• Published 29th Feb 2016
  • 7,012 Views, 359 Comments

Tooth-hurty - Justice3442

Sonata has a tooth ache. Adagio and Aria don't want to deal with it. Sunset Shimmer gets involved. Applejack is there. It's gonna be one of those days.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Epic Adventures of the Drug Induced Kind

Sonata Dusk laid back and stared upwards, not that she had a lot of choice in the matter given just how many belts the chair used to restrain her on it. There were so many belts in fact, Sonata wondered if she could maybe make an entire skirt out of them like one of the characters from Aria’s video games. Of course, even attempting to make completely belt clothing wasn’t really an option considering she couldn’t move.

Instead, Sonata decided to look up into the sky of shifting white and black sand, and then she decided what she was seeing didn’t make a whole lot of sense. Sand wasn’t supposed to float above people and constantly shift between its convenient square boundaries set amongst pillars of pure light! Sand was decidedly unfloaty unless it was at the ocean, which was its natural habitat. Everyone knew that. This disturbing sight of floating sky sand could mean only one thing… Her captor, ‘the Dentist’ (cue dramatic music here), was also stealing from the ocean and using sand in some no-doubt evil anti-gravity experiments.

Did her evil know any bounds, or limits or even the occasional time in the corner to think about what it’s done? No, probably not. She probably even litters.

Sonata momentarily considered saving the sandy sand-like sand that floated above her, but her attempt at moving reminded her that she was also a prisoner in the strange, bright dungeon controlled by the evil the Dentist’. Her arms and legs were held in place and there was even some strange force pushing down on her… Of course! ‘The Dentist’ was also using some sort of gravity ray on her to keep her in place!

Sonata’s eyes widened as she wondered if all dentists were sun-merrily evil. Many of her trusted puppet and cartoon friends had assured her going to the dentist was nothing to be afraid of… They wouldn’t lie to her, right? They taught Sonata about so many other things and those things were true as near as Sonata could tell. I mean, sure sometimes those things they taught her weren’t fun. Broccoli, while supposedly good for her, was just icky, and not even something she could really put on a taco or pizza and she hated it! AND WHY DID THEY KEEP ON SAYING SHE HAD TO EAT IT?!

Sonata gasped. “Gasp!” Maybe they really were wrong and all dentists actually were evil! I mean… It’s not like they were ever right about scary movies, which were always super funny! Could it… Could they be wrong about dentists and a bunch of other things?! Sonata had suspected that whole ‘wash your hands before and after every meal’ thing was just the nerf-air-ee-us soap companies coming up with lies to fill their greedy pockets!

But… but ’the Dentist’ had to be an especially special evil dentist. Perhaps she even had a secret base shaped like a tooth and dental bots! Oh… And she probably had all kinds of evil tricks and schemes she was working on, like enamel-seeking teddy bears to break teeth and mind-control tooth filling!

Yes, that had to be it! If Sonata couldn’t trust her friends from TV, who could she trust?! Would she even be able to keep believing they were still real and not like… puppets (meta-for-cycle speaking of course, I mean, they were certainly real puppets and not fake puppets) controlled by the hands of shadowy figures?! And...and… Why was it that sometimes cartoon people all had only one or two different skin colors?! Could… could that be a lie?! Was her entire life a lie?! Why do people park in the driveway and drive in the parkway?!

So many questions. Like… like… Was Sonata just the victim of unfortunate circumstances, or was this punishment for some sort of sin… Specifically a mouth-based sin… Had too many tacos made her teeth turn gray?! Was that why they hurt so much… er… before?

Sonata felt her eyes widen. Whatever strange experiments were being done on her body meant it took a lot of focus to feel much of everything… But… but, the pain in her mouth was gone… This might have been cause for like… a big party or something, but she couldn’t feel her mouth at all! Maybe her entire mouth had been stolen! And that was more of a cause for like… big concern for realzies!

“Oh my gosh!” a female voice exclaimed. “Your mouth isn’t missing. Dr. Colgate just numbed it so you wouldn’t freak out so much as she examines it.”

Sonata tried to turn her head towards the sound of the voice, but it wouldn’t budge. Uh, her head, pacific-alley. Not the voice… The voice could move as far as Sonata knew. Instead our daring heroine moved her eyes to try to see where the voice had come from.

Sonata gasped!


It was a talking pile of bacon! “Hello talking pile of bacon!” Sonata greeted. “Are you my fairy guardian mom-angel or just some random experiment from ‘the Dentist’ (more dramatic music!) who has mind-reading powers?! Er… I mean you have the mind-reading powers… I really hope the evil ‘the Dentist’ doesn’t have mind-reading powers!”

The pile of bacon shook itself, its delicious-looking slabs of cooked pork flying every direction. “I’m neither of those things! It’s me, Sunset Shimmer!”

Sonata gasped again! “Gasp again! So ‘the Dentist’ transformed you into bacon who can somehow read minds?! That’s horrible! I mean… maybe reading minds is not so bad, but being bacon, as delicious as it might be, is probably horrible.

“Sonata, I’m not bacon and I can’t read minds!” Sunset Bacon Pile, who was clearly in denial, rearranged her bacon face into an angry bacon face. “You’ve just been narrating your weird dental drug-induced hallucinations in the third person for a few minutes now!”

“Don’t worry Sunset Bacon Pile!” Sonata closed her eyes and began opening and closing her fingers. “Once I use the force to retrieve my lightsaber and free myself, we can quest for the magic dragon balls, wish for the legendary One Piece treasure where we’ll ALSO find the One Ring, and then we’ll teach the Terminator and Freddy Krueger the true meaning of flag day before we all finally make our way to Mount Doom where we can destroy the ring and free the land of this teeth tyrant and also Mumm-Ra the Everliving!”

Sunset raised a hand to her forehead and groaned. While this was probably better than having Sonata play ‘make believe spitting dinosaur’, the amount of whatever it was that was now in her system had made her forget how thinking works and she was a near-unstoppable chatterbox listing off whatever strange things she thought she saw or whatever she was thinking at the time.

“Sonata gasped yet again! ‘Gasp yet again!’ Do you think the Dentist is stealing teeth in an evil gambit to force the tooth fairy out a jorrawrrrb? Arr mrraarrraa… Tarrwarra wwwraarrourr…”

Sonata’s speech suddenly turned incomprehensible as Doctor Colgate put her Sonic Scaler and a tiny mirror on a thin handle inside her patient’s mouth. Sonata seemed mostly oblivious to this fact as she continued to attempt communication with Sunset despite the small tools in her mouth.

“That’s quite enough of that,” Dr. Colgate said. “I was curious to see how that whole magic Jedi plot to destroy my bizarre league of evil was going to play out.” Colgate sighed and frowned. “But then you just had to make everything cliché with the whole tooth fairy thing.”

Sunset looked up at the Doctor and shook her head. “Isn’t that illegal?”

Colgate glanced down at Sonata and then shifted her gaze to Sunset. “Which part?”

“Any of it? All of it?!” Sunset asked. She motioned to Sonata. “The straps, the copious amount of drugs you filled Sonata with, the fact that you’re examining her mouth while straddling her!”

Colgate merely shrugged from her perch on Sonata’s abdomen. “Desperate times call for desperate measures,” Colgate said as she focused her tools and attention back to Sonata’s mouth. “At this point it seems all three things are necessary to keep this squirming girl in place.”

Sunset closed her eyes hard and shook her head. “Well, I’m sure you know what you’re doing, but this seems a bit dangerous… even more so for you than Sonata! I guess I’m a bit impressed, but also maybe a little concerned over the lengths you’d go to work on her teeth.”

Colgate turned and grinned at Sunset. “Well, as much fun as it was to give that cesspool of a mouth a much needed cleaning, I have a job to do and can’t very well let her go back into the world moaning in horrible tooth pain. What kind of dentist would I be if I couldn’t deal with a tooth problem regardless of if it’s attached to a rambunctious young woman or a giant acid spewing monster?”

Sunset pursed her lips. Colgate was remarkably hard to read and good at saying just about anything deadpan when she wasn’t overly excited or whipped up into a strange tooth-cleaning frenzy. Deciding asking for an explanation would probably net her a flippant response, Sunset just shook her head. “A sane, regular dentist?” she offered.

The corners of Colgate’s lips rose. “Oh, I’m afraid you’ve come to the wrong place for that.” Her eyes suddenly widened and she quickly placed her tools on a dental tray before placing both sets of gloved fingers on Sonata’s lips as she used her thumbs to keep her mouth open. She tilted her head and leaned it down so that she was looking into Sonata’s open maw with her right eye. “Oh, would you look at that?!”

Sonata merely blabbered out more incomprehensible words in response.

Sunset once again looked at the scene in front of her in concern as she held a hand over her forehead. “Uh… Aren’t you afraid Sonata’s going to try to bite your thumbs off?”

Colgate shook her head. “I don’t think she even knows what planet she’s on at this point!” She turned her head and peered into the mouth with her left eye this time. “If she tries it, I’ll just bite her nose. That’ll make her reconsider!” Colgate shifted her eyes to look at Sunset again. “Now why aren’t you looking at this?!”

Sunset stared at Colgate blankly. “You’re asking me why I haven’t gone over there and tried to shove my face right into Sonata’s mouth as you hold it open…”

Colgate nodded. “Yes! I even invited you over! Don’t worry about the smell. Her mouth is practically stench free at this point.”

Sunset looked at Colgate in bemusement. “I think I’m going to take a pass on that.”

Colgate turned and peered into Sonata’s mouth again. “Okay, but you don’t know what you’re missing~!” She said in a sing-song tone.

Sunset once again sighed and shook her head, clasping the sides of it. Maybe she should have let Dr. Colgate tackle this on her own. ‘Stressful’ didn’t even begin to cover what she felt between Sonata’s hallucinations and the Dentist’s loopy behavior. Even with the other two Dazzlings out in the waiting room, no doubt Sunset was winning the ‘worst day’ competition by a mile or more.


Her massive collection of orange locks covering her face, Adagio Dazzle let out a long continuous sigh as she slumped forward in her seat. With her hair hanging down almost enough to touch the floor, about the only thing else visible on the siren was a pair of purple boots with golden spiky rings around her ankles and the high heels which had spikes on the back of them.

Aria still sat next to Adagio, an uncharacteristically concerned look on her face.

From a seat across from the two Dazzlings, Flash took a moment to stroke his chin and look over Adagio with a ponderous expression. He suddenly pointed at Adagio. “You know… With her hair covering her like that, she sort of looks like a sexy version of cousin It.”

Aria turned to glare at Flash for a moment before her eyes turned up slightly into her knitted brow. She then turned to Adagio, a deep frown coming onto Aria’s features as the hair-covered siren remained motionless.

“Sorry,” Flash said sheepishly. “Guess this isn’t the time…”

“Well, no,” Aria said, “But really, I’m more concerned Adagio didn’t take that as an invitation to jump you and take you off to some reasonably secluded place and have her way with you.”

Uh… Wow,” Flash replied. “You really think she’d do it based on a weird comment like that?”

Aria shrugged. “She’s done pretty much the same thing to others with far less invitation.”

“Oh… okay then…” Flash said.

“Come on, Dagi!” Aria said. She motioned towards Flash. “Don’t you want to drag this reasonably cute guy off somewhere female caveman style because he has a weird hair fetish?”

Flash shook his head, his eyes widening. “Huh?! But I didn’t—”

“I’m not in the mood!” Adagio exclaimed from behind her hair curtain.

Aria recoiled slightly. “I… uh… I see…”

“Erm… Is that bad?” Flash asked.

“Depends on how you feel about the ability to make snowmen in Hell, I guess,” Aria replied. “Also depends on how much you were looking forward to your weird hair sex fantasy.”

Applejack walked down the hall, the suds and spittle cleaned off of her face. “Alright, what Ah miss?”

“I don’t have a weird hair sex fantasy!” Flash exclaimed.

“Whatever, weirdo,” Aria replied.

Applejack dropped her head and sighed. “Ah knew I shoulda took more time in the bathroom.”

Aria motioned to the hair pile that was Adagio. “Adagio doesn’t want to jump your cute guitar playing friend’s bones.”

A hand with its index finger pointed upwards emerged from the collection of orange curls. “Right this second,” Adagio clarified.

Aria nodded. “Right, at least right this second she doesn’t.”

“Oh… okay?” Applejack replied. “But uh… How is that a big deal? Ah mean, we’re kinda in a public place and it’s the middle of the day, so…”

Aria shook her head. “Man, you really haven’t figured anything out about us, have you?”

Applejack scrunched up her lips slightly. “Sorry if makin’ friends with y’all after you tried to take over the school wasn’t high on my ‘to do list’.”

“Again, hypocrite!” Aria hissed out.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “Do ya even feel bad about the school thing?”

The left corners of Aria’s lips pulled to the side a bit. “I don’t know…” Aria said.

“See?!” Applejack said, leveling an accusing finger at Aria. “You don’t even know enough to feel bad about mind-controlling everyone and getting my friends and Ah to go at it like a flock of roosters in a cockfight free-for all!”

It was Flash’s turn to tighten his brow and glance upwards. “Is… is that a farm thing?”

Aria shook her head. “Oh, I don’t feel bad about that part.”

Applejack grumbled to herself and collapsed into the chair next to Flash. “Of course ya don’t.”

“Look Hayseed,” Aria began, “nothing personal but that school, your friends, and you were our ticket to getting our powers back! Our real powers. I dunno what, like… the human way to explain this but…” Aria thought for a moment. “Imagine if you were hit with a debuff that affected all your stats and you could never really get rid of it. Sure, you could feed off some energy here or there to lessen the effect a bit, but it wasn’t like a ‘remove curse’ spell or erm… like when you go to bed in RPGs and everything is fine when you wake up. Getting you girls to fight and then feeding off the energy was going to be our way to lift the ‘debuff’ curse on us.”

Applejack stared at Aria blankly. “Ah understood almost none of that.”

Aria folded her arms across her chest and rolled her eyes. “Why am I not surprised?”

“I got it,” Flash said.

“Great,” Aria said grumpily. “At least one of you isn’t a complete moron.”

Flash chuckled. “Heh. Thanks.”

Applejack gave Flash an irritated look. “Flash, that was about as ‘backhanded’ as compliments get.”

Flash nodded. “I know… but I guess from dating Sunset back when she was a bitc-Back from before she was nice, I’ve kinda learned to read between the lines in these situations.”

Aria continued, “Anyhow, we’ve now lost ALL our magic, but like… I dunno… Everything feels so different and we don’t have to go to cafes and sing until everyone is throwing scalding hot coffee at each other… I mean… I guess I miss that part, but the whole energy sucking thing was really cutting into my video game playing time.”

Applejack judgmentally stared at Aria. “So, you’re not sure if yer sorry just cause you lost your powers but get to play more video games?!”

“What the heck do you want from me?!” Aria said, throwing her hands out. “People were sorta just food to all of us for centuries! Excuse me for not eating a handful of happy pills so I can bounce off the walls and overload everyone with sugary baked goods until everyone is puking up stuff that makes it looks like they ate an entire rainbow.”

Applejack scoffed and folded her arms across her chest. “Pinkie’s naturally like that, she doesn’t need meds to make her feel good. Also, we’re not supposed to talk about the Cupcakolypse.” Applejack shivered slightly. “Some of us still have nightmares over that day.”

“Look, whatever!” Aria replied. “I don’t actually care if you care about us or not, but I figured you were at least paying enough attention to figure out when things are serious. Like if say… Sonata decides she’s not hungry, I don’t feel like punching something, or Adagio is too depressed to get it on with someone on a whim.”

“Okay, fine… Adagio’s depressed…” Applejack replied. “What do you propose we do about it?”

Aria shrugged. “How should I know?! You’re the one who's part of ‘team friendship’, can’t you like… put up the rainbow symbol, gather your other pony rangers, and blast Adagio until she feels up to feeling up strangers again?”

Applejack’s entire face tightened. “Ah’m not gonna pretend I know a whole heck-of-a-lot about our magic abilities, but Ah’m pretty sure they don’t work that way.”

Ugh!” Aria exclaimed. “Then what good are they?”

Applejack frowned heavily. “Yer asking me what my friend’s and my magical powers, which have turned people back from being demons and stopped you and yer friends from taking over the school, are good for jus’ ‘cause I don’t think callin’ everyone up to transform and blast Adagio so she feels like hittin’ on people will work.”

Aria rolled her eyes. “Wow. Welcome to the conversation, hayseed.”

Applejack sighed. “Just checkin’…”

For a while, no one said anything, but sat quietly as the awkward silence rolled in to fill the void left by the awkward conversation.

Oddly enough, it was Adagio who decided to cut through the silence. “Aria, why haven’t you tried to take advantage of my weakened state?” Adagio asked from behind her hair cover.

Aria turned and raised an eyebrow. “Uh… ‘Cause that’s more your thing?”

“Not like that!” Adagio exclaimed. She inserted her fingers into her curtain of curls, and pulled back on a substantial collection of her hair. She flung this poofy mass of a mop behind her head, revealing half her face. “I mean, why haven’t you declared yourself ‘Leader of the Dazzlings’ or something? You used to just suggest that you should run things as punctuation to my sentences. You’re overdue as it is and now’s the perfect opportunity to declare yourself our new leader.”

Aria tightened her brow and her lips as she stared at Adagio briefly. “First of all, who do you take me for, Starscream?”

Adagio tilted her head and gave Aria an annoyed glance.

“Who’s Starscream?” Applejack enquired. “Does uh… he or she go to our school?” Applejack rubbed her chin. “Who’d name a kid Starscream, anyhow?”

Aria turned to Applejack with a deep frown on her face. “Seriously hayseed, you need to watch TV or spend more time on the internet or something!”

Applejack just let out a big sigh and leaned back in her seat. “Excuse me for breathin’…”

Flash piped up, “I understood that reference.”

“Great,” Aria said unenthusiastically. “At least most people in here are tracking the conversation. “Anyways, if I did take over I’d probably rename us ‘The Blazings’. Which I think we can all agree is a much better name.”

Flash chimed in, “Provided people don’t assume that’s like a drug thing.”

Applejack snickered.

Aria shot Flash a small glare. “Come on, dude! You were actually on my good side!”

Adagio glanced at Flash. “That’s not an easy thing to do.”

Flash held up a hand and gave Aria a sheepish smile. “Right, sorry.”

Aria turned back to Adagio. “Oh, and finally, I’m not sure what exactly I’m taking over at this point… I mean… Now we’re just three normal—”

Applejack coughed.

“—sorta normal girls,” Aria finished with an eye roll. “It’s not like we’re coming up with plans to make a big score of energy or even trying to take over high schools to get our powers back.”

Adagio groaned. “So our legacy is we once hijacked a school's band showcase and now we’re not even worth the effort for you to declare yourself the new leader of even when I’m at my lowest…”

“Well, again… I’m not sure what I’d be in charge of at this point,” Aria said. “Without powers that just means Sonata’s a whack-a-doodle and I sure the heck don’t want to get more involved in your affairs.” Aria shrugged. “So… you’re now the undisputed leader of us three… Congratulations…?” Aria looked up at Applejack and Flash. “You two need to say ‘congratulations’ too.”

Erm… Congratulations?Applejack said in an unsure tone.

Flash smiled and even clapped his hands a few times. “Congratulations!”

Adagio let out an extended groan and leaned forward so her hair was covering her face and most of her body again.

“Well that didn’t make her feel any better!” Applejack said.

Aria smirked. “Oh, that wasn’t for her. That was for me. I thought it’d be funny.”

“You’re the worst,” Adagio muttered.

“Naw,” Aria replied as she leaned back in her seat. “That title totally belongs to Sonata.” Aria tilted her head towards Adagio and stared at her intently. “What’s even eating you? Don’t tell me you’re now just coming to grips with the sorta-normal girls thing!”

Adagio sighed and brushed away half of the hair curtain in front of her face once more. “Not exactly, but I mean… Up until now I was at least mitigating those feelings by taking it out on Sunset Shimmer and her friends at every opportunity.”

“HAH!” Applejack said as she rose to her feet and leveled an accusing index finger at Adagio. “So the truth comes out! I knew ya low-down sea-snakes were still evil and trying to make life hard for all of us!”

Adagio rolled her eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself, country girl. It’s not like we sit around and plan how to get back at you, just more you’re our ‘go to’ contacts when we don’t want to deal with situations like this exact situation we’re in now with Sonata! It’s just… ugh… hating all of you was at least a nice outlet for the feelings of anger from having our powers stripped away.”

Applejack folded her arms across her chest. “Ah really don’t see how that’s supposed to make me feel better about everything.”

Adagio let out a heavy sigh. “Well… sorry…”

Applejack sat back down. “Uh… alright…”

Adagio tilted her head to face Aria again. “I just… I just don’t know what to do anymore…”

Aria shrugged. “You can replace your hate for The Rainbooms with a feeling of hate for just about everything like me.”

Adagio frowned. “That sounds exhausting.”

“Why do you think my sleep schedule is so messed up?”

Adagio groaned and shook her head, causing her massive locks of orange hair to bounce up and down lightly. “Pass.”

Aria threw up her hands. “Well, I don’t know! Maybe try developing a strong sense of uh… the weird word where you feel better about other people’s misery?”

“Schadenfreude?” Flash offered.

“Yeah!” Aria said pointing at Flash. “That thing.”

Adagio pursed her lips in contemplation. “Well… Maybe…”

A door down the hallway suddenly opened and Sunset Shimmer trudged back into the waiting room. Her hair was a frazzled, moist mess and she carried the haggard look of someone who had narrowly survived some harrowing event.

Everyone turned and stared at her.

“Uh… You alright, sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

Sunset sniffled as her turquoise eyes became glassy. “No!” she uttered. She took another look at the group, walked over to Flash and Applejack, and sat right down in Flash’s lap.

Flash looked up at Sunset in surprise for a second as she wrapped her arms around him, though a look of understanding quickly came over him as she began to speak.

“Oh, Flash! Sob-It was terrible! Sonata was all crazy and spitting toothpaste water everywhere! And… and-choke-and then she started hallucinating all kinds of strange things and narrating her own thoughts. Hhehh-Then Dr. Colgate found something and made me look into Sonata’s mouth and everything was weird and bad and I didn’t like it at ALL!” Sunset started to cry as she buried her face into Flash’s shoulder.

Flash gave Sunset a small smile and patted her back gently. “There, there… it’s alright. It’s over now… You just need to relax for a little bit and get your mind off of all this.”

Sunset suddenly pulled her head back. “I don’t know if I CAN! Sonata is just so weird when she’s hopped up on gas and drugs, and Dr. Colgate went all dentist crazy! And-and-SOB! EVERYTHING HAPPENS SO MUCH!” Sunset let out a wail and buried her head into Flash’s shoulder once more.

Aria turned and glanced at Adagio. “This doing anything for ya?”

Adagio shook her head. “Not really…” Adagio inhaled sharply. “It’s a little too close to home.”

Aria grimaced. “Yeah…”

Applejack looked over the sobbing Sunset Shimmer before looking at Flash. “Uh… Is she going to be okay?”

Flash smiled. “Yeah, probably… I mean… She used to do this with me all the time when we were dating. She should be alright after she has a good cry.”

Sunset raised her head and made a phlegmy snort. “I’m sorry. I’ll be fine…”

Colgate triumphantly strolled into the room. “I’ve finally diagnosed my impatient patient!” she cried.

Sunset began to shake slightly in Flash’s arms and held onto him tighter. “Eventually… probably… maybe…”

Dr. Colgate looked over the two groups sitting on the chairs for a moment, who looked back at her with inquisitive stares. “Oh… Right then,” she said as she suddenly walked over to Adagio and Aria and set in Adagio’s lap, wrapping her arms around Adagio and placing her legs across Aria’s lap.

“Whoa! What the heck?!” Aria exclaimed.

Adagio’s eyes went wide. “You’re invading my personal space right now!” she declared. “Liking it!”

“Okay, Doc…” Aria said tentatively as she as she stared down at Colgate’s legs, noticing that she somehow lost both her shoes during her struggle with Sonata. “So you figured out what’s wrong with Sonata’s taco hole?”

Dr. Colgate lifted an index finger into the air. “Indeed! Oh, your friend put up quite the fight, but after strapping her down, straddling her, and after much probing and careful exploration of Sonata’s mouth, I have, in fact, figured out what the cause of her pain is!”

Adagio nodded. “I understand. However, could you please repeat all of that, but slower this time.”

“It’s quite simple, really!” Colgate said as she sprung off of Adagio’s lap and back onto her feet, much to Adagio’s disappoint. “Just a simple case of her wisdom teeth coming in.”

Aria spoke up, “So, you think you can get her to stop whining all the time?”

“Of course!” Colgate said raising an index finger. “I mean, first I have to pull them out and there’s bound to be some residual pain that will last for a bit, but after a week or two of her on pain killers she should be right as rain!”

The room went dead silent. Sunset retrieved one of her arms from around Flash and used it to pull Applejack into a group huddle. Even Adagio and Aria’s eyes went wide as they slowly pulled each other close and looked down the hall fearfully.

Colgate turned her head back and forth between the two groups. “What?”