• Published 20th Aug 2016
  • 4,832 Views, 281 Comments

Stormageddon: Changeling Spy - Shakespearicles

Follow the life of Stormageddon, a changeling spy for the Royal Guard.

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Plea Bargain

I think this is about where we came in.

Sweet Leaf and I, on a train to the Crystal Empire. Her, selling me on the idea of hitting it big with the heist of the century. Me, getting bludgeoned in the head by a Crystal Guard Pony.

And now, me sitting in a jail cell.

A guard sat at the desk outside of my cell. I had never seen a crystal pony before. I heard stories that you could see right through them. But behind the desk and in the uniform, I couldn't really tell.

He had a mustache that looked like somepony had taped a push-broom to his face. Plus he was fat. I don't know if he became fat as a result of sitting behind that desk, or was assigned here because of it. But judging from the way he had his hooves up on the desk as he slept, I suspected the latter.

I crawled out of the cot and shook my head to try to get the drowsy sense cleared from my head. I immediately regretted the decision as the motion sharply replaced drowsiness with pain. The lump on the back of my head throbbed.

"Hey Sweepy McBroomFace!" I shouted, holding onto the bars on my cell for support. He barely raised his head to acknowledge me. "Hey! I know you can hear me! Or are your ears too fat too!?"

"Shut up, scum!" he barked at me.

"Hey! I need a doctor! My head doesn't feel right." He stood up and walked over to the bars of my cell, brandishing his baton.

"You're lucky to be feeling anything below the NECK after the stunt you tried to pull!" he shouted, slamming the bars with his night stick, forcing me to back away. I sat back down on my cot, holding my head. The door leading out of the dungeon, behind him, opened. He saw who it was and immediately stood at attention. "Captain!"

The stallion walking in was tall, muscular and fit. He had white fur and a two-tone blue mane. A cutie mark of a shield with stars over it. He addressed the guard.

"At ease, son." The guard relaxed, but only a little. "Is that him?" he asked.

"Yes sir!" the guard answered.

"Hey, Snow White, I need a doctor!" I told the new guy. The guard slammed the bars of the cell with his baton again.

"You will NOT speak the the Prince unless he addresses you first you thieving turd!" the guard shouted.

"Prince?" I asked, surprised.

"Shut your mouth!" he shouted again. The 'prince' put a hoof to the guard's chest.

"Easy now," the prince said, strangely calm. The guard took a few steps away. The prince turned back to me. "You're in quite a bit of trouble, son," he said to me.

"Don't call me 'son'. You don't know me!" I scoffed. The guard huffed and looked about to lunge at me again.

"You will show respect!" he yelled.

"Oh yeah, open up this door and come in here and make me, Lunchbox!"

"Enough!" the prince said, perhaps not as loud, but very firm. He rubbed his forehead, just below his horn. "He's already in a cell. He's not going anywhere. And neither is this conversation." He looked at me again. "Okay. If 'son' doesn't suit you, what is your name?"

"Don," I answered. He took out a pencil and pad of paper.

"Dawn like the sunrise?"

"No, D-O-N."

"Don. Got it. Is that short for something? Donovan, Donald?"

"It's short for Stormageddon," I said. His pencil stopped moving. His eyes glanced up at me, and then at the guard.

"Sargent, why don't you take a walk. This guy is clearly making up fake names, and I don't want there to be any witnesses for what I'm about to do," he said. The guard grinned.

"Yes sir, Your Highness. Enjoy yourself. I'll see to it that you are not disturbed." He turned and left the room, closing the door behind him.

The prince tore what he had written out of the notebook and incinerated it with his magic in a heat-less flame. He looked at me and shook his head. He went around to the other side of the desk and grabbed the chair, dragging it over toward the cell. I took a step away from the bars, anticipating the beating about to commence. But instead of lifting it to be wielded as a weapon, he slumped into it, looking utterly deflated.

"Stormageddon..." he muttered, to himself it seemed, as he rubbed his face with his hooves. "What you tried to do was incredibly, incredibly stupid. Trying to steal the Crystal Heart like that."

"It wasn't terribly well protected," I said. "It was very easy to steal it." He laughed at me.

"Do you know why nopony has tried to steal it?" he asked me. "Nopony has ever been that crazy. Do you have any idea what would have happened?" I shook my head. "It's the only thing keeping the Empire from being consumed by the cold and storm of the Frozen North! Even if you hadn't been stopped, and the Heart restored, even if you didn't freeze to death before you ever made it back to the train station, by the time you got there, the train would have already been buried in snow and ice. It would have been a death sentence not only for you, but everypony in the Empire!"


"That's all you have to say? 'Oh'? What in the world made you feel rocked by the urge to do something like this?"

"It was another pony, Sweet Leaf. It was her idea. Steal it, sell it or ransom it," I told him. I described her appearance to him. He wrote down her details.

"And she was with you last night?"


"Well, she must still be in the Empire. I'll post guards at the train station looking for her. She won't escape. And as for you..."

He stood up and walked over to lock the door to the room, turning back to slump back into the seat outside of my cell wearing an expression of deep disappointment as he sighed. "What the heck are you doing off the farm? Does Applejack know that you're here?"

"Oh for pony's sake," I groaned, falling back into my cot. "Is everypony in on the big secret but me?"

"I should hope not," he said. "This is a new look for you." He motioned at me with his hoof. His horn glowed, sending out a quick pulse at me, stripping away my disguise, leaving me in my bare, changeling form. "What am I going to do with you? Was Sweet Apple Acres really that bad? Does Applejack even know where you are?"

"No. I ran away from the farm because I was afraid of feeling like a prisoner."

He smirked, looking at the bars of my cell.

"Fate it seems, is not without a sense of irony." He sighed, rubbing his temples. "This crime can not go unpunished. I'm going to conduct your execution-"


"Not really, you dolt! But we need you to disappear! Faking your death is the easiest solution. You need to get yourself out of the Empire! Go home. The farm is the safest place for you."

"I'm not a farmer!"

"Would you rather be a prisoner!? Or dead!?"

"No. I just- no."

"You will be on the next train leaving the Empire. That is not up for negotiation! I am going to escort you personally after your 'execution'. So you may want to get 'changed'," he suggested, unlocking the door to my cell. I shape-shifted and threw on an orange mane with a mare's magenta fur coat. A rising sun for a cutie mark. I fluttered my eyelashes at him.

"How's this?" I asked in a feminine voice.

"And whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?" he asked.

"Dawn. Like the sunrise."

"That'll do fine." I stepped out of the cell and his horn glowed, casting a fireball at the empty cot, incinerating it and leaving sooty scorch marks all over the floor and walls. "Congratulations. You're dead. Not let's get a look at your head." He looked at the back of my head where I had received the blow. Shape-shifting can't mask my injuries. "Looks like you've got a pretty good bump. But you should be okay in a day or so. I'll get some ice for you."


"Do you have any questions before we leave?" he asked. Him knowing my true identity had been a surprise. It made me wonder who else knew. The truth about me, and my past. I needed to know.

"Who else knows about me? The truth about me?" I asked.

"As few ponies as possible," he explained. "That's the point of a secret. Me, Princess Sparkle, Applejack, Big Mac and Apple Bloom too, I assume." I nodded. "That's what I figured by now. And a couple others know."


"That is also part of the secret! It's for their protection. And yours!"

"Who are my parents?" I asked. He winced a little.

"You will find out when the time is right," he said, echoing Applejack's words. It was infuriating.

"Do you know who they are?" I asked.

"Yes," he sighed.

"Can you at least tell me about them? Something! Anything at all! My mother? My father? Do they even know that I exist? Do they even care?" I asked desperately, trying to keep the tears from my eyes. He took a deep breath.

"Your father loves you. I know that. As for your mother..." he trailed off. "I don't know. I can't really speak for her."

"Can't or won't!?" I accused.

He looked at me. He could see the turmoil in my face. "I'm sorry. I really do wish that I could tell you more."

My emotions were a hurricane. I felt angry, happy and sad all at the same time. I was furious that he knew more but wouldn't tell me. But at the same time I was happy for what I did learn. I had a father. He was alive. And he loved me. Or so I had been told. But my mother, I still knew nothing about her other than the fact that she was still alive. I felt sad and afraid. But now, also hopeful.

It was a step closer to learning the truth. That would have to be enough for now. I was grateful for that at least.

"Thank you," I said. He gave me a weak smile.

"Come on. Let's get you home."

"Do we have to?"

"You can't stay in the Empire."

"I mean, do I have to go back to Sweet Apple Acres?"

"Yes. At the very least, you owe an explanation to Applejack for you absence."

"Okay." I resigned.

He opened the door leading out of the jail, making sure the way was clear. We made our way up and out of the lower levels of the palace. On our way, we passed a different guard pony. He went to attention and saluted as we approached.


"At ease. I have an assignment for you,"

"Yes, Your Highness?"

"I interrogated the prisoner that tried to steal the Crystal Heart. Before he died, he confessed that he had an accomplice.

"Died?" the guard asked.

"Yes. When I was through with him, I carried out his sentence. His actions were unforgivable, putting everything and everyone we love in jeopardy. My family. Yours." The guard gulped at the thought of his family's peril.

"His accomplice is a pegasus mare named Sweet Leaf." He went on to describe her to him. "Have guards checking everypony boarding at the train station. It's the only survivable way out of the Empire. We cant let her escape."

"Yes sir! And who is this?" he motioned to me.

"This is my new assistant, Dawn. She's going to be helping me with the paperwork with this case."

"New? Is she an intern or something?"

"Save your interrogations for our prisoners, Corporal, not my staff, unless you want me to put you on latrine duty until your mother forgets what you look like!"

"Aye, Sir!"

"I've got a scorched jail cell downstairs. Double-time it down there and make it sparkle!"

"Proceeding sir!" The guard made haste past us towards the dungeon.

"Wow," I whispered. "Savage."

"Anypony can become a prince by marrying a princess. But being a leader mean also not taking any guff from your subordinates."


"Well, there's more to it than that, obviously, if you want to be a good leader, rather than just a boss," he explained as we reached the main floor. The foyer of the palace was a flurry of activity. Ponies of all sorts were moving about in all directions. Those that caught eye contact with the prince did a quick bow or curtsy, moving out of the way as we passed. One in particular made it a point of moving into his way.

She had white fur and a brown mane tied up in a tight bun. Her brown eyes were framed by thick, black glasses. She was carrying a clipboard with a pen and some papers. Her cutie mark of a pen and inkwell suited her.

"Prince Armor," she addressed, him.

"Good morning, Raven," he answered. "Is everything still set to go for my trip?"

"Yes sir. Your things are assembled at the station, ready to depart," she said, glancing at me. "Should... I make it a plus-one?"

"That will not be necessary. Just a friend that I'm unofficially accompanying home to Canterlot," he said.

"Oh. Well then, your train will be departing within the hour."

"Thank you." He took a roll of paper from his bag. "Raven, this is Dawn. She witnessed what happened last night. Dawn, could you please imagine the appearance of Sweet Leaf?"

"Um, sure," I said. I closed my eyes and thought about her. Her deep charcoal fur, her teal mane, her bright viridian eyes. Damn those eyes. No sooner had I coalesced the image in my mind than did her image appear on the scroll in his hooves.

"This is one of the ponies that tried to steal the Crystal Heart," Prince Armor said. "Her name is Sweet Leaf. I need 'wanted' posters up all over the Empire, with the promise of a substantial reward for her capture. I want guards posted at the train station, checking everypony that goes through. She can not be allowed to escape."

"Yes sir."

"That'll be all, Raven." He dismissed her with a wave of his hoof.

We moved quickly through the rest of the foyer and headed out of the palace. Outside, a coach carriage was waiting for us. Well, for him anyway. It was hardly plain. But it wasn't nearly as ornate as I would have expected for a prince to be riding in. Wooden, with a bit of scroll work along the edges. Curtained windows for privacy. Springs in the frame for the axles for a smooth ride over the cobblestone roads. Practical luxury.

"Your Highness," the driver greeted. The prince nodded back. He came to a stop just beside the carriage, clearly waiting for him to open the door for us. "Your forgiveness sire, but I've received a specific message that you are to be seen off by the Princess momentarily."

"Which princess?" he asked.

"Daddy!" we heard from behind us.

"Well, that answers that," he said quietly, turning on his hoof to face the voice. "Hey, Sweetie!" he greeted her as the young alicorn trotted into his waiting hooves. Princess Flurry Heart was a little taller than me. Her white fur was tinged with a bit of pink in the fringes of her wings. Her mane falling to either side of her horn was a two-tone blend of purple and pink with a streak of sky-blue running through it and her tail. Her bright eyes were the color of sea-foam. The dress she was wearing occluded her cutie mark. She looked stunning.

"Are you leaving again!" she accused him, halfheartedly.

"I'm sorry baby. It will only be for a couple of days," he said as he hugged her. "I love you."

"I love you too, Daddy," she said.

I felt a rush of energy. As a Changeling, I'm very sensitive to the emotions of the beings around me. I can feed off of love. The family farmhouse on Sweet Apple Acres was filled wall-to-wall with it. But there really was nothing quite like the love of a parent for their child. It was powerful, and concentrated, and unconditional. It made the fur on the back of my neck tingle being so close to it, like having too much espresso.

"I hope 'a couple of days' doesn't turn into a couple of weeks again, Shiny," I heard another mare say. We all turned to see Princess Cadance walking toward us. She was taller than even the prince. Her fur was bright pink, framed by her long, curly mane which was a three color blend of creme, magenta and violet. The same violet of her eyes tinged the tips of her wings, like her daughter. I recognized her famous crystal heart cutie mark.

"It won't this time, Cadie, I promise," he answered with a nuzzle. She smiled and returned the gesture before giving me a look. I politely tried to avert my eyes.

"Who's this?" she asked, her smile fading. He spoke for me.

"Uh, this is Dawn, one of the clerical interns accompanying me to Canterlot," he said.

"Dawn?" she asked.

"Like the sunrise!" I said a bit too cheerfully, in a sing-song voice with a practiced smile. Shining cleared his throat pointedly at me, reminding me to whom I was speaking. "Uh, like the sunrise, Your Majesty." I amended with a quick curtsy.

"Sorry. She's new," he defended. "Why don't you go ahead and climb aboard. I'd like to have a word in private," he told me. The cab driver opened the door as he spoke.

"Yes, Sir." I did another quick curtsy to them, playing the part, and boarded the carriage. The door closed behind me. The inside was comfortable, but again, not overly lavish. I peeked out through the curtains. I couldn't hear what he was saying but I watched Flurry leave after a moment. He hugged Cadance close. I could see his lips moving as he whispered something into her ear. When he broke the hug and turned to join me on the carriage, she shot a look at the window where I was sitting. Her eyes narrowed and her brow furrowed. It was not a nice look. It was cold and distant. Shining sat down opposite of me in the carriage and we started to pull away from the palace. She stood there and stared until we were a couple of blocks a away and turned a corner out of her sight.

"What did you say to her?" I asked.

"That's not your business," he said.

"She gave me a look, as if you told her you were about to have an affair with me. It was... icy. Should I have been a male?"

"No, it's nothing like that."

"Well what is it then?" I asked, pressing the issue. "I'm tired of all of these secrets."

"Me too." He sighed, letting his head list to the side, staring out the window, watching the buildings and ponies as the passed by. I could see the gears turning in his mind, the mental debate he was having with himself, on whether or not to tell me. After a few moments, "I told her who you are. Who you really are," he said.

"What!? Why?"

"She knows about you. I mean, she's known about you all along."

"Great," I said sarcastically. "It seems like the only one who my life is a mystery for is me! So why was she giving me a look like I just ran over her dog with a chariot?"

"She- " he trailed off, trying to find the words. "She has a thing, about changelings. Are you familiar with the Invasion of Canterlot, twenty two years ago?"

"Yes. Princess Twilight taught me about it from one of her Modern History books. I know it was an invasion of changelings. She- spared me the details, for my benefit I guess."

"It wasn't good," he said. "It was- well, it was really bad."

"Well yeah, nopony invites an invasion."

"I mean because it happened on the day of my wedding. Our royal wedding. Cadance had been taken hostage and imprisoned in the caves beneath the city, replaced with a changeling trying to marry me. I was brainwashed for most of it. But my sister helped the real Cadance escape, and together, Cadance and I were able to repel the invasion with a combined spell," he explained. "And ever since then, well, she's had no love for your kind." I sat and thought about it. The details about the invasion that Twilight had left out, about what happened to whom. It made sense why Cadance would not like me now.

"So why do you?" I asked. "You have just as much reason to hate me as she does. How come I'm not a greasy, burnt stain on a jail cell wall right now?" He rubbed his chin with his hoof and took a deep breath, carefully choosing his words.

"You're not automatically our enemy just because of what you are. Deep down, she knows that too. But she can't help how she feels. I know the same truth about you as she does. But it means different things to each of us. To her, you're a living reminder of a time she'd rather forget about. But to me I see..." he trailed off, trying to mask the expression on his face with his hoof. But I could see it, there, at the corner of his eye. It was the faintest hint of a grin.


"An opportunity," he said.

"For...?" I asked, insistent. He leaned back in his seat, bringing his hooves together in front of his muzzle in contemplation, weighing his options. The carriage slowed to a stop outside of the train station.

"Tell me, Storm," he said at last, "have you ever considered joining the Royal Guard?"