• Published 12th Apr 2016
  • 2,797 Views, 124 Comments

A Pair of Rare Shies - shortskirtsandexplosions

Rarity and Fluttershy keep their love relationship a secret for thirty days.

  • ...

Second: A Walk In the Park

Fluttershy trotted up to the front door and—as practiced—rang the bell once and then a second time after three full seconds had passed. She leaned back, exhaling... waiting.

Not long after, the entrance to Carousel Boutique opened. Rarity stood in a simple light-blue dress with white laced accents.

She smiled.

Fluttershy smiled back. "Ready?"

Rarity nodded. Her horn glowed as she lifted a sky-blue parasol, opening it. "Ready."

The two stood side by side, then trotted across town for Ponyville Park.

"You're looking beautiful as ever today, dearest," Rarity said, occupying the right side of the path.

Fluttershy trotted along the left side. "Says the mare wearing a pretty blue dress."

"'Pretty?'" Rarity lifted one rear leg, showing off the plain skirt. "This is 'simple!' Just like you suggested."

Fluttershy giggled. "Only you would consider something so delicate and ornate to be 'simple.'"

Rarity tilted her chin up. "Are you insulting my assessment of my very own fashion?"

"You made this?" Fluttershy blinked. "But... I-I've never seen it before!"

"That's because I stitched it together just last night for this very occasion!"

"Oh Rarity..." Fluttershy sighed. "You didn't have to do that."

"Don't be ridiculous! This outdoor afternoon stroll means a lot to you, does it not? Thus, it means an awful lot to me in like turn!"

"I really hope you didn't lose any sleep over it."

"Not at all! Besides... I was... mmm... bound for an anxious evening anyways."

Fluttershy looked aside. "Did you have nightmares anticipating the sunlight and sweat?"

Rarity nervously twirled her parasol. "Mmmm-maybe. Even still..." Rarity cleared her throat, trotting along with a flounce of her skirts. "It's worth it just to make you happy, dearest."

Fluttershy bit her lip hard.

Rarity blinked. She looked nervously aside. "Is something wrong?"

"N-no. I'm... uh... I'm fine."

"Something is bothering you!" Rarity exhaled. "I can see it! Please do tell me, Fluttershy. I hate to imagined you worrying so."

"Well... it's... it's just a little thing..." Fluttershy gulped. "I... I-I almost feel silly mentioning it."

"Nothing's silly between us anymore, dearest." Rarity winked. "Or selfish for that matter."

Fluttershy blinked.

"Ah!" Rarity pointed with a grin. "I beat you to it! Now... ahem..." She smiled elegantly as the two continued trotting over a green hill. "Tell me what's on your mind."

"Uhm..." Fluttershy fidgeted, avoiding Rarity's gaze. "Is... is there a reason why you stopped calling me 'darling?'"

Rarity's eyes twitched. "I have?"

"Mmmm... yes. At least... it seems that way..."

"Since when?"

"Since... you know..." Fluttershy gulped. "...the day it all started... the day we kissed."

"Huh..." Rarity gazed at the nearest line of trees, contemplating. "How strange. I hadn't even noticed."

"Instead... you've been calling me 'dearest.'"

"Oh! Oh yes, I... I have, haven't I?" Rarity giggled delicately. "Eheheh... about that..."

Fluttershy looked over. "Is there a reason?"

"I suppose an explanation is in order." Rarity twirled the parasol some more, her horn glowing. "It's... it's always been something of a silly little fantasy of mine."

"Huh?" Fluttershy blinked. "What has?"

"Oh, nothing." Rarity waved a hoof, then fluffed her mane. "Only that... ahem... one day, when I met my prince charming... or princess charming... I'd call her 'dearest.'" She sighed dreamily. "Her and only her."

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Oh... oh wow, Rarity, that's..."

"I-I wouldn't address you as that in front of our friends, of course." Rarity clarified. "We do have an agreement, after all. And when you're ready—"

"I... I never thought of it that way." Fluttershy glanced off. "Huh." Her ears drooped slightly. "I'm... I'm sorry. That must be very, very special for you. Forget I said anything."

"No. None of that, now. Let's be honest with each other!" Rarity looked over. "Do you find it 'forced?'"

"No. Not at all." Fluttershy smiled tenderly. "I think it's absolutely precious and I'm happy that you've shared the meaning with me."

"But you prefer I'd call you 'darling.'"


"Do you?"

Fluttershy looked aside. "It's just that... I've always... liked the way you called me 'darling.'"

"But I call everypony 'darling,' deare—erm... darling." Rarity smiled nervously.

"Yes. But somehow... whenever you called me 'darling,' it always felt..." Fluttershy's cheeks blushed as she smiled. "Nice."


"Erm... nicer?" Fluttershy winced slightly. "I don't know. I always imagined it as though you treasured my company a bit more than the others."

"Only because I have treasured your company a bit more than the others!"

"Heeeeee..." Fluttershy teetered in her walk slightly. She quickly regained her balance, trotting closer to Rarity. "But... uhm... really. I mean it. Every time I've heard you say 'darling' around me... even if it m-might seemed overused to the others..." She sighed. "It just... sends shivers up my spine. And I-I normally don't like shivers up my spine. But these are good shivers. Rarity shivers." She hid behind a dangling lock of pink hair. "Oh goodness, this sounds so silly."

"Not at all! I think..." Rarity smiled, eyes twinkling. "I love it! It gives me new insight on how you must have felt around me all these years!"

"But 'dearest' means so much to you. Please... call me that as much as you like. I'm honored to mean so much to earn it."

"But not if you like 'darling' better?"

"Heaven help us..." Fluttershy moaned softly. "I'm already making you split hairs over the smallest things."

Rarity giggled. "How about this." She winked. "I shall call you 'darling' and 'dearest' in equal turn."

"Oh gosh—"

"I mean it! I'm good at keeping quotas! Maybe not as good as Twilight, but this is a different matter! Our matter."

"Just whatever you do, don't call me 'Flut-Flut.'"

"Pffffkkkt!" Rarity nearly gagged. "What in Celestia's name—?!"

"What my siblings used to call me at dinner time," Fluttershy suddenly grumbled, glaring across the grass. "I... mmmm... never truly cared for it."

Rarity stopped dead in her tracks just so she could press a hoof to her heart. "I swear, on my Boutique and the entirety of my dress-making empire, that I shall not ever call you 'Flut-Flut' for as long as I live."

"Promise accepted."

"Egads, though..." Rarity looked like she was about to vomit. "Who on earth could possibly come up with such a garish name?!"

"My sister."

"... ... ...which one? You have—like—a million of them."

"Best that you don't know," Fluttershy said. "I don't want you going on a rampage of passive-aggressive vengeance during a family reunion in the future."

"What kind of a mare do you take me for?!?"

"... ... ..."

Rarity cleared her throat. "Alright... fair enough." She fluffed her mane. "I... suppose I will end up meeting them someday."

"Mmmm..." Fluttershy nodded. "Someday."

Rarity smiled. She leaned into Fluttershy as they walked. "Sooooooo... somepony likes me calling her 'darling,' hmmm?"

Fluttershy sighed happily.

"Is that true, darling? Yes?" Rarity tilted her head up, kissing and nibbling beneath Fluttershy's ear. "Darling? Darling? Darling?"

"Heeheeheeeee—" Fluttershy stumbled sideways, waving her wings. "Rarityyy!"

"You call that protesting?!" Rarity nuzzled Futtershy's head again. "Darrrrrrling?"

"Guh! I-I thought you were the one who was supposed to suffer heat-stroke! Not me!"

"Don't be silly!" Rarity trotted gaily along. "I'm doing absolutely wonderfully!"

An hour later, Rarity slumped up against a lamppost.

"I am..." She panted. "...doing..." She sweated. "...absolutely terribly!"

"Oh Rarity." Fluttershy stood before her, sad-faced. "No need to put yourself through all this. Let's head back to the Boutique."

"No. Not on your nelly!" Rarity stood up straight, fanning herself with a pale hoof. "I just... n-need to catch a second wind, is all!"

"You're sweating all over the place," Fluttershy said. "It's making your bangs droop."

"Eeep!" Rarity's eyes watered. "It's m-making my bangs droop?"


"Just... just breathe... just breathe..." Rarity paced in tight circles, nearly dropping her parasol. "It's only sunlight... nature's life preserver." A gulp. "So long... as the perspiration... doesn't soil the dress..."

Fluttershy squinted. "Uhhm..."

"Not another word!" Rarity squeaked, limbs locking in place. "I. Shan't. Move. A muscle. Until. The sweatdrops. Evaporate!"

"That could be a long time, Rarity."

"Even still!" Rarity clenched her eyes shut, trembling. "M-must persevere!" She stood in place, panting. Then—out of nowhere—a gentle, cooling breeze picked up. "Mmmmm..." She cooed, her muscles beginning to relax. "Oh, that feels positively delightful." Her nostrils flared. "And... lavender scented?" Her eyes opened. "Oh!" She held a dainty hoof to her chin. "Fluttershy!"

"Yes?" Fluttershy stood perpendicular to the mare, flapping her wings briskly, creating the breeze. "Is... is this okay?"

"It's more than okay!" Rarity smiled crookedly. "But no need to stress yourself out on my behalf!"

"It's not a problem. Honest!" Fluttershy smiled, taking even breaths between wingflaps. "And it's not like I'm actually flying. That might put some stress on me."

"I swear..." Rarity sighed through a grin. "...you are such a doll. The most gentle pegasus that ever existed."

"Heeheehee..." Fluttershy flapped her wings harder and harder. "...if only to hear you compliment me like that."

"Alright, that'll do, Fluttershy." Rarity winced. Her eyes crossed as the wing-powered breeze pushed her backwards, teetering. "That'll do! That'll do!" Thwump!

Fluttershy winced, locking her feathers in place. "Uhm... whoops?"

"Now that I think of it," Fluttershy said as she and Rarity walked down a hill on the far side of the park. They passed a pond lined with flowers. The air above then echoed with birdsong. "I probably should have worn a dress too. For your sake."

"Hah!" Rarity smiled. The sun had gone down, casting the earth in a calm shade. She shouldered her folded parasol with casual grace. "As if I have any regrets feeling fabulous!"

"Still..." Fluttershy cleared her throat, glancing beyond the path. "Somepony might think—"

"I'm always dressing fashionably." Rarity said with a wink. "Whether in the company of friends or honey-voiced lovers."

"Heehee..." Fluttershy nodded. "Alright. I suppose that is true."

"Though I do regret not fashioning a dress for you, Fluttershy."

"It's okay. You're always sewing stuff for me—"

"That doesn't mean I wish to stop!" Rarity pouted. "I just figured that it would be imposing and... well... you seem content to trot around outside in your birthday suit."

Fluttershy winked. "It's always season for that in Ponyville, Rarity."

"True... but your natural beauty exceeds all else."


"I'm serious! Deadly serious! Why... behold!" Rarity aimed her glowing horn off the path. She plucked a lily from a flower garden and levitated over. "Stand still." Very neatly, she stuck it into Fluttershy's mane, just behind her ear. "Viola!" She leaned back, sighing dreamily. "Awwwwwwww... I wish you had my eyes right now, darling. You are so very gorgeous! Especially in your own element!"

"Hmmmm..." Fluttershy smiled, blushing slightly. "You're too kind, Rarity, and I'm really flattered. But... no offense..." She reached up and gently plucked the lily from her mane. "I-I'm just not in the mood to have aphids in my hair right now."

"Aphids..." Rarity blinked blankly. "...in your...?"

"See?" Fluttershy stepped closer, holding the flower up so her marefriend could see. She pointed at several tiny scurrying insects. "This time of year, they're quite rampant—"

"Oh blessed Celestia!" Rarity blanched, teetering backward. "Ew ew ew ew! I... I had no earthly idea—!"

"And I bet if I pulled the petals even wider..." Fluttershy licked her lips, then smiled. "Ah! I thought so! Hello there, little spider babies!"

"Guhhhhh!" Rarity did a prissy jig in place, trying to keep her hooves off the ground. "Goddesses, spare me!"

Fluttershy chuckled. She gently laid the flower—and its occupants—to rest beside a throng of bushes. "That's why—whenever I purchase flowers for you—it's at a Ponyville vendor such as Roseluck's or Daisy's. They're always guaranteed to be washed and free of insects."

"Mrmmmfff... goodness..." Rarity teetered, near-faint.

Fluttershy smiled, patting her shoulder. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I..." Rarity gulped. "...I think I need to sit down."

The two rested side by side on a park bench, watching the sun set.

"Favorite color...?" Fluttershy tapped her chin in thought, her eyes scraping the forest's treeline beyond the park. "That would have to be green."

"Hmmmm..." Rarity softly kneaded the lace material of her folded parasol. "But of course it is."

Fluttershy smiled. "It makes me think of life... photosynthesis... and the circular relationship of all things in this world. Such a hopeful... promising color."

"I never heard it explained so eloquently before," Rarity said. "I'll have to keep that in mind."

"And yours?" Fluttershy peered over. She lazily rested her chin over crossed hooves, staring at Rarity's figure. "What is Lady Rarity's favorite color?"

"Egads..." Rarity exhaled, fanning herself. "That's loaded like a cannon!"


"The first thing that comes to mine is a royal blue. However... blues serve their best purpose at ballroom dances. Pink, on the other hoof, is very soothing... but utterly garish at important social functions. Yellow is a delightful little underdog that deserves more of a spotlight, but is very difficult to accessorize with... except when it comes to you, of course. I love accessorizing you."

"Of course." Fluttershy smiled.

"Nnnngh..." Rarity fidgeted. "It's such a complicated question for a fashionista! Oh, dearest, you must be positively sick of me rambling and fumbling to come up with a single answer!"

"That's alright." Fluttershy winked. "I love each and every one of them."

"Even if... I-I'm not the biggest fan of green?"

"So long as it's not a hair color."


"Then I can live with it." Fluttershy breathed. "Next question."

"What is..." Rarity thought... thought some more. "...your favorite song to dance to?"

"Uhm..." Fluttershy's ears drooped. "...promise not to laugh at me?"

"I'll do my best."

"You... you know that one song by the stallion from Outkolt?"


"...the one where they all sing 'Hay-yaaaaaa' in the chorus?"

"... ... ... you mean 'Hay-Ya?'"

"Yeah..." Fluttershy hid her face. "That."

"Snkkkkkt..." Rarity contorted her muzzle to keep from giggling.

"Please don't hate me..."

"No. No hate," Rarity wheezed. "Ahem..." She smiled. "Well somepony enjoyed listening to the radio during high school!"

"Heeheehee..." Fluttershy blushed. "Uhm... college, actually."

"Oh right! I forget you're almost a year older than the rest of us!"

"Yeah." Fluttershy nodded. "I could have stopped by to crash your Senior Year prom." She cleared her throat. "But... uhm... th-that wouldn't have been very nice."

"In hindsight, I almost wish you did." Rarity rolled her eyes. "I went out with this atrociously meatheaded cretin by the name of 'Jaunty Stride.'"

"Oh!" Fluttershy nearly burst out laughing. "Goodness!"

"I know, right?" Rarity sighed. "I wanted to dance to Whinny Houston over the auditorium's speakers, and all he wanted to do was... go mingle around the punch bowl and talk with other would-be athletes about 'hoofball this' or 'hoofball that.'"


"I suppose it was his name that threw me for a loop." Rarity breathed, staring down the path. Her eyes caught a pair of figures shuffling slowly across the park. "I figured him for a gentlecolt... something princely—by public school standards. Alas, I was wrong."

"You were wrong and a half."

"Well said, darling!" Rarity smirked. "It took me years to live that down!"

Fluttershy giggled for a few more seconds, then breathed calmly. A thoughtful expression crossed her eyes as she glanced at the seat of the bench between them. "Rarity...?"

"Yes, love?"

"Did... did you find yourself attracted to stallions most of your life?"

Rarity exhaled. "More accurately... I found myself wanting to."

Fluttershy glanced at her sideways.

Rarity returned with a sly smile. "In youth as well as into adulthood, I've always... always wanted to live up to my name. And seeing as there is only one stallion for every six of us..."

"Uhm... I think the actual national ratio is one to eight."

"All the more poignant." Rarity waved a hoof. "I thought it would make me more special... more of a stand-out mare to be paired with someone... with something so unique." She gulped. "I imagine that sounds so terribly... terribly superficial. And it is. I... I know that now... but it took me a long time to get here." She frowned. "A time fraught with multiple embarrassing circumstances... compromising the integrity of myself—not to mention the sanity of my friends, and a few self-respecting stallions who didn't know any better. I mean... has Applejack ever told you the stress I put her through over that whole 'Trenderhoof' fiasco?"

"She... doesn't talk much about things like that." Fluttershy shrugged. "All I know is that she was never interested in the stallion. In fact... I don't think she's very much interested in mares either."

"Well, one thing I knew for certain, I was very much interested in love. I just... always assumed I could somehow mold and shape that love... much like I design a dress. But..." Rarity shook her head. "...little did I know that true, amorous feelings cannot be artificially produced. It's something that comes from the heart."

"And other places," Fluttershy said with a wink.

"Yes, well, I came very... very close to sacrificing both for the sake of image." Rarity gulped. "Of course, through the years, I gradually opened up to what I needed and desired the most. My objects of affection switched from macho to debonair to handsome to gentle... growing softer and softer through the years until I realized..." She leaned in to nuzzle Fluttershy's nose. "...I only truly wanted the softest."

Fluttershy's teeth showed beneath a cheeky grin. "You m-make it sound like d-destiny."

"Well, we both know the truth." Rarity winked. "It was an epiphany... a sign that I didn't have to pretend any longer." She smiled, her voice a bit wavering. "The rarest and most precious treasure is none other than the one thing you're meant to have and hold in one life to live." Her voice squeaked as she sniffled. "Oh Fluttershy, wh-what would I-I do without you?"

"Shhhh... shhhh..." Fluttershy leaned in, nuzzling Rarity. She heard hoofsteps and saw the reflection of two figures in Rarity's glossy eyes. "Somepony's coming."

"I-I know..." Rarity gulped a lump down her throat. "I saw them trotting up over the—" She swiftly silenced herself.

"Good afteroon, dears," spoke an elderly pony. A smile rested across her wrinkly face as she trotted shoulder-and-shoulder with another old mare. "Enjoying the sunset?"

"Oh, that we are!" Fluttershy said in a warm, energetic breath. "Isn't it just beautiful?"

"A beautiful day for a pair of beautiful ponies," said the other pony.

"Awwwwwwww..." Fluttershy smiled rosily. "That's too kind. Thank you."

"You both are looking quite magnificent yourselves!" Rarity said. "I especially love your scarf! It matches the emerald in your eyes!"

"Doesn't it?" One mare leaned back, adjusting the article in question. "She bought it for me," she said, nudging her companion. "Last year's Hearth's Warming gift."

"Eh..." The other waved a hoof, speaking in a raspy voice. "Got it at a discount. Barnyard Bargains sale."

"It was from the heart and I love it," uttered the first. "Besides... it matches my eyes, says the mare in the resplendent sundress!"

Her companion made a face. "She hates it when I talk about how much I save on gifts," she spoke in a low tone as if it couldn't be heard. She smiled through her wrinkles. "You never know. Helps to be prepared for anything, in this day and age."

"Oh, I know!" Fluttershy nodded with a smile. "With mean creatures like Tirek and Queen Chrysalis wandering around, you can never be too careful! But it seems as though you both know how to look after one another."

"Eh... wouldn't be nice ponies if we didn't. Besides..." One turned towards the other, nuzzling her gray mane. "...the rotten varmint makes it hard for me to hate her."

"Heeheehee... come on, now..." The other hissed back, nevertheless smiling. "Not here..."

"Where you headed to at this hour?" Rarity asked.

"Ohhhh... we went out for a bite to eat, but then the weather was just so warm and inviting that we thought... mehhhhhhh... to Tartarus with it!" One waved a hoof. "Walkies!"

"Heehee!" Fluttershy smiled. "I love that. 'Walkies.'"

"Yes." One elder rolled her eyes. "She treats it like she's walking the dog."

"The way you growl and grumble, might as well be."

"Mmmm... you're lucky I love you so much."

"It's your fault."

"Well, I hope you both enjoy the rest of your stroll," Flutershy said. "It was very... very nice meeting you."

"Oh! Well... a pleasure meeting you two as well!" The two trotted along, smiling. "You need to get me more scarves, dear! It's a compliment magnet!"

"Told you! A real bargain!"

"Ugh! Don't you start that again!"

"I mean it!"

Rarity and Fluttershy watched as the two trotted off. Once a minute of silence had settled in, Rarity looked at Fluttershy.

"Psssst..." She leaned in, motioning towards the path. "That's why I gave up on stallions. If those weren't mares, we'd have endured nothing but fish stories and flatulence!"

"Snkkkkt..." Fluttershy nearly keeled over. "Rarityyyyyyyy..."

"I mean it, darling!"

Rarity merely giggled and kissed the pegasus on the cheek.

Crickets sang.

Only a faint glow of sunlight illuminated the west horizon.

Rarity and Fluttershy trotted side by side.

They took their sweet time, allowing the stars to appear, one by one.

Carousel Boutique loomed in the distance.

Rarity hummed quietly to herself, gazing at the cottages of Ponyville as the windows lit up.

Fluttershy stared at the ground. A smile remained plastered to her face as her ears echoed with the chuckles of the two old mares. Eventually, she spoke up.


"Hmmm? Yes, dearest?"

"... ... ...do you expect to be happy like that so many years from now?"

Rarity took a breath. "I aim to be happy tomorrow morning. I figured the rest should go like clockwork."


"I... I've been thinking..." Fluttershy spoke through a warm smile. "...about what you proposed yesterday."

"Oh?" Rarity looked up.

Fluttershy nodded. After a brave breath, she said, "I'm game."

Rarity blinked. "You... you want to go through with it?"

"One month of keeping our secret sounds as good as any other month... so long as it's spent with you."

"And when it's over?" Rarity smiled. "Then... would you be willing to come out with our relationship?" Her teeth glistened in the blossoming starlight. "Before our friends?"

Fluttershy gulped. "I shall do my best... and I might need a teeeeeny tiny bit of coaching." An exhale. "But yes."

"Oh, smashing!" Rarity hopped, her four legs waggling. When she came back down, she cleared her throat and spoke in a calmer, more eloquent tone. "Ahem... that is... I'm glad that we could come to this mutual agreement, for the sake of our future and our friends' feelings."

"Same here."

"So then! Uhm... thirty days from tomorrow!" Rarity smiled. "Sound good?"


Rarity pouted. "No?"

Fluttershy spoke firmly. "Thirty days from yesterday. After all... that was when you made the proposal."

Rarity stared at her.

Fluttershy gave a sly wink. "I'm trying to take a courageous step."

"Mmmm... I see the grilled cheese accomplished something."

"Heehee... yes. Yes it did."

Rarity leaned in, kissed Fluttershy, then nuzzled her cheek-to-cheek. "I'm so proud of you for giving this a shot, darling."


"But of course!" Rarity grinned. "I promise you that you won't regret it in the end!"

"And..." Fluttershy's teeth chattered as she fidgeted suddenly. "What... what if I have a panic attack a-and want to ch-change my mind at the very last second?"

"Well..." Rarity shrugged. "...even if it comes to that... we could always elope to Dream Valley!"

"Heeheeheehee!" Fluttershy giggled wildly. "It w-won't c-come to that, Rarityyyy."

"You sure?"


"You can be quite cowardly!"

"I'm a big brave pony! I swear!"

"Mmmmm... I guess we'll just have to put that to the test..." Rarity quickened her pace. "Riiiiiight after I put my shower soap to the test."

"Awww... Rarity..." Fluttershy fumbled after her. "And you were doing so well!"

"That was before you quickened my heart rate and made me smell myself! Ugh!"

"It's your fault!"

"Horses for courses, love!"