• Published 10th Mar 2016
  • 1,034 Views, 38 Comments

The New Generation of Spike the Dragon - Wrangle Wolfe

After several lives are lost, and destruction spead across Equestria, the dragon behind it all rules the land with an iron fist. His stolen 'children' must come together and find a way out of this situation. This is their story.

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Interlude: Meanwhile, In Ponyville...

The New Generation of Spike the Dragon

Interlude: Meanwhile, In Ponyville...

By SonicMlpGamerandArtist

A little ways from Canterlot, a once lovely and peaceful village is now worn and busy. Despite them being hit the hardest by Darkness’ wrath, the ponies there were determined to build themselves back up. While the small village had never been hit this hard by anything, not even Tirek, the ponies were used to recovering from tragedies that often found themselves coming to destroy things. Thus, the ponies were able to make a mostly livable area, and somehow became a mostly functional village. Buying things wasn’t very common and instead, bartering was the norm.

In one decently built house, there lived two ponies, and another creature. One of the ponies, along with the creature, had embarked upon a treacherous journey through the Everfree forest. The pony was weakened and the other creature had to look after her. This travel had proved to be difficult, as there were always large dangers at almost any place at any time, and even when resting was needed, they couldn’t stay in one spot for too long. But eventually, after a little after a week, they managed to come out of that forest without being too battered. It had proven to be difficult, but with work, they were fine.

So, after such an adventure, the two had grown close together. Despite them being two different species, the only thing that mattered to them was each other, and they kept each other happy. This budding relationship came on time, as when they entered the village just outside the Everfree, they encountered the pony’s sister.

Or, at least, what was left of the pony’s sister.

With a torn horn and a nation literally being burned to a crisp, the sister had been reduced to a mostly incoherent, mumbling, crying, screaming mess. Her mental health had deteriorated very much over time. Perhaps, if she at least still had her horn, she could get better. But alas, a part of who she was had been ripped away from her. While her horn had been kept by her nephew in law and niece, hidden from her view, she could still remember the disembodied piece of her. The image of it being gone startled her, day after day, causing her to occasionally mumble “My horn”.

The other sister, after eventually getting a decent home, brought the broken mare to her house so that she could be there for her. Together, the mare and the creature tended to her needs, slowly helping the mare recover. It was unknown whether or not the poor mare would fully recover. But the couple were willing to do anything, small or large. But it was definitely challenging, and taxing on the youngest sister’s body and emotions which is why it was a good thing she had her love at her side every step of the way.

“Tia?” A voice called softly. In return there was a sound that was akin to the confirmation of hearing someone, yet somewhat… different. “I have your earl grey.” The response was a small hum.

Luna knew to be quiet when she was around her sister. With her delicate mental state, loud noises were the very opposite of what was needed. It was an odd adjustment. She had always looked to her older sibling for guidance and protection. She looked up to her, like a strong mare who was nearly perfect. Never did she think she would have to be the one to watch over and protect her. Not once did she suspect that her sister would be like a fragile flower.

“I know it’s not as hot as you like, but you spilt it last time, sister…” Luna said, gently helping her sister drink it. She had quickly learned that Celestia’s nerves had gotten quite bad. Her functionality had been impaired when she lost her magic and her horn, and her mental state definitely did not help it. She had to assist her with basic everyday activities, and help her recover mentally and physically. So she would get her sister to do exercises and spend as much time with her as possible. It was a bit stressful, but Luna was willing to do it for her sister. She wanted her back.

Celestia didn’t complain, or do much of anything really, as she drank the tea. Celestia would always enjoy tea, no matter what. It was her comfort. And, knowing this, Luna did her best to get tea for her as much as possible. It wasn’t easy, seeing as the destruction made it very hard to get just about anything. But she did her best to have it for her sister, because she knew just how important it was to her.

In the middle of helping her sister drink, Luna heard heavy and familiar footsteps coming down the slightly worn hall. The door to the room opened, and Luna smiled a little at seeing him.

“I’m finally home…” Cor’s deep yet smooth voice was a bit tired as he walked into the room and laid down on the floor next to the mares. “How’re things going? I see she’s drinking the tea better than last time.”

“Probably because it’s not right after a panic attack. But luckily she hasn’t been having them often.” Luna said as she put the cup down and leaned against the manticore.

“Well, I’m glad she’s doing better. I got us some food.” he said. He sat his large brown sack down onto the floor. He was great at providing food for the three of them, as his strength and knowledge was often needed from several ponies in the area. He exchanged his help for foods and goods for the three, and it was proving to be a stable source.

“Thanks dear. Say, you’ve been getting a bit more recently. Are you doing extra work?”

“Eeeh… just a little.”

“‘Just a little’ my hoof, you ‘re out more often for much longer.”

“Well, it’s not a big deal.”

“Not a big deal? Look at this!” Luna was frowning as she Gently tapped the area near a deep wound.

Generally, Ponyville was one of the safest places for a pony to be in this time. However, ‘safest’ doesn’t really mean ‘safe’. Cor had been attacked by innocent looking ponies who seemed to be normal passerbyers. They had gotten the first blow, but a few attacks later, they were running for their lives. Though they still managed to get Cor on his right front leg, he insisted on working. He could be seen limping at times, though he tries to hide it from Luna. Knowing better, Luna insists that he doesn’t do as much work. But, of course, being the reckless manticore he is, he works even harder, knowing that if his leg were to give out, they at least would have enough food for when he got better. Despite this reasoning, Luna was completely against the idea of him doing more work.

“It’s just a small scratch-”

“Please, don’t talk to me as if I am some ignorant foal. I know for a fact that this is not ‘just a scar’. It’s very deep.”

“I’m a manticore, it’s not that bad for me.”

“You’d say just about anything to keep straining yourself, wouldn’t you?”

Cor let out a sigh. “But what if I can’t one day?”

Luna frowned at him. “Then I’ll go out while you’re getting better.” Cor groaned and put a paw to his face.

“We’ve been over this! You’re weakened and you need to be with your sister. She needs her sister with her.”

Luna was silent. Every time Cor brought up her sister, she couldn’t argue against it. She needed to be with her sister. That wouldn’t change for a long time. She hated that he was right. He was smart, yet he was a fool, pushing himself so hard.

“You could at least tone it down a little…” Luna huffed. There was a moment of silence.


“It’s only because I care about you.”

“I know, I know…” He smiled a little and nuzzled the mare. “I’m glad. I admit I can be a bit reckless at times.”

“How did you manage without me?”


“Bah! I say she’s a control freak!”

“You say EVERYONE’S a control freak.”

“Well I know one thing, times are tougher than tough, I couldn’t let some woman control me!”

“That’s because you’re gay.”

“You really like letting the whole world know, don’t you? Why don’t you just hold up a bright, blinking neon sign?”

“I could arrange that.”

“Ey! Don’t you start!”

“You boys just can’t get enough of arguing, can you?” Ice Tea stared at the pony and the manticore in front of her with a bored expression, wiping the shot glass in her hoof with a small towel. Her long ears twitched a bit and after sitting the glass down, she wiped a hoof through her pale blue and purple mane. “And Spirit, I’m sure that one glance at you could tell anyone that you’re anything but straight.”

Spirit huffed and raised his head. “You’re being dramatic…” He said, taking a sip of his gin. “I’m sure I can pass for a straight pony too.”

“Oh please, the only thing ‘straight’ about you is your hair.” The mare said, cleaning off the counter.

“That’s completely true.” Cor said from beside him.

“Jeez, why do I even hang with you two?” Spirit asked flipping his reddish brown mane out of his face.

“I saved you.” Cor pointed out.

“I know that you-”

“I gave you free drinks when you were walking around here like a lost puppy.” Said Ice, fixing her bowtie.

“Speaking of straight-”

“Shut it.” Ice said, giving him a cold glare. “I could give you a mystery mix.”

“Oh dear god, not a mystery mix. I swear it almost burned my insides last time. I don’t want to become acquainted with the toilet again any time soon.” He mumbled, shuddering at the thought.

“Lightweight.” she said, grabbing a cup and disappearing under the counter for a moment.

“I actually love the mystery mix. I’d like to have one if you wouldn’t mind.” Cor said with a small smile.

Ice came back up with a glass then disappeared under the counter again. When she came back up, she had hear mixer in hoof and began shaking it, being sure to put on a show as she did so.

Cor’s smile grew slightly. Whenever she did that, all he could think of how proud her father would probably be. He was known for his ‘mixing shows’ that he would put on for a ponies at his bar. They had a long line of mixers, drinkers, drink inventors and bar owners in the family. Rivaled only with the apple family, who has made an appreciable amount of great tasting apple drinks in the past and the present, they were known for making strong drink mixes. They’re great at concocting any kind of drink, but their specialty is alcoholic drinks. Ice always looked up to her father, and her father always had pride in his daughter. How Ice didn’t end up being a spoiled brat, nobody knows. She was a daddy’s girl, and her father gave her whatever she wanted.

“There you are. Mystery mix, and just enough to piss off your mare.” She said with a chuckle as she poured it in a glass.

“Really Ice? What about yours?”

“That’s not funny.”

“He looks girlier than me!” Spirit began laughing.

“THEY aren’t girly. Besides, you just admitted that you look girly.” Ice said smugly. Spirit immediately stopped laughing and frowned at her.

“You son of a-”

“Ahem, you two. Looks like we’ve got a visitor.” Cor said coldly, looking off to the left. Standing there was a large yellow stallion with a spiky blue mane. He was clad in a black scarf and a brown leather jacket. With a small frown, he trotted to the trio.

“Death in the afternoon.” He said, sitting down close to Spirit.

“On it.” Tea mumbled and grabbed her mixer.

“Brother why the hell are you here!” Spirit finally yelled, glaring at the larger pony.

“Because I need to get ready to go out to Canterlot.” The pony said, using his bandaged left hoof to wipe his hair.

“Canterlot? Why you going out there?” Spirit asked, his frown deepening. “The most dangerous place to be... Opposed to here, perhaps one of the safest places? Jeez Colt, you’re do backwards.”

“Colton, brother. Next time you better get it right.”

“Canterlot, eh?” Cor said, raising an eyebrow at the pony. Colton let out a small growl.

“What’s it to you, ya beast?”

Cor huffed. “Are you going to join the resistance?”

“As a matter of fact I am. Knowing how you are, you’d never resist. Because you are weak. Some random dumb animal. You don’t know how to resist. Very used to doing what your ‘master’ tells you, huh?” Colson said, sipping his drink.

“...You’re an idiot. I have two mares to watch over.” Cor said, not holding back the anger in his voice.

“Ah yes, the former princesses of this wretched place. If anything they should be paying for letting this happen-”

“They ARE you damn idiot!” Cor dug his claws into the counter and downed the rest of his drink. “They struggle every day. They don’t WANT this. They didn’t EXPECT this from someone who had contributed to SAVING this place! A hero gone bad! They are in constant pain because of it now, so you can just SHUT IT, or I will do it for you!”

“Tch, as if that was enough for what has happened! If you ask me, they should be dead!” Coltron yelled back.

“You little BITCH-”

“Boys, I think that’s enough…” Ice was suddenly between the two who had gotten up in the middle of their yelling and were in each other’s faces.

“I’M GONNA TEAR HIS-” Cor started.

“Nope.” Ice said, shutting him up.

“Move outta my way, you filthy-”

“Finish that sentence, and you’re never allowed in here again.”

The two were then silent, glaring at one another. Ice pushed them both to their seats. They both grumbled and sat in their respective spots. Ice was quickly back behind the counter again and sighed at the two. “You both get one more drink and you can see your way out.” She said, mixing up a couple more cocktails.

They didn’t say a word, and opted to stare at something. For Cor, it was his claw marks, and for Colton, an empty seat off to the side. Spirit sighed at the two and kept at his drink.

“Bar again…?”

Cor sighed. “Yeah, pretty much.”

“I really wish you hadn’t gotten addicted to something like that…” Luna said, shaking her head lightly.

“I’m sorry love. How about tomorrow, I stay home? No work and no alcohol.” He offered.

Luna smiled. “That would be lovely.” She said and pecked his cheek. “Well, I’m going to go to bed. Celestia has finally calmed down enough to go to sleep.”

“I’m with ya on that.” He grabbed the mare and began to carry her to bed. “It’s been a long day.”


Author's Note:

OCs... OCs EVERYWHERE! Oh lawd, I'm pulling a Calm Wind...