• Published 8th Jul 2012
  • 2,094 Views, 275 Comments

The Invisible Brony Defense Force - SoullessDCLXVI

At BroNYCon 2013, an ancient power transforms, then sends a lot of MLP fans to Equestria.

  • ...


3 hours in the future

Princess Celestia was about to head back to Canterlot after successfully managing to place magic dampening fields on roughly 25 nets and one very out of place cage, confident that they would hold Twilight long enough for the creatures to purge her of their influence, when one of the strangely colored ponies burst into the clearing.

"Overture! Princess! Something terrible has happened!"

"Calm down, what happened? Has Twilight been found?" Overture asked with a hint of trepidation in his voice.

"That's just it. We found her. But she's being aided by the Priest of the Moon, his monks, and another we don't know of. They've turned traitor, sir."

"No. That's not possible. Soulless is loyal. Misguided, but loyal. He'd never allow human influence to stain Equestria." Overture stated simply, refusing to believe.

"That's not all, Her Majesty Princess Luna was seen aiding them. We don't know why. But I think Luna has been corrupted, I think she might even be Nightmare Moon again."

Overture did not take the news well. Soulless, a traitor. Luna, an Alicorn as mighty as Celestia aiding in their escape. She was probably the cause of Soulless' behaviour, after all, he was the Moon Priest.

"L-Luna? Dear sister? Corrupted? Nightmare Moon?" Celestia was stammering, visibly upset, her eyes glistened in fresh tears. "NO! We just got her back! I won't allow her to go again. Even if I have to hurt you creatures to get her back." with that Celestia galloped into the woods. Before she broke the treeline, however, Overture shouted.

"Wait! I won't stop you, Celestia, but I won't allow you to go alone." Overture turned and shouted "Pink! Get your Nordic ass over here!" A shirtless man with long blonde hair and a braided beard ran into the clearing. "Princess Celestia, this is Pink, Priest of The Sun. Pink, you know who she is. You're to aid her in finding and subduing Princess Luna, the Moon Harmonics, and Twilight Sparkle. And you, random pony, where were they seen last?"

"They were that way. Two Harmonics were fighting them, but I doubt they'll last long." The pony pointed in the direction he had come, the very direction Celestia had already been headed. Pink summoned a 21 speed mountain bike and joined Celestia. However, they were stopped before entering the forest again. "No.. wait... that way" The pony pointed in a wholly new direction. Sighing, Celestia and Pink changed direction. Gaining momentum they stopped again as the pony pointed in the opposite direction they had just been moving in. "....or was it that way? Actually... I think I lost 'em. Sorry." Pink shrugged and moved off into the forest, followed closely by Celestia. It may take longer than they'd like, but they were confident they'd find their quarry. Hopefully before any real damage could be done.


The Present

I had been asleep for maybe an hour, I may not value it as highly as Arrow, but I still value it. So when I felt someone try to jostle me awake I felt justified in making death threats. "Unless your name is Twilight Sparkle, if you keep that shit up, I'll cut you into neat little cubes. Good. Day."

"What if my name is Princess Luna?"

"I'm supposed to believe the Princess of the night is here in our humble tree? Right, and the space pope isn't reptilian."

"I do not know what a space pope is, but I assure you I am indeed Luna."

I open my wings a little to get a good look at whoever's doing that admittedly really good Luna impression. If they say 'Made you look' then this will be over and I can go back to sleep. Who knew I needed to hang upside down? However, instead of Snake, Arrow, or even Syntax's face, there in the little gap in my wings with a cute little smile, was Princess Luna. Shocked into attempting to right myself, I lost my grasp on the branch and fell. "Oh, right in the jewels." I mutter as I land in an unfavorable manner on one of the lower branches. Spinning on the branch I continue the fall, head first again towards the ground. I hit the ground in a heap. "Ohhhh.... That sucked." My left wing hurt. A lot. I tried extending it and it spasmed. Guess I wasn't gonna fly anytime soon.

"Oh, I apologize. I had not meant to frighten you, beast." Luna gracefully glided down from the foliage where Twilight and the others remained hidden. Her face betrayed her apology as insincere as it looked like she'd break into laughter at any given moment and was trying not to.

"Okay, one. My name is Soulless, not Beast. Two, you didn't frighten me. You startled me. There's a difference."

"I am sure."

Pushing myself off my back I finally manage to bow to Luna. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Soulless, The Holy Order Of Harmony's Priest of the Moon, Protector of Ponies."

"Holy Order of Harmony? Priest of the Moon? What do these things mean?"

"Well, basically, since coming to Equestria my people have formed a religious organization based around the Elements of Harmony, their bearers, and you and your sister. I've been named Priest of the Moon. Which basically gives me authority over all, mainly those in the west. But, despite my position, I'm not actually a member, if you can believe it. Anyway, why are you here? Are you taking Twilight back?" I ask hopefully.

"No. I'm afraid I cannot. Whatever is preventing Twilight to teleport herself, also prevents me from teleporting her. Though I believe I will accompany you and your friends on your journey to aid in her safe keeping."

"I can't say that's what I was hoping for, but that's better than nothing. Thank you, Princess. We could use all the help we could get."

"Really? Luna's here? Where? This is awesome!" A mechanical voice screeched from above. Soon after Syntax landed neatly next to me. Followed closely by Snake and Arrow. Snake and Arrow, in what could only be a choreographed motion, mirrored each other perfectly as they unfolded their makeshift dried vine hammock and extended it between themselves. Once it was unfolded, Twilight jumped into it and was carefully lowered to the ground. Once everyone was on the ground they gave a quick, but deep bow.

"Will you be taking Twilight home?" Snake asked.

"No, but I will be traveling with you for some time."

"Sweeet." Arrow and Snake high five each other.

"Should we get moving?" asked the Princess.

Before anyone could answer, I chimed in quickly "Aren't you Nocturnal, Luna? The day just started, can we please get some sleep? It's better if we move at night anyway, less of a chance of getting spotted."

Luna was about to say something when an unknown voice called out to us. "You there! What are you doing-- We've found her! Get her, bring her to Overture!" Two ponies and a Jedi appeared from the bush, yelling and pointing in our direction. At this we all assumed defensive stances. Syntax's left arm once again became Alex Mercer's blade, his right hand held a very large gun. A Desert Eagle, I believe. I pulled out my twin blades, Snake transformed into a tiger, Arrow pulled out his bow and lined up an arrow, Luna and Twilight's horn began to glow. "Brick Build, get to Overture, tell him what we've found!" The Jedi yelled to a red pegasus pony that was a dead ringer for the steroid junkie from Hurricane Fluttershy. Brick Build ran away from the fight. Once he was out of sight the Jedi glared at us menacingly. He switched his lightsaber on and made towards us.

In the middle of his swing, however, he stopped moving, twitching and foaming at the mouth he fell to the ground. Revealing a unicorn mare with bright green eyes, a dark grey coat and a red-grey messy mane. She had a red cutie mark of the uppercase greek letter Phi. She was holding a taser in her magic. "Uh. Hey guys. Mind takin' a chill pill? I ain't gonna hurt ya." Sensing the danger was gone weapons were holstered, bodies were reverted and magic was dampened.

"Why'd you do that?"

"Do what? Taser this scumbag? You're welcome, by the way."

"Um.. thank you? I thought all the OC ponies were loyal to Overture?"

"Fuck no. Once that little shit said 'Kill Twilight Sparkle' I became his enemy. Fuck Overture. Twilight Sparkle is Best Pony." When the mare said "Kill Twilight Sparkle" she tilted her head and her voice deepened to almost demonic levels.

"What's your name, friend?"

"Technia." Said the unicorn.

"I'm not 'best pony'. I don't hold a candle to Celestia." Twilight was again confused.

"To each their own. Personally, I'm a Luna fan." I respond, giving the air that Twilight was an MLP fan with her own favorite pony, enjoying the look she gave me. And if I didn't know any better, I'd swear Luna blushed.

"Well, Technia," started Luna "No doubt this position has been compromised. And you've outed yourself with your attack on your partner here. Would you like to travel with us?"

"Travel with Twilight Sparkle and Princess Luna? Is this a trick question? Of course I will!"

"I feel like I'm in an RPG. Our group keeps growing. This will make stealth difficult." Snake commented dryly.

Once again we made our way southward. Trudging through the the thick underbrush everyone but Syntax was getting scratched by multiple thorns. Though Luna was healing so fast she might as well not have been. Arrow and Snake were arguing about the potential of black hole enabled time travel, Syntax was having a conversation with Technia about the positive and negative effects of industrializing Equestria, a conversation Luna was discreetly paying a lot of attention to. And Twilight and I were talking about Humans. Specifically Human's lack of magic.

"Well, then, how did you get here?"

"No idea. A portal is the best I can say"

"But that's magic."

"Maybe someone opened it on this side, then."

"You need magic on both sides."

"Maybe it was a top secret government technology that went haywire, or was tested on us."

"But, how do you live with out magic? It's unfathomable."

"Technology." Technia answered for me, briefly interrupting her own conversation to do so.

"Hey guys, it's about midday, how about we rest a bit? Heal up some wounds, gather strength, I think we're far enough away that they won't know where we are." Arrow said.

"Sounds good." said Twilight, still not used to this much exercise.

"I'm down." put forth Syntax, promptly planting himself where he stood.

"Whatever." I say and sit down as well.

Syntax produced from his back a small white box with a simple red plus on it and passed it around. "Take what you need, I've used it twice and it refills itself."

"Speaking of medicine that refills itself," Arrow fished around his utility belt and pulled out a joint. "I'm already covered." His other hand fished around and he came back with a lighter. Lighting up he inhaled, his voice strained as asked "Anyone else wanna hit? I'm tired of smokin' alone." He blew out a stream of smoke and he slumped a little. "Anyone?"

"Holy shit. Is that what I think it is?" asked Syntax

"You know it, want some?"

"Yeah, man!"

Arrow began handing the joint to Syntax, but pulled back. "How you gonna smoke with that on your face?"

"I can take it off."

"Oh." Syntax took the joint and put it up to a port on his mask.

"I just choose not to."

"Okay then."

"Anyone else?"

"Eh, sure, why not? It's been a stressful few weeks" replied Technia. The joint glew bright green in Technia's magic as she brought it to her lips. She coughed a couple times before passing it Snake. Who then passed it to me without partaking. I took a hit and passed it to Luna, not thinking. Everyone's eyes went wide as Luna took the drug and inhaled deeply, copying our motions. She blew out and smiled lightly.

"What? This is not dissimilar to some early dealings I had with the Buffalo tribes to the north. Twilight, would you like to participate in this human custom?" Of course she had it word it like that. Now she'll be curious. Twilight took a hold of it in her purple magic and eyed it curiously. It was burned halfway and was slowly getting smaller as she eyed it. "Twilight dear, either take your turn or pass it. It won't last like that." With wide eyes and jaws we all stared at Twilight as she slowly brought it to her mouth and inhaled deeply.

The coughing fit that followed was drowned out by our laughter. "I can't believe," cried Snake "That Twilight just smoked weed!" tears in his eyes went unabated as he was too busy holding his abdomen together.

The tears in Twilight's eyes were caused by her coughing/choking, and she was having trouble stopping. "I don't -cough- understand -cough- why you -cough- would -cough- willingly do -cough- that to yourself -cough, cough-"

"Eh, it's an acquired taste."

"You mean to tell me--"

"Shhh!" I cut Twilight off, and everyone shushed. I had thought I had heard a twig break, as though we were being watched. We stood still for about five minutes straight before Technia spoke up.

"I don't hear any-" before she could finish, a timberwolf sprang out, knocking her onto her back and pinning her. Tree sap served as drool and poured onto her face as her eyes went wide. The timberwolf growled and snarled, gnashing his teeth every now and then. I pulled out my blade to deal with it when it's head exploded.

Twilight glared at Syntax. Whose gun was pointed at the corpse, a line of smoke billowed from the barrel. "What?" he asked, "It was gonna eat her."

"No, it wasn't. You didn't have to kill it."

"What do you mean, it wasn't gonna eat her? It was all like..." Snake asked, turning into a green timberwolf and mimicking the other's actions before returning to normal. "Oh, I see." he stated simply.

"What am I missing?" Arrow asked.

"Did you notice how the timberwolf looked, physically, I mean?" asked Twilight, full on lecture mode. Complete with the sudden appearance of half moon glasses and a bun hairstyle.

"Yeah, it looked mean, and hungry. And kinda in mah face. Not cool." Technia answered.

"Did none of you notice that it's hollow?"

"So, what then? It can't eat? Then why attack? And how does it live?"

"You ponies-"

"People." I chimed.

"...people.... ever heard of Changelings?"

"Yeah." we all respond, heads nodding.

"Well, then you know that Changelings feed off of love. Timberwolves, are similar to Changelings in that they feed off of emotional energy. However, their food of choice is fear." We nodded, that made sense, actually. "Most of the time they're harmless, only needing to stalk, growl and snarl to get a reaction. But occasionally they'll resort to violence if they're hungry enough. Very rarely will they actually inflict pain. Not because their sentient and have morals, but rather it is simply a high risk/little reward scenario that they evolved not to engage in."

"I just got a lecture from Twilight Sparkle." whispered Arrow, "I feel like my I.Q. just rose 20 points."

Three more timberwolves emerged from the thicket. "Remember," said Twilight, raising her voice just enough to be heard over their growls, "they have no need to hurt you. There is nothing to fear." I cooly gazed at the wolves. Trying to drink in as much detail as I could. Nothing like clinical detachment to wipe away fears. I noted the knotted style of the branches. The bio-luminescence of their yellow eyes, the row of canine teeth shaped wood in it's jaw. The way the wood flexed and retracted as a muscle would as they circled us.

"Okay, I'm goin' to sleep. This is boring." Arrow remarked.

"No, we've rested long enough. Let's move forward." said Luna. Arrow groaned but stood up, ready to leave. As we seven made our way south through the woods, the wolves followed us, hoping to catch us off guard. But nobody was scared. It was a beautiful moment when we ran into a patrolling group of Wolverines. They saw us and cried out for our blood, they must have been a little fearful going into battle because the timberwolves saw new targets and made the Wolverines simpering cowards crying in fetal positions.

"The more a timberwolf feeds the scarier it's perceived to be by it's victim. Creating a cycle that can incapacitate someone, this is a wolf's true power. If an especially hungry wolf is left to feed on a single victim until it's satiated, the victim can lapse into a fear induced coma. Luckily I doubt those three will get that bad. The wolves were not hungry enough to attack physically, after all." Twilight pushed the glasses she had been wearing since lecture one up.

"Bwahahaha! Wolves attacking Wolverines! Priceless!" cried Arrow. Syntax's right hand twitched over his gun.

"That's the second battle today that was fought and won for us. I'm developing an itch on my trigger finger." I ignored Syntax and hoped that the itch would not get out of hand, and that a situation in which he could scratch the itch would not arise.

Stepping over the wolves and X-men, we continued our way south. All of us returning to the conversations that were held earlier, albeit quieter as we remembered we weren't alone in the Everfree.


Sixteen miles south west of Canterlot, known to the Americans as "Location Alpha", a military force Equestria had not seen moved into a heavily wooded area that was very similar to the Everfree, but wasn't the Everfree. Soldiers began unloading the trailers that were pulled by the humvees. Most of what it contained was metal of varying shapes and sizes. They moved the metal into position and the brilliant light of welding lit up the surrounding woods. Buildings began to take shape from the metal and a small network of narrow dirt roads interlaced the building frames. Within a few days of arrival thanks to the expedient work from trained soldiers and pre-built parts, a forward operating base would be established. Complete with mess hall, armory, barracks, motor pool, a security office, and an officers office.

A/N: Hey guys, how you doing? I don't feel too awesome about this chapter. Certainly not my greatest work. But I hope you guys like it. If not I may redo it. If you missed it in the previous chapter or did not see it in my blog post some fanart has been made of IBDF. Click 'Previous Chapter' and check it out. Also, I made a shitty map in MS paint. I'm no artist, but I thought some of you might want a visual aid when it came to the lay of the land.

More Fanart! This time of Arrow and Technia.