• Published 10th Apr 2016
  • 4,374 Views, 69 Comments

Sonata's Best Night Ever - Majin Syeekoh

Sonata has the best night that she can remember.

  • ...

Nothing Better

They say Crystal City never sleeps.

Certain pockets, however, grew quiet at night. Sonata could smell the negativity as her footsteps echoed off of the silence of the neighborhood. See it, even. But try as she could, she was unable to digest it anymore.

The green tendrils seeping out of the apartments taunted her mercilessly, sending her into a most uncomfortable state. Like a balloon inflated in her chest balanced on the precipice of anticipation and terror, waiting for the sweet release of emotion—whether it be the spicy hatred she was most a fan of, or tangy despair which would do in a pinch.

She’d even take bitter sadness at this point. Anything to feel as she once did. But it was to no avail.

The teasing was especially cruel, considering she was heading towards the nearest ATM she could look up before her phone died. She grunted as she ruefully recalled Dagi telling her to keep it charged before she left the house.

Stupid Sonata.

What made it even worse was that she needed to get to the ATM because her car ran out of gas. She exhaled through her nose. Crystal City was the only place her phone said had pizza this late at night, so off she gallivanted to Crystal City without checking the gas tank.

Like an idiot.

Her sneaker made landfall in a puddle, lightly splashing the water every which way as she headed towards the ATM. She couldn’t even call Dagi or Ari to pick her up… not that she’d want them to, anyway. They’d just call her names.

Like stupid.

Or useless.

Or worthless.

Sonata wouldn’t say they were on good terms before the Battle of the Bands fiasco, but afterwards everything hit the fan. She remembered waking up the next day thinking someone had set her on fire, her skin laced with invisible barbs that pierced her soul.

Judging by the mood the other two were in that day, she presumed they were going through the same thing. Sonata shook her head, thinking how they even had the energy to scream at and blame each other when she could barely swallow strips of microwave bacon. She didn’t have the energy to make herself feel better, let alone the other two.

After about five days, the symptoms subsided, but a sense of loss and hunger remained. The dreams were the worst. She’d still have her powers, the ability to provoke and ingest the darkness that resided in people’s hearts. Sonata would wake up and swipe at her throat only to be reminded that ecstasy was forever beyond her reach.

She spotted the ATM and beelined towards it, approaching it and gazing at her reflection for a few moments. Her gaunt, racoon-eyed reflection. She saw no need to take care of herself now that life had lost its luster.

She pulled her debit card out of her wallet, inserted it into the machine, and logged into her account.

At least I still have money.

It was at this point she felt something cylindrical press into the back of her head. Judging by the temperature, metallic as well.

Sonata groaned. “Look, I don’t have time for this, I’ve had a—”

“Girlie, I’ll tell you what you have time for. Now—”

“I’m just going to make my withdrawal now.” Sonata carefully peered through the options, not really caring if she died right now. It’d save her a whole host of trouble.

“Money. Now.”

The unknown mugger pressed slightly into her head, leaving Sonata with the window to turn around, push his arm out of the way, and kick him in the crotch. The man curled up as he fell to the sidewalk as a pipe rolled away from him.

Sonata’s breathing became shallow as she clenched her jaw, her eyes darting between her incapacitated aggressor and the pipe. She stomped over to the pipe, picked it up, and headed back towards the man.

She glared at him, pipe in hand. “This is what you tried to rob me with?”

“Look, honey, I don’t have enough for a gun, why do you think I was—”

A scream escaped from his lips as Sonata brought the pipe down onto his knee, the sounds of his bones cracking veritable music to her ears as a translucent green fog coalesced around his form.

“I don’t care. I’ve had a really bad night,” Sonata said as she hammered the pipe into this other leg, the sickening crunch pleasuring her almost as much as his impotent wailing, “and you just tried to rob me with a pipe.” She walked around him and straddled him, her reasoning that he was in too much pain to fight back. “Now give me a good reason why I should let you go, because I have a lot of stress I need to work off.”

She could smell the ambrosic terror, even taste it as it poured out of him, which infuriated her even more. It was as if he was specifically sent to piss her off. His eyes shifted left and right. She could almost see the hamster wheel spinning in his head as his luscious fear clouded her senses.

She needed to feed, urgently, but couldn’t.

“Too late,” she growled.

His eyes popped open. “Wait, wai—”

He was silenced by a swift blow to the head. Then everything went black.

When she came to, her face was spattered in blood and by what used to be in his head. She blinked a few times as she stared at where his head once was. Sonata then wiped down the pipe with his shirt and eased herself into a standing position.

Not exactly what I needed, but it’ll do for now.

She went back to the machine to finish her withdrawal.

Pocketing the money, she turned back around to look at her handiwork. She needed to do something with the body, not to mention the blood covering her face. Sonata looked around and spotted an alleyway with a dumpster.


Sonata dragged what once was a man into the alleyway, then pushed open the cover of the dumpster, the rotten stench of refuse cloying at her throat.

She hummed and licked her lips. The resulting sensation almost knocked her off of her feet.

The beautiful consciousness of panic spidered across her brain and straight into her heart, her breath hitching as she caught the edge of the dumpster for balance. She took a few shallow breaths as tears trailed down her face. She smiled.

She coated her fingers with some more of the blood on her face and sucked on it, the new yet familiar rapture popping the balloon in her chest and bringing her at peace as her vision tinted red.

Of course.

Comments ( 69 )

They say fear and negativity lingers in the blood.
They say it spoils the meat.

For a Siren, nothing could be better.

You'd better be planning a follow-up to this one, Syeek. I'll wait. It's fine.


So, Sonata is a killer. Never would have guessed. :twilightoops:

Have a like:twilightsmile:

Majin Syeekoh

7112907 I can't handle the pressure bby.:fluttercry:

7112911 I don't think heads work like that.

7112913 Whoda thunkit?:derpytongue2:


I think it was very interesting, although I really want to know the backstory of her actions:rainbowderp:

Majin Syeekoh

7112942 She was just having a bad night.

Welp, that's good enough for me:pinkiecrazy:

Yesssssssssssssssssssss. I like this Sonata. I need more.

Majin Syeekoh

7112988 I actually thought you'd like this one.:twilightblush:

Well that happened. At least Sonata got that stress of her chest, before it went off on the wrong person.

Nice job.:derpytongue2:

Majin Syeekoh

7113001 I'm pretty sure the object of her stress didn't think it was the right person.:trollestia:

7113004 I don't think she'd care. It probably wouldn't have made a difference to her.:rainbowkiss:

Majin Syeekoh

7113009 You're probably right about that.

Just because the remote connection's broken doesn't mean you can't plug it in physically.

Glib phrasing aside, this ended on a genuinely terrifying note. Nice work.

Majin Syeekoh

7113033 Thank you.

The funny thing is, I don't find it particularly terrifying because I wrote it. I'll probably reread it again like three weeks later and go "HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK DID I WRITE" which is what tends to happen whenever I write darkfics.

"And that's how we became vampires!"



Sunset Shimmer: I'll get my chainsaw.

I'm looking forward to where this goes next. Crazy yandaree killers, here we come (and I couldn't be happier)!:pinkiehappy:


What the fuck, Syeekoh?!

Majin Syeekoh

7113121 We'll see what happens with this.

7113124 That's a new one.

...And that's how Serial Killer Sonata was made.


We'll see what happens with this.

There better be some "Dexter" level of awesome in store. There is just too much gold there not to use.

I've just realised that this reminds me of the movie Limitless in a way. o.O

Majin Syeekoh

7113299 It didn't occur to me at the time, but... yeah, it does.

Goddamn... I don't suppose we can get more of this? :pinkiehappy:

Majin Syeekoh

7114063 I didn't realize this depiction would be so popular.

You can try to take away its power, but you will never stop the monster from being what it is.

Majin Syeekoh

7114155 That's actually very true on several levels.


Magic of Friendship, you done screwed up bigtime.

Oh man, this was really good. An excellent idea, well written. I instantly want more, though while I might hope for a sequel where this is expanded upon, I totally get why you wouldn't do it if that's not where inspiration takes you but seriously I'd read an entire long-form story on this in a heartbeat


This reads like the start of a new dark series.

You get a like.

I didn't know that the Sirens could be humanitarians.

And it was at that very moment that Sonata learned that people are actually filled with raspberry jam. Which is delicious.

Have a thumbs up!

Goddammit, Majin. :facehoof:

Sonata as a killer...interesting twist.

And on this day psycho Sonata was born. True terror of the world, someone who can be completely innocent and sweet one second, then murder anyone who gets in her way the next.

One issue: Every single ATM on the outside of a building has a security camera.

Just saying.

Majin Syeekoh

7117415 I'm pretty sure that didn't occur to the siren who was too dumb to keep her phone charged and I don't believe the other guy really cares.



Is it wrong that I kind of admire Sonata for being able to react that way in that situation? Sure, death happened, but perhaps in some way a better reaction than pussing out, which pretty much all of us would do.

Excellent. But then, I've come to expect no less.

Incidentally, you're not the only one who has a "What the fuck did I write?" reaction upon revisiting old work. One time I looked at some comic strips I did back in my school days (>10 years ago), and was shocked at how cynical they are.

Then I start railing on myself because I can't get back into that mindset, since I'm not the same person as back then, but the old stuff just feels more "real" and thus "better" than anything I try today.

Author Interviewer

Something I really love is when writers known for lolrandom comedies apply themselves and come up with something really worthwhile. And this is one of those instances.

Majin Syeekoh

7120149 ...that's a pretty tall compliment.


And if you do, just continue it as part of this story. Keep it all together, ya know? Never liked when people do "sequels" to one-shots that are really just continuations.
But if there was a sequel, there wouldn't be too many places it could go after she told the other sirens about her discovery besides the three of them becoming vampiric serial-killers. And while it would be nice to see how they would channel this magic now without singing, I can't imagine this becoming much more than a HuMane6 snuff story, because really, how well could a group of innocent, teenage girls survive serious attempts on their lives when Sonata is this sociologically violent? She beat a stranger to death for trying to mug her, imagine what she'd do to those who stole her precious voice?
Without the ability to enslave the masses as a grand scheme to built up to and having every reason to get revenge on the ones who stopped this plan in the first place, I can't see the sirens not deciding to pick off the girls one by one and torturing them to death. And once you get one, the others are pretty much useless.


Amen to all of this
I dont know if this related to this at all, but I like to imagine that each Sirens had their own reasoning to continue and become attached to their old way of life, even when they are transported into another world
>Adagio do it because she thinks its their nature
>Aria do it because she thinks its more easy/convenient
>Sonata do it for fun

So Sonata can now get her fix using death's blood...

That's not a good thing.:twilightoops:

Nice story, here, have a reading of it.


Majin Syeekoh

7131564 Thank you!

...and not good for who?:trollestia:

7131590 No good in general.

The implications of this the way I see it is that the Sirens instead of adapting and getting used to living without their drug they find what is possibly an even more unhealthy replacement.

Now instead of manipulating the emotions of many around them to get their fix they will deal with their addiction by getting it from the blood of people they killed in emotionally strainful ways.

A lot of people will likely die and their new addiction will no doubt be a detriment to the Dazzlings already fragile mental health.

Everyone Lost.

The End.


Majin Syeekoh

7131622 I could see that. Let the bodies hit the floor, I say!

I'm just hung up on why people seem to think Sonata will tell the other Dazzlings about this.

Especially this Sonata in particular.

7131632 Well, she doesn't have to tell them.

But I have a hard time accepting that they would never find out one way or another. I mean Sonata here doesn't seem cunning enough to keep it a secret from them, and really I see no reason she would have to. Even if she don't tell them right away out of spite, presumably it hasn't been too long since the battle of the bands before she discovered it. It's just a matter of time before the others will also as far as I'm concerned.

And then it's all down the hill from there.


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