• Published 11th Aug 2016
  • 340 Views, 0 Comments

Hearts and Hooves Day in Ponyville - Alemandom04

This is a mini story about Hearts and Hooves Day in Ponyville.

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Crimson Minor and Derpy Hooves

So Dinky was studying teleporting when she accidentally teleported to the wrong place and was lost. A Pegasus named Crimson Minor helped her out. He and Dinky's mother, Derpy, became friends. They started hanging out a lot more. They could trust each other better. They were the best of friends.

One day, there was a spark. Something inside him made him feel differently about Derpy. So he took her out to dinner to try and make her feel the same. He drank too much apple cider and tried to kiss her. She did not feel the same way he felt. That was the moment he regretted the most in his life.

Over the years the relationship became awkward. She still didn't feel the same way as he did. He wanted to visit her and apologize but she would not let him say a word. Even Dinky would not help him out.

It was Hearts and Hooves Day and everypony was full of love. This was Crimson's lucky day also the last day he would try and redeem himself to Derpy. He was thinking of what to say or what to get her. Crimson sent Derpy a muffin basket. It took almost all of his bits up but it was worth it.

There was a knock on Derpy's door. She opened the door. "Oh. What's this?" She picked up the muffin basket. "Dear Derpy Hooves, I am terribly sorry for what I did a few years back. You hadn't given me the chance to apologize. And I know it's very awkward being around you after what I did, but can we be friends? From: Crimson Minor. P.S. Meet me at the Sweet Apple Acres Gazibo at 4:00.

At 4:00 she was waiting there. Somepony tapped Derpy's shoulder. "Hey." Said Crimson.

"Oh hey." She said.

"So uh, what have you been doing over the past couple years?" Said Crimson.

"Nothing, just um. Ya'know, spending time with my daughter whenever she's around." Said Derpy.

"Oh. That' nice. Hey, look i have been meaning to tell you that i'm sorry that I tried to kiss you a few years back. I don't know what came over me." Said Crimson.

"Oh. Why today of all the other day's you could have met with me, why Hearts and Hooves Day? You aren't trying to, seduc..." She said. She was interrupted.

"No no no! I wouldn't! It's just that many ponies don't celebrate it for the love but just to be friends." He said.

An orange earth pony walked up to the two of them. "Well hey y'all. Happy Hearts and Hooves Day. You two lovers are the cutest." Said Applejack.

"We aren't together! I mean um... We aren't dating." Said Derpy.

"Oh... My bad." Applejack blushed.

"It's fine. Well we used to be tog... we're trying to make up for all in the past." Said Crimson.

"Well alrighty then. If you need anything, I'll be down there at that there barn." Said Applejack.

"Okay." Said Derpy.

They watched as she disappeared over the hill. "So. What have, you been doing over the years?" Asked Derpy.

"Well, I got a job at the theater. I work with a DJ named, Vinyl Scratch I think, and a violinist named Octavia. It pays pretty well." He said.

"Well that's nice. Ya'know..." She looked over to the side. "I was actually kind of developing feelings for you like you had for me, but. You rushed it so quickly and... well. I don't blame you. I'm the one who asked for another round of drinks anyway. So it's not really your fault."

"Well. I mean. They always say, if you accept an offer, you're the one responsible. Heh Heh." Said Crimson.


"Hey." Said Crimson. "Want to go out to eat? I mean, if you don't want to then that would be..." He was cut off by Derpy.

"Sure. I'd love to." Said Derpy. "How about we go to the restaurant we went to a few years ago."

"Sure." Said Crimson.

They had arrived at the restaurant, Little Wheezers. "You look beu- I mean, uh. Nice." Crimson smiled.

"Well you look hands- I mean. Good." She smiled back.

"Reservation for a miss, Ditzy Doo?" Said the Employee.

"Oh. That's us!" Chuckled Derpy.

"Whoa. This place hasn't changed a bit." Said Crimson.

"I have a surprise. Close your eyes." Said Derpy.

"Ooh. What is it?"

"It wouldn't be a surprise if you knew what it was." Laughed Derpy. "Okay, you can open your eyes now."

When he opened his eyes. He stared with amazement. "This is our table. From 3 years ago. Thank you Derpy." He hugged her.

"No problem." She said.

The waiter walked up to the table. "So what will it be?"

"I'll have a hay salad please."

"How about you sir. What would you like?"

"I'll have what she's having."

"Okay. Your food will be ready soon."

"Okay." Said Derpy.

"Do you feel the same way I feel for you?" Asked Crimson.

"We'll see. If tonight is a good night then maybe. Okay." Said Derpy.

"Your food sir and ma'am. Enjoy." Said the waiter.

"Thank you." Said Crimson.

"No problem." Said the waiter.

10 minutes later...

"Oh. That was good."

"So. Was tonight a good night?" Asked Crimson.

"Yeah I guess. Well we better get going. Can you walk me home." She smiled.


"So. Tonight was. Nice. Your jokes were very funny." Giggled Derpy.

"Aw, thanks." He said.

"Well we're here. Thanks for walking me." She said.

"No problem. Anytime." He said. "Okay. Well, bye."

Derpy walked towards her house and then turned around. She got up close to Crimson. She gave him a kiss. And then walked away.

"Wow. What a mare."

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