• Published 27th Mar 2016
  • 6,448 Views, 53 Comments

Love is a Strange Thing - flaminkomage

Rainbow Dash and Soarin take a trip down memory lane, to cherish all their moments that they had together from the time when they first met, to where they are now.

  • ...

Love is a Strange Thing

Love can be powerful, yet deceiving... but when taken seriously, and cherished in every possible way, it can truly become a magical feeling from not only your heart, but from the bottom of your soul.

The cyan-coated pegasus mare trotted around her large cloud house, desperately looking for someplace to sit down.

"Awe, where's a couch when you need one?" she mumbled underneath her breath. She quickly popped her head into the family room, just to lay her eyes on a baby-blue stallion, sprawled wide across the mass of a love-seat, reading a magazine. He instantly looked up upon seeing the newcomer.

"Oh, hey Dashie!" he exclaimed happily, not bothering to move. "What'cha doing here?"

Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes into a sweet glare, before lifting her hooves up and heaving the stallion off the bed. He groaned as his stomach made contact with the floor, and looked up to see the mare climbing onto the floor, and laying down.

"Oh, that feels good. That feels really good..." she said softly, closing her eyes in an attempt to drift into the realm of sleep. Too bad a certain navy-blue maned pony existed.

Sliding off the puffy ground, he lept onto her in time to curl his hooves around her neck and softly nuzzle her mane. Dash screamed in shock, before shaking him off, and breathing heavily with her eyes wide. Soarin quickly realized the problem, and gasped.

"Rainbow Dash!" he yelled, quickly flying back over to her. "I didn't hurt it, did I?"

Dash strained herself to sit upright, and groaned, knocking her head a few times and then shaking it.

"No... the baby's fine," she said, earning a sigh of relief from Soarin. "But don't think you're off the hook this time."

"What? But I said I'm sorry!" Soarin said in defense, putting his hovoes into the air. Dash rolled her eyes, before shaking her head.

"Sorry doesn't always fix everything, you know," she said. Soarin put his head down in shame.

"Are you okay?" he asked her softly. Dash sighed, and let out a cute giggle.

"I'm fine, Soar..." she said. Soarin quickly pulled her into a tight hug.

"You know that as your husband, I take responsibility for whatever happens to you," he said. Dash nodded into his mane, before he continued. "And I would hate to bring down the mare who so foolishly stole my heart."

"Oh, you know me. I was known for my thieving abilities back in school..." Dash said back to him with a smug smile, as they separated. Soarin only nodded.

"Oh yeah... I remember all too well..." he said, putting his forehead on her's. Quickly shooting him a poker-face, she turned her expression to a smile.

"Good times, eh?" she asked him, leaning back onto the couch. Soarin inwardly chuckled, before looking over to her.

"Of course they were... remember the time I met you?" he asked. Dash instantly nodded.

"Oh yeah! It was right after I won the Best Young Flyer's competition, right?" she asked. Soarin grinned.

"Yep! You were so giddy that day, I could barely even recognize you!" he said. Dash titled her head with an annoyed look.

"You're acting as if you knew me before that..." she said, before laughing. Soarin smiled, and nodded.

"Of course I did! Not personally, but I had heard about how you and your friends had banished Princess Luna and stuff..." he said. Dash shook her head.

"Actually, we used the Elements of Harmony to release Princess Luna from her prison in Nightmare Moon," she said. Soarin shrugged.

"Potato-Potaato, am I right?"



Rainbow Dash sighed deeply, before rubbing her stomach in anticipation.

"I can't wait for this little one to be out'a here..." she said quietly. Soarin smiled, before pecking her on her lips.

"Me neither... she's gonna be a beauty. Taking her looks from her mother..." he said.

"And just how do you know it's going to be a filly?" Dash asked with a suspicious look. Soarin shrugged.

"I can just feel it..." he said. Dash snorted heavily.

"Yeah yeah, sure," she said, before tilting her head. Soarin smiled.

"This reminds me of the time at the Wonderbolts Day that you earned," he said. "You know, when we first met?"

"How in Equestria does this remind you of that time?" Dash asked him. Soarin chuckled.

"Oh... don't you remember?"

"Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh!" a young and excited rainbow-maned mare yelled as she stood in front of the training ground. A fiery orange pegasus more flew over to her and smirked.

"Never seen a training stadium before?" she asked with a smile. Dash's eyes widened, as she furiously nodded.

"No-no-no-no-no! I have! I definitely have!" she stammered, before hearing a light chuckle from behind her. Rainbow Dash quickly whipped her head around to lay her eyes on a stallion with a blown back navy mane.

Soarin pushed his googles onto his eyes, and shook his head, still releasing light chuckles.

"Oh please, Rainbow Dash. You're not fooling anypony," he said with a grin. Dash groaned, before instantly perking back up.

"Yeah yeah," she said, before Soarin threw her a pair of goggles.

"Catch," he said, before watching her swipe them on. She gave him an affirmative nod, as they both fluttered off the ground. Spitfire watched them, before shrugging.

"Soarin, I'm going to leave this one to you. Why don't we meet up in a few hours by the entrance of the court?" she asked her teammate, who replied with a nod.

"Sure thing, Spitfire. I'll keep her busy," he said with a sly smile. Spitfire raised her eyebrows, before quickly trotting off.

Dash then turned to Soarin with an expecting look in her eyes. "What are we gonna do?"

"Oh, you'll see," he said with another one of his signature smiles. Dash's ears drooped, before quickly pointing up again, and nodding. She couldn't show any kind of weakness to the Wonderbolts. She would never forgive herself if something like that ever happened.

The two flew up into the clouds for a little while longer, before Soarin turned to Rainbow Dash with a sly smirk.

"Up for a little race?" he asked her. Dash instantly responded with a giddy nod. Who would say no to an opportunity like that?

"YES!" she screamed, before mentally scolding herself and then correcting her foul with a shrug. "Uh... I mean, sure..."

"Great! How about to that cloud over there and back?" Soarin suggested, pointing to a random cloud in the sky with his hoof. Dash nodded, before getting into her regular racing stance. Soarin did the same. "You wanna count off?"

"Sure!" Dash said happily, preparing herself mentally and physically for what was about to come. Soarin nodded, signalling her to start the anticipation machine.

"ThreetwooneGO!" Dash said as quickly as possible, hitting her wings down once to gain easy height. Soarin gasped, before quickly flying faster to gain on her incredible speed.

"HEY!" he yelled from below her. "THAT'S CHEATING!"

"Tough luck," Dash replied with a snarky smile. Soarin rolled his eyes, before flapping his wings faster, until they were neck in neck.

"Give up yet?" Soarin asked the cyan mare floating besides him. Dash grunted.

"No! No way! I'm going to win this race, you know!" she said. Soarin rolled his eyes.

"And just how do you know that, missy?" he asked her. Dash took a deep breath, and started to fly faster as the two made their way in for the turn at the halfway point.

"I can just feel it," she said simply, as Soarin snorted. The two got close to the finish line, as they held their breaths in excitement, and nervousness.

"So... you made a connection between when you said you knew the foal was going to be a filly, to when I said I would win a race against you?" Dash asked with a raised eyebrow. Soarin shrugged.

"Well, to be fair, I did win the race," he said. Dash groaned.

"Liar. You know just as well as I do that I was the winner," she said. Soarin shook his head.

"No, Dashie... I know for a fact it was me," he said. Dash sighed.

"Soarin please, you-"

"Okay, okay. Fine, you won the race," Soarin said, mumbling something under his breath . He knew he shouldn't mess with her during this point in her pregnancy. that wouldn't end very well... Dash's mood swings were a nightmare. Trust Soarin; he knew.

"Well, since we're on the subject of old memories and me being awesome, do you remember the time when you first asked me to be your marefriend?" Dash asked with a smirk. Soarin rolled his eyes.

"How could I forget?" he asked, smiling. Dash shrugged.

"You were so nervous," she said, shaking her head. Soarin scoffed.

"Look who's talking! You were the one scrambling for words after I asked you!" he insisted. Dash shrugged, before laying her head into his shoulder, as they both thought back to the time.

"Sweet Celestia, that was good food," Rainbow Dash exclaimed as she and Soarin exited the restaurant. Soarin rolled his eyes.

"Don't get to used to it, the only reason we came here is because you won a race," he said. Dash shrugged.

"Good enough reason for me, eh?" she said, doing a flip in the air. "Err... thanks."

"For what?" Soarin asked, a little confused. Dash rolled her eyes.

"For buying the food," she said.

"Oh!" Soarin said, before shrugging. Dash nodded with her eyes wide.

"Yeah..." she said, before looking away. Soarin did the same, as the two of them walked in silence through the streets of Cloudsdale.

"So... what do you wanna do now?" Soarin asked the mare. Dash shrugged.

"Do you know any good flight spots around here? I haven't been around the city since like, forever," she explained. Soarin nodded, before grabbing her hoof.

"Yep! Come with me!"

The two flew silently to a secluded arena away from the hustle and bustle of the large city in the sky. They looked at each other once, before fluttering down to the ground.

"Uh... Rainbow Dash?" Soarin started nervously. Dash hummed to signal she was listening. Soarin took a deep breath, before continuing.

"We've... known each other for a little while, right?" he asked. Dash turned her head to face him, quirked an eyebrow, and nodded.

"Yeah... what else is new?" she joked with a lighthearted smile. Soarin shrugged.

"Yep. About, four months now, right? And I've known you more from the news on all your defeats of villains and such," he said. Dash nodded.

"Yeah. And I've know you for a lot longer than that, right? From all the posters I have in my house and stuff," she said. Soarin nodded.

"Yep. And.... I kinda had something to ask you," he said, taking her hoof again. Dash tilted her head in confusion, but gestured for him to continue.

"Will you... will you be my marefriend?" he asked her slowly, and quietly. Dash's ears perked up, as she stared wide-eyed at the sincere look in Soarin's eyes. She quickly started to stutter internally, and tried to keep her cool from the outside.

"Uh..." she stammered. Soarin's eyebrows flattened, as he gave her a slight frown.

"I... shouldn't have asked. I'm sorry," he said, before spreading his wings and beginning to get into a take-off stance. He bent his knees, before somepony tugged him by his tail. He looked back into Rainbow Dash's magenta pools and through her smile.

Her smile read happiness... positive emotions. Nothing at all showing what was really happening in her mind. But Soarin knew the mare better than that. He knew that in reality, she was very nervous.

She didn't know what to say... so she didn't say anything.

Rainbow Dash simply lept into Soarin's hooves and embraced him in the tightest hug she could muster. Soarin's eyes widened as she displayed affection towards him, and quickly returned the hug.

No words were said, no more gestures were made, the two pegasi simply lay there on the soft cloud holding their weight up.

"So... is this a yes?" Soarin spoke up after a few minutes. Dash groaned from beneath him.

"Oh come on! The moment was perfect until you ruined it!" she whined with a big grin. Soarin scrunched his lips and gave her a pout. "Well, at least you're cute."

"Oh please."

"You are though!"





"For what?"

"Yes... I'll be your marefriend."


"You goof."

"You were such a duffer, eh?" Rainbow Dash asked the baby-blue stallion from beneath him. Soarin shrugged.

"Well, to be fair, you did kind of jump on me. I was still in shock," he said. Dash rolled her eyes.

"That doesn't really give an excuse for this, now does it?" she asked him. Soarin, not wanting to screw with his wife's pregnancy mood swings, just nodded.

"Of course it doesn't," he said under his breath with a sly smile. Dash elbowed him roughly, before placing her legs in his lap.

"Darn. I'm tired," she said. Soarin rolled his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," he said, remembering more times from when the two were younger. "Remember our first kiss?"

"Oh yeah... that," Dash said, her cheeks beginning to turn a bright shade of crimson. Soarin chuckled, as he studied his wife's facial expression.

"Quite possibly the best day of my life... other than our wedding day... and a few.... other times," he said, giving her a small smile. Dash blushed again, and nodded, as the two thought back to the wonderful time.

"Oi, Soarin! Where are you going?" Rainbow Dash asked her coltfriend as she watched him ascend into the sky. Soarin looked back at her, and gestured for her to follow him.

"Come on! Follow me!" he said simply, as he took her hoof and guided her into the direction he was going in. Dash raised her eyebrow at the stallion's excitement, but followed through nevertheless.

"You never answered my question you know," she said after a few minutes of silent flying. Soarin glanced back at her, and didn't respond. "You're doing it again."

"Yeah yeah, you'll see, my little Dashie. You'll see," Soarin replied with a sickeningly sweet smile. Dash mentally gagged at the look, but returned it with her own snarky smile.

"Oh gosh... how do I even live with you?" she suddenly said, before bursting into fits of laughter. "I should be dead by now at this state!"

"That's not funny," Soarin suddenly spoke up from ahead. Dash instantly stopped laughing after noticing his completely serious tone. She tilted her head in confusion.

"What?" she asked, her eyebrows low on her forehead. Soarin stopped flying suddenly, and flew back over to her.

"I said, that's not funny. Never joke about those kinds of things," he said. Dash lowered her head, as she processed what was going on inside Soarin's mind.

"What do you mean?" she asked. "What did I say wrong?"

"You joked about your death. Don't do that ever again," Soarin replied as he looked away from her. His eyes began to fill up. "I don't know what I would do if anything like that were ever to happen."

"Okay, cut the act, Soarin. Please, you're scaring me," Dash said with a worried look, as she lifted a hoof to touch his face. Soarin quickly jerked his head away.

"Only of you promise never to do anything like that," he said. Dash took a deep breath.

"Anything like what?" she asked softly. Soarin shook his head.

"Never leave me... please. I'd kill myself," he said. Dash's eyes widened, as she fluttered over closer to him, and quickly embraced him in a tight hug.

"Why would I ever do that, honey?" she asked him, relaying a sweet tone into his ear as she stroked his mane. "You know I was only joking when I said that."

"I know, Dashie. But it just got me thinking. I can't stand seeing you hurt in any way... what if... what if..."

"Shh..." Rainbow suddenly cut in, as she pulled away from him and looked up. "I'm never leaving you, ever," she said, before softly planting her lips on his.

Soarin squeaked in surprise, but quickly wrapped his hooves around her middle, pulling her closer. Dash smiled beneath the kiss, enjoying every moment of it.

It was soft, and passionate. Holding warmth, and love that had been held back for such a long time. The two ponies, not seeming to want to let go, deepened the kiss. Tilting their heads, caressing each other's facial features... they were truly in love. They moaned under the kiss, before slowly lingering off one another.

Soarin put his head on Rainbow's forehead, and sighed, slowly opening his eyes.

"I... I love you, Dashie," he said. Dash smiled.

"I love you too, Soar. Much more than you could ever know."

"Oh yeah... those were good times..." Soarin relayed to his wife who was sitting on his lap. "Oi Dashie, can you get off me?"

"What? No!" Dash instantly replied, shooting him a glare.

Must be her mood swings, again.

"Oh... well.. okay then. Now that we've talked about the good times... remember our first fight?" Soarin asked, thinking back to when the event had happened.

"Why would you want to think about a bad time in our relationship? That doesn't even make any sense," Dash said. Soarin shrugged.

"Well, if we're going to take a trip down memory lane, we don't want to miss a few roadblocks, or traffic signals, eh?"

"That was the worst metaphor I've ever heard."

"Well, I wasn't trying to-"

"Do you really want to get into this argument right now?" Dash cut in. Soarin shook his head in the most polite way he could, before turning and rolling his eyes.

"We should still remember the time though. We fought over such a stupid reason..." he said. Dash's ears perked up, as she sadly nodded.

"We were very young back then, Soarin. You can't blame us..."

"Well, to be fair, twenty-one isn't really a young age," Soarin said. Dash shrugged.

"Oh well," she said with a long sigh, finally giving in to her husband's demands.

"Rainbow Dash! Come on! You're keeping us behind schedule!" Soarin yelled behind to his marefriend. Dash tried with all her might to flap harder, but it was proven impossible.

"Soarin! You can't just expect me to carry all this luggage, and over that, fly fast!" she yelled. Soarin shrugged, and just flew ahead. Dash groaned. "You could help, ya' know!"

"I could... but I have my own responsibilities here," he said nonchalantly. Dash raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? Like what? Tending for your marefriend?" she asked him with a glare. Soarin shook his head.

"You should have thought about this before you wanted to go on that trip!" he said. Dash scoffed.

"What? You're blaming your foolishness on me wanting to get out of town for a bit?" she asked. Soarin just nodded.

"Yeah, what else am I supposed to do?" he asked. Dash mumbled something under her breath before shooting him another sweet glare.

"And... where did you get that idea from?" she asked. Soarin gave her a look.

"From my brain, of course," he said. Dash started to break heavily, trying her hardest to stay calm.

"Dude. You're not being very helpful right now," she said. Soarin furrowed his eyebrow.

"Look who's talking," he said, as Rainbow Dash heaved herself up to his level.

"You have five seconds to fix what you just said," she said. Soarin shook his head.

"No. I want ten seconds," he said, playing a stubborn and childish attitude towards the cyan mare. Dash just shook her head, and held the three suitcases she was carrying to Soarin's eye level.

"That's it," she said, before swinging them out of her hooves and into the air, until they were flying madly.

"HEY!" Soarin suddenly yelled, putting his hooves on her shoulders and pushing her out of the way roughly. Dash gasped as the impact was made on her body.

"THE HECK, SOARIN!" she yelled, chasing after him.

Soarin quickly got hold of the flying luggage, and angrily turned around to face the mare.

"What. The. Freaking. Hell. Was. THAT?" he said in a low, dangerous voice. Dash gulped, as she gave him a glare back.

"I don't understand what you think of yourself, Mr. Skies," she said, using a formal name to show him she meant business. Soarin just increased his anger.

"What gave you the right to throw the bags like that? They could have opened if they made impact with the ground!" he said. Dash rolled her eyes.

"And what about me? I was begging for your help!" she insisted. Soarin shook his head.

"Like you needed any! Who's the tough girl now, huh?" he mocked. Dash gasped.

"How... how dare you!" she yelled. "You have no insight to speak to me like that!"

"Uh, newsflash. I'm your coltfriend," he said. Dash scoffed.


"So, I have all the right to do whatever I please," he said. Dash shook her head.

"I really hate you," she said suddenly, before flaring out her wings, and flying away.

"I was... really scared, after that," Soarin said as he looked at his wife. Rainbow Dash sighed.

"I was so stupid to just... go away like that. I can't even imagine what you must have done..." she said slowly. Soarin's eyes widened as he remembered.

"Oh you have no idea... I was searching for you for three hours after you left!" he exclaimed. Dash pursed her lips together, and nodded. She closed her eyes.

"I'm so sorry I did that to you, Soar... it was a stupid fight. With stupid conditions... agh," she said. Soarin simply wrapped a hoof around her, and sighed.

"It's okay, Dashie. Thank goodness I found you though..." he said. Dash nodded.

"Do you remember what happened when you did find me?" she asked. Soarin only nodded.

"How could I forget?"

Rainbow Dash sat slump on the porch of an old Ponyville cottage. She looked around her, to see a few couples by the park which she was in.

"Idiot," she mumbled underneath her breath as she thought about her own coltfriend. How could Soarin do this to her? Didn't she mean something to him? Was their entire relationship a lie?

Of course, Rainbow Dash knew she was majorly overreacting. It was obvious to her, and Soarin too. She shouldn't have made such a big deal out of something so small. It wasn't the right thing. She could have done so much more... much more other than what she did end up doing.

There was a gust of wind behind her as somepony landed on all fours. Obviously a pegasus. Obviously a stallion, since the grunts Dash heard were too manlike to belong to a mare. It also sounded like someone she knew all too well.

"Rainbow Dash!" Soarin started, before Dash cut him off.

"Soarin, please. I know what I did wrong. I know. There's no need to blow your top off at me right now. I'm not really in the best mood anyway," she said. Soarin stepped back in surprise, as he saw what she did next.

Dash curled up into a ball, wrapping her front hooves behind her 'hinds, and sighed, starting to sniffle a little. Soarin knew what was about to happen. And he couldn't bare to see it.

Just as the first tear fell, he leapt over besides her, embracing her in a giant hug. "Shh... don't cry, Dashie. You know I hate it when you cry like this."

"You've never seen me cry... how would you know?" Dash spoke up in between her cries. Soarin patted her back, and stroked her mane lovingly.

"I know much more than you think I know... remember that... and also the fact that I love you," he said. Dash snorted.

"After what just happened, I doubt it," she said. Soarin shook his head.

"Really? Well, do you know I've spent the last three hours searching Equestria for you?" he asked. Dash's ears perked up as she quickly turned to face him.

"What?" she asked with a shocked look. Soarin nodded sadly.

"It's the honest truth. Would I ever lie to you?" he asked. Dash slowly shook her head.. before letting a few more tears escape.

"I can't believe I overreacted like that. You must hate me right now..." she said. Soarin let out a quiet chuckle. "What're you laughing at?"

"Didn't I just say that I love you more than anything else in the world?" he asked her. Dash shook her head.

"No... you said that you loved me. Not that you loved me more than anything else, ever," she said. Soarin shrugged.

"Oh, you got the point," he said with a lighthearted smile. "Now, will you stop with that sad face? It's making me feel down just looking at it...." he finished with a dramatic pose. Dash slowly smiled.

"Of course, you big goof," she said, before hugging him tightly. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'm so glad that argument was resolved..." Rainbow Dash said, leaning on her husband. Soarin laughed.

"All it took was a little but o' Soarin charm on my part!" he said, flashing her a toothy grin. Dash rolled her eyes.

"Oh please," she said, pushing him slightly. Soarin chuckled once again, before slinging a hoof around her figure.

"Remember the time I met your parents?" he asked her with a leading smile. Dash's eyes widened, as she instantly started to giggle. "Hey! It wasn't that funny!"

"You were more nervous than Twilight before a test!" Dash said. "And that's nervous..."

"At least I made it through in one piece," Soarin replied. Dash raised an eyebrow.

"Did you really?"

"Come on Soarin! We're going to be late!" Rainbow Dash said as she dragged her coltfriend up some cloud steps. Soarin only shook his head.

"How could you possibly want to hurry at a time like this?" he said. biting his lip. Dash shrugged.

"My parents aren't too bad! You haven't met them before!" she said. Soarin immediately shook his head.

"Your father's the head of the Cloudsdale weather organization. That itself proves he's very strict. Imagine what he'll do to his only daughter's first coltfriend," he said. Dash scoffed.

"True, my father's strict. But he's not that bad once you get to know him! He'll open up to you! Trust me!" she said, reaching a hoof for a doorbell. "The worst you're going to get is a few minor bruises, if not none..."

Soarin's ears perked up. "Say what now?"

Suddenly, the door opened wide to reveal a light pink mare with a shocking cerulean mane. She instantly smiled upon seeing the new arrivals.

"Rainbow Dash!" she exclaimed first, taking her daughter in for a hug. "And you must be Soarin from the Wonderbolts! Dash's told me a lot about you!"

"Uh... yes! Hi! I'm Soarin," the baby-blue stallion said nervously, reaching a hoof out for the mare. She completely ignored it and pulled him in for a tight hug.

"Hello! I'm Firefly! Rainbow's mom," she said, squeezing him into pony-pulp. Dash noticed how he was struggling, and stiffled a laugh.

"Mom... you're kinda crushing him," she noticed. Firefly let go of Soarin, and held him up.

"Hmm... nice features, nervous personality, I'll have to take a few points off you for that..." she said, beginning to evaluate him. Well, at least Soarin now knew where Dash got that trait from.

"What?" he asked in disbelief. Firefly ended her test with a nod.

"Yep. This one's a keeper, Rain," she said, pushing Soarin over to his marefriend. Dash giggled, as Soarin was thrown into her hooves. She held him still, before looking back over to her mother.

"Oh trust me, I know," she said with a sly smile. Firefly shook her head playfully, before leading them all into the house and onto a couch. "Where's Dad?"

Firefly's eyes widened, as she nodded. "Oh right! RAINBOW BLAZE!"

A periwinkle coated stallion stumbled into the room. He had a multicolored short rainbow mane, obviously Dash's father. Soarin staggered mentally, before taking a deep breath. Everything would be fine, right?

Blaze stopped suddenly as he looked upon the scene before him. His wife was on one of the two love seats in the room. The other was being occupied by his daughter and a stallion whom she had her hooves around. He put two and two together, finally coming to a conclusion who the newcomer was.

Slowly, he made his way to sit besides his wife, and quickly looked upon his daughter and her... coltfriend.

"Rainbow Dash, it's great to see you again," he said. Dash smiled, before gesturing her eyes over to where Soarin was sitting with a nervous expression covering his face. "And you must be Soarin, of the Wonderbolts. Rainbow has told us much about you."

"Oh... she has," Soarin said, finally deciding to say something. Blaze nodded with a peculiar look in his eye.

"You seem... distant for some reason. Care to explain?" he asked. Soarin looked over to Dash, and mouthed a simple 'help' to her. She giggled, and looked over to her mother.

"Uh, Mom. I got you a few things from Ponyville. Would you like to see them?" she asked. Firefly instantly nodded, beckoning her daughter over, and out of her seat.

"Oh yes! Show them to me in my room! Come on!" she said, taking her hoof and pulling her out of the room. Soarin mentally gasped as he looked into the teasing eyes of Rainbow Dash, who simply shrugged and followed her mother.

Soarin now had no choice but to turn back to Rainbow Blaze, who's eyes hadn't left him since the time he sat down. "Er..."

"Tell me about your relationship with my daughter," Blaze suddenly cut in. Soarin's eyes widened, as he realized what the stallion was asking.

"Uh... what do you want to know?" he asked in the most polite way he could. Blaze didn't move.

"Anything. I'd like to know it all," he said simply. Soarin gulped, before laughing nervously.

"Well... she's my marefriend, we go out to dinner sometimes... err... I like her... mane?" he said. Blaze raised his eyebrow.

"Is that the only reason you like my daughter?" he asked. Soarin flattened his eyebrows, and shook his head.

"No... of course not," he said. Blaze nodded.

"Then tell me why you like her," he said. Soarin started to slightly sweat. What was he going to do?

"She's really... amazing. In every possibly way. The fact that she's able to deal with me is astonishing," he started. "She's nice, sweet, loving, and perfect in every single way. I love her to death, and I would do anything for her."

Soarin stopped himself before realizing what he had just spilled. Blaze's jaw was slightly opened, but he was still looking at the younger stallion in a serious manner.

"Anything else?" he asked, pushing Soarin to continue. "I apologize if it seems like I'm interrogating you, but I'm just curious."

Soarin nodded. "I understand. It's hard to see your kids move on like this," he said, before realizing he went too far. "Hehe... oops."

"Don't be sorry, I know what you're saying. I'm just worried my little Dashie has grown up too quickly. I wouldn't want her to get hurt in any way. You... you won't do that to her, will you?" Blaze asked. Soarin instantly shook his head.

"Of course I won't. She's my everything; I'd never betray her in any way..." he said. Blaze nodded.

"Good... you're... you're okay. I'm glad she chose you of all ponies to be her's," he said. Many emotions swept through Soarin at that moment. His marefriend's father had approved of him! Soarin felt... pride in himself. He was suddenly much happier, and much less nervous than before.

"Oh... that's great! In fact, that's wonderful!" he suddenly blurted out. Blaze stopped in his tracks, and turned to look at the younger stallion with a peculiar look.

"Uh... excuse me?" he said, as Soarin squeaked, and quickly tried to regain control over the situation.

"Nothing! Nothing!" he stammered out. Blaze raised his eyebrow, and nodded slowly.


"That was really embarrassing," Soarin said, putting his head down in shame. Rainbow Dash just laughed, and gave him a playful noogie.

"It was also really entertaining to watch!" she exclaimed, covering her mouth right after she let it slip.

"What? But weren't you showing your mother things that you got her or something?" Soarin asked quickly. Dash giggled nervously.

"Well... we may or may not have been actually spying on you to see if Dad would open up to you..." she mumbled. Soarin's eyes widened, as he scoffed.

"You thought I couldn't take care of myself?" he asked, crossing his hooves. Dash shrugged.

"Yep! That's exactly what I thought!" she said, before bursting into a fit of laughter. Soarin smiled at her enthusiasm, and shook his head, beginning to chuckle along with her.

"Oh Dashie... this kinda reminds me about the time when I completely failed my proposal to you..." he said, putting a hoof around her. Dash quirked her eyebrows, before the memory came flooding in.

"Aha! That was absolutely hilarious," she replied with a smirk.

"Well, yeah. But at least you said yes, eh?" Soarin said, nudging her elbow. Dash shrugged.

"To be honest though, I was seriously considering saying no..." she said. Soarin's eyes popped open.

"What? Why?" he asked with a shocked look. Dash smiled.

"Because of your proposal, silly," she said, before hugging him tightly.

"Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right?" Soarin asked her, cautiously returning her hug. Dash nodded.

"Of course," she said with a roll of her eyes.

"Dashie!" Soarin yelled over to his marefriend. Rainbow Dash looked up from the book she was reading, and gave him a quizzical smile.


"Guess where I'm taking you tonight?" he asked her with a nervous grin. Dash quirked her head to the side, and shrugged.

"I have no idea. Tell me!" she said, beginning to jump up and down in her seat excitedly. Soarin always took her to the most incredible places for dinner. Sometimes, he took her to the Hayburger; one of her favorites. Other times, he took her to a diner at the edge of Manehattan, where everypony ate in the most messy way possible. Either or, the two always went somewhere down-to-earth, since Soarin knew Dash couldn't stand high-class places.

"We're going to the Salad Express!"

Dash raised her eyebrow. That restaurant was one of the fanciest in all of Equestria! Why would Soarin be taking her there?

"Uh... Soarin... why there? I mean, I heard it's really high-class, and only famous ponies go there," she said. Soarin nodded.

"And who am I?" he asked.

"Soarin Skies of the Wonder- ohhh..." Dash said, realizing what Soarin was saying in the middle of her sentence. Her coltfriend only nodded.

"And who are you, in relation to me?" he asked again.

"Rainbow Dash, Soarin Skies' marefr- ohhh..." Dash said again, stopping herself midway through her sentence. Soarin nodded again, giving her a small smile.

"We haven't really been seen in public very often. Some ponies think us being a thing is just a rumor. That you're making it up to gain popularity or something..." he said. Dash gasped.

"What? I'd never do that!" she said.

"I know," Soarin replied, before swiftly pecking her lips. Dash smiled, before flaring her wings out.

"We still have some time before we go, you wanna go for a fly?" she asked. Soarin nodded.

"Sure!" he said, as the two grinned at one another, and took to the sky. Soarin though, was mentally preparing himself for what was about to come.

"Well, to be fair, I didn't exactly expect your reaction to the restaurant to be so disturbing," Soarin said, putting his hooves into the air. Dash shrugged.

"It was definitely a first for me, I didn't usually go to those kinds of places," she said. Soarin nodded.

"Understandable..." he mumbled. Dash scoffed.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked.

"Moving on!"

"What will you two be having tonight?" an elegant cream-coated stallion asked Dash and Soarin as they took their seats. They quickly scanned the menu, before throwing it into the air.

"Surprise us!" they both said together. The waiter raised his eyebrow at their casualty, but snorted lightly and collected their menus nevertheless.

Soarin took a deep breath. "Do you need to go to the bathroom?" he asked. Dash titled her head in confusion.

"Uh... no?" she said with a look that clearly read confusion. Soarin shook his head.

"Do you need to get some fresh air then?" he asked.

"Nope, I'm good," Dash replied again.

"Are you sure you don't need to use the filly's room?"

"Yeah, I'm completely sure."

"I don't know about that, you look like you want to," Soarin teased.

"If you keep saying it I'm going to end up wanting to go," Dash said. Soarin nodded.

"Which is exactly the plaaaAA... hey! What're you getting for dessert?"

Dash closely inspected the stallion in front of her. "Soarin, what's going on?" she asked him, as Soarin roughly shook his head.

"Nothing, Dashie! Nothing at all! I'm just... being a good coltfriend, and looking out for his marefriend!" he said, beginning to sweat. Dash raised an eyebrow, but decided not to investigate further. "So... do you need to go to the bathroom?"

"Soarin, for the last time, I don't need to... well, actually, now that you say so... be right back!" Dash stammered, searching for words as she got to her hooves and sped out the door. Soarins sighed, and leaned back in his seat. Now to get everything ready.

He called over the waiter again, and started to whisper in his ear.

"I'll pay you double if you do a simple task for me!" he said, handing over a small velvet box. The waiter nodded curtly, and quickly disappeared as he saw Dash reenter the restaurant. As she took her seat, Soarin began to narrow his eyes and look at her.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Dash asked as she noticed what he was doing. Soarin didn't answer, just taking her hooves in his. He smiled.

"I love you, Dashie," he said softly, as Dash gave him an unreadable expression.

"I... love you too," she said finally, as the two leaned in for a kiss.

"Your drinks, Sir le Madam?" the waiter cut in, placing two solid glasses in front of them; breaking their moment. Soarin and Dash coughed to cover their 'crime' and proceeded to take the water.

"Uh... thank you," Soarin said, dipping his head, as the waiter left. He then turned back to Dash. "Go on, drink up!" he said, before chugging down his own drink. Dash eyed him curiously, and took a dainty sip.

"Something's up with you, Soarin," she said, before taking a larger gulp. "I didn't realize how thirsty I was!" she finished, putting her half-empty cup back on the table. Soarin frowned.

"Dash, I think you should drink more than that!" he exclaimed. Dash raised her eyebrows at him.

"Why though?" she said, not moving her hoof. Soarin shrugged.

"Always better to stay hydrated than dehydrated, eh?" he said. Dash shook her head with a smile, sliding off Soarin's foal-ish behavior as a joke.

"Whatever," she said, picking up her glass and draining the content.

She suddenly began to cough, as something solid was in her mouth. Soarin instantly noticed this, and assumed she had found the little surprise inside the glass of water. He got up to go help her.

After Dash spit out the small object, Soarin knelt besides her, looking at her hooves. Dash gasped as she saw the small trinket; a beautiful diamond ring with three sapphires combing the edges.

"I... oh..." Dash stammered as she realized what was going on. She quickly turned to face Soarin.

"Rainbow Dash, I already know I failed this proposal more than I should have, but... I love you so much... will you, will you marry me?" he asked her simply, mentally cursing himself for how badly the moment had turned out.

Dash gasped as she processed her options.

"I... uh... YES!" she spat, leaping into his arms as the entire restaurant burst into cheers. "You goof."

"Uh uh uh... I'm your goof," Soarin said with a cheeky grin. Dash let go of him, and lightly smacked his cheek.

"That's true," she said, as she quickly closed the gap between them.

"You might not think much of it, but you were much more romantic than you thought," Dash said, as she looked up to Soarin. He returned her gesture with a smile.

"You're not so bad yourself, Señorita," he said. Dash smiled.

"I'm married," she said simply. Soarin shrugged.

"I don't need you to say that for me to know it's true," he said, embracing her in a soft hug, which she quickly returned.

"Remember our wedding?" Dash suddenly spoke up. Soarin hummed lightly.

"Of course, how could I forget?" he asked her with a small grin.

"Mares and gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Rainbow Dash and Soarin Skies," Twilight Sparkle announced to the crowd with a few tears in her eyes. "Can I be the first to say, that seeing one of my oldest, dearest friends in this position is just one of the most heartwarming things I've ever encountered?"

There were murmurs of approval seeping through the large audience, in the main hall of the Castle of Friendship. Twilight smiled, looking back at the young couple. "And now, uniting her with a stallion I personally know, who will take care of her in every aspect of her coming life, is really honoring on my part. Congratulations, you two," she finished, as Dash and Soarin nodded in acknowledgement towards the alicorn princess.

The rest of Rainbow Dash's friends, who were all standing besides her, along with Soarin's teammates, all looked upon the loving scene before them. They knew the two ponies were bound to get together at some point; they just didn't expect the moment to come by so quickly. Even if it really was an example of pure love.

"Now, may I please have the rings?" Twilight asked, looking over to the slightly taller dragon besides her. Spike quickly held up the large pillow with two beautiful pegasi rings on top.

Using her magic, Twilight levitated both, and held them by the couple's wings.

"Do you, Soarin Skies, take this mare, Rainbow Dash, to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and health, till death do you part?" she asked, turning to the baby-blue stallion on her left. Soarin nodded.

"I do," he said simply, looking deep into Dash's eyes with a loving smile. Twilight nodded, then turning to the cyan mare.

"And do you, Rainbow Dash, take this stallion, Soarin Skies, to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health, till death do you part?" she asked again. Dash nodded.

"I do," she said, returning the gaze Soarin was giving her. Twilight smiled softly at the two, before clipping the rings onto their wings.

"Then it is my great pleasure to announce you, husband and wife. You may kiss," she said, as Soarin took his new wife into his hooves, dipped her, and brought her lips to his.

There wasn't a dry eye in the crowd. The families of the bride and groom were crying happily as they observed just how loving Dash and Soarin were acting. They were truly the perfect couple.

"That day, I became the luckiest stallion ever to roam Equestria," Soarin said to his wife who was laying besides him. Dash grinned.

"You already were, Soarin. Because you had me as your awesome marefriend, even before we married!" she exclaimed, pecking him on his lips. He pouted.

"Is that all you're gonna give me?" he asked slyly. Dash rolled her eyes, and climbed off the couch, careful as to not hurt herself. Soarin frowned, before smiling and helping her. "I really do love you, Rainbow Dash."

"As do I, Soarin," Dash said with a grin. "More than you could ever know..."

"You know, it's true what they say," Soarin suddenly said. Dash's ears perked up.

"What?" she asked curiously. Soarin just smiled.

"Love really is a strange thing... but when you share it with your own, it can be unbreakable," he quoted. Dash quirked her eyebrows.

"Where'd you get that from?" she asked. Soarin scoffed.

"Made it up on the spot, what else do you think I did?" he said childishly, before the two burst out laughing.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Author's Note:

Aha... this was way too much fun to write. I think I broke my cheeks from smiling so much during the process of story-writing. XD

Anyway, I sincerely hope you did enjoy this. I know I did. It isn't very much like my usual stories; not as emotional, and more straight forward.

Well, I guess I'll see you in my next story!

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

Comments ( 43 )

Great story Crystal




7066539 Thank you so much!

7066547 Ah! Thanks so much, Flair! ^^

7066593 I'm so glad you enjoyed the story, Northern! Thank you so much!

gona exploded from cuteness:rainbowkiss::pinkiegasp:

Cute story! Definetly shows how a relationship may feel if it's true.

D'WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW I think I spelt that wrong... Whatever....


7066703 Haha thanks so much!

7067242 Haha thanks so much!




:pinkiecrazy: ...

"Potato-Potaato, am I right?"

Totally mine and my friends conversations :rainbowlaugh:

Your story is AWESOME! SO MUCH CUTENESS!!!!!

:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy: THIS STORY IS SOOOOOOO CUTE


Damn Crystal.... Back at it with the great stories..
Really enjoyed reading this, especially the bit where Soarin actually realizes he messed up and tried to look for his girlfriend and apologize rather than blame the entire situation on her. It shows character and I loved that. Truly amazing work :twilightsmile:

7067565 God, thank you so much. I'm so glad you enjoyed the story!
That scene was thoroughly difficult to write. I was trying to build up a conflict that seemed pretty minor to the readers, but ended up meaning a great deal more to Dash and Soarin. Having Soarin apologize, and confront Dash seemed more reasonable than him ignoring her. Especially since I could build more on Soarin's character by doing so.

Daaaaamn Daniel, back at it again with the awesome stories. (I know your name isn't Daniel, but still.) :trollestia:

7068204 Thank you so much! And no, I haven't yet gotten the chance to read the story. But I'll be sure to soon! ^^

7068249 Seriously? I've seen your amazing art on DA, and I'd be absolutely honored if you could do cover art for a story of mine in the future! Thank you so much for offering, oh my!
Thanks for the link! I'll be sure to check it out! :3

7068268 Thank you! And yes, I'm well aware pf that as one of my MANY flaws as a writer. But don't worry, I'm working to improve on the disturbing trait. Thanks for the advice though, it's always greatly appreciated! ^^

7068884 Ah I'm glad you enjoyed! No problem!

"Of course I won't. She's my everything; I'd never betray her in any way..." he said. Blaze nodded.

I haven't memed any stories in a while so I'm a bit rusty. Keep up the good work.

7069885 Yep. Born and raised in Boston. XD

7070007 Naw, you're great. Haven't seen you around in a while, either.


awww that was so beautiful :pinkiehappy:

Yeah I've been busy with school, YouTube, and reading other stories.

7071700 Aha thanks~ glad you enjoyed. C:

7071900 School is a place where doubt was first formed.
Youtube is pretty swell.
Other stories are swag.

This ...
is ...
a very very very very VERY ADORABLE story.. :heart::heart::heart:
And now I can't stop smiling :pinkiehappy:

D'awwww....that was so sweet. :pinkiesad2:

7073245 Gosh, thank you so much!

7076264 Oh god, that's so nice of you! Thank you so much!



This was SO adorable in EVERY way!!! I could NOT stop smiling! Oh my gosh... wow Crystal... wow.

I'm so happy you liked it!

Aha I'm so glad you liked it! ^.^ :pinkiehappy:

Amazing, adorable, so sweet. Love it, in other words. :twilightsmile:

Lots of little stories is one chapter... Noice!:twilightsmile:

I don't ship it but this is a great story! Upvote gladly deserved.

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