• Published 30th Mar 2016
  • 1,164 Views, 5 Comments

Survival in the race. - Billy G Gruff

Dash has been training for months now and she challenges Pinkie Pie to a rematch. This time it's not a fight though. This time she wants this to be a pure test of speed and endurance in a race that only has a finish line when one is to tired to go on

  • ...

I'll reveal my strength, to the whole pony race

"You understand the rules Pinkie? We do not stop racing until one of us simply cannot go on any further." Dash said to pinkie as they walked to their designated starting place. Their mark was in the canyon Pinkie had carved a gaping hole out of with the shock wave of a single punch of her fore hoof. Rainbow had been diligently training for months for this. After the initial shock had worn off over how far the gap between them was she had felt revitalized and reinvigorated to train like she never had before. Other ponies were noticing how she took a lot less naps now a days and she was spending larger stretches of the day going at full speed through the sky.

Rainbow felt so much stronger than she did a few months ago, but she did not want to risk another brawl with Pinkie. She had learned her lesson when it came to that. If Pinkie wanted to, she could end her -- no question about that. Still... That didn't mean she had to stop trying. What this meant that the party pony had become her bench mark for speed and strength. She was not going to give up until one day she could at least say she came close to matching an Earth Pony from the Pie Family.

"Sure thing Dashy!" Pinkie said as she went up to the designated line... backwards. The pegasus looked at the mare confused, thinking she had misinterpreted which direction they were going.

"Pinkie, we are going to be racing that way." She pointed a blue hoof off behind where Pinkie was facing. The party pony nodded happily.

"I know silly, I'm gonna do the race backwards while I warm up!"

Rainbow was going to object but she stopped herself. If Pinkie wanted to take the new and improved Dash lightly that was her problem. She was going to win. She was going to survive this race and come out on top. Rainbow felt sure of it.

She got down in the ready position next to Pinkie whom happily hopped in place -- completely relaxed.

"ReadysetGO!" Dash said quickly before exploding off the ground in an instant rainboom. It felt exhilarating going as fast as she did, ripping up the ground before peeling up into the air in a spiral going break neck speeds she had only dreamed of doing months ago. Something exploded behind her and a pink blur shot out from the wrecked cliff and quickly matched her phenomenal speed before pacing it to be directly under the speeding Rainbow above.

Pinkie had done all this while running backwards.

Dash gritted her teeth and pressed herself to go faster across the wasteland. She wasn't done yet, not by a long shot. She careened down to the ground where pinkie was galloping tail first with the biggest smile on her face. The infuriating mare didn't even look like she was breathing hard.

The ground reacted violently to Dash's velocity as she brought her flying form close to the speeding party pony and smiled through the wind smashing into her face.

"I'm...NOT....EVEN... GETTING STARTED YET!" She roared into the wind before busting through the second Rainboom barrier. She didn't even know such a thing existed until two months ago. For that briefest second she had pulled out in front of Pinkie, though her body and eyes screamed in protest at the massive increase in velocity. She could barely recall the last time she saw the horizon speeding up to her so fast. Something exploded behind her. She looked back for an instant to see the plumb of dust that had been following Pinkie had blossomed in size and Pinkie was once again proving she could match pace with her at this speed.

She hadn't even turned around yet. Meaning she hadn't even warmed up yet as Rainbow had recalled her saying.

The mare cursed under her breath as the pink streak of light matched itself to the rainbow once again. Cities and villages were blurring by as they continued straight forward towards the ocean. Dash had no idea how far they had traveled in this blindingly short amount of time. All she knew was she wanted to win. She wanted to at least get the damn pony to turn around and run like a normal mare.

Still, with the ocean coming up she might get slowed down by the water. Dash grinned wickedly at this and pressed herself even harder. She wasn't having the endurance problems she had a few months back, though her body was still aching with exertion. She reached deep within herself, trembling with excitement as the ocean rushed up on them.

"I'M GOING TO WIN!" She roared as she broke through the third rainboom barrier. She had discovered this one a week ago. It was highly volatile and took a ton of her magic to maintain but it generated phenomenal speeds that ripped the sea open as she flew across it. The force of the cone surrounding her was so ferocious the Ocean itself separated and formed two walls of water high above either side of her that trailed behind her rainbow trail.

And then Pinkie...turned around.

Dash's eyes dilated as a the pink blur she knew to be her friend past her.

And then she past her again in the same direction.

And then she did it again at a slightly different angle.

With dawning horror ... Dash realized....Pinkie was lapping her around the entire planet....

She couldn't help it. As her magic finally started to run dry she busted up laughing as the Party Pony continued to lap around the globe over and over again. What in Tartarus were these Pies made out of she thought as her wings started to lock up over the ocean and the waves started to follow the Party pony instead whom guided the them to harmlessly crash into each other.

One day Pinkie....One day i'm going to win...

She started falling towards the sea before the happy party pony caught her in her fore hooves and leaped back to land in a single bound, swaying her back legs through the air as they traveled across the endless blue to a beach where she some how slowed her decent and landed with a light tap of her hooves.

Dash groaned a little as she was lain down on the sand and looked up at the happy pink mare. She didn't look winded in the slightest.

"You are a damn monster you know that Pinkie?" Dash croaked out with a chuckle.

"Would a monster get you... ice cream from Saddle Arabia?" She asked as she brought out from behind her two exotic looking cones.

She bought ice cream during the race....holy shit...

"Thanks Pinkie... think your family would let me rock farm with them sometime?"

"Maybe! They'd always welcome another hoof around the farm." Pinkie reclined back with her friend, and they enjoyed their impromptu time at the beach...

"Hey Pinks...How the buck we getting back to ponyville..."

Pinkie chuckled at that, and Dash laughed along with her.

Author's Note:

Inspired by this fucking epic song.

Comments ( 5 )

This was awesome, and I never could have read some kind of RD vs. Pinkie story any better than this one! :rainbowdetermined2: :pinkiehappy:

Pinkie and Dash together make for the best stories. Even in a more unusual instance such as this. Good to see Dash so good humored and Pinkie being so friendly.

I was writing this story, where Rainbow challenges Pinkie to a race anywhere, and she picks Maretropolis, and I found this. Now I'm hooked!

I really want to see Alicorn Twilight get her tail kicked now :}

With dawning horror ... Dash realized....Pinkie was lapping her around the entire planet....

i swear, I've read a comic book where The Flash did something like that!

Pinkie is OP AF and I love everything about it.

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