge on the ponies who thought they had defeated me!” His voice bellows throughout the castle’s throne room, making everypony seemingly shrink in dread as their greatest fear comes true. Christian, meanwhile, gulps in worry and fear.

“Great. Just what I wanted to hear.”

Comments ( 1 )

Can you please make a story when Paradox is killed? Because I’m sick and tired of him running around torturing the main characters.

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