• Published 13th May 2016
  • 887 Views, 42 Comments

Dragon's Fate - pokefreak13

In a magicless Equestria a bitter and vengeful goddess returns from an ancient slumber in order to seize control of ponykind once again. After the fall of their home, Twilight Sparkle and her brother Spike join the Queen in hopes to bring about the g

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Chapter Six: Seeking the Harvest Alicorn

Once the chariots left, Spike and his comrades began setting up camp. An elder willow tree provided Spike the perfect location for his sleeping bag.

"You're pretty far away from everypony," Shining Armor commented. The sack of weapons and a standard sleeping bag balanced on his back.

"I just don't want to accidentally wake somepony up with my snoring," Spike admitted.

Shining Armor gave a small smile before dumping his belongings onto the ground. "Well, luckily I'm a heavy sleeper."

Spike returned the smile and helped roll out Shining's sleeping bag. However, when he spotted the sack of weapons curiosity got the better of him. "Um, Shining Armor, why do you have the bag of weapons?"

"Because it is my duty as a knight and member of the Armor Family to make sure these weapons are in fine condition!" Shining answered while puffing out his chest. His light blue eyes twinkled at the mention of his family's name.

"Well, it seems like everypony is still setting up. Is there anything I can help you with before I leave?" Spike suggested.

Shining Armor scratched his chin and frowned. "Hm, there isn't nearly enough time for me to go over all these weapons with you. Tell you what, when you come back from Baltimare I'll go over what each type of weapon is called and their use. Then tomorrow morning I'll show you how to clean and inspect every weapon."

Spike gave a hesitant nod. Just thinking about his upcoming weaponry learning made his head hurt. However, Shining Armor seemed happy about teaching him the basics. Plus, he would get to know his fellow knight a bit better.

"Spike! We are heading into Baltimare!" Caramel shouted.

Spike gave a quick wave goodbye to Shining and jogged over to Blueblood and Caramel. Stopping only to give Twilight a quick hug.

"Tell me all about Baltimare when you come back, okay?" Twilight smiled.

"It's a promise," Spike replied.

The trip was a lot shorter then what Spike expected. They trotted through a small dirt path for a couple of minutes before finding themselves out of the forest and right in front of the famous coastal city.

Baltimare was a decent sized city. Stone houses were worn smooth from the salty air, and stalls selling anything like pearls to shells lined the sand-dusted streets.

Spike was instantly drawn to fisherponies chattering on the docks and bringing in ships filled with imported goods. However, before he could take a step into this grand city, a hoof reached out and quickly grabbed him.

"Remember Spike, do not under any circumstance do you talk or even mention alicorns or magic. These ponies are welcoming, but if you even hint about magic, they will turn you to the guard," Blueblood whispered, his voice sent shivers down Spike's back.

"U-understood." Spike whimpered before being released.

"Good," Caramel piped up before trotting into the city,"now tat we got tat outta ta way, lets find us ta mayor ov tis city!"

Blueblood gave a quick nod before walking into the city's square, Caramel and Spike following close behind. The smell of rotting sea life made bile rise in Spike's throat, but he quickly swallowed it.

"Ya git use ta it." Caramel whispered.

Soon the small team found themselves in front of a two story building the color of butter. Letters carved into the structure verified that this indeed was where the mayor resided. Spike opened the light wood door and ushered Blueblood and Caramel inside.

Inside there was a large oak table, pictures of Baltimare during her early days, a spiral staircase, and a few plush chairs thrown about. Behind the table was a plump unicorn with a pale blue coat. His bright orange top hat and purple suit blinded Spike for a few seconds.

"Mayor Claude, my name is Commander Blueblood and these are my fellow soldiers, Spike and Caramel," Blueblood informed.

Mayor Claude's eyes widened as big as saucers, "Th-the royal knights! It's a honor to have you at my lovely city! But um, why are you here?"

"We hear the Harvest...Alicorn is somewhere in this city, if so please tell us where she is," Blueblood answered.

Claude's eyes darkened and his brows creased. "That damn Harvest Alicorn nearly caused this city's destruction! She made it so that our food would spoil and she would use her vile magic to destroy incoming trading ships."

"Yet it looks ta me tat tis place iz running pretty well." Caramel piped up, causing Claude to grin.

"Well, I don't want to brag, but once I was elected mayor I had that vile monster exiled. Of course everypony wanted her head, but she was still a filly at the time. So banishment was the best option. Then, with her gone, everypony helped one another to rebuild our city."

"Well then, do you know where she is now?" Blueblood questioned.

Claude scratched his chin and frowned. "Hmm, a few weeks ago a few fillies said they spotted her in the forest around here. However, when I sent a few ponies to see, they came back empty."

"Thank you for your help." Blueblood responded before motioning Caramel and Spike that it was time to go.

"Ain't right." Caramel muttered under his breath, causing Spike to raise an eyebrow. After all, this city seemed to be doing quite fine under the guidance of Mayor Claude. So why did Caramel seem so tense? Spike let out a small sigh. Caramel was probably just paranoid that they were in a different city....right?

Once they got back, Blueblood filled Shining Armor and Twilight about what they found out.

"So it looks like we're dealing with another evil alicorn," Twilight mumbled.

"We'll have to keep a close eye tonight, in case she decides to pay us a visit," Shining Armor said.

"Correct. So I will keep first watch. They rest of you get your things prepared and sleep light in case we find ourselves in a fight," Blueblood announced.

Spike's stomach churned. If this Harvest Alicorn was anything like Luna, the thought made him tremble. Sure he and Twilight had magic, but they were still new to the concept and couldn't possibly battle another alicorn who probably had years to perfect her magic. If anything, Spike wasn't so sure he would sleep tonight.