• Published 26th Mar 2016
  • 4,174 Views, 58 Comments

Is This Friendship? - Just A Random Pegasus

Starlight Glimmer, confused about her sudden, rather strong feelings for Sunburst, asks Twilight Sparkle if it is just friendship... or something else.

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Is This Friendship?

Starlight Glimmer trotted through the empty corridors in Twilight's castle, scanning the doors on the sides of the walls. Just like the day before, she couldn't find her way through the castle with much ease.

Ah, the day before. What an... interesting day, to say the least. Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's foal's Crystalling was taking place in none other than the Crystal Empire, where Starlight was able to accompany Twilight and her friends for the ceremony.

While there, Starlight had the pleasure of reconciling with her old friend: Sunburst. Even though he had very low self esteem in himself and thought he was not successful, Starlight helped show him that he is special, and he ended up saving the Crystal Empire- heck, all of Equestria- with his logic and magic smarts.

Now, he and Starlight were close friends, and promised to keep in touch with each other. Starlight enjoyed being reunited with him. Having friends made her feel all happy; like she was worth something. Whenever she thinks about him, however, her stomach is swarmed with butterflies, and her heart rate increases. She has a strange fuzzy feeling that makes her feel all weird.

Now, Starlight was looking for Twilight. These fuzzy feelings have been plaguing her all day, and she was hoping to ask Twilight if it is a natural feeling when friends with somepony. She doesn't remember ever feeling it; not even when she became friends with Twilight.

Starlight was currently looking for the library in the midst of all the doors lining the castle walls. She had a feeling Twilight would be there, reading a book or something. She had been to the library in the castle before; though, she had completely forgotten how to get there. It was all so confusing.

She let out a groan as she opened a door to find an unused closet. "Ugh! I wish there were royal guards here so I could ask them!" She said aloud. She continued opening and closing doors before she finally opened one to reveal a fairly large, crystalline room filled with many different books. And, just as she expected, Twilight was seated on a chair, reading a book.

Twilight's attention was turned from the book when she heard the door open. As she set eyes on Starlight, a smile inched its way up her face.

"Starlight! Hey there!" She then put a bookmark in her book and set it down. "Is there something you want to read here? I have the books in perfect chronological order, but I can still help you find something if needed!" She said, standing up and starting to make her way over to the large bookshelves.

Starlight shook her head. "Actually, Twilight, I came to ask you a question."

Twilight stopped in her tracks and raised an eyebrow. "What kind of question?"

Starlight moved her hoof along the ground. "A question about friendship."

At this, Twilight beamed. "Ooh! You came to the right source! I'll be happy to answer your question!" She levitated two chairs to sit across from each other. "Now, take a seat, and tell me what's up!"

Starlight smiled back before closing the door with her magic. She made her way over to the chair across from Twilight.

Twilight ruffled her feathers. "So...?"

Starlight eyed her before starting. "Is... fuzziness normal for friendship?"

Twilight's expression didn't change. "Uh... what do you mean by 'fuzziness'?"

Starlight scratched her neck, thinking of a way to explain it. "Uh... well... every time I think of Sunburst or my reconciliation with him, I feel all warm and... fuzzy, almost. Is that... normal for friendship, or is a reunited friendship special in any way to make ponies feel like that?"

Twilight took all of this in, thinking. "Well... when you say your stomach flutters... maybe you're just excited? I mean, you probably really missed him when he left for Canterlot back when you were younger. I wouldn't be too concerned with the feeling you're having."

Before Starlight could respond, the door was opened. The two unicorns turned to the door to find Spike standing in the doorway, a scroll in his hand.

"Oh! Hi, Starlight! Something came in the mail for you!" He said as Starlight looked at the scroll. Suddenly, her ears perked and a large smile engulfed her face. She used her magic to yank it out of Spike's claws, and quickly levitated it in front of her.

After opening the scroll, she excitedly turned to Twilight. "Sunburst sent me a letter!"

Twilight smiled as well. "Well, that's a coincidence! What does he have to say?"

At this, they heard the door close and Spike leave the library. Then, Starlight started reading:

"Good day, Starlight. I wrote you a letter to stay in touch with you like I promised. I guess I'll tell you a little about what's been happening with me today. Well, I was visited by a few ponies earlier, who complimented me on my work yesterday to save the Crystal Empire. They made it sound like I was the most amazing pony ever.

"Though, I would like to thank you. You gave me the confidence yesterday to save the world, even though I had very low feeling of self worth. If you hadn't been there, who know what would have happened?

"It's great to have a friend again. Especially somepony as great as you. I will be awaiting a response back from you. Sincerely, Sunburst."

Silence filled the room as Starlight's face brightened.

"Wow! I can't believe he thinks I'm that important! I mean, I know I helped, but to be crediting for the fate of Equestria, I-" She stopped, seeing Twilight sitting with a rather sly smile. "Uh... is something wrong?"

Twilight leaned back in her chair. "Wrong? Why would something be wrong?"

Starlight looked at Twilight in confusion. "Well... you look kind of-"

"Have you ever had a crush on somepony?" Twilight interrupted.

Silence. Just like that, the room was plunged into dead silence.

Starlight pondered Twilight's words. "What... what do you mean by that?"

Twilight's eyebrows raised. "It seems you do."

Starlight's eyes narrowed. "What? It seems I do what?"

Twilight let out a slight giggle. "Oh... I don't know..." She paused for a moment. "You have a crush on Sunburst, don't you?"

Starlight tilted her head. "Is... is that what I'm feeling?"

Twilight shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. I need more evidence." She thought for a moment. "Do you have desires to... touch him? Like... brush up against him? Feel close to him?"

Starlight scanned Twilight nervously. "Uh... most of the day, yes."

Twilight's mischievous smile grew larger. "Do you have a desire to snuggle?"

Starlight's face turned red in an instant. "No! Uh... not most of the time!"

"Oh, so you sometimes think about that?"

Starlight turned her red face away. "Can we move past this?! It's just been one day!"

Twilight giggled. "Well, it seems like you do have a crush on Sunburst, Starlight."

Starlight turned back around, her face still flushed red. "R-really? I do?"

Twilight shrugged. "It seems like it. But, you can be the only true evaluator of this. So... what do you think?"

Starlight did as Twilight said, and started thinking about Sunburst. His coat, mane, eyes, and everything about him. She suddenly felt her heart rate increase as she thought about being snuggled up against him, their faces coming closer...

Starlight's mouth almost fell open. Oh, sweet Celestia! I do have a crush on him!

Twilight scanned Starlight's face. "Well, I can tell from the way your face heated up that you do." She winked.

Starlight timidly nodded. "Um... y-yeah..."

The two looked at each other for a moment, Starlight trying to say something. Her lips were dry.

"Um... what should I do?"

Twilight shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. You probably just have a small crush that will pass in a few months." She then got up out of her chair. "Now, if you need some advice for this, you should probably see Rarity about it. She would be able to give much better advice than myself."

Starlight stood up as well and nodded. "Will do."

Twilight raised her eyebrows. "Well, I think you should be going. You have a special stallion to write to."

Starlight blushed as she quickly turned. "A-and I will do just that!" She replied as she left the library, opening and closing the door with force.

Once Twilight was alone, she giggled.

"Oh, those two would look adorable in a relationship together." She then thought for a moment. "Hm... Starburst! That's a good code name for those two!" She said aloud before levitating a notepad in front of her and starting to write some things down.

Author's Note:

The premier gave me a good dose of Starburst shipping fuel, so I had to put it to use. :duck:

I hope you enjoyed! :pinkiehappy: