• Published 31st Aug 2011
  • 9,081 Views, 261 Comments

The Dark Side - Lord Xaos

"Cupcakes" Rebuttal. Dark versions of Pinkie and Dash try to tear the Real ones' friendship apart.

  • ...

Omake 3, part 1: Oh my god, this author is totally f'ing insane.

The Dark Side

Omake files 3

*-These are not part of the story. They are non-canon extras.

Well gang, the computer with Chapter 15 on it can't access the internet presently, so I'm going to be using the laptop that does NOT have Microsoft word to make a little distraction chapter this week.

This omake is perhaps the most insane thing I have done to date. It's the closest thing you will (very, very, very, VERY likely) ever see to somebody making a story were CUPCAKES PINKIE PIE of all ponies is made to be the protagnoist.

This should never be attempted ever, ever, ever. For any reason.

And yet...here I go.

If I don't come back out alive...remember me how I was.

The door of the great temple before her opened on its own. It was very large and heavy. If it shut behind her, there was no way she could force it open. And the bridge was the only way out of this valley surrounded by sheer cliffs. Well...that or the mysterious oceans that were in sight that were NOT on her map and should not have been there. The mountain pass where the bridge began might have been a gateway to another world, after all.

So, this really was her last chance to head back.

That wasn't going to stop the pink pony who was carrying a decorated sword strapped to her body and a heavy load wrapped in cloth on her back, along with saddlebags filled with provisions and other...neccessities.

She also wore a purple jacket that was still oddly comfortable considering its...renovations. It was technically one of those reminders of...days she'd rather forget, but it was moddified to have secret pockets full of knives, caltops, and other sharpened goodies. Considering the very dangerous places she was going, Pinkie thought it would be useful to bring it along. Its not like she could un-skin the pony it came from.

The only problem was it still smelled like alcohol, vomit, tears, and shame.

Dammit, Berry Punch. She thought she finally got rid of that smell.

As she stepped into the darkness, the door did close behind her, and became as part of the wall.

She didn't mind, she was that much closer to completing her mission.

Nine Months earlier....

Pinkie had entered the Darkest Grove, lured by her own shadow. There she had many confrontations with the other Pinkie. But..she couldn't remember the details. There was some kind of final confrontation, wasn't there? Some kind of attack plan that would destroy the doppelganger and disprove all of her lies. It would be an ultimate victory. When Pinkie won, she would be absolved. She would prove that the other was nothing more than a nightmare, an imitation, a sick parody of her. She'd win fair and square and she'd never be bothered by her dark half ever again...

There was a contest like that....wasn't there? Had she just imagined it? Did she just want to believe she was something more than a victim to a seemingly random cycle of death and reanimation until her spirit broke?

It didn't matter.

Whatever happened, she lost.

She lost everything.

The Pinkie who returned to the real Ponyville wasn't the same who had left that morning.

And, so, for months, Pinkie watched horror after horror, trapped with her own body, watching the actions her body did as if her eyes were windows of a prison cell she was locked in.

Meanie Pie hurt so many Ponies...and she kept getting away with it. Sweetie Pie wasn't sure she cared. Or if she even existed to care.

Then, Rainbow Dash was killed.

And then, starting from halfway through sewing Dashie up, the Monster Pinkie had Become felt an incredible pressure in her head. It passed quickly, but she would still get these headaches from time to time.

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, or some random customer would question her about it from time to time, but Pinkie would just brush them off. Her mane steadily straightened over time.

"It's Rainbow Dash's disappearance, isn't it?" Twilight walked right up and confronted Meanie Pie one day. The butcher was stunned. Twilight continued. "I mean, its Applejack and Apple Bloom's too, but...you really took Rainbow's the hardest. You acted....strange at the funeral, but maybe it was just because you didn't know how to cope. Pinkie! You can't let this destroy you!"

And then Twilight said the stupidest thing in the world.

"It wasn't your fault!"

The words echoed and reverberated around the party pony's soul for days after Twilight uttered them. Pinkie stopped drawing numbers of a while....

Until eventually, one day, she wouldn't wake up.

And then, when they were done crying, her two little filly assistants' differences came to a head.

Apple Bloom was believed to be dead. Died along with Applejack. (Its a long story involving attempted heroic sacrifices, nitro, and a very disappointed Pinkie Pie decidedly NOT getting an Applejack corpse to stuff and mount.) She had been Pinkie's pet project in corruption and mind rape. It had gone more smoothly than Pinkie had originally anticipated once she found Apple Bloom's crippling weak point: She hated bullies. Almost more than she loved life, although Apple Bloom had given up on that after the first week. Pinkie proceeded carefully as she build the little pony back up. She gave Apple Bloom everything she wanted (namely: Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon) and told her she was punishing them. That Equestria would be better without all these bad ponies. She convinced Apple Bloom that what happened in her basement of death was Justice (except for the ponies who had to be silenced because they "Did Not Understand". Those were just unfortunately neccessary causualities. Not that that was ANY excuse to ever stop Smiling.) She kept Apple Bloom's aggression focused outwards, on all the world. Away from Apple Bloom herself, and of course, away from her captor. It was of course, just silly words to Pinkie. But they were Important Silly Words for her to make Apple Bloom her assistant.

But, now that the Boss lady wasn't waking up, Apple Bloom got scared. She couldn't go back to the Apple Family. What would she say? She wasn't the same as she was back then. She had done too many things. She still needed to do more. She figured Pinkie wouldn't want to be discovered, even if she could be cured of her coma. So the only thing left to do was burn down Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie included, and run away from Ponyville entirely. She could start anew and carry on Pinkie's work at some point in the future after scraping by as a Urchin in Manehatten or somewhere.

Scootaloo, on the other hoof, was genuinely doing everything for Pinkie Pie. Pinkie and Apple Bloom were normally very, very careful about how they covered their tracks. But, well, if a tiny little pegasus is infatuated with you and has an obession with sneaking into your house and stealing your things, and has gotten pretty good at it, AND has the most permissive parents in all of Equestria- Well, that requires you to step up your security by an order of magnitude. Even Meanie Pie had to sleep. Scootaloo snuck in just wanting something that had Pinkie's scent...maybe a lock of her hair, or really anything of hers. What she got was a basement full of death. She retreated, but didn't say anything.

Some time later, Sweetie Bell had found Scootaloo's diary, read a very shocking entry, got discovered by Scootaloo....and her messily murdered body was delivered to Sugarcube Corner by Scootaloo herself, desperately looking for help (Scoots was also silently thanking her lucky stars she had the most gullable parents in the universe). She confessed that she had snuck in and escaped undetected several times, and knew a frieghtening number of things about Pinkie that she never told anypony. Pinkie wouldn't have let her leave alive but...Scootaloo said all the right things. Including calling Pinkie "Miss Pinkamena"(Pinkie was positive she had never told any of the Crusaders, not even Apple Bloom, her full name) in the sweetest voice that didn't seem natural coming from a gruff tomboy like her. The kiss might've been a little sudden. Apple Bloom certainly thought so. But, Pinkie took Scootaloo's number out of the drawing, and knew exactly the right things to nurture to turn Scootaloo into a monster like she had done with Apple Bloom.

She may have done her job too well. As now that Pinkie was unconscious and Apple Bloom was talking about burning Miss Pinkamena, Scootaloo was having none of it. She saw Apple Bloom as being disloyal and unreasonable. They could've just closed the store, leaving a note that Pinkie was out of town. Why would Apple Bloom jump straight to betraying her?

If they were mature adults, and not been trained to murder at the drop of a hat, they might've been able to talk this out.

Sadly, they were little monsters.




"YAH WOULDN'T DARE! YER TOO CHICKEN! Scootaloo! Scoot-scootalooooooo!"

"APPLE BLOOM!" Scootaloo snarled at the yellow earth pony as she charged through the air.

"CHICKEN GIIIIRRLL!" Apple Bloom roared as she stood on her hind legs, ready to kick Scootaloo.

The following stats on the two fighters should be noted:

Scootaloo could fly -kind of- and knew things about the house not even Pinkie knew.

However, Apple Bloom was not afraid of setting things on fire.

It was an epic conflict. The commotion could've woken the dead.

But it didn't wake Pinkie Pie.

Because inside her mind, there was another, greater conflict.

Inside, two violently destructive forces tore and shred at her psyche. She had Sweetie Pie in her Meanie Pie and Meanie Pie in her Sweetie Pie and they were NOT mixing very well.

Still, as the conflict continued, something did rise to dominance. When the dust from the two forces' lastest conflict settled, a single thought was left standing.

And it bridged an otherwise insurmountable gap.

Sugarcube Corner was a wreck. Burn marks, Kerosene stains, and overturned junk was everywhere.

Scootaloo was out of foam in her fire extinguisher, but it was heavy enough to bash the yellow fily's skull in.

Apple Bloom was out of Kerosene, and the smell of was getting to her, but she could still bluff. Scootaloo wouldn't dare leave Pinkie's side as long as Apple Bloom might set her on fire. She just needed to outlast Scootaloo.

The two fillies stared at each other in silence. The Stalemate had lasted for five torturous minutes thus far.

A single sound tore through the tension like a knife.

"Rainbow....Dash." Pinkie wept in her sleep.

Both Fillies stood in stunned silence. Scootaloo eventually dropped her fire extinquisher and began shaking Pinkie.

"Miss Pinkamena! Miss Pinkamena! Please wake up!"

"Pinkie? Pinkie! Yah have to git up! Ah thought...Ah thought....when yah didn't wake up no matter what we tried...."

Pinkie groaned as she stirred. She clutched her head as she did, as if the act of waking closed the walls together and forced the two personalities in her mind, who had been keeping as far apart from each other as possible, to be squished together and congeal into one.

"What...happened to my room?"

"We're so sorry, Pinkie! We thought we lost you!" Apple Bloom cringed.

"I didn't, Miss Pinkamena! I knew you'd come back! I just knew it! So I protected you from Apple Bloom!"

"Protected me...from Apple Bloom?" Pinkie asked, her head still spinning.

"Ah only did what Ah thought I had too! Please don't lock me in the room, Pinkie!" Apple Bloom begged. She had mounted the bed by this point.

Both fillies had started to cry. Pinkie had mixed feelings. The entity she was now knew they were little monsters that had done things she once again found abhorrent, but ultimately, she knew that it was her responsibility.

She hugged them, joining in the crying herself.

They were her little monsters.

She might try to fix them later...when she had her newfound feelings sorted out.

She wasn't Meanie Pie anymore.

But she wasn't really Sweeite Pie either.

Both those ponies had destroyed each other.

She simply was what was left of both of them. Not all the pieces of the puzzle that were her fit right, but there was one thing that kept her sane.

There was something she had to do No matter how hard it was. No matter that it was taken for granted that it was impossible, but to give up for any reason would leave Pinkie with no option but to lie down in the dirt and die. No matter what happened afterwards. She knew full well that expecting forgiveness would be beyond optimistic, but...

"I need to speak with Dashie." Pinkie thought out loud.

The girls, who had had ample time to calm down, looked at each other worriedly.

Pinkie's stomach growled.

"Girls? Could I get something to eat? No sweets...especially none of ours, please."

Both fillies gasped, completely shocked by this. Scootaloo put a hoof of Pinkie's forehead while Apple Bloom checked her pulse.

Pinkie rolled her eyes. This was going to be a looooong day.


"Girls? Is that a....BOWLING BALL...stuck in my ceiling?"

Scootaloo grinned and blushed guilitly. Apple Bloom glowered at the orange pegasus.

When she was feeling better, and the reality of the situation was sinking in, Pinkie explained to the girls that something had changed inside her, and nothing could be the same again. There was going to be no more harvesting. The girls were to promise never to hurt another pony (especially each other) ever again.

She returned to her quest to find a cure for Death. And one figure in the book "Spirits and Deities of Ages Past" captured her imagination. An entity that was Life, and was Death. Was Female, and was Male. A spirit of perfect duality. And it was sealed away with the power of a certain artifact.

It probably was an old Mare's tale, but when Pinkie found out the artifact in the story was real, and had been rusting in the most secure vault in the catacombs of the Palace in Canterlot, Pinkie knew she had to steal it.

Before she left, Pinkie had told the girls to burn down Sugarcube Corner and go back to their families and *try* to live normal lives (Scootaloo just left crying, but Apple Bloom required some....work. Pinkie worried that she could never do enough to fix Apple Bloom, well either of them, but she did the best she could and gave her a minimalistic but believable sob story that put all the blame on Pinkie. Rape was implied, so hopefully nopony would press Apple Bloom too hard.) She could only hope for the best for them now.

SHE certainly wasn't qualified to raise them.

After a harrowing adventure that entailed an refitting the Candy Chopper so it would carry Rainbow Dash's stuffed carcass and blowing lots of shit up (Pinkie's paragon half said she wasn't entirely okay with that. Her renegade half said she was being naive, unrealistic, and a party pooper), including the Candy Chopper, sadly (Paragon Pinkie glowered at Renegade Pinkie.), Pinkie had the artifact: a magical sword.

The Sword was stuck in the wreckage of the Candy Copter, but only the scabbard. The sword was easily unseathed, and Pinkie ignored the scabbard and instead choose to immediately begin strapping Rainbow Dash to her back. Pinkie left the plain-looking scabbard behind, thinking it was unimportant. She had to leave before the royal guard found her. inkie had to travel to the forbidden land on hoof, but as long as she still had the Sword itself, and Rainbow Dash, nothing was going to stop her.

Pinkie lost track of time running for the Forbidden land. Many times, she worried she had gotten the landmarks wrong, that she should've made certain it was in the mountain range she thought it had been in. She wasn't certain when the light reflecting off the sword started to gather into a beam leading her in a certain direction, but when she was lost, it lead her to the land marks faithfully...she eventually learned to put more faith in the sword than in the directions she had worked out beforehoof.

Finally, she arrived.

Standing on top of a sheer cliff overlooking a wide valley, she saw the only safe entry point: a bridge that lead straight into an enourmous temple. It was amazing in its scale, it was impressive it had stayed intact.

Throwing her mind back to her research, Pinkie recalled the myth of the beautiful place she beheld.

"That place began from the resonance of intersecting points...

They are memories replaced by ens and naught and etched into stone. Blood, young sprouts, sky-

-and the one with the ability to control beings created from light...

In that world, it is said that if one should wish it one can bring back the souls of the dead...

...But to trespass upon that land is strictly forbidden..."

*roll title screen*

Pinkie of the Colossus

And then she crossed the bridge and now she was trapped in the Shrine of Worship. Not certain what to expect, Pinkie cautiously descended the spiral ramp.

The ramp looped around the interior of the tower, spanning several stories in height. At the bottom floor of the tower, the ramp finally ended, opening up next to the large pool of water at the center of the room. As Pinkie took note of her surroundings, she was blinded by the sudden bloom of the altar room.

The descent had been dark and depressing, now that she was at the bottom, her eyes were treated to multiple sunbeams, or rather what Pinkie thought were sunbeams, which reflected off the yellow stone of the floor, as well as the sixteen idols which she noted when her eyes adjusted.

Pinkie Pie thought over what little research she had. She looked around the shrine, taking note of the sixteen idols. They were representations of the various lesser deities that made up the greater entity that was Dormin. And they had been broken and seperated. Supposedly, each part on its own was not fully intelligent. It would represent some force of nature, technically opposed by another branch deity, and in its lack of balance, would mindlessly wonder its home environment. For instance, Malus the Grand Superior, representing vengence, would float in the sky, or sometimes the highest mountain, encircled with stormcloud and throwing fire and lightning with hatred that was simply blind, while the peaceful Phalanx would represent forgiveness, and would soar in peaceful skies, possessed the power to call down a storm that could destroy the whole world, but it would never ever so much as release a single raindrop in retaliation for any reason. That sounded good, but Phalanx's peaceful aura dissipated all rainclouds around it, and the desert it patrolled would remain a desert.

Instead of being sixteen complete minds merging together as one mass zombie collective where individuality was lost and suppressed, the completed whole WAS the individual, and anything less was not a mind at all. Only when the Dormin was whole could it perceive the world and speak with mortals.

(Pinkie mused that she probably only really got so intensely interested in the story of the Dormin because of how the Duality aspect reminded her of herself. Of...the creature she had become. Although her halves' differences made it almost impossible to function at times, and in that sense they were totally unlike the Dormin. A horrorstruck guilt trip after the fact here, an unexpected last-minute refusal to do things that needed to be done there. Sometimes it wasn't even a moral issue. Sweets for instance made Sweetie Pie sick if she ate them, and left Meanie Pie suffering a crippling depression if she couldn't binge on them.

Theirs was a difficult marriage....)

Pinkie walked past the idols, and removed the body of Rainbow Dash from her back, laying it upon the altar. As she removed the cloth, she cringed. A bone had fractured and tore through the skin, probably from the crash. She had forgotten how badly she had messed up those hooves when she hammered nails into them. Despite the smile that was stiched until Dash's face, the stains from her tears and bandages that covered her flanks and other areas of her body (like her stomach, which was filled back up with Dash's old organs which were themselves held in place by a web of non-toxic, technically harmless string.) brought back memories of screams that while pleasurable for her at that time, now cut Pinkie to her bones.

Well...at least she took the stitches out of Dash's mouth. She still kind of smiled.

Pinkie retrieved Dash's wings and lay them on either side of the body. She also pulled out an assortment of bottles and surgical tools she *hoped* she wouldn't have to use. If something went wrong, most likely with the literal organ stings, she'd have to move fast to put Rainbow under, and Dashie would think she brought her back to life to just hurt her again and she might panic and Pinkie would have nothing to say to keep her from having a heart attack...


What was that?

Pinkie dried her eyes with her foreleg and immediately turned around. It was a strange, static-like noise. She looked around and saw, rising from the floor, creatures of pure darkness.

The part of her that was Shadamina knew they weren't shadows. They stood up off the floor, and ambled towards her.

Pinkie drew the sword, which began to flicker with its magical light. Pinkie stood on her hind legs and held the sword's handle between her hooves, pointing the blade towards the creatures. Reacting to the power of the sword, the dark forms dissipated and troubled Pinkie no more. Pinkie waited for a moment, sword at the read before lowering the sword.

And then a voice came from the bright light in the ceiling.

"Hmm? Thou possesses the Ancient Sword? So thou art mortal..."

It was Male. It was Female. It was neither. It echoed with many voices and yet did not make the same sounds as a crowd of ponies would. It was like one entity was speaking.

Pinkie had found it.

"Are you...Dormin?" she asked. "Please, Mr....Mrs.... Please, Dormin! You're my only hope! She died because of me, and I cannot find rest until she lives happily again. I need you to heal her and bring back her soul."

The voice laughed, as if finding something ironic. "That maiden's soul? Souls that are once lost cannot be reclaimed... Is that not the law of mortals?"

That wasn't right...was the Dormin trying to say it was impossible to break the seal?

"With that sword, however... it may not be impossible." Dormin spoke.

"That's what I was hoping for. When can we start?" Pinkie asked excitedly.

"That is of course, if thou manage to accomplish what We askest."

"I'll do anything! Anything, anything!" Pinkie shouted up the voice in the sky and generally behaved like a pony who was completely sane.

Spoke the Dormin, "Behold the idols that stand along the wall... Thou art to destroy all of them."

Pinkie had read about those. The idols were supposed to represent the aspects of Dormin, and probably used for worship before the Dormin was sealed.

"But those idols cannot be destroyed by the mere hands of a mortal..."

"Then, what am I supposed to do?"

Spoke the Dormin, "In this land there exist colossi that are the incarnations of those idols. If thou defeat those colossi--the idols shall fall."

The "incarnations of those idols" were supposed to be different parts of Dormin. What then, was Pinkie speaking too?

"I understand. I won't let anything get in my way." Pinkie said this with surprising finality in her voice for a childish little mare.

Spoke the Dormin, "But heed this, the price you pay may be heavy indeed."

Without any hesitation, Pinkie told the Dormin "It doesn't matter." She said this in all seriousness.

This sudden response gave the Dormin pause. It remained silent for a moment, as if evaluating Pinkie Pie carefully.

Finally, it spoke again. "Very well...Raise thy sword by the light... and head to the place where the sword's light gathers... There, thou shalt find the colossi thou art to defeat."

Pinkie, holding the sword in her teeth, rose it to reflect off its blade the "sunlight" that the altar bathed in, and it erupted into a bloom with rays of magical light spread wide. Rays which narrowed as she turned around, facing different directions. The rays formed into a beam that shot over Dash's body and she faced the south.

The light pointed towards some rocky hills. Just gazing upon them made her knees pinch.

Irrelevant Pinkie Sense was irrelevant. Pinkie trotted off, guided by the light of the Sword.

"Yes...." the Dormin thought to themselves once Pinkie Pie had left. "There is no flaw in her determination. This warrior is the best chance to break the spell. After all, she escaped a prison imposed her by own self..."

After a long, long, climb up a sheer rock wall, Pinkie found herself in some Rocky highlands. Hmm...which aspect of Dormin was related to Highlands?


Welp, Pinkie was pretty much positive she couldn't remember.

"What were even their names? Aside from Malus and Phalanx I'm drawing a huge blank? ...Was that because they represented Meanie Pie and Sweetie Pie? No...Malus' random vindictiveness might've fit Shadamina, but I don't really think Pinkie Pie when I see Phalanx. Its more...Fluttershy. Yes, it would actually make sense for Fluttershy's and Shadamina's matches to be in abstract opposition of each other.... I don't know which aspect fits Sweetie Pie best.

...Maybe I don't really know that part of myself very well anymore. Its a shame I can't ask the component parts of myself what they think about things. Or can I? hmm......"


Something broke Pinkie out of her reverie.

Boom. Boom. Boom.

Something was pounding into the earth, and Pinkie's whole body bounced off the ground with each vibration.

Her tail started twitching. But all Pinkie saw were these two strange columns that were moving ever so slightly, as if adjusting...

Pinkie looked up. Her ears flattened.

"Aw, Horsefeathers."

Against the backdrop of a misty-but-bright sky, Pinkie looked upon an imposing figure.

It was ENOURMOUS. How had Pinkie allowed such a giant, lumbering creature to just sneak up on her? Its body appeared to be made of stone, except for its fuzzy head. It stood on two legs with one arm dangling by one side, and the other arm stretched back, high into the sky, past its bear-like face and shining eyes, holding a club.

And the club came down. And Pinkie screamed.




"OOF!" Pinkie grunted in reaction to the next stimulus to break through the numb, out-of-balance feeling that ominated her senses as she flew threw the air and confirm that she was, in fact, still alive.

Specifically, the pain. She hoped that rib wasn't broken....

Peeling herself off the ground, Pinkie felt blood leaking from the side of her head, and aches in the part of the body she had landed on. Winded and disoriented, Pinkie looked up at where she had been standing, and gaped in horror as the gigantic club lifted from the soil and revealed the scar it left upon the ground.

"Holy Moley, that left a big Holey!" Pinkie exclaimed. By the looks of things, the clumsily-swung club had "missed" her by inches, but Pinkie had still been so close to the impact that she was flung through the air and landed very roughly. And speaking of how the club had landed....

Pinkie gasped. "What is all that doing out there?" Indeed, all the supplies she had not yet taken out of her saddle bags, including all her rations and at least one small electricity generator, were strun about the area where she had flown.

Pinkie frowned at the snaps of her expensive "ultra-secure" saddlebags, and silently vowed to turn that salespony into a cupcake. (Her Paragon half glowered at that. Her Renegade half retorted with "What? It's not like we're going to get out of this alive, so he's laughing all the way to the bank with no promise of actual retaliation one way or the other...") Suddenly, she heard the great hairy biped stomp closer to her. Pinkie realized the monster was raising its club again and she took off, running as far away from the impact as she could move with her wounds...

All her supplies were likely destroyed in that crushing blow. Pinkie just wrote them off.

Pinkie shrieked and retreated back behind some cover to hide from the giant. There, she attempted to recover from the shock. Had the surprise of the large enemy's appearance gotten to her? Was it Her close brush with death? Was it the size of the enemy? Was it just the idea that she let something so big had actually snuck up on her?

Pinkie remembered her head wound as she caught her breath, and cut off one of the "ears" of her hood with a knife she retrieved from her jacket to dress the wound and staunch the flow of blood.

And then, her heart skipped a beat, as she heard the voice of Dormin.

"Hold up thy sword to reflect the light onto the colossus. Its vitals shall be revealed..."

"Dormin? Is that you? Vitals? That stone monster has such things as vitals?"

Drawing the Ancient Sword once more, Pinkie found that there was just enough light to form a beam. The rays gathered closely together when Pinkie pointed the beam towards the giant Bear's head, and as it shone there, a symbol appeared on the Colossus' fuzzy cranium.

Speaking of fuzzy material, Pinkie just noticed that on the back of the Colossus' foot, was a patch of hair that was not present on the stony surface of the other leg. The sword also reacted to...something in this segment of the body.

Did that mean, this stone creature had flesh? And was covered in fur where the flesh was? If so, then....

Pinkie's eyes shrank into pinpoints as her iris dilated. She checked her pockets again. Yes! Yes! She had enough knives! She had more than enough knives! She didn't need any of her other supplies that had just been pulverized into the dirt, for she was positively loaded down with sharp objects.

And nothing was safe from her. NOTHING. Her itchy back told her so.

Pumping all the adrenaline she could muster, Pinkie Pie screamed and charged forward! Running as fast as she could manage, Pinkie felt the club come crashing down behind her, but the tremors didn't throw her off balance, it was far behind her.

She ran between the legs of the giant, skidded to a halt, and drew no less than FOUR knives, each one in a different hoof. Holding on to all her weapons, Then she jumped upon the fur-covered heel of the Colossus, and inserted her blades into it's flesh while bitting onto its hair! The beast roared, but Pinkie didn't stop, drawing one more knife with her left hind hoof, and then she began to climb up the monster's leg, towards the back of its knee, leaving squirts of unnaturally blood that resembled pressurizedd oil as it escaped from the wounds she made as she climbed, but disapated into clouds of mist. Pinkie cut into the beast over and over again, but it didn't seem to have felt anything. Until she found something very peculair.

The head had left some kind of gigantic rune when she shined the sword's light on it. This thing that she found didn't look like a rune. It was like a line...no, a scar...no...a breech of some kind. It was glowing green, and smoking out clouds of black blood. It was almost like...

"An open wound!" Pinkie gasped. She didn't understand much about these creatures, but her expertise told her that was exactly what this was. Pinkie grabbed her sharpest knife (and mind you, they were all sharpened to perfection. Who do you think we're dealing with, here?) and thrust it into the wound with all of her might.

With a mighty roar, Valus fell to its knee, and slammed its fist into the ground for balance!

With the Colossus's stomping halted, and its back within jumping distance, Pinkie leapt up and bit unto a patch of Valus's hair before the monster righted itself. It had recovered from the pain in a frieghteningly short period of time.

Pinkie, however, was holding on to the side of the behemoth's rocky "club sheath" (at least, she thought it was a sheath.) Unlike sheer cliffs, ponies could still hold on to the edge at the top of a cliff. Much like Twilight had done before Applejack grabbed her and tried to pull her up at the Summer Sun celebration. Pinkie was tired, but she managed to spring herself upwards, leaping towards the top of the Colossus. On relatively level ground again, she stood, but held onto her knives.

She attempted to rest, but she was knocked around by the bear's uneven gait. Falling over, Pinkie found herself rolling around

The glyph on the monster's head was in sight. Pinkie righted herself and sat up. She drew the sword and held it between her hooves.

Pinkie could not "walk" on her hind legs very well, least of all on a wiggly Colossus. But she didn't need to.

Holding the sword in two hooves, Pinkie leapt into air, pointing the blade down and curling up her hind legs so that the first thing that hit the surface of the creature (aside from her tail) would be the tip of her blade.

With a sound that was both satisfying and nauseating at the same time to her, the sword was buried deep into the monster's head.

A geyser of Black Blood erupted out of the glyph, and Valus roared in pain. But despite a blow that had to have gone all the way to the brain, the monster lived. Immediately, it kicked its head back, and Pinkie had to hold on to the sword for dear life!

Pinkie was shaken, knocked around, almost thrown off to the ground far below when sudden rearing back of the head gave Pinkie Pie veritigo, but she managed to hold on...

...until Valus' head snapped back forward and she was thrown off. She nearly fell off the Colossus, but managed to catch the sword on the surface of the Monster's mask.

As Pinkie Pie clung on for dear life, the sword was still in her hooves at the top of the cliff. So, that wasn't why her heart almost stopped.

Oh no, that was because she was looking straight into the Colossus' ruthless fiery eye!

She stood there, all sense of time lost, as if that moment lasted forever. She had realized what she had to do in this situation, but she was having one of her moments.

But unlike a certain time during her escape from Canterlot, where Sweetie Pie prevented her from killing a witness, this time it was a hang up on Meanie Pie's side.

What was going on?

"Dual Pie" desperatedly tried to pull her two personalities apart just enough so they could talk....

"Meanie Pie! What's wrong? Do the Scary eye thing!"

".......The Scary eye thing? I think the pony you're looking for is Fluttershy. I can't do the stare."

"W-what are you talking about? Of course you can! You can do a Super Stare! Its the scariest thing in the world! This stupid fiery eye is as nothing to it! Just do what you do when you corner ponies!"

"I can't...We're the ones who are cornered! Ow! The edge of this giant mask is kind of digging into our fetlocks...."

"Come on, did you lose all your scariness just because you switched sides? Because I really hate that Trope!"

"I don't have the killer instinct to match this monster anymore."

"Do it for Dashie!"

"I killed Dashie...it makes me feel tired..."

"Then take responsibility, you monster!"

"I can't wrap my head around it....bringing her back to life....I should but I can't, I can't get motivated right, if I know she's dead. Just dead. Like us in a few minutes..."

"Okay...well, then imagine she's still alive, but this Colossus is going to eat her!"

Pinkie opened her eyes and stared back into the fiery abyss.

For a moment, the colossus seemed to pause....but then it went back to its vertigo-inducing fidgeting, nearly knocking Pinkie off.

...she quickly shut them again.

"Gah! Its not working! Ponies being eaten is exactly why I feel like I can't beat this thing! It's me, but....better."

"No its not! You're definetly scarier! Get angrier!"

"I can't...everything is my fault..."

"Grrrggg! Who knew you could be so emo!? Okay, how about...you confess your love for Rainbow Dash, she totally forgives you, and everything can go back to the way it was....but she's already engaged to be Married with this giant Bear?"

"If she's happy with him...who am I of all poines to refuse her?"

"Oh! But that's just it! She doesn't love him! He doesn't even love her! Rainbow is part of some kind of wealthy family, and he's blackmailing her to go through with it! Even though she admits really loves you!"

"Loves me....?"

"And he's going to take her far away and you'll never see her again! And every night....And every night...."

"Every night...?"

"Yes, and most importantly of all..." Sweetie Pie actually gulped as she thought about what she was about to say.


".....There are no witnesses right now."

Pinkie opened her eyes once more, looking as in bewilderment into the face of the monster.


Then, a certain instinct kicked in and Pinkie stared back with her evillest gaze.

Valus felt it. The cold. The terrible, terrible fear. The firery orange in his eyes started to dim.

"Hi. I'm Pinkie Pie. They know me as the cutest, pinkest, all around best pony. pony." She wasn't singing, she was just speaking in a silky voice to the monster. "Destroy of Worlds, Betrayer of Gods, My life is a party. party."

Pinkie's eyes dilated giving the Collossus a big, round, inkie black void of death to look into. In the Colossus' own mind, Pinkie's eyes changed to the fiery color of his own. Had he...done something wrong? Brought about the anger of another god and brought forth her arami-tama?

The Colossus stopped moving. Its eyes turned to a placid green. It looked more like the fiery orange at simply froze, incased in green ice.

"I'm going be...."

The Colossus noticed suddenly that Pinkie had brought the sword she was holding onto down and leveled the tip right at the eye. It gave Valus a sense of vertigo.

"The last thing you're ever going to see."

"Wait! We need to release them through the Glyphs-"

"FUCK THE GLYPHS!!" Meanie Pie screamed. Her words echoed across the Forbidden land.

Valus had never felt this feeling before. What WAS this thing? She had taken on arami-eyes. But it knew in its bones what must be done. This little creature was dangerous. He didn't just need to escape, she needed to die! He needed to finish her-


And Valus roared, raising its head to the heavens, as a Geyser of Black Blood covered Pinkie Pie as she desperately tried to hold on. And then Valus fell in such a dramatic fashion as it appeared to be in slow motion.

Pinkie opened her eyes, and surveyed the damage.

The Glyph was still reacting to the sword, but it seemed to have grown dimmer since she saw it last.

Suddenly, Valus moved...and looked up. The sword was still stuck in its ruined eye.

with a roar, Valus tried to look at Pinkie with its good eye.

Pinkie stepped back, a little shocked at what she had done. Her hoof touched something.

It was...her generator! It had survived...and it still had its copper wires wrapped around.

She hadn't brought it to use it for her..old purposes. She looked up at the Colossus, it seemed to have been paralyzed in some manner from the truamatic blow. Hmm...Now that she thought about it, what she HAD planned to use it for had already been destroyed because SOMEBODY was a big mean meaniepants.

Pinkie grinned. There was no sense in letting it go to waste. This was going to be so. Awesome.

"Still alive, huh? Good! That means we can play some more! You'll pay for destroying all my stuff...."

She grabbed the generator and bounced over to the eye, and brought a copper wire close to the sword.....




Pinkie froze. Unbeknowst to her, her eyes glowed green for but a moment.

"....EEEUUUGGGGHHH!" Pinkie gave a frustrated cry, and threw the generator aside.

It was another one of her moments.

It didn't last long.

"Sorry, this will hurt for just a little while longer..." Pinkie said in a soothing voice before she tore the sword out of the Colossus' eye. Valus roared!


Atop Valus' head, Pinkie was bathed in another geyser of Presurized Black Blood.

Valus's head fell. Pinkie let herself fall with it, letting gravity help her pull out the sword.

Valus, the Walking Bear, Lord of the Highlands and Manifestation of Brutishness, was no more.

The Dormin marvelled at their champion. Perhaps she fit better than they had first thought.

Shame. Had she gone through with her plan, the electricity being used through the sword probably would have released the essence just as well. Combined with the Head of the Colossus simply ripping open and releasing the geyser of blood, which itself would have been electrified...

The Dormin reasoned it would have been the greatest Light Show in the history of giant monster slaying.

Two figures approached the wreckage of the cycle-copter.

After hours of searching, they had found it.

They searched it for any clues of Pinie's whereabouts.

One of them noticed the scabbard, and showed to her partner.

The partner found an inscription. And read it aloud.

"The two must be as one, less the seal weaken. Should they ever be seperated, speak the word, and Return."

The one who found the scabbard was puzzled. "Now what tha hay does -"

And suddenly, both disappeared.

Despite nothing further of importance to say at this location, the author decided to linger here just to torture the reader by wasting some more time for no real reason.



....Take that.

A Pink Pony plopped on the ground. She took a moment and said "ow." As the green eyes returned to blue, she started giggling childishly.

"I swear, everypony is going to think I have Bipolar disorder...." Pinkie giggled. She wasn't sure why she was laughing...it probably had something to do with the near-death experiences that colmenated in that giant looking up at her.

A giant looking up at her.

Both halves still had issues with each other...but...they had to admit this was absolutely wonderful.

For the first time in a long time, Happiness and Excitement pulsed through out all of Pinkie's being. She had taken her first step towards saving Dashie.


Pinkie laughed some more.


Pinkie Pie didn't even have time to react.

They cut into her. Whatever they were...they cut upon and slithering into to her, friction burning all the insides of her body. She couldn't even scream...

As her body was contorted, she saw the sky. Out of the Colossus rose several black spirals that had stretched several feet into the air, and arched towards her, now that they had caught her, they weren't going to stop until their entire lengths had gone through her. Fortunately, there was an end to them, as their tails seperated from the colossus.

Was this...some kind of last resort attack? Pinkie felt like she was dying....

Finally, they stopped, and with a gasp, Pinkie fell to the ground, black mist escaping from her eyes and mouth.

As Pinkie's vision faded, she thought she saw a dark tunnel with a bright opening, and innumberable lights passing her by....

"Pinkie Pie..." whispered a voice in the void.

"Da....shie?" Pinkie pondered out loud in a sleepy voice before the light enveloped her.

And then she saw no more.

(To be Continued?)

Post-production edit: Oh my god...I never expected this thing to blow up like it did. I originally wanted to do something like a montage filed with gags and speed it up to the ending.

Which I might still do for the second part of this little side-story if I ever continue it.

But yeah.....Holy Epic Backstory, Batman! I had decided to stop it after only one Colossus.

I think I will make another Omake continuing this story.