• Published 16th Jun 2012
  • 3,737 Views, 183 Comments

Back to the Swarm - PointlessGizmo

The sequel to The Braggart and The Bug. Leech is recalled by his swarm. Doesn't go well, of course.

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Chapter 11: Back on the Road

The next few weeks within the hive were a time of both sadness and of hope. Sadness for those that had been lost during Aurora and Switcher's plans, and also much regret among the Generals for not sensing that something was amiss. But there was a new hope for the future of the swarm, as the birthing chambers worked double-time siring new hatchlings to bring the swarm back up to its previous strength. Whilst nothing could replace the individuals lost before, these new changelings would also herald the beginnings of an entirely new way of life for the swarm.

Now that Chrysalis knew first-hoof the trauma of being replaced and having someone else living her life for her, she had decreed that the staple changeling tactic of abduction and replacement was no longer permitted under changeling law. Chrysalis had taken much interest in the dynamic between Leech and Trixie, and had learned that Leech had stopped feeding on Trixie's self-love some time ago. He now subsisted solely on the love he gained from his friendship with the showmare. Chrysalis, Clone, and many of the higher-ranked changelings were fascinated at the idea of having love willingly given to them rather than merely stealing it.

Of course, achieving such a goal wasn't going to be an easy ride - changelings had a fearsome reputation among many of the other civilized species of Equestria, and their recent invasion of the Royal Wedding hadn't helped this in the slightest. It would be many generations before changelings could cease using their disguising powers and walk openly among other civilizations.

Instead of theft, the swarm's new tactics involved creating totally original pony disguises and personalities, rather than stealing the identities of existing ponies. Using these new forms, the disguised changelings could potentially form friendships of their own among society, and bring the willingly-given love back to the hive. Whilst there would certainly be less love to go around, willingly-given love was far sweeter tasting and more nourishing than stolen love. No changeling knew why this was, but it definitely seemed to be the case.

As a knock-on effect of this, Chrysalis also reduced the intensity and rigidity of the swarm's social structure and hierarchy. Whilst every changeling was still born with a function and their own role to play, it was decided that drones should be allowed to cultivate at least a rudimentary sense of individuality. Being granted a personality of their own would help the drones construct far more convincing personalities when using their original pony disguises.


Trixie marveled at the rapid changes taking place around her. The hive was almost a different place compared to the dank, unwelcoming ruin she had entered a few weeks previously. Changelings would now chat amongst themselves whilst working, rather than performing their designated tasks in a trance-like state as before. Sometimes they'd even stop for a few minutes to talk to her before whizzing off to complete their next job. The Necrosia production and storage caves had been sealed up forever, with a direct order from Chrysalis that they were not to be used next time the hive required expansion. The hive itself was in far better repair than before, as the new drones began to help with the repair work. Trixie admired the relatively clean floors and the freshly-repaired corridor walls as she went for her morning stroll around the hive.

Trixie often took walks around the hive - partly because there wasn't all that much else to do, and partially because it was integral to her treatment. As she paced forwards, she could feel the weight of a small but heavy Necrosia pod. This particular pod was made of a semi-permeable membrane and was adhered to her back, just behind her shoulders. Chrysalis had placed a spell on it, so that instead of infusing changeling essence into her body, it was instead drawing the essence out, in a fashion not unlike a magnet. As more of the changeling essence was sapped from her body, the Necrosia in the pod became darker, and was almost black by this stage. Light exercise helped to speed the process, so Trixie had been sure to exercise at every opportunity.

She paused to admire herself in an especially smooth and reflective part of a hive wall. If it wasn't for the black pod on her back, one would never have known she had once nearly been a changeling! It hadn't been an especially pleasant journey - some of the internal changes hurt even more backwards than they did forwards! But now her fur was its usual bright blue, she no longer possessed fangs or vestigial wings, and her horn was back to normal with access to her full range of unicorn magic. She sighed happily as she continued to gaze at her reflected form.

"Trixie truly is the greatest of all unicorns!" she fawned, her usual bluster returning along with her normal appearance.

Being a unicorn had definitely not worked to her advantage over these last weeks, however - the four Sentry drones had undergone similar treatment and were all restored to their previous forms within two weeks. As it turned out, they were originally three Earth ponies and a pegasus, and by the sounds of their voices, all from higher-class society. Just as Trixie's innate magic had slowed the mutation process, it also interfered with the reversal spell meaning that her restoration had taken far longer. The ex-Sentries had already long since said their goodbyes and left the hive to try and return to their previous lives, although it was anypony's guess how easy this would be after being missing for a year.


Presently, Trixie cantered into the Royal Chamber, where she found Clone chasing Vek across the room. The tiny hybrid drone had adapted well to life as Chrysalis' pet, but did cause some difficulties. Trixie watched in amazement as Vek scooted across the floor with his hind legs in the air.

"Stop him, he's dragging his stinger across the ground again!" screeched Chrysalis from her throne. "I've only just had the gouges in the floor repaired from last time! Has he got grubs or something?" she asked wearily.

Her attention was drawn by Trixie.

"Ah, good morning!" she greeted, casually. "And how is our patient today?".

Chrysalis rose from her throne and trotted down the steps towards Trixie. She called to Clone to stop what he was doing and join her next to the newly-restored unicorn.

"Clone, could you do the daily check-up?" asked Chrysalis.

Clone nodded, and his horn glowed. An aura slightly lighter than the usual Changeling green enveloped Trixie, although she felt nothing. Clone's horn soon stopped glowing and he raised his head with a broad smile on his face.

"Well, Trixie." he began. "I've looked you over, and it would appear that your body has finally been cleansed of all changeling elements. Whilst it's too early to speculate whether there will be any lasting effects, for now at least you are well enough to leave." he explained, beaming.

Chrysalis also had a smile on her face as she gently removed the now-saturated pod from Trixie's back. It stung a little as it came off, but Trixie didn't care. She was truly her Great and Powerful self once more! She whooped and frolicked about the room, much to the bemusement of the two changelings watching. Trixie thanked both of them profusely before running off to find Leech. Chrysalis and Clone just looked at each other and smiled, before Vek scooted past once again with his backside rubbing across the floor. Both immediately stopped smiling and quickly ran after him.

Trixie galloped through the narrow corridors of the hive, dodging working drones as she did so. She'd gotten to know the layout of the hive pretty well during her stay - it was nowhere near as complex as she had initially feared. She came to a stop in a chamber leading to one of the hive's larger exits. She found Leech clinging upside-down to the ceiling, grafting a repair section into it. He quickly flew down to greet his friend.


Leech had rested for around a week after returning to the hive, to allow the remainder of his injury to heal fully. After this, he had resumed his duties as a maintenance drone, performing odd-jobs and repairs around the hive. He'd been sure to visit Trixie every day, however, when he was off-duty. He'd been overjoyed to witness her gradual transformation from hideous cross-breed back to the Unicorn he knew and liked. Unbeknownst to Leech, most of the jobs he'd been given were in fact pointless tasks designed to keep him out of trouble - many of the surviving drones were familiar with his previous record when it came to repairs! Fortunately, it never occured to Leech to ask just why pebbles needed counting or why the diameter of every tunnel required measuring, he'd just done it. This ceiling repair was the first proper task he had been entrusted with.

"Trixzzie izz normal again!" he buzzed delightedly, before giving a cheeky sideways glance. "Or at leazzt azz normal as Trixzzie ever wazz!" he added with a laugh.

"Watch it, you!" laughed Trixie, pretending to ready her horn. "Or else I'll turn you into a bullfrog!"

Leech grinned at this threat, and quickly bathed himself in green flames. After this died down, a large bullfrog sat in his place.

"Ha! Leech can already do thizz!" he said, before changing back and bursting into laughter again.

Trixie quickly joined in, and the two friends were laughing together for several minutes. Slowly, they regained their composure and stretched their aching sides. Trixie looked happily towards Leech.

"I had my final check-up today." she said merrily. "And Clone says I can go at any time! So what say we move on out of here and get back to life on the road? I've had enough death-defying adventure for one lifetime - and there are so many more audiences out there who have yet to marvel at The Great and Powerful Trixie!"


Trixie was surprised to see Leech's mood fall somewhat at this news. She had expected him to be happy and begin to make preparations for departure. Instead, the little changeling had turned away from Trixie, and was beginning to make little sniffing sounds, as though he were about to cry. Trixie quickly put a hoof around her friend.

"What in Equestria is wrong?" she asked.

"Leech izz pleazzed Trixzzie izz well again." Leech smiled as he fought back the tears. "But...b-but... Leech cannot go with you. Leech zzstill hazz duty to zzswarm. Chryzzalizz would never let Leech leave of hizz own accord."

"But you saved the entire swarm from certain destruction! You helped pave the way for a new future for changeling kind! Surely allowing you to leave is the least she can do!" said Trixie, somewhat indignantly.

She noticed that Leech was looking behind her rather than at her. She turned her head to see Chrysalis and Clone standing in an entryway, watching the scene. Trixie immediately backed down.

"I.. um... I didn't mean it like..." she mumbled. Chrysalis gently nodded her head.

"I understand your concerns," she said, with a slow nod of her head.

She strode over towards Leech, and looked down at the still-sniveling maintenance drone. Leech slowly looked up at his Queen and gave a small salute.

"Maintenance Drone 1017." began Chrysalis. "Although your efforts towards the upkeep of this hive have been somewhat below average over your lifetime here, you have done your swarm a great service. As your friend says, you saved our kind from irreversible damage to both our numbers and our long term standing among other societies. The combination of these factors would almost certainly have led to the destruction of both our hive, and possibly changeling kind as a whole."

She paused impressively.

"In addition to this, the life you pursued after the initial invasion of Canterlot has shown both myself and your fellow changelings that perhaps there is another way for us to get what we require. Thanks to you two, the future of the changeling race is set to be vastly different to anything our species has seen before - a real change for the better."

Leech had stopped weeping and was by now wearing a proud grin across his face. He'd never been so showered with praise in his entire life! Especially not by his Queen! Chrysalis continued her speech.

"Taking all of this into account, I am giving you a new role, 1017. You will act as an ambassador for our kind, and will show those you meet on your travels that we changelings are not monsters, but merely victims of our natural feeding methods. You will demonstrate to them that we are indeed capable of empathy and rational thought, and are making a concerted effort to change the way we do things. To allow you to fulfil this role effectively, you are hereby honorably discharged from this hive." she finished.

Leech couldn't believe what he was hearing. An honorable discharge! These were the stuff of legends among changelings - they were so rarely issued that many changelings doubted that such a thing existed. Even Clone, who had seen more than most changelings in his lifetime, looked surprised. Queen Chrysalis simply gave him a knowing look, and ordered him to begin making preparations for Leech and Trixie's departure.


Within hours, Trixie and Leech were standing outside the exit to the hive. Their wagon had been retrieved from the Badlands wastes some days previously by a squad of Solider drones - it had been checked over and was ready to go. Noting that Trixie was still a little worse for wear from the restoration process, Leech offered to pull the wagon first. He was soon harnessed up, and Trixie had taken her usual seat with the wagon's front window open. Leech turned his head to face the hive one last time, and looked towards Chrysalis who was standing in the exit's opening.

"Best of luck in your travels... Leech." she said, bidding her subject farewell.

Leech gave one final salute, before turning to face away from the hive. With an intense flapping of his wings, some straining of his legs, and a push-start from a passing Siege drone, Leech towed the wagon away into the desolate plains that lay ahead. Trixie moved towards the back of the wagon, and waved to Chrysalis and the gathered changelings until they were out of sight.

Finishing her waving to the departing heroes, Chrysalis turned and headed back into the hive's exit chamber, where Clone was waiting.

"An honorable discharge? It's been decades since I last heard of one of those! Do you really think Leech will make a good ambassador for our race?" he asked.

"Possibly." mused Chrysalis. "I mean, whilst we obsessed over greed, power and acquisition, he was out enjoying the simpler pleasures of life. It certainly makes me wonder who's got the right idea sometimes." she added.

"Maybe so." responded Clone. "But let's face it, he's hardly the brightest fire-fly in the forest, is he?"

"This is true." conceded Chrysalis. "And if I'm honest, the main reason I allowed him to go..."

With almost perfect timing, the repair section in the chamber ceiling that Leech had been working on began to crumble. With a piercing crack, the heavy lump of hive material fell out of the ceiling, re-opening the hole it had been plugging. With a thud, it landed mere inches away from where Clone and Chrysalis stood.

"... is because it's safer for everyling else!" finished Chrysalis.