• Published 28th Feb 2016
  • 685 Views, 24 Comments

Spear of the Windigos (Daring Do #2) - BookeCypher

Travel back to the start of Daring Do's career as she and Zapapple Tock race to stop Ahuizotl from obtaining an artifact of untold power that could plunge Equestria into an ice age. Book 2 of the Daring Do New Revision series

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Chapter 4

“Daring, stop that.” Zapapple said with a sigh.

“Can't!” Daring managed through her ear-to-ear grin as she literally hopped down the university hallway. “Too excited!”

Zapapple let out another sigh. “We don't even have a plan, Daring. And it's not like they're giving us supplies. Heck, they aren't even giving us many bits.”

“We can find a plan later!” Daring replied. “Stop being a spoil-sport. This is awesome – we get to plan our own expedition and everything.”

“Do you even know where we can buy some gear?” Zapapple asked.

Daring nodded emphatically. “I know the perfect mare to help us out! She's always got all sorts of great stuff and she does this sort of thing all the time. It'll be great.”

“One slight problem, Daring.” Zapapple replied before pointing out a nearby window, beyond which the sun was on its way below the horizon.

“We just killed the entire day in the president's office. Toy shopping will have to wait until tomorrow.”

Daring stopped her hopping and transitioned straight into pouting. “aaawww...”

“Lets just get back to the dormitory, alight?” Zapapple replied as she led them down the hall.

The next morning saw the two heading there way into the markets of Canterlot. Around them a dozen storefronts and countless more little stalls that cluttered the wide road between them. “So,” Zapapple said as they passed a cart that was selling a variety of apple pastries. “You're friends got a stall in here?”

“Yup!” Daring replied as she hopped into the sky, hovering a foot above the heads of most of the crowd. “Just...gimme a minute to remember where it is.”

“Wait.” Zapapple replied as she arched an eyebrow. “You don't remember where your own friends stall is?”

“Well,” Daring said nervously. “She sort of moves it around a lot.” She looked around for a moment as she tried to get her bearings. “She always sets up shop near the art dealers though – guess thats because thats the closest to what she sells.” Daring shrugged mid-air before pointing a hoof toward one side of the market. “Look like the art dealers are over there. Mind if I go take a look around?”

Zapapple waved her ahead. “Go – hopefully you'll find her before I get over there.” Daring gave her a quick salute before zipping off. Zapapple sighed as she started worming her way through the crowd. The market was bustling with the morning crowd, though she soon found herself drifting away from the food and common wares dealers as they were replaced by what many would describe as higher class affairs.
The boisterous sounds of hawking and haggling had vanished, and instead the low whispers of private dealings filled the air as she passed down the narrow but sparsely populated row of dealers. Each of the stalls was loaded with a small but meticulously laid-out collection of items. Some were laden with pieces of pottery, others with a variety of painted canvas's in hoof-carved frames. A griffon stood behind one stall that was laden with every sort of bladed weapon that Zapapple could think of, and a few that she couldn't. griffon weapon smiths were unsettlingly creative like that – came with being a carnivore she guessed. The one thing she couldn't see, she realized after a moment, was Daring.

Zapapple sighed. “Darn it, Daring.” The only problem with being Daring's friend was that, on occasion, she forgot that not everypony could fly. So she was left to wander around the artifact market in the vain hope that she would get lucky and spot Daring – since she had no clue what Daring's friend looked like.

She was fifteen minutes into her search and heavily considering just shouting around until Daring showed up when she suddenly felt a weight on her hindquarters.

Zapapple slowly turned until she could see behind her. Standing there, staring very very intently at Zapapples cutie mark, was a mint green earth pony. Zap couldn't make out her cutie mark from this angle, given the mare – for it was most certainly a mare – had her hindquarters uncomfortably close to Zapapple's face, her milk chocolate tail flicking across Zapapple's face every so often.

This arrangement was possible because the mint mare was actually standing on Zapapple's back as she studied the golden sextant on
Zapapple's flank. “Can I, uh, help you?” Zapapple asked, very very confused.

“Don't know yet.” the strange mare replied quickly. “you know you have a really rare cutie mark? I've never seen a sextant before! I saw a telescope once, but that guy was a big meanie and Chocolat had to take care of him. You're also blue!”

“Uh...” Zapapple stared at the mare for a moment while she tried to figure out how she had managed to say all of that without seemingly breathing. “yes?”

“I'm looking for a blue pony!” The mare turned to look straight at Zapapple, her bouncing curly brown mane bobbing about as her head spun around so fast that just watching it hurt Zapapple's neck. “And you have the right mane too!”

“I...uh...what?” Was all Zapapple could manage.

Luckily, that was the point where Daring decided to finally show up. “Coco, you can't just run off into-” she paused as she turned the corner to see the strange scene Zapapple was in the middle of. “Oh, hey Zap. You've met Coco?”

“Wait, this is your friend?” Zapapple asked as she pointed at the mare that finally hopped of her back. “You're artifact dealer friend?”

The mare did a little spin before dipping into a dramatic bow. “Coco Pie, at your service madam! I deal in information, quirky knick-knacks and sometimes rides!” She hopped back up to all four hooves as shot Zapapple a big smile. “So, what do ya need?”

“We've got an expedition to put together, Coco.” Daring explained while Zapapple just gaped for a moment. “We're gonna need to know anything you can tell us about the Northern Unicorn range.”

“Oooh!” Coco spun around to Daring and seemed to grow, if it was even possible, more exicited. “That area is fun! Lots of ponies tend to go missing around there. Me? I'd rather go missing somewhere warm – maybe a nice desert island. Preferably with other ponies – or a griffon. That would be fun!”

“We aren't going there to get lost, Coco.” Daring replied with a smile – it seemed that Coco's good cheer was infectious once you got past the weird. Zapapple was still processing, but she was catching up fast. “We're looking for a castle. Think you can help?”

“Well,” Coco drawled. “I don't know about a castle, but a pilot friend of mine mentioned he might have seen some sort of structure around those parts...” Coco looked around suspiciously before leaning closer to Daring. “But not here.” She stage whispered. “Let's go to the cafe.”
“You just want another chocolate pie, don't you?” Daring asked with a smirk.

“Yup!” Coco replied with absolutely no shame. “So, deal?”

“Deal.” Daring replied with a nod. Coco wasted no time after that hopping off into the crowd. Daring smiled as she waved a hoof at her friend before turning to Zapapple. “...you okay Zap?”

“...Who the hay was that Daring?” Zapapple finally managed.

“That was Coco.” Daring replied with a shrug. “Yeah – she takes some getting used to. Nopony I've met knows more about the artifact trade then she does, legal or otherwise.”

“Wait a minute...” Zapapple turned to Daring. “She's black market?”

“More like gray market.” Daring replied. “She also has a lot of contacts thanks to her dealings it seems.”

“And you've used this how so far..?” Zapapple asked.

Daring gave another shrug. “I met her looking for a piece I needed for a paper – she's always got all sorts of old books and maps for my research. She also enjoys gossiping.”

“So you just sort of...” Zapapple arched an eyebrow. “...hang out with her?”

“Yeah, pretty much.” Daring replied. “Why?”

“Uh, no reason.” Zapapple replied. “So, where's this cafe?”

The cafe was a couple blocks away and a street over. It was a nice looking place, the outside patio covered in little tables packed with ponies enjoying a wide variety of pastries. A sign hanging over the front door identified it as 'Cafe Genoise'. “Looks busy.” Zapapple commented.

“Coco usually has a booth reserved or something.” Daring replied as she led Zapapple through the front door and past a line of ponies waiting to place an order at the bakery counter. “Come on.”

Sure enough, Coco was waiting for them in a corner booth in the back, hopping up and down in her seat as she waved one hoof in the air. The other was clutching the chocolate milkshake she was in the process of draining. Three already empty glasses sat next to her. “Hiya guys!” She greeted them as she finished off her fourth shake. “What took you so long?”

“Coco, it's been three and a half minute since we saw you.” Daring replied.

“I know!” Coco cheerfully replied. “I've been waiting her for sooooo long.”

Zapapple shot Daring another glance. The pegasus simply shrugged and slipped into the booth, flagging down a waiter as Zapapple took a seat as well. “So,” Daring asked as the waiter came by just long enough to drop off another milkshake for Coco and to take Daring and Zapapples orders. “What have you got for us?”

“Well~” Coco replied before pulling a map out of her mane and unrolling it on the table. “You wanted to know about anything in that uncharted part of the Unicorn range?” The pair nodded. “Well, I've got a friend who does flights over the range fairly often, and he says that there's a reason nopony flies over that part of the mountains.”

Daring rolled a hoof, motioning for Coco to continue. “Which is...?”

“The place is mega spooky!” Coco explained exuberantly. “Its always shrouded in clouds, and all the passes in or out are so high that its always snowing. The weather is super freaky so it makes it really hard to fly through there without, you know crashing.”

“And your friend flies through there why?” Zapapple asked.

“Because nopony is ever watching the pass of course!” Coco replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world – which, to her, it might have been. “He uses the route to slip around customs checks and that sort of thing when he smuggling goodies.

“What sort of-” Zapapple started to ask, but was stopped by one of Daring's hooves.

“Don't ask.” Daring told her. “Trust me – at the very least, it means you don't have to lie if anypony asks questions.”

Zapapple shrugged as Daring lowered her hoof. “Way I see it, just knowin' she's involved in that sort of thing kinda ruins that particular idea, but okay.”

Daring turned back to Coco. “So – what did this friend of yours manage to see?”

“Not much.” Coco replied as the waiter stopped by again just long enough to deliver Daring and Zapapple's drinks. “He did tell me about a pass and what he thought was a lot of ruins. I could ask him for a map if you want.”

“Please.” Daring replied. “How much is this costing us?”

“For you?” Coco tapped on her chin for a moment. “I think I can cut you a deal – I'll give you the bill once I get the map. Give me a day and I should have it for ya!”

“Thanks Coco.” Daring replied as she took a sip of her coffee. “Now, lets talk supplies...”

The rest of the meeting was spent talking about where and what they might need for a trip, and it was a conversation that Zapapple ended up taking the lead on. Even with the benefit of being used to dealing with Coco, Daring couldn't compete with the fact that Zapapple had actually been on these sorts of trips a lot more then she had. Which was fine, Daring thought – she could figure out where they were going, and Zapapple made sure they got there and back in one piece. “Getting all this together isn't going to be easy.” Zapapple lamented as she tucked their newly acquired supply list into one of her bags. “Still, your friend gave us a good start.”

“But its just a start.” Daring replied as they continued down the street, a few ponies running past them. “Now we need to...what is that?”

Zapapple looked down the street at what Daring was pointing at as the two stopped dead. Down one of the streets was a sizable crowd, gathered around a very large wheeled contraption that vaguely looked like a carriage. In front of it, a pair of mares, mirror images of each other and resplendent in their striped blue and white vests and bow ties, stood as they talked to the crowd.

“Fillies and gentlecolts!” announced one. “My sister Swinn and I have criss-crossed the continent in order to bring to you the most fantastic and rare of items! We bring you griffon amulets, Zebra masks, and treasures from ancient lands.” She turned to the other mare, their pale yellow coats identical as were their red manes, complete with matching streak of white. The Only difference was that the second mare looked slightly more annoyed. “Sis, grab something to show the audience.”

“Sure thing, Dell.” Swinn replied as she gave the wagon a swift kick and as if on cue a small jeweled box fell into her waiting hoof as she smirked. “Think this should do it?”

Dell's smile widened. “That will do wonderfully, sis.” Dell extended her hoof as her sister tossed her the box. She caught it with a flourish, levitating it before the crowd tantalizingly. “My dear ponies, what I show you now is among the rarest or rarities. The griffon kingdom's would have my head as well as my sisters if they knew we had this, but we think this is a risk that is well worth the price. Behold!”

There was a collective 'oooh' from the crowd as the box opened. Inside, surrounded by soft red velvet, was an ornate dagger. Its black blade gleamed in the light like glass and was curved into a sinister looking points while the handle was covered in ornate silver-work, all curving lines and strange glyphs. “What you see before you is a dagger from the griffon Kingdoms, a memoir of their darker past – when they would ritually sacrifice their captured foes to their gods.”

The grandiose artifact dealer continued on with her explanation – a detailed yarn about just how the dagger had been smuggled out of Sieyrie Lione and included not only the authorities but no less then three criminal enterprises seeking the blade – while Daring pushed her way through the enraptured crowd, nopony giving her any mind as she made her way to the front row and finally got a close look at the dagger. “Hey, Zapapple, take a look at this.” Daring gestured at the dagger even as the showmare continued her story. “Does something seem off about it?”

“Hrm...” Zapapple studied it for a moment before giving a small nod. “Yeah, I think it does.”

“It's really good work though...” Daring added as she leaned further forward, craning her neck out as dagger was moved out of sight.
“You seem mighty interested!” Daring nearly jumped out of her skin at the sudden voice from her right. She spun back around and found herself face to face with the other showmare, who was at the moment grinning at her. “So, wanna make an offer? We can't hang around for long so if you want it talk fast.”

“Oh, no.” Daring shook her head quickly. “Its just that, its not real is it?”

The story that had been going in the background suddenly tapered off as both mares turned to stare at Daring. The one closest to Daring – the one not carrying the dagger – was struggling to keep her composure, her grin twitching slightly. “W-What are you talking about?”

“Well, the metalwork doesn't look old enough.” Daring replied. “It really really good – some of the replicas in the museum aren't that good – but its the wrong style for the time period.”

“Your blade is also a little off.” Zapapple added with a small shrug. “Its the right style, but the wrong color. Also, not enough pitting for the supposed age.”

Swinn – the twin not holding the dagger – sputtered for a moment before managing a retort. “And just what makes you think you're qualified to make such judgments on an esteemed item such as this?”

“Well,” Daring replied. “I'm Daring Do,” She gestured a hoof at Zapapple. “And this is Zapapple Tock, both of the Royal Canterlot University Department of Equinelogy, so this is sort of our job.”

The entire crowd stared at Daring and Zapapple for a moment before turning to the twins and then, finally, looking at each other. Then, with a collective shrug, they turned and began to disperse. “Wait!” Dell shouted. “We have other items! This next piece will...” She wilted slightly as the crowd continued to walk away. “...oh, forget it.”

“Nice work.” Swinn said dourly as she walked up next to her sister. “I don't know about you, but I actually enjoy having bits.”

Dell turned to shoot her sister a sharp glare. “Me? You're the one that decided to open with this piece.”

“You could have asked for another piece you know.” Swinn replied defensively.

Dell turned to face her sister head on, and the two ponies from the University were promptly forgotten. “That would have sent the crowds running even sooner – because hiding wares from the marks always looks good, doesn't it Swinn?”

“It was still your metalwork that blew it.” Swinn replied with a huff.

“And your glasswork!” Dell countered. “What were you thinking!? Did you even...”

Daring missed the rest of the argument as Zapapple tapped her on the shoulder, pointing back down the street and away from the bickering twins. Daring shot the pair one last look before following after Zapapple with a shrug.

An interesting diversion, but a couple of con mares weren't going to get them the supplies they needed.

The rest of the afternoon was spent hunting down the supplies they would need for their trip – cold-weather gear, food, climbing equipment and a dozen other things. It was only when they had finally dropped into a pair of seats outside a small cafe that Daring realized something. “I know we're going to the Unicorn Range, but how do we get to where we start?”

Zapapple looked up from her double-checking of some of their bags. “What do you mean?”

“Well,” Daring replied. “You can't be thinking of walking all the way there, can you?”

“Good point.” Zapapple replied. “The last expedition I was on, we had wagons. We also had a lot more stuff. Hold on...” Zapapple dug through one of the bags before pulling out one of several maps and splaying it across the table. “Lets see...ah – We can take the train north until we reach the range – then we can charter a boat upriver, probably from Yanhoover.”

“Sounds expensive.” Daring replied. “Is that really within our budget?”

Zapapple shrugged. “We should be able to hitch a ride on one of the boats usually running the route – supplying the mining and lumber business up there.”

“Make's sense. So...” Daring looked at the bags around them. “...where are we going to keep all of this stuff until then?”

“I thought we were keeping it in the department offices?” Zapapple replied.

Daring shook her head. “They don't even like it when I leave my saddlebags laying around in there.”

“What about an empty lab?” Zapapple suggested.

“They won't be empty tomorrow morning.” Daring replied.

“hmmm....” Zapapple thought it over for a minute. “Your office?”

“I don't have an office.” Daring replied. “I have a space in the department offices. See point one.”

“Darn.” Zapapple slumped over on the table. “We could keep them in our place I guess.”

“We barely have enough room for us in there Zap.” Daring replied.

“I know!” Zapapple replied. “Do you have a better idea?”

“...the basement?” Daring suggested sheepishly.

“The basement we got in trouble for running around in?” Zapapple replied flatly. “After we had nearly gotten killed by it?”

“Not that part!” Daring replied quickly. “Just, you know, the entrance part of it.”

“The part with the creepy furnace?” Zapapple asked.

“Well, at least it won't eat us.” Daring paused. “Well, probably. Nopony ever goes down there anyway, so it should be fine.”

Zapapple finally just sighed and got back onto her hooves. “Well, I don't have a better idea as you so helpfully pointed out, so sure why not.” She tossed a couple of bags onto her back. “We should get goin' if we want to get back before it gets dark.”

The trek back to the school seemed a lot longer then it had been in the other direction, most assuredly due to the collection of equipment they had just purchased on the school's bit. Much like the might before, the school was empty at such a later hour when they finally got back, which meant there was nopony around to ask them where they were going with several hundred bits in outdoors and survival gear. Which was good, since Daring doubted anypony would like 'hiding it' as an answer.

The basement was likewise empty, and Daring and Zapapple wasted no time in stashing their goods in the dimly lit space. Zapapple just dumped her bags at the bottom of the stairs as soon as she reached the bottom, but Daring was quick to point out she should move them. “Why?” Zapapple asked even as she hoofed one of the bags toward a corner.

“Well, I found this place.” Daring replied as she dropped her own bags behind a tangle of pipes once she was sure the spot was safe – no point in hiding the stuff only to have a pressure valve flash-steam the lot of it. “So, somepony else might find it to.”

“Good point.” Zapapple replied, tucking her bags a little further into the dark little corner she had chosen. “Think Professor Storm Talon might look around down here?”

“I don't see why he would.” Daring replied as she stowed the last of her bags. “He doesn't really have a reason to come down here unless he's following us so-”

Daring stopped mid sentence as her and Zapapple just stared at each other for a moment before turning and looking up the stairs in unison. Both let out a sigh as there was no sign of the griffon professor. “Whew.” Zapapple said before shooting a glance at Daring. “You trying to give me a heart attack or somethin'?”

“Sorry Zap.” Daring shrugged as she smiled sheepishly. “I don't know what came over me.”

“Yeah, well.” Zapapple started up the stairs. “Lets get out of here before he does show up. I don't know about you, but I'm exhausted.”

The pair turned in for the night, collapsing into their beds as soon as they reached their quarters. The net morning they made their way back to the cafe, where once again Coco was waiting for them. “Hiya guys!”

“Morning, Coco.” Daring greeted her as her and Zapapple slipped into their seats. “So, any luck with that map?”

“Yep!” Coco replied cheerfully, pulling a scroll out of her mane of all places and rolling it out on the table. “My friend was nice enough to draw this up for me. Any ideas how you're going to get there?”

“Train to Vanhoover.” Daring replied. “Then we should be able to grab one of the boats heading up river.”

Coco nodded with a 'hmm'. “Sounds like a plan. I' just borrow a plane, or a griffon, but thats not for everypony.”

“right...” Zapapple replied. “You got anything else for us?”

“Well, he did say that there had been some funny rumors going around.” Coco replied. “Strange figures about, that sort of thing.”

“Well, that can't be that strange.” Daring replied. “All sorts pass through that area all the time, if only due to the lumber work in the area.”

“She's got a point.” Zapapple added with a shrug. “Maybe they were just there for business?”

Coco shook her head. “Nah. Another dealer I know said they'd come to talk to her about the mountains.” Coco frowned. “And they didn't even buy anything from her either, the big meanies.”

“Did she get a look at them?” Daring asked, deciding not to comment on that last bit.

“Nope.” Coco replied. “They were all wearing big creepy cloaks with super spooky hoods. They did talk funny though.”

“Well, thanks for the heads up.” Daring said as she scooped up the map. “And thanks for the map. We'll keep our eyes out, but we'll probably never see them.”

“Right.” Zapapple nodded. “I mean, what are the odds?”

“Well,” Coco said as she slurped down the rest of a milkshake before hopping onto her hooves with a bounce. “Just try to be careful, kay! See ya latter girls!”

“Well,” Daring quipped. “That went faster then I expected. What do we do now?”

“Guess we can start by working out our route.” Zapapple suggested. Once back at the University, they hunted down an empty classroom before unfurling the map out on the table, laying the map from the journal out next to it. “So,” Zapapple asked as she turned to Daring. “Now we've got two maps – and one of them ain't exactly to scale.”

“The locations on it in relation to each other by the way should be accurate though.” Daring replied. “See? These rock formations match. That lets us get the map oriented – So now we know that this pass on the journal map matches this one on Coco's map.” Daring grabbed a ruler from nearby and started working out angles. “So, from there, we can start working out the rough location of the ruins we're after on the more accurate map.” Daring went back and forth between the two maps with the ruler for a moment before grabbing a small Celestia sculpture from one corner of the table and plopping it down part way down the mountain pass, slightly up one side. “Our ruins should be somewhere around there.” Daring said confidently before adding. “well, probably. Definitely in that general area though!”

“How utterly brilliant, Daring.” Zapapple deadpanned. “That only leaves half the valley to search.”

“Hey!” Daring shot back. “Its not like you could do any better! Like you said, the journal's map doesn't have a scale – the only thing we can be sure is even remotely accurate is relative position.”

“Okay, okay.” Zapapple waved a hoof in assent. “So, did the map show anything around there?”

Daring turned back to the map for a moment. “Uh, doesn't look like it...wait.” Daring leaned closer to the map. “There's a landmark feature here.” Daring pointed a hoof at the small black square that had been sitting just under her Celestia statue.

“What sort of feature?” Zapapple asked.

Daring squinted at the small hoof writing. Whoever Coco's friends was, his penmanship was awful. “I think it says...temple.”

“A temple?” Zapapple leaned over to look at the marking, but unlike Daring she had no talent for reading that sort of chicken scratch. “You think that's what we might be looking for?”

“Possibly...I think there's more here.” Daring said as she continued to study the small section of the map. “They look like...dates.”

“Dates for what?” Zapapple replied as she finally gave in and nudged Daring to the left as she starting pouring over the map herself. “Wait, theres more chicken scratch in the corner here – think you can read this too?”

Daring craned over and studied the notes for a minute before nodding. “Looks like weather observations....hrm. Some of these dates match up with the dates for the temple.” Daring read one of them aloud. “clear, Tailwind...” she squinted. “Okay, I can't make that out. Some sort of notation system. But it looks like the wind was always coming from the same direction on the dates under the Temple marking.”

“So, observation dates then.” Zapapple replied. “When the winds are right, he could actually see the temple.”

“Which means the weather is going to be an even bigger problem then we thought.” Daring replied. “No point in hiking out to this place if we'll never be able to see what we're looking for.” Daring pulled out a small book from her saddlebag. “Good thing I brought an almanac.”

Zapapple rolled her eyes. “Only you, Daring, would be walking around with an almanac for the middle of nowhere.”

Daring looked up at her friend, confusion evident on her face. “But we're going here. Why wouldn't I have an almanac?”

Zapapple sighed. “Doesn't mean you need to carry it around, you know.”

“But its a good thing I did!” Daring replied as she flipped it open and started scanning through the pages.

Next to her, Zapapple simply let a small sigh before turning and walking back over to her chair before pulling out another map – this one covering the better known stretched of the Unicorn Range near Vanhoover – and started working out if there were any logging trails that could take advantage of. Getting across Equestria was going to be a chore, she had no doubt. After that though, the real adventure would begin.