• Published 10th Apr 2016
  • 2,509 Views, 30 Comments

As Told by Sunset - ChudoJogurt

Sunset was a student of the Princess, a magical prodigy, a diplomat and adventurer long before CHS. So when the time is right and audience is willing she loves to tell a tale to amaze and to astonish. Here are some of them:

  • ...

Every Sun Must Set

“So, you want to know why I have this tattoo?”

Sunset ran her fingers lightly across the left shoulder, where under her jacket, a thin black line of calligraphy was trailed on her skin and started to talk with a well-set voice of a storyteller.

“It’s a story I do not tell lightly, so listen well, for I will not soon be in the mood to repeat it.”

Sunset toyed with her drink a bit, looking at the reflection of the sun off the glass as she travelled far to her memories of a sun so much hotter and brighter than this.

"It was in Saddle Arabia, in a different world and life, almost seven years ago.
I was there with Equestrian Embassy - Princess Celestia wanted me to learn about trade agreements and diplomacy - and make some friends, something she was always going on about.

I met her at one of the banquets. She was tall, with a snow-white coat and light blue mane, svelte and delicate and strong like only Saddle Arabians are, and she had the most beautiful little wrinkles in the corners of her eyes from forty years watching the desert sun. Mirzya Nada bint Sabah Almatar she was called, Mistress of Seven Oases.

It may have been my Oedipal complex, I won't deny that. Or maybe it was true love... it didn't matter. Not then and not now.

We filled our days with gentle touches and veiled looks hidden in the din of hunts and negotiations - the universal language of secret lovers. In the evening I would sneak out of the embassy and into her palace. There we would swim in the cold oasis waters and feed each other dates and grapes as we read the musty scrolls of her library. She would teach me how to name the desert winds and read the shifting sands and how to drink the Saddle Arabian date wine - thick and sweet like honey.

And at nights she taught me something sweeter still.

I was sixteen back then like I am now, but so much younger. So much more innocent and so much more happy.

And then, all too soon, the month was over. The trade agreements were signed, the oaths of eternal friendship and alliance exchanged and it was time for us to go home.

I wanted to stay with her. To be with her - for a year or for the rest of my life, I don't think I knew back then. So I wrote a letter to Celestia to tell her I was not coming back. Something about the Saddle Arabian lore and retracing Starswirl’s research on the Amniomorphic spell, and like the love-struck filly I was I ran off to tell my sweetheart.

I found the gates closed and barred. Black doors looked like they were dripping blood in the setting sun, but I paid it no heed.

When I knocked the Captain of her guard came out - a raven-black stallion, so muscled and thick, he could have been an earth pony if not for his great height.

“You are no longer welcome here,” he said. “Mistress has ordered the doors closed, and but a single message relayed.”

And her message read thus: "كُـل شـمـس يـجب أن تـغيـب.”

Anger and pain tuned Sunset's voice raw.

”She broke up with me through a guard. She broke my heart, and she did not even have the decency to do it to my face!

I was never hurt like that before, and not even the desert sun would thaw away the ice that filled my insides at these words.

“It must have been a mistake”, I thought. Surely the mare of my dreams would not be so cruel, and once she knew I would stay with her, she’d welcome me with open hooves.

I demanded to be let in and he denied me. I pleaded with him to relay the message, but that he would not do as well. And that’s when my pain turned to anger and my anger turned to fire.

Horses of Saddle Arabia have the magic of their own. Calling upon the right Name, they can become as quick as pegasi and as strong as earth ponies, if for a time, and Nada trained her guards well. But against me, they might as well have been toy soldiers. I broke the Captain like a twig, hurtling him burned and crippled clean through the heavy doors and I blazed all the way to her room.

Sand turned to glass where I walked, and guards who tried to stop me blistered and burned, and neither barred doors not stone walls would stop me.

I found her by the fountain in the patio she so very liked. The same patio where we splashed each other with water and where I told her that I loved her for the first time as she smiled and gave me my first kiss.

She was not afraid. Whether she was brave or knew that I would never hurt her, I do not know to this day, but all she said to me were the same five words.

"كُـل شـمـس يـجب أن تـغيـب.", she said, calm and a little bit sad. "Every sun must set. It was good while it lasted, my little sun, but it is over now. Go home." And with that, she turned and left and all I could do was look as she trotted away.

I wanted to try to stop her. I wanted to cry and to beg for her to change her mind, to tell her that I loved her and that I would love her forever and ever. Instead, I just stood there like a foal while whatever was left of my pride battled my desperation until the evening turned into the night.

And as the evening ended and the night has covered the palace, I had to admit that she was right. Every sun must set, and everything will pass.”

Sunset ran her fingers lightly across her left shoulder, tracing the intricate calligraphy on her skin under the sleeve again.

“That’s what I carry on my shoulder. Words of pain and wisdom from a country and life far away, to remind me that all the things come to an end and nothing is forever.”

Author's Note:

This story is in the continuity of my unpublished story.
Also, in my headcanon Sunset is, at the time of EQG1 twenty three years old, made younger by the portal, same age as Twilight Sparkle.

Comments ( 30 )

Care to tell me more about said unpublished story?

A high school drama with an alternate take on EQG events, based off idea in this blog post
Once I get at least 8 chapters I'm gonna start publishing it, but it's likely gonna take me at least another four months to get there.
It's also technically in continuity with my other story (Dazzling Illusions),.

The tales written here would be mostly self-contained, so there's no need to read any of my other stuff, though I do encourage everyone to do so.


A surprising first chapter! Loving the arabesque theme.. Does the tales here are self contained between each others or nah?
If not, I may have a prompt that may entice you, written in non-english!
"Sunset Shimmer" tegas Bon-Bon, seorang gadis yang ternyata bukanlah yang dia kira "berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang telah kami kumpulkan selama ini, anda kami tangkap!"

Mostly self-contained, I'm afraid.
I might reference them, since I intend most of the things I write in the same headcanon, but they won't really be interconnected....unless I have some awesome idea that requires them to be.


Its cool. Im the one thats a bit confused about the self contained thingy. Keep Riding

Hmm. An interesting tale, but it barely sounds like Sunset to me. Honestly, it doesn't sound like anyone specific. This is a good tale of love and pain, but it feels generic, like it could heard in any pub in Equestria frequented by frighteningly strong unicorns. The rub, of course, is that this builds off of an unpublished continuity, so there's nothing more I can read to support the discrepancy, only a blog of suppositions and this anecdote devoid of context.

That's another problem: When is this taking place? Sunset's life has taken a lot of twists and turns, and I'm not sure where she is along that path when she tells this story. Or who's hearing it, for that matter. Heck, I barely have a sense of where she is. All of those factors could have a massive impact on how the message resonates with Sunset and, by extension, the reader. You've painted an intense picture, but you've sorely neglected the frame.

(And on the technical side, when someone's speaking for multiple paragraphs, each paragraph needs to begin with new quotation marks. Also, the nested quotes will need single quotes. A minor issue, but still one worth mentioning.)

In all, this needs more. More setting, more support, more forethought.

In regards to quotation marks, I know that, but I've made a conscious decision that this will be omitted.
I am currently writing a next installment, and it is a 19k story also told by Sunset, and it would be aggravating and tedious to set up quote marks in front of every paragraph.

As for the rest, you're entirely right of course. Hopefully future installments will build up on this in a meaningful way.

Why does it require an "Oedipal complex" to fall in love with somepony older than oneself?

Nada's treatment of Sunset does seem rather random, from start to finish. And downright insulting. Unless this was meant to hurt her, damage her sanity and her relationship with Celestia and hence weaken Equestria. Which I don't think was your implication -- and if it was, Sunset doesn't seem to see it herself, even long after the fact.

Sunset's reaction, of course, is insane.

Kind of hard on the Captain of the Guard. But then he didn't get a name, so it's not as if anypony would have cared that Sunset just basically crippled him in a moment of senseless wrath. Sunset has a name. Nada has a name. But the Captain of the Guard doesn't have a name.

I half-agree with Fan Of Most Everything that this doesn't sound much like canon Sunset Shimmer. I do agree with you that Sunset is passionate, and doesn't always think things through very well when in the grip of strong emotion. And this is a younger Sunset Shimmer then when we meet her in either her origin story or

Thing is, though, that when we meet Sunny in her origin story (part of the annual comic) she's rather cold about everything but her ambition to learn magic and become an Alicorn Princess. She also seems fairly young, though admittedly Pony ages are hard to tell given the use of standard body models and deliberate removal of all primary and some secondary sexual characteristics. 16 or 17 is certainly possible. No way no how is she full grown when she's banished, though.


You might find this thread interesting, too.

It's an older mare with a light-colored coat and greater than normal pony height with more than a modicum of political power and sorcerous skills.
Sunset in my stories has a type and its probably a bit more than a coincidence.

part of the annual comic
Yeah, I dont very much like the comic, because it essentially explains nothing on Sunsets origins. So I don't refer to it as canon. In fact I have an intention of rewriting the whole of Sunset's timeline with the sole exception of Equestria Girls movie

Sunset's reaction, of course, is insane
She is a teenager with anger management issues and a power to blow up buildings with her mind. Given the combination, it's pretty normal.


It's an older mare with a light-colored coat and greater than normal pony height with more than a modicum of political power and sorcerous skills.

Granted, though Celestia is a "maternal" figure rather than Sunset's actual mother -- unless in your world she actually is Sunset's mother (which is possible). In canon, it's obvious that they loved one another, before Sunset became obsessed with becoming a Princess.

Sunset in my stories has a type and its probably a bit more than a coincidence.

In canon, Sunset has displayed varying degrees of possibly-romantic attraction to three characters, only one of whom fits that "type."

1.) She actually "dated" Humanoid Flash Sentry, and H. Rarity's comment that they "were quite the item" implies that it was more than social-escort "dating" -- though Sunset later claims that she was merely using him for influence in the school. This is one of the things about which she feels the most guilty, though, which makes me wonder about her later claim (it's my thoughts about that which provided a major inspiration for An Equestrian Gentlemare ...

Flash only fits the type in that he's socially popular and hence has (marginal) "power" in the context of Canterlot High School; and is physically tall and relatively light-skinned. However he's male rather than female, Humanoid rather than Pony, and mostly mundane (though I have him be a magic catalyst for Sunset in An Equestrian Gentlemare ...

2.) Princess Twilight Sparkle actually is an Alicorn Princess and entirely fits that "type" save in that she's not that light-coated, though Sunset meets her when Twilight is in Humanoid form. She's very similar to a young Celestia (as Luna tells her in Reflections, and this is probably a big part of the reason why Luna likes her a lot. Sunset ultimately develops a strong friendship with Princess Twilight, though I don't see evidence that it includes romantic or sexual attraction.

3.) Sci-Twi doesn't fit the "type" at all save in having magical power and knowledge. Notably, with Sci-Twi, Sunset takes the role of protector and teacher that Celestia took with her. If you see Sunset as lesbian or bisexual, her affect toward Sci-Twi might well be romantic or sexual -- she is for sure physically affectionate toward Sci-Twi (and Sci-Twi accepts and seems to appreciate that affection).

One argument against Sunset being or wanting to be sexually involved with Sci-Twi is that she not only shows no jealousy regarding Sci-Twi's mutual attraction with Timber Spruce, but seems happy and suportive regarding the situation. While I don't think that Sci-Twi has sex with Timber in the period covered by The Legend of Everfree (mainly because I doubt Sci-Twi's that easy), she is definitely showing the sort of attraction which could lead to them becoming lovers in the full sense of the word, if they continued to see one another over a period of weeks to months. Which they might.

Of course, that movie came out after you wrote this story.

She is a teenager in a "hit it and quit it" romance with anger management issues and a power to blow up buildings with her mind. Given the combination, it's pretty normal.

Yes, which is exactly why young Sunset Shimmer was a poor candidate for Ascension. I actually consider her behavior in your story completely in character for Sunset Shimmer -- my version of her might have done the same things, in the same situation ...

... which is also why a conclusion that could easily be drawn from your presentation of events was that Nada's treatment of her was a deliberate attempt to sabotage Sunset's emotional development, presumably motivated by general maliciousness, a specific hatred of Sunset Shimmer or of Equestrians in general, or possibly strategic considerations (the more sane and loyal Alicorns, the more powerful and dangerous becomes Equestria). It is improbable that somepony fitting Nada's description would be unaware of the damage her behavior would do to Sunset.

Thus despite the fact that the lesson Sunset draws from it is that love can be fleeting, I would argue that Nada's motive in the matter had nothing to do with "love" in any sane sense of the word. Indeed, it may have been more like "hate," and the desire to despoil a foe.

And it may have worked, in that it may have contributed to the emotional instability that caused Sunset's self-destructive rebellion against Celestia.

Well, she never liked Flash Sentry per canon. He is definitely not her type, even though there are some bare hints at a Flash/Sunset in the Legend of Everfree. I kinda have a great idea where to go with that, but it'll be a while until something coherent will be written.
I think the implication for Legend of Everfree was more that Sunset is a mentor to SciTwi and has sort of motherly/protective feeling for her, not that there is any romance.
And as per Sunset/Princess Twilight, I utterly dislike the idea of that pairing, and there is little cannon going for it either way. It can be interpreted as such, but I choose not to.

... which is also why a conclusion that could easily be drawn from your presentation of events was that Nada's treatment of her was a deliberate attempt to sabotage Sunset's emotional development,
I guess it's a fair conclusion. I personally don't think so, because realistically, what was the alternative? A long-distance serious relationship with a sixteen year old? Stealing Celestia's student?
Both alternatives seem way less reasonable than just ending the summer fling straight on, even given the possible overreaction. I mean, yes, in a perfect world there'd be a way of letting Sunset down in a more gentle way, or, not starting ill-advised fling in the first place, but not doing everything perfectly is a human - and pony - normal trait.
But again, it could very well be a malicious intent, if you choose to interpret it as such, it is fairly valid.
Another thing, I think if it were intentional on Nada's part, she'd lie to Sunset about loving her... which she did not, as shown in the fic.

Thus despite the fact that the lesson Sunset draws from it is that love can be fleeting,
Yes, Sunset in my stories kinda has a penchant of missing the point of the life's lessons. Which is sort of why she ended up where she did.

I guess it's a fair conclusion. I personally don't think so, because realistically, what was the alternative? A long-distance serious relationship with a sixteen year old? Stealing Celestia's student?

Assuming that one started the relationship in the first place, the first alternative would have been the best -- though of two bad choices. Assuming that one cared for Sunset at all, one might agree to correspond and perhaps meet again at some point in the future -- with an understanding that neither would be bound to the other.

What Nada did, initially, was to treat Sunset like garbage, with the implied message "I never really liked you at all." Indeed, that may have been exactly what was meant, with the subsequent poetic lines being written because Sunset presented her with the implicit alternative "explain yourself or I will attack your forces until I am satisfied or defeated." Given that Sunset was acting as the representative of the stronger leader of a stonger nation, counterattacking Sunset might have seemed a poor plan.

Both alternatives seem way less reasonable than just ending the summer fling straight on, even given the possible overreaction. I mean, yes, in a perfect world there'd be a way of letting Sunset down in a more gentle way, or, not starting ill-advised fling in the first place, but not doing everything perfectly is a human - and pony - normal trait.

What, precisely, prevented Nada from not seducing Sunset; or given that she had seduced Sunset, ending it in a more respectful and caring manner? And most normal ways would have been more respectful and caring than barring her gates and sending an officer to deliver a message to her.

In fact, you seem to have modeled Nada on one of the incredibly-bitchy and treacherous female characters from the pre-Islamic legends of the Arabian Nights. Implication in story is that she caused Sunset to start drifting away from the kindly and ethical model of feminine power presented to her by Celestia, toward a crueller and nastier mode of behavior. Which would make sense, given what Sunset does later in canon.

Another thing, I think if it were intentional on Nada's part, she'd lie to Sunset about loving her... which she did not, as shown in the fic.

She lies by implication, in that she first treats Sunset very lovingly, and then rejects her very coldly, without obvious cause ("You must return to your previous life in Equestria" logically means "thus we must end our active affair," not "Now you menan nothing to me.") This would be hurtful and offensive enough done to an experienced adult; it is an extremely cruel way of treating a sixteen-year-old one has deflowered, and it's hard to imagine Nada not realizing this.

What, precisely, prevented Nada from not seducing Sunset; or given that she had seduced Sunset, ending it in a more respectful and caring manner?
Well, nothing. But that is a thing that does happen without a long-term malicious intent. Just an old person seducing younger one as a summer fling, leading her on because it's convenient (and talking honestly about feelings with a teen is kinda hard), and then when things get into a twist, just trying to Gordian-knot it.
It's cruel and it's unfair and it's really stupid when you look back at it but it is a sort of thing people do without long-term Machiavellian planning, only through sheer wishful short-term thinking, hormones and irresponsibility. Even the ostensibly smart and experienced people.

And, as I said, if Nada wanted to really hurt Sunset, she could've done much worse.
So my opinion is to use the Hanlon's razor here, but, as I said, other interpretation may certainly be valid.

Comment posted by ChudoJogurt deleted Oct 2nd, 2016

I think the only criticism I can add would be that Sunset, regardless of age, would probably not use such archaic tones throughout her story. Unless she's doing it on purpose, and then I feel like she'd ham it up. I gotta read the other story though, The Unicorn and Her Boy, to get a real grasp on her characterization here, I feel.

Mhm, ok that was an interesting read.

While this Sunset didn't really sound that much like the one in the actual show and everything around the actual story is a bit vague, the story told was entertaining and well written. Granted the Oedipal complex and the sudden Arabic somewhat took me out of the story, but that was not a dealbreaker. By the way, I hope she did not burn the soldiers to a crisp and by extend killing them, crippling the captain of the guard was already real on the edge of the moral event horizon. But, all in all, I liked it, probably will read the sequel.

It's a good story. The romance part was nice.
But I had some troubles with seeing Sunset suddenly start burning the guards standing on her way without consequences.

Author Interviewer

I was sixteen back then like I am now, but so much younger.

You ever have your mind blown?

Well, shit. I agree that this doesn't sound like Sunset at all, but it was a solid read. You packed an awful lot into a short number of words. :)

Thank you for the comment. I hope the future stories in the same sequence show how Sunset changed over time to be the way we see her in the series.

Author Interviewer

I'm looking forward to them! :)

Pretty good hope to see the story continued.

This feels like a Sunset 20 years after the time period of Equestria Girls. Which, okay, I can accept. Seeing as how you didn't define the time period anyways. I mainly wanted to say that Sunset is, logically and canonically, older than Twilight Sparkle. They're not the same age.
I agree with you about hating all implications of romance between Sunset and "MLP Mane 6 of your choice". It is irritating. This entire general trope regarding MLP FiM is irritating.

Actually I kinda have a headcanon that they are about the same age as of first movie (dilue to time, in different worlds shenaningans) , but much older than other Equestria girls.
And Sunset of course sounds much older because shes been through a lot

Why is this story labeled complete if it's a collection of short stories?

Because it, represents a complete story.
Also I decided to put sequels into separate stories.

”She broke up with me through a guard. She broke my heart, and she did not even have the decency to do it to my face!

How awful. :fluttershysad:

Horses of Saddle Arabia have the magic of their own. Calling upon the right Name, they can become as quick as pegasi and as strong as earth ponies, if for a time, and Nada trained her guards well. But against me, they might as well have been toy soldiers. I broke the Captain like a twig, hurtling him burned and crippled clean through the heavy doors and I blazed all the way to her room.

Damn. :pinkiegasp:

“That’s what I carry on my shoulder. Words of pain and wisdom from a country and life far away, to remind me that all the things come to an end and nothing is forever.”

Yep, it's all part of life. :fluttershysad:

I've read the story, and comments. Problem here, being is that if Nada is older, shouldn't she, you know, be more experienced in life. Because I can think of this thing damaging whatever goodwill they reached in negotiations. I mean, you don't even have to say "Sunset, adoptive daughter of Princess Celestia, has been harshly denied". All you have to say that "an Equestrian has been treated very badly after talks were finished". That's it. Equestria is insulted, and demands reparations. Well done, Nada, you screwed up the thing you were supposed to do. Do good for your country.

Cause, you know, old people never do anything stupid. Especially when romance and sex are involved ))

I don't know. It's kind of a stretch, to see her enjoy Sunset's company, and then do a complete 180, and say "I don't care about you, go away". Kinda bullsh*t. Not even face to face. Can't say that Sunset would have maturity to do that, but I(presonally, after getting over a little bit) would made a STINK. No matter WHAT, you don't just DROP a partner, regardless of other facts(being in a seat of power, for example). I would make sure that either my fling came to light, OR, if I wanted it to be quiet, would make situation a bit more foggy. An Arabian mare has dumped an Equestrian, right after politics were done. Do we really want to trust Arabians after that? I would make it HURT.

I quite enjoyed this little pocket story, and am looking forward to working through the sequels.

Every sun must indeed set.

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