• Published 23rd Apr 2016
  • 11,769 Views, 240 Comments

101 Interesting Facts About Draconequi - naturalbornderpy

Twilight Sparkle receives a new book from Discord chock-full of interesting and unknown facts about draconequi. Nothing sinister about that, right?

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Fact 51 - 75

Again, Twilight Sparkle glanced up from the book, staring at each one of her friends in turn. “Anything, girls? Any ‘fact’ you think might tell us what Discord is actually up to?”

“Well,” Rarity started snidely, “there was that one fact about Celestia’s plot in there.”

Applejack shot Rarity a glance. “We’re looking for helpful facts, Rarity. That book did mention something about castles creaking and moaning when draconequi were up to no good. Anyone hear anything so far?”

All six mares stopped talking for a moment to listen attentively. During that time, Twilight watched the sea of pitch-black clouds outside expand even larger than before.

Fluttershy spoke timidly, “Maybe the castle won’t—”

That was when the castle let out an earsplitting groan—almost as if its very foundation were quickly coming undone. Fluttershy shrieked and buried her head in Rainbow Dash’s lap.

“No one panic!” Twilight shouted to the shaken mares. “It’s only noise! So far, that’s all we’ve seen of Discord’s so-called plan. Just clouds and noise.” She sighed. “But that also means we need to keep reading more random facts about draconequi in order to fully understand what’s going on around here.”

Rainbow Dash blanched. “Seriously?”

Twilight flipped the book open again.


51. If a tree falls in the woods, can a draconequus hear it?

Probably. They were the ones that knocked it over to begin with.

52. Most draconequi smell like a combination of stale candy, armpit sweat, and bad decisions. They work very hard to smell like this daily.

53. Although draconequi pronounce “chaos” the same way as everyone else, they are actually saying it like “khaos”. It makes less sense that way.

54. Every draconequi comes into this world equipped with a built in teddy bear that will read to them at night.

What? Not every draconequi fact needs to be weird or mean spirited.

55. At only one point over the course of history did Princess Celestia and Discord share a relationship. As Celestia would later put it: “It was without a doubt the worst millisecond of my life.”

56. Never feed draconequi after midnight. They’ll only end up getting food crumbs all over the bedspread.

57. Draconequi are contractually obligated to forever double dip their chips.

58. If a draconequus cannot think of anything witty to reply to a question with, they will usually kick the shin of the closest pony near to them before running away crying.

59. The creator of the underwear was actually a draconequus. They have since starved to death from extreme lack of sales.

60. A draconequus once ate a child’s bicycle just to prove a point.

What was the point, exactly? That they hated children. Quite a bit, in fact.

61. Do draconequi bleed, I hear you ask? Well, of course they do!

They bleed pure helium. Makes for hilarious battle scenes.

62. You can tell a draconequus really likes you when they use the soft kind of rope to bind you with.

63. Draconequi rarely have offspring for one very large reason: ponies end up paying more attention to their children than to them. Upon birth, most draconequi children are swiftly transformed into regular ponies and dropped off in the middle of the woods to live out the rest of their lives.

It’s not all bad, though. They’re always given a sack lunch before they go.

A cheese string and two pudding cups. Sometimes a carton of chocolate milk.

64. You can tell when draconequi are up to “the worst possible thing” when it starts raining cats and dogs outside.

65. It is technically impossible to get a draconequus drunk. In fact, the more alcohol they consume, the more sober they become. As one draconequus put sudden clarity after a night out at a bar: “Ew.”

66. A draconequus once started a ten year war simply by calling someone “fat”. Can you guess who they called fat?

Yes. Themselves. It then became a ten year war between the scale and the mirror.

67. Draconequi actually know the cure to every illness ever created. They just aren’t telling.

68. Beware: if you give a stray draconequus a piece of food, there’s a good chance they’ll follow you back home. And once they discover your home, they’ll stuff it into a potato sack to later sell on the black-and-white zebra market.

69. Hehe.

70. A draconequus once infiltrated a changeling hive in search of honey. When no such honey was found, they wondered why they ever bothered at all.

71. Once upon a time, a draconequus laughed so hard he accidentally invented comic sans. He is still being savagely hunted to this day.

72. Life once gave a draconequus a lemon. In return, the draconequus gave the lemon their very own draconequus to have. That’s why lemons are as bitter and sour as they are.

73. During the 76th official Equestria Games, a draconequus competed and won a total of one award—perfect attendance. Worried about losing their award, that draconequus has since never left that same stadium.

They are very, very sick of stadium food by this point.

74. A pony once told a draconequus to follow their nose. Oddly enough, it led right to their face.

75. After King Sombra’s rather violent defeat, Princess Celestia and Discord got into a small bidding war over what remained of the tyrannical King’s curved red horn. Following fourteen hours of heated bidding, Discord won the horn by a mere fraction of a bit. He literally nibbled a quarter of a coin off with his teeth in order to win.

King Sombra’s horn remains stuck to Discord’s wall to this day, where he hangs up his hat and coat after long days of doing absolutely nothing.

Author's Note:

We're still doing this? Really? Okay.

Dranconequi's like toast or something. I dunno.

How many more of these?