• Published 29th May 2016
  • 3,878 Views, 36 Comments

Duet Beneath a Setting Sun - Rock Slide

Sunset finds out she has more in common with Adagio then she ever thought

  • ...

Duet Beneath a Setting Sun

Sunset watched as the lake shimmered with radiant colors, the sun beginning to set over the horizon.

As she sat observing her surroundings in the park close to her apartment, Sunset caught a glance of a young girl with her brother and parents on a blanket having a picnic by the lake’s shore.

The little girl waved at her with a smile and Sunset smiled lightly at her, waving back before falling into the thoughts in her head.

‘I wonder what my family is doing right now, do they know how far I’ve come from the person and pony I used to be?’

She bobbed her head to the music in her headphones, tapping her fingers on her leg in rhythm. It was one of the first CDs she had picked up in this world and it was one of her most treasured, only because it reminded her of the music she used to listen to in Equestria.

‘Damn! The bass of this song sure does remind me of the dance club I went to when I was living in Canterlot!’

This made her solemnly dip her head at the thought of her former home. Her hands grasped the loose material of her jeans tightly. She sighed and straightened her back on the bench, laying her head back to hang over the neck rest. She closed her eyes and listened to the music for a little bit longer.

She opened her eyes seconds later as she felt the warmth from the sun light diminish on her skin.

Sunset looked around, seeing families packing up their picnics and heading home for the day.

Yet, something else caught her attention a few moments later.

Coming up the path with her head down and hands in the pockets of the black denim jeans she wore, obviously unhappy, was the one person she never expected to see…

Adagio Dazzle, leader of the siren group.

Sunset watched the girl silently while wondering to herself what exactly was wrong.

Sunset took her headphones off and paused the song, thinking of the best way to get the girls attention. Finally, she just decided to wave before she spoke up. “A—Adagio?”

Adagio looked up, her shoulders stiffened as she let out a yelp, before she quickly straightened herself out.

Sunset watched as Adagio composed herself from her little squeak, noticing how unsure the girl looked of herself. She looked upon Adagio, with masked concern, for the girl was not her usual self.

Sunset didn’t know why Adagio was like this, but she wanted to...

Meanwhile, Adagio felt her face grow warm, as it began to flush a deep cherry red. She glanced over to the last of the people leaving the park with a slight trembling lip.

“Adagio - it is you!”

The siren noticed, now with the rest of the park growing quiet, it created an uncomfortable silence for the two girls, at least she thought so. With no distractions in sight, Adagio resigned herself, and gave a small return wave.

“H-hello Sunset.”

Sunset slid to one side of the bench, and with a smile waved Adagio over. She subsequently patted the wooden seat, but Adagio tensed up. Her arms and legs stiffened straight, causing Sunset to realize that she was as uncomfortable as she assumed.

“Adagio -look… I just want to talk to you; no Rainbooms nonsense - just one ex-Equestrian to another.”

Adagio pursed her lips, thinking about what Sunset was saying. It was true, they did have some common ground at least. She looked up at Sunset, realizing that they probably had more in common than she had initially thought, and because of this, a smile slowly formed on her lips.

Feeling more confident, Adagio crossed the gulf between them, and took a seat beside her. She couldn’t let her true feelings show, so when she sat down, she crossed her legs and folded her arms. However, she made sure to position her arms such that they forced her breasts higher.

Sunset was a little caught off guard by this oxymoron in her body language, but her eyes definitely noticed she had puffed herself up. All of a sudden, Sunset started to feel odd, but not in a bad way. She looked around; the sun was still out, and the wind was still blowing, then all of a sudden she had started to feel warm, maybe too warm.

As she looked back to Adagio, she decided to keep her eyes away from her chest, But all that served to do was draw her attention to the way her grey sweater and black denim jeans hugged her curves just right. She had never looked at anyone this way before, especially not Adagio, but she couldn’t deny that she appreciated what she saw.

Sunset quickly realised that she had been staring at her for almost a full minute without saying a word, and that the attention seemed to be making Adagio even more uncomfortable than she was before. Deciding she needs to get the ball rolling quickly, she looked back at her face.

“Adagio - what brought you to the park today?”

Adagio looked back at Sunset, studying her expression before speaking up, “Well… I like to just walk - it helps me think. But more importantly, why are you in the park, and not with your friends?”

“I like to come out here to think and watch the sun set,” Sunset shrugged lightly at this as she answered before cutting herself off with a giggle, “I admit it’s well... Kind of corny to do this, and you can make fun of me for it -- I won’t mind.”

Sunset prepared herself for a taunt from the siren, but none came, only a small chuckle escaped Adagio’s lips.

“I’ll admit I used to do this a lot in Equestria…” Sunset said softly, looking back over at Adagio, noticing her shoulders drooping and her eyes trained to the ground.

“Adagio?” Sunset whispered with concern, “You miss Equestria, don’t you?”

Adagio, with her eyes still trained to the ground, bit her lip and nodded slightly. It was as if her voice was broken and she just couldn’t utter a word at this point.

Sunset continued with another question, “Back in Equestria… is your family still there?”

Again, Adagio only answered with a nod as she listened to Sunset.

“It sure...was a nice place… Equestria I mean…”

Soon after the last comment was made, the conversation lapsed into that slightly uncomfortable silence yet again. Sunset looked down at the ground, unsure what to say at this point. As the seconds dragged on, Adagio finally looked up at her.

“D—do you miss Equestria, Sunset?”

“I do miss it… well I admit I miss the use of magic in every day to day task…” Sunset trailed off before looking back up, “But I have been focusing on my studies so the ache has dulled a fair bit.”

A silence eased over them before Sunset gazed up at the sky just as the moon started to rise and the stars began to fade in. She trembled slightly as she looked back at Adagio before she whispered with a sigh, “It must be nice to have a couple of close friends with you. I—I wish I had that here.”

Adagio looked at Sunset, her eyebrows arched slightly, while her lips slid down into a frown. She cocked her head to the side, before she asked, ”But… what about the Rainbooms and Princess Twilight?”

Sunset closed her eyes, and laid her head back against the bench. “Not close enough…” She responded, her smile filled with yearning.

“They’ve been great friends yes, but…” Sunset whispered as she began to trail off.

Her words became caught in her throat, and it took a minute before she could continue, “But I feel like i’m intruding in on their group whenever they’ve tried to include me in on things. I—I don’t know. I guess I just don’t have anyone to connect with here. Someone who I can relate to. None of them… hell, no one at that school ever left their universe to make a life, uh, well here.”

Adagio watched as Sunset placed her hands down on either side of her on the bench. Looking back at Sunset, Adagio scooted closer to her carefully, and placed a hand on top of one of Sunset’s. She cracked a smile when She saw Sunset open her eyes and look at her. Finally Adagio spoke up, “You know… I can relate to that Sunset. Yes, I wasn’t a pony back in Equestria but I was still born in that universe… so we’re pretty similar, you and I.”

Sunset’s thoughts drifted a little as Adagio put her hand on top of her own. ‘Her hand, I—It’s cold but it’s so soft as well.’

Sunset felt her cheeks flush with a soft tint of red, and she smiled warmly at the gesture. Then with minimal effort, Sunset turned her hand so her palm was facing Adagio’s, and interlaced their fingers grasping tightly.

With that touch, Sunset and Adagio’s eyes met for a brief moment, only to then both look away, their cheeks a deep rosy color.

Taking a deep breath, Sunset finally nodded, whispering softly, “Yeah I suppose you’re right...”

Adagio, her fingers still entwined with Sunset’s and her gaze still looking away, took a deep breath as she tried to collect her thoughts. ‘By the gaze of the moon is her hand so warm in mine. I—It feels good.’

Then her thoughts stopped as she felt her heart racing in her chest, almost as if it was going to burst out at any moment. Adagio took a deep breath and tried to calm her heart as she spoke, “I… Know you said you just focused on your studies, but don’t you think of your home at all Sunset?”

Sunset responded with a sigh, “I do, but… My life is here now. I like my small apartment…”

“But what about the people you loved… what about your family?” Adagio interrupted, though her voice turned to a whisper when Sunset cast her a glance, “Sorry continue…”

“Well as I said, I’d like to think my home is here now… I fit in better here than I ever did in Equestria…” Sunset trailed off letting a more comfortable silence wash over them for a minute or two before Sunset asked softly, “What about you?”

Adagio looked up at the moon, it’s light illuminating everything in the park, as she gripped Sunset’s hand tightly for a second before she spoke, “Back in Equestria, I just bounced around from place to place with the girls... we didn’t really have a home to go back to but now that we’re here I—I’ve realized it feels nice, to be able to come home to my friends.”

“It’s only me in my apartment… so there’s no one for me to come home to,” Sunset replied faintly, “I...have to admit now that everything’s settled down from the Friendship games, I miss hanging out with the girls and I...haven’t heard from Princess Twilight lately…but never mind that, she’s probably just busy. So… how are the people at school treating you? I haven’t seen you around a lot.”

“I’ve been lucky, they mostly...ignore us, but still I can't help but shake this feeling,” Adagio spoke softly with a shiver, “The feeling of having a void in my heart and in my life that I can’t seem to fill.”

Sunset watched her silently, looking down at their entwined hands before giving Adagio’s a light squeeze. She couldn’t help but want to hug the girl, though she didn't want to frighten Adagio away. Finally, she murmured as Adagio looked at her again, “Well… I hope you fill that void, because everyone deserves to be happy no matter what they’ve done.”

Adagio smiled lightly as one thought took over her mind, ‘I think I already have.’

An idea went through her head and her smile grew a bit wider. ‘What if I ask her out on a date?’

Her breathing started to grow a bit heavier as her brain started pulling up scenario after scenario of unsuccessful attempts.

‘You know what? The worst thing she can say is no, right?’

She sat a bit straighter and began to summon up all of the courage she could, a bead of sweat lingering on her brow. “Hey Sunset.” She said, turning towards her friend.

“Yes Adagio?” Sunset said, turning to meet the gaze of her friend, “Is something wrong?”

Adagio bit her bottom lip slightly, panic settling into her mind 'What do I say!? what do I say!? Shit, she's looking at me!'

Sunset noticed her pause, and gave Adagio’s hand a light squeeze before she spoke, “It’s okay; you can ask me anything.”

“W...Would you like to go somewhere to eat with me? My treat of course,” Adagio asked hesitantly. ‘Please say yes, please say yes.’

Sunset grew still. Her grasp on Adagio’s hand tightened briefly before she forced herself to relax. ‘Did she... just…’ “Um...” She giggled. “What?”

Adagio’s blush deepened as she glanced away. Her mouth grew incredibly dry, and she scratched the back of her neck with her free hand before she looked back at Sunset, albeit a little more shy than before. “W-would you want to go on a, um...” She licked her lips, but that didn’t do anything to cure her of her ailment. After clearing her throat, she smiled bashfully and made herself look up into Sunset’s eyes. “Do you want to go on a date with me?” she squeaked out, her voice just a bit louder than a whisper.

‘Ah... so I did hear her right the first time.’ “Sure. I’d like that.” ’A lot more than you know…’

‘Oh thank goodness. I really thought she’d say no for a second there.’

Adagio’s eyes lit up like lights on a christmas tree as relief washed over her body. Her grasp on Sunset’s hand loosened and finally she let go as she stood up. Although for a second her legs felt like they could collapse from the happiness she radiated. For a second she looked at Sunset, then she tilted her head in the direction of the path out of the park with a nod.

Sunset pushed herself up off the bench with a smile. She dusted her hands off on her jeans before she spoke lightly, “I… I know just the place Adagio… and it’s not a far walk from here.”

As they started to make their way down the path, a comfortable silence washed over them, neither wanting to ruin this moment with small talk.

As Sunset walked slowly next to her, she glanced at Adagio’s empty hand out of the corner of her eye. It was as though a light bulb had appeared above her head, she intertwined her fingers with Adagio’s again grasping lightly.

Adagio, feeling Sunset’s hand in hers again, glanced down at their clasped hands and tightened her grasp lightly with a soft smile.

Neither of them noticed, and if they did they didn’t care, as their bodies grew closer to each other while they walked down the path towards the entrance. There were only a couple inches separating them when they began to see the neon sign for a diner, it’s fluorescents shining bright against the night sky.

“I’ve never actually been in this diner, but I always smell their food when I walk by and I’ve kind of wanted to try it, I just never had the time,” Sunset whispered softly just loud enough to break the silence around them.

Adagio looked back when she felt Sunset stop short. She noticed Sunset’s face was turning slightly red again, as one thought flooded her mind, ’Is she nervous?’

Then, with a reassuring smile, Adagio lightly tugged on Sunset’s arm, pulling her up the steps and opened the door to the diner. As she pulled her inside, a woman appeared in front of them.

“Two please, booth if you have one,” Adagio spoke eloquently with a smile as she looked at Sunset, before whispering to the woman in front of her, “preferably not on the busier side, she’s a little nervous.”

The waitress gives her a little wink as she whispered back, “I got just the perfect thing… Right this way please.”

They were then brought over to a corner booth beside a picture and a window with a view of a part of the lake and park, shining underneath the moonlight.

Sitting across from each other, Adagio smiled at Sunset before looking back at the waitress when she heard her ask, “So what would you two like to drink?”

“I would like a Ginger Ale please, and I think I'm ready to order, I’d like a chicken caesar salad,” Adagio told the waitress, with a bright smile on her face.

Sunset, finally snapped out of her nervousness, smiled at Adagio, then said to the waitress, “I’d like the same please, but… hold the chicken.”

“Alright I’ll be right back with your drinks and food,”

Once the waitress left, a comfortable silence fell over them again, Sunset could hear the soft music playing on the radio in the background as she smiled at Adagio.

“So… Adagio, whatever made you want to ask me out of all the girls...or guys in the school?” Sunset asked Adagio, never losing her smile.

Adagio shifted slightly in her seat, her face turning rosy and her cheeks began to burn. “I...I...well you and I are a lot alike...we’re both ex-Equestrians and w—well we should stick together….” She stammered still shifting.

“Also I think… you’re very cute, and I guess... well I feel like... I like you.” Adagio whispered softly turning her face away as the red on her face deepened, “I think a part of me has for a long time.”

’And you understand me like no one else ever will be able to.’

Sunset came to a realization as Adagio admitted that she liked her.’|Wait a second… Adagio, at the park she put her arms under her chest… god I'm so stupid! She is usually so confident, I guess even Adagio can have trouble asking someone out.’

With a smile, Sunset started to push her sleeves up, feeling her heart race as she came to another realization. ‘Well it seems like she’s given up wanting to dominate Equestria and this universe, and since my friends gave me that second chance I needed, maybe a second chance is all she’ll need too.’

She leaned against the table, propping herself up with her arms as she lost herself in thought, but all thought came to a sudden halt as she noticed Adagio giving her a small wistful smile. She gave Adagio a small grin back and asked, “So you think I'm cute huh? So what is it about me that makes you think that, and not just cause you like me.”

Adagio bit her bottom lip as she stared down at the table, “Well…” she trailed off into a low whisper.

Sunset, not being able to hear what Adagio said, decided to lean in closer to her and ask more clearly, “What?”

Adagio seeing Sunset inching closer, saw an opportunity to do something daring, so she repeated herself once again this time louder, “Because i’ve wanted to do this for so long…”

Without letting Sunset speak, Adagio leaned forward just enough that their lips met.

Sunset was caught off guard by this, her eyes widened before she began to relax. Her eyes slowly closed as she felt Adagio’s soft, tender lips against hers. Suddenly, she felt the slight tickle of Adagio’s soft, yet cold fingers brushed subtly against her cheek, just before they moved to brush her bangs out of her eyes. She opened her eyes to see the soft stare of Adagio's raspberry colored eyes. Sunset felt a deep pull in her heart and closed her eyes once again as she felt the sensation of Adagio’s warm tongue brushing against her lips, begging for entrance. She parted her lips slightly, Adagio's tongue briefly brushing the gap in her lips.

A low purr-like moan escaped Adagio’s lips as the kiss broke so they could breath before Adagio’s lips were on Sunset’s again. She pushed her tongue deep into Sunset’s mouth exploring every inch and crevice of it. Running her tongue over the edges of sunset’s teeth, she let out another purr still deep into the kiss. Adagio and Sunset’s tongues soon met as they brushed against each other in a dance.

Though it didn’t last long as Adagio and Sunset’s lips separated once again to take a breath but this time it didn’t continue. Adagio pulled back to her seat, her mind was in turmoil over what Sunset could be thinking. Analyzing every inch of Sunset’s face, she tried to figure out how Sunset would react, but all she could see from the look on her face was shock, or at least that’s what she thought it was.

Sunset finally broke out of her state of bliss and grinned at Adagio. Slowly she inched herself to the other side of the booth until their sides were touching, and reached her hand out to grasp Adagio’s in her own. Without another look, Sunset leaned closer into her, laying her head on Adagio’s shoulder.

“Adagio…” Sunset started to say before the waitress finally came back with their order.

“Hope you enjoy your meal you two.”

The waitress smiled as she placing their food down, before bustling off to help another customer.

Sunset slid back to her side of the booth, still with a wide smile on her face and started to eat.

As they slowly ate their meal, both girls snuck glances at the other, each trying not to be overly obvious. Almost a half hour passed before they finished their meal having barely spoken to each other before the waitress came up one final time with the check.

True to her word, Adagio picked up the the check and placed thirty dollars into it before she handed it back to the waitress and said with a smile, “keep the change.”

The waitress thanked them, and left them to deal with other customers.

Once the waitress was out of sight Sunset smiled at Adagio and asked, “Want to come back to my apartment, I can rent a couple of those new sexy romantic comedies that came out yesterday...”

Sunset started to smile slyly and continued to speak but now in a lower tone, “Plus I might just have an unopened bottle of wine just waiting to be opened…”

Adagio smiled back and with a nod they both got up. She took Sunset’s hand in her own as they began to walk to the front of the diner, whispering into Sunset’s ear, “Lead on…”

With that they walked out of the diner, both girls smiling as the doors closed behind them.

Comments ( 35 )

This was adorable. That and I'm a sucker for second chance stories. Speaking of which will we be seeing more of this pairing in the future?

7256471 yes i plan on making another story but once i get a little bit more comfortable writing again i actually wrote this a while ago and then i kind of got alot of crap on the google doc and almost deleted it because of that but im glad i didnt

Read. Pretty good. I'd recommend it to anyone.

The story itself is good, if a bit rushed in places. The big problem that I'm seeing is a big lack of mechanical polish. There are numerous, consistent, and pervasive errors with grammar and punctuation. Commas that aren't need, missing commas where they are needed, misusing homophones.

Which, again, isn't to say I dislike the story. It just lacks quality editing.

I loved :heart: It is one of the best I have read :raritystarry:
no matter misspellings, that helps do better :rainbowdetermined2:
I hope you continue writing more of them :pinkiesad2:
in the future :fluttershyouch:
good work :twilightsmile:

I would highly recommend this story to pretty much anyone, even if it has a couple of spelling and grammar errors. Keep up the good work!


im gonna go back and fix it up but not atm cause of certain people who almost discouraged me from ever writing this story

7257076 but other than that i am really proud of this story and i definitely now because of everyone who liked favorited and commented well i wiil write more definitely

7257080 Yay! :yay:

Do you think you could edit my story when I'm done with it? It's Teen, Romance, Slice of Life. The characters are Scootaloo (Main), Rainbow Dash (Side character, not quite background character, a bit more than that), and Cheerilee, (Minor/Background character).

7257088 hugs :D thank you soo much everyone who did and Thank you to The Abyss for pushing me to post it

7257092 Look at my last message? I changed it a bit.

7257155 glad you like it

That was a cute story and I really enjoyed reading it! I can always get down with reading some good SunDagio stories. :pinkiesmile:

7257838 thanks :D im glad you liked it

7257069 don't worry :raritywink:
you are a good writer friend :twilightsmile:

7258262 thank you that made me smile :D

7258282 that makes me smile too :twilightsmile:

7257838 so to those who have commented(which is why im tagging all of you) Im currently in the process of thinking of doing a story several months to a year after the events of this story..:) but it might take me some time to do it

7259086 Take the time. There's no shame in being thorough. Again, enjoyed the story, it just needs a little love in the mechanics department.

7259099 oh yeah :) i worked on non-pony projects to kind of get better at the mechanics while this kinda..sat and gathered dust but i finally because of all my wonderful friends.. got the courage as i said to post this

7259203 im already 600 words into the next story

7265859 that's great! :pinkiehappy:
but do not try too hard :twilightsheepish:

This was cute. I really enjoyed seeing a softer side to Adagio.

7282499 Then you'll probably enjoy the next story i do. :) its kindof a sequel to this one

Wow I'd never imagined that Adagio could be so soft, this has inspired me.

7308075 :3 im glad you liked it

Cute... 'tis cute.

Sundagio done right, i approve

I love it, it's good to see a softer side of Adagio. Although one question I have is where the sexual content is that requires the Sex tag. Is it the girls' make out session, the implication Sunset made at the end...? It's not that big of a deal, but I'm curious.

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