• Published 25th Feb 2016
  • 1,544 Views, 167 Comments

P.B. and J. - TheAmazingMe

Blueblood has royally screwed up his life since landing in the lap of luxury. His foalhood dreams of rising to become ruler of Equestria grow more faint with every new princess. Can a blunt Baker be the pony that Blueblood didn't know he needed?

  • ...

P.B. and ... Grain?

"How was your time away from home?" Luna asked, her grin spread wide across her features. The three of us, Joe included, sat together at the dais of the throne room. The current session hit a predictable lull as most ponies were at home.

"It...went well, Aunt Luna." I was loathe to admit it. I'd declined calling him a friend before, but he'd grown on me.

The mare turned her attention to the stallion beside me. "Thank you for your care for my nephew, Joe."

He shook his head, a matching smile on his face. "You might speak to him privately, Your Royal Highness. Blueblood picked up on some baking."

She glanced at me, her mirth seemed well-intentioned, if annoying. "Blue, you must bake for me soon." She said, clapping her hooves together excitedly.

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, Princess Luna."

She pushed my shoulder, laughing. "I believe the saying goes, 'lighten up.' I promise you I won't think any less of you, even if all you ever learn is to pour icing on cinnamon rolls."

I lifted my chin. "I can make both icing and cinnamon rolls from scratch, dear Aunt Luna." I informed her.

"I am proud of you." She said. Her voice seemed earnest enough and a part of me was unexpectantly touched by her words.

My eyes focused on a pony approaching the dais of the Night Court. There weren't usually very many ponies who regularly attended Luna's Court and the approaching figure was not one of them. On instinct, I straightened my posture and held my chin up. The glare I felt like putting on was neatly hidden behind a mask of indifference.

I was anything but indifferent. Her pastel-pink coat and blinding white curled-under bob-cut mane were enough for me to identify her. The crystal-sky blue eyes were politely focused on the diarch in the center, but I knew she was sizing me up on the side. She wore a white blouse with a pendant on the front right breast, the symbol of her status as a dame of the highest order for non-military knights. The Baroness Civil List, KS.

Turning to Luna, she curtsied exactly as properly as defined in the etiquette texts. She held it until Luna acknowledged her. “Rise and speak. We have not had the pleasure of having the presence of a dame of Our Sister’s Court.”

"Your Royal Highness, it is my pleasure to see you. My name is Civil List, former servant of Her Royal Highness Princess Celestia and former tutor to His Highness, Prince Blueblood. Might I add that you look quite well?" She nodded in practiced movements.

Luna regarded her civilly. "You may. To what do we owe the pleasure of your company tonight, Ms. List?"

Civil glances at me before answering. "Ma'am, I came to see for myself if the rumors are true regarding my former student, your nephew, His Royal Highness Prince Blueblood."

"What rumors are these?" Luna asked.

"I beg your pardon, ma'am. To be clear, is he now a member of the House of the Night?" Civil asked.

Luna looked at me. I shrugged and nodded my head. It had to come out sooner or later. Civil List was one of the biggest branches on the Canterlot grapevine in her prime. "Indeed, he is."

"May I have a moment with him, ma'am?" Civil asked.

I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes. Civil was sure to be disappointed at my current status. I could only imagine the thing's she'd say, given the chance. Luna held up her hoof. "My nephew does not need my permission to leave the court, so long as it is not for an extended amount of time. Prince Blueblood, would you like to speak to Ms. List in private?"

"Your Royal Highness, I think it might be best if I did." I answered, scrambling my brains to figure out what was going on.

"Then you are dismissed, though I expect you to return swiftly. Mr. Joe, I would speak to you on another matter."

Walking quickly, Civil and I exited the throne room and went into a nearby empty room. As soon as the door closed behind us, Civil turned her disapproving stare on me. "The House of the Night?"

My ears flattened. It was as if I was a foal again and used the wrong fork. "Yes, ma'am."

"You had every advantage a foal could ever ask for and you squander it.” Her time was deadly calm. I almost flinched, but my years of training with her prevented me from showing such a reaction. My gut twisted, though. The sensation of it was all too familiar.

“I’m an advisor to one of Their Royal Highnesses—“ In a rare show of temper, Civil rudely cut me off.

“You’ve never taken the time to develop your talents. You waste time fooling around and upsetting the other nobles. It’s a wonder the princess didn't banish you!" Her voice, normally devoid of emotion, picked up touches of anger.

I slowed my breathing. It wasn't as if she could punish me. "I've realized the severity of my actions--"

She cut me off. "Have you? I don't think so. A foreign princess and a common unicorn have both ascended into their positions as Princesses of Love and Friendship. You have nowhere near their drive to live up to their potential."

"What does it matter to you?" I asked coldly.

She sighed. Taking a moment, she calmed herself. "You thoughtless colt. Your actions have consequences beyond the tip of your horn. My reputation suffers thanks to you. With every tabloid article, my name is discredited. Every stumble you take drags my name through the mud."

"You got away with quite a pension, if memory serves, even if you had to split your income with your ex-husband.” Her glare nearly impressed me. But, I’d seen worse from more powerful ponies.

“I gave my life to try and ensure the future of the most noble house in all of Equestrian history and I lost everything.” Her voice was impressively understated. It almost hurt worse than the yelling. “My reputation was the last thing that mattered to me. And, like every other loss I’ve suffered, it’s thanks to you that even that is being tarnished.”

“This isn't about you and it sure isn't about me." I replied harshly. “This is about the ponies you associate with who think that any of this foolish pomp and circumstance means anything.”

Her head jerked upright. “You will rue the day you began having such an attitude. History is full of examples of those who throw away tradition and live just long enough to regret it.”

I shook my head. “I will never rule, Civil. I was never meant to be an alicorn. And everything I’ve done to disabuse you and Celestia of that notion has been for your own good.”

Closing her eyes, she took a breath and adjusted her glasses. Opening her eyes again, her gaze was the coldest I'd ever seen. "Don’t think I've forgotten the mudhole she pulled you from. Every action you've made only proves how much you don't deserve the kindness of the Sisters. It disgusts me to see you dishonor Celestia's charity and it's only a matter of time before Luna sees exactly the kind of ungrateful brat you are. Consider this friendly advice; what goes up must come down. I worked very hard to keep the inevitable from happening out of loyalty to Princess Celestia. But it seems you're bound and determined to return to your natural state."

"Civil." I stated softly, my body shaking. "Go to tartarus." I fixed my best glare on her.

A hoof knocked on the door. One of Luna's guards spoke. "Her Royal Highness has requested the Prince's presence with all haste."

I made to walk past her. As I did, she gave me her parting shot. "You are filth."

Ignoring the old mare's venom, I shook myself and walked back to the throne room. The handful of courtiers made plenty of room for me, avoiding my gaze like the plague. Was that new? I honestly had never noticed until now. Back at Luna's side, I nodded to Joe and took a shaky breath.

Before we could speak, another petitioner entered, seeking a judgment from Luna. Joe moved away from the dais and joined the onlookers, keeping his eyes on me the whole time. I turned my focus on the petitioner.

"You seek damages against my sister?" Luna asked, her tone even but her eyes incredulous.

The pony stamped a hoof indignantly. "Her sun schedule is unfairly decreasing the productivity of my farm. The strain of grain I grow is going bad thanks to the amount of sunshine over my land."

Luna tilted her head. "Is this not a matter for weather ponies?"

"I'm suing them too." The farmer pouted.

Luna seemed at a loss. With a laugh, I leaned over to consult. "Charges against Celestia must be brought up in her court first. If a ruling does not meet the petitioner’s expectations of fairness they may appeal. That appeal is filed to the Equestrian Council, not the Night Court. The rule was devised when Cadence became a princess to prevent suits between Noble Houses."

Stunned, Luna turned to me. "Thank you, nephew."

Author's Note:

Edited and expanded 5-20-18