• Published 6th Mar 2016
  • 255 Views, 2 Comments

Tale of the Misfits: Deleted Scenes - bluemoon1996

Being trapped in a video game run by chaos incarnate does to weird occurances. Regettibly, somethings can't occur in canon continuity. So they get rerouted here.

  • ...

Ghost Tunnel

I held the lantern handle tight in my mouth as I brought up the end of our little column. And saying I was scared was a complete and utter understatement; my heart was beating like a conga drum and I was sure I had most likely shit myself back in the human world. I wasn't really a man of faith but I was sure as shit muttering the Lord’s Prayer as I kept looking over my shoulder at the darkness that followed just out of lamp’s reach.

It felt unnatural. Actually, if you thought about it; nothing here was natural but that's beside the point. The encroaching blackness just felt wrong; like no light or player could escape its grasp if one of us fell behind the group.

My eyes widened as I realized I was actually starting to fall behind so I hurried up the pace and caught back up. Damn it, I don't wanna test that damn theory.

A shiver ran up my spine as I had that oh so lovely feeling that someone was watching me. "Guymp, youf feel dat toof?" I mumbled through the lantern in my mouth.

"That we're being watched?" Myst said, nodding. Krieg just nodded as Phoenix kept silent, keeping a watchful eye from the front.

"Phoenix?" Myst asked, a small hint of concern in his voice. "You okay dude?"

You better not be possessed or something; you're our damn supernatural fighter in here! He turned to face all of us with the most serious look I had even seen on his face, "Don't touch the shadows."

W-what the fuck is he talk... Well, shit. It was then that I noticed what lay ahead and I was most definitely muttering the Lord’s Prayer then.


Silhouettes of ponies filled the tunnel before us. All dead silent as the all faced us. Okay, my pants had most definitely shit themselves. I could practically feel their nonexistent eyes burrowing into my skull as I tried to look away from them.

I heard Phoenix start to say something that sounded like some form of chant or something as he stepped forward.... And the shadows parted way for him. He turned back to us, "keep close, I have no idea how long that'll keep them parted."

We didn't need to be told twice and in an instant, we were practically on top of Phoenix's rump as he led the way through the unholy crowd.

Yep, we were a bunch of battle hardened players but shadows were making us shit our metaphorical pants.


Silence. For the next I don't know how many yards (or meters in Myst's case), we walked in complete and utter silence as Phoenix kept on muttering his chant; not even our hooves seemed to be making any form of sound on the cobblestone beneath us.

The silhouettes just kept silently watching us as they parted for us. I kept my wings tucked as close in as I could manage with my armor and my jaw was starting to hurt from how hard I was biting onto the lamp. Damn it, of all the shortcuts we had to take it had to be through the goddamn Metro! I really hope it was Discord who made this place because no bastard is evil enough to make this place.

"W-what are they?" I finally heard Krieg speak, breaking the unnerving silence.

"I-I don't know," Myst said quietly, his voice wavering, "b-but I think... I think they're ghosts?"

"Ghosts? T-those can't be..." Krieg paused, "those can't..."

My eyes widened in realization as I connected the dots my brother was making. Those can't be the ghosts of players who've died...can they? No, they have to be NPC enemies but why aren't they attacking?

"Who knows," Myst replied, "I-I think I see light ahead!" He practically squeed with relief.

I craned my head up and true to his word, there was light at the end of the tunnel and at the sight of the light we all sped up, all eager to be free of this unholy place. Soon, the mass of silhouettes ceased and we found ourselves able to get off of Phoenix's ass.

"Don't leave us..."

OKAY RUNNING TIME! I didn't even stop to tell the guys and I just bolted. It was safe to assume heard that too as I heard the sound of them running after me and Myst zoomed by close to the ceiling.


"In the words of Solaire of Astora... Praise the sun!" I heard Phoenix proclaim as he got out of the tunnel and started kissing the grass at his hooves.

I was too busy bent over and breathing heavily, "I... assume... you heard... it too?" I managed to get out in-between pants.

Looking up, I saw Krieg was in about the same position as me; his legs had given out and he was just lying there; breathing as heavily as I was. He looked over at me and simply nodded.

"Yeah, and I felt something touch my tail," I heard Myst say quietly, as he trotted into view. He was shaking and looked like he was on the verge of collapse.

I looked at my three compatriots and then back at the tunnel entrance, "We need to tell the admins about this..." I shuddered involuntarily, "and we agree to never speak of this to anypony ever?"