• Published 10th Mar 2016
  • 9,733 Views, 74 Comments

Fluttershy's Collection - chillbook1

Rainbow looks through Fluttershy's stuff to find her porn

  • ...

Everyone Has One...

“Oh, hello, Rainbow Dash,” said Fluttershy nervously. “Um… Not that I’m not happy to see you, but… What exactly are you doing here?” Fluttershy peered a little bit more closely through the cracked door “Er… With a duffel bag?”

“Jason’s being a prick, as usual, so I figured I’d crash here until he cooled down,” said Rainbow, though she didn’t seem more than inconvenienced. “Is that cool?”

“Er… S-sure. Anything for my friend.” Rainbow stood in wait for several moments, expecting Fluttershy to open up for her. When she didn’t, Rainbow put her hand and the door and pushed. Something on the other side pushed back, with so much strength that Rainbow hesitated to consider that it may have been Fluttershy who was resisting.

“Uh… You gonna let me in or should I start heading to the bus stop?” asked Rainbow.

“Sorry, it’s just… I wasn’t expecting company…” Rainbow knew Fluttershy well enough to tell that she was fidgeting nervously. There was a specific tone to her voice that allowed Rainbow to envision Fluttershy’s exact stance, with her legs touching as if struggling to keep up under her weight.

“You won’t even notice I’m here,” said Rainbow.

“No, no, that’s not it… It’s just… Oh my, it’s a mess in here. Give me just a second to clean up, okay?”

Fluttershy didn’t bother waiting for a response, then closed and locked her door. Her parents were at Grandma’s house, so Rainbow would have free reign of the place while she was there. She might get bored, and start poking around, and then she would find Fluttershy’s materials. That was a conversation that Fluttershy definitely did not want to have with anyone, least of all her oldest friend.

Fluttershy made her way upstairs and ran throughout her room, chucking her manga into a large crate before covering it with a sheet and kicking it into her closet. She hid her manga and her anime box sets, changed the background of her phone from the current anime boys, and pulled down her many posters, in an attempt to get rid of any evidence of her hobby.

Fluttershy had known Rainbow Dash longer than any of her other friends. Rainbow knew her better than anyone, so she of course knew about Fluttershy’s enjoyment of anime and manga (something they had in common, in varying degrees of intensity). However, she still teased her a bit for it, throwing around names like “weeaboo” and “otaku”, neither of which Fluttershy was especially fond of. Still, the teasing Fluttershy took now was nothing in comparison to the things Rainbow would say if Fluttershy left anything out in the open.

“Manga, poster, wallpaper…” Fluttershy scanned her room. “Magazines… Okay. That’s everything…”

Fluttershy nervously crept down her stairs and to her front door. She took a deep breath, then pulled open the door. Rainbow Dash peered at her friend with slight suspicion before inviting herself inside.

“Everything okay, Shy?” asked Rainbow. “You seem… Nervous.”

“Oh, I’m always at least a little nervous,” said Fluttershy. As accurate as that was, Rainbow wasn’t buying it.

“Yeah, but this is a different kind of nervous. You were doing something you weren’t supposed to, and now you’re afraid of getting caught.” Fluttershy’s eyes went wide, which all but confirmed Rainbow’s point. “That’s it, right? You were doing something wrong?”

“I-I… I don’t know what you mean... “ Fluttershy refused to look Rainbow in the eye, further cementing the idea that Fluttershy was causing trouble. “You must be tired. Let’s get you upstairs, okay?”

“Sure. I need to get off of my feet after arguing with step-douche for an hour and a half.” Rainbow Dash decided that she'd find out eventually, so she shouldn't stress it. Fluttershy wasn't particularly hard to read, especially if you knew her a well as Rainbow did.

The two girls ventured into the house, up the stairs, and into Fluttershy’s now-barren bedroom. There wasn't much that Rainbow could see besides Fluttershy’s dresser, closet, bed, television, and computer and printer in the corner. Upon seeing the machine, Rainbow was struck with remembrance.

“Oh, crap! Shy, you mind if I use your computer?” asked Rainbow. “I need to pull my chemistry homework off of the class page.”

“Of course, go ahead,” said Fluttershy, oblivious to the state of her computer. She laid down on her bed, considering what movie the two could watch, while Rainbow saw her way to Fluttershy’s already-on desktop. The browser was already running, and it was displaying Fluttershy’s email. Normally, Rainbow would probably peek anyway, but this was a special occasion. Before Rainbow could even make the decision to read the email, she caught a glance at the subject line.

RE: Like what you see???

Rainbow had to read it now. She double clicked the conversation and was instantly intrigued by the most recent message. It had just come in a few minutes ago, and Rainbow was willing to bet that Fluttershy hadn’t seen it yet.

Please enjoy, ma’am.

“Alright, I gotta ask,” said Dash. “What the heck is up with this email?” Fluttershy looked up and squealed. She scurried forward, tripping onto her face in her haste to get to her computer.

“D-don’t look at that!” said Fluttershy. “That’s private!”

“Not when you just leave em out like that,” said Dash. “Who are these from?”

Fluttershy recovered, taking a spot next to Rainbow. She tried to grab the mouse, but Rainbow was too fast; Rainbow unplugged it from the PC, rendering it useless until Fluttershy managed to get it replugged.

“C’mon, Shy, just tell me,” asked Rainbow. “We’re best friends! You shouldn’t have to hide anything from me. Your BS is my BS, and my BS is your BS. Why do we have to have secrets?”

“Just because we’re friends doesn’t mean I have to share everything with you,” said Fluttershy.

“Yeah, of course not. But we’re not just friends, we’re best friends. That’s a totally different dynamic!” Rainbow grabbed Fluttershy gently by the shoulders. “Unless you’re trying to say… that you aren’t my best friend…”

Fluttershy felt her heart drop into her gut at that statement. That wasn’t fair, and she was positive that Rainbow knew that.

“It’s… They’re from my…” Fluttershy began trailing off, the rest of her sentence lost.

“From your what?”

“My… My boyfriend….”

Rainbow Dash thought that she must’ve heard that wrong. All the time she had known Fluttershy, Rainbow couldn’t think of a time in which her friend showed even the remotest of interest in boys. It was thought for a while that Fluttershy was asexual, and it was only her own word that dismissed this thinking. Rainbow had never seen any evidence proving any desire for romance.

Until now.

“Your boyfriend?! Why didn’t I know about this?!” demanded Rainbow. “That’s not something you just leave out! When we’re at lunch, and we’re like ‘Hey, Shy, what’s new with you’, that’s a great time to just be like ‘Oh, I started seeing some dude, no biggie’! Come on, now!”

“Sorry, I just… Our relationship is… different,” said Fluttershy. “I didn’t know how to explain it without sounding weird…”

“Shy, you’re my best friend. You shouldn’t be afraid to be honest with me.” Rainbow smirked playfully. “Any weird crap you could be into, I’ll only tease you for a little bit.” Somehow, that made Fluttershy feel a little bit more comfortable. She took in a deep breath.

“Do you really want to know?” asked Fluttershy.

“To hell with knowing, I wanna see!” said Rainbow. She plugged the mouse back into the PC.

“Dashie, wait! I haven't seen those-” Fluttershy’s warnings fell on deaf ears, because Rainbow continued as if Fluttershy wasn't even there. She opened the first picture in the set, expecting to see some selfies or, even better, a dick-pic.

The image was of a girl with long, blonde pigtails and sharp blue eyes. She was posed in front of her mirror, cell phone in one hand while the other rested cutely on her hip. She wore a bellyshirt and dangerously-cut black short-shorts. She was showing strategic portions of her porcelain skin, knowing just what would make Fluttershy’s knees weak.

“Tiger growl,” said Rainbow, winking slyly. “Who's this chick?”

“That's my Mako,” said Fluttershy blankly. “Oh, my…”

“That's a dude?! Ah, man, my Lesbian Sense finally failed me…” Rainbow Dash blinked, finally putting all the pieces together. “Wait, so he… He’s a crossdresser?”

“Not explicitly. He’ll do anything I ask him to,” said Fluttershy, still staring at the screen. “And most of the time, that’s just to dress pretty and send me-... Well, never mind that.”

“He sends you stuff? That’s awesome! Spitfire doesn’t send me crap, and we live in the same town!” Rainbow Dash flipped to the next picture in the set. “How can he afford to send you gifts? Shipping is hella expensive.”

“Mako’s gifts are a bit more personal,” said Fluttershy. She bit her lip at the sight of the next picture, this one showing Mako on all fours with a leather collar around his neck. “He doesn’t buy them, he makes them… Um, Dashie? Can we please stop going through these?”

“Hm? Sure, whatever. I was gonna look for your hentai manga, but I guess this is what you do for porn,” said Dash nonchalantly.

“Who told you… Oh, Rarity…” Fluttershy wasn't so much angry as she was embarrassed. “She said she wouldn't tell anyone… If I knew that you knew, I wouldn't have bothered hiding them…” Rainbow’s eyes grew wide, as did her grin.

“So… You’ll let me see?” asked Rainbow Dash greedily.

“Sure. They’re in my closet,” said Fluttershy quietly. “It’s mostly yaoi, though… That might not be up your-”

“Hey, if there’s boning, I’m interested.” Rainbow jumped up and slithered over to Fluttershy’s closet. As she opened it up and dug through the crate of indecent materials, Fluttershy proceeded to look through the rest of the images.

“Wow, these are awesome!” said Rainbow giddily. “Who’d have thought that you were so into BDSM?”

“I’d have thought it was obvious…” sighed Fluttershy, a glazed expression on her face. Her new gallery of photos were far better than she could have fantasized. “It’s always the quiet ones, right?”

“Oh, boy, is it!” Dash laughed cheerfully. “I can’t even pronounce some of these! These are the best!”

While in the process of enjoying the gifts sent by her precious Mako, Fluttershy had forgotten that there was more in her closet than just sleazy manga. There was another box, nearer the back and hidden beneath a pile of clothes. Fluttershy didn’t remember this box until she got to the last image in the set, in which Mako was rubbing himself with a pair of scanty, sexy purple panties. The picture had a caption attached.

For you, Miss Fluttershy.

At that point, Fluttershy realized that her collection was only just beginning. She had two options, and she wasn’t very confident in either. She could leave Rainbow be, let her keep picking through the closet, and pray that she never found that second box. Or she could ask Dashie, very politely, to stop now before she uncovered something truly lewd.

Rainbow was far too nosy for either of those to realistically work.

“Hey, Dashie, did you get your chemistry?” asked Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash glanced at Fluttershy, read the desperation in her expression perfectly, then cackled triumphantly.

“Oh, you thought that would work, didn’t you?” laughed Rainbow. “That means I’m getting close to something really good!”

Fluttershy jumped out of her seat and ran to Dash. She would have to go with option three: tackle Dash and tickle her into submission. She rushed forward with speed that nobody knew Fluttershy possessed, with the intent of bringing her best friend to the ground.

Rainbow sidestepped into the closet and stuck out her leg, tripping Fluttershy to the ground.

Not!” Rainbow leaned into the closet and, after a moment of searching, uncovered the unmarked cardboard box at the very back.

“Ow…” groaned Fluttershy, picking her face off of the floor.

“What do we have here?” asked Rainbow, carrying the box out towards the bed. Her peaceful options exhausted, Fluttershy resorted to the most petty of violence. When she was on her feet, she ran forward and jumped on Rainbow’s back, planning to put her in a sleeper hold and drag her to the ground.

Dash dropped the box and judo-flipped Fluttershy onto the soft mattress.

“Again, not!” said Rainbow. She pulled open the box, not knowing what to expect. “Um…”

In the box lay roughly two dozen packages of vacuum sealed panties of varying colors and degrees of decency. Everything from scarlet g-strings to white boyshorts, as well as a few bras and stockings and pantyhose. Rainbow Dash knew for a fact that these did not belong to Fluttershy. She’d be too embarrassed to buy most of the garments in the box. As Rainbow stared, she came to the realization that the panties in question must have belonged to the sudden boyfriend that had appeared from nowhere.

“Er…” Fluttershy was trying really hard to explain this in a less than embarrassing way.

“So… Mementos from vacation?” suggested Rainbow. “Or…” She gasped in realization. “Oh! You’re a-”

“Please don’t say it…”

“You’re a panty sniffer!” said Rainbow, shaking one of the packages. “That is the absolute kinkiest thing I’ve ever heard!”

Fluttershy’s face was redder than a tomato in the sun. Her heart was beating in her throat, just thinking about it all. The panties, heavy with the smell of her adorable little boyfriend, and the large collection of deliciously suggestive images she just received, they worked together to simultaneously embarrass Fluttershy and get her going.

“You okay there, Shy?” asked Rainbow. “You’re looking like you’re about to pop a nosebleed.”

“Rainbow, if I were to give you… let’s say $100, would you be able to leave the house and hang out some place for…” Fluttershy glanced at the time on her computer. “Maybe an hour?”

“Fluttershy, do you need to flick the bean?” asked Rainbow. Fluttershy answered not with her words, but with her blush, which intensified tenfold. Rainbow nodded. “Don’t worry about it, Shy. I’m gonna grab my chemistry homework, and I’ll be out of your hair.” She strolled over to the computer, clicked and clacked at buttons and keys, then grabbed her paper from the printer when it came out. Then, she sauntered out of the room, deciding that she’d head over to a diner near by.

Fluttershy waited about twenty seconds before she tore open a package containing a black thong and ripped off her clothes.

“Mmmm,” she moaned, inhaling the scent of the panties deeply. “Mako…”

Author's Note:

And then, she flicked.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this story, just in time for-

Just a day late for International Women's Day! Although, now that I think on it, this story probably isn't the best story to represent equality and female independence. But I don't write for any political or sociological reasons, I do it to make folks laugh. Hope I managed to pull that off.

Constructive criticism will be appreciated, because it would make my day if you told me how I could have done better. Thanks for reading and, hopefully, enjoying. Until the next time, dear reader, farewell.

Comments ( 73 )

*Scrools through FIMFiction*
Yes... It has arrived.
Thought you gave up on the idea!
So glad that you didn't. Loved the fic!:derpytongue2:

7015780 Glad you enjoyed.

Your prediction wasn't way off, to tell you the truth. I may have gotten really big for my britches when I started thinking about several sequels. I think there may be two more in the tank, Adagio and Sci-Twi. But we shall see.

Sci-Twi would be hilarious!
And really, FIMFiction is not exactly Asimov Magazine in terms of professionalism, now is it?

I extremely doubt Rainbow can do that to Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash you think you would have learned your lesson the last time you tried a stunt like this! :facehoof: I can see fluttershy or some pony else saying that to Rainbow Dash. It would be nice to see Sunset towards the end of this clobber Rainbow in the jaw for this type of behavior. I mean REALLY Rainbow what were you thinking?:twilightoops:

7015884 I'm considering a final story that is everyone's revenge on RD. That might actually be raw clop in nature.

This had me cackling and cringing at alternating intervals. I don't think I could endure a friend like Rainbow though. One of us would end up dead.:pinkiecrazy:

7015874 What, you mean the judo flip? Cause the way I see it, Fluttershy is probably the thinnest, most noodly of the HuMane Six. Rainbow is clearly pretty strong, and I don't think it'd be too far of a jump to say that Rainbow could pull off a maneuver like this.

Umm no. Realistically speaking, hurting Fluttershy. I mean, she's shy one from the group.

7015904 Friendship is weird in that sort of way. In my opinion, a best friend is one whom you desire to murder about 60% of the time, but manage to pull off a good laugh for the rest.

7015917 Sorry, can you be a smidge more specific? I don't see anything that Rainbow did as especially hurtful.

Opps! My bad! :twilightblush:

Fluttershy landed into the bed, so Rainbow didn't hurt Flutters. Again, my bad. :twilightblush:

7015951 Easy mistake, bruv, don't worry about it

Yeah. Actually, I was meaning Rainbow sneaking into Fluttershy's personal things.

Albi #15 · Mar 10th, 2016 · · 1 ·

... Rainbow's a dick.

Sequels are a good idea.

7016097 Yes but she's a lovable one!:pinkiehappy:

Just remember this Rainbow, when your time comes, and it will. I can surely say five girls whose privacy you've destroyed will take great strides to pick you apart piece by piece.

Wonder if Sci-Twi has a bigger collection?

7015969 I see Rainbow as that one friend who will just toe the line between total scumminess and human decency. Since she's been friends with Shy for so long, I imagine that RD would have no issue with poking through her crap. I'd go through my best friend's stuff and we'd both just laugh about it.

7016742 Sci-Twi's collection is the largest and, arguably, the weirdest

7016097 Isn't she, though? She's the best friend we should all strive to become.

Kinda. But she's a kind a person that is messing with you because she likes you :3

Yay! An Otakushy story.

Hahahaha! Finally! This was funny! I hope there's going to be another one!

7017281 In my eyes, Fluttershy just has to be an otaku. I imagine that she likes things like Black Butler and Yamada's First Time.

So, are you going to do this for each character before the grand finale of Rainbow Dash? Hope so!

7017728 I can't think of anything funny to do for most of the others. I'm gonna play it safe and stick with the characters I know I can do something with. Namely, Adagio and Sci-Twi. But, perhaps as the ideas floweth out, some more may floweth in. Only time can tell.

aside from the clop aspect, that would be highly amusing

I bet Fluttershy absolutely loves Shimoneta. XD

7018375 Not a fan of clop? That's too bad, because I really want to use this series as a platform to start writing clop.

7018393 Yeah, exactly! I like to think that she's into weird things like that

7018482 No, not really a fan, but I have to commend you on such a nice segue into writing it. :derpytongue2:

... Why I have the feeling Rainbow printed the photos Mako sent to Shy?

Hmmm I am both very amused and disturbed by this. Well done! I'm also kinda of regretting that I encouraged you to write a sequel but that part of me is slowly dying so meh.

Anyway you should go for a two-shot, like somehow connect Adagio with Twilight for the last part.

7018932 Interesting fact about the story's development: In the original draft of the story, Rainbow Dash did something else while printing off her homework. She also used Fluttershy's Skype account to call herself, and then went to the diner to watch Fluttershy masturbate.

Somehow, I figured that would be too much, even for RD.

When are they going to tear though Rainbow Dash's collection and make a fool out of her?

7019048 Probably never, honestly. I can't see Dash as having any shame at all. She probably wears her fetishes on her sleeve. But, if/when the time comes, it will surely be satisfying revenge for the ones she has wronged.

I might do a clop chapter about her though. Just Sunset, Fluttershy, Rarity, and, eventually, Adagio and Sci-Twi ganging up to bang her. Nothing is set in stone though.

“Oh, crap! Shy, you mind if I use your computer?” asked Rainbow. “I need to pull my chemistry homework off of the class page.”
“Of course, go ahead,” said Fluttershy, oblivious to the state of her computer.

Here's a good teachable moment. In the URL bar, type a single letter, and see if it auto-completes with anything you wouldn't want people to see. You'll soon understand why you should never, ever leave a friend unattended with your computer.

Rainbow put her hand and the door and pushed.

on the door

Also, this was very funny.

Very Good
That All i can say!

7019101 Or never let them touch your computer.

(I have three...One for sharing, one for gaming, one for nobody else to touch :scootangel: )

Only if Sunset brings her horse friend.

7021810 Maybe just the toy. Calling in Dusty seems like it might be... overkill :rainbowlaugh:

PLLEEEEAAASSSSEEEEE???????? :applecry:

7022051 You knew Applebloom was my one weakness, eh? Hm...

I'll try my damndest, but still no promises

As soon as it was Fluttershy, I expected yaoi to be involved. I did NOT expect where this whole thing ultimately ended up. :rainbowderp:

Also holy CRAP your version of Rainbow Dash is a jerk, why is anyone even still friends with her? :flutterrage:

7023001 Maybe I'm just weird, but this is the version of RD,that I'd most like to be friends with. She seems like a lot of fun to me.

7016914 Note to self: never become friends with chillbook.

No offense meant, of course.

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