• Published 27th Feb 2016
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My Little Adept - Dolphy Blue Drake

An Earth Pony with little memory is found in a forest. He insists that he's supposed to be human, claiming to be something called a "Venus Adept". The one thing he remembers perfectly is his own name: "Felix".

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Chapter 3: The Scaly Unicorn

Half an hour later, my nine djinn and I found ourselves with Twilight, Rarity, Dash, and three other ponies, and we exchanged introductions rather quickly. The pink one, Pinkie Pie, kept mentioning throwing a party for the ten of us, but every time, someone shut her down. There isn’t any point in celebrating arriving somewhere when one would much rather remember where he came from, with an evil force quickly approaching, to boot.

Once all the introductions were over and the yellow one, Fluttershy, stopped trying to hug my djinn, Twilight spoke up.

“So, Felix,” she said, turning to me. “You feel like you should remember everything that you don’t remember, right?”

“Correct,” I said with a nod. “I just know that it’s all still in there, somewhere. But I can’t figure out where.”

“Maybe I could help with that,” Twilight suggested. And before I could even voice whether I approved or not, she touched her horn to my forehead, and it took on that glow again.

After a few seconds, she recoiled as if something had struck her.

“Twi! Ya alright?” the orange one, Applejack, asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Twilight replied, putting a hoof to her forehead. “I found your missing memories, Felix. They’re still in there, but something I couldn’t detect struck me when I tried to mend your memories. There’s something holding them down.”

“Probably Psynergy-based,” I grumbled. “Only an Adept can detect Psynergy, so without another Adept, we’re going to have to do this the hard way.”

“So, ya remember anything family-related?” Applejack asked.

“Well, Echo helped me to identify two of the names I had written down,” I replied, holding the sheet of parchment up with the aid of Grip. “Jenna’s my sister, and Kay is apparently my wife.”

“Can you recall anypo—excuse me, anyone else?” Fluttershy asked gently.

“Um…” I scratched my head, then rattled off all the names I could force to the surface, even though it hurt a lot to bring some of them to the surface, Crystal, another Venus djinni, helped out by healing me so I could pull up more names. “Names connected with the town I remember to be like this one—”

“Felix, that town’s Vale, your hometown,” Petra squeaked.

“Oh, well then,” I chuckled awkwardly before continuing, “Well, the names I can remember that are associated with Vale are: Jenna, Kay, my own parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerra, Aaron, Garet, Isaac, Kyle, Dora, and…” I strained to pull up one more name. I was certain there was at least one more significant name among the names from Vale. “Ah! These two aren’t directly connected to Vale, but I think I met them there: Saturos and Menardi! But they’re from another town, called Prox…”

“Have you ever been to where they’re from?” Twilight asked hopefully. “Maybe there’s more names there!”

“Let’s see…” I muttered. “Prox, Prox… who else was from Prox?”

“Can you remember why you were there?” Pinkie asked excitedly. “Were you making new friends?”

That wasn’t exactly why I had been there, but it pushed my mind enough in the right direction that I suddenly remembered everything about Prox.

I shook my head. “That’s not why I was there, but thanks for the nudge, Pinkie. I remember everything about Prox, now.” Clearing my throat, I continued. “Prox was a town near the northern edge of the world I come from. My homeworld is flat, and the edges were crumbling. The people of Prox aren’t fully human, but part dragon, and almost completely immune to the cold, with the exception of Mercury Psynergy used against them. But as the edges continued to crumble, Prox grew colder and colder, eventually growing cold enough to make them actually feel the cold. And there was… some kind of ancient seal that needed breaking for them to save their town from extinction. Saturos and Menardi saved me from… something, then they took me back to Prox with them, where I lived for three years, training to assist them in their quest to save not just their town, but the whole world.”

“Wait, a flat world? How is that even possible?” Twilight asked.

“Where I come from, my world… Weyard! It’s a disc-like planet, even though the other planets in the night sky are round,” I replied. “I think it has something to do with the ancient power that created it, which was sealed, slowly killing Weyard.”

“Your planet is alive?” Twilight gasped. “But, how?”

“I don’t really know,” I replied with a shake of my head. “But back to Prox. I was raised there for three years, honing my skills so I could assist Saturos and Menardi. We were to steal the items required to break that seal from Vale, and use them to break the seal on the power that was the lifeblood of our planet.”

“Wait, ya stole?” Applejack cut in angrily. “Stealin’s wrong! Ya could’ve just asked fer—”

“Prox had already tried asking Vale for them,” I snapped, cutting her off. “The elders of Vale laughed in their faces, not believing a word about the ailing conditions of Weyard near the edges. This forced them to try to steal them, for if they didn’t get the keys, they would die. They had no choice.”

“So, it was either steal them or die, huh?” Dash said. “Sounds really bad.”

“Yeah,” I replied. “We tried to steal them, but we failed to get all four. The fourth ended up in the hands of Isaac and Garet, so we were forced to take my sister and a scholar named Kraden hostage to force them to give us the remaining key in exchange for Jenna and Kraden.

“I can’t remember much else, but I remember that Isaac, Garet, and two more they picked up, Ivan and Mia, actually killed Saturos and Menardi after we broke two of the four seals, and Jenna and Kraden stayed with me because they had learned the truth and were willing to help me.

“I remember some other names.” I added. “Sheba and Piers are two of them. They also joined me. I also remember visiting a forgotten city where Piers was from, where people aged so slowly, it would take thirty years to reach adulthood, the people had grown bored from living for so long without leaving their home in ages, and many of those who appeared elderly had lost track of their own ages.

“I remember little else,” I admitted, “But I do recall that another pair from Prox, Agatio and Karst, tried to force us to move faster in our quest. We were forced to fight them, then Isaac and his group learned the truth as well, and decided to join forces with us to break the final seal and save the world, which we did. But that was thirty years ago. I married Kay—who is Garet’s older sister—shortly afterwards, then I began travelling, only pausing my travels long enough to visit my wife and check up on her in secret. Vale had been destroyed by the release of energy that saved the world, but all of them lived. They relocated to another settlement, but I soon found I was no longer welcome among them, which was why I left. Isaac was hailed as the hero, but I was treated like dirt all because I was the one who stole the keys. I don’t recall the name of the man who threw me into the void, nor why I was fighting him. I can’t pull up anything else.”

“Well, with that much already pulled up, maybe I can help you, now,” Twilight suggested. I nodded hopefully, and she did the same thing as before. “There’s a lot less in its grip, now, so maybe I can pull the rest free—”

Once again, the force struck her, and she shook her head.

“I guess I can’t,” Twilight groaned. “Sorry, Felix, but I think that’s all we can do for you right now.”

Suddenly, an armored pony burst into the room, eyes wide with panic.

“Princess! A red unicorn just entered town and passed out!” the pony gasped. “Nopony knows her, and she has odd pink scales on parts of her body! She mumbled something about ‘Venus energy’ before passing out. A crowd is gathering, and I think she needs help!”

The six mares looked at me, and I said, “We’ll be right back, girls.”

My nine djinn joined into me again, and focusing on what felt like a faint amount of Psynergy in the distance, I channeled my own Psynergy into the Teleport Lapis and said, “Teleport.”

In an instant, I was next to a collapsed unicorn mare who had hexagonal scales on her shoulders, neck, and forelegs. She was wearing a travelling dress, had a blonde mane and tail, a Cutie Mark of a scythe and a flame, and was wearing armor under her clothes, just like I was. She even had a purple circlet on her head, a bracelet resembling a Cleric’s ring, and all of her armor was either purple or black, obviously made from Dark Matter. Finally, she had a large black and red scythe clenched between her teeth. A kind of scythe I’d only seen two Adepts wield: the sisters from Prox: Menardi and Karst.

The gathered crowd stared at me in surprise. Obviously, they wouldn’t expect an Earth Pony to be able to teleport.

“I’ll handle this!” I told them. “I’ve dealt with cases like her before! And don’t mind me popping in and out! I have my ways!”

The crowd slowly dispersed, whispering to each other, and once they all finally left, I used Grip to place the “unicorn” on my back before using the Teleport Lapis to return to the same room I left moments earlier.

As I reappeared with the mare on my back, I said, “I need some space. I’m pretty sure I know what she is and where she’s from.”

“Revive!” I shouted, causing glowing feathers of light to fall on the downed mare, resulting in her groggily opening her red draconic eyes, blinking a few times before shakily getting to her hooves, taking her scythe in her mouth and leaping backwards onto a bookcase, glaring at all of us.

“Who are you?” she growled through clenched teeth. “Where am I? I could’ve sworn I felt Venus energy earlier!”

“Hey lady, calm down!” Dash said, flying right in the scaly unicorn’s face and staring right into her eyes. “We’re not gonna hurt you!”

“I’ve been stuck in this stupid world and this form for five years!” the unnamed unicorn snapped. “I still can’t use magic for anything, but I don’t need to! Rising—”

“Stop!” I shouted, grabbing her attention. “Don’t cast that here!”

“Wait, how did you know what I was about to do?” she asked in shock, her scythe falling out of her mouth but remaining attached to her by some strange force.

“I’m not supposed to be in this world, either,” I told her. “That Venus Psynergy you felt earlier? Probably mine. I had to fight a pony who’d been beaned on the head with a Psynergy stone.”

“So you’re the other Adept I sensed?” the unicorn Adept said as she gingerly hopped back down to the floor. “You have a feeling of great importance around you,” she mused. “Like the Warriors of Vale!”

“Um, I’m from Vale, but I don’t know that term—” I began, but she cut me off as she looked me over.

“Blue cape, brown mane in the exact same ponytail, lots of green…” she gasped before her tone changed to one of reverence, as if she were in the presence of a god. “Is your name… Felix?”

“Yes,” I said slowly. “Why?”

“It’s you! It’s really you!” she exclaimed while jumping up and down in delight. “By the elements! You’re him! You’re the Felix! My great-grandparents told me all about you! You led the Warriors of Vale! You broke the seal on Alchemy and saved us!” Pausing, she looked at me strangely and asked, “Wait, how’d you get here?”

“My memory’s really fuzzy,” I replied sadly, wishing I could give her a full answer. “I remember falling into a void, hearing wicked laughter, but nothing else. Whatever transformed me gave me amnesia.” I motioned to the six mares who had remained silent that whole time and added, “They’ve been trying to help me recover my memories, but something Psynergy-based is in my head, making retrieving memories difficult and painful.

The Proxian unicorn narrowed her eyes and said, “He did this to you. Alex. He threw me down the fissure north of Mars Lighthouse and hit me with transformative Psynergy, so when I arrived in this world, I turned into what you see now.”

My eyes opened in realization. “That’s right! I was helping my old friends fight Alex! There were others there, but I still can’t remember anything else.”

The red mare huffed and said, “Let me try something, Felix. Compress, come forth!”

A red Mars djinni disconnected from her, then asked in a feminine voice, “What do you need, sugar?”

“That’s Felix,” she replied, pointing to me. “The Felix. He has amnesia, courtesy of Alex. Can you fix that?”

“Dear, I can fix anything that ails!” the dinni said. “Just a moment, Felix, honey. I should have you fixed in no time!”

The Mars djinni flew over me and bathed me in warm, soothing red light, muttering to herself.

“That Alex really did a number on you, y’know that, Felix?” she said as the light got more intense. “It’s wrapped pretty tight, but I can get it out!”

I felt two forces straining against each other in my mind: one warm and soothing, the other dark and painful. Compress was apparently having trouble expelling Alex’s amnesia spell.

“Almost got it!” the djinni announced as I felt the painful force start to lose its grip. “There!” the djinni said, gasping for breath as the pain left and all of my memories came rushing back to me like a flood.

“I remember everything!” I cried out in sheer joy, provoking cheers from the six mares before I enveloped the Mars Adept in a hug.

“Felix is hugging me,” she gasped. “I’m getting a hug from my hero!”

“She reminds me of you when you met Daring Doo,” Twilight said to Dash, who chuckled nervously.

After I released her, the unicorn bowed formally and said, “Felix, please forgive me for not giving you my name earlier. I’m Karen, a Mars Adept from Prox.”

“I’ll explain everything I remembered later,” I told the others before leading Karen out of the room. Once we were alone, I took her aside and started to explain some things to her.

“I was fighting Alex in the City of Anemos a couple days ago,” I told her. “Alex was trying to extract the power of the Mars Star from Isaac, but to protect Isaac, I fell into Alex’s trap in his place, and we fought one on one.”

Karen’s eyes grew incredibly wide at what I just revealed. “You lost to him, didn’t you?”

I nodded somberly. “He knocked me into the void, then fought the rest of my friends, including my nephew’s group.”

“Nephew?” Karen asked, confused.

“Matthew,” I explained. “He’s Isaac’s son.”

“Ah,” Karen replied with a nod. “Do you know the outcome of the battle?”

“Alex found me here and announced that he’d won the battle, and that all of my friends are in his hands, now,” I explained sadly. Then I shook off the sorrow, replacing it with firm resolve. “He wants me dead, though, so as soon as he finishes extracting the power of the Mars Star from Isaac, he’s coming here to destroy me. We have to get back to our world to help the others before he gets here.”

“Do you know how to do that?” Karen asked hopefully.

“I have no idea,” I admitted sadly, my resolve starting to drain.

Suddenly, Twilight and the others burst through the door, and Twilight said, “I’m sorry for eavesdropping, Felix, but there might be a way. There are two Princesses in Canterlot, our capital, who have the power to move the sun and moon. They might be able to help. There’s also Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, who may be able to help you out. If all three try at once, they might be able to get you home. I know we only just met, but if you can stop Alex before he gets here, we’d all be very grateful. We don’t want to have to fight another enemy, especially not one as dangerous as you make him out to be.”

“In short, he almost has the power of a god,” I explained, my resolve returning once again, “And he’s working on obtaining the last piece of power he needs to become that powerful. I’ve fought many powerful foes, even a test created by the Wise One, the closest thing our world has to a god. The thing is, I’ve never fought the Wise One, himself, and if Alex obtains the power he wants, he’ll be even stronger than the Wise One.”

“I’ve been through Canterlot before,” Karen said, placing her scythe on her back, where it just stayed perfectly parallel to the ground, even though gravity should’ve made it fall off. “I actually met Princess Celestia, who was in a magic disguise to blend in among her subjects. We spoke for a bit, and she revealed who she really was to me, because she sensed that I didn’t really ‘feel like a pony’ to her. She said if I need her for something, I could ask her.” Karen sighed before continuing. “Of course, I immediately asked if she could send me home, and she said that I had to meet someone else, first. We could go there right now, for I’m sure Felix is who she was talking about.”

“Um, how would we accomplish that?” Twilight asked. “To teleport a group this large to Canterlot would use a lot of magic!”

“Why not just us two?” Karen asked, tilting her head in confusion.

“Because if I can’t throw you a party, I want to at least see you off!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Oh. That’s why,” Karen grumbled.

“I think I can solve this,” I announced, already channeling Psynergy into the Teleport Lapis.

“Felix! You have a Teleport Lapis?” Karen asked in awe.

“After the Golden Sun event, Isaac and I agreed that I could keep it,” I replied simply. “Now, since you’re an Adept who is now technically ‘in my party,’ I can Teleport us to any place in this world either of us have been to or can sense strongly enough. That includes non-Adepts who are also with us, but I can only draw from the memories and senses of Adepts.”

“Will you have enough power to teleport all of us?” Twilight asked. By the sound of her voice, she was clearly doubtful.

“Your magic may require more power the larger the group, but Psynergy can Teleport one person or one million people with the same amount of power,” I explained. Her jaw dropped. “I’m serious. I’ve warped eight people and a flying boat with it with the same amount of Psynergy it has cost me each time I used it to travel to individual locations by myself. Now, shall we be going?”

The six mares huddled around us in a tight circle, then I shifted control of the teleportation to Karen. It needed Psynergy from its owner to activate it, but once activated, the control could be passed to another Adept willingly.

Karen nodded to let me know she was ready, then I cried, “Teleport!” and we all vanished.

Author's Note:

Felix now has a team of two! Huzzah! And with his new ally's help, he's got his memories back! But will that be enough? I'm not telling.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this adventure so far, and I hope you continue to enjoy it as it goes along!

Later Adepts!