• Published 16th Mar 2016
  • 10,678 Views, 338 Comments

Vinyl and Octavia: Girl Friends - New Canterlot

Octavia is approached by a very strange girl, and together, they begin their long journey of love and discovery.

  • ...

The Phone Call

There were no words to describe how terribly guilty Octavia felt after letting her petty emotional side take over. Everything seemed to have been going quite well up until that point, and Octavia knew it was all her fault.

The party had a joyfully infectious atmosphere, everyone seemed to be having lots of fun dancing, and even Octavia felt rather happy in the midst of the celebration. She wasn’t necessarily participating, but it was nice watching Vinyl and the rest of her friends mingle and kick their feet to the beat with the other partygoers. It was especially nice when Vinyl took her by the hand during one of her many ‘favorite’ songs or try to introduce her to another of Vinyl’s acquaintances. She didn’t really dance nor did she say much when in front of others, but she felt like a bigger and more involved part of Vinyl’s life during those moments. She even dared to entertain the idea that Vinyl was becoming a bigger part of her life as well.

But then…she had to ruin Vinyl’s fun.

It wasn’t anything Vinyl did voluntarily or maliciously. If fact, Octavia wasn’t even aware of the tear rolling down her cheek until Vinyl had walked off the dance floor to seek her out. The tear and the rather somber expression Octavia obliviously had on her face were entirely due to nothing more than Vinyl being, well, ‘Vinyl’. It wasn’t out of place to see two or even three people dancing together. Sure, it had been quite off-putting to see individuals engaging in…more than intimate dancing styles with each other, but Octavia was actually quite put off seeing Vinyl participate so readily.

What she saw from the corner of the garage during the party was mostly harmless. Vinyl had her fist in the air while shaking her head side to side, her electric blue hair dancing with the music in accordance with the rest of her body. Then, all the sudden, that peculiar pink girl in all her ridiculousness decided to do something that Octavia had learned to be called ‘grinding’, or this case, ‘grinding up’ on Vinyl. Almost everyone in attendance had done it, or at least Octavia suspected. There were many couples here, and she had seen a fair share of kisses and gropes, but if Vinyl didn’t seem to notice then she didn’t think it was worth paying any attention to. It didn’t seem to hurt anything...

Well…until now…

This Pinkie Pie, whoever she was, had the audacity to do just that with Vinyl. It seemed playful and innocent enough, and Octavia knew Vinyl probably didn’t think much of it. Still, there was an emotional affect on the poor cellist that she couldn’t ignore. It hurt… It hurt to watch Vinyl do whatever it was she was doing with some girl she didn’t know. In that particular moment, they acted like they were the best of friends, or at the very east, they knew each other in some intimate way. They danced together, their heads whipping side to side with their hips shaking, for less than a minute until a new song began to play, but it was one of the most painful minutes of Octavia’s life.

A tear had trickled down her cheek as she stared blankly into the crowd towards Vinyl, her supposed ‘bestie’. A fair amount of color drained from her face, and she barely noticed Neon up on the stage change the beat. Vinyl and the now agitating pink girl shared a high-five before Vinyl sauntered over to Octavia, grabbing a mystery plastic cup from a nearby table on the way over. Her brow was a bit damp with sweat and her face was glowing with an excited smile, but it was a smile Octavia could not bring herself to meet as her face turned towards the ground. She felt Vinyl put a hand on her shoulder and gently shake her to try and get her attention, and when she brought her eyes up to meet Vinyl’s happy face, she distinctly remembered her vision going blurry from a new set of fresh tears. With those tears came a number of selfish thoughts. It should have been me out there! Octavia angrily reasoned internally. Why couldn’t you have danced with me?

No answer came for the unspoken question as the cellist blinked away the tears. Through her now clear vision, she saw Vinyl groan and shake her head in frustration. She also tried to say something too, but it was impossible to hear over the music. Octavia felt Vinyl grab her wrist and drag her unceremoniously towards the garage door leading inside the house. Once inside, the music quieted a great deal, but Vinyl didn’t bother saying anything until they were outside the front door by the curb with the night sky overhead. This was the moment in time where Octavia felt the guilt sink in. Vinyl looked less than pleased to leave the center of excitement, and it was all her fault.

“What’s wrong?” Vinyl asked with great concern and just a tad bit of what sounded like annoyance. “You ok?”

Octavia immediately nodded her head and averted her gaze towards the cement sidewalk. The mixture of petty anger and jealousy was too much to form long sentences as of yet. “I’m fine.” She said hoarsely.

“You don’t look fine.” Vinyl pointed out as her voice changed to a more compassionate tone. “What happened? Was the music too loud? Have a headache…or something?”

She had a headache alright, but nothing an aspirin could dull. “No, I’m…fine. Really, I’m alright.” Octavia said with exacerbation. It was hard to have a direct conversation with someone she felt slightly betrayed by, even if she knew deep down her emotions were completely misplaced.

“Come on, Tavi… You look…I dunno, tired or something.” Vinyl said with a sigh as she put a hand on the lower part of her back. “Let’s go back to my place before you pass out on me.”

“W-Wait…r-really, I’m alright!” Octavia gasped and stood firmly in place as she felt Vinyl nudge her forward. “Please…we don’t have leave on my account. I don’t want to spoil your fun.”

“You’re not. It’s cool, babe.” She said while pressing the back of her hand against Octavia’s forehead. “Besides, you really don’t look so good. You’re kinda pale…and you’re still crying a little. Seriously…you look like you could at least use some more fresh air.”

Octavia angrily wiped her face with the back of her sleeve. “I’m not crying, Vinyl…” Octavia immediately regretted her surly tone when she saw Vinyl’s feet shuffle backwards half a step.

“Yeah…you are.” Vinyl pulled Octavia’s arm down from her face and leaned forward, their noses less than a foot apart. “Look, you can tell me if you’re not really digging the party. It’s totally cool. Don’t even trip.” She grasped both of the cellist’s wrists with her hands and brought them up to her chest. “Hey…I get it. First time at a party…loud music, shouting…it’s kinda…” She paused while casting her eyes up at the starry sky for a moment. “…crazy. I’ve been there.”

Well, Vinyl was partially right at least. Octavia did feel a little overwhelmed at the moment. “W-We…” Octavia bit her lip and gently tugged her wrists free. “…We don’t…have to go if you don’t want to… You were having so much fun…so…please go back inside.”

Vinyl ran a hand through her hair and pinched the bridge of her nose for a moment. “Tavi, I said it was fine, ok? I don’t care about the stupid party! I just wanna…” She paused to lower her voice. “I just wanna make sure you’re alright.”

“Well…” Octavia met her gaze but quickly averted towards the ground again. “…as I said before. I’m fine.”

“Hey, you guys ok?” A voice called out from the front door of the house. Lyra walked over to them, an energy drink can in one hand. “I saw you two leave. Everything cool?”

“Yeah, we’re…good.” Vinyl nodded and smiled at her. “Tavi’s just not really feeling it.”

“Oh, yeah it’s kinda wild.” Lyra commented as she sipped her drink. “Getting some air, huh? For a second there, I thought you two might be sneaking off.” She put a hand up and shook her head. “Not in a weird way, I mean.”

Vinyl rolled her eyes and combed her hair away from her face. “Yeah, well… I think we’re gonna head out anyhow.” She said with a shrug. “It’s gotta be kinda late by now anyways.”

“It’s not even eleven.” Lyra replied with a look of perplexity before nodding in agreement when she finally caught on to Octavia’s somber aura. “But…yeah, it’s getting there.”

Octavia stood there motionless, unable to force herself into the conversation. A part of her wanted to just leave on her own and go home so Vinyl could go back to the party and enjoy herself. That way, she didn’t have to feel like such a social burden. Yet another and much bigger part of her desperately wanted to escape with Vinyl so just the two of them could share each other’s company. Lyra could be rather dense, but there were some rare moments of clarity if she just applied herself. Still, Octavia knew her desire to leave was purely selfish, but she just couldn’t stand the thought of Vinyl dancing with someone else. Especially not that Pinkie girl, and ESPECIALLY not that …ugly…stupid…boy Ne-

“Alright, well…I’m gonna head back inside.” Lyra said with a slight nod towards the house after an awkward moment of silence. “Take it easy, V.”

“You two, Ly.” Vinyl gave the mint girl a soft bump on the shoulder.

“See you later, Octavia. Feel better, ok?” Lyra gave the cellist’s shoulder a squeeze before turning back towards the house. It was only until Lyra was inside and out of earshot did Octavia speak up.

“You really…don’t have to do this on my account.” Octavia mumbled quietly, but she knew the longer they stayed out here, the more likely they were to leave.

“Uh, actually…” Vinyl put an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into her chest so Octavia was leaning against her. “…I do.” She rubbed her back and took a deep breath. “I can’t just let you hang out and get all sick or whatever while I party. That’s…a pretty dick move…”

Dick move… Yet another euphemism of Vinyl’s that Octavia had never heard of before. Although, it wasn’t difficult to put two and two together on that one. “I see…” Octavia took a slow deep breath and allowed herself to look up at those crimson red eyes. “…I’m…really sorry about this, Vinyl…”

“Hey, no, don’t give me that…” Vinyl giggled and put a palm to Octavia’s cheek. This caused the color to come back to her face with an added blush. “…We’re good, no worries, babe. No need to say sorry, it’s my job to take care of you. Best friends, right?”

“R-Right…” Octavia nodded once as her face lit up from the contact. She sighed heavily as Vinyl’s finger brushed a bit of hair away from her forehead. “Thank you, Vinyl.”

“Sure thing.” Vinyl gave her a warm smile and hugged her tightly for a moment. “I’m happy to take you home…heh, with me.” She giggled at herself for actually making that joke. “And it’s not like this is my last party ever.”

Octavia pressed her forehead into Vinyl’s chest for a moment before taking a step back. “…I…wouldn’t mind doing this again sometime.”

“Really?” Vinyl beamed. “You’re not just saying that, are you?”

“I…really do mean that.” Octavia reassured. “Tonight though…I may just be too tired. Another time…if you want.”

“U-uh, y-yeah, totally.” Vinyl nodded slowly with a very excited grin. “Next time there’s a party, you’ll be the first one I call.”

Octavia smiled happily up at her. She felt better knowing that Vinyl was still comfortable with inviting her to do things. “I…look forward to it.”

“Yeah… Alright, you goof.” Vinyl giggled again and took her by the hand. “Let’s go home and relax. I’m still worried about you.” She squeezed Octavia’s palm gently a few times, something Octavia was more than happy to reciprocate.

They began walking down the sidewalk next to each other, the music becoming softer and softer as the distance from the source increased. Vinyl had yet to let go of her hand, and Octavia was grateful for this. Vinyl’s neighborhood was a tad scary in the black of night, and only a few houses per street bothered to keep their lights on. Octavia had never been out this late at night before, but Vinyl seemed to know exactly which streets to turn on and where exactly to go even without proper illumination. Only the scattered placement of streetlights aided their journey home. This begged yet another concerning question for the cellist. Just how often has she visited Neon Lights?

“Hey, uh…” Vinyl suddenly voiced, breaking Octavia out of her thoughts. “…can I ask you something?”

“I…suppose.” Octavia said hesitantly. But…I truly hope this isn’t bad.

“Am I doing that thing again?” Vinyl forced an awkward giggle as she let go of Octavia’s hand to rub the back of her head. She stopped beneath one of the remaining streetlights, and Octavia could see her face holding a slight blush. “You know, like…drag you places and weird you out…and whatever?”

“Oh…n-no, not at all.” Octavia adamantly shook her head. She reached out of Vinyl’s hand and squeezed three of her fingers. “Please don’t…feel bad for taking me to your friend’s party, Vinyl.”

“I don’t, dork.” Vinyl giggled and wiggling the tips of her fingers in Octavia’s palm. This made the cellist retract her hand and giggle. She put an arm around Octavia’s shoulder and continued forward. “But I do know I was having WAYYYY more fun than you back there.”

“Oh, w-well…” Octavia found this point hard to argue. “…You may have been enjoying yourself more than I, but…you seemed so excited for this party all week, so…I’m not entirely surprised.”

“Yeah, I was pretty jazzed for it, but…” Vinyl bumped their heads together gently. “…it’s not because I’m super into parties or anything.”

“R-Really?” Octavia nearly gasped. “S-Sorry, I…guess I just made the assumption that you enjoy such kinds of events.”

“Well, yeah, I mean…don’t get me wrong, babe. I freaking love parties, but this was…your first one. And, it was the first one we’ve been to together…as friends.” She stopped in her tracks and dropped her arm around Octavia’s waist before allowing her arms to fall to her sides. “It…doesn’t matter if it’s a party, or a movie, or a lame picnic, or…ANYTHING…” She put a hand on the cellist’s shoulder and smiled. “Every time we do something like this, it’s the first time we’ve done it…together…”

A heavy blush set on Octavia’s face. Lyra might be right…we do sound like a couple… “W-Well…u-um…” Octavia looked down at her feet as a smile spread across her face. “…T-That’s…actually quite sweet of you to say…”

“Eh, I try.” Vinyl laughed and shrugged. “You could use some more sweet in your life anyways, Tavi. Seriously… Come give your bestie a hug.” She added, holding her arms out.

Octavia giggled softly and nodded her head before leaning into Vinyl’s embrace. Once she felt Vinyl’s arms squeeze tightly around her shoulders, she wrapped her own arms around her waist. There was a deliciously intoxicating aroma coming from Vinyl’s clothes. It was a bit musky with her sweat, but she smelled like fresh coffee and sugary fruit flavored energy drinks she had learned to recognize from experience. Octavia couldn’t help but inhale deeply as her smile grew bigger.

“You smell freaking amazing.” Vinyl remarked as if she read her mind. Octavia could feel Vinyl’s nose poking into her scalp. “That’s some mega fancy conditioner you got in there.”

Conditioner? Octavia’s blush returned. “Um…thank you? And…no, I don’t think so.”

“Well, whatever it is, I like it.” Vinyl laughed a bit more as she released the hug. “So, what do you wanna do when we get home?” She rolled her head side to side as if her mind was in a debate. “I’m kinda…too wired to sleep, so…cartoons? You know, the usual?”

“I…” Octavia looked up at her and gave a very firm nod. “…would love that.”


Vinyl’s couch in her living room felt nice and cozy, and the warm sense of security now soothing Octavia’s jittery mind was amplified by the warm body next to her. However, it was Vinyl who seemed more twitchy and restless in her sitting position. As per the customs of a party, Vinyl had consumed her gratuitous share of caffeine, and the cellist was beginning to worry if she would ever actually sleep tonight. As a yawn graced Octavia’s lips, she turned to look at Vinyl, averting her eyes from the cartoons broadcasting in front of them to see whether or not Vinyl had stopped fiddling with her hem of her skirt. Despite Vinyl still being wide eyed, Octavia was a bit touched when her bestie asked, “Are you…tired? You can crash on my bed if you want.”

Sleep did sound nice, but Octavia was very content to stay in one place, moreso if Vinyl planned to stay up. Her intention was to remain as close to Vinyl as possible, even if it meant sacrificing a night’s rest. “N-No, I’m alright, thank you.” She replied softly with a hint of a blush. “I’ll…go to sleep when you do.”

“Uh…I might be up for a while…” Vinyl informed her with a slight giggle. Her voice was a bit croaky now, a consequence probably due to ‘partying too hard’ or something along those lines. “I can’t even remember how many espressos I drank.” She shifted her feet against the floor while combing both hands through her hair.

“…Are…you going to be alright?” Octavia asked, leaning sideways a bit closer to her. Seeing Vinyl in a mixed state of exhaustion and physical agitation was making her worry. Is…that a wrinkle between your brows?

“Oh, yeah. I’ve been here before.” Vinyl said with a smirk and a tired nod. “Actually…I think a shot of something else could help.”

“Something else?” Octavia raised a finger in protest. “I really…don’t think more coffee is going to help.”

“No.” Vinyl giggled with a big smile and patted Octavia on the thigh. “Not coffee. I was thinking maybe something stronger.”

It didn’t take much time for Octavia to understand what she was referring to. “O-Oh.” She acknowledged with a slight gasp.

“You…want some?” Vinyl asked, her smirk more devious now.

“Um…” Octavia hesitated to answer. I suppose it couldn’t hurt… It didn’t harm anything the last time, and it felt rather nice. Octavia began to smile a bit as she remembered Vinyl’s warm head against her lap. If history really had a tendency to repeat itself, then at least that piece of history would be a welcome luxury. “…Sure.” She answered with a surprising amount of confidence.

“Sweet.” Vinyl heaved herself off the couch and began shuffling towards the kitchen. “I’ll get some soda too.”

Octavia watched her leave the room as her heartbeat quickened. With a bit of frantic urgency, she began situating herself on the couch into a more inviting position; a more ‘Vinyl’s head on my thighs’ position. It wasn’t much, but with her knees pinned together and her feet firmly planted on the floor, all she could do now was wait and hope for the best.

When Vinyl returned, she sat down with her back resting between the armrest and the cushion while holding out a plastic cup. “Here you go. I put the vodka in the soda already. Hopefully you won’t taste it. But, if you do…yeah…just, uh…let me know.”

With a bit of disappointment at Vinyl’s distance, Octavia reached out and took the cup. “Thank you.” She said as politely as possible. Vinyl merely giggled softly and loudly sipped from her own cup, prompting Octavia to do the same. She was pleasantly surprised to find how easy it was to drink the concoction, but there was still the faintest hint of something warm in her chest going down, something warm that didn’t have anything to do with Vinyl. At least, she didn’t think so, but it was almost impossible to tell.

They sat in silence, their attentions now returned to the television, and for several minutes, Octavia continued sipping absentmindedly while watching a small green platypus in an old-timey detective fedora sneak around some sort of laboratory. It was pleasantly witty and amusing, but when the figures in front of her began to blur, Octavia began to question herself. Her eyes grew heavier as her head swayed in Vinyl’s direction, and she placed her cup on the floor and her hands on the edges of the couch to steady herself.

“You ok, babe?” Vinyl asked from what sounded like a fair distance away.

“M-Mhm…” Octavia gave a slight nod in the direction of the television as she slowly turned her head. She saw Vinyl use the remote to turn the volume down. “…A-Actually…I…” She paused as a smile spread across her face. The warmth of the drink seemed to remain in her chest, and there was a tingling in her appendages that almost tickled. “…am rather enjoying myself.”

Vinyl put the remote down and narrowed her eyes at Octavia like she was thoroughly inspecting her. “You…wanna put your head down?”

“No…I think I’m alright.” Octavia heard herself say, but her words sounded uncharacteristically airy and dreamy.

“Yeahhhh. I’m sure you do.” Vinyl gave a wink before reaching out with one hand to pull Octavia towards her by the shoulder a few inches. “Still…I don’t want you falling down.”

This caused the cellist’s upper body to tip over, and Octavia sprawl out across the couch. The side of her head met Vinyl’s thighs, and an incredible sense of coziness swept over her as she kicked her feet up onto the other side of the couch. Her eyes closed for a long moment as she exhaled a long and happy sigh, a sigh made even longer by the touch of Vinyl’s fingers running through her hair. “O-Oh, V-Vinyl….” She nearly whispered.

Vinyl’s whole body shook a bit as she stifled a laugh. “Wow, Tavi. Either you’re a lightweight, or I think I might have a problem.”

“Hm?” Octavia mumbled as she nuzzled her cheek against Vinyl’s thigh. She was aware that Vinyl had spoken, but deciphering words seemed too difficult in her inebriated state.

“Nevermind.” Vinyl shrugged as she ran her fingers through Octavia’s long hair over and over. Under more lucid circumstances, Octavia might have been aware of the embarrassment in Vinyl’s voice. . “Just…relax.”

Octavia wasn’t one to argue with such a wonderful idea. She did just that as she curled her toes and stretched out the residual tension in her muscles. Her eyes closed again as she felt Vinyl’s finger trail down her back. Her breathing slowed as sleep crept up on her, but there was another physical sensation pushing sleep back… and she needed more. It was as if there was some sort of fog surrounding her head that filled her mind with a sense of pleasure each time she took a breath. If there was another word to describe this feeling, Octavia didn’t know it. The best she could describe it as was a very primal and innate physical sensation that felt so foreign, and yet…so right. Pleasure. With a long breath, Octavia tilted her head back a bit so her cheek was facing upwards. This feels…perfect…

Lost in her own depths of consciousness, Octavia was completely oblivious to the sound of her voice as she let out a faintly audible but unmistakable moan. It wasn’t loud enough to stir her from her blissful state, but when the sensation of Vinyl’s touch seemed to disappear, Octavia slowly opened her eyes to see Vinyl’s very amused and blushing face staring down at her. “Is…everything…alright?” She asked in a faint whisper. Her eyes shut tight as she yawned hard, her right foot twitching in the process.

“Y-Yeah…” Vinyl said with a nod while placing a palm against Octavia’s cheek. “…you’re…really freaking cute, you know that?”

It was Octavia’s turn to blush, but instead of the usual flustered nervousness that usually graced her features, Octavia seemed to take the compliment in an almost flirtatious manner. “Oh, please, Vinyl… If you say that kind of thing too much, such compliments will fail to be as meaningful.”

“I guess, but…” Vinyl slowly shook her head and pressed the tip of her finger against Octavia’s nose. “It still doesn’t change how hot you are.”

For what was very possibly the very first time, Octavia rolled her eyes. Maybe it was the alcohol having emboldened her, maybe it was all the time spent with Vinyl and the rest of her friends, or maybe it was both. Regardless, she had actually done so. “You know, Vinyl… I’m not quite sure if I’ve told you so, but…I think it’s only fair that I express the same sentiments to you.”

“Uh…” Vinyl raised an eyebrow in bewilderment. “I…didn’t get any of that.” She paused to giggle once. “You’re drunk…and you can still talk all proper and stuff. Damn…you are just too freaking sexy.”

Octavia giggled back up at her as she adjusted herself on the couch so she was lying on her back. “Thank you. And also, what I’m trying to say to you is…” Octavia lazily brought a shaking hand up to Vinyl’s face to poke her cheek. “...You’re sexy too.”

“Whoaaa…” Vinyl gasped as her eyes grew wide. “…Did you actually just say the word ‘sexy’???”

“Really, Vinyl?” Octavia rolled her eyes again. “That’s what you’re taking away from this?” She asked before yawning loudly once more.

“W-Well…uh…” Vinyl averted her gaze for a moment. “Do you actually mean that, or…is it just the booze talking?”

Octavia gave her a slightly puzzled look as her palm slid across Vinyl’s cheek ever so slightly. “The booze…talking? I…don’t understand.”

“U-Uh…” Vinyl slowly shook her head and flashed the cellist a sheepish smile. “Nevermind.” She patted Octavia’s head. “You look really sleepy, babe. You sure you don’t wanna crash on my bed?”

“Welllll….” Octavia smiled wide and giggled once. “…Your bed does sound nice, but…” She yawned softly and nuzzled her cheek against Vinyl’s thigh. “…you make the best pillow I’ve ever had.”

“Great. I’m glad I know I’m good for something.” Vinyl laughed quietly and gave her another pat on the head. “Um, but seriously though. Just say the word, and I’ll carry you upstairs.”

“Carry me?” Octavia closed her eyes and sighed happily as Vinyl’s fingers traced through her hair once more. “…Maybe next time…”

“So, there’s a next time, huh?” Vinyl asked teasingly.

“Hm?” Octavia responded softly without opening her eye.

“Lame joke. Forget it.” Vinyl stretched her free arm over her head and yawned loudly.

Octavia merely nodded as she sank deeper into that same blissful state. It wasn’t pleasure she was experiencing now, although she was still enjoying the intimate proximity. Now it was a sense of safety and security, a comfort that she knew only Vinyl could give her. It felt very familiar, very real, and even after being Vinyl’s friend for quite some time, it felt just as wonderful as their very first hug.

For the next hour, Octavia faded in and out of consciousness. Her memory was spotty with only a vague distinction of time going by, but she was certain of Vinyl’s presence near her. There was a part of her mind that was desperately trying to keep her awake in case Vinyl might physically move somewhere else, that warm body as her source of security possibly leaving their nesting position. Every time Vinyl shifted, even slightly, Octavia would snuggle deeper into her lap. There were short moments in which the cellist partially woke, but they lasted only seconds.


When the alcohol finally reached its peak, Octavia went into a powerfully deep sleep. She began to dream of a long cobblestone street running through a foggy city, old-fashioned gas powered lamp posts lining the curb. It was difficult to say, but Octavia was quite sure she was somehow back in Manechester several decades before her birth. Feeling quite puzzled, Octavia took a hesitant step forward, but the very instant her foot touched the stone in front of her, there came a loud cracking sound much like a whip cutting through the air behind her. Now very startled, she turned her head to see a horse drawn carriage moving her direction. It didn’t seem to be pulled by anything, but there definitely was a driver. The figure holding the whip appeared ancient, her skin pale and sunken and her facial bones well defined. The figure screeched a most ghastly wail, making herself a completely terrifying sight, and Octavia knew exactly who it was. M-Mother!

Without any thought, Octavia began sprinting in the opposite direction as fast as her feet would carry her. The carriage was still a considerable distance away, but the ghastly creature was closing in fast. If she didn’t do anything drastic soon, Octavia knew she’d be in an even worse situation. Her eyes scanned for alleyways left and right, but the fog was too heavy to completely see down any possible escape route. As overwhelming despair threatened to overtake her, she saw up ahead a vibrant blue glow that grew bigger and bigger the closer she came. A pained, undead screech of anger came from behind as Octavia began making out the figure of someone most welcoming to see in front of her. Vinyl!!!

The glowing figure of Vinyl reached out a hand towards her, and Octavia was more than eager to grab her hand and run into her arms. The unholy entity behind her screeched even louder, but the blue aura sounding her savior had enclosed Octavia in a basking warmth of safety. All other sounds and sights grew dim as Vinyl’s arms squeezed her torso and shoulders. “Come on!” Shouted Vinyl. “Come with me!!!”

In her sleep, Octavia clutched Vinyl’s arm with both hands. Her breathing had become a bit labored and her whole body was tense, prompting Vinyl to gently shake her awake. “Hey, Tavi…come on.” She said softly as she shifted her feet. “Let’s go to bed…ok?” It took almost a minute to extract herself from Octavia’s grasp to stand up and gently lift the cellist up off the couch. Even as Vinyl helped her up to her feet, Octavia’s mind was still buried in her own subconscious. “Come on… Come with me…” Vinyl said once more with a sigh as she led them to the stairs. “…No more booze for you, babe…at least for a while.”


The sun on Octavia’s face caused her to stir from her sleep. Her eyes opened slowly as a dull headache set in. It wasn’t excruciating, but it definitely made it hard to think. Somehow, she had made it to Vinyl’s bed last night. Her shoes were off and she was still tucked in under the covers, but Vinyl was nowhere to be seen. The bedroom was oddly quiet, and Octavia slowly sat up to listen for any noise. There was a faint echo coming from downstairs, and the sounds she heard reminded her of the mansion staff preparing meals. She’s in the kitchen? Octavia wondered as she brushed back her hair with both hands. I didn’t know Vinyl could cook.

The thumping of bare footsteps came from the hallway as Vinyl made her way up the stairs. Octavia waited patiently for her to enter, and what she saw as the door opened made her heart leap and her lips curl into an amused smile. “Hey, morning, babe.” Vinyl said with a bit too much enthusiasm. The sound of her voice was lovely, but Octavia’s headache didn’t seem to think so. In her hands was a tray of food, or something resembling food at least.

“M-Morning, Vinyl.” Octavia replied with a bit of stutter before clearing her throat. “Is…that for me?” She asked, pointing with a finger.

“O-Oh, uh…yeah.” Vinyl nodded and approached the bed with the tray. “I thought you might kinda feel like crap today, soooo…” She hesitantly set the tray down next to the cellist. “…I brought some, uh, breakfast.”

“I see…” Octavia gazed down at the assortment of beef jerky, two different flavors of chips, a couple miniature donuts, and of course, an energy drink. “…Breakfast.”

“U-Uh…well, sort of, I guess.” Vinyl shrugged, and a slight blush graced her features that matched her wild crimson eyes. “I was gonna bring you toast and some eggs, maybe some orange juice too, but…” The blush deepened as she giggled awkwardly for a moment. “I broke the toaster, and I dunno how to make eggs.”

Octavia giggled back as she brought her gaze up from the tray to her bestie. “And the orange juice?”

“Oh, uh…heh…yeah.” Vinyl rubbed the back of her head and sighed heavily. “I…kinda drank it all….”

“Well…this was a very sweet gesture, Vinyl.” Octavia said with a smile as she brought a chip up to her mouth. “Thank you.”

This seemed to cheer Vinyl up a bit. “Yeah, totally. It’s the thought that counts and whatever, right?” She reached out and snagged a piece of jerky before taking a seat on the bed beside her. “But, seriously…I’ll do better next time you spend the night.”

“Please don’t bother yourself about this, Vinyl.” Octavia said as she bit into the chip. It wasn’t much in the way of nutrition, but the fatty food did seem to quell the ache between her temples a bit. “It’s really thoughtful of you to even make such a fuss.”

“Always, babe. For you, always.” Vinyl gnashed her teeth gently less than an inch away from Octavia’s ear, and the cellist blushed painfully hard. “So, how’re you feeling right now?” Vinyl asked, placing a finger under Octavia’s chin so their eyes could meet. “You…were kinda…wigging out on me last night.”

“I…wigging out?” Octavia asked with obviously perplexed look.

“Yeah, you know…crazy dream or something.” Vinyl patted the blanket where Octavia’s thigh was. “I think I might’ve put too much vodka in your cup…my bad.”

“O-Oh…” Octavia’s eyes grew wide as she gave a slow nod. I do vaguely recall having a dream…and it was terrifying. “You…might be right about that.” She agreed. “But…please don’t worry. I’m feeling quite alright now. Thank you.”

“Yeah, anytime, totally…” Vinyl nodded back and squeezed one arm around her shoulder before hopping off the bed. “I, uh…gotta shower real quick, sooo…feel free to hang out here or downstairs or whatever.”

“Oh, um…alright then.” Octavia put the chip in her hand down at the thought of bathing. “Would it be…terribly presumptuous to ask if I could also take a shower?”

Vinyl giggled hard and rolled her eyes while flicking Octavia on the nose very playfully. “Yeah, knock yourself out. I’ll only be a couple minutes. Me case es su case or however the heck they say it. Oh, I put your phone and stuff over there.” She pointed to her mixing table. “Do you have a charger? I couldn’t find one for it. I thought I might have one, but…uh…”

“O-Oh, um…In my schoolbag, perhaps.” Octavia glanced around the room, trying to remember where her school belongings might be. We stopped here before the party, so…I suppose it might be downstairs.

“Want me to go look for it?” Vinyl asked as she stopped at her bedroom door.

“N-No, it’s alright. I’ll find it. I need to get out of bed.”

Vinyl gave a slight shrug and a smirk. “No, no, babe. Chill. You just stay there looking good. I’ll look for it after my shower.”

“W-Well…thank you, Vinyl.” Octavia’s cheeks brightened, and a pretty little grin parted her lips. Vinyl merely gave a wink before turning back to the door. She began taking her clothes off as she headed out, pausing for a moment to toss her t-shirt onto the floor before closing the door behind her.

Although it was an extremely fleeting glimpse, Octavia got to see more of Vinyl’s physical form than she ever had before. Nothing needed to be censored in her mind, but this was another moment where Octavia marveled at Vinyl’s raw beauty. She really is a lovely girl. Octavia mulled over in her head. I…wonder why she doesn’t see that…

With a small sigh, Octavia pushed the tray off her lap and rubbed her temples with her fingers. Her headache was still there, and her tummy needed something more sustaining than the options in front of her, but she couldn’t deny how alluring caffeine sounded. With another sigh, she popped the tab and sipped. The fizzy drink did not pair well with the lingering flavor of the potato chips, but she did enjoy the sensation of her headache dissipating. This gave her enough motivation to try and stand up, but as soon as she was fully upright, the headache came back in full force.

And to think… Octavia inwardly grumbled as she shuffled towards the mixing table to retrieve her phone. ...Mozart could compose symphonies and still be an alcoholic… She picked her phone up and staggered back to the bed before flopping down unceremoniously on the sheets. The tray spilled a few chips from the impact, but thankfully her energy drink was alright. I have a long way to go…

She turned her head to the side while holding her phone up to her face. What she expected to see was the time and nothing else, and although it was frightfully close to noon, she was more terrified of the multiple missed calls from an unknown number. In an instant, her headache and her fatigue were completely forgotten as she sat up straight. In a panic, she tapped the screen numerous times to unlock the device, but the identity of the caller was still a mystery. Seven o’clock….eight o’clock…eight thirty…nine…nine fifteen… The list of missed calls continued long into the morning but abruptly stopped at half past eleven. She was curious enough to call the number back, but after the events of last night, she became worried that perhaps someone of ill repute had gotten her number by happenstance. I wonder if Vinyl will recognize the number. She thought as she got up from the bed and headed towards the door. Oh, of course… She stopped at the door and ran a hand through her hair. …She’s in the shower. With great trepidation, she sat back down on the bed to wait.

Vinyl came back a few minutes later as she said she would, fully clothed in tattered pajamas that consisted of boy’s gym shorts and a ripped t-shirt with an eccentric logo. Her hair was still damp and clingy as she entered the room. “Shower’s all yours, girl.” She said as she shuffled towards Octavia with a towel around her neck. “You want a change of clothes? I still have tons of stuff that’ll fit you.”

“U-Um…sure, but…” Octavia wasn’t sure how to word her question. “…I was wondering…if you might recognize a number.”

“Uh, yeah, ok. You ok? You look kinda freaked…” Vinyl sat down next to her and allowed her towel to fall to the floor. Octavia handed her the phone but didn’t say anything, and Vinyl almost gasped. “Whoa, that’s a lot of missed calls.”

“And all from the same number.” Octavia added hesitantly.

“Did you call back?” Vinyl asked. “I gotta be honest…I don’t have numbers memorized. There’s a lot of contacts on my phone, so…”

“O-Oh…of course.” Octavia looked down at her feet. Vinyl would have lots of contacts… Is it strange that I have her number memorized? Does she…have mine memorized? “You…” Octavia sighed softly as her fingers intertwined together. “…didn’t…happen to…um…share my number with anyone last night?”

“Huh?” The question seemed to distract Vinyl from her focus from Octavia’s phone. “Oh, no way, babe. Neon was even asking for it, but…yeah, that is SO not happening.”

“A-Alright…” Octavia breathed a little easier, but a tinge of guilt weighed on her shoulders. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply, o-or assume you might have-”

“No, no, no, we good.” Vinyl put an arm around her and squeezed gently. “No worries. Don’t even trip. It’s good that you asked, ‘cause I don’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

“A-Alright…” Octavia nodded once and unconsciously pressed her head onto Vinyl’s shoulder during the duration of the embrace. “…U-Um, what do you think I should do?”

“Uhhh…” Vinyl dropped her arm and brought a finger to her chin. “…Yeahhh…uh…I dunno. I guess you could try calling back. It probably couldn’t hurt. Or, if you want, I can call the number from my phone.”

“Your phone?” Octavia asked.

“Yeah. I’ll talk on mine, but you don’t have to say anything.” Vinyl tried to give a reassuring face. “I’ll figure out who it is, and I guess we’ll just go from there.” Octavia’s face held a great deal of hesitation, and Vinyl must have seen that. The cellist felt Vinyl’s fingers close around hers tightly before she spoke again. “It’ll be fine, don’t worry. Me and Lyra used to do this all the time.”

“I-I…see.” Octavia felt a bit relieved. “Are…you sure this is alright? I really don’t want to cause you any grief.”

“Girl, chillax.” Vinyl giggled and nudged Octavia’s knee with her own. “The worst thing that can happen is me telling some jerk-off to go cram it.”

Octavia shared a short laugh with Vinyl before giving a firm nod. “Thank you, Vinyl…I really appreciate this.”

“Oh, seriously…stop that…” Vinyl leaned forward and pressed their noses together with a finger against Octavia’s cheek. “…It’s NOT a big deal, you adorable silly doofus.” She turned her attention back to the phone, pressed the callback tab, and then held the phone up to her ear. Octavia watched with strained patience as Vinyl stared blankly at the wall. Very abruptly, Vinyl’s expression changed. “Uh…hello?”

The voice on the other end was deep enough and loud enough to echo throughout the entire room even from the tiny speaker in the device. “Who might this be? How did you acquire my private number?”

Octavia knew in an instant exactly who it was, but Vinyl certainly didn’t. “Uhh…My names, Vinyl. You called my friend a bunch a times, soooooo…”

“Oh, no….” Octavia’s heart quickened as she tapped Vinyl on the shoulder. In a whisper, she informed her best friend of whom she was talking to. “That’s my father.”

“Ohhh, ok.” Vinyl gave a slight nod and breathed a sigh of relief. “Sorry, dude. We thought you might be some creep or something.”

Please, Vinyl, just hand me the phone…and whatever you do…don’t say another word. Octavia panicked more and more as she reached for the device as politely as she could. Vinyl noticed this and immediately asked, “Do you wanna talk to Octavia?”

“If you mean to imply that I wish to speak with my daughter despite having waited all morning, then yes, young lady. I do.”

Vinyl narrowed her eyes at the phone as if annoyed a bit. She covered the mouthpiece of the phone and turned to Octavia. “Your dad sounds like an angry preacher or something. What the heck is his problem?”

“I…should take this.” Octavia choked out through her dry throat.

Vinyl nodded and held the phone out to her. “Oh, right. Duh. Sorry.”

Octavia took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment before lifting Vinyl’s phone up to her ear. “Good…morning, f-father.”

“Octavia.” The way he said her name was like a military officer reading through a list of names of recently deceased soldiers. “I have been earnestly attempting to reach you all day.”

“Y-Yes…and…I-I am so sorry about this…” Octavia nervously kicked her feet as she spoke. “…I didn’t recognize the number, and…it didn’t occur to me that it was you.” Something was really bothering the cellist, and although talking to her father for the first time on the phone was a big part of it, the consternation was mostly from the fact that she couldn’t recall his first name. Obviously, his last name was Melody, but Octavia had only referred to the man by his official title. Having a phone call with her father seemed so foreign and strange, and that made her realization even worse.

Instead of trying to rationalize the situation or create an issue over the lack of communication, her father seemed to move right along with his agenda. “I need you to come home post haste, child. You and I have an important discussion that needs tending to.”

Oh, good heavens, no…please, no…just let me stay here with Vinyl… Octavia felt like crying. There was a severe apprehension in her chest now, and it was apparent she would get no clarification from the man until she returned to Melody Manor. More importantly, she had to come face to face with the fact that if the worst was to come, she probably wouldn’t see Vinyl again for a long while. What if…he intends to move me to a different school?! What if I am to leave the city for an overseas boarding academy?!? She cast dreading eyes up at her best friend, but deep down she knew Vinyl couldn’t save her from what may come.

“Do not ignore me, child. I am in no mood to be trifled with.”

Octavia realized she had yet to reply to her father’s statement. “O-Oh, y-yes, father. I-I understand. F-forgive me. I will be returning home right now.”

“That is acceptable. Contact your driver immediately.”

“Yes, father.” Octavia paused for a moment to formulate a better apology, but the line went dead before she could bring herself to speak again. “F-Father? Hello?” Sure enough, he was gone. With a very heavily sigh, Octavia dropped Vinyl’s phone onto her lap and sniffled hard.

“H-Hey, what’s wrong? Are you ok? Oh, no…please don’t start crying…” Vinyl threw her arms around the cellist and squeezed her close. “What did he say? Was it something bad?”

“No…no…” Octavia wiped her face and shook her head. “…He…just wants me to return home.”

“Y-Yeah?” Vinyl asked. “You don’t…sound super jazzed about that. Is…uh…your mom…back or something?” She asked as she brushed some of Octavia’s hair away from her face.

“I don’t believe so…” Octavia simply shook her head and intertwined her fingers together with her gaze down at the floor.

“…Ok, well, that’s good. Is…your dad mad or something?”

“I don’t know, Vinyl…” Octavia made a sharp inhale and bit her lip. “…I don’t understand my father very well…”

“I’m starting to get that…” Vinyl patted the top of her head and rubbed her back. “I know you guys don’t talk much, but it’s weird for you and your dad not to have each other’s numbers.”

“If…I ever needed to contact him…I would usually make an appointment with his secretary.” Octavia explained as she tapped her toes together.

“Damn…that’s super messed up…”

Octavia sighed heavily once more. You’re right, Vinyl… It is… She slowly brought her head up and stirred a bit. “I am…terribly sorry… I-I…have to go.”

“Y-Yeah, y-yeah, sure, gotcha.” Vinyl got up from the edge of the bed and held out a hand. Octavia hesitantly took it and slowly heaved herself up to a standing position. When Vinyl let go, she stepped back towards the door a few feet. “I-I’ll…get your stuff for you. Go ahead…hang out by the front door. I’m guessing you gotta call your driver person, right?”

“Mhm…” Octavia nodded once very solemnly.

Vinyl put both hands on her shoulders and pulled her in close. “Hey, babe…look at me.”

Octavia eventually brought her gaze up to Vinyl’s eyes. “…Yes?” She asked, her voice quiet and very much as reclusive as the first days of their friendship.

“Everything’s gonna be ok.” Vinyl said this with great conviction, but as much as she wanted to, Octavia wasn’t entirely sure if she could invest as much faith in those words as her bestie seemed to. “Trust me… I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again… I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”

Octavia gave one more little nod as she wrapped her arms around Vinyl’s waist. “…I’m not sure…if I’ll have a chance to see you again after today…”

“Don’t even say that, Tavi.” Vinyl sternly replied. She put a finger under Octavia’s chin so their eyes could lock intently. “That’s NOT gonna happen.” Octavia didn’t respond back in any way other than blushing very deeply. “…Whatever happens…I’ll be here, so don’t sweat it. I promise I’m not going anywhere, so if you ever need to find me, you know where I am.”


With the front door open, Octavia was standing halfway outside the threshold. Her driver was waiting patiently by the black town car next to the curb for Octavia to come out. Vinyl was kind enough to point out Octavia’s belongings to the driver, and now, there was just one more thing left that needed to take the journey home. Vinyl approached Octavia from inside and gave the cellist one last hug. “It’s gonna be ok, babe. I promise.”

“I…hope you’re right…” Octavia’s fingers tightly clung to Vinyl’s tattered shirt during their embrace, extending the hug a few extra seconds. “…I will…try to call you and let you know what happens.”

“That’d be great. Thanks, Tavi…” Vinyl said with a forced smile.

Octavia forced a smile back and slowly turned around to leave, but she felt Vinyl pull her back by the arm. “V-Vinyl?”

There was a powerful and overwhelming blush on Vinyl’s face that was more noticeable than even her electric blue hair. “I’m not saying t-that this is gonna happen, but i-if I don’t…actually get to see you anytime soon…uh…w-well….u-uh…” She stuttered hard for a long moment before doing something very unexpected.

Octavia felt a wave of warmth radiate from the side of her face as Vinyl closed the door in front of her. She slowly brought her fingers up to her cheek, still able to feel the slightly damp spot where Vinyl made contact. S-She…kissed…me…

Author's Note:

I can't believe this story is as long as it is. It feels like yesterday that I had the inspiration to begin writing, and now, years later, we're here.

What's stranger to me is the fact that I'm still going with this one... I feel like I'm dragging it out sometimes, but deep down, it feels right to me when I go back and reread.

I do plan on next chapter being the last, and I'm sure many of you will be happy about that, including myself. :yay: But don't worry! I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.

As always, thank you so much for making it this far with me. I am always excited out of my pants to read your comments and messages. :raritystarry:

One final thing: Sequel? Would any of you want that? I want to continue this story into Vinyl's and Octavia's future years in high school, and definitely try writing from Vinyl's perspective. :duck:

For anypony who wants it, my kik is Girls_Of_Canterlot