• Published 14th Jun 2012
  • 630 Views, 1 Comments

The Radiant Dreamer. - MadamAxem

Rachael has been missing for a loooooooong time.

  • ...



“Are you ready for today's adventure Twilight?” said a feminine voice.

“A-A-A-A-A-Are you sure you don't want to go inside and read some more books Rachael?” The one called Twilight replied.

A small unicorn filly with a mane as black as night and a coat of Lavender was standing in front of a cave. The Filly had Lavender eyes as well with purple highlights in her fluffy mane. She had two brown saddlebags on her back and a pink star on her flank, Twilight Sparkle, was her name. Standing next to her was a human girl, no older then 12 years of age. She had very fluffy dirty blonde hair as she rarely brushed it. She had sky blue eyes and wore a Baseball cap that was red all around expect for the front which was white and had a odd little L shape on it. She wore jeans that where just the right size and wore a dark green shirt. She was wearing red shoes that where white around where the toes are. She was holding a wooden sword in her hand. The girl (whom is called Rachael) face palmed and shoke her head.

“ Twili, as much as I love reading Daring Doo novels today we HAVE TO explore a bit!” Rachael said full of excitement.

“ But, but. We don't know what is in that cave!” Twilight nervously replied.

“ That's what exploring is Twili! Think about it, if we explore this cave we might find something no pony else has ever found before! Like a new kind of plant, or better yet, TREASURE!”

The duo's eyes both lit up with joy. Rachael was thinking about finding Treasure, and Twilight was thinking about finding a brand new species of plant. The two then shuck their head and got back to reality.

“Well? What do you say?” Rachael asked the filly one more time.

“ ….... Alright, but not for to long, okay?” Twilight replied.

Twilight put her hoof out,Rachael grabbed it and shoke it.

“ Its a Deal.” Rachael was smiling from ear to ear. “ Now come on! We don't have much time left!”

Deeper in the cave........

“W-W-Wow! It sure is dark in here.” Rachael said nervously.

Rachael was holding a flashlight in her hand whilst her wooden sword was at her side in a sheath that she made herself. The cave was pretty dark and you could hear the water dripping down from the Silicates. Twilight was nervously following behind her, afraid at the slightest noise.

“ C-C-C-Can we turn back now? Please?” Twilight begged Rachael.

“ Twilight,even though we both are scared, did Daring doo ever run away when she entered a temple?” Rachael asked the young filly.

“ N-N-No.....”

“ That's right! She toke any challenge head on without fear!”

“ But we aren't her.....”

“That is true, but we can try to be brave, like her.”

Twilight smiled a little bit at Rachael. Rachael smiled back at her and turned around. Something had caught her eye and it was a blue shining light.

“ Hey! Look at that!” Rachael asked Twilight.

“ Wow! What is that?” Twilight replied curiously?”

“ I have no idea, but lets find out! Come on! Last one there is a rotton egg!”

Rachael started to run towards the light while Twilight barely managed to keep up with her.

“ No fair!” Twilight complained. “ You know that my legs aren't as long as yours!”

Rachael just laughed at her. About 3 minutes past before the two managed to make it to the blue light. Up close it was well, a big collection of blue crystals in a pond. You could a bit of light from a hole in the wall as it shone upon the crystal, reflecting like a big mirror. But, there was also a sword, a Bastard sword really. It about the height of Rachael, no bigger no less. The blade was what seemed to be silver, it gleamed brightly and looked sharp enough to cut a tree in half. The hilt had red leather wrapped around the grip, the Pommel was a simple golden circle with a Sapphire incrusted on both sides. The edge holders went down like a crescent moon, they were made of gold. The sword was in a pedestal though, which was made of stone. Rachael's move dropped upon sight of the sword, her eyes looked like they where gonna jump out of the sockets at any second.

“ Wow......” Rachael said in awe.

“ I know.” Twilight replied, also in shock.

“ Look at this thing! This thing screams I AM AWESOME!”

“ It does look pretty cool.....”

Rachael walked over to the sword and put her hands on the grip.

“ Hey! What are you doing with that thing! Its not ours, we could get in HUGE trouble for taking what isn't ours!” Twilight said worried.

“ Pfffh, finders keepers.” Rachael replied.

Twilight face hoofed so hard. “ We shouldn't take what isn't ours Rachael!”

“ Awwh come on! I'll bring it right back! Please Twilight?” Rachael gave Twilight her best puppy eyes. Twilight sighed in defeat, no one could face Rachael's Puppy eyes.

“ Fine! But we have to bring it back someday.”

“ YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!” Rachael squealed with joy.

Rachael first toke off her wooden sword and threw it away. She put both hands on the grip of the sword and pulled as hard as she could. Rachael started humming a little bit though. The sword slowly came out but soon Rachael had obtained..........

“ YOU GOT THE MASTER SWORD!” Rachael yelled. Twilight looked at her like she was crazy.

“ What?” Rachael grinned sheepishly. “ I've always wanted to say that.”

“ You are so weird, you know that?” said Twilight.

“ Yeah, I am weird, which is why you love me.” Rachael then proceeded to drop the sword and give Twilight a noogie.

“ Hey! Cut it out!”

Rachael let her go and picked up the sword again, it was really heavy so she had to drag it on the ground. The two started to leave when they heard what sounded like a roar. The two both turned around and saw a fully grown, Dragon. And he looked PISSED!


The dragon swipped with his giant claws at the two but they both jumped out of the way.

“ TWILIGHT! RUN!” Rachael screamed at the Unicorn.

“ I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!” Twilight yelled back.

“ GO! I'LL BE FINE!” Rachael wasn't so sure about that part.

Twilight nodded and ran away, crying the whole time. Rachael turned to face the dragon, ready to fight to the last breath to protect her friend.

“ Sending your friend away so you can fight. How gutless.” the Dragon remarked.

“ How is that gutless?” Rachael asked him.

“ Because, Suicide is the cowards way out.

The dragon then swiped at Rachael again, only this time Rachael jumped out of the way and as his hand was out in front of her. She cut his hand off before it could hit her. Blood started to gush everywhere. The dragon backed away in agony, holding the stub that was once his hand. His now gone hand was on the ground, just standing still.

“ THIS WAS MY FAVORITE HAND!” He yelled at her.

He then proceeded to slap the little girl with his tail into a wall. She stood up and looked pissed.

“ YOU HIT ME AGAINST A WALL!” She screamed at him.

“ YOU CUT OFF MY #@$&ING HAND!” He yelled back at her.



Rachael started to feel really tired, when she cut his hand off it used a lot of energy. The slam from his tail really hurt and her back felt like it was broken. She put up the sword and breathed hard, she was ready to die.

“ Oh, your getting tired I see, good, that means I can KILL YOU NOW!” The dragon rushed into Rachael and made her fall down. He smiled evily as he put his foot on top of her. He slowly started to step on her as she screamed in Agony from the pain, she felt like she was gonna black out from the pain. But the Adeline rush was keeping her going.

“ Any last words human?” He asked her.

“ Yeah.....” Rachael barely managed to form words. Rachael toke in a deep breath, possibly her last, and yelled at the top of lungs.

“ FUS RO DAH!” The sound alone made the dragon back away, holding his ears from the sound. He backed up to far however, as he tripped and fell on the wall. Making the ceiling collapse, he tried to escape but all the exits where blocked out. He then was hit by many falling rocks, crushed under his own house. Rachael smiled softly, and closed her eyes, earning a well deserved rest.

A/N: HELLO FIMFICTION! Madam Axe'm here and and I must say that I am PUMPED to start writing fanfictions again. I used to do fanfictions before on Fanfiction.net but I left and now I am here to STAY! Any who, this was actually pretty fun to write. I am thinking this is gonna be pretty darn fun and not your average Human In Equestria story. I am trying something new! Any who, I hope you enjoyed the proloque and this interests you enough that you will comment. Farwell!

Comments ( 1 )

Well it was an interesting read to say the least. :twilightsheepish: I do have a few things to say though in all seriousness as one author to another the plot seems interesting but, I felt that too little description was given on the location or even the backstory. I know it was simply a prologue and I did enjoy the dialogue between the characters but couldn't seem to overlook the devices missing in it to get me enthralled into the story. Please don't take my comments as an insult I am simply being honest because I believe this story has a lot of potential so please keep on writing and make a few corrections here and there as you see fit. :pinkiehappy: Also if you could correct the few spelling errors in it as well, it would help keep the story going instead of leading off to a misunderstanding in the context. :scootangel:

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