• Published 14th Apr 2016
  • 6,818 Views, 58 Comments

Everyone Ships Twilight - Spring Showers

Sci-twi decides to come out to her family about having a girlfriend. Trouble is they all already know, but none of them guessed the right girl.

  • ...

The Faculty

Twilight didn’t even need to answer it to know who was at the door. Her brother’s reaction to the call notwithstanding; it was clear just how today was already shaping up. Today was determined to humiliate her worse than she knew possible. Her family had their turns and as she opened the door she didn’t even think before saying, “Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, Dean Cadence, nice to see you, come in, come in.” Her face bore a painful grimace much to the faculty members concern and confusion.

The three of them together was a little of surprise but Twilight had almost come to believe some of Pinkie’s ‘pinkie sense’ had triggered in her for a moment. Principal Celestia merely did her best to smile as she made her way into the main living area where she’d find the numerous charts and graphs on the floor where Twilight had left them. “Night Light, Twilight Velvet, it’s wonderful to finally meet you in person. I’m Principal Celestia, and this is Vice Principal Luna, my sister. You already know Dean Cadence.”

With the introductions out of the way, Twilight was beginning to wonder why they actually showed up in the first place. Sure the universe seemed to be conspiring to humiliate her, though now that she thought about it, it was patently ridiculous. They had to have some real tangible reason to come here and Luna did not disappoint. “Normally, we’d wait to meet you until the next parent teacher conference. But given the… circumstances around your daughter’s admittance to CHS, we felt it be more prudent to come by sooner rather than later. Now that Twilight seems to have comfortably settled in at CHS. I am deeply sorry if this is an inconvenience to you.” Her parents waved her off comfortably insisting it was no trouble.

Twilight was starting to feel really silly now. Of course it was just a parent-teacher conference. She couldn’t help but give a small laugh to herself, however nervous it came across to the adults present. As if they’d really just show up to humiliate her by sharing stories of her dating her friends! Though of course her brother just HAD to push it. Right there in front of everyone he pulled out a 20 and tried to discreetly hand it to Luna. Twilight Velvet of course regarded her son disapprovingly. He was still in trouble for the bet in the first place. Twilight saw the look of realization and muttered quietly, “Oh no.”

“This is about the wager, isn’t it? I told you not to bet against Luna,” Principal Celestia seemed to almost gloat. “As soon as she asked if we wanted to make that little game more ‘interesting’, I knew it was a sucker’s bet, Shining Armor.” She looked so smug even as Shining Armor pointed out she thought it was Rarity that Twilight would wind up dating. “I never said that, Shining. My exact words were, ‘I think Twilight Sparkle and Rarity would make a cute couple.’ I did however, have a rather entertaining scenario worked out in my head for it though…”

Before she could get started, Spike spoke up. Nobody really gave it a second though beyond how he cleared his throat to get the attention first, “Before you start, Principal Celestia, just wanna say that while everyone IS sharing these stories, we’re hoping to keep them PG. PG-13 at the worst, if that’s cool.” Principal Celestia knew about Spike and how he could talk. She never seemed to question it. But as he said that everyone would see her face turn as pink as some of her hair.

“If you would all excuse me for a moment while I use your restroom and compose myself? He he,” Twilight didn’t even know Principal Celestia COULD look nervous or anxious. But there she was, excusing herself and opening the first door she could to step inside. She even closed it before her mother announced the bathroom’s actual position. “Right, I knew that, um…be right back!” she ran upstairs.

Luna rolled her eyes. “Please excuse my sister’s behavior on that. As much as it might not be my place to mention,” she began, “She is a bit of a pervert. I have heard only too many of her ‘ideas’ of ‘cute’ couples and the sordid details she conjures up between them. Simply be glad she did not think of pairing you with your own brother, Twilight Sparkle. Incest is a taboo she finds especially delightful to ponder its violation.”

Night Light though pointed out, “She’s like that, and yet she’s somehow still principal?” Her father was obviously rather concerned over that revelation. Realistically so Twilight felt now that she knew about this apparently hidden side to Principal Celestia.

“Yes, for I assure you it’s little more dangerous than an adolescent writing horrible fanfiction. She is quite good at her job and devoted to ensuring everyone at CHS receives open communication and understanding while they are under our tutelage. While she may be a pervert, she is hardly anything requiring warning our neighbors about…believe me, I checked.” Luna finished off in an even and firm tone that it took everyone a few moments to realize, at least on the last part, she was joking.

Dean Cadence who had been quite silent smiled, “I can vouch for her. Principal Celestia may be a little… devious in her pairing choices, and some of the content she dreams up between them. But it’s all in good fun, like a joke. Still, I am surprised that it really IS Rainbow Dash. I really did think it was Sunset Shimmer.”

Twilight had hoped the conversation would continue on Principal Celestia. She had almost been begging the universe that seemed out to get her right now that it would. But no. Twilight knew that if she tried to run, her parents would just drag her back there for being rude to their guests so she stood silent as Cadence started. “Principal Luna’s told me more or less about some certain similarities between you two…”

“Are you really certain you want my help.” Twilight Sparkle questioned at Sunset Shimmer with apprehension. It was hard for her to truly contain her excitement but after all the trouble and harm she caused; it was hard to feel as if she truly earned any forgiveness. Least of all the level of trust Sunset was showing her by allowing her to make use of her lab with her.

Sunset offered her a reassuring smile, “I’m sure, Twilight…” her tone steady yet gentle. The two were standing alone in the lab. The other girls had since left to go about their own activities allowing the two former ravagers of Canterlot High time to connect alone. Twilight was about to respond and ask for the fifth time that same question she just answered, “You’re one of the three smartest people I know, and certainly the smartest on this side. So come on. It was your idea to test me, so let’s get started.”

Twilight nodded shakily at her even as Sunset Shimmer sat on the table with the little electrodes stuck to her skin. “I know it was, just I’m starting to second guess if I should really be toying with magic like this again. I mean the last time I tried this, it ended with me turning into Midnight Sparkle. I nearly tore apart this entire dimension because I let myself feel like there was no other way...” She hung her head even as she turned on the equipment.

Sunset Shimmer laughed, “That was pretty bad,” she admitted though as she saw Twilight Sparkle’s anxiety she shook her head. “Twilight, I was only kidding. Really. Trust me. If there’s anyone who knows what it’s like to feel like there’s no other way, it’s me. You do remember what I told you about someone once extending their friendship to me…”

Twilight nodded. She’d heard some of this story but hadn’t been given the full details. She had always assumed it was a matter that Sunset Shimmer simply preferred not to think about, or keep in the past. “I’ll admit, you had me beat in terms of destructiveness. But I’m the one who brought the magic here in the first place, because I believed power was all I really needed to fill that hole inside. Just like you filled it with science and discovery.”

“But I really do LOVE science,” Twilight insisted. Not so offended as shocked at the insinuation, “I love getting to perform research and take notes. I can’t get enough of testing and reducing readings down to core baselines and calibrating my equipment! Speaking of, perhaps if we found a way to calibrate the portal from our side, we could find a way to visit your twilight! Or maybe even find other worlds with magic and-“ she stopped, looking rather sheepish. “I was rambling, wasn’t I? I’m Sorry. You were saying?” She tried to divert the topic back to what Sunset Shimmer was trying to discuss.

Sunset though just smiled, “Nothing to be sorry about…it’s cute the way you seem so excited.” She confessed coolly. “But all I was saying is that I understand what it’s like to be alone. Even when I finally made my friends, I couldn’t quite let go of the guilt that I had over what I’d done. It took a lot before I finally realized I needed to forgive myself for the mistakes I made. You just need to learn to forgive yourself too… and one of the best ways to do that is spending time with friends who care about you. So let’s get started using me as a labrat.” she tried hard to put the last statement as seriously as possible.

Neither girl could take it seriously though as they started to laugh. Her words though had helped the science-obsessed Twilight to relax. Though perhaps it was a little too much as Sunset Shimmer found the girl examining her rather intimately. Her hands touching her to hold her steady as she looked inside her ears and inside her mouth. “Despite of you telling me you’re some interdimensional unicorn pony, it’s still kind of hard for me to believe. I mean physically you’re as human as I am.” she pointed out.

“Well believe it or not, it’s the truth. It’s how I was able to access the magic in the crown and unleash equestrian magic. I think there’s some gland or something in my head that allows me to access Equestrian magic when I have catalyst, like the crown or the sirens I told you about with their necklaces.” The science experiment went on like that, but it was enough for the two smartest girls at Canterlot High.

Sunset’s comment on how cute Twilight was when she was nerding out not forgotten as she noticed Sunset’s eyes, lingering on her whenever she was examining some promising results.

Even more embarrassing was how Sunset didn’t seem to react to knowing SHE knew she was watching her. It made Twilight blush quite a bit as they worked. Sunset of course played her guitar and ponied-up in front of her a couple times. True to Sunset’s advice, she had an extinguisher ready which saved them from causing a small fire.

As the experiments went on though the results proved less and less promising. Twilight had hoped to discover a reason why pony-ups occurred in the first place. A scientific basis beyond simply Sunset’s insistence they did it when they were showing “The truest parts of themselves”. A feat accomplished through music, though it seemed as a matter of self-expression as well. But all they discovered was there didn’t seem to be any gland in Sunset’s head. Not accounting for anywhere else, but she DID have a constant level of magic that was higher than the others in their normal forms.

That however was easily explained away by Sunset Shimmer being a unicorn to begin with. “I’m sorry.” was all Twilight could really think to say as she sat down, defeated. She didn’t really even know what she was doing. It was just like Sunset Shimmer told her during the Friendship Games. She didn’t know what she was doing. No matter how she said she was the smartest person in this dimension she knew, it didn’t make a difference.

Sunset though wasn’t about to let this girl beat herself up over this. No, she remembered feeling so weak and uncertain herself. She remembered feeling lonely and isolated, even surrounded by those she called her friends. Worse yet, she remembered how alone she had felt before. Sunset Shimmer and Twilight were more similar than anypony she had ever met. She didn’t think thoroughly before she embraced the girl, electrodes long removed. “You had better be sorry.”

Her words took Twilight by surprise even as she relaxed a little into the embrace. Sunset Shimmer was still smiling though as the girl who felt so helpless and useless to her new friend stared at her. “The Twilight Sparkle I’ve gotten to know wouldn’t let one little failure to discover keep her down.” She was about to insist she WASN’T that Twilight Sparkle. That Twilight Sparkle was a pony princess, but Sunset Shimmer stopped her. “The Twilight Sparkle I know was smart enough to find a way to locate a strange energy she didn’t understand. Find a way to contain and harness that same energy, the magic, and all without anypony-anybody’s help.” she nearly slipped into a pony pronoun.
Twilight continued to sit there, enthralled by Sunset Shimmer’s words and tone. “The Twilight Sparkle I’ve made friends with doesn’t need to feel alone anymore. You don’t need to feel sorry for anything other than being anything but the smart brilliant cute girl I’ve gotten to know.” Sunset Shimmer gently pushed some of Twilight Sparkle’s hair back as their eyes lingered on one another. A moment of almost pure silence between them before the purple girl leaned in.

The lonely girl’s temptations proved too great to resist as she felt her eyes wetting over with tears as her mouth pressed against Sunset Shimmer’s. She was already beginning to brace herself for when she’d be rejected. When she would push her away. It never came as Sunset Shimmer continued to hold her close. Both girls had known being alone. Neither was entirely sure what would come from this except one assurance. Neither of them would be alone again.

“Okay, Dean Cadence?” Twilight began, getting everyone’s attention. “Yes, Sunset Shimmer and I HAVE been sharing a lab, and we have been working on magic…but I haven’t gone experimenting on her or anything. I should consider that-no, no, stay on topic!” She insisted more to herself than anyone else. “Not to mention Sunset Shimmer and I have talked about what happened to her in the past all the time. She even told me it was okay to tell YOU that whole rampaging she-demon incident! Obviously since you mentioned it in your story.”

Everyone gathered in the room seemed to be noticing the holes Twilight was poking in the story. “Not to mention while I WILL admit that maybe I was lonely, once, it wasn’t anything THAT bad.” Everyone in the room, including Spike, raised an eyebrow at that last hole she tried to poke, “Okay, fine. I guess turning into a power-crazed demi-goddess does qualify as that bad. But me and Sunset Shimmer are just great friends… though how exactly did you know she WAS a unicorn?” She finally brought up the last question on her mind.

“Oh, Luna told me,” Cadence confessed quite casually as she gestured. The blue skinned and haired woman nodded without any apparent shame in outing Sunset Shimmer’s former species to Cadence. “It’s not like I’ve been telling anyone else or anything. It was after the friendship games and we were talking about all the crazy things that happened. It just came up.” Nobody in Twilight’s family seemed to question how something like that ‘just came up’ and Twilight didn’t feel like contending with it.

She was about to ask Luna why she thought she and her ACTUAL girlfriend were a couple when Celestia came back down. “Okay, I’ve finally got it all edited down in my head to the PG-13 version!” she announced proudly. Everyone of course turned their gazes on her as if to ask how she could be proud of THAT. Normal people didn’t usually need to edit a ‘ship’ however for fun down to a PG-13 version.

Luna seemed to concede the floor of the conversation to her older sister. Though not before pointing out, “I will use ‘The Voice’ to alert you if you get anywhere too far.” The threat seemed to resonate quite a bit with Celestia who just nodded sheepishly as she cleared her throat. Principal Celestia of course looking nervous as if she somehow suddenly forgot her plan for her ‘PG-13’ version now that Luna was acting as judge. Dean Cadence even brought a pair of earplugs out of her pockets. But she finally began after a moment’s pause.

It was a late evening at the Carousel Boutique, the shop to which Rarity devoted her loving craft. The streets empty as she dismissively shot her family a text of her late night work. Though in truth the work was not so much for the boutique as she would let them believe. Tonight was special to her. She had at last convinced Twilight, the Twilight of this world, to let her put her skills to work on her.

Twilight stood nervously upon the small raised platform Rarity encircled. She stood in nothing but her underwear-


Everyone in the room winced at that sudden almost ear-shattering bellow. Celestia even reached to her ear, as if to check if she could still hear. She frowned over at her sister. “What now, Luna? We are allowed to keep them within PG-13.” She insisted in frustration at the dark blue woman.

“We were, but I know you. What begins with undergarments rapidly moves to them being taken off, likely with you mentioning Rarity needing to have as much access to her direct skin as possible… ” she shot her sister a glare out of the corner of her eye. Everybody of course turned to look upon a sheepish Celestia who was wincing and nervously laughing.

“Okay, okay, so we’ll say she’s fully dressed then. Promise, no underwear...or nudity. I swear, partial or otherwise.” She insisted at her sister in obvious attempt to placate her. Luna nodded in agreement with Celestia’s newly placed limitation. Maybe if Twilight ran now, she could leave while her parents sat there mortified.

Twilight Sparkle stood in the rather drab shirt, tie and skirt she always wore. Despite of its plain and boring nature, it helped to give the girl a certain sense of comfort and professionalism. Her closet filled with nothing but the said clothing. It was part of the reason Rarity had invited her tonight. Rarity would never allow a girl to dress so drably without some attempts to aide her. Least of all one she felt so close to.

To Twilight’s surprise she would feel Rarity’s fingers gently touching her legs as the pale girl pressed into her back. “Relax, Darling. I merely need to know your measurements.” Her words belied a coy and flirtatious smirk as her fingers drew up from Twilight’s knees to the very hem of her skirt. Sliding higher along her hip as she seemed to measure her with nothing but touch alone. “Such long graceful legs… it’s such a shame you don’t show them off more.”

Twilight would release a soft gasp as her skin tingled at the strange intimate touch. Rarity’s hands came off her legs, gently moving to wrap an actual measuring tape around her midriff. Twilight could still feel Rarity lean against her back. Offering herself for support as Twilight felt the tape cinch a bit snug around her waist through her shirt.

The seamstress committed the measurements to memory without need for any noise except the two girls’ soft breaths. Her hands coming to almost gently tickle their way up her body to reach and feel at her bosom through her shirt. Firmly cupping her mounds-


Yet again everyone in the room, including an almost to the door Twilight Sparkle would cringe. Their ears ringing. Twilight cringed as she put her hands to her head. She saw how her mother had caught her attempt to run and while she couldn’t hear what she was saying, she knew she wanted her to sit down. She sighed in defeat and followed her mother’s command.

Everyone sat in mostly silence except Cadence who pantomimed she was going to get some water if anyone else wanted anything. Everybody but Luna shook their heads. By the time she returned, she had a glass for herself and Luna who quietly downed it. Hearing seemed to have returned. “Luna! I’ll have you know that heavy make-out sessions are decidedly PG-13,” Celestia complained at her sister. Obviously unrelenting on this one. “It’s certainly T-rated going by those games of yours.” Celestia smirked.

Luna merely nodded, “Perhaps, but you do seem to be forgetting you’re talking about their daughter being essentially molested. What you type on your computer or share with me is one thing but there are certain bounds of acceptability.” Celestia frowned but as she looked at the obviously unamused faces of the Sparkle family she nodded in embarrassment.

Celestia paused to compose herself once more. “Alright, alright. Third time’s the charm. No molestation, no underwear… ” she nodded as she started up for hopefully the last time.

Rarity’s fingers danced sensuously over Twilight’s body as she spun the girl around, unable to resist the Orchid girl’s innocent and charming temptation! Her hands furiously grabbed at her, reaching under her clothes as she locked lips with her in a moment of pure unbridled artistic passion!


Celestia chuckled mischievously at her sister. “Sorry everyone. A hot steamy seamstress and the unfashionable girl she feels an irresistible urge to help and grow intimate with was about all I had.” She laughed a bit to herself as she at least seemed to get away with openly stating that.

Twilight stood up and examined her indeed somewhat drab clothes, pondering to herself if she was really THAT unfashionable. Rarity always said she had a certain ‘preparatory chic’ look to her. Though she had indeed invited her a couple times to the boutique to try and find some things more appropriate for her to wear that didn’t make her still look like a crystal prepper. Principal Celestia had always seemed almost godlike in her perfection. It was rather humiliating to learn she was some pervert like this.

Still now all eyes came to Luna who was still drinking water after her use of ‘the voice’ as she had so dubbed it. She sat there quite casually as the group looked upon her in silence as if any moment now expecting her take on how the two lovebirds got together. It was the perfect time for Twilight to start to try and sneak her way out. Spike following her even as Luna said, “I saw Rainbow Dash ask her out in the hallway during school.”

“What? No way!” Shining Armor demanded in obvious surprise. “How long… did you make that bet AFTER you already saw that?” He questioned at Luna in obvious displeasure. Not outright anger but annoyance seemed fitting enough. “The bet’s off, I want my money back.”

Celestia though merely laughed warmly, almost teasingly. “I don’t think so Shining Armor. I told you that making a bet with my sister was a foolish one. She doesn’t make such wagers unless she knows she can win or the odds are in her favor. You lost fair and square, so be a man and accept it.” Shining frowned at being essentially told off like that. The gentle yet still firm tone from the woman carrying that teacher’s authority of showing him a lesson. Never bet against Luna.

Cadence merely smiled sympathetically, “She is right. It’s not Luna’s fault that you made a bet like that… anyways, where were we?” She questioned, as if trying to remember why they had come there in the first place. It took her a moment, along with everyone else, to remember. “Right, Twili-oh… suppose I can’t blame her,” she admitted with a wince.

Everyone in the room except Celestia seemed sympathetic towards the girl who had run off to spare herself further embarrassment. “We can talk to her about her adjustment to the school itself another time, I suppose. For now, let’s focus on her home life…has she been adjusting well to living at home again? Cadence has told me she used to simply sleep in her old lab and if she wanted, and you approved, we could make similar, though not quite the same, arrangements for her at Canterlot High.” With newfound knowledge of the Principal’s private perversion amongst them, nobody seemed quite willing to speak in favor of it.

Author's Note:

This chapter was pre-read and spellchecked by the helpful TwilightSparkleBestPony.

With this chapter, I'll admit I was considering going straight into Twilight running to hide in her bedroom and just mull over the 'anticlimactic' story of how she and Rainbow Dash started dating. But inspired a bit by Emerald Aegis, and just how much fun this is, I had decided to extend this into one more chapter. One where Twilight learns she isn't safe from shipping even among her friends. I'm taking suggestions but don't plan on doing 'repeat' pairs I've already put in and don't promise I'll mention every pairing suggested.

I also apologize if the SunLight bit wasn't quite up to everybody's standards. I have no apologizes over RariTwi. As much as I doubt I could get away with another 'Pervlestia' bit, it was fun to write.