• Published 29th Mar 2016
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Sunset Shimmer is MAD about EVERYTHING - Justice3442

Sunset Shimmer, practitioner of friendship, twice savior of Canterlot High, alicorn. She's offered to help Twilight's new student as the whole group travels to the Crystal Empire for a Crystalling. Should be a relaxing, stress free trip. Right?

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Chapter 18: Starlight Vs. Murder Storm

Chapter 18: Starlight Vs. Murder Storm

As bad as walking the opposite way the wind was blowing was, walking with it was easily several times worse. This had a lot to do with what the wind was blowing as well as the speed. The storm was sending in painfully large hail balls that occasionally battered ice sheets and icicles, which ranged in size from small dagger to ‘spear-tip on the end of a stick wielded by a giant’, on the nearby houses such that they would break free and fly towards the massive group of ponies. Ponies all traveling deeper into the heart of danger. This also meant the wind was now blowing with more than enough force that it could pick up the lighter ponies and slam them into any number of ice-covered structures or simply off into the maelstrom where they’d likely never be seen again.

It was what many might call a ‘bad time’.

This forced those with a good handle on magic to constantly alternate between keeping up magical shields to make sure the group wasn’t blown away or bombarded from behind and above by ice that could easily injure, maim, or possibly kill, as well as firing off blasts of magic to deal with the much larger threats or similarly use telekinesis to redirect such threats away from the group. Meanwhile, more able-bodied ponies such as the other Element Bearers that were on hoof, the guard ponies, and those who simply decided they should be doing something ran about the group helping ponies up when they fell and generally tried to keep things moving.

It was slow going, and getting slower as the winds and dangers only seemed to worsen the closer the ponies got to their goal.

Sunset Shimmer glanced behind her. “The castle is still unfairly far away, in case anyone was hoping we were nearly done!” She shouted at the other three alicorns and one unicorn stallion who were walking backward with her at the back end of the massive pony procession. She punctuated this sentence with a turquoise blast of magic that tore through a sheet of ice, shattering it into small chunks which then battered a big plum-colored shield in front of the group.

“Saying that is not really helpful, Sunset!” Twilight shouted back as she suddenly took a pane of ice that was tumbling in the wind in her magenta glow of telekinesis, using it as a shield against several icicles and other assorted chunks of ice until it has been reduced to nothing but tiny sparkling particles in the wind.

Sunset grit her teeth and fired off another blast. “Sorry, but keeping myself very angry at the situation is keeping me focused!” Sunset turned slightly. “Mom? How are you holding up?”

“That depends!” Celestia shouted as she moved a canary yellow shield about above her. “Are my wings still attached to me?”

Sunset craned her neck slightly. “They look frozen solid, but yeah… still attached!”

“Then I could be worse!” Celestia answered. “I certainly could be better, but I think I’ll manage!”

Sunset nodded and tilted her head slightly. “Aunt Luna? How are—”

Sunset was interrupted as Luna began to fire off blast after blast of midnight blue energy at incoming projectiles. “Hahaha! You think this will stop me?!” Luna bellowed. “Do your worst, vile apparition of frost and wind! You cannot destroy me, for I am the NIGHT!”

Sunset wasn’t sure how to respond to that so she just settled for an “Uhh…”

“She could be better too!”Celestia informed.

Sunset pursed her lips into a tight frown as she faced forward let out another blast that was accompanied by the sound of more ice breaking to pieces. “How are you holding up, o’ Shield Master?”

Shining Armor’s horn glowed a vibrant plum as a large, if somewhat dull similarly-colored shield projected from his tip, up over the other magic users and even over near the entirety of the ponies making their way to the castle. “When this is over, I’m crawling into bed with my wife and just staying there for days!” he announced.

Sunset, Twilight, and Celestia couldn’t help but chortle a bit while Luna was still off in her own world, destroying large pieces of ice that caught her vision.

“Fair enough!” Sunset replied. “I’m sure we can figure out babysitting for a bit after all th-LOOK OUT!

A massive icicle near the ground level suddenly broke off a few houses down from the group and began sliding down the icy-smooth street directly towards Shining Armor. Sunset powered up her horn and fired off a blast, but not in time to prevent any harm from being done. The jagged point of the ice pierced Shining’s barrier a mere meter in front of him. As the large ice shard broke into smaller, but no less deadly-looking pieces from the impact, Sunset’s blast tore through them, destroying the brunt of the pieces. Yet several still slammed into the stalwart stallion and sliced into his legs and body before he fell to the ground. His sister rushed forward to put up a barrier around her and Shining Armor to prevent further harm from happening to him.

This was immediately followed by cries of alarm and pain from the other trekking ponies as chunks of hail and freezing sleet immediately beset the group. Celestia quickly extended her shield to cover as many of the ponies as possible. Similarly, Luna shook herself from her own stupor and immediately put up a barrier to cover what was left.

As he laid belly-down on the frozen street with his sister standing over him protectively, patches of Shining Armor’s white fur began to turn red as blood began to blotch out from some of the jagged cuts he had received.

“Shiny!” Twilight called out in alarm as she wrapped her forelegs around her injured brother and nuzzled him desperately. “It’s alright! I got you! We’ll… We’ll get you home!”

Sunset Shimmer clenched down on her teeth hard and silently cursed her own slowness.

“We must keep moving!” Luna exclaimed. “I-I—” Luna swallowed “—I cannot hold this for much longer!”

Celestia inhaled sharply and closed her eyes as a pained expression wracked her features. “Be-be strong, little sister! We must hold out for everypony’s sake!”

“Shiny?!” Twilight cried. “What are you doing?!”

Sunset watched in awe as Shining Armor slowly rose back to his hooves, leaving behind small dribbles of blood on the ground as he did. He began to speak in a strained, if determined tone, “I’ve got to… got to protect everypony… Cadance… the baby… you… everypony!” His horn began to glow a brilliant plum once more.

“Are you crazy?!” Twilight shrieked. “You’re going to get yourself killed if you keep this up!”

“Wha-Whatever it takes…” Shining Armor uttered as a shield once more began to extend from his horn.

Sunset Shimmer felt her heart catch in her chest as she watched Twilight plead with her brother to stop using magic. A stallion who would clearly do anything to protect those he cared about and a mare who had already fought so hard to protect everything and everypony she loved and was once again staring that possible loss right in the face, pleading and begging while she still used magic to fight off the deadly projectiles that threatened to end everything in a moment of pain and violence.

Sunset looked at her adoptive mother, who stood tall against the forces of nature even though it was clear she was feeling great mental and physical strain. Sunset had just today reconciled with Celestia after years of silence, and despite the years of inaction and weakness Celestia had displayed earlier today, at least now she fought with everything she had.

Sunset shifted her glance to her aunt. A pony she had just met but was looking forward to getting to know better. A pony that was haggard with ice and effort yet was still doing everything in her power to keep her family and subjects safe.

Finally, Sunset looked over the ponies they were trying to usher to the castle, a few ponies that were pretty much copies of her friends back home, guards bravely persevering despite deplorably bad conditions, and a ton of ponies, both crystal and otherwise, doing all they could to keep themselves and their loved ones together in the face of near unfathomable hardship.

Sunset looked over all of this as a single thought crossed her mind. We’re going to die here… Shining Armor, Twilight, Mom, Luna… everyone… We’re allgoing to die here…Sunset subconsciously clenched her jaw all the harder. And it’s not fair… It’s not fair and I won’t have it! Sunset felt her anger rise to a boil, a boil that began to spill out and fill her with an energy she didn’t know she had moments before. She began to scream, “I WON’T HAVE—”

“Uh, guys?” Rainbow Dash’s voice suddenly flittered out. “Something’s happening with the storm…”

Sunset fixed rage-filled turquoise eyes on Rainbow Dash. “Is it magically disappearing?!” she frothed out.

“… Yeah, actually,” Rainbow Dash said. “That’s exactly what it’s doing.”

Sunset felt her anger return to a low simmer. “Wait… really?” Then Sunset saw it. An electric blue beam of was being fired off from deeper within the Empire, disappearing somewhere up in the sky above the Crystal Castle. A beam seemingly at war with the storm itself as the blizzard swirled around it and fired off lightning as magical energies arced out from the beam at the clouds around it.

The hail had ceased. The wind had stopped. The snow stopped falling. All energy was now focused high above as the weather itself battled it out with the massive cascade of magic fired up at it.

“No way…” Sunset uttered as she let her jaw unhinge.

Applejack piped up, “Well that sure ain't something you see every day.”

“What-What’s happening…” Fluttershy said to as the entire group of ponies began to turn to take in the sight in front of them. She looked over at the many authority figures gathered. “Are we safe?” She turned again to the lance of energy. “I sure don’t feel safe…” she murmured.

All the other magic users allowed their magical energies to abate as the stood and watched the awesome energies battle it out.

“Is that… Is that Starlight?!” Twilight cried.

Sunset laughed to herself. “It has to be! That crazy mare! She’s actually doing it!”

Sunset suddenly felt hot breath against her ear as she heard her mom’s voice gently speak into it, “Perhaps you should go and see if she needs help.”

“Wait… Really?!” Sunset answered excitedly as she looked at her mother and then Luna, Twilight, and Shining Armor as if asking permission.

“I believe we can handle things from here,” Luna said as if answering Sunset’s unspoken question.

Sunset grinned to herself. “Yes!” she cried as she broke into a gallop, slipped on the ice, and fell flat on her chin. Celestia let out a yelp full of motherly concern, but before she could get a word out, Sunset got back up, seemingly remembered she could now fly and took up to the sky headed for the beam. Sunset began to joyously shout as she let loose a few of her own magic blasts into the storm, momentarily clearing away the swirling clouds and allowing the sun to shine through, if briefly.

Celestia smiled up at her daughter, then looked down at Twilight and Shining Armor. “Twilight, teleport your brother directly to the Crystal Castle if you can. Cadance should be able to see to his wounds.”

A relief momentarily flooded over Shining Armor. Relief that clearly showed on his face until he tightened his features into a gruff scowl. “Now hold on, Twily. I’m not going anywhere until everypony—”

“Do it now, Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Luna instructed with a smirk.

“Yes, ma’ams!” Twilight said happily as she and her protesting brother disappeared in a magenta glow and a ‘Pommf’.

Celestia looked over the remaining three Element Bearers, soldiers, and other ponies present. “Now, I trust we can all proceed to the castle in a quick, but orderly, fashion?”

Luna loomed by her sister with a serious look as if informing everypony there wasn’t another option.

Everypony happily nodded and uttered affirmatives.

Celestia smiled. “Very well, my little ponies, let us make haste.”


Starlight Glimmer howled in defiance as she continued to fire off a constant stream of her own magic into the air in spite of whipping winds and biting ice that ceaselessly assailed her. Energy continued to arc around her from her horn, destroying sheets of ice and leaving deep scores on the crystal houses and street around her. The storm was unrelenting, but she was could be just as obstinate, if not more so. She could stand there for hours… days if need, be… At least that’s what she told herself as she was continually pelted by snow, slush, and ice.

“Starlight, what are you doing?!” Sunburst cried as his glasses began to slip off his muzzle. “You can’t destroy a storm!”

“Not destroy!” Starlight shouted back. “Contain! I’m trying to contain the storm!”

Sunburst blinked a few times then pushed his glasses back into place. “That… That… That just might work!”

“Muahahaha! Of course, it’ll work!” Starlight assured. “You think this planet can cook up anything that can stop me?! I’m Starlight Glim-”

A heavy blow caught Starlight in the cheek, abruptly cutting off her words as she watched ice particles from the massive ball of frozen pain that had just smashed into her scatter into the squall. With a snarl and a sneer she focused her eyes back upwards and made sure her energy flow was constant, but she could begin to feel other heavy pieces of ice hit her body, and with all the energy she was pouring into the storm, it showed no signs of stopping.

Come on! Come on!Starlight thought to herself. If you only do ONE thing right in your life full of screw-ups, make sure it’s THIS!

And then Starlight saw it. An icicle spinning through the air like a baseball bat that decided it had a date with her head. There was no way she could stop the spell she was currently working in time to destroy or even block the incoming ice cudgel. She’d have to take it and hope she miraculously stayed standing and able to keep casting. And while I’m at it, I guess I’ll just so happen to save the day and every pony will miraculously decide I’m worth a damn. Starlight closed her eyes and steeled herself for the blow that was about to hit.

Instead, she felt the air to her right warm up with a ‘phwooosh!’ as she heard the hiss of water suddenly hitting the boiling point. She opened her eyes just as Spike rushed up to her side. “I got you covered, Starlight!” he exclaimed. “Let’s both let ‘er rip!” With that, Spike let loose with a torrent of green fire that turned ice spears and chunks alike into harmless sprays of water and vapor.

Starlight smiled to herself and continued to concentrate through the wind and the water that sometimes hit luke-warm and sometimes hit ice cold. She was holding steady, but it wasn’t enough. Even with Spike’s help, the weather was still fighting with everything it had and even Starlight could feel her energies began to run dry.

Suddenly, there was a rustling of a scroll from Starlight’s left. She glanced over to see Sunburst feverishly pouring over it. “It’s not much, but…” A golden yellow glow suddenly came off of Sunburst’s horn in a wave. A wave that removed water and ice alike and cleared the immediate area.

Despite the constant fire of the energy and jet of green flame being spouted out, for a moment all was calm in that tiny little pocket of the Crystal Empire. The weather stopped its relentless march forward as Sunburst’s spell changed it to nothing but calm, gentle air. Starlight could feel the warmth of Spike’s fire as if the heat was radiating from the dragon himself. She even felt the slight warmth of Sunburst’s body as he stood next to her and continued to pour energy as he stared at the scroll.


Starlight looked out, and there, flying through chunks of ice being propelled by gale force winds was Sunset Shimmer, grinning widely as she fired off blast after blast of her own magic up into the storm. “I know you can do it!” Sunset yelled. “KICK ITS ASS!”

For a moment, with the gentle, warm air around her, and her friends supporting her, Starlight was suddenly acutely aware of the beating of her own heart and just how alive she felt. She smiled to herself as she was suddenly hit with a moment of clarity.

Ah… So THIS is what Twilight was fighting for.

“BUCK YEAH!” Starlight cried as the stream of energy she was letting loose erupted from her horn. As the new outpouring of energy flew up into the tempest, the clouds swirling around the energy creased inwards and up as if the storm itself was just struck a wound. The thunder and lightning abated as Starlight’s energy swept over a sky covered with black clouds. The clouds then began to pull in and the sky began to clear. Light and rainbows shone out from a billion different facets as the ice-covered crystal houses were suddenly hit with sunlight.

Starlight was suddenly jostled as both Spike and Sunburst threw arm and foreleg around her in a massive hug.

“You did it!” Spike exclaimed.

“Now there’s a real wizard!” Sunburst chimed in.

“Hah!” Starlight exclaimed. “We did it! All of us! Even Sunse-Oh, crap…”

The two unicorns and a dragon suddenly looked forward as Sunset flew towards them and the ground at an alarming speed. “Ahhhh! Can’t stop! Can’t stop! Can’t—Ooofff!” Sunset hit the ground hard as she slid against the ice and then the smooth crystal street, only stopping when the other three present helpfully stopped her by happening to be directly in her way. All four were soon a tangled heap of legs, claws, and a pair of wings.

A few pained moans slunk out. Moans that quickly gave way victorious laughter as Starlight, Sunset, and Spike all hooted and hollered, celebrating their victory. Through the mess of ponies and dragon, Sunburst reached out a forehoof from the pile and groped about for his glasses.

“You utter mad-mare!” A battered Sunset exclaimed mirthfully as she untangled herself from the group and sat up. “I can’t believe how psychotic you are!”

“ME?!”An equally battered Starlight scoffed as she followed Sunset up. “What about you?! I can’t believe you actually were flying around in all that!” she said as she motioned out to the newly cleared sky.

“Pffft! That’s nothing!” Sunset replied as she looked over at Spike. “Just how crazy do you have to be to spit out FIRE into the wind!”

Sunburst finally felt the light, but comforting feeling of his glasses lightly under hoof. He quickly floated them back onto his face. Good… They’re not cracked…

“Hah!” Spike chortled as he got back up to his feet. “What about this guy!” Spike exclaimed as he pulled Sunburst close. Sunburst let out a little grunt of surprise before his eyes went wide and he felt his breath catch in his throat.

Spike continued, “I mean, dude ran out here to do a spell off of a frickin’ scroll! Now that’s gutsy…

Sunburst said nothing, his mouth suddenly opening and jaw lowering towards the ground.

Starlight and Sunset continued to hug each other, pulling each other one side then the other as they laughed to themselves.

“Uh… Sunburst?” Spike said. He turned his head. “What’s up, dude?” Spike’s features suddenly plummeted from the heights of jubilance to the depths of despair. “Oh, crap baskets…”

Starlight and Sunset immediately stopped their cheering.

“Spike,” Starlight said. “What’s wrong?”

Spike pointed straight ahead. Sunburst was already looking in that direction, mouth hanging agape.

Sunset and Starlight both turned to see what the other two were looking at.

OH, COME THE BUCK ON!” Sunset roared.

The group looked over towards the Crystal Castle. The air was still quite chilly, but clear of obstruction. It made looking down the slightly melted and very icy street quite easy. Firing up from the courtyard of the castle were four thin beams of magical energy, canary yellow, midnight blue, plum, and the largest, magenta. The magenta beam went straight up while the others went up at more of an angle. All four ended in a circular plane of energy. Likely some form of telekinetic force which held up an iceberg that was even larger than the castle itself and extended beyond the castle grounds to a fair amount of the empire underneath.

For a moment, nopony said anything. They all just simply stared out at the monolithic ice block that loomed over the heart of the empire like an executioner's axe ready waiting for the moment to strike.

“... What have I done?” Starlight murmured as her ears wilted, followed by the rest of her as she collapsed to her belly on the ground.

Spike wordless and gently rested a claw on Starlight’s shoulder.

Sunburst collected himself and shook his head. “That much power… You couldn’t have known what would happen… I mean… Not really…” He offered Starlight a small smile. “You tried your best, that’s what mattered.”

“Yeah, well my best just caused a lot of trouble for a lot of ponies,” Starlight countered. She shook her head. “Like usual.”

“Sucks, doesn’t it?”

Everypony turned towards Sunset.

Sunset walked out in front of the group and stared off at the scene in front of everypony. She somehow spoke with a seemingly cool indifference to what she was seeing, “Trying to do what you think is the right thing only to have it blow up in your and everypony’s face.” Sunset shook her head. “It’s the worst feeling ever.”

Starlight whimpered in response. “I’m sorry…”

Sunset merely continued, “I tried so hard to get what I thought was mine. I tried to prove to everypony that I deserved all the love and adoration they could spare.” Even from behind, the others could see Sunset’s muscles shift into the tell-tale signs of a smile. “And for a while, it seemed like the sun shined for me and me alone…” Sunset inhaled and let it out. “But there were screw-ups… Small ones at first… then big ones that threatened a family… then a kingdom… until finally in my effort to prove to everypony just how great I was. I nearly destroyed a planet… maybe two.”

Starlight looked up from her spot on the ground but said nothing.

“What are you saying, Sunset?” Spike asked.

Sunset turned and looked over her shoulder. “I’m saying that sometimes, despite your best efforts, that you don’t always end up doing what you intended to do and that sometimes life just loves to remind you there are places where the sun don’t shine and it’s not afraid to kick you there… repeatedly.”

“Well, um, I don’t disagree…” Sunburst said. “But I, er, I’m not sure how that helps right now…”

“You know… I hit rock bottom,” Sunset spun around and walked back towards the group. “Almost literally. Twilight and our friends literally blasted me into a crater I had to crawl out of. And then Twilight did something I couldn’t even have fathomed at the time… She reached out her hand and told me that friendship was everywhere, I just had to look for it. Me! Right after I tried to storm Equestria with a brainwashed horde of teenagers.”

Sunburst felt his forehead wrinkle. “Er… How big was this horde of, er, teenagers?”

“About a school’s worth,” Spike informed.

“… That, uh, that doesn’t sound all that fright—”

Sunset interrupted, “Sorry. Forgot to mention I could also turn them all into demons. So… teenagers… But super strong demon-pony teenagers who craved mayhem and murder.”

“Oh…” Sunburst uttered. “That is terrifying.”

“The point is Twilight’s out there,” Sunset said as she pointed behind her towards the magenta beam. “She’s out there right now still fighting with every last ounce of strength she has for her friends and what she believes.” Sunset looked down at Starlight and locked her turquoise eyes on Starlight’s amethyst ones. “And I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pretty pissed off that all my friends and family here have fought tooth and hoof to get everypony through this and there’s still work to do.” Sunset turned and looked back at the giant ice castle. “So I’m going to go help Twilight, help my mom, help everypony and show life just how hard I can kick back.” She turned around. “What are you going to do?”

For a moment, Starlight considering staying on the ground. Considered keeping out of it for fear of making things worse again, but then she considered Sunset’s words and remembered the moment where she found the strength to defeat the storm.

She remembered Twilight offering her hoof in friendship after everything she did…

…and she got back to her hooves and shot the big ball of ice an absolutely putrid glare. “I’m going to jam my horn right up life’s @$$hole. That’s what I’m going to do!”

Sunset grinned widely and nodded.

“That a girl!” Spike cheered out as he pumped his fist in front of him. “I’m gonna blow a huge blast of fire all over life’s taint!” Spike turned. “What about you, Sunburst?”

“Oh… uh…” Sunburst thought for a moment. “Well… I suppose I can jam a scroll right into life’s genitals… whichever it may have… oh er… Or is life a hermaphrodite, you think?” he asked awkwardly.

Starlight grinned and shrugged. “So long as it has something soft and vulnerable, I suggest you jam your scroll as hard as you can!”

Spike fist-pumped then wrapped his free claw over Sunburst’s shoulders. “Yeah! Over and over again!”

“Right in the dick-vag or whatever!” Starlight exclaimed as she wrapped a foreleg around Sunburst’s neck.

Sunburst met this excitement with a confused “Uh…”

“Yeah!” Sunset shouted. “That’s the spirit!” She thrust out her foreleg straight out. “Alright, everypony bring it home.”

Spike was first to bump is claw against Sunset’s forehoof. This was quickly followed by Starlight’s hoof, then finally Sunburst’s.

“And, BREAK!” Sunset said as the group all collectively threw their forehooves and claw in the air.

“Ah, man!”

The group looked up to see Rainbow Dash hovering in the air just above them.

“Did I miss a huddle?!” she asked with a disappointed look on her face.

Sunset chuckled and shook her head. “Sorry, Dash… Maybe next time.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Well, I flew over here on account of all the crushing death we’re trying to make go away for all the ponies we sort of gathered right under it.” She pointed a forehoof over her shoulder behind her. “Hoping you noticed.”

Starlight whispered slightly, but Spike elbowed her and gave her a reassuring smile as Sunburst wrested a foreleg on her shoulder.

Sunset looked at the other three then nodded up at Rainbow Dash. “Yeah, we saw, and we’re all ready to mess up all of life’s dark and hidden orifices!”

One of Rainbow’s eyelids went up as the other went down. “… Say what now?”

“Get close,” Sunset ordered as her horn began to glow turquoise.

Rainbow Dash flew in and everypony huddled near Sunset. With a turquoise flash and a ‘BAMF’ the ponies and dragon where gone.

Author's Note:

I'm just gonna pre-emptively mention I've got the obligatory Portal 2 reference covered in spades next chapter, but go nuts. I'm no parade rainer.