• Published 31st Mar 2016
  • 2,291 Views, 59 Comments

Unicornia - Yukito

Equestria is under threat by a terrorist group that seeks to return things to the old days. To the days that the three tribes ruled the country, not the alicorn sisters Celestia and Luna.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Trixie laid down a thick journal atop the round table, for all who were gathered to read. "This is the information I managed to get from the captains' quarters, using the schedule that Sunset Shimmer provided to remain undetected. It details their schedules over the next week and, in particular, their most vulnerable moments."

Genesis opened the book and flipped it to its latest page. "I see. There's a day where five captains will be vulnerable all at once."

Trixie nodded her head. "If we can launch a surprise attack on all five of them, then it will be a big blow to Canterlot's defences, and its morale."

"We will be officially be declaring war," Oasis pointed out. "After this attack, there will be no going back. Are we truly prepared to take Celestia on at this point?"

"We're not going to get any stronger," Genesis answered. "Those that have joined us did so on the high that our grand reveal caused, but that is now starting to die down. Ponies change their minds quickly. Before they start to have second thoughts, we need to act."

"Besides, the changelings are already making moves that indicate an incoming attack," Sunset Shimmer revealed. "The sooner we take the throne, the sooner we can erect defences to keep them out."

"How do you know this stuff?" Trixie asked.

"I told you, I have my ways."

"Everypony, the time is right to finally declare war on the Princesses of Equestria," King Midas announced, removing his crown and lowering it onto the table. "However, there is one force that will always be a threat to us, even with the Elements of Harmony removed from the equation. So long as the alicorn tribes want this land, they will not simply hoof it over to anypony else.

"That is why, I need one of you to secure the borders. Ensure that no word of our war makes it outside of this country."

"If there's really no other way to avoid battle, then I would rather take charge of guarding our borders," Oasis said. "I'm not much of a fighter, but I do know how to blend into my surroundings."

"Hold on," Trixie spoke up, "If we have five targets, how are four of us going to attack them in unison?"

"I can get two of the captains to meet up together at the time of the attack," Sunset Shimmer said. "I should be able to take them just fine."

"Just make sure they meet up together," King Midas told her. "I will take them both out at once. Trixie, wear a cloak to conceal your identity. We can't afford for you to be found out just yet."

"If we succeed here, then Celestia will be down by five captains," Genesis observed. "It will take some time for the Royal Guard to adjust. We can use that time to spread further chaos in Canterlot, and garner further support throughout the country."

"On the other hoof, if we fail, Unicornia will be hunted by the Royal Guard, and we will likely lose most of our members," Trixie added.

"Which is why we won't fail," Sunset said with a grin. "For the future of Equestria, we must succeed here!"

The five ponies raised their glasses and announced, in unison, "For the future of Equestria!"

Far outside of Canterlot's walls, in the vast, open fields that lay to either side of the train tracks leading towards the city, the Royal Guard was conducting a training exercise under the supervision of Captain Shining Armor. The captain had instructed his troops to first warm up by running laps through the field, and then to practice their martial combat by sparring together.

As noon neared, Shining Armor ordered his troops to fan out and forage for food in the area. As his troops scattered in various directions, the captain sat down atop a nearby hill and gazed off into the distance. Canterlot's castle seemed so small from so far away, and so delicate, like it could collapse from just a gentle breeze.

"Compared to the Crystal Empire, though, Canterlot has no magical defences like the Crystal Heart. We have to do what we can to keep it safe…" Shining Armor heard hoofsteps behind himself and turned around. "What is it? You won't find any food-" The captain gasped and scrambled to his hooves, pulling his spear out and deflecting the sword that was swung down from above. "W-Who are you?!"

"It's nice to meet you again, Captain Armor," Sunset Shimmer said as she jumped back, chuckling as her horn glowed bright. "Time to see just what Celestia's best has to offer."

"Backup! We need back-AGH!"

Genesis huffed as he turned to face the captain, now alone with his troops dead at his hooves. "It's your turn next, Captain Crane."

"You won't get away with this, terrorist!" Crane unholstered his pistol with his magic and fired it at Genesis. The shot was deflected by a barrier and the captain stepped backwards as he reloaded the barrel.

"Too slow!" Genesis shouted as he charged forwards, slicing the captain's pistol in half. Gunpowder scattered and blinded the two ponies. "Damn it!"

"S-Send a letter to Canterlot!"

Genesis turned his head to find two new soldiers retreating from the battlefield. Leaving the captain for a moment, Genesis charged after the two, drawing his crossbow and taking aim at one of the two retreating figures. He fired the shot, piercing the stallion's leg and forcing him to fall.

Three ponies jumped out in front of the remaining stallion and wrestled him to the ground. "We got this one, Prince!" one of the ponies shouted.

"Get the captain before he runs away!"

Genesis nodded his head and thanked the three, before returning to his main target. Captain Crane was on the move, heading towards a windmill that was in the distance, and Genesis gave chase. "You won't get away!"

Trixie deflected Captain Falcon's multiple strikes with her sword, each strike forcing her backwards just a bit. She could hear the sounds of running water and glanced to the side, realising that she was nearing the edge of the cliff.

"You picked the wrong target to mess with!" Falcon shouted, flaring her wings out and taking flight. The sudden gust of wind pushed her enemy off the edge, seemingly sending her plummeting to her death. "If this is the best Unicornia's got ta offer, we should be just fine!"

"Then perhaps I should start getting serious."

Captain Falcon gasped and spun around, finding the same cloaked pony standing behind her, perfectly fine. "B-But how?!" she demanded, throwing one of her dagger towards the mare. The dagger passed through the pony, and Falcon simply stared with her mouth agape.

Meanwhile, Trixie threw her left hind leg over the edge of the cliff, climbing back up and grunting as her body dragged itself across its rocky edges. Looking up, Trixie found that Falcon was still distracted, and reached quickly for her crossbow. She took aim, and fired, delivering a bolt through the pegasus' wing.

Captain Falcon screamed as she fell to the ground with a loud thud, her remaining dagger sliding far away from her body. She pushed herself up to her hooves and spun around, grabbing the hilt of Trixie's sword as it was brought down towards her head and kicking the mare away.

"You should've gone for the kill!" Falcon shouted, charging forwards with her new sword.

Trixie glared and fired a blast of magic, snapping the sword in half, and then dodged backwards to exit the sword's new limited range. Something sparkled behind Falcon, and Trixie caught sight of the captain's dagger lying behind her.

"What're you plannin', huh? Take out us captains, then go after the castle?!"

"Unicornia has only one goal in mind: to free the throne from those unworthy ponies occupying it, and return it to its rightful heirs!"

"The princesses unified Equestria and made it what it is today!"

"A weak, happy-go-lucky paradise behind a glass fence! The princesses stole this land without any idea of how to rule it!" Trixie shook her head. "Celestia had her chance. A pony who only helps those she happens to see doesn't deserve to be ruler."

"That's not your call, traitor!"

Trixie ducked to dodge Falcon's strike, and rushed towards the fallen dagger. "If I'm a traitor, then what of Celestia, who ignored my cries for help?!" Swooping up the dagger, Trixie threw it back towards the captain. Falcon deflected it with her sword, but was not prepared for the magical blast that followed it, pushing her back and sending her falling over the edge of the cliff.

"Crap! My wing!" Falcon scrambled to grab the edge, but instead, she was caught by a blue hoof. She looked up and found her opponent holding her, keeping her from falling.

"Thrust your sword into the cliff and climb on it!" Trixie shouted, wincing as she pulled with all of her might. "Hurry!"

Falcon groaned, but found that she had very little choice. With one powerful thrust, she stuck the sword into the cliffside and set her hoof onto it. Pushing herself up whilst Trixie pulled, Falcon was soon able to grab onto the edge of the cliff with her free hoof.

"Yikes!" Falcon cried as a loose rock fell besides her. "That was close! Thanks, I gue-" Falcon felt a sharp, burning pain in her shoulder, and slowly turned her head to find a knife buried deep into her skin. "W-Wha…"

"Don't worry. You'll live," Trixie assured. "Though this drug will render your body immobile for some time. You won't be fighting in the coming war, that's for sure."

"Y-You bitch…" Falcon's vision blurred and distorted, until it died out entirely and she passed out before her cackling foe.

"That's one down," Trixie said as she lay the downed captain on the bloodstained grass and walked away. "I wonder how the others are doing?"

Sunset Shimmer hated to admit it, but her opponent was proving to be quite a match for her. Her magic was being blocked by barriers created by his own, and partway into the battle, he had disarmed her, knocking her sword far to the side.

Shining Armor swung his spear, attempting to trip up his opponent, but she jumped backwards elegantly, landing a distance away from him. He had expected her to back up further, but instead, she held her ground until he made his next move. Upon lifting a hoof off of the ground, Shining Armor gasped as Sunset jumped towards him, and he held up his spear to block her diving kick.

He pushed forwards in an attempt to knock Sunset down, but she had placed a hoof onto his shoulder and flipped over the captain, landing safely behind him. As he tried to turn, he felt something tugging at his leg and looked down to find vines growing out of the ground with a green aura coating them.

He wasted no time in slashing the vines away and freeing his leg, but the second that it took was enough for Sunset to take one of his daggers and take several steps back, putting herself into a defensive stance.

"You fight rather suicidally," Shining Armor stated, turning around and pointing his spear towards the mare. "You must have much to lose."

"Just the way I've been taught," Sunset replied. "Put the pressure on and finish the fight in one swift motion. There's no room for tactical withdrawals in heated battles."

"That's an old ideology from Unicornia," Shining Armor noted. "It's not used these days because we value the lives of our ponies far more than back then."

Sunset Shimmer laughed. "No, you don't. You only value the lives of those you see."

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Ignorance is no excuse for neglect, and this country has been neglected for far too long!" Sunset repositioned herself, and charged forwards, stopping short of the tip of Shining's spear and using her magic to call down a bolt of lightning that struck Shining's flank.

He yelped, but still managed to parry her next attack. Just then, shouts and hoofsteps rang out around the two, and Sunset huffed as she turned and fled.

"No place for withdrawals, huh?" Shining Armor asked, before giving chase. "Does that mean you're luring me into a trap? Or are you planning to eliminate my guards one-by-one? Either way, I won't let you escape!"

"Captain Armor!" Shining Armor stopped as he came across one of his guards in his path, bleeding from the shoulder and barely standing, his breath ragged. "C-Captain, the enemy is heading towards the city!"

"Stay here and inform the others. I'll go after her!" Shining Armor walked past the stallion and scanned ahead. He couldn't find any signs of Sunset Shimmer anywhere, despite the area ahead being completely clear and flat. "A cloaking spell? Maybe an illusionist?"

Shining's eyes shot open. He had heard it right behind himself. The sound of metal drawing against a sheath. He turned around and stepped to the side, but it was only enough to stop the sword from piercing his heart, instead piercing his shoulder.

Shining Armor fell to the ground, blood pouring from his open wound, and he found his soldier lying some distance away in a similar state. A white hoof entered his blurry vision, and he tried to look up. As he heard the sound of Sunset's voice, his vision seemed to correct itself, revealing the hoof to actually be orange.

Sunset Shimmer laughed as she prepared to deal the final blow with the sword she had stolen from the private, but a passing arrow knocked the blade out of her magic and onto the ground. She grunted and jumped over the downed captain, dodging yet another arrow.

"Over here!" a voice shouted in the distance. "The captain's been injured! We need a stretcher! No, make that two!"

Sunset Shimmer ran as fast as she could, until she could no longer hear the voices or the hoofsteps of those following her. She took refuge in a nearby cave and caught her breath, holding a hoof to her sweaty forehead. As she calmed down, she grinded her teeth together and slammed the ground beneath her. "Damn. Almost had him."

"You dropped the ball," Genesis said in an accusing tone. "Shining Armor was our most important target of those five captains, and you allowed him to live."

"He's injured," Sunset said, glaring at the stallion across the table from her. "I was about to get him, but those soldiers of his showed up at just the wrong time."

"You shouldn't have insisted on going alone." Genesis shook his head. "No. We shouldn't have let you go alone. At least now we know the extent of your abilities."

Sunset slammed the table as she rose to her hooves, but King Midas spoke up before she could. "I'm afraid that Genesis is right here, Sunset Shimmer. It was foolish of you to take on that captain by yourself, but equally foolish of me to give you permission. You are a talented pony, but you are still only one pony."

Sunset Shimmer simply huffed and sat back down, crossing her forelegs. It was then Trixie's turn to get up and slam the table.

"Perhaps I missed the part where we were going to kill our targets?!" Trixie looked around the table, but nopony responded. "Isn't that why we made that drug?! So that we could cripple our foes without killing them?!"

"You don't seem to realise what it means exactly to be at war," Genesis replied.

"I'm with Trixie," Oasis said, clutching her sapphire necklace. "There was no need to kill them, even if they were soldiers!"

"The drug was designed as a last-resort measure," Sunset stated simply, King Midas nodding his head in agreement.

"Even if we had used it, what do you think would happen after it wears off? Suppose we win, and we claim the throne. Do you think all of those captains will simply bow down to us willingly? They would fight back, and the only other option would be to keep them as our prisoners of war."

"Then let's do that!"

"Keeping prisoners demands resources. Resources we simply don't have."

"If we win this war, we'll have all of the resources we could ever need!"

"The alicorns," Sunset Shimmer reminded. "If- When we win, the alicorn tribes will undoubtedly launch an attack in retaliation. One war will be over, but another will soon begin, and we will need to focus everything we have on repelling such attacks. That is why we are re-establishing Pegasopolis. That is why we are recruiting even the smallest towns and villages to our side. That is why we are making deals with the zebras, the griffons, and even the docile dragons that nest just outside of our borders.

"This war is merely a test. It is all preparation for the real fight, against the ones who stole our land to begin with."

"Even so-"

"You failed to kill Captain Falcon, and Shining Armor survived," Genesis said. "Still, three out of five is still a substantial blow, and King Midas made a point to let those who saw him run away. So now, everypony will know that our leader is one who fights with his people, not behind them.

"What's better is that Celestia never sent word to the alicorn tribes. She thinks that she can win this without their help." Genesis chuckled as Trixie shook her hooves with fury.

"Like I care about that right now!" With a huff, Trixie turned and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind herself.

"She signed on with the intention of nopony getting killed?" Genesis asked with a sigh.

"I'm afraid that it is my fault," Kind Midas said. "I was drawn to Trixie because I had heard that she was a mare of great talent, shunned because of one unfortunate incident. Looking into her background, I had found that she had led a hard life, simply from not having the right connections. I had planned to use that, and promises of glory, to recruit her.

"However, I only intended for her to play a supporting role."

"Then, why-"

"She demanded it," Midas answered. "She said that she did not want anypony else to endure what she had, simply for not being noticed by those at the top. Her resolve was strong, and so I accepted her offer, but now I…" A chair scuffed against the hard floor, and Midas turned to Sunset Shimmer. "Where are you going?"

"To talk some sense into her."

"Maybe I should-" Oasis began.

"You're in the same boat as her," Sunset interrupted. "You hate violence and death. There's nothing you can say to her. What she needs is the perspective of somepony from the other side. That way, she can make her final decision."

"… Are you sure?"

Sunset smiled and nodded. "We both have similar backstories, you know? So it's not like I don't get where she's coming from."

"Similar how?" Genesis asked. "You were betrayed by Celestia."

"Similar, because I was denied my birthright, my destiny, by those with power."

"He was a good king, and loved husband, and a loving father. He saw our kingdom through dark times, and protected us from the dangers of the Everfree Forest. Even as his condition worsened and his crown was passed on to his daughter, Queen Platinum V, he continued to throw his life on the line in service of his country.

"May our beloved king find rest in the next life."

Everypony in attendance closed their eyes and bowed their heads, silence settling over the crowd for several seconds as Queen Platinum stepped up to the podium. "Everypony… thank you for being in attendance today. I know that times are growing tough, for all of us, here in Equestria. But my father, believed in a land where the three tribes could be free, and live in peace and harmony, together. My father gave his life to fulfil that dream, and now I, Queen Platinum of Unicornia, do solemnly vow to see his dream come to fruition. I humbly request all of you present today to help us see our dream become a reality."

Queen Platinum stepped down, taking her place besides her two friends, Commander Hurricane and Chancellor Puddinghead, as her younger brother took the stand. "… I'm not really sure what to say here that you all don't already know. Father was wise, and powerful, and a great ruler. If it was not for him, we may not have survived the harsh migration to this new land. And I… wish that there was more that I could have done to help him. I swear, from this day forth, I will make Father proud, and content, so that he can finally rest easy in the next life."

Platinum sighed as the casket containing her father's corpse was carried away. Ponies began to file outside to watch the burial, but Platinum, Hurricane and Puddinghead remained behind. "You aren't going to follow them?" Hurricane asked.

Platinum shook her head. "I'm their ruler now. They cannot see me cry. I must mourn him later, when there is nopony else present." Platinum caught sight of something colourful before, and turned to give Puddinghead a bemused look. "Cake? At a time like this?"

"You look like you have a lot of things to get off your chest," Puddinghead said. "I thought we could discuss it over cake."

"… I'm not really in the mood."

Puddinghead nudged the cake forwards. "Are you sure? It'll cheer you up."

"I said that I'm not in the mood," Platinum said, batting the plate harder than she intended to and spilling the cake onto the floor. "Ah… I'm sorry…"

"It's fine," Puddinghead assured, putting the plate away into his suit. "Well, if you ever need somepony to talk to, I'll be sure to have plenty of cake ready."

"And I'm here, too," Hurricane said. "No cake, buuuut I might be able to offer you some more sane advice."

"Queen Platinum." The trio turned to face Princesses Celestia and Luna as they approached. It was Celestia that had spoken up. The two bowed their heads, and Celestia said, "My sympathies for your loss."

"It means much to me that you were able to attend today," Platinum said as she presented the two with a warm smile. "Father's passing has been hard, but with my friends around me to offer their support, I know that I will make it through."

"I know that you do not wish to discuss business right now, but we've received word that our troops are nearing the borders to your country."

"I understand. My father has not been the only casualty that this new land has wrought. We must continue, to finally put an end to these losses. Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, please escort me to meet your people at the border."

"Are you sure?" Celestia asked in a concerned tone. "I could ask that they delay their journey for one day to-"

Queen Platinum raised a hoof and shook her head. "Thank you, but really, I am fine. So long as you stay by my side…"

Celestia nodded. "I will, my friend."

As Sunset Shimmer approached Trixie, the blue mare used her magic to erect a small bubble around herself. "I know what you're going to say, and you can say it from there."

Sunset sighed. "Look, I get it. You've never spilled blood before." Trixie didn't respond, so Sunset continued. "This is war, Trixie. Death happens. Lives are lost, on both sides, because if they're not, the fighting will never end."

"Leave me be," Trixie whispered.

"And the ponies that will be fighting? They'll look to us for support. For guidance. And if they see us too afraid to get our hooves dirty, then what courage can we offer them?"


"No," Sunset said firmly. "You are a leader, Trixie. You need to make a choice – if you cannot kill a pony on the battlefield, then you must stay behind. Otherwise, you will die! I know that this is all new to you, taking a pony's life, but you don't have to be afraid-"

"I've taken a life before!" Trixie shouted, silencing Sunset's argument in an instant. "I've… killed before, and I don't want to ever again." Trixie gathered herself into a ball and held back the sobs, but her hiccups escaped.

"… When? How?"

"Shouldn't the question be 'why?'? And the answer is: there is no answer. 'I defended myself'. 'I was scared'. 'It was the heat of the moment'. 'He was a dangerous criminal'. Those are just excuses, and none of them answer the question of whether it could have been avoided. Whether there was another way."

"… Maybe there was another way," Sunset said softly, entering the bubble that had grown fragile since Trixie's outburst. "Even if there was, though, the past is in the past. Time marches on, and the world won't simply wait for you to make peace with what happened."

"… What should I do?"

"First, you accept the fact that you've spilled blood, and that you can never undo it. If you want that pony's death to mean something, then you'll continue living without regret. He died so that you could live, in a similar way to a griffon eating a cow.

"Next, accept the fact that ponies die on the battlefield. Because if you can't even do that, then you will not be allowed to join us. You will simply be a liability.

"Finally, ask yourself why you're doing this, and what it's worth achieve that goal? Are you willing to kill again to accomplish what you set out to do? If not, ask King Midas for a demotion, or leave while you still can."

"… That's-"

"You don't have to answer right now," Sunset prompted, placing a hoof gently on Trixie's shoulder. "Think about it. Ask the others for advice. And when you have your answer, we'll support you, whatever you choose."

Trixie turned around, and found Sunset Shimmer smiling at her. She smiled back, daringly, and her hiccups stopped. "… You give good motivational speeches."

Sunset giggled. "I have to. Remember that destiny of mine that Celestia stole?" Trixie nodded. "I was going to be a Princess of Equestria!"

Trixie almost choked on her laughter, and Sunset removed her hoof with a scowl. "You?! A P-Prin… PFFFT- AHAHAHAHAH!"

Sunset turned around and said, "Well, glad you're feeling better. Now to report our entire conversation to the others. Every. Last. Detail."

Trixie was silenced suddenly, and she jumped to her hooves to chase after Sunset Shimmer. "Utter one word and you'll be begging for Celestia's mercy!"

"Hey, guys, listen to this."


Shining Armor opened his eyes as he heard the sound of his hospital room's door opening, and slowly craned his neck to find out who was intruding despite the tight guard placed on his room. "Please leave us be," Luna said to the doctor outside, who simply bowed and shuffled away nervously.

Shining Armor smiled as the friendly face approached. "Princess Luna. Forgive the rudeness, but I'm afraid that I can't greet you properly at the moment. The doctors have all of my legs under anaesthesia."

Luna raised an eyebrow. "The injury was to just one shoulder, correct?"

Shining Armor nodded his head. "I, um, tried to give chase whilst my men attempted to secure me. In their attempts to subdue me, a few of my bones were… twisted… in ways that they should not be…"

Luna shook her head. "That is unlike you, Captain."

"I was afraid, Your Highness. The soldier that did this to me, she's dangerous."

"We heard reports that it was… SS." Luna glanced around the room, then returned her stare to Shining Armor, who nodded to confirm what she had been told. "As I understand it, she is no fighter."

"And yet, she knows how to fight. Though her style is… odd."

"Odd?" Luna pressed.

"Yeah. Her style is old. Outdated."

"Ah. Perhaps it is because she has spent some time away from Equestria?"

"No, I mean really outdated. Both her stances and her magic, they were replaced centuries ago when they were deemed impractical. Yet, she executes them expertly. She's fully aware of what she is doing, and in her case, it works to her advantage – because her fighting style is so old, it's difficult to predict what she will do next, and because she is so skilled, it's equally difficult to counter."

"Thank you, Captain. I will share this information with my sister and seek her advice. Please prepare a full report while you are here, with as much detail as you can."

"Yes, sir."

"Now then, onto the more pressing matter… This attack was not an isolated incident, Captain Armor. Four more captains were attacked at roughly the same time."

Shining's eyes shot open. "What?!" He cringed as a electricity passed through his shoulder. "Ow ow ow! Anaesthesia's wearing off!"

"Captain, three of your comrades are dead. Captain Ichabod Crane, Captain Steel Resolve, and Captain Typhoon. Captain Falcon is also in critical condition, suffering the effects of a drug that will render her immobile for several months."

Shining Armor shook and started to sweat rapidly. "H-How could this happen?!"

"Indeed," Luna said. "How could five captains, all called away to separate duties, be attacked simultaneously by an outside group?"

Shining Armor frowned. "A spy?"

Luna levitated some papers onto the stand besides Shining Armor's bed. "Your next task upon your discharge – discover the source of the leak, and plug it."

"Princess, who should be my point of contact? If we don't know who to trust-"

"I have officially requested that you be allocated to me, and Princess Celestia has given her approval. From now on, you will answer to me, and you will report to me every twelve hours. Understood?"

Shining Armor tried to move his foreleg to salute, but could only move it an inch before cringing. Instead, he settled for simply nodding. "Yes, sir!"

Author's Note:

Thanks to Mud and Striker for proofreading.