• Published 18th Feb 2017
  • 1,821 Views, 45 Comments

Legend of Luna - shadowstar618

Link, hero of Hyrule, slayer of demons and...best big brother in Hyrule? What's next?

  • ...

The Adventure Begins

Link looked around, startled. He was in an unfamiliar place, a field outside of a large, walled town. He headed the sound of hooves clopping, and turned to find a large white horse almost on top of him. Panicked, he lept out of the way just in time. He turned again to see the retreating figure of the horse, with what appeared to be two female figures on its back. One, the assumed driver, was a tall woman with white hair in silver gaurd's armor. The other was a young girl, apparently his age, with her hair hidden under an odd looking hat. The girl had one repetitive symbol on her dress and hat. Three golden triangles arranged into what appeared to be a larger triangle.

At the sound of more hooves, Link turned once more. This time, he was greeted with the sight of a terrifying man on a black horse right in front of him. The man was a large man with an odd green tint to his skin and an oddly pointy nose.

The man's horse reared onto its hind legs and Link covered his head with his arms in freight, missing a small, blue figure collide with the man.

Flying over to Link and Luna's house, Navi was hopeful that the Tree was right. She hoped that they really could save the world.

As she flew in through the door, she noticed one striking fact. They were both asleep!

"Hello, Luna! Link! Wake up! The Great Deku Tree wants to talk to you! Guys, get up!"

This spurred the kids into action! Action of rolling over in their sleep that is.

"Hey! C'mon!" Navi pouted. "Can Hyrule's destiny really depend on such a lazy couple of kids?"

This time, Link and Luna got up, though Luna seemed more spurred on by hunger.

Link, rubbing his groggy eyes, said to the fairy, "Huh? Who're you?"

Navi seemed pleased with herself, "You finally woke up! I'm Navi the fairy!"

As the two were talking, Luna made her way over to the kitchen area, and came back with a bowl of oatmeal clutched in her telekinetic grasp.

"A faiwy?" The young filly asked. "Does this mean big bwover finally got his faiwy companion?"

Navi seemed to look down at the youngster. "Yes, little one. The Great Deku Tree himself has asked me to be his companion from now on! Nice to meet you!"

Luna looked a bit reserved. "But...if you'we his companion, then what am I?"

Navi seemed to realize the folly of what she said. "Oh! Don't worry, little one. I'm not replacing you! I'm just here to help both of you out."

Luna noticeably cheered up at this. "Oh, okay, miss Navi! It's nice to meet you! I'm Woona, but I fink you alweady know dat."

Navi suddenly jumped in the air. "Oh! I just remembered! The Great Deku Tree has summoned you! Both of you! We'd better not keep him waiting!"

Link, finally out of his groggy stupor, seemed to realize what was happening. "Hmm...Luna? What do you think he wants?"

Luna grinned happily up at her brother. "I dunno!"

And with that, Luna grabbed her stick from where it was resting on the wall and trotted out the door. Sighing, Link followed.

Walking out onto the balcony, the trio saw Saria running up to them.

"Yahoo! Hi, Link! Hi Luna!"

"Hi, Mommy!" Luna cried, before jumping off the balcony and gliding down to the Kokiri.

Catching Luna, Saria smiled. "Hi, Lu! Did you cause your brother any trouble?"

Climbing down from his treehouse, Link heard Luna say, "No, but he did finally get his faiwy!"

Turning to Link, Saria grinned even wider. "Wow! A fairy! Looks like you finally got yours, Link! That's great! I'm so happy for you!"

At this, Navi decided to speak up, "Yes, and not only that, but the Great Deku Tree has summoned both of them!"

Saria looked mildly surprised. "Oh? Is that so? Both of you? That's quite an honor! Take care of your sister, okay, Link?"

Link nodded, and, with Luna in tow, walked off to the Great Deku Tree's cove.

Nearing the entrence to the Cove, the trio was stopped by none other than Mido.

"Hey, you two! Mr. No-Fairy and Ms. Lisp! What's your buisness with the Great Deku Tree? Without a fairy, and with that lisp, you two aren't even real Kokiri!"

Giggling, Luna grabbed Mido's chin with her magic, and directed his head towards Navi.

Shocked, Mido exclaimed, "What?! You actually have a fairy?! Did the Great Deku Tree actually summon you?"

Pouting, Mido stomped his foot. "Why would he summon the likes of you and not the great Mido?"

Glaring, Luna whapped him head with her stick. "Be quiet, Twixie! We aww know what you can do!"

Rubbing the sore spot where Luna hit him, Mido grumbled, "Again with the weird names... Anyway, I, Mido, forbid you to pass until you've yourselves properly equipped! How do you think you're going to help the Great Deku Tree without an actual sword and shield?"

Tilting her head to the side, Luna said, "But...you don't have any equipment..."

Flustered, Mido replied, "Well...yeah, but...but if you want to pass through here, you need to equip a sword and shield!"

Seeing the argument Luna was about to get into, Link whispered in her ear, "Come on, Lu. We should equip ourselves anyway."

Luna's head drooped, but she submitted with a nod.

Grinning, Link said, "Alright! Let's go get our stuff!"

Running off, the trio missed Mido saying, "Sheesh, will those two ever grow up?"

Walking back to the main part of the village, Link said, "Okay, Luna. I need to go get the Kokiri Sword, so could you-"

Luna interrupted with an indignant "No!" and hoped up onto Link's back.

Sighing, Link said, "Luna, you know the path there is dangerous."

Luna shook her head. "I don't cawe! If you can do it, so can I!"

Sighing with a shake of his head, Link said, "Luna, what are we going to do with you."

"Take me wif you?" Luna said, with a hopeful grin.

With a grin, Link said, "Fine. But you have to do exactly what I say, okay?"

Nodding furiously in agreement, Luna said, "Okay!"

Link grinned wider. "Alright, once we get through the tunnel, I want you to hop up onto my back. Once you're up there, you can keep a lookout for the boulders. Got it?"

"Got it!" Luna said, with a grin and a salute.

"All right!" Link proclaimed loudly, "Let's go!"

"Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap!" Link definitely did not remember the maze to get to the Kokiri Sword being this difficult.

"Wink! Tuwn weft hewe!" Luna exclaimed, pointing with her hoof.

"That's what you said the last two times!" Link shouted, still running from the boulders.

Luna, pouting, said, "Yeah, but this time I know it's the wight tuwn!"

Deciding to trust his sister, Link turned left. "You'd better be right about this!"

And with that, Link ran head-long into a chest.

"See? I towd you!" Luna said triumphantly.

"Yeah. Right," Link said, shaking stars from his eyes.

Getting up and opening the chest, Link noticed an odd tune start to play in the background.

Reaching into the chest and grabbing the sword, Link followed his instincts. He held it up above his head.

At this, Luna couldn't help but say, "You got the Kokiwi Swowd! It's a hidden tweasuwe of the Kokiwi, but, as awways, you can bowwow it."

Sheithing the sword on his back and picking up Luna again, Link turned back to his nemesis that was the maze.

With a determined look, Link stepped forward.

About half an hour, and lots and lots of running later, Link and Luna finally made it to Link's house again.

"Alright," Link said, "now we just need to get me a shield."

Grinning, Luna took out her shield and an identical one. "I alweady took cawe of it."

Link, stunned, said, "How did you manage that?"

Luna giggled, "Weww, I know the shopkeepew weww, and I towd him we wewe going to hewp the Deku Twee, and he said," at this, Luna put on what she thought was a gruff voice, "Woona, you need to have bettew pwotection, hewe, wet me take youw stick." Luna dropped the voice, "And then he gave me my stick back, and I twied it owt, and it was just as stwong as youw swowd! And he awso gave me this shiewd. He said that you wewe going to need to pwotect youwsewf too."

Link was impressed. "Wow, that was really good foresight, Lu. Come on, Let's go help out the Deku Tree."

And with that, the trio headed over to the Deku Cove.

Author's Note:

In case you couldn't tell, I absolutely hated that maze.

Also, don't be surprised if you see little Navi. My justification is that she, ironically, doesn't like to talk much.