• Published 29th Mar 2016
  • 450 Views, 2 Comments

Remnants of Glory - TheMajorTechie

After the departing of the Equestrian Pride, and Sombra along with it, the Crystal Empire has been laid ruin, and it's up to it's citizens to pick up where Equestria left off, and start anew. (A sidestory to Spacebound Equestria)

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Well then... we've been here for only a matter of hours, and yet there's so much to see around us. Once we walked past the original campsite, we encountered vast, sprawling networks of various buildings, each one camouflaged with foliage. I had many, many questions to ask, and soon enough, we ran right back into the stallion that had let us free from the hole.

Uh, excuse me, but I don't believe that we ever caught your name back there, did we?

My name? Ah, yes. I'm Dr. Glider, head of the Flight and Aerospace Division of Equestria.

...That's a pretty long title.

Yes, indeed it is. Is there anything else you'd like to ask? I have to hurry to the communications building.

Yes, I have many questions, such as--

Is there any food? I'm starving.

I shot a quick glare at Jewel. If only she'd stay quiet during times like this...

The cafeteria is over to your left. Now back to you, uh...

Rusty. Rust Gears. I was a mechanic back at the Crystal Empire before Sombra's rule.

Ok, Rusty. Anything you'd like to ask me before I leave? I mustn't be late, y'know.

I took a quick moment to decide what would lead to more answers to my question. I eventually came to a single question that would answer nearly all of them.

May we follow you?

Considering the fact that you're technically refugees, and that you don't seem to pose any threat to society, i don't see why not. Follow me, and just try to stay out of the way.

We followed Dr. Glider as he made his way towards a large tower with many strange dishes on top.

And here we are, the communications building.

Right after he said that, all of us quickly trotted inside. The second that I stepped hoof into that building, I knew for a fact that I had missed a rather large portion of Equestrian history, since the Empire had been cursed for nearly a thousand years, give of take a few. All around us were various devices, all blinking and beeping. One of them spat what seemed like an endless stack of paper out of itself, on it, a single, jagged line. Lights lined the ceiling, casting a brightness that could only be rivaled by the Sun itself. As we made our way towards wherever the Doctor was going, I had to repeatedly pull Jewel's hoof away from the machinery around us.

At last, we arrived at our destination: A single, lonely table sitting in the corner of a large room. On it was an intricate patchwork of the devices that we had seen earlier, all whirring, blinking, and chirping in unison. The Doctor pushed a series of buttons on the device, evidently sweating under some sort of stress or another. After a few minutes, he got up, and looked around the room. His gaze focused on a blandly colored box just outside of the room, sticking out hazardously from a storage closet. He made a quick dash to the box, and promptly returned with a board not too different from the one I had discovered at the campsite.

After he inserted the board into a small slot on the top of the machine, several lights began blinking at once, and the Doctor's face lit up with a sort of joy that would put a foal's to shame. Immediately, he began tapping away at a separate board filled with buttons, and soon enough a very large light blasted from the top of the console.

We all looked up. Upon seeing who it was, Jewel and I immediately gasped.

Princess Celestia... I whispered, trying to keep my awe from spilling everywhere.

Author's Note:

This came out better than I expected it to. :derpyderp1: