• Published 3rd Mar 2016
  • 2,149 Views, 41 Comments

In Which Pinkie Forgets how to Gravity - Yours Truly

Pinkie Pie forgets how to use gravity, much to her friends' annoyance.

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The Chapter Where Pinkie Forgets

It started like any other cliché day in Ponyville; the sun’s radiating glow bathed Equestria in light and beauty. Everypony was living their lives as usual, enjoying the refreshing day without monsters. The Pegasi had cleared the clouds, so the sky was crystal clear. Birds where chirping happily. The little critters were playing games in the lush greeneries.

All in all, it was a very normal, very boring, un-original way to start the day…

But as the title of the story may suggest, this everyday sorta day of sunshine and rainbows was quick to get “interesting” for one pony…

You see, every week in this little town, six friends have to fight off some sort of monster, or save the world, and yesterday these six friends did just that. So today, Pinkie Pie thought it would be a good chance to sleep in, and recharge her internal sugar battery.

And for a while, it had turned out to be a good idea. Her bed felt super-duper comfy, cozy, softy, and she never wanted to leave it ever again.

Tucked under her blankets, the pink pony softly “Hmmmmed” as the left side of her face was absorbed deeper into her pillow.

A tray of various confectioneries had been placed by her bedside, just in case she needed a quick snack. This being a tray prepared by Pinkie meant that the “quick snacks” were in fact, whole cakes of various flavours, and sizes. All of them as delicious as they are fattening. But as we all know, Pinkie doesn’t get fat, unless a joke demands it. Fortunately for her, no such joke was needed, so she was free to eat all the cakes on her tray, without worry.

The only thing missing from her bed, was her friends. But fitting the entirety of Ponyville’s population into the bed would be physically impossible. Even if they were all stacked onto the bed, technically they wouldn’t be in the bed, with her. And the tower of ponies would be highly unstable, and wobbly on Pinkie’s squishy bed.

As much as she wished she could share the comfort of the bed with everyone, she was far too cozy to get up and do anything about it. Pinkie Pie wanted to do nothing but lay in her bed, and eat sweets, all day. She had no prior plans for the day either, so no pony would be questioning where she was, and why she hadn’t shown up to say “hi”, or cause a new disaster for them to fix.

Yep. Today was gonna be a very relaxing day for this pink party horse…

And then it happened.

Pinkie shot up onto her haunches, careful to keep the blankets resting on her hind-legs, while holding them with her fore-hooves.

“Mr Cake! Mrs. Cake!” She shouted in panic. “I need help!”

“Pinkie Pie?! What’s wrong?!” Mrs. Cake shouted back.

“I need you to get Twilight! It’s an emergency!” Pinkie’s breath had quickened, and her heart threatened to burst out of her chest. She was utterly terrified. She didn’t know what to do, but Twilight would, she always knows how to fix things in the end.

Downstairs, Mrs Cake had no idea what was happening, nor did she really want to know. While any other pony screaming for help would be cause for panic, this was not always the case with Pinkie Pie. As Mrs Cake has come to learn, Pinkie Pie is a “special” case. One time, the young mare had run through town, screaming for somepony to help her finish off a piece of pie, simply because she couldn’t finish the whole thing herself.

Fortunately for Pinkie, Mrs Cake needed to go and do shopping anyway, so it wouldn’t be too far out of the way to visit Princess Twilight’s castle. Knowing the former librarian, it wouldn’t be hard to find her in the massive structure either. She’s only ever in one of four rooms, despite there being many, many more.

Twilight could wait until after the shopping though.


“Twilight!” Pinkie Pie felt so relieved to see her Alicorn friend in the doorway. “I’m so glad you’re here!”

She had worried that it would take far longer for Twilight to arrive, and she would be too late to save the pink pony from her dilemma, but Twilight had arrived so quickly. In fact, she had arrived in no time at all!

Pinkie had been watching her clock the entire time, completely oblivious to the fact its battery was currently dead.

Twilight trotted into the room, perplexed as to why Pinkie wanted to see her so urgently. The scene before her was not one of pony in danger, or trouble. If anything was wrong, at most, it seemed Pinkie might have had a sugar induced nightmare. The empty tray suggested Pinkie had stuffed her face with sweets at some point before Twilight’s arrival.

‘I had to stop re-organizing my shelves for this?!’ Twilight thought to herself. She wouldn’t have minded stopping the seemingly endless organization of her library, if her friends needed her help, but they had already faced this week’s monster, so today should have been her day off! That was the deal they had made with each other. The day after a monster attack, they get to rest and relax.

Twilight’s schedule for the day was now entirely ruined, and it’s all because Pinkie had sent for her help… If the reason behind this was in fact, because Pinkie had a nightmare, Twilight was sure she would snap. Not in front of the party pony, no. She would save her frustration for when she got back to the castle where she could write angry fan-fictions about her friends, in private, and then burn the literature before anypony could ever read it. They were not meant for the eyes of others.

With all these thoughts running through her head, Twilight hadn’t realized, she had been standing in Pinkie’s room for several minutes without saying a word.

But she noticed now, so she decided to end the long awkward silence in the room, and actually say something.

“Pinkie Pie, Mrs Cake said you wanted my help. Are you okay?”

“I’ve never been less okay Twilight! What has happened is simply… The. Worst. Possible. Thing!” Pinkie exclaimed, intentionally quoting Rarity, before bursting into tears. “I’ve forgotten how to use gravity!”

There was a long pause from Twilight, while Pinkie continued her over-dramatic-Rarity impression.

“Seriously?” Twilight asked flatly.

“It’s true Twilight! I can’t leave this bed! If I do, I’ll float up to space and get stuck on the moon where I’ll never see any of you again! Which is why I need your help! You have to teach me how to use gravity again!”

Twilight had thought that Pinkie, a full grown mare, asking for her help because she had a nightmare, would be a waste of time. Oh, how much she wished it had been just a nightmare. At least then she could comfort the mare, and make her friend feel better.

But this was something else entirely…

She would need to write so much fan-fiction when she got home…

“Pinkie. Get out of bed. Go get some Sun and fresh-air.”

“I can’t! These blankets are the only thing keeping me down!” Pinkie held her blankets closer, as if letting them go meant death. Which is exactly what she believed.

The logic here was so stupid, Twilight had to face-hoof. It was the only thing she could do to bring life back to the brain cells Pinkie Pie was killing.

She didn’t have time for this, so she did the only thing she could do. Play along.

With her magic, she opened Pinkie’s closet, which exploded with confetti and streamers. Ignoring the party decorations now flying around the room, she pulled a striped scarf out of the closet, and whisked it over to Pinkie.

“Wear that, and you’ll be fine.”

“This scarf will keep me from floating away?” Pinkie cautiously pondered.

“Maybe, I don’t know” Twilight mumbled under her breath, before teleporting away.

Pinkie Pie stared at the woollen piece of neck-wear in her hooves for a few moments, before throwing it around her neck, and fashioning it into a thick bow, pulling it tight so it was sure to not fall off. This was, after all, going to be the only thing to stop her from floating away. She didn’t want it to fall off, ever.

At least, until she learns how to use gravity again…

Comments ( 39 )

Only Pinkie Pie....

Aku #3 · Mar 3rd, 2016 · · ·

Something tells me that the scarf won't be enough, because she obviously needs to make it wet too. There is not enough scarf there for the non wet wool to be completely keep the gravity fully weighing her down.

I want more of this.... Give it to me.:rainbowkiss:

6996348 Who is the woman in your avatar, and where is she from?

6996456 Who is the pony in your avatar?

6996496 My ponysona. Custom made.:ajsmug:

6996495 Penny, the video I got the image from is "Creative Types" but she's drawn by AnimatedJames.

Haven't read it yet but i like it already.

6996382 Dude, that avatar pic goes perfect with your comment. :rainbowlaugh:

I'm pretty sure he would appreciate the publicity in gratitude to you using his character as your avatar. Hashtag, Please support the official release! :trollestia::heart:

6996917 0.0 Are you AnimatedJames?

6997218 No, just another fan of the vid.

What an entrance... Welcome to Fimfiction, and in the near future, the feature box. :twilightsmile:

That opening tore apart my immersion, set fire to the pieces, and jumped up and down on the ashes. I know the premise of the story is that Pinkie forgot how to bend space, but still, there are only so many playful nudges the fourth wall can take before it collapses into rubble.

Still, now that the scene is set, I'll watch to see what happens next. Just... please take it a little easier on the metareference.


You lost me at

A tray of various confectioneries

Did anyone else notice the reference to Winnie the Pooh? Just so that I know...

There should be a 'I don't really know if I like this or not' button. Because while I only find one fault with it (that being that you used 'where' incorrectly at the start) with this story, really. But at the same time I have no real reason to like it either.

I don't remember seeing this in my full equestria time elapse...

I could get the equestrian time police on the case for why it is here!

No need, Time Mirror. I would like to see where this goes and how pinkie relearns how to gravity.

Ok then, Gold. I guess I could let this one slip through... It doesn't change much in the future anyway.

but... is she going to float away?... I don't... this story... I feel so... unsatisfied...

That's because it requires a torsional field of weak force to pull her away from gravity. Otherwise she'd stick in place because of electromagnetic doohicky's in her horseshoes. Then again, reality in her case is held together by strong force.

6999753 In Equestria, reality is held together by the Strong Nuclear Horse, who we normally call Celestia :trollestia:

What you did there. I see it. :derpyderp2:
Wait, does Luna control the weak nuclear horse? Or is that just Trixie?:trixieshiftright:

That was good.Up thumb~.~ :D

Plot twist: Twilight-after waiting for ten minutes-bursts into Pinkie's room, and sees her floating around like an astronaut.
:pinkiegasp::”Twilight! The scarf isn't helping!!"

Pinkie, here's a small clue as to how to gravity:


Which means, you're supposed to fall, not float. Anyways, lame joke aside, I actually like this little story. Well done.

In fact, she had arrived in no time at all!
Pinkie had been watching her clock the entire time, completely oblivious to the fact it’s battery was currently dead.

:facehoof:: "Yup, that's Pinkie. At least we can be sure(?) this isn't a new sheme of Chrysalis."

She would save her frustration for when she got back to the castle where she could write angry fan-fictions about her friends, in private, and then burn the literature before anypony could ever read it. They were not meant for the eyes of others.

:moustache:: "That's right. Better burn them. Their horrible."
:twilightoops:: "How do you know that?"
:twilightangry2:: "Wait a moment... Did you..."
:moustache:: "Have to go! I'm in the Crystal Empire for the next month."

Good introduction-chapter!
I'm curious what will happen next!
Will the scarf safe Pinkie? Or will she become the new 'Mare in the Moon'?

I have a few suggestions:

but lay in her bed, and eat sweets, all day.

These commas don't belong here.

‘I had to stop re-organizing my shelves for this?!’ Twilight thought to herself.

Better: Use the usual quotation marks and make thoughts generally italic.

shown up to say “hi”

Better: Make “hi” uppercase.

Can you really call this immersion breaking when it's pinkie pie? I don't think you can, and a few parts made me chuckle

‘I had to stop re-organizing my shelves for this?!’ Twilight thought to herself. She wouldn’t have minded stopping the seemingly endless organization of her library, if her friends needed her help, but there they had already faced this week’s monster, so today should have been her day off! That was the deal they had made with each other. The day after a monster attack, they get to rest and relax.


Hm... this looks like this could go places......
Mainly: Up.

Here via 6996371.

But as we all know, Pinkie doesn’t get fat, unless a joke demands it.

Even when she's not even narrating, she can break the fourth wall. (whispers) She's gooooooood.

Pinkie's not really my thing, but some cute moments here nevertheless, like the stopped clock and Twilight's angry fanfiction. Keep it up. :twilightsmile:

7004920 That joke doesn't make any sense. Go eat some clocks while making up puns... it's very time consuming.

At least sans could make an appearance. Also I think he meant that things can only go up from here.


It's tasty, Pinkie, but that's not how you make a root-beer float.
... :facehoof:
Folks, Pinkie just doesn't understand the gravity of this situation... :pinkiesmile:

Comment posted by WorldWalker128 deleted Mar 21st, 2016
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