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Chapter 2: The usurper (v1.2)

Author’s note:
For those who decided to skip the prologue I've added a little background story so you know what is going on.

Background story:
Some years ago a shadowy figure had somehow managed to pull off a historical event as she managed to unite all of the many houses of the ponysty into one gigantic superpower. But now the rulers of the ponydom; the Celestial sisters presence have been requested by the sovereign empress of the ponysty. And now Luna and Celestia finds themselves standing face to face with the mare of the moon herself, after they have traveled to the capital of the ponysty to meet her within the dark ‘endless’ citadel that towers beyond the skies.

The story:
Celestia and Luna had been magically teleported inside the dark ‘endless’ citadel of the ponysty megalopolis capital. They now found themselves inside a colossal hall with huge pillars at left and right of them. It was illuminated by hundreds of light torches hanging on the mighty iron pillars. There were no walls, or at least they could not be seen, nor could the ceiling, beyond the floor and the pillars only darkness could be found, beside a huge throne in front of them. And there she was, the pitch black Nightmare Moon, sitting gracefully in her huge malevolent looking iron throne. She wore some sort of war armor, looking like she was prepared to head off for the warfront herself. And at the left side of her there was a small throne, it didn’t look very threatening nor very malicious not compared to the empress’s throne nor to any other throne really; where a small lavender unicorn was sitting, looking at the sisters with seemly great interest with her turquoise dragon eyes, at least much more than the ‘whatever’ glace they were receiving form the empress.

“Welcome my dear guests, welcome my celestial sisters, welcome to my sanctuary, welcome to the dark citadel.” The usurper empress spoke up. “I’m so sorry, so TERRIBLY sorry in fact!” She continued in a mocking tone. “That I wasn’t able to oblige you sooner, I had an important meeting with some of the head houses. But now I’m here for you with my full attention!” And before either of the Celestial sisters could response she continued. “So did you like the tour of my ponderous mega-techno-city?” She said with a proud voice, lifting one of her hoofs to her chest and closed her eyes as she looked away into the ceiling.

Celestia just looked at her mildly, not finding her very funny. “You wanted to see us?” She just said.

“I do?” She stuck her tongue out at the side of her mouth as she put left hoof to her cheek resting her head on it as she looked elsewhere, like she was a little child whose attention was rather questionable. But the princess just narrowed her eyes at her. “Aw, you’re no fun babe.” Nightmare Moon said while trying to make an attempt at a sad face even though she was clearly amused for some other worldly reason.

Celestia humped at the ‘babe’ remark, who did she think she was? Surely she had also heard of all the rumors of Nightmare Moon being the ‘mare of the moon’ as some sort of sex idol that every stallion would give his right hoof to have a single night with, but Celestia also knew the rumors of Nightmare Moon’s taste in, well, mares. She most likely just wanted to drag her to her bed and lick her all over. A shiver went though Celestia’s body at the thought, so repulsive she thought.

Nightmare Moon just looked at her, kind of waiting for a replied. First she rested her head on her left shoulder and then her right shoulder but apparently she wasn’t much for patient, so rather than waiting for a reply that she would probably never get, she move the conversation onward by saying: “Don’t be so grim, I invited you here today for a glorious offer that you simply cannot refuse! But first, please sit.” Her smile was wide, but so very cold. As if it was one of those kind of smiles a villain would wear when he was about to win.

In front of the empress’s throne was a mighty stone marble table filled with various and exotic foods. Celestia raised an eyebrow at the sight; there were dishes on this marvelous table that she had never seen before in her millennium long life. They both looked at the two quite elegant royal wooden chairs that stood out quite a bit form the rest of the scenery, before they took their seat. The chairs were placed at the opposite end of the thrones, so that Luna and Celestia would be facing Nightmare Moon and whoever was beside her.

“I hope you can find something to your liking.” Nightmare Moon said, sounding a bit out of character as to how sincere she could sound when she wanted to. “I made it all myself.” She told them proudly, once more lifting a hoof to her chest plate.

“You made this?” Luna asked, quite impressed. How could she manage to pull off something like this when she herself hardly knew how to make coffee? Celestia too, she makes awful coffee, all of a sudden her entire body shuddered with terror as she recalled its unworldly bad taste.

“That I did!” She semi-yelled at Luna; assumingly because she appreciated the comment as she now wore a frank smile on her face. Luna smiled, more to herself than the empress, she had finally been addressed her by the ruler of the ponysty, instead of her sister like she had done so far, instead of just adding her to the conversation she was having with Celestia by just saying ‘them’. But she didn’t keep her focus on Luna for long before she once more continued to indirectly speak with Celestia once more.

“I still can’t believe that the two of you would come such a long way just to see little poor me?” She said with a fake giggle. “I didn’t know we had such a strong bond with one and another.” She finished with a devious grin.

Celestia just signed but Luna frowned, it was always Celestia this and Celestia that, she was always in the spotlight, her and her little stupid sun. Why was she always the main dish? What about her? Had she not creatred the most beautiful night sky, its moon and all of its trillion of stars which each held their own story? In matter of fact she has! Why was anypony always so oblivious to her? She looked over to mare who was sitting beside the empress, who was she? The empress hadn’t even introduced her yet. But as she looked at the lavender while in thought, she suddenly snapped out of her little thought trance as she found herself lost in big purple beautiful eyes, it was as if she was staring at sparkling stars, she then suddenly thought it over what this meant; she was eye gazing into some other mare’s eyes she didn’t know! Luna quickly looked away from the lavender colored mare, who just in turn rose an eyebrow at her.

“We only came because you asked it of us.” Celestia said. “Something of dire importance.” She was starting to lose her patience with the mare of the moon.

“Ah, yes!” Was all she got of a replied from the empress before she dug into one of the exotic foods. “You should really try some!” She gobbled with her mouth full.

Celestia just narrowed her eyes at her. If killing another was legal and would most likely not ensure the total destruction of the celestial sisters’ ponydom; she would have strangled the empress by now. But Luna just giggled by her sisters priceless expression.

Then suddenly all four of them shivered as if the place they were; was filled with a bone chilling inner cold. An unholy horrific soul shaking feeling crept over them. Celestia and Luna looked fiercely around the throne room to locate where this horrible feeling was coming from. But the pitch black and lavender mares seemed like it was something that was pretty normal for them. Luna could swear that she could see her own breath in front of her.

“Ah, Slemmer, you’re here!” Nightmare Moon shouted unexpectedly as she rose from her mighty cruel looking metal throne. The celestial sisters almost fell off their respective chairs as a light grey stallion had mysteriously appeared in between them.

“I see you have guests.” The newcomer told the empress, eyeing the two princesses just barely from the corners of his eyes to each side of him. He was a short light grey earth pony, looking like he wasn’t getting enough sun light. He had some scars in his face, like one of his eyes had been clawed out, but it was still there, it just looked, odd. It didn’t look like a glass eye and it sure as heck didn’t look like his other eye which looked like a normal pony eye. Down his neck and over his back were metal pieces placed that looked like they were his vertebraes.

“Yes, I invited them here today to discuss the future of the celestial ponydom’s future in the grand scheme of things.” The regent told the newly appeared grey pony.

He just gave a small nod as response.

“But where are my manners. Celestia, Luna. Allow me to introduce my Techminister; Baron Herr Von Slemmer. It is thanks to him and my prodigy; Twilight Sparkle’s hard work and study that we have been able to create this amazing self providing mega-techno-city of ours.” She finished off as she looked to the lavender mare and gave her a soft genuine smile. And the little young mare smiled brightly back at her and bowed her head a little.

The baron kept his gaze at his empress as he told her: “Sorry to have interrupted, I just wanted to inform you that I have returned and I have things that I must discuss with your excellence and your prided student.”

“Very well.” His excellence; Nightmare Moon said. “We’ll accompany you after we’re done here then.”

“As you desire my lady; I’ll see you later.” And with that said the baron disappeared into the thin air just as suspiciously as he had entered to begin with.

Celestia and Luna were still fighting a heart attack at the surprise guest’s intro. “What a wicked aura.” She muttered to herself, but apparently the empress had a good hearing and felt like answering the princess’s question.

“They say that he once summered a demon and tricked it so he could eat its flesh in order not to starve to death, which is probably how he obtained that rather malevolent aura about him.” She said mildly, like it was the most normal thing in the world one could do.

“He wha...?” Was all Celestia managed to say.

“That was also how he came in passion of this wonderful place.” Nightmare Moon continued uninterrupted by the solar princess’s lack of wording as she lifted both her forelegs to each side to show the celestial sisters that she was referring to the place that they were within; the dark ‘endless’ citadel.

Celestia had wanted to know more about this place; so many things about it seemed completely off. Like how the entire place felt like it was alive somehow and how it felt like they weren’t even in Equestria anymore as they had entered, but most importantly where did it come from in the first place? So she had to ask: “Could you perhaps explain to me the origin of this place?”

“At some other time I’ll tell you everything that your heart desires to know.” The pitch black mare flirted with a wink to Celestia. “But for now, let’s get back to the topic at hand; as to why you are both here today.” Her voice had taken a more serious tune. “To ensure total peace I must ensure total control and that is where the two of you come into the picture. I have requested your presences here today so that the two of you may choice your own fate as well as your subjects’.”

“Our fate?” Luna asked raising an eyebrow, as Celestia was still narrowing her eyes at the dark empress.

“Yes my sweet.” Nightmare Moon simply replied. “To either become my wivesand your ponydom becoming one of my allies or to become my slaves when I conquer your land by force.”

“You disgust me.” Was all Celestia replied.

“Now, now my dear, that is no way to talk to your future empress and wife.” Nightmare Moon smartassedly commented on Celestia’s statement.

“My empress.” Twilight suddenly spoke up, surprising everypony more or less by her unexpectedly broken stillness. They now all looked towards her.

“Yes?” Nightmare Moon simply replied, with a softness that came as unnatural to the celestial sisters by her continuous change of demeanor towards the lavender mare.

“Well ehm…” Twilight stemmed, a bit taken back by the sudden interest they all now showed in her, also feeling a bit outmatched by being a simple unicorn against three alicorns or goddesses as most would refer them as. “Well, you can’t marry more than one of them.” She told Nightmare Moon. “That would be against the rules of a dynastic marriage.”

Nightmare Moon looked at her for a bit, then to the celestial sisters, then back to Twilight again, before her thoughtful face turned into a wide grin as she returned her gaze to the sisters. “Then I’ll marry the solar princess and my prodigy shall marry the lunar princess.” She said with a vile smirk. “I’ve prefered my chocolate white and creamy anyway, no offence Luna.” She finished with a small lustful purr.

“WHAT?!” Was all that Celestia, Luna and Twilight Sparkle yelled in contemporary, each for their own reasons.

“Well…” Nightmare Moon began as if she was a bit dumbstruck by their sudden outbursts. “I can’t go around and breaking the rules, you know? I mean, the houses would be furious at us!” She finished off in a mocking tone.

“But I…” Was all that the prodigy got to say before the sovereign empress again looked at her softly and with a hint of sympathy? Then Twilight Sparkle just gave a small humph before she looked away from her, looking rather sad all of a sudden. Nightmare Moon frowned a bit at this and looked thoughtful for a moment before she seemed to recall about her visitors and returned her gaze to them.

“You can’t be serious?” Celestia spoke up.

“But I’m, my dear.” Nightmare Moon replied. “Either the two of you become our wives and your ponydom will become a vassal state of the great ponysty or we’ll simply conquer your little ponydom and enslave all of your subjects. It’s your choice. And trust me when I say this, there will be a lot of death on both our hoofs if you don’t accept my proposal.”
Celestia looked hurt, she knew there was no way they could ever stand against the ponysty and even if they could it would cost so many lives that Celestia would rather die than to see the corpses pile at her feet, but she also thought of Luna, she knew Luna had always wanted one of those fantasy like loves, but now she would be forever rubbed. “I’ll agree to this proposal but only if Luna is not dragged into this.” Celestia said firmly.

“Sorry my dear, but that won’t do. You are both rulers of the ponydom and therefore both of you have to be married to the ponysty, trust me when I say this; I want as little to marry away my amazing student as you want to marry away your sister, but sacrifices must be made in this world.” She said, looking both thoughtful and hurtful at the same time, probably recalling some past torment. “I know of your subjects’ loyalty, they can only be used as slaves or kept servicing you as they do now and I don’t see the need for unnecessary blood. As much as you probably distrust me I only want to ensure the safety of everypony.” She spoke softly.

Celestia was unsure of what to say and how to act, she felt completely lost and striped of power, two feelings she was very unfamiliar with. And she was a puzzled by Nightmare Moon’s words. She was also confused, and her mind tried to find a way to somehow flee from the situation they currently found themselves in. “How can there be a law against polyandry but at the same time support same-sex marriage?” She asked, as some sort of escape to avoid this marriage by their own laws.

“Well…” Twilight began. “technically there aren’t any ponysty laws that says that you most have a specific choice of gender. Here it is believed that love is love and you can marry whoever or whatever you want as long as it is a being with an intelligence of its own that can agree that it wishes to be your eternal mate.” Twilight said very knowingly.

“That sounds reasonable enough, but then what are the reasoning for not being able to enter a polygamy marry then?” Celestia then asked, as she was quite astounded by this little young mare’s apparent gift and also with a sudden growing interest in this foreign land’s laws, but her mind already knew that her probably last change of escape from this forced marriage was lost.

“It is common believe in all of the ponysty; that a ‘true’ romantic bond based on nothing but pure love for one and another, can only be shared between two living conscious souls and will be connected for all times, even after death.” The lavender mare replied looking like her thoughts were in a far away land.

Nightmare Moon gave a cough before she should, trying to gain everyponies attention. “As much as I would love to just chat all day we do have some business to attend to, so you’ll have to excuse us. I’ll transport you to your quarters that I have prepared in your honor and tomorrow you’ll have your answer for me and my prodigy.” She said before she summoned a teleporting circle around the princess sisters and teleported them away.

Twilight looked at the spot where the celestial sisters had been, thinking about her maybe soon to be wed lunar princess, she couldn’t quite believe that she might soon be the wife of the creator of the night, her most beloved of things. She looked to her teacher and empress with soft eyes and Nightmare Moon just looked at her as she muttered a low ‘sorry’ but Twilight just embraced her patting her softly on the back.

Author’s note:
Ah, this was so much more fun to write than the first chapter ever was! I don’t have too much else to say about this, so I hope you enjoyed my second chapter of the story.

Also I invented a new word ‘smartassedly’ xD

Until next time, please comment! <3

PS. Sorry it took me so long to finish this, I’ve been wasting my life on playing video games. Screw you steam sales!